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g=Array.apply(null,Array(l.length)).map(Number.prototype.valueOf,Number.MIN_VALUE),u=Array.apply(null,Array(l.length)).map(Number.prototype.valueOf,-Number.MAX_VALUE);c.forEach((function(t,e){t.forEach((function(t,i){g[e]=Math.min(t.value,g[e])}))})),d.forEach((function(t,e){t.forEach((function(t,i){u[e]=Math.max(t.value,u[e])}))})),t.forEach((function(t,e){d.forEach((function(t,i){var o=g[i],n=u[i];s.chart.stacked&&(n=0,t.forEach((function(t,e){t.value!==-Number.MAX_VALUE&&(n+=t.value),o!==Number.MIN_VALUE&&(o+=c[i][e].value)}))),t.forEach((function(i,l){t[l].key===e&&(void 0!==s.yaxis[e].min&&(o=\"function\"==typeof s.yaxis[e].min?s.yaxis[e].min(r.minY):s.yaxis[e].min),void 0!==s.yaxis[e].max&&(n=\"function\"==typeof s.yaxis[e].max?s.yaxis[e].max(r.maxY):s.yaxis[e].max),a.setYScaleForIndex(e,o,n))}))}))}))}},{key:\"autoScaleY\",value:function(t,e,i){t||(t=this);var a=t.w;if(a.globals.isMultipleYAxis||a.globals.collapsedSeries.length)return console.warn(\"autoScaleYaxis is not supported in a multi-yaxis chart.\"),e;var s=a.globals.seriesX[0],r=a.config.chart.stacked;return e.forEach((function(t,o){for(var n=0,l=0;l=i.xaxis.min){n=l;break}var h,c,d=a.globals.minYArr[o],g=a.globals.maxYArr[o],u=a.globals.stackedSeriesTotals;a.globals.series.forEach((function(o,l){var f=o[n];r?(f=u[n],h=c=f,u.forEach((function(t,e){s[e]<=i.xaxis.max&&s[e]>=i.xaxis.min&&(t>c&&null!==t&&(c=t),o[e]=i.xaxis.min){var r=t,o=t;a.globals.series.forEach((function(i,a){null!==t&&(r=Math.min(i[e],r),o=Math.max(i[e],o))})),o>c&&null!==o&&(c=o),rd&&(h=d),e.length>1?(e[l].min=void 0===t.min?h:t.min,e[l].max=void 0===t.max?c:t.max):(e[0].min=void 0===t.min?h:t.min,e[0].max=void 0===t.max?c:t.max)}))})),e}}]),t}(),U=function(){function t(e){a(this,t),this.ctx=e,this.w=e.w,this.scales=new _(e)}return r(t,[{key:\"init\",value:function(){this.setYRange(),this.setXRange(),this.setZRange()}},{key:\"getMinYMaxY\",value:function(t){var e=arguments.length>1&&void 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0!==e.yaxis[0].max)&&(o=0),t.minY=i-5*o/100,i>0&&t.minY<0&&(t.minY=0),t.maxY=t.maxY+5*o/100}if(e.yaxis.forEach((function(e,i){void 0!==e.max&&(\"number\"==typeof e.max?t.maxYArr[i]=e.max:\"function\"==typeof e.max&&(t.maxYArr[i]=e.max(t.isMultipleYAxis?t.maxYArr[i]:t.maxY)),t.maxY=t.maxYArr[i]),void 0!==e.min&&(\"number\"==typeof e.min?t.minYArr[i]=e.min:\"function\"==typeof e.min&&(t.minYArr[i]=e.min(t.isMultipleYAxis?t.minYArr[i]===Number.MIN_VALUE?0:t.minYArr[i]:t.minY)),t.minY=t.minYArr[i])})),t.isBarHorizontal){[\"min\",\"max\"].forEach((function(i){void 0!==e.xaxis[i]&&\"number\"==typeof e.xaxis[i]&&(\"min\"===i?t.minY=e.xaxis[i]:t.maxY=e.xaxis[i])}))}return 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0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:null,a=this.w,s=e||a.globals.series.length;if(null===i&&(i=this.isBarDistributed||this.isHeatmapDistributed||\"heatmap\"===a.config.chart.type&&a.config.plotOptions.heatmap.colorScale.inverse),i&&a.globals.series.length&&(s=a.globals.series[a.globals.maxValsInArrayIndex].length*a.globals.series.length),t.lengtht.globals.svgWidth&&(this.dCtx.lgRect.width=t.globals.svgWidth/1.5),this.dCtx.lgRect}},{key:\"getLargestStringFromMultiArr\",value:function(t,e){var i=t;if(this.w.globals.isMultiLineX){var a=e.map((function(t,e){return Array.isArray(t)?t.length:1})),s=Math.max.apply(Math,u(a));i=e[a.indexOf(s)]}return i}}]),t}(),at=function(){function t(e){a(this,t),this.w=e.w,this.dCtx=e}return r(t,[{key:\"getxAxisLabelsCoords\",value:function(){var t,e=this.w,i=e.globals.labels.slice();if(e.config.xaxis.convertedCatToNumeric&&0===i.length&&(i=e.globals.categoryLabels),e.globals.timescaleLabels.length>0){var 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m(this.dCtx.ctx),c=h.getTextRects(r,e.config.xaxis.labels.style.fontSize),d=c;if(r!==o&&(d=h.getTextRects(o,e.config.xaxis.labels.style.fontSize)),(t={width:c.width>=d.width?c.width:d.width,height:c.height>=d.height?c.height:d.height}).width*i.length>e.globals.svgWidth-this.dCtx.lgWidthForSideLegends-this.dCtx.yAxisWidth-this.dCtx.gridPad.left-this.dCtx.gridPad.right&&0!==e.config.xaxis.labels.rotate||e.config.xaxis.labels.rotateAlways){if(!e.globals.isBarHorizontal){e.globals.rotateXLabels=!0;var g=function(t){return h.getTextRects(t,e.config.xaxis.labels.style.fontSize,e.config.xaxis.labels.style.fontFamily,\"rotate(\".concat(e.config.xaxis.labels.rotate,\" 0 0)\"),!1)};c=g(r),r!==o&&(d=g(o)),t.height=(c.height>d.height?c.height:d.height)/1.5,t.width=c.width>d.width?c.width:d.width}}else e.globals.rotateXLabels=!1}return e.config.xaxis.labels.show||(t={width:0,height:0}),{width:t.width,height:t.height}}},{key:\"getxAxisGroupLabelsCoords\",value:function(){var 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0!==e.config[i].text?a+=e.config[i].margin:a+=t.dCtx.isSparkline||!e.globals.axisCharts?0:5})),!e.config.legend.show||\"bottom\"!==e.config.legend.position||e.config.legend.floating||e.globals.axisCharts||(a+=10);var s=this.dCtx.dimHelpers.getTitleSubtitleCoords(\"title\"),r=this.dCtx.dimHelpers.getTitleSubtitleCoords(\"subtitle\");i.gridHeight=i.gridHeight-s.height-r.height-a,i.translateY=i.translateY+s.height+r.height+a}},{key:\"setGridXPosForDualYAxis\",value:function(t,e){var i=this.w,a=new B(this.dCtx.ctx);i.config.yaxis.map((function(s,r){-1!==i.globals.ignoreYAxisIndexes.indexOf(r)||s.floating||a.isYAxisHidden(r)||(s.opposite&&(i.globals.translateX=i.globals.translateX-(e[r].width+t[r].width)-parseInt(i.config.yaxis[r].labels.style.fontSize,10)/1.2-12),i.globals.translateX<2&&(i.globals.translateX=2))}))}}]),t}(),ot=function(){function 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i=g(e,2),a=i[0],s=i[1];t.gridPad[a]=Math.max(s,t.w.globals.markers.largestSize/1.5)})),i.axisCharts?this.setDimensionsForAxisCharts():this.setDimensionsForNonAxisCharts(),this.dimGrid.gridPadFortitleSubtitle(),i.gridHeight=i.gridHeight-this.gridPad.top-this.gridPad.bottom,i.gridWidth=i.gridWidth-this.gridPad.left-this.gridPad.right-this.xPadRight-this.xPadLeft;var a=this.dimGrid.gridPadForColumnsInNumericAxis(i.gridWidth);i.gridWidth=i.gridWidth-2*a,i.translateX=i.translateX+this.gridPad.left+this.xPadLeft+(a>0?a+4:0),i.translateY=i.translateY+this.gridPad.top}},{key:\"setDimensionsForAxisCharts\",value:function(){var t=this,e=this.w,i=e.globals,a=this.dimYAxis.getyAxisLabelsCoords(),s=this.dimYAxis.getyAxisTitleCoords();e.globals.yLabelsCoords=[],e.globals.yTitleCoords=[],e.config.yaxis.map((function(t,i){e.globals.yLabelsCoords.push({width:a[i].width,index:i}),e.globals.yTitleCoords.push({width:s[i].width,index:i})})),this.yAxisWidth=this.dimYAxis.getTotalYAxisWidth();var 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supported\")}this.dimGrid.setGridXPosForDualYAxis(s,a),new q(this.ctx).setYAxisXPosition(a,s)}},{key:\"setDimensionsForNonAxisCharts\",value:function(){var t=this.w,e=t.globals,i=t.config,a=0;t.config.legend.show&&!t.config.legend.floating&&(a=20);var s=\"pie\"===i.chart.type||\"polarArea\"===i.chart.type||\"donut\"===i.chart.type?\"pie\":\"radialBar\",r=i.plotOptions[s].offsetY,o=i.plotOptions[s].offsetX;if(!i.legend.show||i.legend.floating)return 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e,i=t.barWidth,a=t.barXPosition,s=t.y1,r=t.y2,o=t.strokeWidth,n=t.realIndex,l=t.i,h=t.j,c=t.w,d=new m(this.barCtx.ctx);(o=Array.isArray(o)?o[n]:o)||(o=0);var g=i,u=a;null!==(e=c.config.series[n].data[h])&&void 0!==e&&e.columnWidthOffset&&(u=a-c.config.series[n].data[h].columnWidthOffset/2,g=i+c.config.series[n].data[h].columnWidthOffset);var f=u,p=u+g;s+=.001,r+=.001;var x=d.move(f,s),b=d.move(f,s),v=d.line(p-o,s);return c.globals.previousPaths.length>0&&(b=this.barCtx.getPreviousPath(n,h,!1)),x=x+d.line(f,r)+d.line(p-o,r)+d.line(p-o,s)+(\"around\"===c.config.plotOptions.bar.borderRadiusApplication?\" Z\":\" z\"),b=b+d.line(f,s)+v+v+v+v+v+d.line(f,s)+(\"around\"===c.config.plotOptions.bar.borderRadiusApplication?\" Z\":\" z\"),this.shouldApplyRadius(n)&&(x=d.roundPathCorners(x,c.config.plotOptions.bar.borderRadius)),c.config.chart.stacked&&(this.barCtx.yArrj.push(r),this.barCtx.yArrjF.push(Math.abs(s-r)),this.barCtx.yArrjVal.push(this.barCtx.series[l][h])),{pathTo:x,pathFrom:b}}},{key:\"getBarpaths\",value:function(t){var e,i=t.barYPosition,a=t.barHeight,s=t.x1,r=t.x2,o=t.strokeWidth,n=t.realIndex,l=t.i,h=t.j,c=t.w,d=new m(this.barCtx.ctx);(o=Array.isArray(o)?o[n]:o)||(o=0);var g=i,u=a;null!==(e=c.config.series[n].data[h])&&void 0!==e&&e.barHeightOffset&&(g=i-c.config.series[n].data[h].barHeightOffset/2,u=a+c.config.series[n].data[h].barHeightOffset);var f=g,p=g+u;s+=.001,r+=.001;var x=d.move(s,f),b=d.move(s,f);c.globals.previousPaths.length>0&&(b=this.barCtx.getPreviousPath(n,h,!1));var v=d.line(s,p-o);return x=x+d.line(r,f)+d.line(r,p-o)+v+(\"around\"===c.config.plotOptions.bar.borderRadiusApplication?\" Z\":\" z\"),b=b+d.line(s,f)+v+v+v+v+v+d.line(s,f)+(\"around\"===c.config.plotOptions.bar.borderRadiusApplication?\" Z\":\" z\"),this.shouldApplyRadius(n)&&(x=d.roundPathCorners(x,c.config.plotOptions.bar.borderRadius)),c.config.chart.stacked&&(this.barCtx.xArrj.push(r),this.barCtx.xArrjF.push(Math.abs(s-r)),this.barCtx.xArrjVal.push(this.barCtx.series[l][h])),{pathTo:x,pathFrom:b}}},{key:\"checkZeroSeries\",value:function(t){for(var e=t.series,i=this.w,a=0;a=0;o--)this.barCtx.zeroSerieses.indexOf(o)>-1&&o===this.radiusOnSeriesNumber&&(this.barCtx.radiusOnSeriesNumber-=1);for(var n=e.length-1;n>=0;n--)i.globals.collapsedSeriesIndices.indexOf(this.barCtx.radiusOnSeriesNumber)>-1&&(this.barCtx.radiusOnSeriesNumber-=1)}},{key:\"getXForValue\",value:function(t,e){var i=!(arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2])||arguments[2],a=i?e:null;return null!=t&&(a=e+t/this.barCtx.invertedYRatio-2*(this.barCtx.isReversed?t/this.barCtx.invertedYRatio:0)),a}},{key:\"getYForValue\",value:function(t,e){var i=!(arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2])||arguments[2],a=i?e:null;return null!=t&&(a=e-t/this.barCtx.yRatio[this.barCtx.yaxisIndex]+2*(this.barCtx.isReversed?t/this.barCtx.yRatio[this.barCtx.yaxisIndex]:0)),a}},{key:\"getGoalValues\",value:function(t,e,i,a,s){var r=this,n=this.w,l=[];return n.globals.seriesGoals[a]&&n.globals.seriesGoals[a][s]&&Array.isArray(n.globals.seriesGoals[a][s])&&n.globals.seriesGoals[a][s].forEach((function(a){var s;l.push((o(s={},t,\"x\"===t?r.getXForValue(a.value,e,!1):r.getYForValue(a.value,i,!1)),o(s,\"attrs\",a),s))})),l}},{key:\"drawGoalLine\",value:function(t){var e=t.barXPosition,i=t.barYPosition,a=t.goalX,s=t.goalY,r=t.barWidth,o=t.barHeight,n=new m(this.barCtx.ctx),l=n.group({className:\"apexcharts-bar-goals-groups\"}),h=null;return this.barCtx.isHorizontal?Array.isArray(a)&&a.forEach((function(t){var e=void 0!==t.attrs.strokeHeight?t.attrs.strokeHeight:o/2,a=i+e+o/2;h=n.drawLine(t.x,a-2*e,t.x,a,t.attrs.strokeColor?t.attrs.strokeColor:void 0,t.attrs.strokeDashArray,t.attrs.strokeWidth?t.attrs.strokeWidth:2,t.attrs.strokeLineCap),l.add(h)})):Array.isArray(s)&&s.forEach((function(t){var i=void 0!==t.attrs.strokeWidth?t.attrs.strokeWidth:r/2,a=e+i+r/2;h=n.drawLine(a-2*i,t.y,a,t.y,t.attrs.strokeColor?t.attrs.strokeColor:void 0,t.attrs.strokeDashArray,t.attrs.strokeHeight?t.attrs.strokeHeight:2,t.attrs.strokeLineCap),l.add(h)})),l}}]),t}(),yt=function(){function t(e,i){a(this,t),this.ctx=e,this.w=e.w;var s=this.w;this.barOptions=s.config.plotOptions.bar,this.isHorizontal=this.barOptions.horizontal,this.strokeWidth=s.config.stroke.width,this.isNullValue=!1,this.isRangeBar=s.globals.seriesRange.length&&this.isHorizontal,this.xyRatios=i,null!==this.xyRatios&&(this.xRatio=i.xRatio,this.initialXRatio=i.initialXRatio,this.yRatio=i.yRatio,this.invertedXRatio=i.invertedXRatio,this.invertedYRatio=i.invertedYRatio,this.baseLineY=i.baseLineY,this.baseLineInvertedY=i.baseLineInvertedY),this.yaxisIndex=0,this.seriesLen=0;var r=new O(this.ctx);this.lastActiveBarSerieIndex=r.getActiveConfigSeriesIndex(\"desc\",[\"bar\",\"column\"]);var o=r.getBarSeriesIndices(),n=new y(this.ctx);this.stackedSeriesTotals=n.getStackedSeriesTotals(this.w.config.series.map((function(t,e){return-1===o.indexOf(e)?e:-1})).filter((function(t){return-1!==t}))),this.barHelpers=new mt(this)}return r(t,[{key:\"draw\",value:function(t,i){var a=this.w,s=new m(this.ctx),r=new y(this.ctx,a);t=r.getLogSeries(t),this.series=t,this.yRatio=r.getLogYRatios(this.yRatio),this.barHelpers.initVariables(t);var o=s.group({class:\"apexcharts-bar-series apexcharts-plot-series\"});a.config.dataLabels.enabled&&this.totalItems>this.barOptions.dataLabels.maxItems&&console.warn(\"WARNING: DataLabels are enabled but there are too many to display. This may cause performance issue when rendering.\");for(var n=0,l=0;n0&&(this.visibleI=this.visibleI+1);var k=0,A=0;this.yRatio.length>1&&(this.yaxisIndex=v),this.isReversed=a.config.yaxis[this.yaxisIndex]&&a.config.yaxis[this.yaxisIndex].reversed;var S=this.barHelpers.initialPositions();f=S.y,k=S.barHeight,c=S.yDivision,g=S.zeroW,u=S.x,A=S.barWidth,h=S.xDivision,d=S.zeroH,this.horizontal||b.push(u+A/2);for(var C=s.group({class:\"apexcharts-datalabels\",\"data:realIndex\":v}),L=s.group({class:\"apexcharts-bar-goals-markers\",style:\"pointer-events: none\"}),P=0;P0&&b.push(u+A/2),p.push(f);var X=this.barHelpers.getPathFillColor(t,n,P,v);this.renderSeries({realIndex:v,pathFill:X,j:P,i:n,pathFrom:M.pathFrom,pathTo:M.pathTo,strokeWidth:T,elSeries:w,x:u,y:f,series:t,barHeight:k,barWidth:A,elDataLabelsWrap:C,elGoalsMarkers:L,visibleSeries:this.visibleI,type:\"bar\"})}a.globals.seriesXvalues[v]=b,a.globals.seriesYvalues[v]=p,o.add(w)}return o}},{key:\"renderSeries\",value:function(t){var e=t.realIndex,i=t.pathFill,a=t.lineFill,s=t.j,r=t.i,o=t.pathFrom,n=t.pathTo,l=t.strokeWidth,h=t.elSeries,c=t.x,d=t.y,g=t.y1,u=t.y2,f=t.series,p=t.barHeight,x=t.barWidth,b=t.barYPosition,y=t.elDataLabelsWrap,w=t.elGoalsMarkers,k=t.visibleSeries,A=t.type,S=this.w,C=new m(this.ctx);a||(a=this.barOptions.distributed?S.globals.stroke.colors[s]:S.globals.stroke.colors[e]),S.config.series[r].data[s]&&S.config.series[r].data[s].strokeColor&&(a=S.config.series[r].data[s].strokeColor),this.isNullValue&&(i=\"none\");var L=s/S.config.chart.animations.animateGradually.delay*(S.config.chart.animations.speed/S.globals.dataPoints)/2.4,P=C.renderPaths({i:r,j:s,realIndex:e,pathFrom:o,pathTo:n,stroke:a,strokeWidth:l,strokeLineCap:S.config.stroke.lineCap,fill:i,animationDelay:L,initialSpeed:S.config.chart.animations.speed,dataChangeSpeed:S.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.speed,className:\"apexcharts-\".concat(A,\"-area\")});P.attr(\"clip-path\",\"url(#gridRectMask\".concat(S.globals.cuid,\")\"));var T=S.config.forecastDataPoints;T.count>0&&s>=S.globals.dataPoints-T.count&&(P.node.setAttribute(\"stroke-dasharray\",T.dashArray),P.node.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\",T.strokeWidth),P.node.setAttribute(\"fill-opacity\",T.fillOpacity)),void 0!==g&&void 0!==u&&(P.attr(\"data-range-y1\",g),P.attr(\"data-range-y2\",u)),new v(this.ctx).setSelectionFilter(P,e,s),h.add(P);var M=new vt(this).handleBarDataLabels({x:c,y:d,y1:g,y2:u,i:r,j:s,series:f,realIndex:e,barHeight:p,barWidth:x,barYPosition:b,renderedPath:P,visibleSeries:k});return null!==M.dataLabels&&y.add(M.dataLabels),M.totalDataLabels&&y.add(M.totalDataLabels),h.add(y),w&&h.add(w),h}},{key:\"drawBarPaths\",value:function(t){var e=t.indexes,i=t.barHeight,a=t.strokeWidth,s=t.zeroW,r=t.x,o=t.y,n=t.yDivision,l=t.elSeries,h=this.w,c=e.i,d=e.j;h.globals.isXNumeric&&(o=(h.globals.seriesX[c][d]-h.globals.minX)/this.invertedXRatio-i);var g=o+i*this.visibleI;r=this.barHelpers.getXForValue(this.series[c][d],s);var u=this.barHelpers.getBarpaths({barYPosition:g,barHeight:i,x1:s,x2:r,strokeWidth:a,series:this.series,realIndex:e.realIndex,i:c,j:d,w:h});return h.globals.isXNumeric||(o+=n),this.barHelpers.barBackground({j:d,i:c,y1:g-i*this.visibleI,y2:i*this.seriesLen,elSeries:l}),{pathTo:u.pathTo,pathFrom:u.pathFrom,x:r,y:o,goalX:this.barHelpers.getGoalValues(\"x\",s,null,c,d),barYPosition:g}}},{key:\"drawColumnPaths\",value:function(t){var e=t.indexes,i=t.x,a=t.y,s=t.xDivision,r=t.barWidth,o=t.zeroH,n=t.strokeWidth,l=t.elSeries,h=this.w,c=e.realIndex,d=e.i,g=e.j,u=e.bc;if(h.globals.isXNumeric){var f=c;h.globals.seriesX[c].length||(f=h.globals.maxValsInArrayIndex),i=(h.globals.seriesX[f][g]-h.globals.minX)/this.xRatio-r*this.seriesLen/2}var p=i+r*this.visibleI;a=this.barHelpers.getYForValue(this.series[d][g],o);var x=this.barHelpers.getColumnPaths({barXPosition:p,barWidth:r,y1:o,y2:a,strokeWidth:n,series:this.series,realIndex:e.realIndex,i:d,j:g,w:h});return h.globals.isXNumeric||(i+=s),this.barHelpers.barBackground({bc:u,j:g,i:d,x1:p-n/2-r*this.visibleI,x2:r*this.seriesLen+n/2,elSeries:l}),{pathTo:x.pathTo,pathFrom:x.pathFrom,x:i,y:a,goalY:this.barHelpers.getGoalValues(\"y\",null,o,d,g),barXPosition:p}}},{key:\"getPreviousPath\",value:function(t,e){for(var i,a=this.w,s=0;s0&&parseInt(r.realIndex,10)===parseInt(t,10)&&void 0!==a.globals.previousPaths[s].paths[e]&&(i=a.globals.previousPaths[s].paths[e].d)}return i}}]),t}(),wt=function(t){n(s,yt);var i=d(s);function s(){return a(this,s),i.apply(this,arguments)}return r(s,[{key:\"draw\",value:function(t,i){var a=this,s=this.w;this.graphics=new m(this.ctx),this.bar=new yt(this.ctx,this.xyRatios);var r=new y(this.ctx,s);t=r.getLogSeries(t),this.yRatio=r.getLogYRatios(this.yRatio),this.barHelpers.initVariables(t),\"100%\"===s.config.chart.stackType&&(t=s.globals.seriesPercent.slice()),this.series=t,this.totalItems=0,this.prevY=[],this.prevX=[],this.prevYF=[],this.prevXF=[],this.prevYVal=[],this.prevXVal=[],this.xArrj=[],this.xArrjF=[],this.xArrjVal=[],this.yArrj=[],this.yArrjF=[],this.yArrjVal=[];for(var o=0;o0&&(this.totalItems+=t[o].length);for(var n=this.graphics.group({class:\"apexcharts-bar-series apexcharts-plot-series\"}),l=0,h=0,c=function(r,o){var c=void 0,d=void 0,g=void 0,u=void 0,f=[],p=[],b=s.globals.comboCharts?i[r]:r;a.yRatio.length>1&&(a.yaxisIndex=b),a.isReversed=s.config.yaxis[a.yaxisIndex]&&s.config.yaxis[a.yaxisIndex].reversed;var v=a.graphics.group({class:\"apexcharts-series\",seriesName:x.escapeString(s.globals.seriesNames[b]),rel:r+1,\"data:realIndex\":b});a.ctx.series.addCollapsedClassToSeries(v,b);var m=a.graphics.group({class:\"apexcharts-datalabels\",\"data:realIndex\":b}),y=a.graphics.group({class:\"apexcharts-bar-goals-markers\",style:\"pointer-events: none\"}),w=0,k=0,A=a.initialPositions(l,h,c,d,g,u);h=A.y,w=A.barHeight,d=A.yDivision,u=A.zeroW,l=A.x,k=A.barWidth,c=A.xDivision,g=A.zeroH,a.yArrj=[],a.yArrjF=[],a.yArrjVal=[],a.xArrj=[],a.xArrjF=[],a.xArrjVal=[],1===a.prevY.length&&a.prevY[0].every((function(t){return isNaN(t)}))&&(a.prevY[0]=a.prevY[0].map((function(t){return g})),a.prevYF[0]=a.prevYF[0].map((function(t){return 0})));for(var S=0;S1?(i=l.globals.minXDiff/this.xRatio)*parseInt(this.barOptions.columnWidth,10)/100:n*parseInt(l.config.plotOptions.bar.columnWidth,10)/100,s=l.globals.gridHeight-this.baseLineY[this.yaxisIndex]-(this.isReversed?l.globals.gridHeight:0)+(this.isReversed?2*this.baseLineY[this.yaxisIndex]:0),t=l.globals.padHorizontal+(i-n)/2),{x:t,y:e,yDivision:a,xDivision:i,barHeight:o,barWidth:n,zeroH:s,zeroW:r}}},{key:\"drawStackedBarPaths\",value:function(t){for(var e,i=t.indexes,a=t.barHeight,s=t.strokeWidth,r=t.zeroW,o=t.x,n=t.y,l=t.yDivision,h=t.elSeries,c=this.w,d=n,g=i.i,u=i.j,f=0,p=0;p0){var x=r;this.prevXVal[g-1][u]<0?x=this.series[g][u]>=0?this.prevX[g-1][u]+f-2*(this.isReversed?f:0):this.prevX[g-1][u]:this.prevXVal[g-1][u]>=0&&(x=this.series[g][u]>=0?this.prevX[g-1][u]:this.prevX[g-1][u]-f+2*(this.isReversed?f:0)),e=x}else e=r;o=null===this.series[g][u]?e:e+this.series[g][u]/this.invertedYRatio-2*(this.isReversed?this.series[g][u]/this.invertedYRatio:0);var b=this.barHelpers.getBarpaths({barYPosition:d,barHeight:a,x1:e,x2:o,strokeWidth:s,series:this.series,realIndex:i.realIndex,i:g,j:u,w:c});return this.barHelpers.barBackground({j:u,i:g,y1:d,y2:a,elSeries:h}),n+=l,{pathTo:b.pathTo,pathFrom:b.pathFrom,goalX:this.barHelpers.getGoalValues(\"x\",r,null,g,u),barYPosition:d,x:o,y:n}}},{key:\"drawStackedColumnPaths\",value:function(t){var e=t.indexes,i=t.x,a=t.y,s=t.xDivision,r=t.barWidth,o=t.zeroH;t.strokeWidth;var n=t.elSeries,l=this.w,h=e.i,c=e.j,d=e.bc;if(l.globals.isXNumeric){var g=l.globals.seriesX[h][c];g||(g=0),i=(g-l.globals.minX)/this.xRatio-r/2}for(var u,f=i,p=0,x=0;x0&&!l.globals.isXNumeric||h>0&&l.globals.isXNumeric&&l.globals.seriesX[h-1][c]===l.globals.seriesX[h][c]){var b,v,m=Math.min(this.yRatio.length+1,h+1);if(void 0!==this.prevY[h-1])for(var y=1;y=0?v-p+2*(this.isReversed?p:0):v;break}if(this.prevYVal[h-w][c]>=0){b=this.series[h][c]>=0?v:v+p-2*(this.isReversed?p:0);break}}void 0===b&&(b=l.globals.gridHeight),u=this.prevYF[0].every((function(t){return 0===t}))&&this.prevYF.slice(1,h).every((function(t){return t.every((function(t){return isNaN(t)}))}))?o:b}else u=o;a=u-this.series[h][c]/this.yRatio[this.yaxisIndex]+2*(this.isReversed?this.series[h][c]/this.yRatio[this.yaxisIndex]:0);var k=this.barHelpers.getColumnPaths({barXPosition:f,barWidth:r,y1:u,y2:a,yRatio:this.yRatio[this.yaxisIndex],strokeWidth:this.strokeWidth,series:this.series,realIndex:e.realIndex,i:h,j:c,w:l});return this.barHelpers.barBackground({bc:d,j:c,i:h,x1:f,x2:r,elSeries:n}),i+=s,{pathTo:k.pathTo,pathFrom:k.pathFrom,goalY:this.barHelpers.getGoalValues(\"y\",null,o,h,c),barXPosition:f,x:l.globals.isXNumeric?i-s:i,y:a}}}]),s}(),kt=function(t){n(s,yt);var i=d(s);function s(){return a(this,s),i.apply(this,arguments)}return r(s,[{key:\"draw\",value:function(t,i){var a=this,s=this.w,r=new m(this.ctx),o=new F(this.ctx);this.candlestickOptions=this.w.config.plotOptions.candlestick,this.boxOptions=this.w.config.plotOptions.boxPlot,this.isHorizontal=s.config.plotOptions.bar.horizontal;var n=new y(this.ctx,s);t=n.getLogSeries(t),this.series=t,this.yRatio=n.getLogYRatios(this.yRatio),this.barHelpers.initVariables(t);for(var l=r.group({class:\"apexcharts-\".concat(s.config.chart.type,\"-series apexcharts-plot-series\")}),h=function(n){a.isBoxPlot=\"boxPlot\"===s.config.chart.type||\"boxPlot\"===s.config.series[n].type;var h,c,d,g,u=void 0,f=void 0,p=[],b=[],v=s.globals.comboCharts?i[n]:n,m=r.group({class:\"apexcharts-series\",seriesName:x.escapeString(s.globals.seriesNames[v]),rel:n+1,\"data:realIndex\":v});a.ctx.series.addCollapsedClassToSeries(m,v),t[n].length>0&&(a.visibleI=a.visibleI+1);var y,w;a.yRatio.length>1&&(a.yaxisIndex=v);var k=a.barHelpers.initialPositions();f=k.y,y=k.barHeight,c=k.yDivision,g=k.zeroW,u=k.x,w=k.barWidth,h=k.xDivision,d=k.zeroH,b.push(u+w/2);for(var A=r.group({class:\"apexcharts-datalabels\",\"data:realIndex\":v}),S=function(i){var r=a.barHelpers.getStrokeWidth(n,i,v),l=null,x={indexes:{i:n,j:i,realIndex:v},x:u,y:f,strokeWidth:r,elSeries:m};l=a.isHorizontal?a.drawHorizontalBoxPaths(e(e({},x),{},{yDivision:c,barHeight:y,zeroW:g})):a.drawVerticalBoxPaths(e(e({},x),{},{xDivision:h,barWidth:w,zeroH:d})),f=l.y,u=l.x,i>0&&b.push(u+w/2),p.push(f),l.pathTo.forEach((function(e,h){var c=!a.isBoxPlot&&a.candlestickOptions.wick.useFillColor?l.color[h]:s.globals.stroke.colors[n],d=o.fillPath({seriesNumber:v,dataPointIndex:i,color:l.color[h],value:t[n][i]});a.renderSeries({realIndex:v,pathFill:d,lineFill:c,j:i,i:n,pathFrom:l.pathFrom,pathTo:e,strokeWidth:r,elSeries:m,x:u,y:f,series:t,barHeight:y,barWidth:w,elDataLabelsWrap:A,visibleSeries:a.visibleI,type:s.config.chart.type})}))},C=0;Cb.c&&(d=!1);var w=Math.min(b.o,b.c),k=Math.max(b.o,b.c),A=b.m;n.globals.isXNumeric&&(i=(n.globals.seriesX[x][c]-n.globals.minX)/this.xRatio-s/2);var S=i+s*this.visibleI;void 0===this.series[h][c]||null===this.series[h][c]?(w=r,k=r):(w=r-w/p,k=r-k/p,v=r-b.h/p,y=r-b.l/p,A=r-b.m/p);var C=l.move(S,r),L=l.move(S+s/2,w);return n.globals.previousPaths.length>0&&(L=this.getPreviousPath(x,c,!0)),C=this.isBoxPlot?[l.move(S,w)+l.line(S+s/2,w)+l.line(S+s/2,v)+l.line(S+s/4,v)+l.line(S+s-s/4,v)+l.line(S+s/2,v)+l.line(S+s/2,w)+l.line(S+s,w)+l.line(S+s,A)+l.line(S,A)+l.line(S,w+o/2),l.move(S,A)+l.line(S+s,A)+l.line(S+s,k)+l.line(S+s/2,k)+l.line(S+s/2,y)+l.line(S+s-s/4,y)+l.line(S+s/4,y)+l.line(S+s/2,y)+l.line(S+s/2,k)+l.line(S,k)+l.line(S,A)+\"z\"]:[l.move(S,k)+l.line(S+s/2,k)+l.line(S+s/2,v)+l.line(S+s/2,k)+l.line(S+s,k)+l.line(S+s,w)+l.line(S+s/2,w)+l.line(S+s/2,y)+l.line(S+s/2,w)+l.line(S,w)+l.line(S,k-o/2)],L+=l.move(S,w),n.globals.isXNumeric||(i+=a),{pathTo:C,pathFrom:L,x:i,y:k,barXPosition:S,color:this.isBoxPlot?f:d?[g]:[u]}}},{key:\"drawHorizontalBoxPaths\",value:function(t){var e=t.indexes;t.x;var i=t.y,a=t.yDivision,s=t.barHeight,r=t.zeroW,o=t.strokeWidth,n=this.w,l=new m(this.ctx),h=e.i,c=e.j,d=this.boxOptions.colors.lower;this.isBoxPlot&&(d=[this.boxOptions.colors.lower,this.boxOptions.colors.upper]);var g=this.invertedYRatio,u=e.realIndex,f=this.getOHLCValue(u,c),p=r,x=r,b=Math.min(f.o,f.c),v=Math.max(f.o,f.c),y=f.m;n.globals.isXNumeric&&(i=(n.globals.seriesX[u][c]-n.globals.minX)/this.invertedXRatio-s/2);var w=i+s*this.visibleI;void 0===this.series[h][c]||null===this.series[h][c]?(b=r,v=r):(b=r+b/g,v=r+v/g,p=r+f.h/g,x=r+f.l/g,y=r+f.m/g);var k=l.move(r,w),A=l.move(b,w+s/2);return n.globals.previousPaths.length>0&&(A=this.getPreviousPath(u,c,!0)),k=[l.move(b,w)+l.line(b,w+s/2)+l.line(p,w+s/2)+l.line(p,w+s/2-s/4)+l.line(p,w+s/2+s/4)+l.line(p,w+s/2)+l.line(b,w+s/2)+l.line(b,w+s)+l.line(y,w+s)+l.line(y,w)+l.line(b+o/2,w),l.move(y,w)+l.line(y,w+s)+l.line(v,w+s)+l.line(v,w+s/2)+l.line(x,w+s/2)+l.line(x,w+s-s/4)+l.line(x,w+s/4)+l.line(x,w+s/2)+l.line(v,w+s/2)+l.line(v,w)+l.line(y,w)+\"z\"],A+=l.move(b,w),n.globals.isXNumeric||(i+=a),{pathTo:k,pathFrom:A,x:v,y:i,barYPosition:w,color:d}}},{key:\"getOHLCValue\",value:function(t,e){var i=this.w;return{o:this.isBoxPlot?i.globals.seriesCandleH[t][e]:i.globals.seriesCandleO[t][e],h:this.isBoxPlot?i.globals.seriesCandleO[t][e]:i.globals.seriesCandleH[t][e],m:i.globals.seriesCandleM[t][e],l:this.isBoxPlot?i.globals.seriesCandleC[t][e]:i.globals.seriesCandleL[t][e],c:this.isBoxPlot?i.globals.seriesCandleL[t][e]:i.globals.seriesCandleC[t][e]}}}]),s}(),At=function(){function t(e){a(this,t),this.ctx=e,this.w=e.w}return 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a=this.w,s=a.globals.series[e][i],r=a.config.plotOptions[t],o=r.colorScale.inverse?i:e;r.distributed&&\"treemap\"===a.config.chart.type&&(o=i);var n=a.globals.colors[o],l=null,h=Math.min.apply(Math,u(a.globals.series[e])),c=Math.max.apply(Math,u(a.globals.series[e]));r.distributed||\"heatmap\"!==t||(h=a.globals.minY,c=a.globals.maxY),void 0!==r.colorScale.min&&(h=r.colorScale.mina.globals.maxY?r.colorScale.max:a.globals.maxY);var d=Math.abs(c)+Math.abs(h),g=100*s/(0===d?d-1e-6:d);r.colorScale.ranges.length>0&&r.colorScale.ranges.map((function(t,e){if(s>=t.from&&s<=t.to){n=t.color,l=t.foreColor?t.foreColor:null,h=t.from,c=t.to;var i=Math.abs(c)+Math.abs(h);g=100*s/(0===i?i-1e-6:i)}}));return{color:n,foreColor:l,percent:g}}},{key:\"calculateDataLabels\",value:function(t){var e=t.text,i=t.x,a=t.y,s=t.i,r=t.j,o=t.colorProps,n=t.fontSize,l=this.w.config.dataLabels,h=new m(this.ctx),c=new H(this.ctx),d=null;if(l.enabled){d=h.group({class:\"apexcharts-data-labels\"});var g=l.offsetX,u=l.offsetY,f=i+g,p=a+parseFloat(l.style.fontSize)/3+u;c.plotDataLabelsText({x:f,y:p,text:e,i:s,j:r,color:o.foreColor,parent:d,fontSize:n,dataLabelsConfig:l})}return d}},{key:\"addListeners\",value:function(t){var e=new m(this.ctx);t.node.addEventListener(\"mouseenter\",e.pathMouseEnter.bind(this,t)),t.node.addEventListener(\"mouseleave\",e.pathMouseLeave.bind(this,t)),t.node.addEventListener(\"mousedown\",e.pathMouseDown.bind(this,t))}}]),t}(),St=function(){function t(e,i){a(this,t),this.ctx=e,this.w=e.w,this.xRatio=i.xRatio,this.yRatio=i.yRatio,this.dynamicAnim=this.w.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation,this.helpers=new At(e),this.rectRadius=this.w.config.plotOptions.heatmap.radius,this.strokeWidth=this.w.config.stroke.show?this.w.config.stroke.width:0}return r(t,[{key:\"draw\",value:function(t){var e=this.w,i=new m(this.ctx),a=i.group({class:\"apexcharts-heatmap\"});a.attr(\"clip-path\",\"url(#gridRectMask\".concat(e.globals.cuid,\")\"));var 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A=w.x,S=w.y,C=100*u/this.fullAngle+\"%\";if(0!==u&&i.config.plotOptions.pie.dataLabels.minAngleToShowLabelthis.fullAngle?e.endAngle=e.endAngle-(a+o):a+o=this.fullAngle+this.w.config.plotOptions.pie.startAngle%this.fullAngle&&(n=this.fullAngle+this.w.config.plotOptions.pie.startAngle%this.fullAngle-.01),Math.ceil(n)>this.fullAngle&&(n-=this.fullAngle);var l=Math.PI*(n-90)/180,h=e.centerX+s*Math.cos(o),c=e.centerY+s*Math.sin(o),d=e.centerX+s*Math.cos(l),g=e.centerY+s*Math.sin(l),u=x.polarToCartesian(e.centerX,e.centerY,e.donutSize,n),f=x.polarToCartesian(e.centerX,e.centerY,e.donutSize,r),p=a>180?1:0,b=[\"M\",h,c,\"A\",s,s,0,p,1,d,g];return\"donut\"===e.chartType?[].concat(b,[\"L\",u.x,u.y,\"A\",e.donutSize,e.donutSize,0,p,0,f.x,f.y,\"L\",h,c,\"z\"]).join(\" \"):\"pie\"===e.chartType||\"polarArea\"===e.chartType?[].concat(b,[\"L\",e.centerX,e.centerY,\"L\",h,c]).join(\" \"):[].concat(b).join(\" \")}},{key:\"drawPolarElements\",value:function(t){var e=this.w,i=new _(this.ctx),a=new m(this.ctx),s=new Ct(this.ctx),r=a.group(),o=a.group(),n=i.niceScale(0,Math.ceil(this.maxY),e.config.yaxis[0].tickAmount,0,!0),l=n.result.reverse(),h=n.result.length;this.maxY=n.niceMax;for(var c=e.globals.radialSize,d=c/(h-1),g=0;g1&&t.total.show&&(s=t.total.color);var o=r.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(\".apexcharts-datalabel-label\"),n=r.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(\".apexcharts-datalabel-value\");i=(0,t.value.formatter)(i,r),a||\"function\"!=typeof t.total.formatter||(i=t.total.formatter(r));var l=e===t.total.label;e=t.name.formatter(e,l,r),null!==o&&(o.textContent=e),null!==n&&(n.textContent=i),null!==o&&(o.style.fill=s)}},{key:\"printDataLabelsInner\",value:function(t,e){var i=this.w,a=t.getAttribute(\"data:value\"),s=i.globals.seriesNames[parseInt(t.parentNode.getAttribute(\"rel\"),10)-1];i.globals.series.length>1&&this.printInnerLabels(e,s,a,t);var r=i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(\".apexcharts-datalabels-group\");null!==r&&(r.style.opacity=1)}},{key:\"drawSpokes\",value:function(t){var e=this,i=this.w,a=new m(this.ctx),s=i.config.plotOptions.polarArea.spokes;if(0!==s.strokeWidth){for(var r=[],o=360/i.globals.series.length,n=0;n1)o&&!e.total.showAlways?l({makeSliceOut:!1,printLabel:!0}):this.printInnerLabels(e,e.total.label,e.total.formatter(s));else if(l({makeSliceOut:!1,printLabel:!0}),!o)if(s.globals.selectedDataPoints.length&&s.globals.series.length>1)if(s.globals.selectedDataPoints[0].length>0){var h=s.globals.selectedDataPoints[0],c=s.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(\".apexcharts-\".concat(this.chartType.toLowerCase(),\"-slice-\").concat(h));this.printDataLabelsInner(c,e)}else r&&s.globals.selectedDataPoints.length&&0===s.globals.selectedDataPoints[0].length&&(r.style.opacity=0);else r&&s.globals.series.length>1&&(r.style.opacity=0)}}]),t}(),Pt=function(){function t(e){a(this,t),this.ctx=e,this.w=e.w,this.chartType=this.w.config.chart.type,this.initialAnim=this.w.config.chart.animations.enabled,this.dynamicAnim=this.initialAnim&&this.w.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.enabled,this.animDur=0;var i=this.w;this.graphics=new m(this.ctx),this.lineColorArr=void 0!==i.globals.stroke.colors?i.globals.stroke.colors:i.globals.colors,this.defaultSize=i.globals.svgHeight0&&(p=i.getPreviousPath(n));for(var b=0;b=10?t.x>0?(i=\"start\",a+=10):t.x<0&&(i=\"end\",a-=10):i=\"middle\",Math.abs(t.y)>=e-10&&(t.y<0?s-=10:t.y>0&&(s+=10)),{textAnchor:i,newX:a,newY:s}}},{key:\"getPreviousPath\",value:function(t){for(var e=this.w,i=null,a=0;a0&&parseInt(s.realIndex,10)===parseInt(t,10)&&void 0!==e.globals.previousPaths[a].paths[0]&&(i=e.globals.previousPaths[a].paths[0].d)}return i}},{key:\"getDataPointsPos\",value:function(t,e){var i=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:this.dataPointsLen;t=t||[],e=e||[];for(var a=[],s=0;s=360&&(g=360-Math.abs(this.startAngle)-.1);var u=i.drawPath({d:\"\",stroke:c,strokeWidth:o*parseInt(h.strokeWidth,10)/100,fill:\"none\",strokeOpacity:h.opacity,classes:\"apexcharts-radialbar-area\"});if(h.dropShadow.enabled){var f=h.dropShadow;s.dropShadow(u,f)}l.add(u),u.attr(\"id\",\"apexcharts-radialbarTrack-\"+n),this.animatePaths(u,{centerX:t.centerX,centerY:t.centerY,endAngle:g,startAngle:d,size:t.size,i:n,totalItems:2,animBeginArr:0,dur:0,isTrack:!0,easing:e.globals.easing})}return a}},{key:\"drawArcs\",value:function(t){var e=this.w,i=new m(this.ctx),a=new F(this.ctx),s=new v(this.ctx),r=i.group(),o=this.getStrokeWidth(t);t.size=t.size-o/2;var n=e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.background,l=t.size-o*t.series.length-this.margin*t.series.length-o*parseInt(e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.track.strokeWidth,10)/100/2,h=l-e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.margin;void 0!==e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.image&&(n=this.drawHollowImage(t,r,l,n));var 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L=S-w,P=Array.isArray(e.config.stroke.dashArray)?e.config.stroke.dashArray[p]:e.config.stroke.dashArray,T=i.drawPath({d:\"\",stroke:y,strokeWidth:o,fill:\"none\",fillOpacity:e.config.fill.opacity,classes:\"apexcharts-radialbar-area apexcharts-radialbar-slice-\"+p,strokeDashArray:P});if(m.setAttrs(T.node,{\"data:angle\":L,\"data:value\":t.series[p]}),e.config.chart.dropShadow.enabled){var M=e.config.chart.dropShadow;s.dropShadow(T,M,p)}s.setSelectionFilter(T,0,p),this.addListeners(T,this.radialDataLabels),b.add(T),T.attr({index:0,j:p});var I=0;!this.initialAnim||e.globals.resized||e.globals.dataChanged||(I=e.config.chart.animations.speed),e.globals.dataChanged&&(I=e.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.speed),this.animDur=I/(1.2*t.series.length)+this.animDur,this.animBeginArr.push(this.animDur),this.animatePaths(T,{centerX:t.centerX,centerY:t.centerY,endAngle:S,startAngle:w,prevEndAngle:C,prevStartAngle:k,size:t.size,i:p,totalItems:2,animBeginArr:this.animBeginArr,dur:I,shouldSetPrevPaths:!0,easing:e.globals.easing})}return{g:r,elHollow:c,dataLabels:u}}},{key:\"drawHollow\",value:function(t){var e=new m(this.ctx).drawCircle(2*t.size);return e.attr({class:\"apexcharts-radialbar-hollow\",cx:t.centerX,cy:t.centerY,r:t.size,fill:t.fill}),e}},{key:\"drawHollowImage\",value:function(t,e,i,a){var s=this.w,r=new 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o.globals.isXNumeric||(i+=a),{pathTo:x.pathTo,pathFrom:x.pathFrom,barHeight:p,x:i,y:u,goalY:this.barHelpers.getGoalValues(\"y\",null,r,n,l),barXPosition:f}}},{key:\"drawRangeBarPaths\",value:function(t){var e=t.indexes,i=t.y,a=t.y1,s=t.y2,r=t.yDivision,o=t.barHeight,n=t.barYPosition,l=t.zeroW,h=this.w,c=l+a/this.invertedYRatio,d=l+s/this.invertedYRatio,g=Math.abs(d-c),u=this.barHelpers.getBarpaths({barYPosition:n,barHeight:o,x1:c,x2:d,strokeWidth:this.strokeWidth,series:this.seriesRangeEnd,i:e.realIndex,realIndex:e.realIndex,j:e.j,w:h});return h.globals.isXNumeric||(i+=r),{pathTo:u.pathTo,pathFrom:u.pathFrom,barWidth:g,x:d,goalX:this.barHelpers.getGoalValues(\"x\",l,null,e.realIndex,e.j),y:i}}},{key:\"getRangeValue\",value:function(t,e){var i=this.w;return{start:i.globals.seriesRangeStart[t][e],end:i.globals.seriesRangeEnd[t][e]}}}]),s}(),It=function(){function t(e){a(this,t),this.w=e.w,this.lineCtx=e}return r(t,[{key:\"sameValueSeriesFix\",value:function(t,e){var 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move\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-menu-icon,.apexcharts-pan-icon,.apexcharts-reset-icon,.apexcharts-selection-icon,.apexcharts-toolbar-custom-icon,.apexcharts-zoom-icon,.apexcharts-zoomin-icon,.apexcharts-zoomout-icon {\\n cursor: pointer;\\n width: 20px;\\n height: 20px;\\n line-height: 24px;\\n color: #6e8192;\\n text-align: center\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-menu-icon svg,.apexcharts-reset-icon svg,.apexcharts-zoom-icon svg,.apexcharts-zoomin-icon svg,.apexcharts-zoomout-icon svg {\\n fill: #6e8192\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-selection-icon svg {\\n fill: #444;\\n transform: scale(.76)\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-theme-dark .apexcharts-menu-icon svg,.apexcharts-theme-dark .apexcharts-pan-icon svg,.apexcharts-theme-dark .apexcharts-reset-icon svg,.apexcharts-theme-dark .apexcharts-selection-icon svg,.apexcharts-theme-dark .apexcharts-toolbar-custom-icon svg,.apexcharts-theme-dark .apexcharts-zoom-icon svg,.apexcharts-theme-dark .apexcharts-zoomin-icon svg,.apexcharts-theme-dark .apexcharts-zoomout-icon svg {\\n fill: #f3f4f5\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-canvas .apexcharts-reset-zoom-icon.apexcharts-selected svg,.apexcharts-canvas .apexcharts-selection-icon.apexcharts-selected svg,.apexcharts-canvas .apexcharts-zoom-icon.apexcharts-selected svg {\\n fill: #008ffb\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-theme-light .apexcharts-menu-icon:hover svg,.apexcharts-theme-light .apexcharts-reset-icon:hover svg,.apexcharts-theme-light .apexcharts-selection-icon:not(.apexcharts-selected):hover svg,.apexcharts-theme-light .apexcharts-zoom-icon:not(.apexcharts-selected):hover svg,.apexcharts-theme-light .apexcharts-zoomin-icon:hover svg,.apexcharts-theme-light .apexcharts-zoomout-icon:hover svg {\\n fill: #333\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-menu-icon,.apexcharts-selection-icon {\\n position: relative\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-reset-icon {\\n margin-left: 5px\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-menu-icon,.apexcharts-reset-icon,.apexcharts-zoom-icon {\\n transform: scale(.85)\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-zoomin-icon,.apexcharts-zoomout-icon {\\n transform: scale(.7)\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-zoomout-icon {\\n margin-right: 3px\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-pan-icon {\\n transform: scale(.62);\\n position: relative;\\n left: 1px;\\n top: 0\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-pan-icon svg {\\n fill: #fff;\\n stroke: #6e8192;\\n stroke-width: 2\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-pan-icon.apexcharts-selected svg {\\n stroke: #008ffb\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-pan-icon:not(.apexcharts-selected):hover svg {\\n stroke: #333\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-toolbar {\\n position: absolute;\\n z-index: 11;\\n max-width: 176px;\\n text-align: right;\\n border-radius: 3px;\\n padding: 0 6px 2px;\\n display: flex;\\n justify-content: space-between;\\n align-items: center\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-menu {\\n background: #fff;\\n position: absolute;\\n top: 100%;\\n border: 1px solid #ddd;\\n border-radius: 3px;\\n padding: 3px;\\n right: 10px;\\n opacity: 0;\\n min-width: 110px;\\n transition: .15s ease all;\\n pointer-events: none\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-menu.apexcharts-menu-open {\\n opacity: 1;\\n pointer-events: all;\\n transition: .15s ease all\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-menu-item {\\n padding: 6px 7px;\\n font-size: 12px;\\n cursor: pointer\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-theme-light .apexcharts-menu-item:hover {\\n background: #eee\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-theme-dark .apexcharts-menu {\\n background: rgba(0,0,0,.7);\\n color: #fff\\n}\\n\\n@media screen and (min-width:768px) {\\n .apexcharts-canvas:hover .apexcharts-toolbar {\\n opacity: 1\\n }\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-canvas .apexcharts-element-hidden,.apexcharts-datalabel.apexcharts-element-hidden,.apexcharts-hide .apexcharts-series-points {\\n opacity: 0\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-datalabel,.apexcharts-datalabel-label,.apexcharts-datalabel-value,.apexcharts-datalabels,.apexcharts-pie-label {\\n cursor: default;\\n pointer-events: none\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-pie-label-delay {\\n opacity: 0;\\n animation-name: opaque;\\n animation-duration: .3s;\\n animation-fill-mode: forwards;\\n animation-timing-function: ease\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-annotation-rect,.apexcharts-area-series .apexcharts-area,.apexcharts-area-series .apexcharts-series-markers .apexcharts-marker.no-pointer-events,.apexcharts-gridline,.apexcharts-line,.apexcharts-line-series .apexcharts-series-markers .apexcharts-marker.no-pointer-events,.apexcharts-point-annotation-label,.apexcharts-radar-series path,.apexcharts-radar-series polygon,.apexcharts-toolbar svg,.apexcharts-tooltip .apexcharts-marker,.apexcharts-xaxis-annotation-label,.apexcharts-yaxis-annotation-label,.apexcharts-zoom-rect {\\n pointer-events: none\\n}\\n\\n.apexcharts-marker {\\n transition: .15s ease all\\n}\\n\\n.resize-triggers {\\n animation: 1ms resizeanim;\\n visibility: hidden;\\n opacity: 0;\\n height: 100%;\\n width: 100%;\\n overflow: hidden\\n}\\n\\n.contract-trigger:before,.resize-triggers,.resize-triggers>div {\\n content: \" \";\\n display: block;\\n position: absolute;\\n top: 0;\\n left: 0\\n}\\n\\n.resize-triggers>div {\\n height: 100%;\\n width: 100%;\\n background: #eee;\\n overflow: auto\\n}\\n\\n.contract-trigger:before {\\n overflow: hidden;\\n width: 200%;\\n height: 200%\\n}\\n',r?s.prepend(t.css):o.head.appendChild(t.css))}var l=t.create(t.w.config.series,{});if(!l)return e(t);t.mount(l).then((function(){\"function\"==typeof t.w.config.chart.events.mounted&&t.w.config.chart.events.mounted(t,t.w),t.events.fireEvent(\"mounted\",[t,t.w]),e(l)})).catch((function(t){i(t)}))}else i(new Error(\"Element not found\"))}))}},{key:\"create\",value:function(t,e){var i=this.w;new Ht(this).initModules();var a=this.w.globals;(a.noData=!1,a.animationEnded=!1,this.responsive.checkResponsiveConfig(e),i.config.xaxis.convertedCatToNumeric)&&new z(i.config).convertCatToNumericXaxis(i.config,this.ctx);if(null===this.el)return a.animationEnded=!0,null;if(this.core.setupElements(),\"treemap\"===i.config.chart.type&&(i.config.grid.show=!1,i.config.yaxis[0].show=!1),0===a.svgWidth)return a.animationEnded=!0,null;var 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q(t.ctx,o);if(null!==o&&(n.xAxisLabelCorrections(o.xAxisTickWidth),l.setYAxisTextAlignments(),a.config.yaxis.map((function(t,e){-1===a.globals.ignoreYAxisIndexes.indexOf(e)&&l.yAxisTitleRotate(e,t.opposite)}))),\"back\"===a.config.annotations.position&&(a.globals.dom.Paper.add(a.globals.dom.elAnnotations),i.annotations.drawAxesAnnotations()),Array.isArray(e.elGraph))for(var h=0;h0&&a.globals.memory.methodsToExec.forEach((function(t){t.method(t.params,!1,t.context)})),a.globals.axisCharts||a.globals.noData||i.core.resizeNonAxisCharts(),s(i)}))}},{key:\"destroy\",value:function(){var t,e;window.removeEventListener(\"resize\",this.windowResizeHandler),this.el.parentNode,t=this.parentResizeHandler,(e=Nt.get(t))&&(e.disconnect(),Nt.delete(t));var i=this.w.config.chart.id;i&&Apex._chartInstances.forEach((function(t,e){t.id===x.escapeString(i)&&Apex._chartInstances.splice(e,1)})),new Ot(this.ctx).clear({isUpdating:!1})}},{key:\"updateOptions\",value:function(t){var 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0!==arguments[2])||arguments[2];return this.series.resetSeries(!1),this.updateHelpers.revertDefaultAxisMinMax(),this.updateHelpers._updateSeries(t,e,i)}},{key:\"appendSeries\",value:function(t){var e=!(arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1])||arguments[1],i=!(arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2])||arguments[2],a=this.w.config.series.slice();return a.push(t),this.series.resetSeries(!1),this.updateHelpers.revertDefaultAxisMinMax(),this.updateHelpers._updateSeries(a,e,i)}},{key:\"appendData\",value:function(t){var e=!(arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1])||arguments[1],i=this;i.w.globals.dataChanged=!0,i.series.getPreviousPaths();for(var a=i.w.config.series.slice(),s=0;s0&&void 0!==arguments[0])||arguments[0],e=!(arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1])||arguments[1];this.series.resetSeries(t,e)}},{key:\"addEventListener\",value:function(t,e){this.events.addEventListener(t,e)}},{key:\"removeEventListener\",value:function(t,e){this.events.removeEventListener(t,e)}},{key:\"addXaxisAnnotation\",value:function(t){var e=!(arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1])||arguments[1],i=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:void 0,a=this;i&&(a=i),a.annotations.addXaxisAnnotationExternal(t,e,a)}},{key:\"addYaxisAnnotation\",value:function(t){var e=!(arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1])||arguments[1],i=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:void 0,a=this;i&&(a=i),a.annotations.addYaxisAnnotationExternal(t,e,a)}},{key:\"addPointAnnotation\",value:function(t){var e=!(arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1])||arguments[1],i=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:void 0,a=this;i&&(a=i),a.annotations.addPointAnnotationExternal(t,e,a)}},{key:\"clearAnnotations\",value:function(){var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:void 0,e=this;t&&(e=t),e.annotations.clearAnnotations(e)}},{key:\"removeAnnotation\",value:function(t){var e=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:void 0,i=this;e&&(i=e),i.annotations.removeAnnotation(i,t)}},{key:\"getChartArea\",value:function(){return this.w.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(\".apexcharts-inner\")}},{key:\"getSeriesTotalXRange\",value:function(t,e){return this.coreUtils.getSeriesTotalsXRange(t,e)}},{key:\"getHighestValueInSeries\",value:function(){var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:0,e=new U(this.ctx);return e.getMinYMaxY(t).highestY}},{key:\"getLowestValueInSeries\",value:function(){var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:0,e=new U(this.ctx);return e.getMinYMaxY(t).lowestY}},{key:\"getSeriesTotal\",value:function(){return this.w.globals.seriesTotals}},{key:\"toggleDataPointSelection\",value:function(t,e){return this.updateHelpers.toggleDataPointSelection(t,e)}},{key:\"zoomX\",value:function(t,e){this.ctx.toolbar.zoomUpdateOptions(t,e)}},{key:\"setLocale\",value:function(t){this.localization.setCurrentLocaleValues(t)}},{key:\"dataURI\",value:function(t){return new G(this.ctx).dataURI(t)}},{key:\"exportToCSV\",value:function(){var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},e=new G(this.ctx);return e.exportToCSV(t)}},{key:\"paper\",value:function(){return this.w.globals.dom.Paper}},{key:\"_parentResizeCallback\",value:function(){this.w.globals.animationEnded&&this.w.config.chart.redrawOnParentResize&&this._windowResize()}},{key:\"_windowResize\",value:function(){var t=this;clearTimeout(this.w.globals.resizeTimer),this.w.globals.resizeTimer=window.setTimeout((function(){t.w.globals.resized=!0,t.w.globals.dataChanged=!1,t.ctx.update()}),150)}},{key:\"_windowResizeHandler\",value:function(){var t=this.w.config.chart.redrawOnWindowResize;\"function\"==typeof t&&(t=t()),t&&this._windowResize()}}],[{key:\"getChartByID\",value:function(t){var e=x.escapeString(t),i=Apex._chartInstances.filter((function(t){return t.id===e}))[0];return i&&i.chart}},{key:\"initOnLoad\",value:function(){for(var e=document.querySelectorAll(\"[data-apexcharts]\"),i=0;i2?s-2:0),o=2;o\n * Build: `lodash modularize exports=\"npm\" -o ./`\n * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors \n * Released under MIT license \n * Based on Underscore.js 1.8.3 \n * Copyright Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors\n */\n\n/** Used as the `TypeError` message for \"Functions\" methods. */\nvar FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = 'Expected a function';\n\n/** Used as references for various `Number` constants. */\nvar NAN = 0 / 0;\n\n/** `Object#toString` result references. */\nvar symbolTag = '[object Symbol]';\n\n/** Used to match leading and trailing whitespace. */\nvar reTrim = /^\\s+|\\s+$/g;\n\n/** Used to detect bad signed hexadecimal string values. */\nvar reIsBadHex = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i;\n\n/** Used to detect binary string values. */\nvar reIsBinary = /^0b[01]+$/i;\n\n/** Used to detect octal string values. */\nvar reIsOctal = /^0o[0-7]+$/i;\n\n/** Built-in method references without a dependency on `root`. */\nvar freeParseInt = parseInt;\n\n/** Detect free variable `global` from Node.js. */\nvar freeGlobal = typeof global == 'object' && global && global.Object === Object && global;\n\n/** Detect free variable `self`. */\nvar freeSelf = typeof self == 'object' && self && self.Object === Object && self;\n\n/** Used as a reference to the global object. */\nvar root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function('return this')();\n\n/** Used for built-in method references. */\nvar objectProto = Object.prototype;\n\n/**\n * Used to resolve the\n * [`toStringTag`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-object.prototype.tostring)\n * of values.\n */\nvar objectToString = objectProto.toString;\n\n/* Built-in method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */\nvar nativeMax = Math.max,\n nativeMin = Math.min;\n\n/**\n * Gets the timestamp of the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since\n * the Unix epoch (1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC).\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 2.4.0\n * @category Date\n * @returns {number} Returns the timestamp.\n * @example\n *\n * _.defer(function(stamp) {\n * console.log(_.now() - stamp);\n * }, _.now());\n * // => Logs the number of milliseconds it took for the deferred invocation.\n */\nvar now = function() {\n return root.Date.now();\n};\n\n/**\n * Creates a debounced function that delays invoking `func` until after `wait`\n * milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the debounced function was\n * invoked. The debounced function comes with a `cancel` method to cancel\n * delayed `func` invocations and a `flush` method to immediately invoke them.\n * Provide `options` to indicate whether `func` should be invoked on the\n * leading and/or trailing edge of the `wait` timeout. The `func` is invoked\n * with the last arguments provided to the debounced function. Subsequent\n * calls to the debounced function return the result of the last `func`\n * invocation.\n *\n * **Note:** If `leading` and `trailing` options are `true`, `func` is\n * invoked on the trailing edge of the timeout only if the debounced function\n * is invoked more than once during the `wait` timeout.\n *\n * If `wait` is `0` and `leading` is `false`, `func` invocation is deferred\n * until to the next tick, similar to `setTimeout` with a timeout of `0`.\n *\n * See [David Corbacho's article](https://css-tricks.com/debouncing-throttling-explained-examples/)\n * for details over the differences between `_.debounce` and `_.throttle`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 0.1.0\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to debounce.\n * @param {number} [wait=0] The number of milliseconds to delay.\n * @param {Object} [options={}] The options object.\n * @param {boolean} [options.leading=false]\n * Specify invoking on the leading edge of the timeout.\n * @param {number} [options.maxWait]\n * The maximum time `func` is allowed to be delayed before it's invoked.\n * @param {boolean} [options.trailing=true]\n * Specify invoking on the trailing edge of the timeout.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new debounced function.\n * @example\n *\n * // Avoid costly calculations while the window size is in flux.\n * jQuery(window).on('resize', _.debounce(calculateLayout, 150));\n *\n * // Invoke `sendMail` when clicked, debouncing subsequent calls.\n * jQuery(element).on('click', _.debounce(sendMail, 300, {\n * 'leading': true,\n * 'trailing': false\n * }));\n *\n * // Ensure `batchLog` is invoked once after 1 second of debounced calls.\n * var debounced = _.debounce(batchLog, 250, { 'maxWait': 1000 });\n * var source = new EventSource('/stream');\n * jQuery(source).on('message', debounced);\n *\n * // Cancel the trailing debounced invocation.\n * jQuery(window).on('popstate', debounced.cancel);\n */\nfunction debounce(func, wait, options) {\n var lastArgs,\n lastThis,\n maxWait,\n result,\n timerId,\n lastCallTime,\n lastInvokeTime = 0,\n leading = false,\n maxing = false,\n trailing = true;\n\n if (typeof func != 'function') {\n throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n }\n wait = toNumber(wait) || 0;\n if (isObject(options)) {\n leading = !!options.leading;\n maxing = 'maxWait' in options;\n maxWait = maxing ? nativeMax(toNumber(options.maxWait) || 0, wait) : maxWait;\n trailing = 'trailing' in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing;\n }\n\n function invokeFunc(time) {\n var args = lastArgs,\n thisArg = lastThis;\n\n lastArgs = lastThis = undefined;\n lastInvokeTime = time;\n result = func.apply(thisArg, args);\n return result;\n }\n\n function leadingEdge(time) {\n // Reset any `maxWait` timer.\n lastInvokeTime = time;\n // Start the timer for the trailing edge.\n timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);\n // Invoke the leading edge.\n return leading ? invokeFunc(time) : result;\n }\n\n function remainingWait(time) {\n var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime,\n timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime,\n result = wait - timeSinceLastCall;\n\n return maxing ? nativeMin(result, maxWait - timeSinceLastInvoke) : result;\n }\n\n function shouldInvoke(time) {\n var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime,\n timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime;\n\n // Either this is the first call, activity has stopped and we're at the\n // trailing edge, the system time has gone backwards and we're treating\n // it as the trailing edge, or we've hit the `maxWait` limit.\n return (lastCallTime === undefined || (timeSinceLastCall >= wait) ||\n (timeSinceLastCall < 0) || (maxing && timeSinceLastInvoke >= maxWait));\n }\n\n function timerExpired() {\n var time = now();\n if (shouldInvoke(time)) {\n return trailingEdge(time);\n }\n // Restart the timer.\n timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, remainingWait(time));\n }\n\n function trailingEdge(time) {\n timerId = undefined;\n\n // Only invoke if we have `lastArgs` which means `func` has been\n // debounced at least once.\n if (trailing && lastArgs) {\n return invokeFunc(time);\n }\n lastArgs = lastThis = undefined;\n return result;\n }\n\n function cancel() {\n if (timerId !== undefined) {\n clearTimeout(timerId);\n }\n lastInvokeTime = 0;\n lastArgs = lastCallTime = lastThis = timerId = undefined;\n }\n\n function flush() {\n return timerId === undefined ? result : trailingEdge(now());\n }\n\n function debounced() {\n var time = now(),\n isInvoking = shouldInvoke(time);\n\n lastArgs = arguments;\n lastThis = this;\n lastCallTime = time;\n\n if (isInvoking) {\n if (timerId === undefined) {\n return leadingEdge(lastCallTime);\n }\n if (maxing) {\n // Handle invocations in a tight loop.\n timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);\n return invokeFunc(lastCallTime);\n }\n }\n if (timerId === undefined) {\n timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);\n }\n return result;\n }\n debounced.cancel = cancel;\n debounced.flush = flush;\n return debounced;\n}\n\n/**\n * Checks if `value` is the\n * [language type](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-ecmascript-language-types)\n * of `Object`. (e.g. arrays, functions, objects, regexes, `new Number(0)`, and `new String('')`)\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 0.1.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an object, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isObject({});\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObject([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObject(_.noop);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObject(null);\n * // => false\n */\nfunction isObject(value) {\n var type = typeof value;\n return !!value && (type == 'object' || type == 'function');\n}\n\n/**\n * Checks if `value` is object-like. A value is object-like if it's not `null`\n * and has a `typeof` result of \"object\".\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 4.0.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is object-like, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isObjectLike({});\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObjectLike([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObjectLike(_.noop);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isObjectLike(null);\n * // => false\n */\nfunction isObjectLike(value) {\n return !!value && typeof value == 'object';\n}\n\n/**\n * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Symbol` primitive or object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 4.0.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a symbol, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isSymbol(Symbol.iterator);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isSymbol('abc');\n * // => false\n */\nfunction isSymbol(value) {\n return typeof value == 'symbol' ||\n (isObjectLike(value) && objectToString.call(value) == symbolTag);\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts `value` to a number.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 4.0.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to process.\n * @returns {number} Returns the number.\n * @example\n *\n * _.toNumber(3.2);\n * // => 3.2\n *\n * _.toNumber(Number.MIN_VALUE);\n * // => 5e-324\n *\n * _.toNumber(Infinity);\n * // => Infinity\n *\n * _.toNumber('3.2');\n * // => 3.2\n */\nfunction toNumber(value) {\n if (typeof value == 'number') {\n return value;\n }\n if (isSymbol(value)) {\n return NAN;\n }\n if (isObject(value)) {\n var other = typeof value.valueOf == 'function' ? value.valueOf() : value;\n value = isObject(other) ? (other + '') : other;\n }\n if (typeof value != 'string') {\n return value === 0 ? value : +value;\n }\n value = value.replace(reTrim, '');\n var isBinary = reIsBinary.test(value);\n return (isBinary || reIsOctal.test(value))\n ? freeParseInt(value.slice(2), isBinary ? 2 : 8)\n : (reIsBadHex.test(value) ? NAN : +value);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = debounce;\n","/*\nobject-assign\n(c) Sindre Sorhus\n@license MIT\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */\nvar getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;\nvar hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nvar propIsEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;\n\nfunction toObject(val) {\n\tif (val === null || val === undefined) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError('Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined');\n\t}\n\n\treturn Object(val);\n}\n\nfunction shouldUseNative() {\n\ttry {\n\t\tif (!Object.assign) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Detect buggy property enumeration order in older V8 versions.\n\n\t\t// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=4118\n\t\tvar test1 = new String('abc'); // eslint-disable-line no-new-wrappers\n\t\ttest1[5] = 'de';\n\t\tif (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(test1)[0] === '5') {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3056\n\t\tvar test2 = {};\n\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n\t\t\ttest2['_' + String.fromCharCode(i)] = i;\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar order2 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(test2).map(function (n) {\n\t\t\treturn test2[n];\n\t\t});\n\t\tif (order2.join('') !== '0123456789') {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3056\n\t\tvar test3 = {};\n\t\t'abcdefghijklmnopqrst'.split('').forEach(function (letter) {\n\t\t\ttest3[letter] = letter;\n\t\t});\n\t\tif (Object.keys(Object.assign({}, test3)).join('') !==\n\t\t\t\t'abcdefghijklmnopqrst') {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} catch (err) {\n\t\t// We don't expect any of the above to throw, but better to be safe.\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n}\n\nmodule.exports = shouldUseNative() ? Object.assign : function (target, source) {\n\tvar from;\n\tvar to = toObject(target);\n\tvar symbols;\n\n\tfor (var s = 1; s < arguments.length; s++) {\n\t\tfrom = Object(arguments[s]);\n\n\t\tfor (var key in from) {\n\t\t\tif (hasOwnProperty.call(from, key)) {\n\t\t\t\tto[key] = from[key];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (getOwnPropertySymbols) {\n\t\t\tsymbols = getOwnPropertySymbols(from);\n\t\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\tif (propIsEnumerable.call(from, symbols[i])) {\n\t\t\t\t\tto[symbols[i]] = from[symbols[i]];\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn to;\n};\n","var isarray = require('isarray')\n\n/**\n * Expose `pathToRegexp`.\n */\nmodule.exports = pathToRegexp\nmodule.exports.parse = parse\nmodule.exports.compile = compile\nmodule.exports.tokensToFunction = tokensToFunction\nmodule.exports.tokensToRegExp = tokensToRegExp\n\n/**\n * The main path matching regexp utility.\n *\n * @type {RegExp}\n */\nvar PATH_REGEXP = new RegExp([\n // Match escaped characters that would otherwise appear in future matches.\n // This allows the user to escape special characters that won't transform.\n '(\\\\\\\\.)',\n // Match Express-style parameters and un-named parameters with a prefix\n // and optional suffixes. Matches appear as:\n //\n // \"/:test(\\\\d+)?\" => [\"/\", \"test\", \"\\d+\", undefined, \"?\", undefined]\n // \"/route(\\\\d+)\" => [undefined, undefined, undefined, \"\\d+\", undefined, undefined]\n // \"/*\" => [\"/\", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, \"*\"]\n '([\\\\/.])?(?:(?:\\\\:(\\\\w+)(?:\\\\(((?:\\\\\\\\.|[^\\\\\\\\()])+)\\\\))?|\\\\(((?:\\\\\\\\.|[^\\\\\\\\()])+)\\\\))([+*?])?|(\\\\*))'\n].join('|'), 'g')\n\n/**\n * Parse a string for the raw tokens.\n *\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {Object=} options\n * @return {!Array}\n */\nfunction parse (str, options) {\n var tokens = []\n var key = 0\n var index = 0\n var path = ''\n var defaultDelimiter = options && options.delimiter || '/'\n var res\n\n while ((res = PATH_REGEXP.exec(str)) != null) {\n var m = res[0]\n var escaped = res[1]\n var offset = res.index\n path += str.slice(index, offset)\n index = offset + m.length\n\n // Ignore already escaped sequences.\n if (escaped) {\n path += escaped[1]\n continue\n }\n\n var next = str[index]\n var prefix = res[2]\n var name = res[3]\n var capture = res[4]\n var group = res[5]\n var modifier = res[6]\n var asterisk = res[7]\n\n // Push the current path onto the tokens.\n if (path) {\n tokens.push(path)\n path = ''\n }\n\n var partial = prefix != null && next != null && next !== prefix\n var repeat = modifier === '+' || modifier === '*'\n var optional = modifier === '?' || modifier === '*'\n var delimiter = res[2] || defaultDelimiter\n var pattern = capture || group\n\n tokens.push({\n name: name || key++,\n prefix: prefix || '',\n delimiter: delimiter,\n optional: optional,\n repeat: repeat,\n partial: partial,\n asterisk: !!asterisk,\n pattern: pattern ? escapeGroup(pattern) : (asterisk ? '.*' : '[^' + escapeString(delimiter) + ']+?')\n })\n }\n\n // Match any characters still remaining.\n if (index < str.length) {\n path += str.substr(index)\n }\n\n // If the path exists, push it onto the end.\n if (path) {\n tokens.push(path)\n }\n\n return tokens\n}\n\n/**\n * Compile a string to a template function for the path.\n *\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {Object=} options\n * @return {!function(Object=, Object=)}\n */\nfunction compile (str, options) {\n return tokensToFunction(parse(str, options), options)\n}\n\n/**\n * Prettier encoding of URI path segments.\n *\n * @param {string}\n * @return {string}\n */\nfunction encodeURIComponentPretty (str) {\n return encodeURI(str).replace(/[\\/?#]/g, function (c) {\n return '%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()\n })\n}\n\n/**\n * Encode the asterisk parameter. Similar to `pretty`, but allows slashes.\n *\n * @param {string}\n * @return {string}\n */\nfunction encodeAsterisk (str) {\n return encodeURI(str).replace(/[?#]/g, function (c) {\n return '%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()\n })\n}\n\n/**\n * Expose a method for transforming tokens into the path function.\n */\nfunction tokensToFunction (tokens, options) {\n // Compile all the tokens into regexps.\n var matches = new Array(tokens.length)\n\n // Compile all the patterns before compilation.\n for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {\n if (typeof tokens[i] === 'object') {\n matches[i] = new RegExp('^(?:' + tokens[i].pattern + ')$', flags(options))\n }\n }\n\n return function (obj, opts) {\n var path = ''\n var data = obj || {}\n var options = opts || {}\n var encode = options.pretty ? encodeURIComponentPretty : encodeURIComponent\n\n for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {\n var token = tokens[i]\n\n if (typeof token === 'string') {\n path += token\n\n continue\n }\n\n var value = data[token.name]\n var segment\n\n if (value == null) {\n if (token.optional) {\n // Prepend partial segment prefixes.\n if (token.partial) {\n path += token.prefix\n }\n\n continue\n } else {\n throw new TypeError('Expected \"' + token.name + '\" to be defined')\n }\n }\n\n if (isarray(value)) {\n if (!token.repeat) {\n throw new TypeError('Expected \"' + token.name + '\" to not repeat, but received `' + JSON.stringify(value) + '`')\n }\n\n if (value.length === 0) {\n if (token.optional) {\n continue\n } else {\n throw new TypeError('Expected \"' + token.name + '\" to not be empty')\n }\n }\n\n for (var j = 0; j < value.length; j++) {\n segment = encode(value[j])\n\n if (!matches[i].test(segment)) {\n throw new TypeError('Expected all \"' + token.name + '\" to match \"' + token.pattern + '\", but received `' + JSON.stringify(segment) + '`')\n }\n\n path += (j === 0 ? token.prefix : token.delimiter) + segment\n }\n\n continue\n }\n\n segment = token.asterisk ? encodeAsterisk(value) : encode(value)\n\n if (!matches[i].test(segment)) {\n throw new TypeError('Expected \"' + token.name + '\" to match \"' + token.pattern + '\", but received \"' + segment + '\"')\n }\n\n path += token.prefix + segment\n }\n\n return path\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Escape a regular expression string.\n *\n * @param {string} str\n * @return {string}\n */\nfunction escapeString (str) {\n return str.replace(/([.+*?=^!:${}()[\\]|\\/\\\\])/g, '\\\\$1')\n}\n\n/**\n * Escape the capturing group by escaping special characters and meaning.\n *\n * @param {string} group\n * @return {string}\n */\nfunction escapeGroup (group) {\n return group.replace(/([=!:$\\/()])/g, '\\\\$1')\n}\n\n/**\n * Attach the keys as a property of the regexp.\n *\n * @param {!RegExp} re\n * @param {Array} keys\n * @return {!RegExp}\n */\nfunction attachKeys (re, keys) {\n re.keys = keys\n return re\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the flags for a regexp from the options.\n *\n * @param {Object} options\n * @return {string}\n */\nfunction flags (options) {\n return options && options.sensitive ? '' : 'i'\n}\n\n/**\n * Pull out keys from a regexp.\n *\n * @param {!RegExp} path\n * @param {!Array} keys\n * @return {!RegExp}\n */\nfunction regexpToRegexp (path, keys) {\n // Use a negative lookahead to match only capturing groups.\n var groups = path.source.match(/\\((?!\\?)/g)\n\n if (groups) {\n for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {\n keys.push({\n name: i,\n prefix: null,\n delimiter: null,\n optional: false,\n repeat: false,\n partial: false,\n asterisk: false,\n pattern: null\n })\n }\n }\n\n return attachKeys(path, keys)\n}\n\n/**\n * Transform an array into a regexp.\n *\n * @param {!Array} path\n * @param {Array} keys\n * @param {!Object} options\n * @return {!RegExp}\n */\nfunction arrayToRegexp (path, keys, options) {\n var parts = []\n\n for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {\n parts.push(pathToRegexp(path[i], keys, options).source)\n }\n\n var regexp = new RegExp('(?:' + parts.join('|') + ')', flags(options))\n\n return attachKeys(regexp, keys)\n}\n\n/**\n * Create a path regexp from string input.\n *\n * @param {string} path\n * @param {!Array} keys\n * @param {!Object} options\n * @return {!RegExp}\n */\nfunction stringToRegexp (path, keys, options) {\n return tokensToRegExp(parse(path, options), keys, options)\n}\n\n/**\n * Expose a function for taking tokens and returning a RegExp.\n *\n * @param {!Array} tokens\n * @param {(Array|Object)=} keys\n * @param {Object=} options\n * @return {!RegExp}\n */\nfunction tokensToRegExp (tokens, keys, options) {\n if (!isarray(keys)) {\n options = /** @type {!Object} */ (keys || options)\n keys = []\n }\n\n options = options || {}\n\n var strict = options.strict\n var end = options.end !== false\n var route = ''\n\n // Iterate over the tokens and create our regexp string.\n for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {\n var token = tokens[i]\n\n if (typeof token === 'string') {\n route += escapeString(token)\n } else {\n var prefix = escapeString(token.prefix)\n var capture = '(?:' + token.pattern + ')'\n\n keys.push(token)\n\n if (token.repeat) {\n capture += '(?:' + prefix + capture + ')*'\n }\n\n if (token.optional) {\n if (!token.partial) {\n capture = '(?:' + prefix + '(' + capture + '))?'\n } else {\n capture = prefix + '(' + capture + ')?'\n }\n } else {\n capture = prefix + '(' + capture + ')'\n }\n\n route += capture\n }\n }\n\n var delimiter = escapeString(options.delimiter || '/')\n var endsWithDelimiter = route.slice(-delimiter.length) === delimiter\n\n // In non-strict mode we allow a slash at the end of match. If the path to\n // match already ends with a slash, we remove it for consistency. The slash\n // is valid at the end of a path match, not in the middle. This is important\n // in non-ending mode, where \"/test/\" shouldn't match \"/test//route\".\n if (!strict) {\n route = (endsWithDelimiter ? route.slice(0, -delimiter.length) : route) + '(?:' + delimiter + '(?=$))?'\n }\n\n if (end) {\n route += '$'\n } else {\n // In non-ending mode, we need the capturing groups to match as much as\n // possible by using a positive lookahead to the end or next path segment.\n route += strict && endsWithDelimiter ? '' : '(?=' + delimiter + '|$)'\n }\n\n return attachKeys(new RegExp('^' + route, flags(options)), keys)\n}\n\n/**\n * Normalize the given path string, returning a regular expression.\n *\n * An empty array can be passed in for the keys, which will hold the\n * placeholder key descriptions. For example, using `/user/:id`, `keys` will\n * contain `[{ name: 'id', delimiter: '/', optional: false, repeat: false }]`.\n *\n * @param {(string|RegExp|Array)} path\n * @param {(Array|Object)=} keys\n * @param {Object=} options\n * @return {!RegExp}\n */\nfunction pathToRegexp (path, keys, options) {\n if (!isarray(keys)) {\n options = /** @type {!Object} */ (keys || options)\n keys = []\n }\n\n options = options || {}\n\n if (path instanceof RegExp) {\n return regexpToRegexp(path, /** @type {!Array} */ (keys))\n }\n\n if (isarray(path)) {\n return arrayToRegexp(/** @type {!Array} */ (path), /** @type {!Array} */ (keys), options)\n }\n\n return stringToRegexp(/** @type {string} */ (path), /** @type {!Array} */ (keys), options)\n}\n","module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(arr) == '[object Array]';\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ReactPropTypesSecret = require('./lib/ReactPropTypesSecret');\n\nfunction emptyFunction() {}\nfunction emptyFunctionWithReset() {}\nemptyFunctionWithReset.resetWarningCache = emptyFunction;\n\nmodule.exports = function() {\n function shim(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName, secret) {\n if (secret === ReactPropTypesSecret) {\n // It is still safe when called from React.\n return;\n }\n var err = new Error(\n 'Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. ' +\n 'Use PropTypes.checkPropTypes() to call them. ' +\n 'Read more at http://fb.me/use-check-prop-types'\n );\n err.name = 'Invariant Violation';\n throw err;\n };\n shim.isRequired = shim;\n function getShim() {\n return shim;\n };\n // Important!\n // Keep this list in sync with production version in `./factoryWithTypeCheckers.js`.\n var ReactPropTypes = {\n array: shim,\n bigint: shim,\n bool: shim,\n func: shim,\n number: shim,\n object: shim,\n string: shim,\n symbol: shim,\n\n any: shim,\n arrayOf: getShim,\n element: shim,\n elementType: shim,\n instanceOf: getShim,\n node: shim,\n objectOf: getShim,\n oneOf: getShim,\n oneOfType: getShim,\n shape: getShim,\n exact: getShim,\n\n checkPropTypes: emptyFunctionWithReset,\n resetWarningCache: emptyFunction\n };\n\n ReactPropTypes.PropTypes = ReactPropTypes;\n\n return ReactPropTypes;\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var ReactIs = require('react-is');\n\n // By explicitly using `prop-types` you are opting into new development behavior.\n // http://fb.me/prop-types-in-prod\n var throwOnDirectAccess = true;\n module.exports = require('./factoryWithTypeCheckers')(ReactIs.isElement, throwOnDirectAccess);\n} else {\n // By explicitly using `prop-types` you are opting into new production behavior.\n // http://fb.me/prop-types-in-prod\n module.exports = require('./factoryWithThrowingShims')();\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ReactPropTypesSecret = 'SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED';\n\nmodule.exports = ReactPropTypesSecret;\n","\"use strict\";Object.defineProperty(exports,\"__esModule\",{value:!0});var _typeof=\"function\"==typeof Symbol&&\"symbol\"==typeof 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d.getChildContext)return c;d=d.getChildContext();for(var e in d)if(!(e in a))throw Error(y(108,Ra(b)||\"Unknown\",e));return m({},c,d)}function Jf(a){a=(a=a.stateNode)&&a.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext||Cf;Df=M.current;I(M,a);I(N,N.current);return!0}function Kf(a,b,c){var d=a.stateNode;if(!d)throw Error(y(169));c?(a=If(a,b,Df),d.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext=a,H(N),H(M),I(M,a)):H(N);I(N,c)}\nvar Lf=null,Mf=null,Nf=r.unstable_runWithPriority,Of=r.unstable_scheduleCallback,Pf=r.unstable_cancelCallback,Qf=r.unstable_shouldYield,Rf=r.unstable_requestPaint,Sf=r.unstable_now,Tf=r.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel,Uf=r.unstable_ImmediatePriority,Vf=r.unstable_UserBlockingPriority,Wf=r.unstable_NormalPriority,Xf=r.unstable_LowPriority,Yf=r.unstable_IdlePriority,Zf={},$f=void 0!==Rf?Rf:function(){},ag=null,bg=null,cg=!1,dg=Sf(),O=1E4>dg?Sf:function(){return Sf()-dg};\nfunction eg(){switch(Tf()){case Uf:return 99;case Vf:return 98;case Wf:return 97;case Xf:return 96;case Yf:return 95;default:throw Error(y(332));}}function fg(a){switch(a){case 99:return Uf;case 98:return Vf;case 97:return Wf;case 96:return Xf;case 95:return Yf;default:throw Error(y(332));}}function gg(a,b){a=fg(a);return Nf(a,b)}function hg(a,b,c){a=fg(a);return Of(a,b,c)}function ig(){if(null!==bg){var a=bg;bg=null;Pf(a)}jg()}\nfunction jg(){if(!cg&&null!==ag){cg=!0;var a=0;try{var b=ag;gg(99,function(){for(;az?(q=u,u=null):q=u.sibling;var n=p(e,u,h[z],k);if(null===n){null===u&&(u=q);break}a&&u&&null===\nn.alternate&&b(e,u);g=f(n,g,z);null===t?l=n:t.sibling=n;t=n;u=q}if(z===h.length)return c(e,u),l;if(null===u){for(;zz?(q=u,u=null):q=u.sibling;var w=p(e,u,n.value,k);if(null===w){null===u&&(u=q);break}a&&u&&null===w.alternate&&b(e,u);g=f(w,g,z);null===t?l=w:t.sibling=w;t=w;u=q}if(n.done)return c(e,u),l;if(null===u){for(;!n.done;z++,n=h.next())n=A(e,n.value,k),null!==n&&(g=f(n,g,z),null===t?l=n:t.sibling=n,t=n);return l}for(u=d(e,u);!n.done;z++,n=h.next())n=C(u,e,z,n.value,k),null!==n&&(a&&null!==n.alternate&&\nu.delete(null===n.key?z:n.key),g=f(n,g,z),null===t?l=n:t.sibling=n,t=n);a&&u.forEach(function(a){return b(e,a)});return l}return function(a,d,f,h){var k=\"object\"===typeof f&&null!==f&&f.type===ua&&null===f.key;k&&(f=f.props.children);var l=\"object\"===typeof f&&null!==f;if(l)switch(f.$$typeof){case sa:a:{l=f.key;for(k=d;null!==k;){if(k.key===l){switch(k.tag){case 7:if(f.type===ua){c(a,k.sibling);d=e(k,f.props.children);d.return=a;a=d;break a}break;default:if(k.elementType===f.type){c(a,k.sibling);\nd=e(k,f.props);d.ref=Qg(a,k,f);d.return=a;a=d;break a}}c(a,k);break}else b(a,k);k=k.sibling}f.type===ua?(d=Xg(f.props.children,a.mode,h,f.key),d.return=a,a=d):(h=Vg(f.type,f.key,f.props,null,a.mode,h),h.ref=Qg(a,d,f),h.return=a,a=h)}return g(a);case ta:a:{for(k=f.key;null!==d;){if(d.key===k)if(4===d.tag&&d.stateNode.containerInfo===f.containerInfo&&d.stateNode.implementation===f.implementation){c(a,d.sibling);d=e(d,f.children||[]);d.return=a;a=d;break a}else{c(a,d);break}else b(a,d);d=d.sibling}d=\nWg(f,a.mode,h);d.return=a;a=d}return g(a)}if(\"string\"===typeof f||\"number\"===typeof f)return f=\"\"+f,null!==d&&6===d.tag?(c(a,d.sibling),d=e(d,f),d.return=a,a=d):(c(a,d),d=Ug(f,a.mode,h),d.return=a,a=d),g(a);if(Pg(f))return x(a,d,f,h);if(La(f))return w(a,d,f,h);l&&Rg(a,f);if(\"undefined\"===typeof f&&!k)switch(a.tag){case 1:case 22:case 0:case 11:case 15:throw Error(y(152,Ra(a.type)||\"Component\"));}return c(a,d)}}var Yg=Sg(!0),Zg=Sg(!1),$g={},ah=Bf($g),bh=Bf($g),ch=Bf($g);\nfunction dh(a){if(a===$g)throw Error(y(174));return a}function eh(a,b){I(ch,b);I(bh,a);I(ah,$g);a=b.nodeType;switch(a){case 9:case 11:b=(b=b.documentElement)?b.namespaceURI:mb(null,\"\");break;default:a=8===a?b.parentNode:b,b=a.namespaceURI||null,a=a.tagName,b=mb(b,a)}H(ah);I(ah,b)}function fh(){H(ah);H(bh);H(ch)}function gh(a){dh(ch.current);var b=dh(ah.current);var c=mb(b,a.type);b!==c&&(I(bh,a),I(ah,c))}function hh(a){bh.current===a&&(H(ah),H(bh))}var P=Bf(0);\nfunction ih(a){for(var b=a;null!==b;){if(13===b.tag){var c=b.memoizedState;if(null!==c&&(c=c.dehydrated,null===c||\"$?\"===c.data||\"$!\"===c.data))return b}else if(19===b.tag&&void 0!==b.memoizedProps.revealOrder){if(0!==(b.flags&64))return b}else if(null!==b.child){b.child.return=b;b=b.child;continue}if(b===a)break;for(;null===b.sibling;){if(null===b.return||b.return===a)return null;b=b.return}b.sibling.return=b.return;b=b.sibling}return null}var jh=null,kh=null,lh=!1;\nfunction mh(a,b){var c=nh(5,null,null,0);c.elementType=\"DELETED\";c.type=\"DELETED\";c.stateNode=b;c.return=a;c.flags=8;null!==a.lastEffect?(a.lastEffect.nextEffect=c,a.lastEffect=c):a.firstEffect=a.lastEffect=c}function oh(a,b){switch(a.tag){case 5:var c=a.type;b=1!==b.nodeType||c.toLowerCase()!==b.nodeName.toLowerCase()?null:b;return null!==b?(a.stateNode=b,!0):!1;case 6:return b=\"\"===a.pendingProps||3!==b.nodeType?null:b,null!==b?(a.stateNode=b,!0):!1;case 13:return!1;default:return!1}}\nfunction ph(a){if(lh){var b=kh;if(b){var c=b;if(!oh(a,b)){b=rf(c.nextSibling);if(!b||!oh(a,b)){a.flags=a.flags&-1025|2;lh=!1;jh=a;return}mh(jh,c)}jh=a;kh=rf(b.firstChild)}else a.flags=a.flags&-1025|2,lh=!1,jh=a}}function qh(a){for(a=a.return;null!==a&&5!==a.tag&&3!==a.tag&&13!==a.tag;)a=a.return;jh=a}\nfunction rh(a){if(a!==jh)return!1;if(!lh)return qh(a),lh=!0,!1;var b=a.type;if(5!==a.tag||\"head\"!==b&&\"body\"!==b&&!nf(b,a.memoizedProps))for(b=kh;b;)mh(a,b),b=rf(b.nextSibling);qh(a);if(13===a.tag){a=a.memoizedState;a=null!==a?a.dehydrated:null;if(!a)throw Error(y(317));a:{a=a.nextSibling;for(b=0;a;){if(8===a.nodeType){var c=a.data;if(\"/$\"===c){if(0===b){kh=rf(a.nextSibling);break a}b--}else\"$\"!==c&&\"$!\"!==c&&\"$?\"!==c||b++}a=a.nextSibling}kh=null}}else kh=jh?rf(a.stateNode.nextSibling):null;return!0}\nfunction sh(){kh=jh=null;lh=!1}var th=[];function uh(){for(var a=0;af))throw Error(y(301));f+=1;T=S=null;b.updateQueue=null;vh.current=Fh;a=c(d,e)}while(zh)}vh.current=Gh;b=null!==S&&null!==S.next;xh=0;T=S=R=null;yh=!1;if(b)throw Error(y(300));return a}function Hh(){var a={memoizedState:null,baseState:null,baseQueue:null,queue:null,next:null};null===T?R.memoizedState=T=a:T=T.next=a;return T}\nfunction Ih(){if(null===S){var a=R.alternate;a=null!==a?a.memoizedState:null}else a=S.next;var b=null===T?R.memoizedState:T.next;if(null!==b)T=b,S=a;else{if(null===a)throw Error(y(310));S=a;a={memoizedState:S.memoizedState,baseState:S.baseState,baseQueue:S.baseQueue,queue:S.queue,next:null};null===T?R.memoizedState=T=a:T=T.next=a}return T}function Jh(a,b){return\"function\"===typeof b?b(a):b}\nfunction Kh(a){var b=Ih(),c=b.queue;if(null===c)throw Error(y(311));c.lastRenderedReducer=a;var d=S,e=d.baseQueue,f=c.pending;if(null!==f){if(null!==e){var g=e.next;e.next=f.next;f.next=g}d.baseQueue=e=f;c.pending=null}if(null!==e){e=e.next;d=d.baseState;var h=g=f=null,k=e;do{var l=k.lane;if((xh&l)===l)null!==h&&(h=h.next={lane:0,action:k.action,eagerReducer:k.eagerReducer,eagerState:k.eagerState,next:null}),d=k.eagerReducer===a?k.eagerState:a(d,k.action);else{var n={lane:l,action:k.action,eagerReducer:k.eagerReducer,\neagerState:k.eagerState,next:null};null===h?(g=h=n,f=d):h=h.next=n;R.lanes|=l;Dg|=l}k=k.next}while(null!==k&&k!==e);null===h?f=d:h.next=g;He(d,b.memoizedState)||(ug=!0);b.memoizedState=d;b.baseState=f;b.baseQueue=h;c.lastRenderedState=d}return[b.memoizedState,c.dispatch]}\nfunction Lh(a){var b=Ih(),c=b.queue;if(null===c)throw Error(y(311));c.lastRenderedReducer=a;var d=c.dispatch,e=c.pending,f=b.memoizedState;if(null!==e){c.pending=null;var g=e=e.next;do f=a(f,g.action),g=g.next;while(g!==e);He(f,b.memoizedState)||(ug=!0);b.memoizedState=f;null===b.baseQueue&&(b.baseState=f);c.lastRenderedState=f}return[f,d]}\nfunction Mh(a,b,c){var d=b._getVersion;d=d(b._source);var e=b._workInProgressVersionPrimary;if(null!==e)a=e===d;else if(a=a.mutableReadLanes,a=(xh&a)===a)b._workInProgressVersionPrimary=d,th.push(b);if(a)return c(b._source);th.push(b);throw Error(y(350));}\nfunction Nh(a,b,c,d){var e=U;if(null===e)throw Error(y(349));var f=b._getVersion,g=f(b._source),h=vh.current,k=h.useState(function(){return Mh(e,b,c)}),l=k[1],n=k[0];k=T;var A=a.memoizedState,p=A.refs,C=p.getSnapshot,x=A.source;A=A.subscribe;var w=R;a.memoizedState={refs:p,source:b,subscribe:d};h.useEffect(function(){p.getSnapshot=c;p.setSnapshot=l;var a=f(b._source);if(!He(g,a)){a=c(b._source);He(n,a)||(l(a),a=Ig(w),e.mutableReadLanes|=a&e.pendingLanes);a=e.mutableReadLanes;e.entangledLanes|=a;for(var d=\ne.entanglements,h=a;0c?98:c,function(){a(!0)});gg(97\\x3c/script>\",a=a.removeChild(a.firstChild)):\"string\"===typeof d.is?a=g.createElement(c,{is:d.is}):(a=g.createElement(c),\"select\"===c&&(g=a,d.multiple?g.multiple=!0:d.size&&(g.size=d.size))):a=g.createElementNS(a,c);a[wf]=b;a[xf]=d;Bi(a,b,!1,!1);b.stateNode=a;g=wb(c,d);switch(c){case \"dialog\":G(\"cancel\",a);G(\"close\",a);\ne=d;break;case \"iframe\":case \"object\":case \"embed\":G(\"load\",a);e=d;break;case \"video\":case \"audio\":for(e=0;eJi&&(b.flags|=64,f=!0,Fi(d,!1),b.lanes=33554432)}else{if(!f)if(a=ih(g),null!==a){if(b.flags|=64,f=!0,c=a.updateQueue,null!==c&&(b.updateQueue=c,b.flags|=4),Fi(d,!0),null===d.tail&&\"hidden\"===d.tailMode&&!g.alternate&&!lh)return b=b.lastEffect=d.lastEffect,null!==b&&(b.nextEffect=null),null}else 2*O()-d.renderingStartTime>Ji&&1073741824!==c&&(b.flags|=\n64,f=!0,Fi(d,!1),b.lanes=33554432);d.isBackwards?(g.sibling=b.child,b.child=g):(c=d.last,null!==c?c.sibling=g:b.child=g,d.last=g)}return null!==d.tail?(c=d.tail,d.rendering=c,d.tail=c.sibling,d.lastEffect=b.lastEffect,d.renderingStartTime=O(),c.sibling=null,b=P.current,I(P,f?b&1|2:b&1),c):null;case 23:case 24:return Ki(),null!==a&&null!==a.memoizedState!==(null!==b.memoizedState)&&\"unstable-defer-without-hiding\"!==d.mode&&(b.flags|=4),null}throw Error(y(156,b.tag));}\nfunction Li(a){switch(a.tag){case 1:Ff(a.type)&&Gf();var b=a.flags;return b&4096?(a.flags=b&-4097|64,a):null;case 3:fh();H(N);H(M);uh();b=a.flags;if(0!==(b&64))throw Error(y(285));a.flags=b&-4097|64;return a;case 5:return hh(a),null;case 13:return H(P),b=a.flags,b&4096?(a.flags=b&-4097|64,a):null;case 19:return H(P),null;case 4:return fh(),null;case 10:return rg(a),null;case 23:case 24:return Ki(),null;default:return null}}\nfunction Mi(a,b){try{var c=\"\",d=b;do c+=Qa(d),d=d.return;while(d);var e=c}catch(f){e=\"\\nError generating stack: \"+f.message+\"\\n\"+f.stack}return{value:a,source:b,stack:e}}function Ni(a,b){try{console.error(b.value)}catch(c){setTimeout(function(){throw c;})}}var Oi=\"function\"===typeof WeakMap?WeakMap:Map;function Pi(a,b,c){c=zg(-1,c);c.tag=3;c.payload={element:null};var d=b.value;c.callback=function(){Qi||(Qi=!0,Ri=d);Ni(a,b)};return c}\nfunction Si(a,b,c){c=zg(-1,c);c.tag=3;var d=a.type.getDerivedStateFromError;if(\"function\"===typeof d){var e=b.value;c.payload=function(){Ni(a,b);return d(e)}}var f=a.stateNode;null!==f&&\"function\"===typeof f.componentDidCatch&&(c.callback=function(){\"function\"!==typeof d&&(null===Ti?Ti=new Set([this]):Ti.add(this),Ni(a,b));var c=b.stack;this.componentDidCatch(b.value,{componentStack:null!==c?c:\"\"})});return c}var Ui=\"function\"===typeof WeakSet?WeakSet:Set;\nfunction Vi(a){var b=a.ref;if(null!==b)if(\"function\"===typeof b)try{b(null)}catch(c){Wi(a,c)}else b.current=null}function Xi(a,b){switch(b.tag){case 0:case 11:case 15:case 22:return;case 1:if(b.flags&256&&null!==a){var c=a.memoizedProps,d=a.memoizedState;a=b.stateNode;b=a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(b.elementType===b.type?c:lg(b.type,c),d);a.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate=b}return;case 3:b.flags&256&&qf(b.stateNode.containerInfo);return;case 5:case 6:case 4:case 17:return}throw Error(y(163));}\nfunction Yi(a,b,c){switch(c.tag){case 0:case 11:case 15:case 22:b=c.updateQueue;b=null!==b?b.lastEffect:null;if(null!==b){a=b=b.next;do{if(3===(a.tag&3)){var d=a.create;a.destroy=d()}a=a.next}while(a!==b)}b=c.updateQueue;b=null!==b?b.lastEffect:null;if(null!==b){a=b=b.next;do{var e=a;d=e.next;e=e.tag;0!==(e&4)&&0!==(e&1)&&(Zi(c,a),$i(c,a));a=d}while(a!==b)}return;case 1:a=c.stateNode;c.flags&4&&(null===b?a.componentDidMount():(d=c.elementType===c.type?b.memoizedProps:lg(c.type,b.memoizedProps),a.componentDidUpdate(d,\nb.memoizedState,a.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate)));b=c.updateQueue;null!==b&&Eg(c,b,a);return;case 3:b=c.updateQueue;if(null!==b){a=null;if(null!==c.child)switch(c.child.tag){case 5:a=c.child.stateNode;break;case 1:a=c.child.stateNode}Eg(c,b,a)}return;case 5:a=c.stateNode;null===b&&c.flags&4&&mf(c.type,c.memoizedProps)&&a.focus();return;case 6:return;case 4:return;case 12:return;case 13:null===c.memoizedState&&(c=c.alternate,null!==c&&(c=c.memoizedState,null!==c&&(c=c.dehydrated,null!==c&&Cc(c))));\nreturn;case 19:case 17:case 20:case 21:case 23:case 24:return}throw Error(y(163));}\nfunction aj(a,b){for(var c=a;;){if(5===c.tag){var d=c.stateNode;if(b)d=d.style,\"function\"===typeof d.setProperty?d.setProperty(\"display\",\"none\",\"important\"):d.display=\"none\";else{d=c.stateNode;var e=c.memoizedProps.style;e=void 0!==e&&null!==e&&e.hasOwnProperty(\"display\")?e.display:null;d.style.display=sb(\"display\",e)}}else if(6===c.tag)c.stateNode.nodeValue=b?\"\":c.memoizedProps;else if((23!==c.tag&&24!==c.tag||null===c.memoizedState||c===a)&&null!==c.child){c.child.return=c;c=c.child;continue}if(c===\na)break;for(;null===c.sibling;){if(null===c.return||c.return===a)return;c=c.return}c.sibling.return=c.return;c=c.sibling}}\nfunction bj(a,b){if(Mf&&\"function\"===typeof Mf.onCommitFiberUnmount)try{Mf.onCommitFiberUnmount(Lf,b)}catch(f){}switch(b.tag){case 0:case 11:case 14:case 15:case 22:a=b.updateQueue;if(null!==a&&(a=a.lastEffect,null!==a)){var c=a=a.next;do{var d=c,e=d.destroy;d=d.tag;if(void 0!==e)if(0!==(d&4))Zi(b,c);else{d=b;try{e()}catch(f){Wi(d,f)}}c=c.next}while(c!==a)}break;case 1:Vi(b);a=b.stateNode;if(\"function\"===typeof a.componentWillUnmount)try{a.props=b.memoizedProps,a.state=b.memoizedState,a.componentWillUnmount()}catch(f){Wi(b,\nf)}break;case 5:Vi(b);break;case 4:cj(a,b)}}function dj(a){a.alternate=null;a.child=null;a.dependencies=null;a.firstEffect=null;a.lastEffect=null;a.memoizedProps=null;a.memoizedState=null;a.pendingProps=null;a.return=null;a.updateQueue=null}function ej(a){return 5===a.tag||3===a.tag||4===a.tag}\nfunction fj(a){a:{for(var b=a.return;null!==b;){if(ej(b))break a;b=b.return}throw Error(y(160));}var c=b;b=c.stateNode;switch(c.tag){case 5:var d=!1;break;case 3:b=b.containerInfo;d=!0;break;case 4:b=b.containerInfo;d=!0;break;default:throw Error(y(161));}c.flags&16&&(pb(b,\"\"),c.flags&=-17);a:b:for(c=a;;){for(;null===c.sibling;){if(null===c.return||ej(c.return)){c=null;break a}c=c.return}c.sibling.return=c.return;for(c=c.sibling;5!==c.tag&&6!==c.tag&&18!==c.tag;){if(c.flags&2)continue b;if(null===\nc.child||4===c.tag)continue b;else c.child.return=c,c=c.child}if(!(c.flags&2)){c=c.stateNode;break a}}d?gj(a,c,b):hj(a,c,b)}\nfunction gj(a,b,c){var d=a.tag,e=5===d||6===d;if(e)a=e?a.stateNode:a.stateNode.instance,b?8===c.nodeType?c.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b):c.insertBefore(a,b):(8===c.nodeType?(b=c.parentNode,b.insertBefore(a,c)):(b=c,b.appendChild(a)),c=c._reactRootContainer,null!==c&&void 0!==c||null!==b.onclick||(b.onclick=jf));else if(4!==d&&(a=a.child,null!==a))for(gj(a,b,c),a=a.sibling;null!==a;)gj(a,b,c),a=a.sibling}\nfunction hj(a,b,c){var d=a.tag,e=5===d||6===d;if(e)a=e?a.stateNode:a.stateNode.instance,b?c.insertBefore(a,b):c.appendChild(a);else if(4!==d&&(a=a.child,null!==a))for(hj(a,b,c),a=a.sibling;null!==a;)hj(a,b,c),a=a.sibling}\nfunction cj(a,b){for(var c=b,d=!1,e,f;;){if(!d){d=c.return;a:for(;;){if(null===d)throw Error(y(160));e=d.stateNode;switch(d.tag){case 5:f=!1;break a;case 3:e=e.containerInfo;f=!0;break a;case 4:e=e.containerInfo;f=!0;break a}d=d.return}d=!0}if(5===c.tag||6===c.tag){a:for(var g=a,h=c,k=h;;)if(bj(g,k),null!==k.child&&4!==k.tag)k.child.return=k,k=k.child;else{if(k===h)break a;for(;null===k.sibling;){if(null===k.return||k.return===h)break a;k=k.return}k.sibling.return=k.return;k=k.sibling}f?(g=e,h=c.stateNode,\n8===g.nodeType?g.parentNode.removeChild(h):g.removeChild(h)):e.removeChild(c.stateNode)}else if(4===c.tag){if(null!==c.child){e=c.stateNode.containerInfo;f=!0;c.child.return=c;c=c.child;continue}}else if(bj(a,c),null!==c.child){c.child.return=c;c=c.child;continue}if(c===b)break;for(;null===c.sibling;){if(null===c.return||c.return===b)return;c=c.return;4===c.tag&&(d=!1)}c.sibling.return=c.return;c=c.sibling}}\nfunction ij(a,b){switch(b.tag){case 0:case 11:case 14:case 15:case 22:var c=b.updateQueue;c=null!==c?c.lastEffect:null;if(null!==c){var d=c=c.next;do 3===(d.tag&3)&&(a=d.destroy,d.destroy=void 0,void 0!==a&&a()),d=d.next;while(d!==c)}return;case 1:return;case 5:c=b.stateNode;if(null!=c){d=b.memoizedProps;var e=null!==a?a.memoizedProps:d;a=b.type;var f=b.updateQueue;b.updateQueue=null;if(null!==f){c[xf]=d;\"input\"===a&&\"radio\"===d.type&&null!=d.name&&$a(c,d);wb(a,e);b=wb(a,d);for(e=0;ee&&(e=g);c&=~f}c=e;c=O()-c;c=(120>c?120:480>c?480:1080>c?1080:1920>c?1920:3E3>c?3E3:4320>\nc?4320:1960*nj(c/1960))-c;if(10 component higher in the tree to provide a loading indicator or placeholder to display.\")}5!==V&&(V=2);k=Mi(k,h);p=\ng;do{switch(p.tag){case 3:f=k;p.flags|=4096;b&=-b;p.lanes|=b;var J=Pi(p,f,b);Bg(p,J);break a;case 1:f=k;var K=p.type,Q=p.stateNode;if(0===(p.flags&64)&&(\"function\"===typeof K.getDerivedStateFromError||null!==Q&&\"function\"===typeof Q.componentDidCatch&&(null===Ti||!Ti.has(Q)))){p.flags|=4096;b&=-b;p.lanes|=b;var L=Si(p,f,b);Bg(p,L);break a}}p=p.return}while(null!==p)}Zj(c)}catch(va){b=va;Y===c&&null!==c&&(Y=c=c.return);continue}break}while(1)}\nfunction Pj(){var a=oj.current;oj.current=Gh;return null===a?Gh:a}function Tj(a,b){var c=X;X|=16;var d=Pj();U===a&&W===b||Qj(a,b);do try{ak();break}catch(e){Sj(a,e)}while(1);qg();X=c;oj.current=d;if(null!==Y)throw Error(y(261));U=null;W=0;return V}function ak(){for(;null!==Y;)bk(Y)}function Rj(){for(;null!==Y&&!Qf();)bk(Y)}function bk(a){var b=ck(a.alternate,a,qj);a.memoizedProps=a.pendingProps;null===b?Zj(a):Y=b;pj.current=null}\nfunction Zj(a){var b=a;do{var c=b.alternate;a=b.return;if(0===(b.flags&2048)){c=Gi(c,b,qj);if(null!==c){Y=c;return}c=b;if(24!==c.tag&&23!==c.tag||null===c.memoizedState||0!==(qj&1073741824)||0===(c.mode&4)){for(var d=0,e=c.child;null!==e;)d|=e.lanes|e.childLanes,e=e.sibling;c.childLanes=d}null!==a&&0===(a.flags&2048)&&(null===a.firstEffect&&(a.firstEffect=b.firstEffect),null!==b.lastEffect&&(null!==a.lastEffect&&(a.lastEffect.nextEffect=b.firstEffect),a.lastEffect=b.lastEffect),1g&&(h=g,g=J,J=h),h=Le(t,J),f=Le(t,g),h&&f&&(1!==v.rangeCount||v.anchorNode!==h.node||v.anchorOffset!==h.offset||v.focusNode!==f.node||v.focusOffset!==f.offset)&&(q=q.createRange(),q.setStart(h.node,h.offset),v.removeAllRanges(),J>g?(v.addRange(q),v.extend(f.node,f.offset)):(q.setEnd(f.node,f.offset),v.addRange(q))))));q=[];for(v=t;v=v.parentNode;)1===v.nodeType&&q.push({element:v,left:v.scrollLeft,top:v.scrollTop});\"function\"===typeof t.focus&&t.focus();for(t=\n0;tO()-jj?Qj(a,0):uj|=c);Mj(a,b)}function lj(a,b){var c=a.stateNode;null!==c&&c.delete(b);b=0;0===b&&(b=a.mode,0===(b&2)?b=1:0===(b&4)?b=99===eg()?1:2:(0===Gj&&(Gj=tj),b=Yc(62914560&~Gj),0===b&&(b=4194304)));c=Hg();a=Kj(a,b);null!==a&&($c(a,b,c),Mj(a,c))}var ck;\nck=function(a,b,c){var d=b.lanes;if(null!==a)if(a.memoizedProps!==b.pendingProps||N.current)ug=!0;else if(0!==(c&d))ug=0!==(a.flags&16384)?!0:!1;else{ug=!1;switch(b.tag){case 3:ri(b);sh();break;case 5:gh(b);break;case 1:Ff(b.type)&&Jf(b);break;case 4:eh(b,b.stateNode.containerInfo);break;case 10:d=b.memoizedProps.value;var e=b.type._context;I(mg,e._currentValue);e._currentValue=d;break;case 13:if(null!==b.memoizedState){if(0!==(c&b.child.childLanes))return ti(a,b,c);I(P,P.current&1);b=hi(a,b,c);return null!==\nb?b.sibling:null}I(P,P.current&1);break;case 19:d=0!==(c&b.childLanes);if(0!==(a.flags&64)){if(d)return Ai(a,b,c);b.flags|=64}e=b.memoizedState;null!==e&&(e.rendering=null,e.tail=null,e.lastEffect=null);I(P,P.current);if(d)break;else return null;case 23:case 24:return b.lanes=0,mi(a,b,c)}return hi(a,b,c)}else ug=!1;b.lanes=0;switch(b.tag){case 2:d=b.type;null!==a&&(a.alternate=null,b.alternate=null,b.flags|=2);a=b.pendingProps;e=Ef(b,M.current);tg(b,c);e=Ch(null,b,d,a,e,c);b.flags|=1;if(\"object\"===\ntypeof e&&null!==e&&\"function\"===typeof e.render&&void 0===e.$$typeof){b.tag=1;b.memoizedState=null;b.updateQueue=null;if(Ff(d)){var f=!0;Jf(b)}else f=!1;b.memoizedState=null!==e.state&&void 0!==e.state?e.state:null;xg(b);var g=d.getDerivedStateFromProps;\"function\"===typeof g&&Gg(b,d,g,a);e.updater=Kg;b.stateNode=e;e._reactInternals=b;Og(b,d,a,c);b=qi(null,b,d,!0,f,c)}else b.tag=0,fi(null,b,e,c),b=b.child;return b;case 16:e=b.elementType;a:{null!==a&&(a.alternate=null,b.alternate=null,b.flags|=2);\na=b.pendingProps;f=e._init;e=f(e._payload);b.type=e;f=b.tag=hk(e);a=lg(e,a);switch(f){case 0:b=li(null,b,e,a,c);break a;case 1:b=pi(null,b,e,a,c);break a;case 11:b=gi(null,b,e,a,c);break a;case 14:b=ii(null,b,e,lg(e.type,a),d,c);break a}throw Error(y(306,e,\"\"));}return b;case 0:return d=b.type,e=b.pendingProps,e=b.elementType===d?e:lg(d,e),li(a,b,d,e,c);case 1:return d=b.type,e=b.pendingProps,e=b.elementType===d?e:lg(d,e),pi(a,b,d,e,c);case 3:ri(b);d=b.updateQueue;if(null===a||null===d)throw Error(y(282));\nd=b.pendingProps;e=b.memoizedState;e=null!==e?e.element:null;yg(a,b);Cg(b,d,null,c);d=b.memoizedState.element;if(d===e)sh(),b=hi(a,b,c);else{e=b.stateNode;if(f=e.hydrate)kh=rf(b.stateNode.containerInfo.firstChild),jh=b,f=lh=!0;if(f){a=e.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData;if(null!=a)for(e=0;e= leftBound && currentSlide <= rightBound : currentSlide === leftBound\n });\n var dotOptions = {\n message: \"dots\",\n index: i,\n slidesToScroll: slidesToScroll,\n currentSlide: currentSlide\n };\n var onClick = this.clickHandler.bind(this, dotOptions);\n dots = dots.concat( /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].createElement(\"li\", {\n key: i,\n className: className\n }, /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].cloneElement(this.props.customPaging(i), {\n onClick: onClick\n })));\n }\n\n return /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].cloneElement(this.props.appendDots(dots), _objectSpread({\n className: this.props.dotsClass\n }, mouseEvents));\n }\n }]);\n\n return Dots;\n}(_react[\"default\"].PureComponent);\n\nexports.Dots = Dots;","\"use strict\";\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true\n});\nexports[\"default\"] = void 0;\n\nvar _slider = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"./slider\"));\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { \"default\": obj }; }\n\nvar _default = _slider[\"default\"];\nexports[\"default\"] = _default;","\"use strict\";\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true\n});\nexports[\"default\"] = void 0;\nvar initialState = {\n animating: false,\n autoplaying: null,\n currentDirection: 0,\n currentLeft: null,\n currentSlide: 0,\n direction: 1,\n dragging: false,\n edgeDragged: false,\n initialized: false,\n lazyLoadedList: [],\n listHeight: null,\n listWidth: null,\n scrolling: false,\n slideCount: null,\n slideHeight: null,\n slideWidth: null,\n swipeLeft: null,\n swiped: false,\n // used by swipeEvent. differentites between touch and swipe.\n swiping: false,\n touchObject: {\n startX: 0,\n startY: 0,\n curX: 0,\n curY: 0\n },\n trackStyle: {},\n trackWidth: 0,\n targetSlide: 0\n};\nvar _default = initialState;\nexports[\"default\"] = _default;","\"use strict\";\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true\n});\nexports.InnerSlider = void 0;\n\nvar _react = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"react\"));\n\nvar _initialState = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"./initial-state\"));\n\nvar _lodash = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"lodash.debounce\"));\n\nvar _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"classnames\"));\n\nvar _innerSliderUtils = require(\"./utils/innerSliderUtils\");\n\nvar _track = require(\"./track\");\n\nvar _dots = require(\"./dots\");\n\nvar _arrows = require(\"./arrows\");\n\nvar _resizeObserverPolyfill = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"resize-observer-polyfill\"));\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { \"default\": obj }; }\n\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nfunction _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }\n\nfunction _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded); var key, i; if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source); for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceSymbolKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; }\n\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }\n\nfunction ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try { Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nvar InnerSlider = /*#__PURE__*/function (_React$Component) {\n _inherits(InnerSlider, _React$Component);\n\n var _super = _createSuper(InnerSlider);\n\n function InnerSlider(props) {\n var _this;\n\n _classCallCheck(this, InnerSlider);\n\n _this = _super.call(this, props);\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"listRefHandler\", function (ref) {\n return _this.list = ref;\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"trackRefHandler\", function (ref) {\n return _this.track = ref;\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"adaptHeight\", function () {\n if (_this.props.adaptiveHeight && _this.list) {\n var elem = _this.list.querySelector(\"[data-index=\\\"\".concat(_this.state.currentSlide, \"\\\"]\"));\n\n _this.list.style.height = (0, _innerSliderUtils.getHeight)(elem) + \"px\";\n }\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"componentDidMount\", function () {\n _this.props.onInit && _this.props.onInit();\n\n if (_this.props.lazyLoad) {\n var slidesToLoad = (0, _innerSliderUtils.getOnDemandLazySlides)(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _this.props), _this.state));\n\n if (slidesToLoad.length > 0) {\n _this.setState(function (prevState) {\n return {\n lazyLoadedList: prevState.lazyLoadedList.concat(slidesToLoad)\n };\n });\n\n if (_this.props.onLazyLoad) {\n _this.props.onLazyLoad(slidesToLoad);\n }\n }\n }\n\n var spec = _objectSpread({\n listRef: _this.list,\n trackRef: _this.track\n }, _this.props);\n\n _this.updateState(spec, true, function () {\n _this.adaptHeight();\n\n _this.props.autoplay && _this.autoPlay(\"update\");\n });\n\n if (_this.props.lazyLoad === \"progressive\") {\n _this.lazyLoadTimer = setInterval(_this.progressiveLazyLoad, 1000);\n }\n\n _this.ro = new _resizeObserverPolyfill[\"default\"](function () {\n if (_this.state.animating) {\n _this.onWindowResized(false); // don't set trackStyle hence don't break animation\n\n\n _this.callbackTimers.push(setTimeout(function () {\n return _this.onWindowResized();\n }, _this.props.speed));\n } else {\n _this.onWindowResized();\n }\n });\n\n _this.ro.observe(_this.list);\n\n document.querySelectorAll && Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll(\".slick-slide\"), function (slide) {\n slide.onfocus = _this.props.pauseOnFocus ? _this.onSlideFocus : null;\n slide.onblur = _this.props.pauseOnFocus ? _this.onSlideBlur : null;\n });\n\n if (window.addEventListener) {\n window.addEventListener(\"resize\", _this.onWindowResized);\n } else {\n window.attachEvent(\"onresize\", _this.onWindowResized);\n }\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"componentWillUnmount\", function () {\n if (_this.animationEndCallback) {\n clearTimeout(_this.animationEndCallback);\n }\n\n if (_this.lazyLoadTimer) {\n clearInterval(_this.lazyLoadTimer);\n }\n\n if (_this.callbackTimers.length) {\n _this.callbackTimers.forEach(function (timer) {\n return clearTimeout(timer);\n });\n\n _this.callbackTimers = [];\n }\n\n if (window.addEventListener) {\n window.removeEventListener(\"resize\", _this.onWindowResized);\n } else {\n window.detachEvent(\"onresize\", _this.onWindowResized);\n }\n\n if (_this.autoplayTimer) {\n clearInterval(_this.autoplayTimer);\n }\n\n _this.ro.disconnect();\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"componentDidUpdate\", function (prevProps) {\n _this.checkImagesLoad();\n\n _this.props.onReInit && _this.props.onReInit();\n\n if (_this.props.lazyLoad) {\n var slidesToLoad = (0, _innerSliderUtils.getOnDemandLazySlides)(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _this.props), _this.state));\n\n if (slidesToLoad.length > 0) {\n _this.setState(function (prevState) {\n return {\n lazyLoadedList: prevState.lazyLoadedList.concat(slidesToLoad)\n };\n });\n\n if (_this.props.onLazyLoad) {\n _this.props.onLazyLoad(slidesToLoad);\n }\n }\n } // if (this.props.onLazyLoad) {\n // this.props.onLazyLoad([leftMostSlide])\n // }\n\n\n _this.adaptHeight();\n\n var spec = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({\n listRef: _this.list,\n trackRef: _this.track\n }, _this.props), _this.state);\n\n var setTrackStyle = _this.didPropsChange(prevProps);\n\n setTrackStyle && _this.updateState(spec, setTrackStyle, function () {\n if (_this.state.currentSlide >= _react[\"default\"].Children.count(_this.props.children)) {\n _this.changeSlide({\n message: \"index\",\n index: _react[\"default\"].Children.count(_this.props.children) - _this.props.slidesToShow,\n currentSlide: _this.state.currentSlide\n });\n }\n\n if (_this.props.autoplay) {\n _this.autoPlay(\"update\");\n } else {\n _this.pause(\"paused\");\n }\n });\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"onWindowResized\", function (setTrackStyle) {\n if (_this.debouncedResize) _this.debouncedResize.cancel();\n _this.debouncedResize = (0, _lodash[\"default\"])(function () {\n return _this.resizeWindow(setTrackStyle);\n }, 50);\n\n _this.debouncedResize();\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"resizeWindow\", function () {\n var setTrackStyle = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true;\n var isTrackMounted = Boolean(_this.track && _this.track.node); // prevent warning: setting state on unmounted component (server side rendering)\n\n if (!isTrackMounted) return;\n\n var spec = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({\n listRef: _this.list,\n trackRef: _this.track\n }, _this.props), _this.state);\n\n _this.updateState(spec, setTrackStyle, function () {\n if (_this.props.autoplay) _this.autoPlay(\"update\");else _this.pause(\"paused\");\n }); // animating state should be cleared while resizing, otherwise autoplay stops working\n\n\n _this.setState({\n animating: false\n });\n\n clearTimeout(_this.animationEndCallback);\n delete _this.animationEndCallback;\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"updateState\", function (spec, setTrackStyle, callback) {\n var updatedState = (0, _innerSliderUtils.initializedState)(spec);\n spec = _objectSpread(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), updatedState), {}, {\n slideIndex: updatedState.currentSlide\n });\n var targetLeft = (0, _innerSliderUtils.getTrackLeft)(spec);\n spec = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), {}, {\n left: targetLeft\n });\n var trackStyle = (0, _innerSliderUtils.getTrackCSS)(spec);\n\n if (setTrackStyle || _react[\"default\"].Children.count(_this.props.children) !== _react[\"default\"].Children.count(spec.children)) {\n updatedState[\"trackStyle\"] = trackStyle;\n }\n\n _this.setState(updatedState, callback);\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"ssrInit\", function () {\n if (_this.props.variableWidth) {\n var _trackWidth = 0,\n _trackLeft = 0;\n var childrenWidths = [];\n var preClones = (0, _innerSliderUtils.getPreClones)(_objectSpread(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _this.props), _this.state), {}, {\n slideCount: _this.props.children.length\n }));\n var postClones = (0, _innerSliderUtils.getPostClones)(_objectSpread(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _this.props), _this.state), {}, {\n slideCount: _this.props.children.length\n }));\n\n _this.props.children.forEach(function (child) {\n childrenWidths.push(child.props.style.width);\n _trackWidth += child.props.style.width;\n });\n\n for (var i = 0; i < preClones; i++) {\n _trackLeft += childrenWidths[childrenWidths.length - 1 - i];\n _trackWidth += childrenWidths[childrenWidths.length - 1 - i];\n }\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < postClones; _i++) {\n _trackWidth += childrenWidths[_i];\n }\n\n for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < _this.state.currentSlide; _i2++) {\n _trackLeft += childrenWidths[_i2];\n }\n\n var _trackStyle = {\n width: _trackWidth + \"px\",\n left: -_trackLeft + \"px\"\n };\n\n if (_this.props.centerMode) {\n var currentWidth = \"\".concat(childrenWidths[_this.state.currentSlide], \"px\");\n _trackStyle.left = \"calc(\".concat(_trackStyle.left, \" + (100% - \").concat(currentWidth, \") / 2 ) \");\n }\n\n return {\n trackStyle: _trackStyle\n };\n }\n\n var childrenCount = _react[\"default\"].Children.count(_this.props.children);\n\n var spec = _objectSpread(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _this.props), _this.state), {}, {\n slideCount: childrenCount\n });\n\n var slideCount = (0, _innerSliderUtils.getPreClones)(spec) + (0, _innerSliderUtils.getPostClones)(spec) + childrenCount;\n var trackWidth = 100 / _this.props.slidesToShow * slideCount;\n var slideWidth = 100 / slideCount;\n var trackLeft = -slideWidth * ((0, _innerSliderUtils.getPreClones)(spec) + _this.state.currentSlide) * trackWidth / 100;\n\n if (_this.props.centerMode) {\n trackLeft += (100 - slideWidth * trackWidth / 100) / 2;\n }\n\n var trackStyle = {\n width: trackWidth + \"%\",\n left: trackLeft + \"%\"\n };\n return {\n slideWidth: slideWidth + \"%\",\n trackStyle: trackStyle\n };\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"checkImagesLoad\", function () {\n var images = _this.list && _this.list.querySelectorAll && _this.list.querySelectorAll(\".slick-slide img\") || [];\n var imagesCount = images.length,\n loadedCount = 0;\n Array.prototype.forEach.call(images, function (image) {\n var handler = function handler() {\n return ++loadedCount && loadedCount >= imagesCount && _this.onWindowResized();\n };\n\n if (!image.onclick) {\n image.onclick = function () {\n return image.parentNode.focus();\n };\n } else {\n var prevClickHandler = image.onclick;\n\n image.onclick = function () {\n prevClickHandler();\n image.parentNode.focus();\n };\n }\n\n if (!image.onload) {\n if (_this.props.lazyLoad) {\n image.onload = function () {\n _this.adaptHeight();\n\n _this.callbackTimers.push(setTimeout(_this.onWindowResized, _this.props.speed));\n };\n } else {\n image.onload = handler;\n\n image.onerror = function () {\n handler();\n _this.props.onLazyLoadError && _this.props.onLazyLoadError();\n };\n }\n }\n });\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"progressiveLazyLoad\", function () {\n var slidesToLoad = [];\n\n var spec = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _this.props), _this.state);\n\n for (var index = _this.state.currentSlide; index < _this.state.slideCount + (0, _innerSliderUtils.getPostClones)(spec); index++) {\n if (_this.state.lazyLoadedList.indexOf(index) < 0) {\n slidesToLoad.push(index);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n for (var _index = _this.state.currentSlide - 1; _index >= -(0, _innerSliderUtils.getPreClones)(spec); _index--) {\n if (_this.state.lazyLoadedList.indexOf(_index) < 0) {\n slidesToLoad.push(_index);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (slidesToLoad.length > 0) {\n _this.setState(function (state) {\n return {\n lazyLoadedList: state.lazyLoadedList.concat(slidesToLoad)\n };\n });\n\n if (_this.props.onLazyLoad) {\n _this.props.onLazyLoad(slidesToLoad);\n }\n } else {\n if (_this.lazyLoadTimer) {\n clearInterval(_this.lazyLoadTimer);\n delete _this.lazyLoadTimer;\n }\n }\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"slideHandler\", function (index) {\n var dontAnimate = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n var _this$props = _this.props,\n asNavFor = _this$props.asNavFor,\n beforeChange = _this$props.beforeChange,\n onLazyLoad = _this$props.onLazyLoad,\n speed = _this$props.speed,\n afterChange = _this$props.afterChange; // capture currentslide before state is updated\n\n var currentSlide = _this.state.currentSlide;\n\n var _slideHandler = (0, _innerSliderUtils.slideHandler)(_objectSpread(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({\n index: index\n }, _this.props), _this.state), {}, {\n trackRef: _this.track,\n useCSS: _this.props.useCSS && !dontAnimate\n })),\n state = _slideHandler.state,\n nextState = _slideHandler.nextState;\n\n if (!state) return;\n beforeChange && beforeChange(currentSlide, state.currentSlide);\n var slidesToLoad = state.lazyLoadedList.filter(function (value) {\n return _this.state.lazyLoadedList.indexOf(value) < 0;\n });\n onLazyLoad && slidesToLoad.length > 0 && onLazyLoad(slidesToLoad);\n\n if (!_this.props.waitForAnimate && _this.animationEndCallback) {\n clearTimeout(_this.animationEndCallback);\n afterChange && afterChange(currentSlide);\n delete _this.animationEndCallback;\n }\n\n _this.setState(state, function () {\n // asNavForIndex check is to avoid recursive calls of slideHandler in waitForAnimate=false mode\n if (asNavFor && _this.asNavForIndex !== index) {\n _this.asNavForIndex = index;\n asNavFor.innerSlider.slideHandler(index);\n }\n\n if (!nextState) return;\n _this.animationEndCallback = setTimeout(function () {\n var animating = nextState.animating,\n firstBatch = _objectWithoutProperties(nextState, [\"animating\"]);\n\n _this.setState(firstBatch, function () {\n _this.callbackTimers.push(setTimeout(function () {\n return _this.setState({\n animating: animating\n });\n }, 10));\n\n afterChange && afterChange(state.currentSlide);\n delete _this.animationEndCallback;\n });\n }, speed);\n });\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"changeSlide\", function (options) {\n var dontAnimate = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n\n var spec = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _this.props), _this.state);\n\n var targetSlide = (0, _innerSliderUtils.changeSlide)(spec, options);\n if (targetSlide !== 0 && !targetSlide) return;\n\n if (dontAnimate === true) {\n _this.slideHandler(targetSlide, dontAnimate);\n } else {\n _this.slideHandler(targetSlide);\n }\n\n _this.props.autoplay && _this.autoPlay(\"update\");\n\n if (_this.props.focusOnSelect) {\n var nodes = _this.list.querySelectorAll(\".slick-current\");\n\n nodes[0] && nodes[0].focus();\n }\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"clickHandler\", function (e) {\n if (_this.clickable === false) {\n e.stopPropagation();\n e.preventDefault();\n }\n\n _this.clickable = true;\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"keyHandler\", function (e) {\n var dir = (0, _innerSliderUtils.keyHandler)(e, _this.props.accessibility, _this.props.rtl);\n dir !== \"\" && _this.changeSlide({\n message: dir\n });\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"selectHandler\", function (options) {\n _this.changeSlide(options);\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"disableBodyScroll\", function () {\n var preventDefault = function preventDefault(e) {\n e = e || window.event;\n if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();\n e.returnValue = false;\n };\n\n window.ontouchmove = preventDefault;\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"enableBodyScroll\", function () {\n window.ontouchmove = null;\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"swipeStart\", function (e) {\n if (_this.props.verticalSwiping) {\n _this.disableBodyScroll();\n }\n\n var state = (0, _innerSliderUtils.swipeStart)(e, _this.props.swipe, _this.props.draggable);\n state !== \"\" && _this.setState(state);\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"swipeMove\", function (e) {\n var state = (0, _innerSliderUtils.swipeMove)(e, _objectSpread(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _this.props), _this.state), {}, {\n trackRef: _this.track,\n listRef: _this.list,\n slideIndex: _this.state.currentSlide\n }));\n if (!state) return;\n\n if (state[\"swiping\"]) {\n _this.clickable = false;\n }\n\n _this.setState(state);\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"swipeEnd\", function (e) {\n var state = (0, _innerSliderUtils.swipeEnd)(e, _objectSpread(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _this.props), _this.state), {}, {\n trackRef: _this.track,\n listRef: _this.list,\n slideIndex: _this.state.currentSlide\n }));\n if (!state) return;\n var triggerSlideHandler = state[\"triggerSlideHandler\"];\n delete state[\"triggerSlideHandler\"];\n\n _this.setState(state);\n\n if (triggerSlideHandler === undefined) return;\n\n _this.slideHandler(triggerSlideHandler);\n\n if (_this.props.verticalSwiping) {\n _this.enableBodyScroll();\n }\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"touchEnd\", function (e) {\n _this.swipeEnd(e);\n\n _this.clickable = true;\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"slickPrev\", function () {\n // this and fellow methods are wrapped in setTimeout\n // to make sure initialize setState has happened before\n // any of such methods are called\n _this.callbackTimers.push(setTimeout(function () {\n return _this.changeSlide({\n message: \"previous\"\n });\n }, 0));\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"slickNext\", function () {\n _this.callbackTimers.push(setTimeout(function () {\n return _this.changeSlide({\n message: \"next\"\n });\n }, 0));\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"slickGoTo\", function (slide) {\n var dontAnimate = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n slide = Number(slide);\n if (isNaN(slide)) return \"\";\n\n _this.callbackTimers.push(setTimeout(function () {\n return _this.changeSlide({\n message: \"index\",\n index: slide,\n currentSlide: _this.state.currentSlide\n }, dontAnimate);\n }, 0));\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"play\", function () {\n var nextIndex;\n\n if (_this.props.rtl) {\n nextIndex = _this.state.currentSlide - _this.props.slidesToScroll;\n } else {\n if ((0, _innerSliderUtils.canGoNext)(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _this.props), _this.state))) {\n nextIndex = _this.state.currentSlide + _this.props.slidesToScroll;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n _this.slideHandler(nextIndex);\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"autoPlay\", function (playType) {\n if (_this.autoplayTimer) {\n clearInterval(_this.autoplayTimer);\n }\n\n var autoplaying = _this.state.autoplaying;\n\n if (playType === \"update\") {\n if (autoplaying === \"hovered\" || autoplaying === \"focused\" || autoplaying === \"paused\") {\n return;\n }\n } else if (playType === \"leave\") {\n if (autoplaying === \"paused\" || autoplaying === \"focused\") {\n return;\n }\n } else if (playType === \"blur\") {\n if (autoplaying === \"paused\" || autoplaying === \"hovered\") {\n return;\n }\n }\n\n _this.autoplayTimer = setInterval(_this.play, _this.props.autoplaySpeed + 50);\n\n _this.setState({\n autoplaying: \"playing\"\n });\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"pause\", function (pauseType) {\n if (_this.autoplayTimer) {\n clearInterval(_this.autoplayTimer);\n _this.autoplayTimer = null;\n }\n\n var autoplaying = _this.state.autoplaying;\n\n if (pauseType === \"paused\") {\n _this.setState({\n autoplaying: \"paused\"\n });\n } else if (pauseType === \"focused\") {\n if (autoplaying === \"hovered\" || autoplaying === \"playing\") {\n _this.setState({\n autoplaying: \"focused\"\n });\n }\n } else {\n // pauseType is 'hovered'\n if (autoplaying === \"playing\") {\n _this.setState({\n autoplaying: \"hovered\"\n });\n }\n }\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"onDotsOver\", function () {\n return _this.props.autoplay && _this.pause(\"hovered\");\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"onDotsLeave\", function () {\n return _this.props.autoplay && _this.state.autoplaying === \"hovered\" && _this.autoPlay(\"leave\");\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"onTrackOver\", function () {\n return _this.props.autoplay && _this.pause(\"hovered\");\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"onTrackLeave\", function () {\n return _this.props.autoplay && _this.state.autoplaying === \"hovered\" && _this.autoPlay(\"leave\");\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"onSlideFocus\", function () {\n return _this.props.autoplay && _this.pause(\"focused\");\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"onSlideBlur\", function () {\n return _this.props.autoplay && _this.state.autoplaying === \"focused\" && _this.autoPlay(\"blur\");\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"render\", function () {\n var className = (0, _classnames[\"default\"])(\"slick-slider\", _this.props.className, {\n \"slick-vertical\": _this.props.vertical,\n \"slick-initialized\": true\n });\n\n var spec = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _this.props), _this.state);\n\n var trackProps = (0, _innerSliderUtils.extractObject)(spec, [\"fade\", \"cssEase\", \"speed\", \"infinite\", \"centerMode\", \"focusOnSelect\", \"currentSlide\", \"lazyLoad\", \"lazyLoadedList\", \"rtl\", \"slideWidth\", \"slideHeight\", \"listHeight\", \"vertical\", \"slidesToShow\", \"slidesToScroll\", \"slideCount\", \"trackStyle\", \"variableWidth\", \"unslick\", \"centerPadding\", \"targetSlide\", \"useCSS\"]);\n var pauseOnHover = _this.props.pauseOnHover;\n trackProps = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, trackProps), {}, {\n onMouseEnter: pauseOnHover ? _this.onTrackOver : null,\n onMouseLeave: pauseOnHover ? _this.onTrackLeave : null,\n onMouseOver: pauseOnHover ? _this.onTrackOver : null,\n focusOnSelect: _this.props.focusOnSelect && _this.clickable ? _this.selectHandler : null\n });\n var dots;\n\n if (_this.props.dots === true && _this.state.slideCount >= _this.props.slidesToShow) {\n var dotProps = (0, _innerSliderUtils.extractObject)(spec, [\"dotsClass\", \"slideCount\", \"slidesToShow\", \"currentSlide\", \"slidesToScroll\", \"clickHandler\", \"children\", \"customPaging\", \"infinite\", \"appendDots\"]);\n var pauseOnDotsHover = _this.props.pauseOnDotsHover;\n dotProps = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, dotProps), {}, {\n clickHandler: _this.changeSlide,\n onMouseEnter: pauseOnDotsHover ? _this.onDotsLeave : null,\n onMouseOver: pauseOnDotsHover ? _this.onDotsOver : null,\n onMouseLeave: pauseOnDotsHover ? _this.onDotsLeave : null\n });\n dots = /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].createElement(_dots.Dots, dotProps);\n }\n\n var prevArrow, nextArrow;\n var arrowProps = (0, _innerSliderUtils.extractObject)(spec, [\"infinite\", \"centerMode\", \"currentSlide\", \"slideCount\", \"slidesToShow\", \"prevArrow\", \"nextArrow\"]);\n arrowProps.clickHandler = _this.changeSlide;\n\n if (_this.props.arrows) {\n prevArrow = /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].createElement(_arrows.PrevArrow, arrowProps);\n nextArrow = /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].createElement(_arrows.NextArrow, arrowProps);\n }\n\n var verticalHeightStyle = null;\n\n if (_this.props.vertical) {\n verticalHeightStyle = {\n height: _this.state.listHeight\n };\n }\n\n var centerPaddingStyle = null;\n\n if (_this.props.vertical === false) {\n if (_this.props.centerMode === true) {\n centerPaddingStyle = {\n padding: \"0px \" + _this.props.centerPadding\n };\n }\n } else {\n if (_this.props.centerMode === true) {\n centerPaddingStyle = {\n padding: _this.props.centerPadding + \" 0px\"\n };\n }\n }\n\n var listStyle = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, verticalHeightStyle), centerPaddingStyle);\n\n var touchMove = _this.props.touchMove;\n var listProps = {\n className: \"slick-list\",\n style: listStyle,\n onClick: _this.clickHandler,\n onMouseDown: touchMove ? _this.swipeStart : null,\n onMouseMove: _this.state.dragging && touchMove ? _this.swipeMove : null,\n onMouseUp: touchMove ? _this.swipeEnd : null,\n onMouseLeave: _this.state.dragging && touchMove ? _this.swipeEnd : null,\n onTouchStart: touchMove ? _this.swipeStart : null,\n onTouchMove: _this.state.dragging && touchMove ? _this.swipeMove : null,\n onTouchEnd: touchMove ? _this.touchEnd : null,\n onTouchCancel: _this.state.dragging && touchMove ? _this.swipeEnd : null,\n onKeyDown: _this.props.accessibility ? _this.keyHandler : null\n };\n var innerSliderProps = {\n className: className,\n dir: \"ltr\",\n style: _this.props.style\n };\n\n if (_this.props.unslick) {\n listProps = {\n className: \"slick-list\"\n };\n innerSliderProps = {\n className: className\n };\n }\n\n return /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].createElement(\"div\", innerSliderProps, !_this.props.unslick ? prevArrow : \"\", /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].createElement(\"div\", _extends({\n ref: _this.listRefHandler\n }, listProps), /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].createElement(_track.Track, _extends({\n ref: _this.trackRefHandler\n }, trackProps), _this.props.children)), !_this.props.unslick ? nextArrow : \"\", !_this.props.unslick ? dots : \"\");\n });\n\n _this.list = null;\n _this.track = null;\n _this.state = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _initialState[\"default\"]), {}, {\n currentSlide: _this.props.initialSlide,\n slideCount: _react[\"default\"].Children.count(_this.props.children)\n });\n _this.callbackTimers = [];\n _this.clickable = true;\n _this.debouncedResize = null;\n\n var ssrState = _this.ssrInit();\n\n _this.state = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _this.state), ssrState);\n return _this;\n }\n\n _createClass(InnerSlider, [{\n key: \"didPropsChange\",\n value: function didPropsChange(prevProps) {\n var setTrackStyle = false;\n\n for (var _i3 = 0, _Object$keys = Object.keys(this.props); _i3 < _Object$keys.length; _i3++) {\n var key = _Object$keys[_i3];\n\n if (!prevProps.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n setTrackStyle = true;\n break;\n }\n\n if (_typeof(prevProps[key]) === \"object\" || typeof prevProps[key] === \"function\") {\n continue;\n }\n\n if (prevProps[key] !== this.props[key]) {\n setTrackStyle = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return setTrackStyle || _react[\"default\"].Children.count(this.props.children) !== _react[\"default\"].Children.count(prevProps.children);\n }\n }]);\n\n return InnerSlider;\n}(_react[\"default\"].Component);\n\nexports.InnerSlider = InnerSlider;","\"use strict\";\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true\n});\nexports[\"default\"] = void 0;\n\nvar _react = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"react\"));\n\nvar _innerSlider = require(\"./inner-slider\");\n\nvar _json2mq = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"json2mq\"));\n\nvar _defaultProps = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"./default-props\"));\n\nvar _innerSliderUtils = require(\"./utils/innerSliderUtils\");\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { \"default\": obj }; }\n\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nfunction _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }\n\nfunction ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try { Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nvar enquire = (0, _innerSliderUtils.canUseDOM)() && require(\"enquire.js\");\n\nvar Slider = /*#__PURE__*/function (_React$Component) {\n _inherits(Slider, _React$Component);\n\n var _super = _createSuper(Slider);\n\n function Slider(props) {\n var _this;\n\n _classCallCheck(this, Slider);\n\n _this = _super.call(this, props);\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"innerSliderRefHandler\", function (ref) {\n return _this.innerSlider = ref;\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"slickPrev\", function () {\n return _this.innerSlider.slickPrev();\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"slickNext\", function () {\n return _this.innerSlider.slickNext();\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"slickGoTo\", function (slide) {\n var dontAnimate = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n return _this.innerSlider.slickGoTo(slide, dontAnimate);\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"slickPause\", function () {\n return _this.innerSlider.pause(\"paused\");\n });\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"slickPlay\", function () {\n return _this.innerSlider.autoPlay(\"play\");\n });\n\n _this.state = {\n breakpoint: null\n };\n _this._responsiveMediaHandlers = [];\n return _this;\n }\n\n _createClass(Slider, [{\n key: \"media\",\n value: function media(query, handler) {\n // javascript handler for css media query\n enquire.register(query, handler);\n\n this._responsiveMediaHandlers.push({\n query: query,\n handler: handler\n });\n } // handles responsive breakpoints\n\n }, {\n key: \"componentDidMount\",\n value: function componentDidMount() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n // performance monitoring\n //if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n //const { whyDidYouUpdate } = require('why-did-you-update')\n //whyDidYouUpdate(React)\n //}\n if (this.props.responsive) {\n var breakpoints = this.props.responsive.map(function (breakpt) {\n return breakpt.breakpoint;\n }); // sort them in increasing order of their numerical value\n\n breakpoints.sort(function (x, y) {\n return x - y;\n });\n breakpoints.forEach(function (breakpoint, index) {\n // media query for each breakpoint\n var bQuery;\n\n if (index === 0) {\n bQuery = (0, _json2mq[\"default\"])({\n minWidth: 0,\n maxWidth: breakpoint\n });\n } else {\n bQuery = (0, _json2mq[\"default\"])({\n minWidth: breakpoints[index - 1] + 1,\n maxWidth: breakpoint\n });\n } // when not using server side rendering\n\n\n (0, _innerSliderUtils.canUseDOM)() && _this2.media(bQuery, function () {\n _this2.setState({\n breakpoint: breakpoint\n });\n });\n }); // Register media query for full screen. Need to support resize from small to large\n // convert javascript object to media query string\n\n var query = (0, _json2mq[\"default\"])({\n minWidth: breakpoints.slice(-1)[0]\n });\n (0, _innerSliderUtils.canUseDOM)() && this.media(query, function () {\n _this2.setState({\n breakpoint: null\n });\n });\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"componentWillUnmount\",\n value: function componentWillUnmount() {\n this._responsiveMediaHandlers.forEach(function (obj) {\n enquire.unregister(obj.query, obj.handler);\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"render\",\n value: function render() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var settings;\n var newProps;\n\n if (this.state.breakpoint) {\n newProps = this.props.responsive.filter(function (resp) {\n return resp.breakpoint === _this3.state.breakpoint;\n });\n settings = newProps[0].settings === \"unslick\" ? \"unslick\" : _objectSpread(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _defaultProps[\"default\"]), this.props), newProps[0].settings);\n } else {\n settings = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _defaultProps[\"default\"]), this.props);\n } // force scrolling by one if centerMode is on\n\n\n if (settings.centerMode) {\n if (settings.slidesToScroll > 1 && process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n console.warn(\"slidesToScroll should be equal to 1 in centerMode, you are using \".concat(settings.slidesToScroll));\n }\n\n settings.slidesToScroll = 1;\n } // force showing one slide and scrolling by one if the fade mode is on\n\n\n if (settings.fade) {\n if (settings.slidesToShow > 1 && process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n console.warn(\"slidesToShow should be equal to 1 when fade is true, you're using \".concat(settings.slidesToShow));\n }\n\n if (settings.slidesToScroll > 1 && process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n console.warn(\"slidesToScroll should be equal to 1 when fade is true, you're using \".concat(settings.slidesToScroll));\n }\n\n settings.slidesToShow = 1;\n settings.slidesToScroll = 1;\n } // makes sure that children is an array, even when there is only 1 child\n\n\n var children = _react[\"default\"].Children.toArray(this.props.children); // Children may contain false or null, so we should filter them\n // children may also contain string filled with spaces (in certain cases where we use jsx strings)\n\n\n children = children.filter(function (child) {\n if (typeof child === \"string\") {\n return !!child.trim();\n }\n\n return !!child;\n }); // rows and slidesPerRow logic is handled here\n\n if (settings.variableWidth && (settings.rows > 1 || settings.slidesPerRow > 1)) {\n console.warn(\"variableWidth is not supported in case of rows > 1 or slidesPerRow > 1\");\n settings.variableWidth = false;\n }\n\n var newChildren = [];\n var currentWidth = null;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i += settings.rows * settings.slidesPerRow) {\n var newSlide = [];\n\n for (var j = i; j < i + settings.rows * settings.slidesPerRow; j += settings.slidesPerRow) {\n var row = [];\n\n for (var k = j; k < j + settings.slidesPerRow; k += 1) {\n if (settings.variableWidth && children[k].props.style) {\n currentWidth = children[k].props.style.width;\n }\n\n if (k >= children.length) break;\n row.push( /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].cloneElement(children[k], {\n key: 100 * i + 10 * j + k,\n tabIndex: -1,\n style: {\n width: \"\".concat(100 / settings.slidesPerRow, \"%\"),\n display: \"inline-block\"\n }\n }));\n }\n\n newSlide.push( /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].createElement(\"div\", {\n key: 10 * i + j\n }, row));\n }\n\n if (settings.variableWidth) {\n newChildren.push( /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].createElement(\"div\", {\n key: i,\n style: {\n width: currentWidth\n }\n }, newSlide));\n } else {\n newChildren.push( /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].createElement(\"div\", {\n key: i\n }, newSlide));\n }\n }\n\n if (settings === \"unslick\") {\n var className = \"regular slider \" + (this.props.className || \"\");\n return /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].createElement(\"div\", {\n className: className\n }, children);\n } else if (newChildren.length <= settings.slidesToShow) {\n settings.unslick = true;\n }\n\n return /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].createElement(_innerSlider.InnerSlider, _extends({\n style: this.props.style,\n ref: this.innerSliderRefHandler\n }, settings), newChildren);\n }\n }]);\n\n return Slider;\n}(_react[\"default\"].Component);\n\nexports[\"default\"] = Slider;","\"use strict\";\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true\n});\nexports.Track = void 0;\n\nvar _react = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"react\"));\n\nvar _classnames = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"classnames\"));\n\nvar _innerSliderUtils = require(\"./utils/innerSliderUtils\");\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { \"default\": obj }; }\n\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nfunction _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try { Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\nfunction ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\n// given specifications/props for a slide, fetch all the classes that need to be applied to the slide\nvar getSlideClasses = function getSlideClasses(spec) {\n var slickActive, slickCenter, slickCloned;\n var centerOffset, index;\n\n if (spec.rtl) {\n index = spec.slideCount - 1 - spec.index;\n } else {\n index = spec.index;\n }\n\n slickCloned = index < 0 || index >= spec.slideCount;\n\n if (spec.centerMode) {\n centerOffset = Math.floor(spec.slidesToShow / 2);\n slickCenter = (index - spec.currentSlide) % spec.slideCount === 0;\n\n if (index > spec.currentSlide - centerOffset - 1 && index <= spec.currentSlide + centerOffset) {\n slickActive = true;\n }\n } else {\n slickActive = spec.currentSlide <= index && index < spec.currentSlide + spec.slidesToShow;\n }\n\n var focusedSlide;\n\n if (spec.targetSlide < 0) {\n focusedSlide = spec.targetSlide + spec.slideCount;\n } else if (spec.targetSlide >= spec.slideCount) {\n focusedSlide = spec.targetSlide - spec.slideCount;\n } else {\n focusedSlide = spec.targetSlide;\n }\n\n var slickCurrent = index === focusedSlide;\n return {\n \"slick-slide\": true,\n \"slick-active\": slickActive,\n \"slick-center\": slickCenter,\n \"slick-cloned\": slickCloned,\n \"slick-current\": slickCurrent // dubious in case of RTL\n\n };\n};\n\nvar getSlideStyle = function getSlideStyle(spec) {\n var style = {};\n\n if (spec.variableWidth === undefined || spec.variableWidth === false) {\n style.width = spec.slideWidth;\n }\n\n if (spec.fade) {\n style.position = \"relative\";\n\n if (spec.vertical) {\n style.top = -spec.index * parseInt(spec.slideHeight);\n } else {\n style.left = -spec.index * parseInt(spec.slideWidth);\n }\n\n style.opacity = spec.currentSlide === spec.index ? 1 : 0;\n\n if (spec.useCSS) {\n style.transition = \"opacity \" + spec.speed + \"ms \" + spec.cssEase + \", \" + \"visibility \" + spec.speed + \"ms \" + spec.cssEase;\n }\n }\n\n return style;\n};\n\nvar getKey = function getKey(child, fallbackKey) {\n return child.key || fallbackKey;\n};\n\nvar renderSlides = function renderSlides(spec) {\n var key;\n var slides = [];\n var preCloneSlides = [];\n var postCloneSlides = [];\n\n var childrenCount = _react[\"default\"].Children.count(spec.children);\n\n var startIndex = (0, _innerSliderUtils.lazyStartIndex)(spec);\n var endIndex = (0, _innerSliderUtils.lazyEndIndex)(spec);\n\n _react[\"default\"].Children.forEach(spec.children, function (elem, index) {\n var child;\n var childOnClickOptions = {\n message: \"children\",\n index: index,\n slidesToScroll: spec.slidesToScroll,\n currentSlide: spec.currentSlide\n }; // in case of lazyLoad, whether or not we want to fetch the slide\n\n if (!spec.lazyLoad || spec.lazyLoad && spec.lazyLoadedList.indexOf(index) >= 0) {\n child = elem;\n } else {\n child = /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].createElement(\"div\", null);\n }\n\n var childStyle = getSlideStyle(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), {}, {\n index: index\n }));\n var slideClass = child.props.className || \"\";\n var slideClasses = getSlideClasses(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), {}, {\n index: index\n })); // push a cloned element of the desired slide\n\n slides.push( /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].cloneElement(child, {\n key: \"original\" + getKey(child, index),\n \"data-index\": index,\n className: (0, _classnames[\"default\"])(slideClasses, slideClass),\n tabIndex: \"-1\",\n \"aria-hidden\": !slideClasses[\"slick-active\"],\n style: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({\n outline: \"none\"\n }, child.props.style || {}), childStyle),\n onClick: function onClick(e) {\n child.props && child.props.onClick && child.props.onClick(e);\n\n if (spec.focusOnSelect) {\n spec.focusOnSelect(childOnClickOptions);\n }\n }\n })); // if slide needs to be precloned or postcloned\n\n if (spec.infinite && spec.fade === false) {\n var preCloneNo = childrenCount - index;\n\n if (preCloneNo <= (0, _innerSliderUtils.getPreClones)(spec) && childrenCount !== spec.slidesToShow) {\n key = -preCloneNo;\n\n if (key >= startIndex) {\n child = elem;\n }\n\n slideClasses = getSlideClasses(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), {}, {\n index: key\n }));\n preCloneSlides.push( /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].cloneElement(child, {\n key: \"precloned\" + getKey(child, key),\n \"data-index\": key,\n tabIndex: \"-1\",\n className: (0, _classnames[\"default\"])(slideClasses, slideClass),\n \"aria-hidden\": !slideClasses[\"slick-active\"],\n style: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, child.props.style || {}), childStyle),\n onClick: function onClick(e) {\n child.props && child.props.onClick && child.props.onClick(e);\n\n if (spec.focusOnSelect) {\n spec.focusOnSelect(childOnClickOptions);\n }\n }\n }));\n }\n\n if (childrenCount !== spec.slidesToShow) {\n key = childrenCount + index;\n\n if (key < endIndex) {\n child = elem;\n }\n\n slideClasses = getSlideClasses(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), {}, {\n index: key\n }));\n postCloneSlides.push( /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].cloneElement(child, {\n key: \"postcloned\" + getKey(child, key),\n \"data-index\": key,\n tabIndex: \"-1\",\n className: (0, _classnames[\"default\"])(slideClasses, slideClass),\n \"aria-hidden\": !slideClasses[\"slick-active\"],\n style: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, child.props.style || {}), childStyle),\n onClick: function onClick(e) {\n child.props && child.props.onClick && child.props.onClick(e);\n\n if (spec.focusOnSelect) {\n spec.focusOnSelect(childOnClickOptions);\n }\n }\n }));\n }\n }\n });\n\n if (spec.rtl) {\n return preCloneSlides.concat(slides, postCloneSlides).reverse();\n } else {\n return preCloneSlides.concat(slides, postCloneSlides);\n }\n};\n\nvar Track = /*#__PURE__*/function (_React$PureComponent) {\n _inherits(Track, _React$PureComponent);\n\n var _super = _createSuper(Track);\n\n function Track() {\n var _this;\n\n _classCallCheck(this, Track);\n\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args));\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"node\", null);\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"handleRef\", function (ref) {\n _this.node = ref;\n });\n\n return _this;\n }\n\n _createClass(Track, [{\n key: \"render\",\n value: function render() {\n var slides = renderSlides(this.props);\n var _this$props = this.props,\n onMouseEnter = _this$props.onMouseEnter,\n onMouseOver = _this$props.onMouseOver,\n onMouseLeave = _this$props.onMouseLeave;\n var mouseEvents = {\n onMouseEnter: onMouseEnter,\n onMouseOver: onMouseOver,\n onMouseLeave: onMouseLeave\n };\n return /*#__PURE__*/_react[\"default\"].createElement(\"div\", _extends({\n ref: this.handleRef,\n className: \"slick-track\",\n style: this.props.trackStyle\n }, mouseEvents), slides);\n }\n }]);\n\n return Track;\n}(_react[\"default\"].PureComponent);\n\nexports.Track = Track;","\"use strict\";\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true\n});\nexports.clamp = clamp;\nexports.canUseDOM = exports.slidesOnLeft = exports.slidesOnRight = exports.siblingDirection = exports.getTotalSlides = exports.getPostClones = exports.getPreClones = exports.getTrackLeft = exports.getTrackAnimateCSS = exports.getTrackCSS = exports.checkSpecKeys = exports.getSlideCount = exports.checkNavigable = exports.getNavigableIndexes = exports.swipeEnd = exports.swipeMove = exports.swipeStart = exports.keyHandler = exports.changeSlide = exports.slideHandler = exports.initializedState = exports.extractObject = exports.canGoNext = exports.getSwipeDirection = exports.getHeight = exports.getWidth = exports.lazySlidesOnRight = exports.lazySlidesOnLeft = exports.lazyEndIndex = exports.lazyStartIndex = exports.getRequiredLazySlides = exports.getOnDemandLazySlides = exports.safePreventDefault = void 0;\n\nvar _react = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"react\"));\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { \"default\": obj }; }\n\nfunction ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nfunction clamp(number, lowerBound, upperBound) {\n return Math.max(lowerBound, Math.min(number, upperBound));\n}\n\nvar safePreventDefault = function safePreventDefault(event) {\n var passiveEvents = [\"onTouchStart\", \"onTouchMove\", \"onWheel\"];\n\n if (!passiveEvents.includes(event._reactName)) {\n event.preventDefault();\n }\n};\n\nexports.safePreventDefault = safePreventDefault;\n\nvar getOnDemandLazySlides = function getOnDemandLazySlides(spec) {\n var onDemandSlides = [];\n var startIndex = lazyStartIndex(spec);\n var endIndex = lazyEndIndex(spec);\n\n for (var slideIndex = startIndex; slideIndex < endIndex; slideIndex++) {\n if (spec.lazyLoadedList.indexOf(slideIndex) < 0) {\n onDemandSlides.push(slideIndex);\n }\n }\n\n return onDemandSlides;\n}; // return list of slides that need to be present\n\n\nexports.getOnDemandLazySlides = getOnDemandLazySlides;\n\nvar getRequiredLazySlides = function getRequiredLazySlides(spec) {\n var requiredSlides = [];\n var startIndex = lazyStartIndex(spec);\n var endIndex = lazyEndIndex(spec);\n\n for (var slideIndex = startIndex; slideIndex < endIndex; slideIndex++) {\n requiredSlides.push(slideIndex);\n }\n\n return requiredSlides;\n}; // startIndex that needs to be present\n\n\nexports.getRequiredLazySlides = getRequiredLazySlides;\n\nvar lazyStartIndex = function lazyStartIndex(spec) {\n return spec.currentSlide - lazySlidesOnLeft(spec);\n};\n\nexports.lazyStartIndex = lazyStartIndex;\n\nvar lazyEndIndex = function lazyEndIndex(spec) {\n return spec.currentSlide + lazySlidesOnRight(spec);\n};\n\nexports.lazyEndIndex = lazyEndIndex;\n\nvar lazySlidesOnLeft = function lazySlidesOnLeft(spec) {\n return spec.centerMode ? Math.floor(spec.slidesToShow / 2) + (parseInt(spec.centerPadding) > 0 ? 1 : 0) : 0;\n};\n\nexports.lazySlidesOnLeft = lazySlidesOnLeft;\n\nvar lazySlidesOnRight = function lazySlidesOnRight(spec) {\n return spec.centerMode ? Math.floor((spec.slidesToShow - 1) / 2) + 1 + (parseInt(spec.centerPadding) > 0 ? 1 : 0) : spec.slidesToShow;\n}; // get width of an element\n\n\nexports.lazySlidesOnRight = lazySlidesOnRight;\n\nvar getWidth = function getWidth(elem) {\n return elem && elem.offsetWidth || 0;\n};\n\nexports.getWidth = getWidth;\n\nvar getHeight = function getHeight(elem) {\n return elem && elem.offsetHeight || 0;\n};\n\nexports.getHeight = getHeight;\n\nvar getSwipeDirection = function getSwipeDirection(touchObject) {\n var verticalSwiping = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n var xDist, yDist, r, swipeAngle;\n xDist = touchObject.startX - touchObject.curX;\n yDist = touchObject.startY - touchObject.curY;\n r = Math.atan2(yDist, xDist);\n swipeAngle = Math.round(r * 180 / Math.PI);\n\n if (swipeAngle < 0) {\n swipeAngle = 360 - Math.abs(swipeAngle);\n }\n\n if (swipeAngle <= 45 && swipeAngle >= 0 || swipeAngle <= 360 && swipeAngle >= 315) {\n return \"left\";\n }\n\n if (swipeAngle >= 135 && swipeAngle <= 225) {\n return \"right\";\n }\n\n if (verticalSwiping === true) {\n if (swipeAngle >= 35 && swipeAngle <= 135) {\n return \"up\";\n } else {\n return \"down\";\n }\n }\n\n return \"vertical\";\n}; // whether or not we can go next\n\n\nexports.getSwipeDirection = getSwipeDirection;\n\nvar canGoNext = function canGoNext(spec) {\n var canGo = true;\n\n if (!spec.infinite) {\n if (spec.centerMode && spec.currentSlide >= spec.slideCount - 1) {\n canGo = false;\n } else if (spec.slideCount <= spec.slidesToShow || spec.currentSlide >= spec.slideCount - spec.slidesToShow) {\n canGo = false;\n }\n }\n\n return canGo;\n}; // given an object and a list of keys, return new object with given keys\n\n\nexports.canGoNext = canGoNext;\n\nvar extractObject = function extractObject(spec, keys) {\n var newObject = {};\n keys.forEach(function (key) {\n return newObject[key] = spec[key];\n });\n return newObject;\n}; // get initialized state\n\n\nexports.extractObject = extractObject;\n\nvar initializedState = function initializedState(spec) {\n // spec also contains listRef, trackRef\n var slideCount = _react[\"default\"].Children.count(spec.children);\n\n var listNode = spec.listRef;\n var listWidth = Math.ceil(getWidth(listNode));\n var trackNode = spec.trackRef && spec.trackRef.node;\n var trackWidth = Math.ceil(getWidth(trackNode));\n var slideWidth;\n\n if (!spec.vertical) {\n var centerPaddingAdj = spec.centerMode && parseInt(spec.centerPadding) * 2;\n\n if (typeof spec.centerPadding === \"string\" && spec.centerPadding.slice(-1) === \"%\") {\n centerPaddingAdj *= listWidth / 100;\n }\n\n slideWidth = Math.ceil((listWidth - centerPaddingAdj) / spec.slidesToShow);\n } else {\n slideWidth = listWidth;\n }\n\n var slideHeight = listNode && getHeight(listNode.querySelector('[data-index=\"0\"]'));\n var listHeight = slideHeight * spec.slidesToShow;\n var currentSlide = spec.currentSlide === undefined ? spec.initialSlide : spec.currentSlide;\n\n if (spec.rtl && spec.currentSlide === undefined) {\n currentSlide = slideCount - 1 - spec.initialSlide;\n }\n\n var lazyLoadedList = spec.lazyLoadedList || [];\n var slidesToLoad = getOnDemandLazySlides(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), {}, {\n currentSlide: currentSlide,\n lazyLoadedList: lazyLoadedList\n }));\n lazyLoadedList = lazyLoadedList.concat(slidesToLoad);\n var state = {\n slideCount: slideCount,\n slideWidth: slideWidth,\n listWidth: listWidth,\n trackWidth: trackWidth,\n currentSlide: currentSlide,\n slideHeight: slideHeight,\n listHeight: listHeight,\n lazyLoadedList: lazyLoadedList\n };\n\n if (spec.autoplaying === null && spec.autoplay) {\n state[\"autoplaying\"] = \"playing\";\n }\n\n return state;\n};\n\nexports.initializedState = initializedState;\n\nvar slideHandler = function slideHandler(spec) {\n var waitForAnimate = spec.waitForAnimate,\n animating = spec.animating,\n fade = spec.fade,\n infinite = spec.infinite,\n index = spec.index,\n slideCount = spec.slideCount,\n lazyLoad = spec.lazyLoad,\n currentSlide = spec.currentSlide,\n centerMode = spec.centerMode,\n slidesToScroll = spec.slidesToScroll,\n slidesToShow = spec.slidesToShow,\n useCSS = spec.useCSS;\n var lazyLoadedList = spec.lazyLoadedList;\n if (waitForAnimate && animating) return {};\n var animationSlide = index,\n finalSlide,\n animationLeft,\n finalLeft;\n var state = {},\n nextState = {};\n var targetSlide = infinite ? index : clamp(index, 0, slideCount - 1);\n\n if (fade) {\n if (!infinite && (index < 0 || index >= slideCount)) return {};\n\n if (index < 0) {\n animationSlide = index + slideCount;\n } else if (index >= slideCount) {\n animationSlide = index - slideCount;\n }\n\n if (lazyLoad && lazyLoadedList.indexOf(animationSlide) < 0) {\n lazyLoadedList = lazyLoadedList.concat(animationSlide);\n }\n\n state = {\n animating: true,\n currentSlide: animationSlide,\n lazyLoadedList: lazyLoadedList,\n targetSlide: animationSlide\n };\n nextState = {\n animating: false,\n targetSlide: animationSlide\n };\n } else {\n finalSlide = animationSlide;\n\n if (animationSlide < 0) {\n finalSlide = animationSlide + slideCount;\n if (!infinite) finalSlide = 0;else if (slideCount % slidesToScroll !== 0) finalSlide = slideCount - slideCount % slidesToScroll;\n } else if (!canGoNext(spec) && animationSlide > currentSlide) {\n animationSlide = finalSlide = currentSlide;\n } else if (centerMode && animationSlide >= slideCount) {\n animationSlide = infinite ? slideCount : slideCount - 1;\n finalSlide = infinite ? 0 : slideCount - 1;\n } else if (animationSlide >= slideCount) {\n finalSlide = animationSlide - slideCount;\n if (!infinite) finalSlide = slideCount - slidesToShow;else if (slideCount % slidesToScroll !== 0) finalSlide = 0;\n }\n\n if (!infinite && animationSlide + slidesToShow >= slideCount) {\n finalSlide = slideCount - slidesToShow;\n }\n\n animationLeft = getTrackLeft(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), {}, {\n slideIndex: animationSlide\n }));\n finalLeft = getTrackLeft(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), {}, {\n slideIndex: finalSlide\n }));\n\n if (!infinite) {\n if (animationLeft === finalLeft) animationSlide = finalSlide;\n animationLeft = finalLeft;\n }\n\n if (lazyLoad) {\n lazyLoadedList = lazyLoadedList.concat(getOnDemandLazySlides(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), {}, {\n currentSlide: animationSlide\n })));\n }\n\n if (!useCSS) {\n state = {\n currentSlide: finalSlide,\n trackStyle: getTrackCSS(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), {}, {\n left: finalLeft\n })),\n lazyLoadedList: lazyLoadedList,\n targetSlide: targetSlide\n };\n } else {\n state = {\n animating: true,\n currentSlide: finalSlide,\n trackStyle: getTrackAnimateCSS(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), {}, {\n left: animationLeft\n })),\n lazyLoadedList: lazyLoadedList,\n targetSlide: targetSlide\n };\n nextState = {\n animating: false,\n currentSlide: finalSlide,\n trackStyle: getTrackCSS(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), {}, {\n left: finalLeft\n })),\n swipeLeft: null,\n targetSlide: targetSlide\n };\n }\n }\n\n return {\n state: state,\n nextState: nextState\n };\n};\n\nexports.slideHandler = slideHandler;\n\nvar changeSlide = function changeSlide(spec, options) {\n var indexOffset, previousInt, slideOffset, unevenOffset, targetSlide;\n var slidesToScroll = spec.slidesToScroll,\n slidesToShow = spec.slidesToShow,\n slideCount = spec.slideCount,\n currentSlide = spec.currentSlide,\n previousTargetSlide = spec.targetSlide,\n lazyLoad = spec.lazyLoad,\n infinite = spec.infinite;\n unevenOffset = slideCount % slidesToScroll !== 0;\n indexOffset = unevenOffset ? 0 : (slideCount - currentSlide) % slidesToScroll;\n\n if (options.message === \"previous\") {\n slideOffset = indexOffset === 0 ? slidesToScroll : slidesToShow - indexOffset;\n targetSlide = currentSlide - slideOffset;\n\n if (lazyLoad && !infinite) {\n previousInt = currentSlide - slideOffset;\n targetSlide = previousInt === -1 ? slideCount - 1 : previousInt;\n }\n\n if (!infinite) {\n targetSlide = previousTargetSlide - slidesToScroll;\n }\n } else if (options.message === \"next\") {\n slideOffset = indexOffset === 0 ? slidesToScroll : indexOffset;\n targetSlide = currentSlide + slideOffset;\n\n if (lazyLoad && !infinite) {\n targetSlide = (currentSlide + slidesToScroll) % slideCount + indexOffset;\n }\n\n if (!infinite) {\n targetSlide = previousTargetSlide + slidesToScroll;\n }\n } else if (options.message === \"dots\") {\n // Click on dots\n targetSlide = options.index * options.slidesToScroll;\n } else if (options.message === \"children\") {\n // Click on the slides\n targetSlide = options.index;\n\n if (infinite) {\n var direction = siblingDirection(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), {}, {\n targetSlide: targetSlide\n }));\n\n if (targetSlide > options.currentSlide && direction === \"left\") {\n targetSlide = targetSlide - slideCount;\n } else if (targetSlide < options.currentSlide && direction === \"right\") {\n targetSlide = targetSlide + slideCount;\n }\n }\n } else if (options.message === \"index\") {\n targetSlide = Number(options.index);\n }\n\n return targetSlide;\n};\n\nexports.changeSlide = changeSlide;\n\nvar keyHandler = function keyHandler(e, accessibility, rtl) {\n if (e.target.tagName.match(\"TEXTAREA|INPUT|SELECT\") || !accessibility) return \"\";\n if (e.keyCode === 37) return rtl ? \"next\" : \"previous\";\n if (e.keyCode === 39) return rtl ? \"previous\" : \"next\";\n return \"\";\n};\n\nexports.keyHandler = keyHandler;\n\nvar swipeStart = function swipeStart(e, swipe, draggable) {\n e.target.tagName === \"IMG\" && safePreventDefault(e);\n if (!swipe || !draggable && e.type.indexOf(\"mouse\") !== -1) return \"\";\n return {\n dragging: true,\n touchObject: {\n startX: e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.clientX,\n startY: e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.clientY,\n curX: e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.clientX,\n curY: e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.clientY\n }\n };\n};\n\nexports.swipeStart = swipeStart;\n\nvar swipeMove = function swipeMove(e, spec) {\n // spec also contains, trackRef and slideIndex\n var scrolling = spec.scrolling,\n animating = spec.animating,\n vertical = spec.vertical,\n swipeToSlide = spec.swipeToSlide,\n verticalSwiping = spec.verticalSwiping,\n rtl = spec.rtl,\n currentSlide = spec.currentSlide,\n edgeFriction = spec.edgeFriction,\n edgeDragged = spec.edgeDragged,\n onEdge = spec.onEdge,\n swiped = spec.swiped,\n swiping = spec.swiping,\n slideCount = spec.slideCount,\n slidesToScroll = spec.slidesToScroll,\n infinite = spec.infinite,\n touchObject = spec.touchObject,\n swipeEvent = spec.swipeEvent,\n listHeight = spec.listHeight,\n listWidth = spec.listWidth;\n if (scrolling) return;\n if (animating) return safePreventDefault(e);\n if (vertical && swipeToSlide && verticalSwiping) safePreventDefault(e);\n var swipeLeft,\n state = {};\n var curLeft = getTrackLeft(spec);\n touchObject.curX = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.clientX;\n touchObject.curY = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.clientY;\n touchObject.swipeLength = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(touchObject.curX - touchObject.startX, 2)));\n var verticalSwipeLength = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(touchObject.curY - touchObject.startY, 2)));\n\n if (!verticalSwiping && !swiping && verticalSwipeLength > 10) {\n return {\n scrolling: true\n };\n }\n\n if (verticalSwiping) touchObject.swipeLength = verticalSwipeLength;\n var positionOffset = (!rtl ? 1 : -1) * (touchObject.curX > touchObject.startX ? 1 : -1);\n if (verticalSwiping) positionOffset = touchObject.curY > touchObject.startY ? 1 : -1;\n var dotCount = Math.ceil(slideCount / slidesToScroll);\n var swipeDirection = getSwipeDirection(spec.touchObject, verticalSwiping);\n var touchSwipeLength = touchObject.swipeLength;\n\n if (!infinite) {\n if (currentSlide === 0 && (swipeDirection === \"right\" || swipeDirection === \"down\") || currentSlide + 1 >= dotCount && (swipeDirection === \"left\" || swipeDirection === \"up\") || !canGoNext(spec) && (swipeDirection === \"left\" || swipeDirection === \"up\")) {\n touchSwipeLength = touchObject.swipeLength * edgeFriction;\n\n if (edgeDragged === false && onEdge) {\n onEdge(swipeDirection);\n state[\"edgeDragged\"] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (!swiped && swipeEvent) {\n swipeEvent(swipeDirection);\n state[\"swiped\"] = true;\n }\n\n if (!vertical) {\n if (!rtl) {\n swipeLeft = curLeft + touchSwipeLength * positionOffset;\n } else {\n swipeLeft = curLeft - touchSwipeLength * positionOffset;\n }\n } else {\n swipeLeft = curLeft + touchSwipeLength * (listHeight / listWidth) * positionOffset;\n }\n\n if (verticalSwiping) {\n swipeLeft = curLeft + touchSwipeLength * positionOffset;\n }\n\n state = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, state), {}, {\n touchObject: touchObject,\n swipeLeft: swipeLeft,\n trackStyle: getTrackCSS(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), {}, {\n left: swipeLeft\n }))\n });\n\n if (Math.abs(touchObject.curX - touchObject.startX) < Math.abs(touchObject.curY - touchObject.startY) * 0.8) {\n return state;\n }\n\n if (touchObject.swipeLength > 10) {\n state[\"swiping\"] = true;\n safePreventDefault(e);\n }\n\n return state;\n};\n\nexports.swipeMove = swipeMove;\n\nvar swipeEnd = function swipeEnd(e, spec) {\n var dragging = spec.dragging,\n swipe = spec.swipe,\n touchObject = spec.touchObject,\n listWidth = spec.listWidth,\n touchThreshold = spec.touchThreshold,\n verticalSwiping = spec.verticalSwiping,\n listHeight = spec.listHeight,\n swipeToSlide = spec.swipeToSlide,\n scrolling = spec.scrolling,\n onSwipe = spec.onSwipe,\n targetSlide = spec.targetSlide,\n currentSlide = spec.currentSlide,\n infinite = spec.infinite;\n\n if (!dragging) {\n if (swipe) safePreventDefault(e);\n return {};\n }\n\n var minSwipe = verticalSwiping ? listHeight / touchThreshold : listWidth / touchThreshold;\n var swipeDirection = getSwipeDirection(touchObject, verticalSwiping); // reset the state of touch related state variables.\n\n var state = {\n dragging: false,\n edgeDragged: false,\n scrolling: false,\n swiping: false,\n swiped: false,\n swipeLeft: null,\n touchObject: {}\n };\n\n if (scrolling) {\n return state;\n }\n\n if (!touchObject.swipeLength) {\n return state;\n }\n\n if (touchObject.swipeLength > minSwipe) {\n safePreventDefault(e);\n\n if (onSwipe) {\n onSwipe(swipeDirection);\n }\n\n var slideCount, newSlide;\n var activeSlide = infinite ? currentSlide : targetSlide;\n\n switch (swipeDirection) {\n case \"left\":\n case \"up\":\n newSlide = activeSlide + getSlideCount(spec);\n slideCount = swipeToSlide ? checkNavigable(spec, newSlide) : newSlide;\n state[\"currentDirection\"] = 0;\n break;\n\n case \"right\":\n case \"down\":\n newSlide = activeSlide - getSlideCount(spec);\n slideCount = swipeToSlide ? checkNavigable(spec, newSlide) : newSlide;\n state[\"currentDirection\"] = 1;\n break;\n\n default:\n slideCount = activeSlide;\n }\n\n state[\"triggerSlideHandler\"] = slideCount;\n } else {\n // Adjust the track back to it's original position.\n var currentLeft = getTrackLeft(spec);\n state[\"trackStyle\"] = getTrackAnimateCSS(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, spec), {}, {\n left: currentLeft\n }));\n }\n\n return state;\n};\n\nexports.swipeEnd = swipeEnd;\n\nvar getNavigableIndexes = function getNavigableIndexes(spec) {\n var max = spec.infinite ? spec.slideCount * 2 : spec.slideCount;\n var breakpoint = spec.infinite ? spec.slidesToShow * -1 : 0;\n var counter = spec.infinite ? spec.slidesToShow * -1 : 0;\n var indexes = [];\n\n while (breakpoint < max) {\n indexes.push(breakpoint);\n breakpoint = counter + spec.slidesToScroll;\n counter += Math.min(spec.slidesToScroll, spec.slidesToShow);\n }\n\n return indexes;\n};\n\nexports.getNavigableIndexes = getNavigableIndexes;\n\nvar checkNavigable = function checkNavigable(spec, index) {\n var navigables = getNavigableIndexes(spec);\n var prevNavigable = 0;\n\n if (index > navigables[navigables.length - 1]) {\n index = navigables[navigables.length - 1];\n } else {\n for (var n in navigables) {\n if (index < navigables[n]) {\n index = prevNavigable;\n break;\n }\n\n prevNavigable = navigables[n];\n }\n }\n\n return index;\n};\n\nexports.checkNavigable = checkNavigable;\n\nvar getSlideCount = function getSlideCount(spec) {\n var centerOffset = spec.centerMode ? spec.slideWidth * Math.floor(spec.slidesToShow / 2) : 0;\n\n if (spec.swipeToSlide) {\n var swipedSlide;\n var slickList = spec.listRef;\n var slides = slickList.querySelectorAll && slickList.querySelectorAll(\".slick-slide\") || [];\n Array.from(slides).every(function (slide) {\n if (!spec.vertical) {\n if (slide.offsetLeft - centerOffset + getWidth(slide) / 2 > spec.swipeLeft * -1) {\n swipedSlide = slide;\n return false;\n }\n } else {\n if (slide.offsetTop + getHeight(slide) / 2 > spec.swipeLeft * -1) {\n swipedSlide = slide;\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n });\n\n if (!swipedSlide) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n var currentIndex = spec.rtl === true ? spec.slideCount - spec.currentSlide : spec.currentSlide;\n var slidesTraversed = Math.abs(swipedSlide.dataset.index - currentIndex) || 1;\n return slidesTraversed;\n } else {\n return spec.slidesToScroll;\n }\n};\n\nexports.getSlideCount = getSlideCount;\n\nvar checkSpecKeys = function checkSpecKeys(spec, keysArray) {\n return keysArray.reduce(function (value, key) {\n return value && spec.hasOwnProperty(key);\n }, true) ? null : console.error(\"Keys Missing:\", spec);\n};\n\nexports.checkSpecKeys = checkSpecKeys;\n\nvar getTrackCSS = function getTrackCSS(spec) {\n checkSpecKeys(spec, [\"left\", \"variableWidth\", \"slideCount\", \"slidesToShow\", \"slideWidth\"]);\n var trackWidth, trackHeight;\n var trackChildren = spec.slideCount + 2 * spec.slidesToShow;\n\n if (!spec.vertical) {\n trackWidth = getTotalSlides(spec) * spec.slideWidth;\n } else {\n trackHeight = trackChildren * spec.slideHeight;\n }\n\n var style = {\n opacity: 1,\n transition: \"\",\n WebkitTransition: \"\"\n };\n\n if (spec.useTransform) {\n var WebkitTransform = !spec.vertical ? \"translate3d(\" + spec.left + \"px, 0px, 0px)\" : \"translate3d(0px, \" + spec.left + \"px, 0px)\";\n var transform = !spec.vertical ? \"translate3d(\" + spec.left + \"px, 0px, 0px)\" : \"translate3d(0px, \" + spec.left + \"px, 0px)\";\n var msTransform = !spec.vertical ? \"translateX(\" + spec.left + \"px)\" : \"translateY(\" + spec.left + \"px)\";\n style = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, style), {}, {\n WebkitTransform: WebkitTransform,\n transform: transform,\n msTransform: msTransform\n });\n } else {\n if (spec.vertical) {\n style[\"top\"] = spec.left;\n } else {\n style[\"left\"] = spec.left;\n }\n }\n\n if (spec.fade) style = {\n opacity: 1\n };\n if (trackWidth) style.width = trackWidth;\n if (trackHeight) style.height = trackHeight; // Fallback for IE8\n\n if (window && !window.addEventListener && window.attachEvent) {\n if (!spec.vertical) {\n style.marginLeft = spec.left + \"px\";\n } else {\n style.marginTop = spec.left + \"px\";\n }\n }\n\n return style;\n};\n\nexports.getTrackCSS = getTrackCSS;\n\nvar getTrackAnimateCSS = function getTrackAnimateCSS(spec) {\n checkSpecKeys(spec, [\"left\", \"variableWidth\", \"slideCount\", \"slidesToShow\", \"slideWidth\", \"speed\", \"cssEase\"]);\n var style = getTrackCSS(spec); // useCSS is true by default so it can be undefined\n\n if (spec.useTransform) {\n style.WebkitTransition = \"-webkit-transform \" + spec.speed + \"ms \" + spec.cssEase;\n style.transition = \"transform \" + spec.speed + \"ms \" + spec.cssEase;\n } else {\n if (spec.vertical) {\n style.transition = \"top \" + spec.speed + \"ms \" + spec.cssEase;\n } else {\n style.transition = \"left \" + spec.speed + \"ms \" + spec.cssEase;\n }\n }\n\n return style;\n};\n\nexports.getTrackAnimateCSS = getTrackAnimateCSS;\n\nvar getTrackLeft = function getTrackLeft(spec) {\n if (spec.unslick) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n checkSpecKeys(spec, [\"slideIndex\", \"trackRef\", \"infinite\", \"centerMode\", \"slideCount\", \"slidesToShow\", \"slidesToScroll\", \"slideWidth\", \"listWidth\", \"variableWidth\", \"slideHeight\"]);\n var slideIndex = spec.slideIndex,\n trackRef = spec.trackRef,\n infinite = spec.infinite,\n centerMode = spec.centerMode,\n slideCount = spec.slideCount,\n slidesToShow = spec.slidesToShow,\n slidesToScroll = spec.slidesToScroll,\n slideWidth = spec.slideWidth,\n listWidth = spec.listWidth,\n variableWidth = spec.variableWidth,\n slideHeight = spec.slideHeight,\n fade = spec.fade,\n vertical = spec.vertical;\n var slideOffset = 0;\n var targetLeft;\n var targetSlide;\n var verticalOffset = 0;\n\n if (fade || spec.slideCount === 1) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n var slidesToOffset = 0;\n\n if (infinite) {\n slidesToOffset = -getPreClones(spec); // bring active slide to the beginning of visual area\n // if next scroll doesn't have enough children, just reach till the end of original slides instead of shifting slidesToScroll children\n\n if (slideCount % slidesToScroll !== 0 && slideIndex + slidesToScroll > slideCount) {\n slidesToOffset = -(slideIndex > slideCount ? slidesToShow - (slideIndex - slideCount) : slideCount % slidesToScroll);\n } // shift current slide to center of the frame\n\n\n if (centerMode) {\n slidesToOffset += parseInt(slidesToShow / 2);\n }\n } else {\n if (slideCount % slidesToScroll !== 0 && slideIndex + slidesToScroll > slideCount) {\n slidesToOffset = slidesToShow - slideCount % slidesToScroll;\n }\n\n if (centerMode) {\n slidesToOffset = parseInt(slidesToShow / 2);\n }\n }\n\n slideOffset = slidesToOffset * slideWidth;\n verticalOffset = slidesToOffset * slideHeight;\n\n if (!vertical) {\n targetLeft = slideIndex * slideWidth * -1 + slideOffset;\n } else {\n targetLeft = slideIndex * slideHeight * -1 + verticalOffset;\n }\n\n if (variableWidth === true) {\n var targetSlideIndex;\n var trackElem = trackRef && trackRef.node;\n targetSlideIndex = slideIndex + getPreClones(spec);\n targetSlide = trackElem && trackElem.childNodes[targetSlideIndex];\n targetLeft = targetSlide ? targetSlide.offsetLeft * -1 : 0;\n\n if (centerMode === true) {\n targetSlideIndex = infinite ? slideIndex + getPreClones(spec) : slideIndex;\n targetSlide = trackElem && trackElem.children[targetSlideIndex];\n targetLeft = 0;\n\n for (var slide = 0; slide < targetSlideIndex; slide++) {\n targetLeft -= trackElem && trackElem.children[slide] && trackElem.children[slide].offsetWidth;\n }\n\n targetLeft -= parseInt(spec.centerPadding);\n targetLeft += targetSlide && (listWidth - targetSlide.offsetWidth) / 2;\n }\n }\n\n return targetLeft;\n};\n\nexports.getTrackLeft = getTrackLeft;\n\nvar getPreClones = function getPreClones(spec) {\n if (spec.unslick || !spec.infinite) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n if (spec.variableWidth) {\n return spec.slideCount;\n }\n\n return spec.slidesToShow + (spec.centerMode ? 1 : 0);\n};\n\nexports.getPreClones = getPreClones;\n\nvar getPostClones = function getPostClones(spec) {\n if (spec.unslick || !spec.infinite) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n return spec.slideCount;\n};\n\nexports.getPostClones = getPostClones;\n\nvar getTotalSlides = function getTotalSlides(spec) {\n return spec.slideCount === 1 ? 1 : getPreClones(spec) + spec.slideCount + getPostClones(spec);\n};\n\nexports.getTotalSlides = getTotalSlides;\n\nvar siblingDirection = function siblingDirection(spec) {\n if (spec.targetSlide > spec.currentSlide) {\n if (spec.targetSlide > spec.currentSlide + slidesOnRight(spec)) {\n return \"left\";\n }\n\n return \"right\";\n } else {\n if (spec.targetSlide < spec.currentSlide - slidesOnLeft(spec)) {\n return \"right\";\n }\n\n return \"left\";\n }\n};\n\nexports.siblingDirection = siblingDirection;\n\nvar slidesOnRight = function slidesOnRight(_ref) {\n var slidesToShow = _ref.slidesToShow,\n centerMode = _ref.centerMode,\n rtl = _ref.rtl,\n centerPadding = _ref.centerPadding;\n\n // returns no of slides on the right of active slide\n if (centerMode) {\n var right = (slidesToShow - 1) / 2 + 1;\n if (parseInt(centerPadding) > 0) right += 1;\n if (rtl && slidesToShow % 2 === 0) right += 1;\n return right;\n }\n\n if (rtl) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n return slidesToShow - 1;\n};\n\nexports.slidesOnRight = slidesOnRight;\n\nvar slidesOnLeft = function slidesOnLeft(_ref2) {\n var slidesToShow = _ref2.slidesToShow,\n centerMode = _ref2.centerMode,\n rtl = _ref2.rtl,\n centerPadding = _ref2.centerPadding;\n\n // returns no of slides on the left of active slide\n if (centerMode) {\n var left = (slidesToShow - 1) / 2 + 1;\n if (parseInt(centerPadding) > 0) left += 1;\n if (!rtl && slidesToShow % 2 === 0) left += 1;\n return left;\n }\n\n if (rtl) {\n return slidesToShow - 1;\n }\n\n return 0;\n};\n\nexports.slidesOnLeft = slidesOnLeft;\n\nvar canUseDOM = function canUseDOM() {\n return !!(typeof window !== \"undefined\" && window.document && window.document.createElement);\n};\n\nexports.canUseDOM = canUseDOM;","/** @license React v17.0.2\n * react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js\n *\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n'use strict';require(\"object-assign\");var f=require(\"react\"),g=60103;exports.Fragment=60107;if(\"function\"===typeof Symbol&&Symbol.for){var h=Symbol.for;g=h(\"react.element\");exports.Fragment=h(\"react.fragment\")}var m=f.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner,n=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,p={key:!0,ref:!0,__self:!0,__source:!0};\nfunction q(c,a,k){var b,d={},e=null,l=null;void 0!==k&&(e=\"\"+k);void 0!==a.key&&(e=\"\"+a.key);void 0!==a.ref&&(l=a.ref);for(b in a)n.call(a,b)&&!p.hasOwnProperty(b)&&(d[b]=a[b]);if(c&&c.defaultProps)for(b in a=c.defaultProps,a)void 0===d[b]&&(d[b]=a[b]);return{$$typeof:g,type:c,key:e,ref:l,props:d,_owner:m.current}}exports.jsx=q;exports.jsxs=q;\n","/** @license React v17.0.2\n * react.production.min.js\n *\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n'use strict';var l=require(\"object-assign\"),n=60103,p=60106;exports.Fragment=60107;exports.StrictMode=60108;exports.Profiler=60114;var q=60109,r=60110,t=60112;exports.Suspense=60113;var u=60115,v=60116;\nif(\"function\"===typeof Symbol&&Symbol.for){var w=Symbol.for;n=w(\"react.element\");p=w(\"react.portal\");exports.Fragment=w(\"react.fragment\");exports.StrictMode=w(\"react.strict_mode\");exports.Profiler=w(\"react.profiler\");q=w(\"react.provider\");r=w(\"react.context\");t=w(\"react.forward_ref\");exports.Suspense=w(\"react.suspense\");u=w(\"react.memo\");v=w(\"react.lazy\")}var x=\"function\"===typeof Symbol&&Symbol.iterator;\nfunction y(a){if(null===a||\"object\"!==typeof a)return null;a=x&&a[x]||a[\"@@iterator\"];return\"function\"===typeof a?a:null}function z(a){for(var b=\"https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=\"+a,c=1;c} arr\r\n * @param {*} key\r\n * @returns {number}\r\n */\r\n function getIndex(arr, key) {\r\n var result = -1;\r\n arr.some(function (entry, index) {\r\n if (entry[0] === key) {\r\n result = index;\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n });\r\n return result;\r\n }\r\n return /** @class */ (function () {\r\n function class_1() {\r\n this.__entries__ = [];\r\n }\r\n Object.defineProperty(class_1.prototype, \"size\", {\r\n /**\r\n * @returns {boolean}\r\n */\r\n get: function () {\r\n return this.__entries__.length;\r\n },\r\n enumerable: true,\r\n configurable: true\r\n });\r\n /**\r\n * @param {*} key\r\n * @returns {*}\r\n */\r\n class_1.prototype.get = function (key) {\r\n var index = getIndex(this.__entries__, key);\r\n var entry = this.__entries__[index];\r\n return entry && entry[1];\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * @param {*} key\r\n * @param {*} value\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n class_1.prototype.set = function (key, value) {\r\n var index = getIndex(this.__entries__, key);\r\n if (~index) {\r\n this.__entries__[index][1] = value;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.__entries__.push([key, value]);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * @param {*} key\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n class_1.prototype.delete = function (key) {\r\n var entries = this.__entries__;\r\n var index = getIndex(entries, key);\r\n if (~index) {\r\n entries.splice(index, 1);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * @param {*} key\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n class_1.prototype.has = function (key) {\r\n return !!~getIndex(this.__entries__, key);\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n class_1.prototype.clear = function () {\r\n this.__entries__.splice(0);\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * @param {Function} callback\r\n * @param {*} [ctx=null]\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n class_1.prototype.forEach = function (callback, ctx) {\r\n if (ctx === void 0) { ctx = null; }\r\n for (var _i = 0, _a = this.__entries__; _i < _a.length; _i++) {\r\n var entry = _a[_i];\r\n callback.call(ctx, entry[1], entry[0]);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n return class_1;\r\n }());\r\n})();\n\n/**\r\n * Detects whether window and document objects are available in current environment.\r\n */\r\nvar isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined' && window.document === document;\n\n// Returns global object of a current environment.\r\nvar global$1 = (function () {\r\n if (typeof global !== 'undefined' && global.Math === Math) {\r\n return global;\r\n }\r\n if (typeof self !== 'undefined' && self.Math === Math) {\r\n return self;\r\n }\r\n if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Math === Math) {\r\n return window;\r\n }\r\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func\r\n return Function('return this')();\r\n})();\n\n/**\r\n * A shim for the requestAnimationFrame which falls back to the setTimeout if\r\n * first one is not supported.\r\n *\r\n * @returns {number} Requests' identifier.\r\n */\r\nvar requestAnimationFrame$1 = (function () {\r\n if (typeof requestAnimationFrame === 'function') {\r\n // It's required to use a bounded function because IE sometimes throws\r\n // an \"Invalid calling object\" error if rAF is invoked without the global\r\n // object on the left hand side.\r\n return requestAnimationFrame.bind(global$1);\r\n }\r\n return function (callback) { return setTimeout(function () { return callback(Date.now()); }, 1000 / 60); };\r\n})();\n\n// Defines minimum timeout before adding a trailing call.\r\nvar trailingTimeout = 2;\r\n/**\r\n * Creates a wrapper function which ensures that provided callback will be\r\n * invoked only once during the specified delay period.\r\n *\r\n * @param {Function} callback - Function to be invoked after the delay period.\r\n * @param {number} delay - Delay after which to invoke callback.\r\n * @returns {Function}\r\n */\r\nfunction throttle (callback, delay) {\r\n var leadingCall = false, trailingCall = false, lastCallTime = 0;\r\n /**\r\n * Invokes the original callback function and schedules new invocation if\r\n * the \"proxy\" was called during current request.\r\n *\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n function resolvePending() {\r\n if (leadingCall) {\r\n leadingCall = false;\r\n callback();\r\n }\r\n if (trailingCall) {\r\n proxy();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Callback invoked after the specified delay. It will further postpone\r\n * invocation of the original function delegating it to the\r\n * requestAnimationFrame.\r\n *\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n function timeoutCallback() {\r\n requestAnimationFrame$1(resolvePending);\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Schedules invocation of the original function.\r\n *\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n function proxy() {\r\n var timeStamp = Date.now();\r\n if (leadingCall) {\r\n // Reject immediately following calls.\r\n if (timeStamp - lastCallTime < trailingTimeout) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n // Schedule new call to be in invoked when the pending one is resolved.\r\n // This is important for \"transitions\" which never actually start\r\n // immediately so there is a chance that we might miss one if change\r\n // happens amids the pending invocation.\r\n trailingCall = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n leadingCall = true;\r\n trailingCall = false;\r\n setTimeout(timeoutCallback, delay);\r\n }\r\n lastCallTime = timeStamp;\r\n }\r\n return proxy;\r\n}\n\n// Minimum delay before invoking the update of observers.\r\nvar REFRESH_DELAY = 20;\r\n// A list of substrings of CSS properties used to find transition events that\r\n// might affect dimensions of observed elements.\r\nvar transitionKeys = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left', 'width', 'height', 'size', 'weight'];\r\n// Check if MutationObserver is available.\r\nvar mutationObserverSupported = typeof MutationObserver !== 'undefined';\r\n/**\r\n * Singleton controller class which handles updates of ResizeObserver instances.\r\n */\r\nvar ResizeObserverController = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Creates a new instance of ResizeObserverController.\r\n *\r\n * @private\r\n */\r\n function ResizeObserverController() {\r\n /**\r\n * Indicates whether DOM listeners have been added.\r\n *\r\n * @private {boolean}\r\n */\r\n this.connected_ = false;\r\n /**\r\n * Tells that controller has subscribed for Mutation Events.\r\n *\r\n * @private {boolean}\r\n */\r\n this.mutationEventsAdded_ = false;\r\n /**\r\n * Keeps reference to the instance of MutationObserver.\r\n *\r\n * @private {MutationObserver}\r\n */\r\n this.mutationsObserver_ = null;\r\n /**\r\n * A list of connected observers.\r\n *\r\n * @private {Array}\r\n */\r\n this.observers_ = [];\r\n this.onTransitionEnd_ = this.onTransitionEnd_.bind(this);\r\n this.refresh = throttle(this.refresh.bind(this), REFRESH_DELAY);\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Adds observer to observers list.\r\n *\r\n * @param {ResizeObserverSPI} observer - Observer to be added.\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverController.prototype.addObserver = function (observer) {\r\n if (!~this.observers_.indexOf(observer)) {\r\n this.observers_.push(observer);\r\n }\r\n // Add listeners if they haven't been added yet.\r\n if (!this.connected_) {\r\n this.connect_();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Removes observer from observers list.\r\n *\r\n * @param {ResizeObserverSPI} observer - Observer to be removed.\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverController.prototype.removeObserver = function (observer) {\r\n var observers = this.observers_;\r\n var index = observers.indexOf(observer);\r\n // Remove observer if it's present in registry.\r\n if (~index) {\r\n observers.splice(index, 1);\r\n }\r\n // Remove listeners if controller has no connected observers.\r\n if (!observers.length && this.connected_) {\r\n this.disconnect_();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Invokes the update of observers. It will continue running updates insofar\r\n * it detects changes.\r\n *\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverController.prototype.refresh = function () {\r\n var changesDetected = this.updateObservers_();\r\n // Continue running updates if changes have been detected as there might\r\n // be future ones caused by CSS transitions.\r\n if (changesDetected) {\r\n this.refresh();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Updates every observer from observers list and notifies them of queued\r\n * entries.\r\n *\r\n * @private\r\n * @returns {boolean} Returns \"true\" if any observer has detected changes in\r\n * dimensions of it's elements.\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverController.prototype.updateObservers_ = function () {\r\n // Collect observers that have active observations.\r\n var activeObservers = this.observers_.filter(function (observer) {\r\n return observer.gatherActive(), observer.hasActive();\r\n });\r\n // Deliver notifications in a separate cycle in order to avoid any\r\n // collisions between observers, e.g. when multiple instances of\r\n // ResizeObserver are tracking the same element and the callback of one\r\n // of them changes content dimensions of the observed target. Sometimes\r\n // this may result in notifications being blocked for the rest of observers.\r\n activeObservers.forEach(function (observer) { return observer.broadcastActive(); });\r\n return activeObservers.length > 0;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Initializes DOM listeners.\r\n *\r\n * @private\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverController.prototype.connect_ = function () {\r\n // Do nothing if running in a non-browser environment or if listeners\r\n // have been already added.\r\n if (!isBrowser || this.connected_) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n // Subscription to the \"Transitionend\" event is used as a workaround for\r\n // delayed transitions. This way it's possible to capture at least the\r\n // final state of an element.\r\n document.addEventListener('transitionend', this.onTransitionEnd_);\r\n window.addEventListener('resize', this.refresh);\r\n if (mutationObserverSupported) {\r\n this.mutationsObserver_ = new MutationObserver(this.refresh);\r\n this.mutationsObserver_.observe(document, {\r\n attributes: true,\r\n childList: true,\r\n characterData: true,\r\n subtree: true\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n document.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', this.refresh);\r\n this.mutationEventsAdded_ = true;\r\n }\r\n this.connected_ = true;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Removes DOM listeners.\r\n *\r\n * @private\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverController.prototype.disconnect_ = function () {\r\n // Do nothing if running in a non-browser environment or if listeners\r\n // have been already removed.\r\n if (!isBrowser || !this.connected_) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n document.removeEventListener('transitionend', this.onTransitionEnd_);\r\n window.removeEventListener('resize', this.refresh);\r\n if (this.mutationsObserver_) {\r\n this.mutationsObserver_.disconnect();\r\n }\r\n if (this.mutationEventsAdded_) {\r\n document.removeEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', this.refresh);\r\n }\r\n this.mutationsObserver_ = null;\r\n this.mutationEventsAdded_ = false;\r\n this.connected_ = false;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * \"Transitionend\" event handler.\r\n *\r\n * @private\r\n * @param {TransitionEvent} event\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverController.prototype.onTransitionEnd_ = function (_a) {\r\n var _b = _a.propertyName, propertyName = _b === void 0 ? '' : _b;\r\n // Detect whether transition may affect dimensions of an element.\r\n var isReflowProperty = transitionKeys.some(function (key) {\r\n return !!~propertyName.indexOf(key);\r\n });\r\n if (isReflowProperty) {\r\n this.refresh();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Returns instance of the ResizeObserverController.\r\n *\r\n * @returns {ResizeObserverController}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverController.getInstance = function () {\r\n if (!this.instance_) {\r\n this.instance_ = new ResizeObserverController();\r\n }\r\n return this.instance_;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Holds reference to the controller's instance.\r\n *\r\n * @private {ResizeObserverController}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverController.instance_ = null;\r\n return ResizeObserverController;\r\n}());\n\n/**\r\n * Defines non-writable/enumerable properties of the provided target object.\r\n *\r\n * @param {Object} target - Object for which to define properties.\r\n * @param {Object} props - Properties to be defined.\r\n * @returns {Object} Target object.\r\n */\r\nvar defineConfigurable = (function (target, props) {\r\n for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.keys(props); _i < _a.length; _i++) {\r\n var key = _a[_i];\r\n Object.defineProperty(target, key, {\r\n value: props[key],\r\n enumerable: false,\r\n writable: false,\r\n configurable: true\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return target;\r\n});\n\n/**\r\n * Returns the global object associated with provided element.\r\n *\r\n * @param {Object} target\r\n * @returns {Object}\r\n */\r\nvar getWindowOf = (function (target) {\r\n // Assume that the element is an instance of Node, which means that it\r\n // has the \"ownerDocument\" property from which we can retrieve a\r\n // corresponding global object.\r\n var ownerGlobal = target && target.ownerDocument && target.ownerDocument.defaultView;\r\n // Return the local global object if it's not possible extract one from\r\n // provided element.\r\n return ownerGlobal || global$1;\r\n});\n\n// Placeholder of an empty content rectangle.\r\nvar emptyRect = createRectInit(0, 0, 0, 0);\r\n/**\r\n * Converts provided string to a number.\r\n *\r\n * @param {number|string} value\r\n * @returns {number}\r\n */\r\nfunction toFloat(value) {\r\n return parseFloat(value) || 0;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Extracts borders size from provided styles.\r\n *\r\n * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} styles\r\n * @param {...string} positions - Borders positions (top, right, ...)\r\n * @returns {number}\r\n */\r\nfunction getBordersSize(styles) {\r\n var positions = [];\r\n for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\r\n positions[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];\r\n }\r\n return positions.reduce(function (size, position) {\r\n var value = styles['border-' + position + '-width'];\r\n return size + toFloat(value);\r\n }, 0);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Extracts paddings sizes from provided styles.\r\n *\r\n * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} styles\r\n * @returns {Object} Paddings box.\r\n */\r\nfunction getPaddings(styles) {\r\n var positions = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'];\r\n var paddings = {};\r\n for (var _i = 0, positions_1 = positions; _i < positions_1.length; _i++) {\r\n var position = positions_1[_i];\r\n var value = styles['padding-' + position];\r\n paddings[position] = toFloat(value);\r\n }\r\n return paddings;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Calculates content rectangle of provided SVG element.\r\n *\r\n * @param {SVGGraphicsElement} target - Element content rectangle of which needs\r\n * to be calculated.\r\n * @returns {DOMRectInit}\r\n */\r\nfunction getSVGContentRect(target) {\r\n var bbox = target.getBBox();\r\n return createRectInit(0, 0, bbox.width, bbox.height);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Calculates content rectangle of provided HTMLElement.\r\n *\r\n * @param {HTMLElement} target - Element for which to calculate the content rectangle.\r\n * @returns {DOMRectInit}\r\n */\r\nfunction getHTMLElementContentRect(target) {\r\n // Client width & height properties can't be\r\n // used exclusively as they provide rounded values.\r\n var clientWidth = target.clientWidth, clientHeight = target.clientHeight;\r\n // By this condition we can catch all non-replaced inline, hidden and\r\n // detached elements. Though elements with width & height properties less\r\n // than 0.5 will be discarded as well.\r\n //\r\n // Without it we would need to implement separate methods for each of\r\n // those cases and it's not possible to perform a precise and performance\r\n // effective test for hidden elements. E.g. even jQuery's ':visible' filter\r\n // gives wrong results for elements with width & height less than 0.5.\r\n if (!clientWidth && !clientHeight) {\r\n return emptyRect;\r\n }\r\n var styles = getWindowOf(target).getComputedStyle(target);\r\n var paddings = getPaddings(styles);\r\n var horizPad = paddings.left + paddings.right;\r\n var vertPad = paddings.top + paddings.bottom;\r\n // Computed styles of width & height are being used because they are the\r\n // only dimensions available to JS that contain non-rounded values. It could\r\n // be possible to utilize the getBoundingClientRect if only it's data wasn't\r\n // affected by CSS transformations let alone paddings, borders and scroll bars.\r\n var width = toFloat(styles.width), height = toFloat(styles.height);\r\n // Width & height include paddings and borders when the 'border-box' box\r\n // model is applied (except for IE).\r\n if (styles.boxSizing === 'border-box') {\r\n // Following conditions are required to handle Internet Explorer which\r\n // doesn't include paddings and borders to computed CSS dimensions.\r\n //\r\n // We can say that if CSS dimensions + paddings are equal to the \"client\"\r\n // properties then it's either IE, and thus we don't need to subtract\r\n // anything, or an element merely doesn't have paddings/borders styles.\r\n if (Math.round(width + horizPad) !== clientWidth) {\r\n width -= getBordersSize(styles, 'left', 'right') + horizPad;\r\n }\r\n if (Math.round(height + vertPad) !== clientHeight) {\r\n height -= getBordersSize(styles, 'top', 'bottom') + vertPad;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // Following steps can't be applied to the document's root element as its\r\n // client[Width/Height] properties represent viewport area of the window.\r\n // Besides, it's as well not necessary as the itself neither has\r\n // rendered scroll bars nor it can be clipped.\r\n if (!isDocumentElement(target)) {\r\n // In some browsers (only in Firefox, actually) CSS width & height\r\n // include scroll bars size which can be removed at this step as scroll\r\n // bars are the only difference between rounded dimensions + paddings\r\n // and \"client\" properties, though that is not always true in Chrome.\r\n var vertScrollbar = Math.round(width + horizPad) - clientWidth;\r\n var horizScrollbar = Math.round(height + vertPad) - clientHeight;\r\n // Chrome has a rather weird rounding of \"client\" properties.\r\n // E.g. for an element with content width of 314.2px it sometimes gives\r\n // the client width of 315px and for the width of 314.7px it may give\r\n // 314px. And it doesn't happen all the time. So just ignore this delta\r\n // as a non-relevant.\r\n if (Math.abs(vertScrollbar) !== 1) {\r\n width -= vertScrollbar;\r\n }\r\n if (Math.abs(horizScrollbar) !== 1) {\r\n height -= horizScrollbar;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return createRectInit(paddings.left, paddings.top, width, height);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Checks whether provided element is an instance of the SVGGraphicsElement.\r\n *\r\n * @param {Element} target - Element to be checked.\r\n * @returns {boolean}\r\n */\r\nvar isSVGGraphicsElement = (function () {\r\n // Some browsers, namely IE and Edge, don't have the SVGGraphicsElement\r\n // interface.\r\n if (typeof SVGGraphicsElement !== 'undefined') {\r\n return function (target) { return target instanceof getWindowOf(target).SVGGraphicsElement; };\r\n }\r\n // If it's so, then check that element is at least an instance of the\r\n // SVGElement and that it has the \"getBBox\" method.\r\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens\r\n return function (target) { return (target instanceof getWindowOf(target).SVGElement &&\r\n typeof target.getBBox === 'function'); };\r\n})();\r\n/**\r\n * Checks whether provided element is a document element ().\r\n *\r\n * @param {Element} target - Element to be checked.\r\n * @returns {boolean}\r\n */\r\nfunction isDocumentElement(target) {\r\n return target === getWindowOf(target).document.documentElement;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Calculates an appropriate content rectangle for provided html or svg element.\r\n *\r\n * @param {Element} target - Element content rectangle of which needs to be calculated.\r\n * @returns {DOMRectInit}\r\n */\r\nfunction getContentRect(target) {\r\n if (!isBrowser) {\r\n return emptyRect;\r\n }\r\n if (isSVGGraphicsElement(target)) {\r\n return getSVGContentRect(target);\r\n }\r\n return getHTMLElementContentRect(target);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Creates rectangle with an interface of the DOMRectReadOnly.\r\n * Spec: https://drafts.fxtf.org/geometry/#domrectreadonly\r\n *\r\n * @param {DOMRectInit} rectInit - Object with rectangle's x/y coordinates and dimensions.\r\n * @returns {DOMRectReadOnly}\r\n */\r\nfunction createReadOnlyRect(_a) {\r\n var x = _a.x, y = _a.y, width = _a.width, height = _a.height;\r\n // If DOMRectReadOnly is available use it as a prototype for the rectangle.\r\n var Constr = typeof DOMRectReadOnly !== 'undefined' ? DOMRectReadOnly : Object;\r\n var rect = Object.create(Constr.prototype);\r\n // Rectangle's properties are not writable and non-enumerable.\r\n defineConfigurable(rect, {\r\n x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height,\r\n top: y,\r\n right: x + width,\r\n bottom: height + y,\r\n left: x\r\n });\r\n return rect;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Creates DOMRectInit object based on the provided dimensions and the x/y coordinates.\r\n * Spec: https://drafts.fxtf.org/geometry/#dictdef-domrectinit\r\n *\r\n * @param {number} x - X coordinate.\r\n * @param {number} y - Y coordinate.\r\n * @param {number} width - Rectangle's width.\r\n * @param {number} height - Rectangle's height.\r\n * @returns {DOMRectInit}\r\n */\r\nfunction createRectInit(x, y, width, height) {\r\n return { x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height };\r\n}\n\n/**\r\n * Class that is responsible for computations of the content rectangle of\r\n * provided DOM element and for keeping track of it's changes.\r\n */\r\nvar ResizeObservation = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Creates an instance of ResizeObservation.\r\n *\r\n * @param {Element} target - Element to be observed.\r\n */\r\n function ResizeObservation(target) {\r\n /**\r\n * Broadcasted width of content rectangle.\r\n *\r\n * @type {number}\r\n */\r\n this.broadcastWidth = 0;\r\n /**\r\n * Broadcasted height of content rectangle.\r\n *\r\n * @type {number}\r\n */\r\n this.broadcastHeight = 0;\r\n /**\r\n * Reference to the last observed content rectangle.\r\n *\r\n * @private {DOMRectInit}\r\n */\r\n this.contentRect_ = createRectInit(0, 0, 0, 0);\r\n this.target = target;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Updates content rectangle and tells whether it's width or height properties\r\n * have changed since the last broadcast.\r\n *\r\n * @returns {boolean}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObservation.prototype.isActive = function () {\r\n var rect = getContentRect(this.target);\r\n this.contentRect_ = rect;\r\n return (rect.width !== this.broadcastWidth ||\r\n rect.height !== this.broadcastHeight);\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Updates 'broadcastWidth' and 'broadcastHeight' properties with a data\r\n * from the corresponding properties of the last observed content rectangle.\r\n *\r\n * @returns {DOMRectInit} Last observed content rectangle.\r\n */\r\n ResizeObservation.prototype.broadcastRect = function () {\r\n var rect = this.contentRect_;\r\n this.broadcastWidth = rect.width;\r\n this.broadcastHeight = rect.height;\r\n return rect;\r\n };\r\n return ResizeObservation;\r\n}());\n\nvar ResizeObserverEntry = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Creates an instance of ResizeObserverEntry.\r\n *\r\n * @param {Element} target - Element that is being observed.\r\n * @param {DOMRectInit} rectInit - Data of the element's content rectangle.\r\n */\r\n function ResizeObserverEntry(target, rectInit) {\r\n var contentRect = createReadOnlyRect(rectInit);\r\n // According to the specification following properties are not writable\r\n // and are also not enumerable in the native implementation.\r\n //\r\n // Property accessors are not being used as they'd require to define a\r\n // private WeakMap storage which may cause memory leaks in browsers that\r\n // don't support this type of collections.\r\n defineConfigurable(this, { target: target, contentRect: contentRect });\r\n }\r\n return ResizeObserverEntry;\r\n}());\n\nvar ResizeObserverSPI = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Creates a new instance of ResizeObserver.\r\n *\r\n * @param {ResizeObserverCallback} callback - Callback function that is invoked\r\n * when one of the observed elements changes it's content dimensions.\r\n * @param {ResizeObserverController} controller - Controller instance which\r\n * is responsible for the updates of observer.\r\n * @param {ResizeObserver} callbackCtx - Reference to the public\r\n * ResizeObserver instance which will be passed to callback function.\r\n */\r\n function ResizeObserverSPI(callback, controller, callbackCtx) {\r\n /**\r\n * Collection of resize observations that have detected changes in dimensions\r\n * of elements.\r\n *\r\n * @private {Array}\r\n */\r\n this.activeObservations_ = [];\r\n /**\r\n * Registry of the ResizeObservation instances.\r\n *\r\n * @private {Map}\r\n */\r\n this.observations_ = new MapShim();\r\n if (typeof callback !== 'function') {\r\n throw new TypeError('The callback provided as parameter 1 is not a function.');\r\n }\r\n this.callback_ = callback;\r\n this.controller_ = controller;\r\n this.callbackCtx_ = callbackCtx;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Starts observing provided element.\r\n *\r\n * @param {Element} target - Element to be observed.\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverSPI.prototype.observe = function (target) {\r\n if (!arguments.length) {\r\n throw new TypeError('1 argument required, but only 0 present.');\r\n }\r\n // Do nothing if current environment doesn't have the Element interface.\r\n if (typeof Element === 'undefined' || !(Element instanceof Object)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (!(target instanceof getWindowOf(target).Element)) {\r\n throw new TypeError('parameter 1 is not of type \"Element\".');\r\n }\r\n var observations = this.observations_;\r\n // Do nothing if element is already being observed.\r\n if (observations.has(target)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n observations.set(target, new ResizeObservation(target));\r\n this.controller_.addObserver(this);\r\n // Force the update of observations.\r\n this.controller_.refresh();\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Stops observing provided element.\r\n *\r\n * @param {Element} target - Element to stop observing.\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverSPI.prototype.unobserve = function (target) {\r\n if (!arguments.length) {\r\n throw new TypeError('1 argument required, but only 0 present.');\r\n }\r\n // Do nothing if current environment doesn't have the Element interface.\r\n if (typeof Element === 'undefined' || !(Element instanceof Object)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (!(target instanceof getWindowOf(target).Element)) {\r\n throw new TypeError('parameter 1 is not of type \"Element\".');\r\n }\r\n var observations = this.observations_;\r\n // Do nothing if element is not being observed.\r\n if (!observations.has(target)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n observations.delete(target);\r\n if (!observations.size) {\r\n this.controller_.removeObserver(this);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Stops observing all elements.\r\n *\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverSPI.prototype.disconnect = function () {\r\n this.clearActive();\r\n this.observations_.clear();\r\n this.controller_.removeObserver(this);\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Collects observation instances the associated element of which has changed\r\n * it's content rectangle.\r\n *\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverSPI.prototype.gatherActive = function () {\r\n var _this = this;\r\n this.clearActive();\r\n this.observations_.forEach(function (observation) {\r\n if (observation.isActive()) {\r\n _this.activeObservations_.push(observation);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Invokes initial callback function with a list of ResizeObserverEntry\r\n * instances collected from active resize observations.\r\n *\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverSPI.prototype.broadcastActive = function () {\r\n // Do nothing if observer doesn't have active observations.\r\n if (!this.hasActive()) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var ctx = this.callbackCtx_;\r\n // Create ResizeObserverEntry instance for every active observation.\r\n var entries = this.activeObservations_.map(function (observation) {\r\n return new ResizeObserverEntry(observation.target, observation.broadcastRect());\r\n });\r\n this.callback_.call(ctx, entries, ctx);\r\n this.clearActive();\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Clears the collection of active observations.\r\n *\r\n * @returns {void}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverSPI.prototype.clearActive = function () {\r\n this.activeObservations_.splice(0);\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Tells whether observer has active observations.\r\n *\r\n * @returns {boolean}\r\n */\r\n ResizeObserverSPI.prototype.hasActive = function () {\r\n return this.activeObservations_.length > 0;\r\n };\r\n return ResizeObserverSPI;\r\n}());\n\n// Registry of internal observers. If WeakMap is not available use current shim\r\n// for the Map collection as it has all required methods and because WeakMap\r\n// can't be fully polyfilled anyway.\r\nvar observers = typeof WeakMap !== 'undefined' ? new WeakMap() : new MapShim();\r\n/**\r\n * ResizeObserver API. Encapsulates the ResizeObserver SPI implementation\r\n * exposing only those methods and properties that are defined in the spec.\r\n */\r\nvar ResizeObserver = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Creates a new instance of ResizeObserver.\r\n *\r\n * @param {ResizeObserverCallback} callback - Callback that is invoked when\r\n * dimensions of the observed elements change.\r\n */\r\n function ResizeObserver(callback) {\r\n if (!(this instanceof ResizeObserver)) {\r\n throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function.');\r\n }\r\n if (!arguments.length) {\r\n throw new TypeError('1 argument required, but only 0 present.');\r\n }\r\n var controller = ResizeObserverController.getInstance();\r\n var observer = new ResizeObserverSPI(callback, controller, this);\r\n observers.set(this, observer);\r\n }\r\n return ResizeObserver;\r\n}());\r\n// Expose public methods of ResizeObserver.\r\n[\r\n 'observe',\r\n 'unobserve',\r\n 'disconnect'\r\n].forEach(function (method) {\r\n ResizeObserver.prototype[method] = function () {\r\n var _a;\r\n return (_a = observers.get(this))[method].apply(_a, arguments);\r\n };\r\n});\n\nvar index = (function () {\r\n // Export existing implementation if available.\r\n if (typeof global$1.ResizeObserver !== 'undefined') {\r\n return global$1.ResizeObserver;\r\n }\r\n return ResizeObserver;\r\n})();\n\nexport default index;\n","/** @license React v0.20.2\n * scheduler.production.min.js\n *\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n'use strict';var f,g,h,k;if(\"object\"===typeof performance&&\"function\"===typeof performance.now){var l=performance;exports.unstable_now=function(){return l.now()}}else{var p=Date,q=p.now();exports.unstable_now=function(){return p.now()-q}}\nif(\"undefined\"===typeof window||\"function\"!==typeof MessageChannel){var t=null,u=null,w=function(){if(null!==t)try{var a=exports.unstable_now();t(!0,a);t=null}catch(b){throw setTimeout(w,0),b;}};f=function(a){null!==t?setTimeout(f,0,a):(t=a,setTimeout(w,0))};g=function(a,b){u=setTimeout(a,b)};h=function(){clearTimeout(u)};exports.unstable_shouldYield=function(){return!1};k=exports.unstable_forceFrameRate=function(){}}else{var x=window.setTimeout,y=window.clearTimeout;if(\"undefined\"!==typeof console){var z=\nwindow.cancelAnimationFrame;\"function\"!==typeof window.requestAnimationFrame&&console.error(\"This browser doesn't support requestAnimationFrame. Make sure that you load a polyfill in older browsers. https://reactjs.org/link/react-polyfills\");\"function\"!==typeof z&&console.error(\"This browser doesn't support cancelAnimationFrame. Make sure that you load a polyfill in older browsers. https://reactjs.org/link/react-polyfills\")}var A=!1,B=null,C=-1,D=5,E=0;exports.unstable_shouldYield=function(){return exports.unstable_now()>=\nE};k=function(){};exports.unstable_forceFrameRate=function(a){0>a||125>>1,e=a[d];if(void 0!==e&&0I(n,c))void 0!==r&&0>I(r,n)?(a[d]=r,a[v]=c,d=v):(a[d]=n,a[m]=c,d=m);else if(void 0!==r&&0>I(r,c))a[d]=r,a[v]=c,d=v;else break a}}return b}return null}function I(a,b){var c=a.sortIndex-b.sortIndex;return 0!==c?c:a.id-b.id}var L=[],M=[],N=1,O=null,P=3,Q=!1,R=!1,S=!1;\nfunction T(a){for(var b=J(M);null!==b;){if(null===b.callback)K(M);else if(b.startTime<=a)K(M),b.sortIndex=b.expirationTime,H(L,b);else break;b=J(M)}}function U(a){S=!1;T(a);if(!R)if(null!==J(L))R=!0,f(V);else{var b=J(M);null!==b&&g(U,b.startTime-a)}}\nfunction V(a,b){R=!1;S&&(S=!1,h());Q=!0;var c=P;try{T(b);for(O=J(L);null!==O&&(!(O.expirationTime>b)||a&&!exports.unstable_shouldYield());){var d=O.callback;if(\"function\"===typeof d){O.callback=null;P=O.priorityLevel;var e=d(O.expirationTime<=b);b=exports.unstable_now();\"function\"===typeof e?O.callback=e:O===J(L)&&K(L);T(b)}else K(L);O=J(L)}if(null!==O)var m=!0;else{var n=J(M);null!==n&&g(U,n.startTime-b);m=!1}return m}finally{O=null,P=c,Q=!1}}var W=k;exports.unstable_IdlePriority=5;\nexports.unstable_ImmediatePriority=1;exports.unstable_LowPriority=4;exports.unstable_NormalPriority=3;exports.unstable_Profiling=null;exports.unstable_UserBlockingPriority=2;exports.unstable_cancelCallback=function(a){a.callback=null};exports.unstable_continueExecution=function(){R||Q||(R=!0,f(V))};exports.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel=function(){return P};exports.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode=function(){return J(L)};\nexports.unstable_next=function(a){switch(P){case 1:case 2:case 3:var b=3;break;default:b=P}var c=P;P=b;try{return a()}finally{P=c}};exports.unstable_pauseExecution=function(){};exports.unstable_requestPaint=W;exports.unstable_runWithPriority=function(a,b){switch(a){case 1:case 2:case 3:case 4:case 5:break;default:a=3}var c=P;P=a;try{return b()}finally{P=c}};\nexports.unstable_scheduleCallback=function(a,b,c){var d=exports.unstable_now();\"object\"===typeof c&&null!==c?(c=c.delay,c=\"number\"===typeof c&&0d?(a.sortIndex=c,H(M,a),null===J(L)&&a===J(M)&&(S?h():S=!0,g(U,c-d))):(a.sortIndex=e,H(L,a),R||Q||(R=!0,f(V)));return a};\nexports.unstable_wrapCallback=function(a){var b=P;return function(){var c=P;P=b;try{return a.apply(this,arguments)}finally{P=c}}};\n","'use strict';\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/scheduler.production.min.js');\n} else {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/scheduler.development.js');\n}\n","var camel2hyphen = function (str) {\n return str\n .replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (match) {\n return '-' + match.toLowerCase();\n })\n .toLowerCase();\n};\n\nmodule.exports = camel2hyphen;","// The module cache\nvar __webpack_module_cache__ = {};\n\n// The require function\nfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\t// Check if module is in cache\n\tvar cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];\n\tif (cachedModule !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn cachedModule.exports;\n\t}\n\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n\tvar module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {\n\t\t// no module.id needed\n\t\t// no module.loaded needed\n\t\texports: {}\n\t};\n\n\t// Execute the module function\n\t__webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n\t// Return the exports of the module\n\treturn module.exports;\n}\n\n// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n__webpack_require__.m = __webpack_modules__;\n\n","// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n\t\tfunction() { return module['default']; } :\n\t\tfunction() { return module; };\n\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });\n\treturn getter;\n};","// define getter functions for harmony exports\n__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, definition) {\n\tfor(var key in definition) {\n\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {\n\t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};","__webpack_require__.f = {};\n// This file contains only the entry chunk.\n// The chunk loading function for additional chunks\n__webpack_require__.e = function(chunkId) {\n\treturn Promise.all(Object.keys(__webpack_require__.f).reduce(function(promises, key) {\n\t\t__webpack_require__.f[key](chunkId, promises);\n\t\treturn promises;\n\t}, []));\n};","// This function allow to reference async chunks\n__webpack_require__.u = function(chunkId) {\n\t// return url for filenames based on template\n\treturn \"static/js/\" + chunkId + \".\" + \"42ac26bc\" + \".chunk.js\";\n};","// This function allow to reference async chunks\n__webpack_require__.miniCssF = function(chunkId) {\n\t// return url for filenames based on template\n\treturn undefined;\n};","__webpack_require__.g = (function() {\n\tif (typeof globalThis === 'object') return globalThis;\n\ttry {\n\t\treturn this || new Function('return this')();\n\t} catch (e) {\n\t\tif (typeof window === 'object') return window;\n\t}\n})();","__webpack_require__.o = function(obj, prop) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop); }","var inProgress = {};\nvar dataWebpackPrefix = \"newnpcl:\";\n// loadScript function to load a script via script tag\n__webpack_require__.l = function(url, done, key, chunkId) {\n\tif(inProgress[url]) { inProgress[url].push(done); return; }\n\tvar script, needAttach;\n\tif(key !== undefined) {\n\t\tvar scripts = document.getElementsByTagName(\"script\");\n\t\tfor(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tvar s = scripts[i];\n\t\t\tif(s.getAttribute(\"src\") == url || s.getAttribute(\"data-webpack\") == dataWebpackPrefix + key) { script = s; break; }\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif(!script) {\n\t\tneedAttach = true;\n\t\tscript = document.createElement('script');\n\n\t\tscript.charset = 'utf-8';\n\t\tscript.timeout = 120;\n\t\tif (__webpack_require__.nc) {\n\t\t\tscript.setAttribute(\"nonce\", __webpack_require__.nc);\n\t\t}\n\t\tscript.setAttribute(\"data-webpack\", dataWebpackPrefix + key);\n\t\tscript.src = url;\n\t}\n\tinProgress[url] = [done];\n\tvar onScriptComplete = function(prev, event) {\n\t\t// avoid mem leaks in IE.\n\t\tscript.onerror = script.onload = null;\n\t\tclearTimeout(timeout);\n\t\tvar doneFns = inProgress[url];\n\t\tdelete inProgress[url];\n\t\tscript.parentNode && script.parentNode.removeChild(script);\n\t\tdoneFns && doneFns.forEach(function(fn) { return fn(event); });\n\t\tif(prev) return prev(event);\n\t}\n\t;\n\tvar timeout = setTimeout(onScriptComplete.bind(null, undefined, { type: 'timeout', target: script }), 120000);\n\tscript.onerror = onScriptComplete.bind(null, script.onerror);\n\tscript.onload = onScriptComplete.bind(null, script.onload);\n\tneedAttach && document.head.appendChild(script);\n};","// define __esModule on exports\n__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n\t}\n\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n};","__webpack_require__.p = \"/\";","// no baseURI\n\n// object to store loaded and loading chunks\n// undefined = chunk not loaded, null = chunk preloaded/prefetched\n// [resolve, reject, Promise] = chunk loading, 0 = chunk loaded\nvar installedChunks = {\n\t179: 0\n};\n\n__webpack_require__.f.j = function(chunkId, promises) {\n\t\t// JSONP chunk loading for javascript\n\t\tvar installedChunkData = __webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId) ? installedChunks[chunkId] : undefined;\n\t\tif(installedChunkData !== 0) { // 0 means \"already installed\".\n\n\t\t\t// a Promise means \"currently loading\".\n\t\t\tif(installedChunkData) {\n\t\t\t\tpromises.push(installedChunkData[2]);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tif(true) { // all chunks have JS\n\t\t\t\t\t// setup Promise in chunk cache\n\t\t\t\t\tvar promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId] = [resolve, reject]; });\n\t\t\t\t\tpromises.push(installedChunkData[2] = promise);\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// start chunk loading\n\t\t\t\t\tvar url = __webpack_require__.p + __webpack_require__.u(chunkId);\n\t\t\t\t\t// create error before stack unwound to get useful stacktrace later\n\t\t\t\t\tvar error = new Error();\n\t\t\t\t\tvar loadingEnded = function(event) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinstalledChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId];\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(installedChunkData !== 0) installedChunks[chunkId] = undefined;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(installedChunkData) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar errorType = event && (event.type === 'load' ? 'missing' : event.type);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar realSrc = event && event.target && event.target.src;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.message = 'Loading chunk ' + chunkId + ' failed.\\n(' + errorType + ': ' + realSrc + ')';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.name = 'ChunkLoadError';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.type = errorType;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.request = realSrc;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinstalledChunkData[1](error);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t__webpack_require__.l(url, loadingEnded, \"chunk-\" + chunkId, chunkId);\n\t\t\t\t} else installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n};\n\n// no prefetching\n\n// no preloaded\n\n// no HMR\n\n// no HMR manifest\n\n// no on chunks loaded\n\n// install a JSONP callback for chunk loading\nvar webpackJsonpCallback = function(parentChunkLoadingFunction, data) {\n\tvar chunkIds = data[0];\n\tvar moreModules = data[1];\n\tvar runtime = data[2];\n\t// add \"moreModules\" to the modules object,\n\t// then flag all \"chunkIds\" as loaded and fire callback\n\tvar moduleId, chunkId, i = 0;\n\tif(chunkIds.some(function(id) { return installedChunks[id] !== 0; })) {\n\t\tfor(moduleId in moreModules) {\n\t\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(moreModules, moduleId)) {\n\t\t\t\t__webpack_require__.m[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(runtime) var result = runtime(__webpack_require__);\n\t}\n\tif(parentChunkLoadingFunction) parentChunkLoadingFunction(data);\n\tfor(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {\n\t\tchunkId = chunkIds[i];\n\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId) && installedChunks[chunkId]) {\n\t\t\tinstalledChunks[chunkId][0]();\n\t\t}\n\t\tinstalledChunks[chunkId] = 0;\n\t}\n\n}\n\nvar chunkLoadingGlobal = self[\"webpackChunknewnpcl\"] = self[\"webpackChunknewnpcl\"] || [];\nchunkLoadingGlobal.forEach(webpackJsonpCallback.bind(null, 0));\nchunkLoadingGlobal.push = webpackJsonpCallback.bind(null, chunkLoadingGlobal.push.bind(chunkLoadingGlobal));","export default function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {\n _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {\n o.__proto__ = p;\n return o;\n };\n return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);\n}","import setPrototypeOf from \"./setPrototypeOf.js\";\nexport default function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {\n subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);\n subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;\n setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);\n}","export default function _extends() {\n _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n var source = arguments[i];\n for (var key in source) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n }\n return target;\n };\n return _extends.apply(this, arguments);\n}","function isAbsolute(pathname) {\n return pathname.charAt(0) === '/';\n}\n\n// About 1.5x faster than the two-arg version of Array#splice()\nfunction spliceOne(list, index) {\n for (var i = index, k = i + 1, n = list.length; k < n; i += 1, k += 1) {\n list[i] = list[k];\n }\n\n list.pop();\n}\n\n// This implementation is based heavily on node's url.parse\nfunction resolvePathname(to, from) {\n if (from === undefined) from = '';\n\n var toParts = (to && to.split('/')) || [];\n var fromParts = (from && from.split('/')) || [];\n\n var isToAbs = to && isAbsolute(to);\n var isFromAbs = from && isAbsolute(from);\n var mustEndAbs = isToAbs || isFromAbs;\n\n if (to && isAbsolute(to)) {\n // to is absolute\n fromParts = toParts;\n } else if (toParts.length) {\n // to is relative, drop the filename\n fromParts.pop();\n fromParts = fromParts.concat(toParts);\n }\n\n if (!fromParts.length) return '/';\n\n var hasTrailingSlash;\n if (fromParts.length) {\n var last = fromParts[fromParts.length - 1];\n hasTrailingSlash = last === '.' || last === '..' || last === '';\n } else {\n hasTrailingSlash = false;\n }\n\n var up = 0;\n for (var i = fromParts.length; i >= 0; i--) {\n var part = fromParts[i];\n\n if (part === '.') {\n spliceOne(fromParts, i);\n } else if (part === '..') {\n spliceOne(fromParts, i);\n up++;\n } else if (up) {\n spliceOne(fromParts, i);\n up--;\n }\n }\n\n if (!mustEndAbs) for (; up--; up) fromParts.unshift('..');\n\n if (\n mustEndAbs &&\n fromParts[0] !== '' &&\n (!fromParts[0] || !isAbsolute(fromParts[0]))\n )\n fromParts.unshift('');\n\n var result = fromParts.join('/');\n\n if (hasTrailingSlash && result.substr(-1) !== '/') result += '/';\n\n return result;\n}\n\nexport default resolvePathname;\n","function valueOf(obj) {\n return obj.valueOf ? obj.valueOf() : Object.prototype.valueOf.call(obj);\n}\n\nfunction valueEqual(a, b) {\n // Test for strict equality first.\n if (a === b) return true;\n\n // Otherwise, if either of them == null they are not equal.\n if (a == null || b == null) return false;\n\n if (Array.isArray(a)) {\n return (\n Array.isArray(b) &&\n a.length === b.length &&\n a.every(function(item, index) {\n return valueEqual(item, b[index]);\n })\n );\n }\n\n if (typeof a === 'object' || typeof b === 'object') {\n var aValue = valueOf(a);\n var bValue = valueOf(b);\n\n if (aValue !== a || bValue !== b) return valueEqual(aValue, bValue);\n\n return Object.keys(Object.assign({}, a, b)).every(function(key) {\n return valueEqual(a[key], b[key]);\n });\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nexport default valueEqual;\n","var isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';\nvar prefix = 'Invariant failed';\nfunction invariant(condition, message) {\n if (condition) {\n return;\n }\n if (isProduction) {\n throw new Error(prefix);\n }\n var provided = typeof message === 'function' ? message() : message;\n var value = provided ? \"\".concat(prefix, \": \").concat(provided) : prefix;\n throw new Error(value);\n}\n\nexport { invariant as default };\n","import _extends from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends';\nimport resolvePathname from 'resolve-pathname';\nimport valueEqual from 'value-equal';\nimport warning from 'tiny-warning';\nimport invariant from 'tiny-invariant';\n\nfunction addLeadingSlash(path) {\n return path.charAt(0) === '/' ? path : '/' + path;\n}\nfunction stripLeadingSlash(path) {\n return path.charAt(0) === '/' ? path.substr(1) : path;\n}\nfunction hasBasename(path, prefix) {\n return path.toLowerCase().indexOf(prefix.toLowerCase()) === 0 && '/?#'.indexOf(path.charAt(prefix.length)) !== -1;\n}\nfunction stripBasename(path, prefix) {\n return hasBasename(path, prefix) ? path.substr(prefix.length) : path;\n}\nfunction stripTrailingSlash(path) {\n return path.charAt(path.length - 1) === '/' ? path.slice(0, -1) : path;\n}\nfunction parsePath(path) {\n var pathname = path || '/';\n var search = '';\n var hash = '';\n var hashIndex = pathname.indexOf('#');\n\n if (hashIndex !== -1) {\n hash = pathname.substr(hashIndex);\n pathname = pathname.substr(0, hashIndex);\n }\n\n var searchIndex = pathname.indexOf('?');\n\n if (searchIndex !== -1) {\n search = pathname.substr(searchIndex);\n pathname = pathname.substr(0, searchIndex);\n }\n\n return {\n pathname: pathname,\n search: search === '?' ? '' : search,\n hash: hash === '#' ? '' : hash\n };\n}\nfunction createPath(location) {\n var pathname = location.pathname,\n search = location.search,\n hash = location.hash;\n var path = pathname || '/';\n if (search && search !== '?') path += search.charAt(0) === '?' ? search : \"?\" + search;\n if (hash && hash !== '#') path += hash.charAt(0) === '#' ? hash : \"#\" + hash;\n return path;\n}\n\nfunction createLocation(path, state, key, currentLocation) {\n var location;\n\n if (typeof path === 'string') {\n // Two-arg form: push(path, state)\n location = parsePath(path);\n location.state = state;\n } else {\n // One-arg form: push(location)\n location = _extends({}, path);\n if (location.pathname === undefined) location.pathname = '';\n\n if (location.search) {\n if (location.search.charAt(0) !== '?') location.search = '?' + location.search;\n } else {\n location.search = '';\n }\n\n if (location.hash) {\n if (location.hash.charAt(0) !== '#') location.hash = '#' + location.hash;\n } else {\n location.hash = '';\n }\n\n if (state !== undefined && location.state === undefined) location.state = state;\n }\n\n try {\n location.pathname = decodeURI(location.pathname);\n } catch (e) {\n if (e instanceof URIError) {\n throw new URIError('Pathname \"' + location.pathname + '\" could not be decoded. ' + 'This is likely caused by an invalid percent-encoding.');\n } else {\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n if (key) location.key = key;\n\n if (currentLocation) {\n // Resolve incomplete/relative pathname relative to current location.\n if (!location.pathname) {\n location.pathname = currentLocation.pathname;\n } else if (location.pathname.charAt(0) !== '/') {\n location.pathname = resolvePathname(location.pathname, currentLocation.pathname);\n }\n } else {\n // When there is no prior location and pathname is empty, set it to /\n if (!location.pathname) {\n location.pathname = '/';\n }\n }\n\n return location;\n}\nfunction locationsAreEqual(a, b) {\n return a.pathname === b.pathname && a.search === b.search && a.hash === b.hash && a.key === b.key && valueEqual(a.state, b.state);\n}\n\nfunction createTransitionManager() {\n var prompt = null;\n\n function setPrompt(nextPrompt) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(prompt == null, 'A history supports only one prompt at a time') : void 0;\n prompt = nextPrompt;\n return function () {\n if (prompt === nextPrompt) prompt = null;\n };\n }\n\n function confirmTransitionTo(location, action, getUserConfirmation, callback) {\n // TODO: If another transition starts while we're still confirming\n // the previous one, we may end up in a weird state. Figure out the\n // best way to handle this.\n if (prompt != null) {\n var result = typeof prompt === 'function' ? prompt(location, action) : prompt;\n\n if (typeof result === 'string') {\n if (typeof getUserConfirmation === 'function') {\n getUserConfirmation(result, callback);\n } else {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(false, 'A history needs a getUserConfirmation function in order to use a prompt message') : void 0;\n callback(true);\n }\n } else {\n // Return false from a transition hook to cancel the transition.\n callback(result !== false);\n }\n } else {\n callback(true);\n }\n }\n\n var listeners = [];\n\n function appendListener(fn) {\n var isActive = true;\n\n function listener() {\n if (isActive) fn.apply(void 0, arguments);\n }\n\n listeners.push(listener);\n return function () {\n isActive = false;\n listeners = listeners.filter(function (item) {\n return item !== listener;\n });\n };\n }\n\n function notifyListeners() {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n listeners.forEach(function (listener) {\n return listener.apply(void 0, args);\n });\n }\n\n return {\n setPrompt: setPrompt,\n confirmTransitionTo: confirmTransitionTo,\n appendListener: appendListener,\n notifyListeners: notifyListeners\n };\n}\n\nvar canUseDOM = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement);\nfunction getConfirmation(message, callback) {\n callback(window.confirm(message)); // eslint-disable-line no-alert\n}\n/**\n * Returns true if the HTML5 history API is supported. Taken from Modernizr.\n *\n * https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/blob/master/LICENSE\n * https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/blob/master/feature-detects/history.js\n * changed to avoid false negatives for Windows Phones: https://github.com/reactjs/react-router/issues/586\n */\n\nfunction supportsHistory() {\n var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;\n if ((ua.indexOf('Android 2.') !== -1 || ua.indexOf('Android 4.0') !== -1) && ua.indexOf('Mobile Safari') !== -1 && ua.indexOf('Chrome') === -1 && ua.indexOf('Windows Phone') === -1) return false;\n return window.history && 'pushState' in window.history;\n}\n/**\n * Returns true if browser fires popstate on hash change.\n * IE10 and IE11 do not.\n */\n\nfunction supportsPopStateOnHashChange() {\n return window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident') === -1;\n}\n/**\n * Returns false if using go(n) with hash history causes a full page reload.\n */\n\nfunction supportsGoWithoutReloadUsingHash() {\n return window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') === -1;\n}\n/**\n * Returns true if a given popstate event is an extraneous WebKit event.\n * Accounts for the fact that Chrome on iOS fires real popstate events\n * containing undefined state when pressing the back button.\n */\n\nfunction isExtraneousPopstateEvent(event) {\n return event.state === undefined && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('CriOS') === -1;\n}\n\nvar PopStateEvent = 'popstate';\nvar HashChangeEvent = 'hashchange';\n\nfunction getHistoryState() {\n try {\n return window.history.state || {};\n } catch (e) {\n // IE 11 sometimes throws when accessing window.history.state\n // See https://github.com/ReactTraining/history/pull/289\n return {};\n }\n}\n/**\n * Creates a history object that uses the HTML5 history API including\n * pushState, replaceState, and the popstate event.\n */\n\n\nfunction createBrowserHistory(props) {\n if (props === void 0) {\n props = {};\n }\n\n !canUseDOM ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? invariant(false, 'Browser history needs a DOM') : invariant(false) : void 0;\n var globalHistory = window.history;\n var canUseHistory = supportsHistory();\n var needsHashChangeListener = !supportsPopStateOnHashChange();\n var _props = props,\n _props$forceRefresh = _props.forceRefresh,\n forceRefresh = _props$forceRefresh === void 0 ? false : _props$forceRefresh,\n _props$getUserConfirm = _props.getUserConfirmation,\n getUserConfirmation = _props$getUserConfirm === void 0 ? getConfirmation : _props$getUserConfirm,\n _props$keyLength = _props.keyLength,\n keyLength = _props$keyLength === void 0 ? 6 : _props$keyLength;\n var basename = props.basename ? stripTrailingSlash(addLeadingSlash(props.basename)) : '';\n\n function getDOMLocation(historyState) {\n var _ref = historyState || {},\n key = _ref.key,\n state = _ref.state;\n\n var _window$location = window.location,\n pathname = _window$location.pathname,\n search = _window$location.search,\n hash = _window$location.hash;\n var path = pathname + search + hash;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(!basename || hasBasename(path, basename), 'You are attempting to use a basename on a page whose URL path does not begin ' + 'with the basename. Expected path \"' + path + '\" to begin with \"' + basename + '\".') : void 0;\n if (basename) path = stripBasename(path, basename);\n return createLocation(path, state, key);\n }\n\n function createKey() {\n return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, keyLength);\n }\n\n var transitionManager = createTransitionManager();\n\n function setState(nextState) {\n _extends(history, nextState);\n\n history.length = globalHistory.length;\n transitionManager.notifyListeners(history.location, history.action);\n }\n\n function handlePopState(event) {\n // Ignore extraneous popstate events in WebKit.\n if (isExtraneousPopstateEvent(event)) return;\n handlePop(getDOMLocation(event.state));\n }\n\n function handleHashChange() {\n handlePop(getDOMLocation(getHistoryState()));\n }\n\n var forceNextPop = false;\n\n function handlePop(location) {\n if (forceNextPop) {\n forceNextPop = false;\n setState();\n } else {\n var action = 'POP';\n transitionManager.confirmTransitionTo(location, action, getUserConfirmation, function (ok) {\n if (ok) {\n setState({\n action: action,\n location: location\n });\n } else {\n revertPop(location);\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n function revertPop(fromLocation) {\n var toLocation = history.location; // TODO: We could probably make this more reliable by\n // keeping a list of keys we've seen in sessionStorage.\n // Instead, we just default to 0 for keys we don't know.\n\n var toIndex = allKeys.indexOf(toLocation.key);\n if (toIndex === -1) toIndex = 0;\n var fromIndex = allKeys.indexOf(fromLocation.key);\n if (fromIndex === -1) fromIndex = 0;\n var delta = toIndex - fromIndex;\n\n if (delta) {\n forceNextPop = true;\n go(delta);\n }\n }\n\n var initialLocation = getDOMLocation(getHistoryState());\n var allKeys = [initialLocation.key]; // Public interface\n\n function createHref(location) {\n return basename + createPath(location);\n }\n\n function push(path, state) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(!(typeof path === 'object' && path.state !== undefined && state !== undefined), 'You should avoid providing a 2nd state argument to push when the 1st ' + 'argument is a location-like object that already has state; it is ignored') : void 0;\n var action = 'PUSH';\n var location = createLocation(path, state, createKey(), history.location);\n transitionManager.confirmTransitionTo(location, action, getUserConfirmation, function (ok) {\n if (!ok) return;\n var href = createHref(location);\n var key = location.key,\n state = location.state;\n\n if (canUseHistory) {\n globalHistory.pushState({\n key: key,\n state: state\n }, null, href);\n\n if (forceRefresh) {\n window.location.href = href;\n } else {\n var prevIndex = allKeys.indexOf(history.location.key);\n var nextKeys = allKeys.slice(0, prevIndex + 1);\n nextKeys.push(location.key);\n allKeys = nextKeys;\n setState({\n action: action,\n location: location\n });\n }\n } else {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(state === undefined, 'Browser history cannot push state in browsers that do not support HTML5 history') : void 0;\n window.location.href = href;\n }\n });\n }\n\n function replace(path, state) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(!(typeof path === 'object' && path.state !== undefined && state !== undefined), 'You should avoid providing a 2nd state argument to replace when the 1st ' + 'argument is a location-like object that already has state; it is ignored') : void 0;\n var action = 'REPLACE';\n var location = createLocation(path, state, createKey(), history.location);\n transitionManager.confirmTransitionTo(location, action, getUserConfirmation, function (ok) {\n if (!ok) return;\n var href = createHref(location);\n var key = location.key,\n state = location.state;\n\n if (canUseHistory) {\n globalHistory.replaceState({\n key: key,\n state: state\n }, null, href);\n\n if (forceRefresh) {\n window.location.replace(href);\n } else {\n var prevIndex = allKeys.indexOf(history.location.key);\n if (prevIndex !== -1) allKeys[prevIndex] = location.key;\n setState({\n action: action,\n location: location\n });\n }\n } else {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(state === undefined, 'Browser history cannot replace state in browsers that do not support HTML5 history') : void 0;\n window.location.replace(href);\n }\n });\n }\n\n function go(n) {\n globalHistory.go(n);\n }\n\n function goBack() {\n go(-1);\n }\n\n function goForward() {\n go(1);\n }\n\n var listenerCount = 0;\n\n function checkDOMListeners(delta) {\n listenerCount += delta;\n\n if (listenerCount === 1 && delta === 1) {\n window.addEventListener(PopStateEvent, handlePopState);\n if (needsHashChangeListener) window.addEventListener(HashChangeEvent, handleHashChange);\n } else if (listenerCount === 0) {\n window.removeEventListener(PopStateEvent, handlePopState);\n if (needsHashChangeListener) window.removeEventListener(HashChangeEvent, handleHashChange);\n }\n }\n\n var isBlocked = false;\n\n function block(prompt) {\n if (prompt === void 0) {\n prompt = false;\n }\n\n var unblock = transitionManager.setPrompt(prompt);\n\n if (!isBlocked) {\n checkDOMListeners(1);\n isBlocked = true;\n }\n\n return function () {\n if (isBlocked) {\n isBlocked = false;\n checkDOMListeners(-1);\n }\n\n return unblock();\n };\n }\n\n function listen(listener) {\n var unlisten = transitionManager.appendListener(listener);\n checkDOMListeners(1);\n return function () {\n checkDOMListeners(-1);\n unlisten();\n };\n }\n\n var history = {\n length: globalHistory.length,\n action: 'POP',\n location: initialLocation,\n createHref: createHref,\n push: push,\n replace: replace,\n go: go,\n goBack: goBack,\n goForward: goForward,\n block: block,\n listen: listen\n };\n return history;\n}\n\nvar HashChangeEvent$1 = 'hashchange';\nvar HashPathCoders = {\n hashbang: {\n encodePath: function encodePath(path) {\n return path.charAt(0) === '!' ? path : '!/' + stripLeadingSlash(path);\n },\n decodePath: function decodePath(path) {\n return path.charAt(0) === '!' ? path.substr(1) : path;\n }\n },\n noslash: {\n encodePath: stripLeadingSlash,\n decodePath: addLeadingSlash\n },\n slash: {\n encodePath: addLeadingSlash,\n decodePath: addLeadingSlash\n }\n};\n\nfunction stripHash(url) {\n var hashIndex = url.indexOf('#');\n return hashIndex === -1 ? url : url.slice(0, hashIndex);\n}\n\nfunction getHashPath() {\n // We can't use window.location.hash here because it's not\n // consistent across browsers - Firefox will pre-decode it!\n var href = window.location.href;\n var hashIndex = href.indexOf('#');\n return hashIndex === -1 ? '' : href.substring(hashIndex + 1);\n}\n\nfunction pushHashPath(path) {\n window.location.hash = path;\n}\n\nfunction replaceHashPath(path) {\n window.location.replace(stripHash(window.location.href) + '#' + path);\n}\n\nfunction createHashHistory(props) {\n if (props === void 0) {\n props = {};\n }\n\n !canUseDOM ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? invariant(false, 'Hash history needs a DOM') : invariant(false) : void 0;\n var globalHistory = window.history;\n var canGoWithoutReload = supportsGoWithoutReloadUsingHash();\n var _props = props,\n _props$getUserConfirm = _props.getUserConfirmation,\n getUserConfirmation = _props$getUserConfirm === void 0 ? getConfirmation : _props$getUserConfirm,\n _props$hashType = _props.hashType,\n hashType = _props$hashType === void 0 ? 'slash' : _props$hashType;\n var basename = props.basename ? stripTrailingSlash(addLeadingSlash(props.basename)) : '';\n var _HashPathCoders$hashT = HashPathCoders[hashType],\n encodePath = _HashPathCoders$hashT.encodePath,\n decodePath = _HashPathCoders$hashT.decodePath;\n\n function getDOMLocation() {\n var path = decodePath(getHashPath());\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(!basename || hasBasename(path, basename), 'You are attempting to use a basename on a page whose URL path does not begin ' + 'with the basename. Expected path \"' + path + '\" to begin with \"' + basename + '\".') : void 0;\n if (basename) path = stripBasename(path, basename);\n return createLocation(path);\n }\n\n var transitionManager = createTransitionManager();\n\n function setState(nextState) {\n _extends(history, nextState);\n\n history.length = globalHistory.length;\n transitionManager.notifyListeners(history.location, history.action);\n }\n\n var forceNextPop = false;\n var ignorePath = null;\n\n function locationsAreEqual$$1(a, b) {\n return a.pathname === b.pathname && a.search === b.search && a.hash === b.hash;\n }\n\n function handleHashChange() {\n var path = getHashPath();\n var encodedPath = encodePath(path);\n\n if (path !== encodedPath) {\n // Ensure we always have a properly-encoded hash.\n replaceHashPath(encodedPath);\n } else {\n var location = getDOMLocation();\n var prevLocation = history.location;\n if (!forceNextPop && locationsAreEqual$$1(prevLocation, location)) return; // A hashchange doesn't always == location change.\n\n if (ignorePath === createPath(location)) return; // Ignore this change; we already setState in push/replace.\n\n ignorePath = null;\n handlePop(location);\n }\n }\n\n function handlePop(location) {\n if (forceNextPop) {\n forceNextPop = false;\n setState();\n } else {\n var action = 'POP';\n transitionManager.confirmTransitionTo(location, action, getUserConfirmation, function (ok) {\n if (ok) {\n setState({\n action: action,\n location: location\n });\n } else {\n revertPop(location);\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n function revertPop(fromLocation) {\n var toLocation = history.location; // TODO: We could probably make this more reliable by\n // keeping a list of paths we've seen in sessionStorage.\n // Instead, we just default to 0 for paths we don't know.\n\n var toIndex = allPaths.lastIndexOf(createPath(toLocation));\n if (toIndex === -1) toIndex = 0;\n var fromIndex = allPaths.lastIndexOf(createPath(fromLocation));\n if (fromIndex === -1) fromIndex = 0;\n var delta = toIndex - fromIndex;\n\n if (delta) {\n forceNextPop = true;\n go(delta);\n }\n } // Ensure the hash is encoded properly before doing anything else.\n\n\n var path = getHashPath();\n var encodedPath = encodePath(path);\n if (path !== encodedPath) replaceHashPath(encodedPath);\n var initialLocation = getDOMLocation();\n var allPaths = [createPath(initialLocation)]; // Public interface\n\n function createHref(location) {\n var baseTag = document.querySelector('base');\n var href = '';\n\n if (baseTag && baseTag.getAttribute('href')) {\n href = stripHash(window.location.href);\n }\n\n return href + '#' + encodePath(basename + createPath(location));\n }\n\n function push(path, state) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(state === undefined, 'Hash history cannot push state; it is ignored') : void 0;\n var action = 'PUSH';\n var location = createLocation(path, undefined, undefined, history.location);\n transitionManager.confirmTransitionTo(location, action, getUserConfirmation, function (ok) {\n if (!ok) return;\n var path = createPath(location);\n var encodedPath = encodePath(basename + path);\n var hashChanged = getHashPath() !== encodedPath;\n\n if (hashChanged) {\n // We cannot tell if a hashchange was caused by a PUSH, so we'd\n // rather setState here and ignore the hashchange. The caveat here\n // is that other hash histories in the page will consider it a POP.\n ignorePath = path;\n pushHashPath(encodedPath);\n var prevIndex = allPaths.lastIndexOf(createPath(history.location));\n var nextPaths = allPaths.slice(0, prevIndex + 1);\n nextPaths.push(path);\n allPaths = nextPaths;\n setState({\n action: action,\n location: location\n });\n } else {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(false, 'Hash history cannot PUSH the same path; a new entry will not be added to the history stack') : void 0;\n setState();\n }\n });\n }\n\n function replace(path, state) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(state === undefined, 'Hash history cannot replace state; it is ignored') : void 0;\n var action = 'REPLACE';\n var location = createLocation(path, undefined, undefined, history.location);\n transitionManager.confirmTransitionTo(location, action, getUserConfirmation, function (ok) {\n if (!ok) return;\n var path = createPath(location);\n var encodedPath = encodePath(basename + path);\n var hashChanged = getHashPath() !== encodedPath;\n\n if (hashChanged) {\n // We cannot tell if a hashchange was caused by a REPLACE, so we'd\n // rather setState here and ignore the hashchange. The caveat here\n // is that other hash histories in the page will consider it a POP.\n ignorePath = path;\n replaceHashPath(encodedPath);\n }\n\n var prevIndex = allPaths.indexOf(createPath(history.location));\n if (prevIndex !== -1) allPaths[prevIndex] = path;\n setState({\n action: action,\n location: location\n });\n });\n }\n\n function go(n) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(canGoWithoutReload, 'Hash history go(n) causes a full page reload in this browser') : void 0;\n globalHistory.go(n);\n }\n\n function goBack() {\n go(-1);\n }\n\n function goForward() {\n go(1);\n }\n\n var listenerCount = 0;\n\n function checkDOMListeners(delta) {\n listenerCount += delta;\n\n if (listenerCount === 1 && delta === 1) {\n window.addEventListener(HashChangeEvent$1, handleHashChange);\n } else if (listenerCount === 0) {\n window.removeEventListener(HashChangeEvent$1, handleHashChange);\n }\n }\n\n var isBlocked = false;\n\n function block(prompt) {\n if (prompt === void 0) {\n prompt = false;\n }\n\n var unblock = transitionManager.setPrompt(prompt);\n\n if (!isBlocked) {\n checkDOMListeners(1);\n isBlocked = true;\n }\n\n return function () {\n if (isBlocked) {\n isBlocked = false;\n checkDOMListeners(-1);\n }\n\n return unblock();\n };\n }\n\n function listen(listener) {\n var unlisten = transitionManager.appendListener(listener);\n checkDOMListeners(1);\n return function () {\n checkDOMListeners(-1);\n unlisten();\n };\n }\n\n var history = {\n length: globalHistory.length,\n action: 'POP',\n location: initialLocation,\n createHref: createHref,\n push: push,\n replace: replace,\n go: go,\n goBack: goBack,\n goForward: goForward,\n block: block,\n listen: listen\n };\n return history;\n}\n\nfunction clamp(n, lowerBound, upperBound) {\n return Math.min(Math.max(n, lowerBound), upperBound);\n}\n/**\n * Creates a history object that stores locations in memory.\n */\n\n\nfunction createMemoryHistory(props) {\n if (props === void 0) {\n props = {};\n }\n\n var _props = props,\n getUserConfirmation = _props.getUserConfirmation,\n _props$initialEntries = _props.initialEntries,\n initialEntries = _props$initialEntries === void 0 ? ['/'] : _props$initialEntries,\n _props$initialIndex = _props.initialIndex,\n initialIndex = _props$initialIndex === void 0 ? 0 : _props$initialIndex,\n _props$keyLength = _props.keyLength,\n keyLength = _props$keyLength === void 0 ? 6 : _props$keyLength;\n var transitionManager = createTransitionManager();\n\n function setState(nextState) {\n _extends(history, nextState);\n\n history.length = history.entries.length;\n transitionManager.notifyListeners(history.location, history.action);\n }\n\n function createKey() {\n return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, keyLength);\n }\n\n var index = clamp(initialIndex, 0, initialEntries.length - 1);\n var entries = initialEntries.map(function (entry) {\n return typeof entry === 'string' ? createLocation(entry, undefined, createKey()) : createLocation(entry, undefined, entry.key || createKey());\n }); // Public interface\n\n var createHref = createPath;\n\n function push(path, state) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(!(typeof path === 'object' && path.state !== undefined && state !== undefined), 'You should avoid providing a 2nd state argument to push when the 1st ' + 'argument is a location-like object that already has state; it is ignored') : void 0;\n var action = 'PUSH';\n var location = createLocation(path, state, createKey(), history.location);\n transitionManager.confirmTransitionTo(location, action, getUserConfirmation, function (ok) {\n if (!ok) return;\n var prevIndex = history.index;\n var nextIndex = prevIndex + 1;\n var nextEntries = history.entries.slice(0);\n\n if (nextEntries.length > nextIndex) {\n nextEntries.splice(nextIndex, nextEntries.length - nextIndex, location);\n } else {\n nextEntries.push(location);\n }\n\n setState({\n action: action,\n location: location,\n index: nextIndex,\n entries: nextEntries\n });\n });\n }\n\n function replace(path, state) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(!(typeof path === 'object' && path.state !== undefined && state !== undefined), 'You should avoid providing a 2nd state argument to replace when the 1st ' + 'argument is a location-like object that already has state; it is ignored') : void 0;\n var action = 'REPLACE';\n var location = createLocation(path, state, createKey(), history.location);\n transitionManager.confirmTransitionTo(location, action, getUserConfirmation, function (ok) {\n if (!ok) return;\n history.entries[history.index] = location;\n setState({\n action: action,\n location: location\n });\n });\n }\n\n function go(n) {\n var nextIndex = clamp(history.index + n, 0, history.entries.length - 1);\n var action = 'POP';\n var location = history.entries[nextIndex];\n transitionManager.confirmTransitionTo(location, action, getUserConfirmation, function (ok) {\n if (ok) {\n setState({\n action: action,\n location: location,\n index: nextIndex\n });\n } else {\n // Mimic the behavior of DOM histories by\n // causing a render after a cancelled POP.\n setState();\n }\n });\n }\n\n function goBack() {\n go(-1);\n }\n\n function goForward() {\n go(1);\n }\n\n function canGo(n) {\n var nextIndex = history.index + n;\n return nextIndex >= 0 && nextIndex < history.entries.length;\n }\n\n function block(prompt) {\n if (prompt === void 0) {\n prompt = false;\n }\n\n return transitionManager.setPrompt(prompt);\n }\n\n function listen(listener) {\n return transitionManager.appendListener(listener);\n }\n\n var history = {\n length: entries.length,\n action: 'POP',\n location: entries[index],\n index: index,\n entries: entries,\n createHref: createHref,\n push: push,\n replace: replace,\n go: go,\n goBack: goBack,\n goForward: goForward,\n canGo: canGo,\n block: block,\n listen: listen\n };\n return history;\n}\n\nexport { createBrowserHistory, createHashHistory, createMemoryHistory, createLocation, locationsAreEqual, parsePath, createPath };\n","export default function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) {\n if (source == null) return {};\n var target = {};\n var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);\n var key, i;\n for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) {\n key = sourceKeys[i];\n if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n return target;\n}","// MIT License\n// Copyright (c) 2019-present StringEpsilon \n// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 James Kyle \n// https://github.com/StringEpsilon/mini-create-react-context\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport warning from \"tiny-warning\";\n\nconst MAX_SIGNED_31_BIT_INT = 1073741823;\n\nconst commonjsGlobal =\n typeof globalThis !== \"undefined\" // 'global proper'\n ? // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef\n globalThis\n : typeof window !== \"undefined\"\n ? window // Browser\n : typeof global !== \"undefined\"\n ? global // node.js\n : {};\n\nfunction getUniqueId() {\n let key = \"__global_unique_id__\";\n return (commonjsGlobal[key] = (commonjsGlobal[key] || 0) + 1);\n}\n\n// Inlined Object.is polyfill.\n// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/is\nfunction objectIs(x, y) {\n if (x === y) {\n return x !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y;\n } else {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare\n return x !== x && y !== y;\n }\n}\n\nfunction createEventEmitter(value) {\n let handlers = [];\n return {\n on(handler) {\n handlers.push(handler);\n },\n\n off(handler) {\n handlers = handlers.filter(h => h !== handler);\n },\n\n get() {\n return value;\n },\n\n set(newValue, changedBits) {\n value = newValue;\n handlers.forEach(handler => handler(value, changedBits));\n }\n };\n}\n\nfunction onlyChild(children) {\n return Array.isArray(children) ? children[0] : children;\n}\n\nexport default function createReactContext(defaultValue, calculateChangedBits) {\n const contextProp = \"__create-react-context-\" + getUniqueId() + \"__\";\n\n class Provider extends React.Component {\n emitter = createEventEmitter(this.props.value);\n\n static childContextTypes = {\n [contextProp]: PropTypes.object.isRequired\n };\n\n getChildContext() {\n return {\n [contextProp]: this.emitter\n };\n }\n\n componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {\n if (this.props.value !== nextProps.value) {\n let oldValue = this.props.value;\n let newValue = nextProps.value;\n let changedBits;\n\n if (objectIs(oldValue, newValue)) {\n changedBits = 0; // No change\n } else {\n changedBits =\n typeof calculateChangedBits === \"function\"\n ? calculateChangedBits(oldValue, newValue)\n : MAX_SIGNED_31_BIT_INT;\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n warning(\n (changedBits & MAX_SIGNED_31_BIT_INT) === changedBits,\n \"calculateChangedBits: Expected the return value to be a \" +\n \"31-bit integer. Instead received: \" +\n changedBits\n );\n }\n\n changedBits |= 0;\n\n if (changedBits !== 0) {\n this.emitter.set(nextProps.value, changedBits);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n render() {\n return this.props.children;\n }\n }\n\n class Consumer extends React.Component {\n static contextTypes = {\n [contextProp]: PropTypes.object\n };\n\n observedBits;\n\n state = {\n value: this.getValue()\n };\n\n componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {\n let { observedBits } = nextProps;\n this.observedBits =\n observedBits === undefined || observedBits === null\n ? MAX_SIGNED_31_BIT_INT // Subscribe to all changes by default\n : observedBits;\n }\n\n componentDidMount() {\n if (this.context[contextProp]) {\n this.context[contextProp].on(this.onUpdate);\n }\n let { observedBits } = this.props;\n this.observedBits =\n observedBits === undefined || observedBits === null\n ? MAX_SIGNED_31_BIT_INT // Subscribe to all changes by default\n : observedBits;\n }\n\n componentWillUnmount() {\n if (this.context[contextProp]) {\n this.context[contextProp].off(this.onUpdate);\n }\n }\n\n getValue() {\n if (this.context[contextProp]) {\n return this.context[contextProp].get();\n } else {\n return defaultValue;\n }\n }\n\n onUpdate = (newValue, changedBits) => {\n const observedBits = this.observedBits | 0;\n if ((observedBits & changedBits) !== 0) {\n this.setState({ value: this.getValue() });\n }\n };\n\n render() {\n return onlyChild(this.props.children)(this.state.value);\n }\n }\n\n return {\n Provider,\n Consumer\n };\n}\n","// MIT License\n// Copyright (c) 2019-present StringEpsilon \n// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 James Kyle \n// https://github.com/StringEpsilon/mini-create-react-context\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport createReactContext from \"./miniCreateReactContext\";\n\nexport default React.createContext || createReactContext;\n","// TODO: Replace with React.createContext once we can assume React 16+\nimport createContext from \"./createContext\";\n\nconst createNamedContext = name => {\n const context = createContext();\n context.displayName = name;\n\n return context;\n};\n\nexport default createNamedContext;\n","import createNamedContext from \"./createNamedContext\";\n\nconst historyContext = /*#__PURE__*/ createNamedContext(\"Router-History\");\nexport default historyContext;\n","import createNamedContext from \"./createNamedContext\";\n\nconst context = /*#__PURE__*/ createNamedContext(\"Router\");\nexport default context;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport warning from \"tiny-warning\";\n\nimport HistoryContext from \"./HistoryContext.js\";\nimport RouterContext from \"./RouterContext.js\";\n\n/**\n * The public API for putting history on context.\n */\nclass Router extends React.Component {\n static computeRootMatch(pathname) {\n return { path: \"/\", url: \"/\", params: {}, isExact: pathname === \"/\" };\n }\n\n constructor(props) {\n super(props);\n\n this.state = {\n location: props.history.location\n };\n\n // This is a bit of a hack. We have to start listening for location\n // changes here in the constructor in case there are any s\n // on the initial render. If there are, they will replace/push when\n // they mount and since cDM fires in children before parents, we may\n // get a new location before the is mounted.\n this._isMounted = false;\n this._pendingLocation = null;\n\n if (!props.staticContext) {\n this.unlisten = props.history.listen(location => {\n this._pendingLocation = location;\n });\n }\n }\n\n componentDidMount() {\n this._isMounted = true;\n\n if (this.unlisten) {\n // Any pre-mount location changes have been captured at\n // this point, so unregister the listener.\n this.unlisten();\n }\n if (!this.props.staticContext) {\n this.unlisten = this.props.history.listen(location => {\n if (this._isMounted) {\n this.setState({ location });\n }\n });\n }\n if (this._pendingLocation) {\n this.setState({ location: this._pendingLocation });\n }\n }\n\n componentWillUnmount() {\n if (this.unlisten) {\n this.unlisten();\n this._isMounted = false;\n this._pendingLocation = null;\n }\n }\n\n render() {\n return (\n \n \n \n );\n }\n}\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n Router.propTypes = {\n children: PropTypes.node,\n history: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n staticContext: PropTypes.object\n };\n\n Router.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function(prevProps) {\n warning(\n prevProps.history === this.props.history,\n \"You cannot change \"\n );\n };\n}\n\nexport default Router;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport { createMemoryHistory as createHistory } from \"history\";\nimport warning from \"tiny-warning\";\n\nimport Router from \"./Router.js\";\n\n/**\n * The public API for a that stores location in memory.\n */\nclass MemoryRouter extends React.Component {\n history = createHistory(this.props);\n\n render() {\n return ;\n }\n}\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n MemoryRouter.propTypes = {\n initialEntries: PropTypes.array,\n initialIndex: PropTypes.number,\n getUserConfirmation: PropTypes.func,\n keyLength: PropTypes.number,\n children: PropTypes.node\n };\n\n MemoryRouter.prototype.componentDidMount = function() {\n warning(\n !this.props.history,\n \" ignores the history prop. To use a custom history, \" +\n \"use `import { Router }` instead of `import { MemoryRouter as Router }`.\"\n );\n };\n}\n\nexport default MemoryRouter;\n","import React from \"react\";\n\nclass Lifecycle extends React.Component {\n componentDidMount() {\n if (this.props.onMount) this.props.onMount.call(this, this);\n }\n\n componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {\n if (this.props.onUpdate) this.props.onUpdate.call(this, this, prevProps);\n }\n\n componentWillUnmount() {\n if (this.props.onUnmount) this.props.onUnmount.call(this, this);\n }\n\n render() {\n return null;\n }\n}\n\nexport default Lifecycle;\n","import pathToRegexp from \"path-to-regexp\";\n\nconst cache = {};\nconst cacheLimit = 10000;\nlet cacheCount = 0;\n\nfunction compilePath(path) {\n if (cache[path]) return cache[path];\n\n const generator = pathToRegexp.compile(path);\n\n if (cacheCount < cacheLimit) {\n cache[path] = generator;\n cacheCount++;\n }\n\n return generator;\n}\n\n/**\n * Public API for generating a URL pathname from a path and parameters.\n */\nfunction generatePath(path = \"/\", params = {}) {\n return path === \"/\" ? path : compilePath(path)(params, { pretty: true });\n}\n\nexport default generatePath;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport { createLocation, locationsAreEqual } from \"history\";\nimport invariant from \"tiny-invariant\";\n\nimport Lifecycle from \"./Lifecycle.js\";\nimport RouterContext from \"./RouterContext.js\";\nimport generatePath from \"./generatePath.js\";\n\n/**\n * The public API for navigating programmatically with a component.\n */\nfunction Redirect({ computedMatch, to, push = false }) {\n return (\n \n {context => {\n invariant(context, \"You should not use outside a \");\n\n const { history, staticContext } = context;\n\n const method = push ? history.push : history.replace;\n const location = createLocation(\n computedMatch\n ? typeof to === \"string\"\n ? generatePath(to, computedMatch.params)\n : {\n ...to,\n pathname: generatePath(to.pathname, computedMatch.params)\n }\n : to\n );\n\n // When rendering in a static context,\n // set the new location immediately.\n if (staticContext) {\n method(location);\n return null;\n }\n\n return (\n {\n method(location);\n }}\n onUpdate={(self, prevProps) => {\n const prevLocation = createLocation(prevProps.to);\n if (\n !locationsAreEqual(prevLocation, {\n ...location,\n key: prevLocation.key\n })\n ) {\n method(location);\n }\n }}\n to={to}\n />\n );\n }}\n \n );\n}\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n Redirect.propTypes = {\n push: PropTypes.bool,\n from: PropTypes.string,\n to: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.object]).isRequired\n };\n}\n\nexport default Redirect;\n","import pathToRegexp from \"path-to-regexp\";\n\nconst cache = {};\nconst cacheLimit = 10000;\nlet cacheCount = 0;\n\nfunction compilePath(path, options) {\n const cacheKey = `${options.end}${options.strict}${options.sensitive}`;\n const pathCache = cache[cacheKey] || (cache[cacheKey] = {});\n\n if (pathCache[path]) return pathCache[path];\n\n const keys = [];\n const regexp = pathToRegexp(path, keys, options);\n const result = { regexp, keys };\n\n if (cacheCount < cacheLimit) {\n pathCache[path] = result;\n cacheCount++;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Public API for matching a URL pathname to a path.\n */\nfunction matchPath(pathname, options = {}) {\n if (typeof options === \"string\" || Array.isArray(options)) {\n options = { path: options };\n }\n\n const { path, exact = false, strict = false, sensitive = false } = options;\n\n const paths = [].concat(path);\n\n return paths.reduce((matched, path) => {\n if (!path && path !== \"\") return null;\n if (matched) return matched;\n\n const { regexp, keys } = compilePath(path, {\n end: exact,\n strict,\n sensitive\n });\n const match = regexp.exec(pathname);\n\n if (!match) return null;\n\n const [url, ...values] = match;\n const isExact = pathname === url;\n\n if (exact && !isExact) return null;\n\n return {\n path, // the path used to match\n url: path === \"/\" && url === \"\" ? \"/\" : url, // the matched portion of the URL\n isExact, // whether or not we matched exactly\n params: keys.reduce((memo, key, index) => {\n memo[key.name] = values[index];\n return memo;\n }, {})\n };\n }, null);\n}\n\nexport default matchPath;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { isValidElementType } from \"react-is\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport invariant from \"tiny-invariant\";\nimport warning from \"tiny-warning\";\n\nimport RouterContext from \"./RouterContext.js\";\nimport matchPath from \"./matchPath.js\";\n\nfunction isEmptyChildren(children) {\n return React.Children.count(children) === 0;\n}\n\nfunction evalChildrenDev(children, props, path) {\n const value = children(props);\n\n warning(\n value !== undefined,\n \"You returned `undefined` from the `children` function of \" +\n `, but you ` +\n \"should have returned a React element or `null`\"\n );\n\n return value || null;\n}\n\n/**\n * The public API for matching a single path and rendering.\n */\nclass Route extends React.Component {\n render() {\n return (\n \n {context => {\n invariant(context, \"You should not use outside a \");\n\n const location = this.props.location || context.location;\n const match = this.props.computedMatch\n ? this.props.computedMatch // already computed the match for us\n : this.props.path\n ? matchPath(location.pathname, this.props)\n : context.match;\n\n const props = { ...context, location, match };\n\n let { children, component, render } = this.props;\n\n // Preact uses an empty array as children by\n // default, so use null if that's the case.\n if (Array.isArray(children) && isEmptyChildren(children)) {\n children = null;\n }\n\n return (\n \n {props.match\n ? children\n ? typeof children === \"function\"\n ? __DEV__\n ? evalChildrenDev(children, props, this.props.path)\n : children(props)\n : children\n : component\n ? React.createElement(component, props)\n : render\n ? render(props)\n : null\n : typeof children === \"function\"\n ? __DEV__\n ? evalChildrenDev(children, props, this.props.path)\n : children(props)\n : null}\n \n );\n }}\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n Route.propTypes = {\n children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.node]),\n component: (props, propName) => {\n if (props[propName] && !isValidElementType(props[propName])) {\n return new Error(\n `Invalid prop 'component' supplied to 'Route': the prop is not a valid React component`\n );\n }\n },\n exact: PropTypes.bool,\n location: PropTypes.object,\n path: PropTypes.oneOfType([\n PropTypes.string,\n PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string)\n ]),\n render: PropTypes.func,\n sensitive: PropTypes.bool,\n strict: PropTypes.bool\n };\n\n Route.prototype.componentDidMount = function() {\n warning(\n !(\n this.props.children &&\n !isEmptyChildren(this.props.children) &&\n this.props.component\n ),\n \"You should not use and in the same route; will be ignored\"\n );\n\n warning(\n !(\n this.props.children &&\n !isEmptyChildren(this.props.children) &&\n this.props.render\n ),\n \"You should not use and in the same route; will be ignored\"\n );\n\n warning(\n !(this.props.component && this.props.render),\n \"You should not use and in the same route; will be ignored\"\n );\n };\n\n Route.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function(prevProps) {\n warning(\n !(this.props.location && !prevProps.location),\n ' elements should not change from uncontrolled to controlled (or vice versa). You initially used no \"location\" prop and then provided one on a subsequent render.'\n );\n\n warning(\n !(!this.props.location && prevProps.location),\n ' elements should not change from controlled to uncontrolled (or vice versa). You provided a \"location\" prop initially but omitted it on a subsequent render.'\n );\n };\n}\n\nexport default Route;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport { createLocation, createPath } from \"history\";\nimport invariant from \"tiny-invariant\";\nimport warning from \"tiny-warning\";\n\nimport Router from \"./Router.js\";\n\nfunction addLeadingSlash(path) {\n return path.charAt(0) === \"/\" ? path : \"/\" + path;\n}\n\nfunction addBasename(basename, location) {\n if (!basename) return location;\n\n return {\n ...location,\n pathname: addLeadingSlash(basename) + location.pathname\n };\n}\n\nfunction stripBasename(basename, location) {\n if (!basename) return location;\n\n const base = addLeadingSlash(basename);\n\n if (location.pathname.indexOf(base) !== 0) return location;\n\n return {\n ...location,\n pathname: location.pathname.substr(base.length)\n };\n}\n\nfunction createURL(location) {\n return typeof location === \"string\" ? location : createPath(location);\n}\n\nfunction staticHandler(methodName) {\n return () => {\n invariant(false, \"You cannot %s with \", methodName);\n };\n}\n\nfunction noop() {}\n\n/**\n * The public top-level API for a \"static\" , so-called because it\n * can't actually change the current location. Instead, it just records\n * location changes in a context object. Useful mainly in testing and\n * server-rendering scenarios.\n */\nclass StaticRouter extends React.Component {\n navigateTo(location, action) {\n const { basename = \"\", context = {} } = this.props;\n context.action = action;\n context.location = addBasename(basename, createLocation(location));\n context.url = createURL(context.location);\n }\n\n handlePush = location => this.navigateTo(location, \"PUSH\");\n handleReplace = location => this.navigateTo(location, \"REPLACE\");\n handleListen = () => noop;\n handleBlock = () => noop;\n\n render() {\n const { basename = \"\", context = {}, location = \"/\", ...rest } = this.props;\n\n const history = {\n createHref: path => addLeadingSlash(basename + createURL(path)),\n action: \"POP\",\n location: stripBasename(basename, createLocation(location)),\n push: this.handlePush,\n replace: this.handleReplace,\n go: staticHandler(\"go\"),\n goBack: staticHandler(\"goBack\"),\n goForward: staticHandler(\"goForward\"),\n listen: this.handleListen,\n block: this.handleBlock\n };\n\n return ;\n }\n}\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n StaticRouter.propTypes = {\n basename: PropTypes.string,\n context: PropTypes.object,\n location: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.object])\n };\n\n StaticRouter.prototype.componentDidMount = function() {\n warning(\n !this.props.history,\n \" ignores the history prop. To use a custom history, \" +\n \"use `import { Router }` instead of `import { StaticRouter as Router }`.\"\n );\n };\n}\n\nexport default StaticRouter;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport invariant from \"tiny-invariant\";\nimport warning from \"tiny-warning\";\n\nimport RouterContext from \"./RouterContext.js\";\nimport matchPath from \"./matchPath.js\";\n\n/**\n * The public API for rendering the first that matches.\n */\nclass Switch extends React.Component {\n render() {\n return (\n \n {context => {\n invariant(context, \"You should not use outside a \");\n\n const location = this.props.location || context.location;\n\n let element, match;\n\n // We use React.Children.forEach instead of React.Children.toArray().find()\n // here because toArray adds keys to all child elements and we do not want\n // to trigger an unmount/remount for two s that render the same\n // component at different URLs.\n React.Children.forEach(this.props.children, child => {\n if (match == null && React.isValidElement(child)) {\n element = child;\n\n const path = child.props.path || child.props.from;\n\n match = path\n ? matchPath(location.pathname, { ...child.props, path })\n : context.match;\n }\n });\n\n return match\n ? React.cloneElement(element, { location, computedMatch: match })\n : null;\n }}\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n Switch.propTypes = {\n children: PropTypes.node,\n location: PropTypes.object\n };\n\n Switch.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function(prevProps) {\n warning(\n !(this.props.location && !prevProps.location),\n ' elements should not change from uncontrolled to controlled (or vice versa). You initially used no \"location\" prop and then provided one on a subsequent render.'\n );\n\n warning(\n !(!this.props.location && prevProps.location),\n ' elements should not change from controlled to uncontrolled (or vice versa). You provided a \"location\" prop initially but omitted it on a subsequent render.'\n );\n };\n}\n\nexport default Switch;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport invariant from \"tiny-invariant\";\n\nimport RouterContext from \"./RouterContext.js\";\nimport HistoryContext from \"./HistoryContext.js\";\nimport matchPath from \"./matchPath.js\";\n\nconst useContext = React.useContext;\n\nexport function useHistory() {\n if (__DEV__) {\n invariant(\n typeof useContext === \"function\",\n \"You must use React >= 16.8 in order to use useHistory()\"\n );\n }\n\n return useContext(HistoryContext);\n}\n\nexport function useLocation() {\n if (__DEV__) {\n invariant(\n typeof useContext === \"function\",\n \"You must use React >= 16.8 in order to use useLocation()\"\n );\n }\n\n return useContext(RouterContext).location;\n}\n\nexport function useParams() {\n if (__DEV__) {\n invariant(\n typeof useContext === \"function\",\n \"You must use React >= 16.8 in order to use useParams()\"\n );\n }\n\n const match = useContext(RouterContext).match;\n return match ? match.params : {};\n}\n\nexport function useRouteMatch(path) {\n if (__DEV__) {\n invariant(\n typeof useContext === \"function\",\n \"You must use React >= 16.8 in order to use useRouteMatch()\"\n );\n }\n\n const location = useLocation();\n const match = useContext(RouterContext).match;\n return path ? matchPath(location.pathname, path) : match;\n}\n","export default function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {\n if (key in obj) {\n Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {\n value: value,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true\n });\n } else {\n obj[key] = value;\n }\n return obj;\n}","import defineProperty from \"./defineProperty.js\";\nfunction ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) {\n var keys = Object.keys(object);\n if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {\n var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object);\n enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) {\n return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable;\n })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);\n }\n return keys;\n}\nexport default function _objectSpread2(target) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {};\n i % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) {\n defineProperty(target, key, source[key]);\n }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) {\n Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));\n });\n }\n return target;\n}","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\n\r\nfunction ReactCarousel() {\r\n const settings = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n slidesToShow: 4,\r\n slidesToScroll: 3,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 1500,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
\r\n (slider = slider)} {...settings}>\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n Load Augmentation
\r\n 22-09-2020\r\n
\r\n \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n Prevent leakage current
\r\n 17-06-2021\r\n
\r\n \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n Do not use electrical cable
\r\n 17-06-2021\r\n
\r\n \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n Self Submission of Meter Reading
\r\n 05-03-2021\r\n
\r\n \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n Energy Efficiency Tips
\r\n 05-03-2021\r\n
\r\n \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n \r\n
\r\n {/*
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n Safety Measures at NPCL Customer Care Office
\r\n 27-11-2020\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n Benefits of Dual Source Meter
\r\n 27-11-2020\r\n
\r\n \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n Single point to multi-point conversion
\r\n 12-10-2020\r\n
\r\n \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n How electricity tariff is fixed
\r\n 01-10-2020\r\n
\r\n \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n Power Theft -How it affects consumers
\r\n 25-09-2020\r\n
\r\n \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n Know Your Bill
\r\n 24-09-2020\r\n
\r\n \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n Go Digital
\r\n 23-09-2020\r\n
\r\n \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n Load Augmentation
\r\n 22-09-2020\r\n
\r\n \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n Prepaid Meters
\r\n 21-09-2020\r\n
\r\n \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n \r\n
\r\n {/*
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n @NPCL Noida
\r\n 05-08-2021\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n @NPCL Noida
\r\n 05-08-2021\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n @NPCL Noida
\r\n 05-08-2021\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n @NPCL Noida
\r\n 05-08-2021\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n @NPCL Noida
\r\n 05-08-2021\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n @NPCL Noida
\r\n 05-08-2021\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n @NPCL Noida
\r\n 05-08-2021\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n @NPCL Noida
\r\n 05-08-2021\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n @NPCL Noida
\r\n 05-08-2021\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n @NPCL Noida
\r\n 05-08-2021\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n );\r\n}\r\nexport default ReactCarousel;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\n\r\nconst ReactCarousel2 = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ReactCarousel2;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst CompProfile = () => {\r\n return (\r\n



\r\n Developed as an industrial hub and urban settlement, Noida Power\r\n Company Limited is a power distribution company that illuminates\r\n Greater Noida by reaching out to a population of about 7 lacs\r\n sprawling across hamlets, villages, and a new township spanning an\r\n area of 335 sq. km.\r\n


\r\n As a joint venture between the RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group, a leading\r\n business house in India, and Greater Noida Industrial Development\r\n Authority, an autonomous body of the U.P. Government responsible\r\n for town planning and infrastructure development, it gives a\r\n strategic dimension to the privatized distribution of electricity\r\n in North India. Since December 1993 after getting the grant of\r\n license by the U.P. Government, it has been spreading smiles all\r\n across the miles with its strong distribution network.\r\n

\r\n Read more...\r\n
\r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default CompProfile;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { Router } from \"react-router\";\nimport { createBrowserHistory as createHistory } from \"history\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport warning from \"tiny-warning\";\n\n/**\n * The public API for a that uses HTML5 history.\n */\nclass BrowserRouter extends React.Component {\n history = createHistory(this.props);\n\n render() {\n return ;\n }\n}\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n BrowserRouter.propTypes = {\n basename: PropTypes.string,\n children: PropTypes.node,\n forceRefresh: PropTypes.bool,\n getUserConfirmation: PropTypes.func,\n keyLength: PropTypes.number\n };\n\n BrowserRouter.prototype.componentDidMount = function() {\n warning(\n !this.props.history,\n \" ignores the history prop. To use a custom history, \" +\n \"use `import { Router }` instead of `import { BrowserRouter as Router }`.\"\n );\n };\n}\n\nexport default BrowserRouter;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { Router } from \"react-router\";\nimport { createHashHistory as createHistory } from \"history\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport warning from \"tiny-warning\";\n\n/**\n * The public API for a that uses window.location.hash.\n */\nclass HashRouter extends React.Component {\n history = createHistory(this.props);\n\n render() {\n return ;\n }\n}\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n HashRouter.propTypes = {\n basename: PropTypes.string,\n children: PropTypes.node,\n getUserConfirmation: PropTypes.func,\n hashType: PropTypes.oneOf([\"hashbang\", \"noslash\", \"slash\"])\n };\n\n HashRouter.prototype.componentDidMount = function() {\n warning(\n !this.props.history,\n \" ignores the history prop. To use a custom history, \" +\n \"use `import { Router }` instead of `import { HashRouter as Router }`.\"\n );\n };\n}\n\nexport default HashRouter;\n","import { createLocation } from \"history\";\n\nexport const resolveToLocation = (to, currentLocation) =>\n typeof to === \"function\" ? to(currentLocation) : to;\n\nexport const normalizeToLocation = (to, currentLocation) => {\n return typeof to === \"string\"\n ? createLocation(to, null, null, currentLocation)\n : to;\n};\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { __RouterContext as RouterContext } from \"react-router\";\nimport { createPath } from 'history';\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport invariant from \"tiny-invariant\";\nimport {\n resolveToLocation,\n normalizeToLocation\n} from \"./utils/locationUtils.js\";\n\n// React 15 compat\nconst forwardRefShim = C => C;\nlet { forwardRef } = React;\nif (typeof forwardRef === \"undefined\") {\n forwardRef = forwardRefShim;\n}\n\nfunction isModifiedEvent(event) {\n return !!(event.metaKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey);\n}\n\nconst LinkAnchor = forwardRef(\n (\n {\n innerRef, // TODO: deprecate\n navigate,\n onClick,\n ...rest\n },\n forwardedRef\n ) => {\n const { target } = rest;\n\n let props = {\n ...rest,\n onClick: event => {\n try {\n if (onClick) onClick(event);\n } catch (ex) {\n event.preventDefault();\n throw ex;\n }\n\n if (\n !event.defaultPrevented && // onClick prevented default\n event.button === 0 && // ignore everything but left clicks\n (!target || target === \"_self\") && // let browser handle \"target=_blank\" etc.\n !isModifiedEvent(event) // ignore clicks with modifier keys\n ) {\n event.preventDefault();\n navigate();\n }\n }\n };\n\n // React 15 compat\n if (forwardRefShim !== forwardRef) {\n props.ref = forwardedRef || innerRef;\n } else {\n props.ref = innerRef;\n }\n\n /* eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content */\n return ;\n }\n);\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n LinkAnchor.displayName = \"LinkAnchor\";\n}\n\n/**\n * The public API for rendering a history-aware .\n */\nconst Link = forwardRef(\n (\n {\n component = LinkAnchor,\n replace,\n to,\n innerRef, // TODO: deprecate\n ...rest\n },\n forwardedRef\n ) => {\n return (\n \n {context => {\n invariant(context, \"You should not use outside a \");\n\n const { history } = context;\n\n const location = normalizeToLocation(\n resolveToLocation(to, context.location),\n context.location\n );\n\n const href = location ? history.createHref(location) : \"\";\n const props = {\n ...rest,\n href,\n navigate() {\n const location = resolveToLocation(to, context.location);\n const isDuplicateNavigation = createPath(context.location) === createPath(normalizeToLocation(location));\n const method = (replace || isDuplicateNavigation) ? history.replace : history.push;\n\n method(location);\n }\n };\n\n // React 15 compat\n if (forwardRefShim !== forwardRef) {\n props.ref = forwardedRef || innerRef;\n } else {\n props.innerRef = innerRef;\n }\n\n return React.createElement(component, props);\n }}\n \n );\n }\n);\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n const toType = PropTypes.oneOfType([\n PropTypes.string,\n PropTypes.object,\n PropTypes.func\n ]);\n const refType = PropTypes.oneOfType([\n PropTypes.string,\n PropTypes.func,\n PropTypes.shape({ current: PropTypes.any })\n ]);\n\n Link.displayName = \"Link\";\n\n Link.propTypes = {\n innerRef: refType,\n onClick: PropTypes.func,\n replace: PropTypes.bool,\n target: PropTypes.string,\n to: toType.isRequired\n };\n}\n\nexport default Link;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { __RouterContext as RouterContext, matchPath } from \"react-router\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport invariant from \"tiny-invariant\";\nimport Link from \"./Link.js\";\nimport {\n resolveToLocation,\n normalizeToLocation\n} from \"./utils/locationUtils.js\";\n\n// React 15 compat\nconst forwardRefShim = C => C;\nlet { forwardRef } = React;\nif (typeof forwardRef === \"undefined\") {\n forwardRef = forwardRefShim;\n}\n\nfunction joinClassnames(...classnames) {\n return classnames.filter(i => i).join(\" \");\n}\n\n/**\n * A wrapper that knows if it's \"active\" or not.\n */\nconst NavLink = forwardRef(\n (\n {\n \"aria-current\": ariaCurrent = \"page\",\n activeClassName = \"active\", // TODO: deprecate\n activeStyle, // TODO: deprecate\n className: classNameProp,\n exact,\n isActive: isActiveProp,\n location: locationProp,\n sensitive,\n strict,\n style: styleProp,\n to,\n innerRef, // TODO: deprecate\n ...rest\n },\n forwardedRef\n ) => {\n return (\n \n {context => {\n invariant(context, \"You should not use outside a \");\n\n const currentLocation = locationProp || context.location;\n const toLocation = normalizeToLocation(\n resolveToLocation(to, currentLocation),\n currentLocation\n );\n const { pathname: path } = toLocation;\n // Regex taken from: https://github.com/pillarjs/path-to-regexp/blob/master/index.js#L202\n const escapedPath =\n path && path.replace(/([.+*?=^!:${}()[\\]|/\\\\])/g, \"\\\\$1\");\n\n const match = escapedPath\n ? matchPath(currentLocation.pathname, {\n path: escapedPath,\n exact,\n sensitive,\n strict\n })\n : null;\n const isActive = !!(isActiveProp\n ? isActiveProp(match, currentLocation)\n : match);\n\n let className =\n typeof classNameProp === \"function\"\n ? classNameProp(isActive)\n : classNameProp;\n\n let style =\n typeof styleProp === \"function\" ? styleProp(isActive) : styleProp;\n\n if (isActive) {\n className = joinClassnames(className, activeClassName);\n style = { ...style, ...activeStyle };\n }\n\n const props = {\n \"aria-current\": (isActive && ariaCurrent) || null,\n className,\n style,\n to: toLocation,\n ...rest\n };\n\n // React 15 compat\n if (forwardRefShim !== forwardRef) {\n props.ref = forwardedRef || innerRef;\n } else {\n props.innerRef = innerRef;\n }\n\n return ;\n }}\n \n );\n }\n);\n\nif (__DEV__) {\n NavLink.displayName = \"NavLink\";\n\n const ariaCurrentType = PropTypes.oneOf([\n \"page\",\n \"step\",\n \"location\",\n \"date\",\n \"time\",\n \"true\",\n \"false\"\n ]);\n\n NavLink.propTypes = {\n ...Link.propTypes,\n \"aria-current\": ariaCurrentType,\n activeClassName: PropTypes.string,\n activeStyle: PropTypes.object,\n className: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.func]),\n exact: PropTypes.bool,\n isActive: PropTypes.func,\n location: PropTypes.object,\n sensitive: PropTypes.bool,\n strict: PropTypes.bool,\n style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.func])\n };\n}\n\nexport default NavLink;\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst Header = () => {\r\n function openFuncation() {\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"search-wrap\");\r\n element.classList.add(\"searchactive\");\r\n }\r\n function closeFuncation() {\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"search-wrap\");\r\n element.classList.remove(\"searchactive\");\r\n }\r\n function menuopenFuncation() {\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"fixmnu\");\r\n element.classList.add(\"active\");\r\n\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"bodyaddid\");\r\n element.classList.add(\"scrollstop\");\r\n }\r\n\r\n window.onscroll = function () {\r\n headerFunction();\r\n };\r\n\r\n function headerFunction() {\r\n if (\r\n document.body.scrollTop > 50 ||\r\n document.documentElement.scrollTop > 50\r\n ) {\r\n document.getElementById(\"headerbottom\").className =\r\n \"headerbottom designtime\";\r\n document.getElementById(\"navbar-collapse\").className =\r\n \"navbar-collapse mobilemenu designtime\";\r\n document.getElementById(\"navbar-collapse1\").className =\r\n \"collapse navbar-collapse designtime\";\r\n } else {\r\n document.getElementById(\"headerbottom\").className = \"headerbottom\";\r\n document.getElementById(\"navbar-collapse\").className =\r\n \"navbar-collapse mobilemenu\";\r\n document.getElementById(\"navbar-collapse1\").className =\r\n \"collapse navbar-collapse\";\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function show1() {\r\n document.getElementById(\"div1\").style.display = \"none\";\r\n }\r\n function show2() {\r\n document.getElementById(\"div1\").style.display = \"block\";\r\n }\r\n function otherlink() {\r\n document.getElementById(\"div1\").style.display = \"none\";\r\n }\r\n function show2() {\r\n document.getElementById(\"div1\").style.display = \"block\";\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n   Emergency:\r\n 9718722222  |\r\n
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      • \r\n \r\n Petition No. 1919 of 2022 dated 30th November, 2022 of the Company for approval of True-up for FY 2021-22, APR for FY 2022-23 and ARR for FY 2023-24\r\n \r\n
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        • \r\n \r\n \r\n Know Your Pre - Paid Meter\r\n \r\n \r\n
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    \r\n X\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Header;\r\n","export default function _arrayWithHoles(arr) {\n if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr;\n}","export default function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {\n if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length;\n for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) {\n arr2[i] = arr[i];\n }\n return arr2;\n}","import arrayLikeToArray from \"./arrayLikeToArray.js\";\nexport default function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) {\n if (!o) return;\n if (typeof o === \"string\") return arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);\n var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1);\n if (n === \"Object\" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name;\n if (n === \"Map\" || n === \"Set\") return Array.from(o);\n if (n === \"Arguments\" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);\n}","export default function _nonIterableRest() {\n throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\");\n}","import arrayWithHoles from \"./arrayWithHoles.js\";\nimport iterableToArrayLimit from \"./iterableToArrayLimit.js\";\nimport unsupportedIterableToArray from \"./unsupportedIterableToArray.js\";\nimport nonIterableRest from \"./nonIterableRest.js\";\nexport default function _slicedToArray(arr, i) {\n return arrayWithHoles(arr) || iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || unsupportedIterableToArray(arr, i) || nonIterableRest();\n}","export default function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) {\n var _i = arr == null ? null : typeof Symbol !== \"undefined\" && arr[Symbol.iterator] || arr[\"@@iterator\"];\n if (_i == null) return;\n var _arr = [];\n var _n = true;\n var _d = false;\n var _s, _e;\n try {\n for (_i = _i.call(arr); !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) {\n _arr.push(_s.value);\n if (i && _arr.length === i) break;\n }\n } catch (err) {\n _d = true;\n _e = err;\n } finally {\n try {\n if (!_n && _i[\"return\"] != null) _i[\"return\"]();\n } finally {\n if (_d) throw _e;\n }\n }\n return _arr;\n}","import React from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst SvgDesign = () => {\r\n function menuclaseFuncation() {\r\n const element = document.getElementById(\"fixmnu\");\r\n element.classList.remove(\"active\");\r\n\r\n const element2 = document.getElementById(\"bodyaddid\");\r\n element2.classList.remove(\"scrollstop\");\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default SvgDesign;\r\n","import React from 'react';\nexport var DefaultContext = {\n color: undefined,\n size: undefined,\n className: undefined,\n style: undefined,\n attr: undefined\n};\nexport var IconContext = React.createContext && React.createContext(DefaultContext);","var __assign = this && this.__assign || function () {\n __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {\n for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {\n s = arguments[i];\n\n for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];\n }\n\n return t;\n };\n\n return __assign.apply(this, arguments);\n};\n\nvar __rest = this && this.__rest || function (s, e) {\n var t = {};\n\n for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p];\n\n if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === \"function\") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {\n if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];\n }\n return t;\n};\n\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { IconContext, DefaultContext } from './iconContext';\n\nfunction Tree2Element(tree) {\n return tree && tree.map(function (node, i) {\n return React.createElement(node.tag, __assign({\n key: i\n }, node.attr), Tree2Element(node.child));\n });\n}\n\nexport function GenIcon(data) {\n return function (props) {\n return React.createElement(IconBase, __assign({\n attr: __assign({}, data.attr)\n }, props), Tree2Element(data.child));\n };\n}\nexport function IconBase(props) {\n var elem = function (conf) {\n var attr = props.attr,\n size = props.size,\n title = props.title,\n svgProps = __rest(props, [\"attr\", \"size\", \"title\"]);\n\n var computedSize = size || conf.size || \"1em\";\n var className;\n if (conf.className) className = conf.className;\n if (props.className) className = (className ? className + ' ' : '') + props.className;\n return React.createElement(\"svg\", __assign({\n stroke: \"currentColor\",\n fill: \"currentColor\",\n strokeWidth: \"0\"\n }, conf.attr, attr, svgProps, {\n className: className,\n style: __assign(__assign({\n color: props.color || conf.color\n }, conf.style), props.style),\n height: computedSize,\n width: computedSize,\n xmlns: \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n }), title && React.createElement(\"title\", null, title), props.children);\n };\n\n return IconContext !== undefined ? React.createElement(IconContext.Consumer, null, function (conf) {\n return elem(conf);\n }) : elem(DefaultContext);\n}","// THIS FILE IS AUTO GENERATED\nimport { GenIcon } from '../lib';\nexport function BsFillAlarmFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M6 .5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h3a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H9v1.07a7.001 7.001 0 0 1 3.274 12.474l.601.602a.5.5 0 0 1-.707.708l-.746-.746A6.97 6.97 0 0 1 8 16a6.97 6.97 0 0 1-3.422-.892l-.746.746a.5.5 0 0 1-.707-.708l.602-.602A7.001 7.001 0 0 1 7 2.07V1h-.5A.5.5 0 0 1 6 .5zm2.5 5a.5.5 0 0 0-1 0v3.362l-1.429 2.38a.5.5 0 1 0 .858.515l1.5-2.5A.5.5 0 0 0 8.5 9V5.5zM.86 5.387A2.5 2.5 0 1 1 4.387 1.86 8.035 8.035 0 0 0 .86 5.387zM11.613 1.86a2.5 2.5 0 1 1 3.527 3.527 8.035 8.035 0 0 0-3.527-3.527z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsFillArchiveFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M12.643 15C13.979 15 15 13.845 15 12.5V5H1v7.5C1 13.845 2.021 15 3.357 15h9.286zM5.5 7h5a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-5a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1zM.8 1a.8.8 0 0 0-.8.8V3a.8.8 0 0 0 .8.8h14.4A.8.8 0 0 0 16 3V1.8a.8.8 0 0 0-.8-.8H.8z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsFillArrowDownCircleFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M16 8A8 8 0 1 1 0 8a8 8 0 0 1 16 0zM8.5 4.5a.5.5 0 0 0-1 0v5.793L5.354 8.146a.5.5 0 1 0-.708.708l3 3a.5.5 0 0 0 .708 0l3-3a.5.5 0 0 0-.708-.708L8.5 10.293V4.5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsFillArrowDownLeftCircleFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M16 8A8 8 0 1 0 0 8a8 8 0 0 0 16 0zm-5.904-2.803a.5.5 0 1 1 .707.707L6.707 10h2.768a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H5.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V6.525a.5.5 0 0 1 1 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0-.247.04-.48.11-.686a.502.502 0 0 1 .166-.761l2-1a.5.5 0 1 1 .448.894l-1.009.504c. 1.049 0 .828-.448 1.5-1 1.5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsFillEmojiDizzyFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M8 16A8 8 0 1 0 8 0a8 8 0 0 0 0 16zM4.146 5.146a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0l.646.647.646-.647a.5.5 0 1 1 .708.708l-.647.646.647.646a.5.5 0 1 1-.708.708L5.5 7.207l-.646.647a.5.5 0 1 1-.708-.708l.647-.646-.647-.646a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708zm5 0a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0l.646.647.646-.647a.5.5 0 0 1 .708.708l-.647.646.647.646a.5.5 0 0 1-.708.708l-.646-.647-.646.647a.5.5 0 1 1-.708-.708l.647-.646-.647-.646a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708zM8 13a2 2 0 1 1 0-4 2 2 0 0 1 0 4z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsFillEmojiExpressionlessFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M8 16A8 8 0 1 0 8 0a8 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0 1 1h2l-3-3zM2 12h12v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2zM.5 10a.5.5 0 0 0 0 1h15a.5.5 0 0 0 0-1H.5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsFillFileEarmarkCheckFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M9.293 0H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h8a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V4.707A1 1 0 0 0 13.707 4L10 .293A1 1 0 0 0 9.293 0zM9.5 3.5v-2l3 3h-2a1 1 0 0 1-1-1zm1.354 4.354-3 3a.5.5 0 0 1-.708 0l-1.5-1.5a.5.5 0 1 1 .708-.708L7.5 9.793l2.646-2.647a.5.5 0 0 1 .708.708z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsFillFileEarmarkCodeFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M9.293 0H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h8a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V4.707A1 1 0 0 0 13.707 4L10 .293A1 1 0 0 0 9.293 0zM9.5 3.5v-2l3 3h-2a1 1 0 0 1-1-1zM6.646 7.646a.5.5 0 1 1 .708.708L5.707 10l1.647 1.646a.5.5 0 0 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0l-3 3a.5.5 0 1 0 .708.708L7.5 5.707V11.5a.5.5 0 0 0 1 0z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsArrowUpSquare (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fillRule\":\"evenodd\",\"d\":\"M15 2a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H2a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v12a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h12a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V2zM0 2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h12a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v12a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V2zm8.5 9.5a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0V5.707L5.354 7.854a.5.5 0 1 1-.708-.708l3-3a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0l3 3a.5.5 0 0 1-.708.708L8.5 5.707V11.5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsArrowUp (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fillRule\":\"evenodd\",\"d\":\"M8 15a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5V2.707l3.146 3.147a.5.5 0 0 0 .708-.708l-4-4a.5.5 0 0 0-.708 0l-4 4a.5.5 0 1 0 .708.708L7.5 2.707V14.5a.5.5 0 0 0 .5.5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsArrowsAngleContract (props) {\n return 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BsArrowsCollapse (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fillRule\":\"evenodd\",\"d\":\"M1 8a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h13a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-13A.5.5 0 0 1 1 8zm7-8a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v3.793l1.146-1.147a.5.5 0 0 1 .708.708l-2 2a.5.5 0 0 1-.708 0l-2-2a.5.5 0 1 1 .708-.708L7.5 4.293V.5A.5.5 0 0 1 8 0zm-.5 11.707-1.146 1.147a.5.5 0 0 1-.708-.708l2-2a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0l2 2a.5.5 0 0 1-.708.708L8.5 11.707V15.5a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0v-3.793z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsArrowsExpand (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fillRule\":\"evenodd\",\"d\":\"M1 8a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h13a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-13A.5.5 0 0 1 1 8zM7.646.146a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0l2 2a.5.5 0 0 1-.708.708L8.5 1.707V5.5a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0V1.707L6.354 2.854a.5.5 0 1 1-.708-.708l2-2zM8 10a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v3.793l1.146-1.147a.5.5 0 0 1 .708.708l-2 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6c-.122.074-.272.17-.452.287-.18.117-.35.26-.51.428a2.425 2.425 0 0 0-.398.562c-.11.207-.164.438-.164.692 0 . 0 .383-.07.504-.211a.697.697 0 0 0 .188-.463c0-.23-.07-.404-.211-.521-.137-.121-.326-.182-.568-.182h-.282c.024-.203.065-.37.123-.498a1.38 1.38 0 0 1 .252-.37 1.94 1.94 0 0 1 .346-.298zm2.167 0c.113-.078.262-.17.445-.275L5.692 6c-.122.074-.272.17-.452.287-.18.117-.35.26-.51.428a2.425 2.425 0 0 0-.398.562c-.11.207-.164.438-.164.692 0 . 0 .383-.07.504-.211a.697.697 0 0 0 .188-.463c0-.23-.07-.404-.211-.521-.137-.121-.326-.182-.568-.182h-.282a1.75 1.75 0 0 1 .118-.492c.058-.13.144-.254.257-.375a1.94 1.94 0 0 1 .346-.3z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsBlockquoteRight (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M2.5 3a.5.5 0 0 0 0 1h11a.5.5 0 0 0 0-1h-11zm0 3a.5.5 0 0 0 0 1h6a.5.5 0 0 0 0-1h-6zm0 3a.5.5 0 0 0 0 1h6a.5.5 0 0 0 0-1h-6zm0 3a.5.5 0 0 0 0 1h11a.5.5 0 0 0 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0 0 0 8zm.5-9.5a.5.5 0 1 1-1 0 .5.5 0 0 1 1 0zm0 11a.5.5 0 1 1-1 0 .5.5 0 0 1 1 0zm5-5a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1 .5.5 0 0 1 0 1zm-11 0a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1 .5.5 0 0 1 0 1zm9.743-4.036a.5.5 0 1 1-.707-.707.5.5 0 0 1 .707.707zm-7.779 7.779a.5.5 0 1 1-.707-.707.5.5 0 0 1 .707.707zm7.072 0a.5.5 0 1 1 .707-.707.5.5 0 0 1-.707.707zM3.757 4.464a.5.5 0 1 1 .707-.707.5.5 0 0 1-.707.707z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsBroadcastPin (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M3.05 3.05a7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-.707.707 8 8 0 0 1 0-11.314.5.5 0 0 1 .707.707zm2.122 2.122a4 4 0 0 0 0 5.656.5.5 0 1 1-.708.708 5 5 0 0 1 0- 0 0 1 .708.708zm5.656-.708a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0 5 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 1-.708-.708 4 4 0 0 0 0-5.656.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708zm2.122-2.12a.5.5 0 0 1 .707 0 8 8 0 0 1 0 11.313.5.5 0 0 1-.707-.707 7 7 0 0 0 0- 0 0 1 0-.707zM6 8a2 2 0 1 1 2.5 1.937V15.5a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0V9.937A2 2 0 0 1 6 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1.382 0 0 1-.466-.247.714.714 0 0 1-.204-.288.622.622 0 0 1 .004-.443c.095-.245.316-.38.461-.452.394-.197.625-.453.867-.826.095-.144.184-.297.287-.472l.117-.198c.151-.255.326-.54.546-.848.528-.739 1.201-.925 1.746-.896. 1.187-2.069 2.176-2.67 6.18-6.206 9.117-8.104a.5.5 0 0 1 .596.04z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsBrush (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M15.825.12a.5.5 0 0 1 .132.584c-1.53 3.43-4.743 8.17-7.095 10.64a6.067 6.067 0 0 1-2.373 1.534c-.018.227-.06.538-.16.868-.201.659-.667 1.479-1.708 1.74a8.118 8.118 0 0 1-3.078.132 3.659 3.659 0 0 1-.562-.135 1.382 1.382 0 0 1-.466-.247.714.714 0 0 1-.204-.288.622.622 0 0 1 .004-.443c.095-.245.316-.38.461-.452.394-.197.625-.453.867-.826.095-.144.184-.297.287-.472l.117-.198c.151-.255.326-.54.546-.848.528-.739 1.201-.925 1.746-.896. 1.187-2.069 2.176-2.67 6.18-6.206 9.117-8.104a.5.5 0 0 1 .596.04zM4.705 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0 0 0-1 0v.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H13zm-5.5 9.975V7H3V6h-.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V5a.5.5 0 0 0-1 0v.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 2.5 7H3v1H1.5a.5.5 0 0 0 0 1H3v1h-.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 1 11.5v.5a.5.5 0 1 0 1 0v-.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5H3a5 5 0 0 0 4.5 4.975z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsBug (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M4.355.522a.5.5 0 0 1 .623.333l.291.956A4.979 4.979 0 0 1 8 1c1.007 0 1.946.298 2.731.811l.29-.956a.5.5 0 1 1 .957.29l-.41 1.352A4.985 4.985 0 0 1 13 6h.5a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5V5a.5.5 0 0 1 1 0v.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 13.5 7H13v1h1.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H13v1h.5a1.5 1.5 0 0 1 1.5 1.5v.5a.5.5 0 1 1-1 0v-.5a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5H13a5 5 0 0 1-10 0h-.5a.5.5 0 0 0-.5.5v.5a.5.5 0 1 1-1 0v-.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 2.5 10H3V9H1.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1H3V7h-.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 1 5.5V5a.5.5 0 0 1 1 0v.5a.5.5 0 0 0 .5.5H3c0-1.364.547-2.601 1.432-3.503l-.41-1.352a.5.5 0 0 1 .333-.623zM4 7v4a4 4 0 0 0 3.5 3.97V7H4zm4.5 0v7.97A4 4 0 0 0 12 11V7H8.5zM12 6a3.989 3.989 0 0 0-1.334-2.982A3.983 3.983 0 0 0 8 2a3.983 3.983 0 0 0-2.667 1.018A3.989 3.989 0 0 0 4 6h8z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsBuilding (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fillRule\":\"evenodd\",\"d\":\"M14.763.075A.5.5 0 0 1 15 .5v15a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-3a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V14h-1v1.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-9a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V10a.5.5 0 0 1 .342-.474L6 7.64V4.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .276-.447l8-4a.5.5 0 0 1 .487.022zM6 8.694 1 10.36V15h5V8.694zM7 15h2v-1.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h2a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5V15h2V1.309l-7 3.5V15z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M2 11h1v1H2v-1zm2 0h1v1H4v-1zm-2 2h1v1H2v-1zm2 0h1v1H4v-1zm4-4h1v1H8V9zm2 0h1v1h-1V9zm-2 2h1v1H8v-1zm2 0h1v1h-1v-1zm2-2h1v1h-1V9zm0 2h1v1h-1v-1zM8 7h1v1H8V7zm2 0h1v1h-1V7zm2 0h1v1h-1V7zM8 5h1v1H8V5zm2 0h1v1h-1V5zm2 0h1v1h-1V5zm0-2h1v1h-1V3z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsBullseye (props) {\n 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0v2h1.36l.5-2H12zm1.11 3H12v2h.61l.5-2zM11 8H9v2h2V8zM8 8H6v2h2V8zM5 8H3.89l.5 2H5V8zm0 5a1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0-2zm-2 1a2 2 0 1 1 4 0 2 2 0 0 1-4 0zm9-1a1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0-2zm-2 1a2 2 0 1 1 4 0 2 2 0 0 1-4 0z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsCashCoin (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fillRule\":\"evenodd\",\"d\":\"M11 15a4 4 0 1 0 0-8 4 4 0 0 0 0 8zm5-4a5 5 0 1 1-10 0 5 5 0 0 1 10 0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M9.438 11.944c.047.596.518 1.06 1.363 1.116v.44h.375v-.443c.875-.061 1.386-.529 1.386-1.207 0-.618-.39-.936-1.09-1.1l-.296-.07v-1.2c.376.043.614.248.671.532h.658c-.047-.575-.54-1.024-1.329-1.073V8.5h-.375v.45c-.747.073-1.255.522-1.255 1.158 0 .562.378.92 1.007 1.066l.248.061v1.272c-.384-.058-.639-.27-.696-.563h-.668zm1.36-1.354c-.369-.085-.569-.26-.569-.522 0-.294.216-.514.572-.578v1.1h-.003zm.432.746c.449.104.655.272.655.569 0 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1.438-1.153 2.055v.448l-.445.049C2.064 4.805 1 5.952 1 7.318 1 8.785 2.23 10 3.781 10H6a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H3.781C1.708 11 0 9.366 0 7.318c0-1.763 1.266-3.223 2.942-3.593.143-.863.698-1.723 1.464-2.383z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M7.646 15.854a.5.5 0 0 0 .708 0l3-3a.5.5 0 0 0-.708-.708L8.5 14.293V5.5a.5.5 0 0 0-1 0v8.793l-2.146-2.147a.5.5 0 0 0-.708.708l3 3z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsCloudDrizzleFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M4.158 12.025a.5.5 0 0 1 .316.633l-.5 1.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.948-.316l.5-1.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .632-.317zm6 0a.5.5 0 0 1 .316.633l-.5 1.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.948-.316l.5-1.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .632-.317zm-3.5 1.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .316.633l-.5 1.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.948-.316l.5-1.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .632-.317zm6 0a.5.5 0 0 1 .316.633l-.5 1.5a.5.5 0 1 1-.948-.316l.5-1.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .632-.317zm.747-8.498a5.001 5.001 0 0 0-9.499-1.004A3.5 3.5 0 1 0 3.5 11H13a3 3 0 0 0 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0 1 0 3.5 12H13a3 3 0 0 0 .405-5.973zM8.5 3a4 4 0 0 1 3.976 3.555.5.5 0 0 0 .5.445H13a2 2 0 0 1 0 4H3.5a2.5 2.5 0 1 1 .605-4.926.5.5 0 0 0 .596-.329A4.002 4.002 0 0 1 8.5 3z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsCloudFog2Fill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M8.5 3a5.001 5.001 0 0 1 4.905 4.027A3 3 0 0 1 13 13h-1.5a.5.5 0 0 0 0-1H1.05a3.51 3.51 0 0 1-.713-1H9.5a.5.5 0 0 0 0-1H.035a3.53 3.53 0 0 1 0-1H7.5a.5.5 0 0 0 0-1H.337a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 3.57-1.977A5.001 5.001 0 0 1 8.5 3z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsCloudFog2 (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M8.5 4a4.002 4.002 0 0 0-3.8 2.745.5.5 0 1 1-.949-.313 5.002 5.002 0 0 1 9.654.595A3 3 0 0 1 13 13H.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1H13a2 2 0 0 0 .001-4h-.026a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.445A4 4 0 0 0 8.5 4zM0 8.5A.5.5 0 0 1 .5 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0a.5.5 0 0 1 .316.633l-1 3a.5.5 0 1 1-.948-.316l1-3a.5.5 0 0 1 .632-.317zm.247-6.998a5.001 5.001 0 0 0-9.499-1.004A3.5 3.5 0 1 0 3.5 11H13a3 3 0 0 0 .405-5.973z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsCloudRainHeavyFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M4.176 11.032a.5.5 0 0 1 .292.643l-1.5 4a.5.5 0 0 1-.936-.35l1.5-4a.5.5 0 0 1 .644-.293zm3 0a.5.5 0 0 1 .292.643l-1.5 4a.5.5 0 0 1-.936-.35l1.5-4a.5.5 0 0 1 .644-.293zm3 0a.5.5 0 0 1 .292.643l-1.5 4a.5.5 0 0 1-.936-.35l1.5-4a.5.5 0 0 1 .644-.293zm3 0a.5.5 0 0 1 .292.643l-1.5 4a.5.5 0 0 1-.936-.35l1.5-4a.5.5 0 0 1 .644-.293zm.229-7.005a5.001 5.001 0 0 0-9.499-1.004A3.5 3.5 0 1 0 3.5 10H13a3 3 0 0 0 .405-5.973z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsCloudRainHeavy (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M4.176 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0a.5.5 0 0 1 .316.633l-1 3a.5.5 0 1 1-.948-.316l1-3a.5.5 0 0 1 .632-.317zm.247-6.998a5.001 5.001 0 0 0-9.499-1.004A3.5 3.5 0 1 0 3.5 11H13a3 3 0 0 0 .405-5.973zM8.5 2a4 4 0 0 1 3.976 3.555.5.5 0 0 0 .5.445H13a2 2 0 0 1 0 4H3.5a2.5 2.5 0 1 1 .605-4.926.5.5 0 0 0 .596-.329A4.002 4.002 0 0 1 8.5 2z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsCloudSlashFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fillRule\":\"evenodd\",\"d\":\"M3.112 5.112a3.125 3.125 0 0 0-.17.613C1.266 6.095 0 7.555 0 9.318 0 11.366 1.708 13 3.781 13H11L3.112 5.112zm11.372 7.372L4.937 2.937A5.512 5.512 0 0 1 8 2c2.69 0 4.923 2 5.166 4.579C14.758 6.804 16 8.137 16 9.773a3.2 3.2 0 0 1-1.516 2.711zm-.838 1.87-12-12 .708-.708 12 12-.707.707z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsCloudSlash (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 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0v-.57l-.501.287a.25.25 0 1 1-.248-.434l.495-.283-.495-.283a.25.25 0 1 1 .248-.434l.501.286v-.569a.25.25 0 0 1 .25-.25zm1.849-2.447a.5.5 0 0 1 .223.67l-.5 1a.5.5 0 0 1-.894-.447l.5-1a.5.5 0 0 1 .67-.223zM6.375 13.5a.25.25 0 0 1 .25.25v.57l.5-.287a.25.25 0 0 1 .249.434l-.495.283.495.283a.25.25 0 1 1-.248.434l-.501-.286v.569a.25.25 0 1 1-.5 0v-.57l-.501.287a.25.25 0 1 1-.248-.434l.495-.283-.495-.283a.25.25 0 1 1 .248-.434l.501.286v-.569a.25.25 0 0 1 .25-.25zm1.849-2.447a.5.5 0 0 1 .223.67l-.5 1a.5.5 0 0 1-.894-.447l.5-1a.5.5 0 0 1 .67-.223zm2.151 2.447a.25.25 0 0 1 .25.25v.57l.5-.287a.25.25 0 0 1 .249.434l-.495.283.495.283a.25.25 0 1 1-.248.434l-.501-.286v.569a.25.25 0 0 1-.5 0v-.57l-.501.287a.25.25 0 1 1-.248-.434l.495-.283-.495-.283a.25.25 0 1 1 .248-.434l.501.286v-.569a.25.25 0 0 1 .25-.25zm1.849-2.447a.5.5 0 0 1 .223.67l-.5 1a.5.5 0 1 1-.894-.447l.5-1a.5.5 0 0 1 .67-.223zm1.181-7.026a5.001 5.001 0 0 0-9.499-1.004A3.5 3.5 0 1 0 3.5 10H13a3 3 0 0 0 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0V5.707L5.354 7.854a.5.5 0 1 1-.708-.708l3-3z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsCloud (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M4.406 3.342A5.53 5.53 0 0 1 8 2c2.69 0 4.923 2 5.166 4.579C14.758 6.804 16 8.137 16 9.773 16 11.569 14.502 13 12.687 13H3.781C1.708 13 0 11.366 0 9.318c0-1.763 1.266-3.223 2.942-3.593.143-.863.698-1.723 1.464-2.383zm.653.757c-.757.653-1.153 1.44-1.153 2.056v.448l-.445.049C2.064 6.805 1 7.952 1 9.318 1 10.785 2.23 12 3.781 12h8.906C13.98 12 15 10.988 15 9.773c0-1.216-1.02-2.228-2.313-2.228h-.5v-.5C12.188 4.825 10.328 3 8 3a4.53 4.53 0 0 0-2.941 1.1z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsCloudsFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M11.473 9a4.5 4.5 0 0 0-8.72-.99A3 3 0 0 0 3 14h8.5a2.5 2.5 0 1 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BsCollectionPlay (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M2 3a.5.5 0 0 0 .5.5h11a.5.5 0 0 0 0-1h-11A.5.5 0 0 0 2 3zm2-2a.5.5 0 0 0 .5.5h7a.5.5 0 0 0 0-1h-7A.5.5 0 0 0 4 1zm2.765 5.576A.5.5 0 0 0 6 7v5a.5.5 0 0 0 .765.424l4-2.5a.5.5 0 0 0 0-.848l-4-2.5z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M1.5 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 0 13V6a1.5 1.5 0 0 1 1.5-1.5h13A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 16 6v7a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.5 1.5h-13zm13-1a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5V6a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5h-13A.5.5 0 0 0 1 6v7a.5.5 0 0 0 .5.5h13z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsCollection (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M2.5 3.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h11a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-11zm2-2a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h7a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-7zM0 13a1.5 1.5 0 0 0 1.5 1.5h13A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 16 13V6a1.5 1.5 0 0 0-1.5-1.5h-13A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 6v7zm1.5.5A.5.5 0 0 1 1 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2 0 0 1 0-2.828l6.879-6.879zm.66 11.34L3.453 8.254 1.914 9.793a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.414l2.5 2.5a1 1 0 0 0 .707.293H7.88a1 1 0 0 0 .707-.293l.16-.16z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsEraser (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M8.086 2.207a2 2 0 0 1 2.828 0l3.879 3.879a2 2 0 0 1 0 2.828l-5.5 5.5A2 2 0 0 1 7.879 15H5.12a2 2 0 0 1-1.414-.586l-2.5-2.5a2 2 0 0 1 0-2.828l6.879-6.879zm2.121.707a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0L4.16 7.547l5.293 5.293 4.633-4.633a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414l-3.879-3.879zM8.746 13.547 3.453 8.254 1.914 9.793a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.414l2.5 2.5a1 1 0 0 0 .707.293H7.88a1 1 0 0 0 .707-.293l.16-.16z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsExclamationCircleFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M16 8A8 8 0 1 1 0 8a8 8 0 0 1 16 0zM8 4a.905.905 0 0 0-.9.995l.35 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0 1h-11a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsFlagFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M14.778.085A.5.5 0 0 1 15 .5V8a.5.5 0 0 1-.314.464L14.5 8l.186.464-.003.001-.006.003-.023.009a12.435 12.435 0 0 1-.397.15c-.264.095-.631.223-1.047.35-.816.252-1.879.523-2.71.523-.847 0-1.548-.28-2.158-.525l-.028-.01C7.68 8.71 7.14 8.5 6.5 8.5c-.7 0-1.638.23-2.437.477A19.626 19.626 0 0 0 3 9.342V15.5a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0V.5a.5.5 0 0 1 1 0v.282c.226-.079.496-.17.79-.26C4.606.272 5.67 0 6.5 0c.84 0 1.524.277 2.121.519l.043.018C9.286.788 9.828 1 10.5 1c.7 0 1.638-.23 2.437-.477a19.587 19.587 0 0 0 1.349-.476l.019-.007.004-.002h.001\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsFlag (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M14.778.085A.5.5 0 0 1 15 .5V8a.5.5 0 0 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0 0 13.81 3H9.828a2 2 0 0 1-1.414-.586l-.828-.828A2 2 0 0 0 6.172 1H2.5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2zm.694 2.09A1 1 0 0 1 2.19 4h11.62a1 1 0 0 1 .996 1.09l-.636 7a1 1 0 0 1-.996.91H2.826a1 1 0 0 1-.995-.91l-.637-7zM6.172 2a1 1 0 0 1 .707.293L7.586 3H2.19c-.24 0-.47.042-.683.12L1.5 2.98a1 1 0 0 1 1-.98h3.672z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsFolderX (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M.54 3.87.5 3a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3.672a2 2 0 0 1 1.414.586l.828.828A2 2 0 0 0 9.828 3h3.982a2 2 0 0 1 1.992 2.181L15.546 8H14.54l.265-2.91A1 1 0 0 0 13.81 4H2.19a1 1 0 0 0-.996 1.09l.637 7a1 1 0 0 0 .995.91H9v1H2.826a2 2 0 0 1-1.991-1.819l-.637-7a1.99 1.99 0 0 1 .342-1.31zm6.339-1.577A1 1 0 0 0 6.172 2H2.5a1 1 0 0 0-1 .981l.006.139C1.72 3.042 1.95 3 2.19 3h5.396l-.707-.707z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M11.854 10.146a.5.5 0 0 0-.707.708L12.293 12l-1.146 1.146a.5.5 0 0 0 .707.708L13 12.707l1.146 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GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M12.258 3h-8.51l-.083 2.46h.479c.26-1.544.758-1.783 2.693-1.845l.424-.013v7.827c0 .663-.144.82-1.3.923v.52h4.082v-.52c-1.162-.103-1.306-.26-1.306-.923V3.602l.431.013c1.934.062 2.434.301 2.693 1.846h.479L12.258 3z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsForwardFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"m9.77 12.11 4.012-2.953a.647.647 0 0 0 0-1.114L9.771 5.09a.644.644 0 0 0-.971.557V6.65H2v3.9h6.8v1.003c0 .505.545.808.97.557z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsForward (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M9.502 5.513a.144.144 0 0 0-.202.134V6.65a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H2.5v2.9h6.3a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v1.003c0 . 0 0 1 .042-.028.147.147 0 0 0 0-.252.51.51 0 0 1-.042-.028L9.502 5.513zM8.3 5.647a1.144 1.144 0 0 1 1.767-.96l3.994 2.94a1.147 1.147 0 0 1 0 1.946l-3.994 2.94a1.144 1.144 0 0 1-1.767-.96v-.503H2a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-3.9a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h6.3v-.503z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsFront (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M0 2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h8a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v8a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V2zm5 10v2a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V6a1 1 0 0 0-1-1h-2v5a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsFullscreenExit (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M5.5 0a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v4A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 4.5 6h-4a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h4a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5v-4a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm5 0a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v4a.5.5 0 0 0 .5.5h4a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-4A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 10 4.5v-4a.5.5 0 0 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9v2H2V9h2zm5 0v2H7V9h2zm5 0v2h-2V9h2zm-3-5a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h2a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v2a1 1 0 0 1-1 1h-2a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V4zm1 4a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v2a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h2a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V9a1 1 0 0 0-1-1h-2z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsGrid3X2 (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M0 3.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 1.5 2h13A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 16 3.5v8a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.5 1.5h-13A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 0 11.5v-8zM1.5 3a.5.5 0 0 0-.5.5V7h4V3H1.5zM5 8H1v3.5a.5.5 0 0 0 .5.5H5V8zm1 0v4h4V8H6zm4-1V3H6v4h4zm1 1v4h3.5a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5V8h-4zm0-1h4V3.5a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5H11v4z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsGrid3X3GapFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M1 2a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h2a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v2a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H2a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V2zm5 0a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h2a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v2a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H7a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V2zm5 0a1 1 0 0 1 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0 0 1 9 5.5v-3zm1.5-.5a.5.5 0 0 0-.5.5v3a.5.5 0 0 0 .5.5h3a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5v-3a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5h-3zM1 10.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 2.5 9h3A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 7 10.5v3A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 5.5 15h-3A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 1 13.5v-3zm1.5-.5a.5.5 0 0 0-.5.5v3a.5.5 0 0 0 .5.5h3a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5v-3a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5h-3zm6.5.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 10.5 9h3a1.5 1.5 0 0 1 1.5 1.5v3a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.5 1.5h-3A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 9 13.5v-3zm1.5-.5a.5.5 0 0 0-.5.5v3a.5.5 0 0 0 .5.5h3a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5v-3a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5h-3z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsGripHorizontal (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M2 8a1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0-2zm0-3a1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0-2zm3 3a1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0-2zm0-3a1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0-2zm3 3a1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0-2zm0-3a1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0-2zm3 3a1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0-2zm0-3a1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0-2zm3 3a1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0-2zm0-3a1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0-2z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsGripVertical (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M7 2a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0zm3 0a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0zM7 5a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0zm3 0a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0zM7 8a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0zm3 0a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0zm-3 3a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0zm3 0a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0zm-3 3a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0zm3 0a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsHammer (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M9.972 2.508a.5.5 0 0 0-.16-.556l-.178-.129a5.009 5.009 0 0 0-2.076-.783C6.215.862 4.504 1.229 2.84 3.133H1.786a.5.5 0 0 0-.354.147L.146 4.567a.5.5 0 0 0 0 .706l2.571 2.579a.5.5 0 0 0 .708 0l1.286-1.29a.5.5 0 0 0 .146-.353V5.57l8.387 8.873A.5.5 0 0 0 14 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0-1.07.08-1.466.217a4.823 4.823 0 0 0-.97.485l-.048.029c-.504.308-.999.61-2.068.723C2.682 1.815 2 2.434 2 3.279v4c0 .851.685 1.433 1.357 1.616.849.232 1.574.787 2.132 1.28 1.039 1.638.199.575.356 1.54.428 2.591z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsHandThumbsDown (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M8.864 15.674c-.956.24-1.843-.484-1.908-1.42-.072-1.05-.23-2.015-.428-2.59-.125-.36-.479-1.012-1.04-1.638-.557-.624-1.282-1.179-2.131-1.41C2.685 8.432 2 7.85 2 7V3c0-.845.682-1.464 1.448-1.546 1.07-.113 1.564-.415 2.068-.723l.048-.029c.272-.166.578-.349.97-.484C6.931.08 7.395 0 8 0h3.5c.937 0 1.599.478 1.934 0 .152-.023.312-.077.464. 0 .289-.036.586-.113.856-.035.12-.08.244-.138.363.394.571.418 1.2.234 1.733-.206.592-.682 1.1-1.2 1.272-.847.283-1.803.276-2.516.211a9.877 9.877 0 0 1-.443-.05 9.364 9.364 0 0 1-.062 4.51c-.138.508-.55.848-1.012.964l-.261.065zM11.5 1H8c-.51 0-.863.068-1.14.163-.281.097-.506.229-.776.393l-.04.025c-.555.338-1.198.73-2.49.868-.333.035-.554.29-.554.55V7c0 .255.226.543.62.65 1.095.3 1.977.997 2.614 1.709.635.71 1.064 1.475 1.238 1.977.243.7.407 1.768.482 8.34 0 0 0-.145-4.726.5.5 0 0 1 .595-.643h.003l. 8.912 0 0 0 1.036.157c.663.06 1.457.054 2.11-.163.175-.059.45-.301.57-.651.107-.308.087-.67-.266-1.021L12.793 7l.353-.354c.043-.042.105-.14.154-.315.048-.167.075-.37.075-.581 0-.211-.027-.414-.075-.581-.05-.174-.111-.273-.154-.315l-.353-.354.353-.354c.047-.047.109-.176.005-.488a2.224 2.224 0 0 0-.505-.804l-.353-.354.353-.354c.006-.005.041-.05.041-.17a.866.866 0 0 0-.121-.415C12.4 1.272 12.063 1 11.5 1z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsHandThumbsUpFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M6.956 1.745C7.021.81 7.908.087 8.864.325l.261.066c.463.116.874.456 1.012.965.22.816.533 2.511.062 4.51a9.84 9.84 0 0 1 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1.934-1.064a1.86 1.86 0 0 0 .254-.912c0-.152-.023-.312-.077-.464.201-.263.38-.578.488-.901.11-.33.172-.762.004-1.149.069-.13.12-.269.159-.403.077-.27.113-.568.113-.857 0-.288-.036-.585-.113-.856a2.144 2.144 0 0 0-.138-.362 1.9 1.9 0 0 0 .234-1.734c-.206-.592-.682-1.1-1.2-1.272-.847-.282-1.803-.276-2.516-.211a9.84 9.84 0 0 0-.443.05 9.365 9.365 0 0 0-.062-4.509A1.38 1.38 0 0 0 9.125.111L8.864.046zM11.5 14.721H8c-.51 0-.863-.069-1.14-.164-.281-.097-.506-.228-.776-.393l-.04-.024c-.555-.339-1.198-.731-2.49-.868-.333-.036-.554-.29-.554-.55V8.72c0-.254.226-.543.62-.65 1.095-.3 1.977-.996 2.614-1.708.635-.71 1.064-1.475 1.238-1.978.243-.7.407-1.768.482-2.85.025-.362.36-.594.667-.518l.262.066c. 8.34 0 0 1-.145 4.725.5.5 0 0 0 .595.644l.003-.001.014-.003.058-.014a8.908 8.908 0 0 1 1.036-.157c.663-.06 1.457-.054 1.022l-.353.353.353.354c. 0 .212-.027.414-.075.582-.05.174-.111.272-.154.315l-.353.353.353.354c. 2.224 0 0 1-.505.805l-.353.353.353.354c. 0 0 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2 0 0 0 2-2V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H2zm.5 3a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1 .5.5 0 0 1 0 1zm2 0a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1 .5.5 0 0 1 0 1zm-2 7a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1 .5.5 0 0 1 0 1zm2 0a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1 .5.5 0 0 1 0 1zM12 7v2H4V7h8z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsHddRack (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M4.5 5a.5.5 0 1 0 0-1 .5.5 0 0 0 0 1zM3 4.5a.5.5 0 1 1-1 0 .5.5 0 0 1 1 0zm2 7a.5.5 0 1 1-1 0 .5.5 0 0 1 1 0zm-2.5.5a.5.5 0 1 0 0-1 .5.5 0 0 0 0 1z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M2 2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v1a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h1v2H2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v1a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-1a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-1V7h1a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H2zm13 2v1a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H2a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V4a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h12a1 1 0 0 1 1 1zm0 7v1a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H2a1 1 0 0 1-1-1v-1a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h12a1 1 0 0 1 1 1zm-3-4v2H4V7h8z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsHddStackFill (props) {\n return 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0 12.5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsLaptop (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M13.5 3a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5V11H2V3.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h11zm-11-1A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 1 3.5V12h14V3.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 13.5 2h-11zM0 12.5h16a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.5 1.5h-13A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 0 12.5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsLayerBackward (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M8.354 15.854a.5.5 0 0 1-.708 0l-3-3a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708l1-1a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0l.646.647V4H1a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V1a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h14a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v2a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H9v7.793l.646-.647a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0l1 1a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708l-3 3z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M1 9a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V6a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h4.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H1v2h4.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H1zm9.5 0a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1H15V6h-4.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1H15a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v2a1 1 0 0 1-1 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0 1h-7a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h3v-2.025A5 5 0 0 1 3 8V7a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M10 8a2 2 0 1 1-4 0V3a2 2 0 1 1 4 0v5zM8 0a3 3 0 0 0-3 3v5a3 3 0 0 0 6 0V3a3 3 0 0 0-3-3z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsMicrosoft (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M7.462 0H0v7.19h7.462V0zM16 0H8.538v7.19H16V0zM7.462 8.211H0V16h7.462V8.211zm8.538 0H8.538V16H16V8.211z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsMinecartLoaded (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M4 15a1 1 0 1 1 0-2 1 1 0 0 1 0 2zm0 1a2 2 0 1 0 0-4 2 2 0 0 0 0 4zm8-1a1 1 0 1 1 0-2 1 1 0 0 1 0 2zm0 1a2 2 0 1 0 0-4 2 2 0 0 0 0 4zM.115 3.18A.5.5 0 0 1 .5 3h15a.5.5 0 0 1 .491.592l-1.5 8A.5.5 0 0 1 14 12H2a.5.5 0 0 1-.491-.408l-1.5-8a.5.5 0 0 1 .106-.411zm.987.82 1.313 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2h2.395a1.5 1.5 0 0 1 1.493 1.645L12.645 6.5h.237c.195 0 .42-.147.675-.48.21-.274.528-.52.943-.52.568 0 .947.447 1.154.862C15.877 6.807 16 7.387 16 8s-.123 1.193-.346 1.638c-.207.415-.586.862-1.154.862-.415 0-.733-.246-.943-.52-.255-.333-.48-.48-.675-.48h-.237l.243 2.855A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 11.395 14H9a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-.382c0-.696.497-1.182.872-1.469a.459.459 0 0 0 .115-.118.113.113 0 0 0 .012-.025L9.5 11.5v-.003l-.003-.01a.214.214 0 0 0-.036-.053.859.859 0 0 0-.27-.194C8.91 11.1 8.49 11 8 11c-.491 0-.912.1-1.19.24a.859.859 0 0 0-. 0 0 0-.036.054l-.003.01v.002l.001.006a.113.113 0 0 0 .012.025c. 1.469v.382a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H4.605a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.493-1.645L3.356 9.5h-.238c-.195 0-.42.147-.675.48-.21.274-.528.52-.943.52-.568 0-.947-.447-1.154-.862C.123 9.193 0 8.613 0 8s.123-1.193.346-1.638C.553 5.947.932 5.5 1.5 5.5c.415 0 .733.246.943.52.255.333.48.48.675.48h.238l-.244-2.855z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsPuzzle (props) {\n return 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0 0 0-. 0 0 0-.039.063v.003l.001.006a.113.113 0 0 0 .012.025c. 1.469v.382a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H4.605a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.493-1.645L3.356 9.5h-.238c-.195 0-.42.147-.675.48-.21.274-.528.52-.943.52-.568 0-.947-.447-1.154-.862C.123 9.193 0 8.613 0 8s.123-1.193.346-1.638C.553 5.947.932 5.5 1.5 5.5c.415 0 .733.246.943.52.255.333.48.48.675.48h.238l-.244-2.855zM4.605 3a.5.5 0 0 0-.498.55l.001.007.29 3.4A.5.5 0 0 1 3.9 7.5h-.782c-.696 0-1.182-.497-1.469-.872a.459.459 0 0 0-.118-.115.112.112 0 0 0-.025-.012L1.5 6.5h-.003a.213.213 0 0 0-. 0 0 0-.193.27C1.1 7.09 1 7.51 1 8c0 .491.1.912.24 0 0 0 .063.039H1.5l.006-.001a.112.112 0 0 0 .025-.012.459.459 0 0 0 .118-.115c.287-.375.773-.872 1.469-.872H3.9a.5.5 0 0 1 .498.542l-.29 3.408a.5.5 0 0 0 .497.55h1.878c-.048-.166-.195-.352-.463-.557-.274-.21-.52-.528-.52-.943 0-.568.447-.947.862-1.154C6.807 10.123 7.387 10 8 10s1.193.123 1.638.346c.415.207.862.586.862 1.154 0 .415-.246.733-.52.943-.268.205-.415.39-.463.557h1.878a.5.5 0 0 0 .498-.55l-.001-.007-.29-3.4A.5.5 0 0 1 12.1 8.5h.782c.696 0 1.182.497 1.469.872. 0 0 0 .006.001h.003a.214.214 0 0 0 .064-.039.86.86 0 0 0 .193-.27c.14-.28.24-.7.24-1.191 0-.492-.1-.912-.24-1.19a.86.86 0 0 0-.194-.271.215.215 0 0 0-.063-.039H14.5l-.006.001a.113.113 0 0 0-.025.012.459.459 0 0 0-.118.115c-.287.375-.773.872-1.469.872H12.1a.5.5 0 0 1-.498-.543l.29-3.407a.5.5 0 0 0-.497-.55H9.517c. 0 .568-.447.947-.862 1.154C9.193 5.877 8.613 6 8 6s-1.193-.123-1.638-.346C5.947 5.447 5.5 5.068 5.5 4.5c0-.415.246-.733.52-.943.268-.205.415-.39.463-.557H4.605z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsQuestionCircleFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M16 8A8 8 0 1 1 0 8a8 8 0 0 1 16 0zM5.496 6.033h.825c.138 0 .248-.113.266-.25.09-.656.54-1.134 1.342-1.134.686 0 1.314.343 1.314 1.168 0 .635-.374.927-.965 1.371-.673.489-1.206 1.06-1.168 1.987l.003.217a.25.25 0 0 0 .25.246h.811a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25v-.105c0-.718.273-.927 1.01-1.486.609-.463 1.244-.977 1.244-2.056 0-1.511-1.276-2.241-2.673-2.241-1.267 0-2.655.59-2.75 2.286a.237.237 0 0 0 .241.247zm2.325 6.443c.61 0 1.029-.394 1.029-.927 0-.552-.42-.94-1.029-.94-.584 0-1.009.388-1.009.94 0 .533.425.927 1.01.927z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsQuestionCircle (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M8 15A7 7 0 1 1 8 1a7 7 0 0 1 0 14zm0 1A8 8 0 1 0 8 0a8 8 0 0 0 0 16z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M5.255 5.786a.237.237 0 0 0 .241.247h.825c.138 0 .248-.113.266-.25.09-.656.54-1.134 1.342-1.134.686 0 1.314.343 1.314 1.168 0 .635-.374.927-.965 1.371-.673.489-1.206 1.06-1.168 1.987l.003.217a.25.25 0 0 0 .25.246h.811a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25v-.105c0-.718.273-.927 1.01-1.486.609-.463 1.244-.977 1.244-2.056 0-1.511-1.276-2.241-2.673-2.241-1.267 0-2.655.59-2.75 2.286zm1.557 5.763c0 .533.425.927 1.01.927.609 0 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{\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M3 4.075a.423.423 0 0 0 .43.44H4.9c.247 0 .442-.2.475-.445.159-1.17.962-2.022 2.393-2.022 1.222 0 2.342.611 2.342 2.082 0 1.132-.668 1.652-1.72 2.444-1.2.872-2.15 1.89-2.082 3.542l.005.386c. 0 .446-.2.446-.446v-.188c0-1.278.487-1.652 1.8-2.647 1.086-.826 2.217-1.743 2.217-3.667C12.667 1.301 10.393 0 7.903 0 5.645 0 3.17 1.053 3.001 4.075zm2.776 10.273c0 .95.758 1.652 1.8 1.652 1.085 0 1.832-.702 1.832-1.652 0-.985-.747-1.675-1.833-1.675-1.04 0-1.799.69-1.799 1.675z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsQuestionOctagonFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M11.46.146A.5.5 0 0 0 11.107 0H4.893a.5.5 0 0 0-.353.146L.146 4.54A.5.5 0 0 0 0 4.893v6.214a.5.5 0 0 0 .146.353l4.394 4.394a.5.5 0 0 0 .353.146h6.214a.5.5 0 0 0 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0-2z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsSaveFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M8.5 1.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 10 0h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v12a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h6c-.314.418-.5.937-.5 1.5v7.793L4.854 6.646a.5.5 0 1 0-.708.708l3.5 3.5a.5.5 0 0 0 .708 0l3.5-3.5a.5.5 0 0 0-.708-.708L8.5 9.293V1.5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsSave (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M2 1a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v12a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h12a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V2a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H9.5a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v7.293l2.646-2.647a.5.5 0 0 1 .708.708l-3.5 3.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.708 0l-3.5-3.5a.5.5 0 1 1 .708-.708L7.5 9.293V2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2H14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v12a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H2z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsSave2Fill (props) {\n return 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1.048.625.28.132.581.24.829.24s.548-.108.829-.24a7.159 7.159 0 0 0 1.048-.625 11.775 11.775 0 0 0 2.517-2.453c1.678-2.195 3.061-5.513 2.465-9.99a1.541 1.541 0 0 0-1.044-1.263 62.467 62.467 0 0 0-2.887-.87C9.843.266 8.69 0 8 0zM6 7.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h4a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H6z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsShieldFillPlus (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fillRule\":\"evenodd\",\"d\":\"M8 0c-.69 0-1.843.265-2.928.56-1.11.3-2.229.655-2.887.87a1.54 1.54 0 0 0-1.044 1.262c-.596 4.477.787 7.795 2.465 9.99a11.777 11.777 0 0 0 2.517 2.453c.386.273.744.482 1.048.625.28.132.581.24.829.24s.548-.108.829-.24a7.159 7.159 0 0 0 1.048-.625 11.775 11.775 0 0 0 2.517-2.453c1.678-2.195 3.061-5.513 2.465-9.99a1.541 1.541 0 0 0-1.044-1.263 62.467 62.467 0 0 0-2.887-.87C9.843.266 8.69 0 8 0zm-.5 5a.5.5 0 0 1 1 0v1.5H10a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H8.5V9a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0V7.5H6a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h1.5V5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsShieldFillX (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M8 0c-.69 0-1.843.265-2.928.56-1.11.3-2.229.655-2.887.87a1.54 1.54 0 0 0-1.044 1.262c-.596 4.477.787 7.795 2.465 9.99a11.777 11.777 0 0 0 2.517 2.453c.386.273.744.482 1.048.625.28.132.581.24.829.24s.548-.108.829-.24a7.159 7.159 0 0 0 1.048-.625 11.775 11.775 0 0 0 2.517-2.453c1.678-2.195 3.061-5.513 2.465-9.99a1.541 1.541 0 0 0-1.044-1.263 62.467 62.467 0 0 0-2.887-.87C9.843.266 8.69 0 8 0zM6.854 5.146 8 6.293l1.146-1.147a.5.5 0 1 1 .708.708L8.707 7l1.147 1.146a.5.5 0 0 1-.708.708L8 7.707 6.854 8.854a.5.5 0 1 1-.708-.708L7.293 7 6.146 5.854a.5.5 0 1 1 .708-.708z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsShieldFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 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1.541 0 0 0-1.044-1.263 62.467 62.467 0 0 0-2.887-.87C9.843.266 8.69 0 8 0zm0 5a1.5 1.5 0 0 1 .5 2.915l.385 1.99a.5.5 0 0 1-.491.595h-.788a.5.5 0 0 1-.49-.595l.384-1.99A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 8 5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsShieldLock (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M5.338 1.59a61.44 61.44 0 0 0-2.837.856.481.481 0 0 0-.328.39c-.554 4.157.726 7.19 2.253 9.188a10.725 10.725 0 0 0 2.287 2.233c.346.244.652.42.893.533. 0 0 0 .101.025.615.615 0 0 0 .1-.025c.076-.023.174-.061.294-.118.24-.113.547-.29.893-.533a10.726 10.726 0 0 0 2.287-2.233c1.527-1.997 2.807-5.031 2.253-9.188a.48.48 0 0 0-.328-.39c-.651-.213-1.75-.56-2.837-.855C9.552 1.29 8.531 1.067 8 1.067c-.53 0-1.552.223-2.662.524zM5.072.56C6.157.265 7.31 0 8 0s1.843.265 2.928.56c1.11.3 2.229.655 2.887.87a1.54 1.54 0 0 1 1.044 1.262c.596 4.477-.787 7.795-2.465 9.99a11.775 11.775 0 0 1-2.517 2.453 7.159 7.159 0 0 1-1.048.625c-.28.132-.581.24-.829.24s-.548-.108-.829-.24a7.158 7.158 0 0 1-1.048-.625 11.777 11.777 0 0 1-2.517-2.453C1.928 10.487.545 7.169 1.141 2.692A1.54 1.54 0 0 1 2.185 1.43 62.456 62.456 0 0 1 5.072.56z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M9.5 6.5a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1 1.415l.385 1.99a.5.5 0 0 1-.491.595h-.788a.5.5 0 0 1-.49-.595l.384-1.99a1.5 1.5 0 1 1 2-1.415z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsShieldMinus (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M5.338 1.59a61.44 61.44 0 0 0-2.837.856.481.481 0 0 0-.328.39c-.554 4.157.726 7.19 2.253 9.188a10.725 10.725 0 0 0 2.287 2.233c.346.244.652.42.893.533. 0 0 0 .101.025.615.615 0 0 0 .1-.025c.076-.023.174-.061.294-.118.24-.113.547-.29.893-.533a10.726 10.726 0 0 0 2.287-2.233c1.527-1.997 2.807-5.031 2.253-9.188a.48.48 0 0 0-.328-.39c-.651-.213-1.75-.56-2.837-.855C9.552 1.29 8.531 1.067 8 1.067c-.53 0-1.552.223-2.662.524zM5.072.56C6.157.265 7.31 0 8 0s1.843.265 2.928.56c1.11.3 2.229.655 2.887.87a1.54 1.54 0 0 1 1.044 1.262c.596 4.477-.787 7.795-2.465 9.99a11.775 11.775 0 0 1-2.517 2.453 7.159 7.159 0 0 1-1.048.625c-.28.132-.581.24-.829.24s-.548-.108-.829-.24a7.158 7.158 0 0 1-1.048-.625 11.777 11.777 0 0 1-2.517-2.453C1.928 10.487.545 7.169 1.141 2.692A1.54 1.54 0 0 1 2.185 1.43 62.456 62.456 0 0 1 5.072.56z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M5.5 7a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h4a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H6a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsShieldPlus (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M5.338 1.59a61.44 61.44 0 0 0-2.837.856.481.481 0 0 0-.328.39c-.554 4.157.726 7.19 2.253 9.188a10.725 10.725 0 0 0 2.287 2.233c.346.244.652.42.893.533. 0 0 0 .101.025.615.615 0 0 0 .1-.025c.076-.023.174-.061.294-.118.24-.113.547-.29.893-.533a10.726 10.726 0 0 0 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0 0-2.398l-.74.114c. 1.086zm.516 1.918-.728-.18a7.252 7.252 0 0 1-.832 2.012l.643.387a7.933 7.933 0 0 0 .917-2.219zm-6.68 5.25c-.72.11-1.453.11-2.173 0l-.112.742a7.99 7.99 0 0 0 2.396 0l-.112-.741zm4.75-2.868a7.229 7.229 0 0 1-1.537 1.534l.446.605a8.07 8.07 0 0 0 1.695-1.689l-.604-.45zM12.3 2.163c.587.432 1.105.95 1.537 1.537l.604-.45a8.06 8.06 0 0 0-1.69-1.691l-.45.604zM2.163 3.7A7.242 7.242 0 0 1 3.7 2.163l-.45-.604a8.06 8.06 0 0 0-1.691 1.69l.604.45zm12.688.163-.644.387c.377.623.658 1.3.832 2.007l.728-.18a7.931 7.931 0 0 0-.916-2.214zM6.913.831a7.254 7.254 0 0 1 2.172 0l.112-.74a7.985 7.985 0 0 0-2.396 0l.112.74zM2.547 14.64 1 15l.36-1.549-.729-.17-.361 1.548a.75.75 0 0 0 .9.902l1.548-.357-.17-.734zM.786 12.612l.732.168.25-1.073A7.187 7.187 0 0 1 .96 9.74l-.727.18a8 8 0 0 0 .736 1.902l-.184.79zm3.5 1.623- 1.239.574 1.902.737l.18-.728a7.197 7.197 0 0 1-1.962-.811l-.007.005zM8 1.5a6.502 6.502 0 0 0-6.498 6.502 6.516 6.516 0 0 0 .998 3.455l-.625 2.668L4.54 13.5a6.502 6.502 0 0 0 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BsTelephoneInbound (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M15.854.146a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708L11.707 5H14.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-4a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-4a.5.5 0 0 1 1 0v2.793L15.146.146a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0zm-12.2 1.182a.678.678 0 0 0-1.015-.063L1.605 2.3c-.483.484-.661 1.169-.45 1.77a17.568 17.568 0 0 0 4.168 6.608 17.569 17.569 0 0 0 6.608 4.168c.601.211 1.286.033 1.77-.45l1.034-1.034a.678.678 0 0 0-.063-1.015l-2.307-1.794a.678.678 0 0 0-.58-.122l-2.19.547a1.745 1.745 0 0 1-1.657-.459L5.482 8.062a1.745 1.745 0 0 1-.46-1.657l.548-2.19a.678.678 0 0 0-.122-.58L3.654 1.328zM1.884.511a1.745 1.745 0 0 1 2.612.163L6.29 2.98c.329.423.445.974.315 1.494l-.547 2.19a.678.678 0 0 0 .178.643l2.457 2.457a.678.678 0 0 0 .644.178l2.189-.547a1.745 1.745 0 0 1 1.494.315l2.306 1.794c.829.645.905 1.87.163 2.611l-1.034 1.034c-.74.74-1.846 1.065-2.877.702a18.634 18.634 0 0 1-7.01-4.42 18.634 18.634 0 0 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0-.063-1.015l-2.307-1.794a.678.678 0 0 0-.58-.122l-2.19.547a1.745 1.745 0 0 1-1.657-.459L5.482 8.062a1.745 1.745 0 0 1-.46-1.657l.548-2.19a.678.678 0 0 0-.122-.58L3.654 1.328zM1.884.511a1.745 1.745 0 0 1 2.612.163L6.29 2.98c.329.423.445.974.315 1.494l-.547 2.19a.678.678 0 0 0 .178.643l2.457 2.457a.678.678 0 0 0 .644.178l2.189-.547a1.745 1.745 0 0 1 1.494.315l2.306 1.794c.829.645.905 1.87.163 2.611l-1.034 1.034c-.74.74-1.846 1.065-2.877.702a18.634 18.634 0 0 1-7.01-4.42 18.634 18.634 0 0 1-4.42-7.009c-.362-1.03-.037-2.137.703-2.877L1.885.511zM11 .5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h4a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v4a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0V1.707l-4.146 4.147a.5.5 0 0 1-.708-.708L14.293 1H11.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsTelephonePlusFill (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fillRule\":\"evenodd\",\"d\":\"M1.885.511a1.745 1.745 0 0 1 2.61.163L6.29 2.98c.329.423.445.974.315 1.494l-.547 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1.034c-.74.74-1.846 1.065-2.877.702a18.634 18.634 0 0 1-7.01-4.42 18.634 18.634 0 0 1-4.42-7.009c-.362-1.03-.037-2.137.703-2.877L1.885.511zm9.261 1.135a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0L13 2.793l1.146-1.147a.5.5 0 0 1 .708.708L13.707 3.5l1.147 1.146a.5.5 0 0 1-.708.708L13 4.207l-1.146 1.147a.5.5 0 0 1-.708-.708L12.293 3.5l-1.147-1.146a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsTelephoneX (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M3.654 1.328a.678.678 0 0 0-1.015-.063L1.605 2.3c-.483.484-.661 1.169-.45 1.77a17.568 17.568 0 0 0 4.168 6.608 17.569 17.569 0 0 0 6.608 4.168c.601.211 1.286.033 1.77-.45l1.034-1.034a.678.678 0 0 0-.063-1.015l-2.307-1.794a.678.678 0 0 0-.58-.122l-2.19.547a1.745 1.745 0 0 1-1.657-.459L5.482 8.062a1.745 1.745 0 0 1-.46-1.657l.548-2.19a.678.678 0 0 0-.122-.58L3.654 1.328zM1.884.511a1.745 1.745 0 0 1 2.612.163L6.29 2.98c.329.423.445.974.315 1.494l-.547 2.19a.678.678 0 0 0 .178.643l2.457 2.457a.678.678 0 0 0 .644.178l2.189-.547a1.745 1.745 0 0 1 1.494.315l2.306 1.794c.829.645.905 1.87.163 2.611l-1.034 1.034c-.74.74-1.846 1.065-2.877.702a18.634 18.634 0 0 1-7.01-4.42 18.634 18.634 0 0 1-4.42-7.009c-.362-1.03-.037-2.137.703-2.877L1.885.511z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fillRule\":\"evenodd\",\"d\":\"M11.146 1.646a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0L13 2.793l1.146-1.147a.5.5 0 0 1 .708.708L13.707 3.5l1.147 1.146a.5.5 0 0 1-.708.708L13 4.207l-1.146 1.147a.5.5 0 0 1-.708-.708L12.293 3.5l-1.147-1.146a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsTelephone (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M3.654 1.328a.678.678 0 0 0-1.015-.063L1.605 2.3c-.483.484-.661 1.169-.45 1.77a17.568 17.568 0 0 0 4.168 6.608 17.569 17.569 0 0 0 6.608 4.168c.601.211 1.286.033 1.77-.45l1.034-1.034a.678.678 0 0 0-.063-1.015l-2.307-1.794a.678.678 0 0 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2 0 0 1 2 2v3a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H3a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-3a2 2 0 0 1 2-2zm0 1a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v3a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h10a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-3a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H3z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsVimeo (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M15.992 4.204c-.071 1.556-1.158 3.687-3.262 6.393-2.175 2.829-4.016 4.243-5.522 4.243-.933 0-1.722-.861-2.367-2.583L3.55 7.523C3.07 5.8 2.556 4.94 2.007 4.94c-.118 0-.537.253-1.254.754L0 4.724a209.56 209.56 0 0 0 2.334-2.081c1.054-.91 1.845-1.388 2.373-1.437 1.243-.123 2.01.728 2.298 2.553.31 1.968.526 3.19.646 3.666.36 1.631.756 2.446 1.186 2.445.334 0 .836-.53 1.508-1.587.671-1.058 1.03-1.863 1.077-2.415.096-.913-.263-1.37-1.077-1.37a3.022 3.022 0 0 0-1.185.261c.789-2.573 2.291-3.825 4.508-3.756 1.644.05 2.419 1.117 2.324 3.2z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsVinylFill (props) {\n return 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1v12a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H2a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V2a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h12zM2 0a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V2a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H2z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M4.646 4.646a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0L8 7.293l2.646-2.647a.5.5 0 0 1 .708.708L8.707 8l2.647 2.646a.5.5 0 0 1-.708.708L8 8.707l-2.646 2.647a.5.5 0 0 1-.708-.708L7.293 8 4.646 5.354a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsX (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M4.646 4.646a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0L8 7.293l2.646-2.647a.5.5 0 0 1 .708.708L8.707 8l2.647 2.646a.5.5 0 0 1-.708.708L8 8.707l-2.646 2.647a.5.5 0 0 1-.708-.708L7.293 8 4.646 5.354a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsYoutube (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M8.051 1.999h.089c.822.003 4.987.033 6.11.335a2.01 2.01 0 0 1 1.415 1.42c. 1.402l. 1.77.074 1.957v.075c-.001.194-.01 1.108-.082 2.06l-.008.105-.009.104c-.05.572-.124 1.14-.235 1.558a2.007 2.007 0 0 1-1.415 1.42c-1.16.312-5.569.334-6.18.335h-.142c-.309 0-1.587-.006-2.927-.052l-.17-.006-.087-.004-.171-.007-.171-.007c-1.11-.049-2.167-.128-2.654-.26a2.007 2.007 0 0 1-1.415-1.419c-.111-.417-.185-.986-.235-1.558L.09 9.82l-.008-.104A31.4 31.4 0 0 1 0 7.68v-.123c.002-.215.01-.958.064-1.778l.007-.103.003-.052.008-.104.022-.26.01-.104c.048-.519.119-1.023.22-1.402a2.007 2.007 0 0 1 1.415-1.42c.487-.13 1.544-.21 2.654-.26l.17-.007.172-.006.086-.003.171-.007A99.788 99.788 0 0 1 7.858 2h.193zM6.4 5.209v4.818l4.157-2.408L6.4 5.209z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsZoomIn (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fillRule\":\"evenodd\",\"d\":\"M6.5 12a5.5 5.5 0 1 0 0-11 5.5 5.5 0 0 0 0 11zM13 6.5a6.5 6.5 0 1 1-13 0 6.5 6.5 0 0 1 13 0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M10.344 11.742c. 3.85a1 1 0 0 0 1.415-1.414l-3.85-3.85a1.007 1.007 0 0 0-.115-.1 6.538 6.538 0 0 1-1.398 1.4z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fillRule\":\"evenodd\",\"d\":\"M6.5 3a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5V6h2.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H7v2.5a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0V7H3.5a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1H6V3.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function BsZoomOut (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"currentColor\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 16 16\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fillRule\":\"evenodd\",\"d\":\"M6.5 12a5.5 5.5 0 1 0 0-11 5.5 5.5 0 0 0 0 11zM13 6.5a6.5 6.5 0 1 1-13 0 6.5 6.5 0 0 1 13 0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M10.344 11.742c. 3.85a1 1 0 0 0 1.415-1.414l-3.85-3.85a1.007 1.007 0 0 0-.115-.1 6.538 6.538 0 0 1-1.398 1.4z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fillRule\":\"evenodd\",\"d\":\"M3 6.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h6a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-6a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\n","import React, { useState } from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport SvgDesign from \"./SvgDesign\";\r\nimport { BsPlusLg } from \"react-icons/bs\";\r\n// import { $, jQuery } from \"jquery\";\r\n// import \"/node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css\";\r\n// import \"/node_modules/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle\";\r\nconst FixMenu = () => {\r\n const [about, setAbout] = useState(false);\r\n const [regulation, setRegulation] = useState(false);\r\n const [procurement, setProcurement] = useState(false);\r\n const [carrer, setCarrer] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const openAbout = () => {\r\n setAbout(!about);\r\n };\r\n const openRegulation = () => {\r\n setRegulation(!regulation);\r\n };\r\n\r\n const openProcurement = () => {\r\n setProcurement(!procurement);\r\n };\r\n\r\n const openCarrer = () => {\r\n setCarrer(!carrer);\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n Home\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n About NPCL \r\n \r\n {about ? (\r\n
      • \r\n Company Profile\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Corporate Policies\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n \r\n Notice of 31st AGM\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n \r\n Notice of 32nd AGM\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n \r\n Award & Recognition\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Vision & Mission\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n \r\n RPSG Group Vision and Core Values\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n \r\n Corporate Social Responsibility\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulations \r\n \r\n {regulation ? (\r\n
        \r\n {/*
      • \r\n \r\n Tariff applicable from 4th August 2022\r\n \r\n
      • */}\r\n
      • \r\n \r\n NPCL Tariff Petition for ARR 2024-25\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n \r\n Tariff applicable from 6th June 2023\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n\r\n
      • \r\n \r\n NPCL Tariff Order for FY 2023-24 dated 24th May 2023\r\n\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Cost Data Book\r\n
      • \r\n\r\n
      • \r\n \r\n Fuel Surcharge (FPPCA)\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n {/*
      • \r\n \r\n UPERC Roof top Solar PV regulations 2019\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Tariff Schedule\r\n
      • */}\r\n
      • \r\n \r\n UP Electricity Supply Code\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Procurement \r\n \r\n {procurement ? (\r\n
      • \r\n \r\n Online Vendor Registration\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n \r\n Contact for e-Procurement\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n \r\n Contact for Power-Procurement\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Tenders\r\n
      • \r\n
      \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Careers \r\n \r\n {carrer ? (\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Current Openings\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Upload Your CV\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n
  • \r\n \r\n
    • Follow us on -
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n
    • */}\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n {/*
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n
    • */}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default FixMenu;\r\n","import React from 'react'\r\nimport ReactDom from 'react-dom'\r\nimport { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\n\r\nconst Modal = props => {\r\n const histor = useHistory(); \r\n\r\n const settings = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed:3000,\r\n };\r\n\r\n const closeFunction = ()=>{\r\n histor.push(\"/\");\r\n document.getElementById(\"main\").style.display = \"none\";\r\n }\r\n return ReactDom.createPortal(\r\n
    \r\n \r\n (slider = slider)}\r\n {...settings}\r\n >\r\n {/*
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n
    ,document.querySelector('#modal')\r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default Modal","import React from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst Announcement = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n


    \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \tNotice Inviting Tenders for \"\"Request for Selection (RfS) for Long Term Procurement of 300 MW Wind Solar Hybrid Power from Grid Connected Projects Under Tariff Based Competitive Bidding, RfS No: NPCL/LT/Hybrid/24-25 dated 08-November-2024\r\n      ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||     \r\n\r\n NPCL Tariff Petition for True-up for FY 2022-23, APR for FY 2023-24 and ARR & Tariff for FY 2024-25 \r\n      ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||     \r\n\r\n Public Notice - Inviting comments on NPCL's Submission for Fuel and Power Purchase Cost Adjustment (FPPCA) \r\n      ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||      \r\n \r\n NPCL bill payments now available at Digital Payment Centres near you. The service is available free of cost. \r\n Click here to know more. \r\n      ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||     \r\n \r\n Consumers can log complaint & avail information by sending SMS to 7840002288 from their registered Mobile No. Click \r\n here\r\n to view the SMS short codes and their purpose.\r\n \r\n      ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||     \r\n Single Phase consumers can now submit Self Meter Reading with photo proof between 1st to 10th Day of every month,\r\n click here\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Announcement;\r\n","import React, { useEffect } from \"react\";\r\nimport ReactCarousel from \"../components/ReactCarousel\";\r\nimport ReactCarousel2 from \"../components/ReactCarousel2\";\r\nimport CompProfile from \"../components/CompProfile\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Modal from \"../components/Modal\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\n\r\nconst Home = () => {\r\n useEffect(() => {\r\n window.scrollTo(0, 0);\r\n }, []);\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"Pre\r\n
      \r\n Pre-Paid Meter
      \r\n Recharge\r\n
      \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"Self\r\n
      \r\n Self Meter
      \r\n Reading\r\n
      \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"E-Bill\r\n
      \r\n Quick E-Bill
      \r\n Download\r\n
      \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"Quick\r\n
      \r\n Quick Bill
      \r\n Payment\r\n
      \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"Online\r\n
      \r\n Online
      \r\n E-application\r\n
      \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"Cash\r\n
      \r\n Payment
      \r\n Options\r\n
      \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"Vendor\r\n
      \r\n Vendor
      \r\n Registration\r\n
      \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"Outage\r\n
      Outage Notification
      \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"Report\r\n
      \r\n Report a
      \r\n Concern\r\n
      \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"Call\r\n
      \r\n Contact
      \r\n Us\r\n
      \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n\r\n {/* Announcement tab start from here */}\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n {/* Announcement tab end here */}\r\n\r\n

    Green Energy


    \r\n NPCL in its endeavour towards sustainable journey of promoting the Green Initiative and encouraging the culture of environment friendly practices and take immense pleasure to invite you to partner in the journey of climate change through reduction of Carbon footprints.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Join Green Energy\r\n \r\n
    \r\n Green Energy\r\n
    \r\n \"Values\"\r\n

    Values & Beliefs


    \r\n The NPCL motto is ‘Learning is a never-ending process’.\r\n The Company believes in keeping up and evolving with the\r\n changing times. It highly values the principles of\r\n trust, respect, and collaborative practices.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Read More\r\n \r\n

    Technology Initiatives


    \r\n Innovation and imagination are the most effective tools\r\n of NPCL to achieve excellence and success in the present\r\n competitive scenario.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Read More\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n
    \r\n \"Green\r\n

    Payment Options


    \r\n NPCL gives you a number of options to make your\r\n payment with ease. Please click below to view the\r\n different modes of payment.\r\n

    \r\n Read More\r\n
    \r\n \"Lower\r\n

    Tips to lower your bill


    \r\n Small steps can make a big difference. Follow these\r\n tips to lower your electricity bill.\r\n

    \r\n Read More\r\n
    \r\n \"Safety\r\n

    Safety Tips


    \r\n Always keep yourself and your loved ones safe by\r\n keeping a few safety tips in mind at all times.\r\n

    \r\n Read More\r\n


    \r\n {/*
    \r\n \r\n All\r\n \r\n \r\n Facebook\r\n \r\n \r\n Instagram\r\n \r\n \r\n Twitter\r\n \r\n \r\n YouTube\r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Home;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst CashCollectionCentres = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Payment Options\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Cash Collection Centres\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Cash/Cheque Collection Centres\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Digital Payment Centres\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Cheque Drop Box\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Online Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n RTGS and NEFT Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Billing Complaint Resolution\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n NACH\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Cash Collection Centres\r\n
    Customer Care Centre (Sector KP-1)

    Mon to Fri: 10.00 Hr to 17.00 Hr


    \r\n Saturday: 10.00 Hr to 16.30 Hr (1st, 3rd & 5th\r\n Sat only)\r\n

    Customer Care Centre (Sector Techzone-IV)

    Mon to Fri: 10.00 Hr to 17.00 Hr

    \r\n \r\n \r\n Guidelines for filling Cheque\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n

    \r\n Apart from above Consumers may also pay cash at\r\n retail outlets of {\"\"}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n To locate nearby BBPS outlet through Pincode,\r\n Visit {\"\"}\r\n \r\n “Find Nearest Bharat Bill Pay Outlet”.\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default CashCollectionCentres;\r\n","import objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from \"./objectWithoutPropertiesLoose.js\";\nexport default function _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) {\n if (source == null) return {};\n var target = objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded);\n var key, i;\n if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {\n var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source);\n for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) {\n key = sourceSymbolKeys[i];\n if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;\n if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue;\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n return target;\n}","const _excluded = [\"as\", \"disabled\"];\n\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }\n\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport { jsx as _jsx } from \"react/jsx-runtime\";\nexport function isTrivialHref(href) {\n return !href || href.trim() === '#';\n}\nexport function useButtonProps({\n tagName,\n disabled,\n href,\n target,\n rel,\n role,\n onClick,\n tabIndex = 0,\n type\n}) {\n if (!tagName) {\n if (href != null || target != null || rel != null) {\n tagName = 'a';\n } else {\n tagName = 'button';\n }\n }\n\n const meta = {\n tagName\n };\n\n if (tagName === 'button') {\n return [{\n type: type || 'button',\n disabled\n }, meta];\n }\n\n const handleClick = event => {\n if (disabled || tagName === 'a' && isTrivialHref(href)) {\n event.preventDefault();\n }\n\n if (disabled) {\n event.stopPropagation();\n return;\n }\n\n onClick == null ? void 0 : onClick(event);\n };\n\n const handleKeyDown = event => {\n if (event.key === ' ') {\n event.preventDefault();\n handleClick(event);\n }\n };\n\n if (tagName === 'a') {\n // Ensure there's a href so Enter can trigger anchor button.\n href || (href = '#');\n\n if (disabled) {\n href = undefined;\n }\n }\n\n return [{\n role: role != null ? role : 'button',\n // explicitly undefined so that it overrides the props disabled in a spread\n // e.g. \n disabled: undefined,\n tabIndex: disabled ? undefined : tabIndex,\n href,\n target: tagName === 'a' ? target : undefined,\n 'aria-disabled': !disabled ? undefined : disabled,\n rel: tagName === 'a' ? rel : undefined,\n onClick: handleClick,\n onKeyDown: handleKeyDown\n }, meta];\n}\nconst Button = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef((_ref, ref) => {\n let {\n as: asProp,\n disabled\n } = _ref,\n props = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded);\n\n const [buttonProps, {\n tagName: Component\n }] = useButtonProps(Object.assign({\n tagName: asProp,\n disabled\n }, props));\n return /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(Component, Object.assign({}, props, buttonProps, {\n ref: ref\n }));\n});\nButton.displayName = 'Button';\nexport default Button;","import * as React from 'react';\nimport { useContext, useMemo } from 'react';\nimport { jsx as _jsx } from \"react/jsx-runtime\";\nexport const DEFAULT_BREAKPOINTS = ['xxl', 'xl', 'lg', 'md', 'sm', 'xs'];\nexport const DEFAULT_MIN_BREAKPOINT = 'xs';\nconst ThemeContext = /*#__PURE__*/React.createContext({\n prefixes: {},\n breakpoints: DEFAULT_BREAKPOINTS,\n minBreakpoint: DEFAULT_MIN_BREAKPOINT\n});\nconst {\n Consumer,\n Provider\n} = ThemeContext;\n\nfunction ThemeProvider({\n prefixes = {},\n breakpoints = DEFAULT_BREAKPOINTS,\n minBreakpoint = DEFAULT_MIN_BREAKPOINT,\n dir,\n children\n}) {\n const contextValue = useMemo(() => ({\n prefixes: { ...prefixes\n },\n breakpoints,\n minBreakpoint,\n dir\n }), [prefixes, breakpoints, minBreakpoint, dir]);\n return /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(Provider, {\n value: contextValue,\n children: children\n });\n}\n\nexport function useBootstrapPrefix(prefix, defaultPrefix) {\n const {\n prefixes\n } = useContext(ThemeContext);\n return prefix || prefixes[defaultPrefix] || defaultPrefix;\n}\nexport function useBootstrapBreakpoints() {\n const {\n breakpoints\n } = useContext(ThemeContext);\n return breakpoints;\n}\nexport function useBootstrapMinBreakpoint() {\n const {\n minBreakpoint\n } = useContext(ThemeContext);\n return minBreakpoint;\n}\nexport function useIsRTL() {\n const {\n dir\n } = useContext(ThemeContext);\n return dir === 'rtl';\n}\n\nfunction createBootstrapComponent(Component, opts) {\n if (typeof opts === 'string') opts = {\n prefix: opts\n };\n const isClassy = Component.prototype && Component.prototype.isReactComponent; // If it's a functional component make sure we don't break it with a ref\n\n const {\n prefix,\n forwardRefAs = isClassy ? 'ref' : 'innerRef'\n } = opts;\n const Wrapped = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(({ ...props\n }, ref) => {\n props[forwardRefAs] = ref;\n const bsPrefix = useBootstrapPrefix(props.bsPrefix, prefix);\n return /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(Component, { ...props,\n bsPrefix: bsPrefix\n });\n });\n Wrapped.displayName = `Bootstrap(${Component.displayName || Component.name})`;\n return Wrapped;\n}\n\nexport { createBootstrapComponent, Consumer as ThemeConsumer };\nexport default ThemeProvider;","import classNames from 'classnames';\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport { useButtonProps } from '@restart/ui/Button';\nimport { useBootstrapPrefix } from './ThemeProvider';\nimport { jsx as _jsx } from \"react/jsx-runtime\";\nconst defaultProps = {\n variant: 'primary',\n active: false,\n disabled: false\n};\nconst Button = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(({\n as,\n bsPrefix,\n variant,\n size,\n active,\n className,\n ...props\n}, ref) => {\n const prefix = useBootstrapPrefix(bsPrefix, 'btn');\n const [buttonProps, {\n tagName\n }] = useButtonProps({\n tagName: as,\n ...props\n });\n const Component = tagName;\n return /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(Component, { ...buttonProps,\n ...props,\n ref: ref,\n className: classNames(className, prefix, active && 'active', variant && `${prefix}-${variant}`, size && `${prefix}-${size}`, props.href && props.disabled && 'disabled')\n });\n});\nButton.displayName = 'Button';\nButton.defaultProps = defaultProps;\nexport default Button;","export default !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement);","/* eslint-disable no-return-assign */\nimport canUseDOM from './canUseDOM';\nexport var optionsSupported = false;\nexport var onceSupported = false;\n\ntry {\n var options = {\n get passive() {\n return optionsSupported = true;\n },\n\n get once() {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-multi-assign\n return onceSupported = optionsSupported = true;\n }\n\n };\n\n if (canUseDOM) {\n window.addEventListener('test', options, options);\n window.removeEventListener('test', options, true);\n }\n} catch (e) {\n /* */\n}\n\n/**\n * An `addEventListener` ponyfill, supports the `once` option\n * \n * @param node the element\n * @param eventName the event name\n * @param handle the handler\n * @param options event options\n */\nfunction addEventListener(node, eventName, handler, options) {\n if (options && typeof options !== 'boolean' && !onceSupported) {\n var once = options.once,\n capture = options.capture;\n var wrappedHandler = handler;\n\n if (!onceSupported && once) {\n wrappedHandler = handler.__once || function onceHandler(event) {\n this.removeEventListener(eventName, onceHandler, capture);\n handler.call(this, event);\n };\n\n handler.__once = wrappedHandler;\n }\n\n node.addEventListener(eventName, wrappedHandler, optionsSupported ? options : capture);\n }\n\n node.addEventListener(eventName, handler, options);\n}\n\nexport default addEventListener;","/**\n * Returns the owner document of a given element.\n * \n * @param node the element\n */\nexport default function ownerDocument(node) {\n return node && node.ownerDocument || document;\n}","/**\n * A `removeEventListener` ponyfill\n * \n * @param node the element\n * @param eventName the event name\n * @param handle the handler\n * @param options event options\n */\nfunction removeEventListener(node, eventName, handler, options) {\n var capture = options && typeof options !== 'boolean' ? options.capture : options;\n node.removeEventListener(eventName, handler, capture);\n\n if (handler.__once) {\n node.removeEventListener(eventName, handler.__once, capture);\n }\n}\n\nexport default removeEventListener;","import canUseDOM from './canUseDOM';\nvar size;\nexport default function scrollbarSize(recalc) {\n if (!size && size !== 0 || recalc) {\n if (canUseDOM) {\n var scrollDiv = document.createElement('div');\n scrollDiv.style.position = 'absolute';\n scrollDiv.style.top = '-9999px';\n scrollDiv.style.width = '50px';\n scrollDiv.style.height = '50px';\n scrollDiv.style.overflow = 'scroll';\n document.body.appendChild(scrollDiv);\n size = scrollDiv.offsetWidth - scrollDiv.clientWidth;\n document.body.removeChild(scrollDiv);\n }\n }\n\n return size;\n}","import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';\n/**\n * Creates a `Ref` whose value is updated in an effect, ensuring the most recent\n * value is the one rendered with. Generally only required for Concurrent mode usage\n * where previous work in `render()` may be discarded before being used.\n *\n * This is safe to access in an event handler.\n *\n * @param value The `Ref` value\n */\n\nfunction useCommittedRef(value) {\n var ref = useRef(value);\n useEffect(function () {\n ref.current = value;\n }, [value]);\n return ref;\n}\n\nexport default useCommittedRef;","import { useCallback } from 'react';\nimport useCommittedRef from './useCommittedRef';\nexport default function useEventCallback(fn) {\n var ref = useCommittedRef(fn);\n return useCallback(function () {\n return ref.current && ref.current.apply(ref, arguments);\n }, [ref]);\n}","import { useMemo } from 'react';\n\nvar toFnRef = function toFnRef(ref) {\n return !ref || typeof ref === 'function' ? ref : function (value) {\n ref.current = value;\n };\n};\n\nexport function mergeRefs(refA, refB) {\n var a = toFnRef(refA);\n var b = toFnRef(refB);\n return function (value) {\n if (a) a(value);\n if (b) b(value);\n };\n}\n/**\n * Create and returns a single callback ref composed from two other Refs.\n *\n * ```tsx\n * const Button = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {\n * const [element, attachRef] = useCallbackRef();\n * const mergedRef = useMergedRefs(ref, attachRef);\n *\n * return \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ContactForPowerProcurement;\r\n","import { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport React, { useState } from \"react\";\r\n//import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\n\r\nconst Tender = () => {\r\n const [show, setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show1, setShow1] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2, setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const [show3, setShow3] = useState(false);\r\n const [show4, setShow4] = useState(false);\r\n const [show5, setShow5] = useState(false);\r\n const [show6, setShow6] = useState(false);\r\n const [show7, setShow7] = useState(false);\r\n const [show8, setShow8] = useState(false);\r\n const [show9, setShow9] = useState(false);\r\n const [show10, setShow10] = useState(false);\r\n const [show11, setShow11] = useState(false);\r\n const [show12, setShow12] = useState(false);\r\n const [show13, setShow13] = useState(false);\r\n const [show14, setShow14] = useState(false);\r\n const [show15, setShow15] = useState(false);\r\n const [show16, setShow16] = useState(false);\r\n const [show17, setShow17] = useState(false);\r\n const [show18, setShow18] = useState(false);\r\n const [show19, setShow19] = useState(false);\r\n const [show20, setShow20] = useState(false);\r\n const [show21, setShow21] = useState(false);\r\n const [show22, setShow22] = useState(false);\r\n const [show23, setShow23] = useState(false);\r\n const [show24, setShow24] = useState(false);\r\n const [show25, setShow25] = useState(false);\r\n const [show26, setShow26] = useState(false);\r\n const [show27, setShow27] = useState(false);\r\n const [show28, setShow28] = useState(false);\r\n const [show29, setShow29] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const [show30, setShow30] = useState(false);\r\n const [show31, setShow31] = useState(false);\r\n const [show32, setShow32] = useState(false);\r\n const [show33, setShow33] = useState(false);\r\n const [show34, setShow34] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const [show35, setShow35] = useState(false);\r\n const [show36, setShow36] = useState(false);\r\n const [show37, setShow37] = useState(false);\r\n const [show38, setShow38] = useState(false);\r\n const [show39, setShow39] = useState(false);\r\n const [show40, setShow40] = useState(false);\r\n const [show41, setShow41] = useState(false);\r\n const [show42, setShow42] = useState(false);\r\n const [show43, setShow43] = useState(false);\r\n const [show44, setShow44] = useState(false);\r\n const [show45, setShow45] = useState(false);\r\n const [show46, setShow46] = useState(false);\r\n const [show47, setShow47] = useState(false);\r\n const [show48, setShow48] = useState(false);\r\n const [show49, setShow49] = useState(false);\r\n const [show50, setShow50] = useState(false);\r\n const [show51, setShow51] = useState(false);\r\n const [show52, setShow52] = useState(false);\r\n const [show53, setShow53] = useState(false);\r\n const [show54, setShow54] = useState(false);\r\n const [show55, setShow55] = useState(false);\r\n const [show56, setShow56] = useState(false);\r\n const [show57, setShow57] = useState(false);\r\n const [show58, setShow58] = useState(false);\r\n const [show59, setShow59] = useState(false);\r\n const [show60, setShow60] = useState(false);\r\n const [show61, setShow61] = useState(false);\r\n const [show62, setShow62] = useState(false);\r\n const [show63, setShow63] = useState(false);\r\n const [show64, setShow64] = useState(false);\r\n const [show65, setShow65] = useState(false);\r\n const [show66, setShow66] = useState(false);\r\n const [show67, setShow67] = useState(false);\r\n const [show68, setShow68] = useState(false);\r\n const [show69, setShow69] = useState(false);\r\n const [show70, setShow70] = useState(false);\r\n const [show71, setShow71] = useState(false);\r\n const [show72, setShow72] = useState(false);\r\n const [show73, setShow73] = useState(false);\r\n const [show74, setShow74] = useState(false);\r\n const [show75, setShow75] = useState(false);\r\n const [show76, setShow76] = useState(false);\r\n const [show77, setShow77] = useState(false);\r\n const [show78, setShow78] = useState(false);\r\n const [show79, setShow79] = useState(false);\r\n const [show80, setShow80] = useState(false);\r\n const [show81, setShow81] = useState(false);\r\n const [show82, setShow82] = useState(false);\r\n const [show83, setShow83] = useState(false);\r\n const [show84, setShow84] = useState(false);\r\n const [show85, setShow85] = useState(false);\r\n const [show86, setShow86] = useState(false);\r\n const [show87, setShow87] = useState(false);\r\n const [show88, setShow88] = useState(false);\r\n const [show89, setShow89] = useState(false);\r\n const [show90, setShow90] = useState(false);\r\n const [show91, setShow91] = useState(false);\r\n const [show92, setShow92] = useState(false);\r\n const [show93, setShow93] = useState(false);\r\n const [show94, setShow94] = useState(false);\r\n const [show95, setShow95] = useState(false);\r\n const [show96, setShow96] = useState(false);\r\n const [show97, setShow97] = useState(false);\r\n const [show98, setShow98] = useState(false);\r\n const [show99, setShow99] = useState(false);\r\n const [show100, setShow100] = useState(false);\r\n const [show101, setShow101] = useState(false);\r\n const [show102, setShow102] = useState(false);\r\n const [show103, setShow103] = useState(false);\r\n const [show104, setShow104] = useState(false);\r\n const [show105, setShow105] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Online Vendor Registration\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n setShow105(!show105)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25 /LTCAB/025 Dated 31.01.2025 for “TENDER NOTIFICATION FOR ANNUAL RATE CONTRACT OF SUPPLY OF LT CABLES LOT 1.”\r\n
    \r\n {show105 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 31.01.2025
    1.Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25 /LTCAB/025 Dated 31.01.2025 for “TENDER NOTIFICATION FOR ANNUAL RATE CONTRACT OF SUPPLY OF LT CABLES LOT 1.” NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25 /LTCAB/025 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow104(!show104)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-2 against NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/STP POLE/028 Dated 24.01.2025 for “01 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of Pole STP 12 M (SP-62) & Pole STP 13 M (SP-72).”\r\n
    \r\n {show104 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 24.01.2025
    1.Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/STP POLE/028 Dated 24.01.2025 for “01 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of Pole STP 12 M (SP-62) & Pole STP 13 M (SP-72).” NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/STP POLE/028 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow103(!show103)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/OTE/FY24-25/GREATER NOIDA/039 Dated 20.02.2025 for “Renewal of Insurance for Noida Power Company Limited (NPCL), Greater Noida”.\r\n
    \r\n {show103 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 20.02.2025
    1.NIT No. NPCL/OTE/FY24-25/GREATER NOIDA/039 Dated 20.02.2025 for “Renewal of Insurance for Noida Power Company Limited (NPCL), Greater Noida”.NIT No. NPCL/OTE/FY24-25/GREATER NOIDA/039\r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n setShow102(!show102)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/STP POLE/028 Dated 24.01.2025 for “01 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of Pole STP 12 M (SP-62) & Pole STP 13 M (SP-72).”\r\n
    \r\n {show102 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 24.01.2025
    1.Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/STP POLE/028 Dated 24.01.2025 for “01 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of Pole STP 12 M (SP-62) & Pole STP 13 M (SP-72).” NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/STP POLE/028 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow101(!show101)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-3 against NIT No. NPCL/FY 24-25/HDPE PIPE/031 Dated 24.01.2025 for “01 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of HDPE PIPES OF VARIOUS SIZE, BIS Certified, PE-80(PN 4) AS PER IS 14333-96”.\r\n
    \r\n {show101 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 24-01-2025
    1.NIT No. NPCL/FY 24-25/HDPE PIPE/031 Dated 24.01.2025 for “01 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of HDPE PIPES OF VARIOUS SIZE, BIS Certified, PE-80(PN 4) AS PER IS 14333-96”. NIT No. NPCL/FY 24-25/HDPE PIPE/031 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow100(!show100)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-2 against NIT No. NPCL/FY 24-25/HDPE PIPE/031 Dated 24.01.2025 for “01 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of HDPE PIPES OF VARIOUS SIZE, BIS Certified, PE-80(PN 4) AS PER IS 14333-96”.\r\n
    \r\n {show100 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 24-01-2025
    1.NIT No. NPCL/FY 24-25/HDPE PIPE/031 Dated 24.01.2025 for “01 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of HDPE PIPES OF VARIOUS SIZE, BIS Certified, PE-80(PN 4) AS PER IS 14333-96”. NIT No. NPCL/FY 24-25/HDPE PIPE/031 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow99(!show99)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-6 against NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 Dated 10.08.2024 for “Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation Building at various locations in Greater Noida.”\r\n
    \r\n {show99 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 09-08-2024
    1.Corrigendum-6 against NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 Dated 10.08.2024 for “Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation Building at various locations in Greater Noida.” NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow98(!show98)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/LTCAB/035 Dated 11.02.2025 for “TENDER NOTIFICATION FOR ANNUAL RATE CONTRACT OF SUPPLY OF LT CABLES LOT 2.”\r\n
    \r\n {show98 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 11.02.2025
    1.NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/LTCAB/035 Dated 11.02.2025 for “TENDER NOTIFICATION FOR ANNUAL RATE CONTRACT OF SUPPLY OF LT CABLES LOT 2.” NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/LTCAB/035 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Tender Documents\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow97(!show97)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/HTCAB/029 Dated 11.02.2025 for “TENDER NOTIFICATION FOR ANNUAL RATE CONTRACT OF SUPPLY OF HT and HT ABC CABLE.”\r\n
    \r\n {show97 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 11.02.2025
    1.NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/HTCAB/029 Dated 11.02.2025 for “TENDER NOTIFICATION FOR ANNUAL RATE CONTRACT OF SUPPLY OF HT and HT ABC CABLE.” NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/HTCAB/029 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Tender Documents\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow96(!show96)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/FY 24-25/HDPE PIPE/031 Dated 24.01.2025 for “01 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of HDPE PIPES OF VARIOUS SIZE, BIS Certified, PE-80(PN 4) AS PER IS 14333-96”.\r\n
    \r\n {show96 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 24-01-2025
    1.NIT No. NPCL/FY 24-25/HDPE PIPE/031 Dated 24.01.2025 for “01 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of HDPE PIPES OF VARIOUS SIZE, BIS Certified, PE-80(PN 4) AS PER IS 14333-96”. NIT No. NPCL/FY 24-25/HDPE PIPE/031 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow95(!show95)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/ meters/024 Dated 05.02.2025 for “Annual Rate Contract for the Supply of meters.”\r\n
    \r\n {show95 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 05.02.2025
    1.NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/ meters/024 Dated 05.02.2025 for “Annual Rate Contract for the Supply of meters.”NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/ meters/024 \r\n \r\n Meter Tender \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow94(!show94)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/COND/026 Dated 05.02.2025 for “TENDER NOTIFICATION FOR 2 YEAR RATE CONTRACT OF SUPPLY OF CONDUCTOR ACSR DOG.”\r\n
    \r\n {show94 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 05.02.2025
    1.NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/COND/026 Dated 05.02.2025 for “TENDER NOTIFICATION FOR 2 YEAR RATE CONTRACT OF SUPPLY OF CONDUCTOR ACSR DOG.” NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/COND/026 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow93(!show93)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25 /LTCAB/025 Dated 31.01.2025 for “TENDER NOTIFICATION FOR ANNUAL RATE CONTRACT OF SUPPLY OF LT CABLES LOT 1.”\r\n
    \r\n {show93 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 31.01.2025
    1.NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25 /LTCAB/025 Dated 31.01.2025 for “TENDER NOTIFICATION FOR ANNUAL RATE CONTRACT OF SUPPLY OF LT CABLES LOT 1.” NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25 /LTCAB/025 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow92(!show92)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/STP POLE/028 Dated 24.01.2025 for “01 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of Pole STP 12 M (SP-62) & Pole STP 13 M (SP-72).”\r\n
    \r\n {show92 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 24.01.2025
    1.NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/STP POLE/028 Dated 24.01.2025 for “01 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of Pole STP 12 M (SP-62) & Pole STP 13 M (SP-72).” NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/STP POLE/028 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow91(!show91)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/FY 24-25/HDPE PIPE/031 Dated 24.01.2025 for “01 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of HDPE PIPES OF VARIOUS SIZE, BIS Certified, PE-80(PN 4) AS PER IS 14333-96”.\r\n
    \r\n {show91 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 24-01-2025
    1.NIT No. NPCL/FY 24-25/HDPE PIPE/031 Dated 24.01.2025 for “01 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of HDPE PIPES OF VARIOUS SIZE, BIS Certified, PE-80(PN 4) AS PER IS 14333-96”. NIT No. NPCL/FY 24-25/HDPE PIPE/031 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow90(!show90)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/NAS/027 Dated 21.01.2025 for “Supply & Installation of Network Analysis & Planning and GIS Integration software”.\r\n
    \r\n {show90 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 07-01-2025
    1.Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/NAS/027 Dated 21.01.2025 for “Supply & Installation of Network Analysis & Planning and GIS Integration software”. NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/NAS/027 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow89(!show89)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-3 against NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/ MCB & MCCB /020 Dated 11.12.2024 for “02 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of MCB & MCCB.”\r\n
    \r\n {show89 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 11-12-2024
    1.Corrigendum-3 against NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/ MCB & MCCB /020 Dated 11.12.2024 for “02 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of MCB & MCCB.” NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/ MCB & MCCB /020 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow88(!show88)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-2 against NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/ MCB & MCCB /020 Dated 11.12.2024 for “02 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of MCB & MCCB.”\r\n
    \r\n {show88 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 11-12-2024
    1.Corrigendum-2 against NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/ MCB & MCCB /020 Dated 11.12.2024 for “02 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of MCB & MCCB.” NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/ MCB & MCCB /020 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow87(!show87)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/PAFW/021 Dated 07.01.2025 for “SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PERIMETER FIREWALL.”\r\n
    \r\n {show87 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 07-01-2025
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n {show86 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 07-01-2025
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow85(!show85)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/ MCB & MCCB /020 Dated 11.12.2024 for “02 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of MCB & MCCB.”\r\n
    \r\n {show85 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 11-12-2024
    1.Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/ MCB & MCCB /020 Dated 11.12.2024 for “02 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of MCB & MCCB.” NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/ MCB & MCCB /020 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow84(!show84)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-3 against NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/16MVA PTR/019 Dated 03.12.2024 for “AUGMENTATION OF POWER TRANSFORMER FROM 12.5MVA TO 16MVA AT 33/11KV SUBSTATIONS.”\r\n
    \r\n {show84 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 03-12-2024
    1.Corrigendum-3 against NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/16MVA PTR/019 Dated 03.12.2024 for “AUGMENTATION OF POWER TRANSFORMER FROM 12.5MVA TO 16MVA AT 33/11KV SUBSTATIONS.” NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/16MVA PTR/019 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow83(!show83)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-5 against NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 Dated 10.08.2024 for “Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation Building at various locations in Greater Noida.”\r\n
    \r\n {show83 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 09-08-2024
    1.Corrigendum-5 against NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 Dated 10.08.2024 for “Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation Building at various locations in Greater Noida.” NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow82(!show82)}\r\n >\r\n CORRIGENDUM-2: NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/16MVA PTR/019 Dated 03.12.2024 for “AUGMENTATION OF POWER TRANSFORMER FROM 12.5MVA TO 16MVA AT 33/11KV SUBSTATIONS.”\r\n
    \r\n {show82 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 03-12-2024
    1.CORRIGENDUM-2: NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/16MVA PTR/019 Dated 03.12.2024 for “AUGMENTATION OF POWER TRANSFORMER FROM 12.5MVA TO 16MVA AT 33/11KV SUBSTATIONS.” NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/16MVA PTR/019 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow81(!show81)}\r\n >\r\n CORRIGENDUM-1: NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/16MVA PTR/019 Dated 03.12.2024 for “AUGMENTATION OF POWER TRANSFORMER FROM 12.5MVA TO 16MVA AT 33/11KV SUBSTATIONS.”\r\n
    \r\n {show81 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 03-12-2024
    1.CORRIGENDUM-1: NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/16MVA PTR/019 Dated 03.12.2024 for “AUGMENTATION OF POWER TRANSFORMER FROM 12.5MVA TO 16MVA AT 33/11KV SUBSTATIONS.” NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/16MVA PTR/019 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow80(!show80)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/ MCB & MCCB /020 for “02 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of MCB & MCCB”\r\n
    \r\n {show80 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 11-12-2024
    1.02 Years Rate Contract for the Supply of MCB & MCCB NIT No. NPCL/FY24-25/ MCB & MCCB /020
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n NPCL FY24-25 MCB & MCCB 020\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n GTP FOR SINGLE POLE +NEUTRAL MCB HAVING RATED CURRENT UP TO 63 A_Controlled\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n GTP FOR SINGLE POLE MCCB HAVING RATED CURRENT UP TO 160 A_Controlled \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n GTP FOR THREE POLE MCCB HAVING RATED CURRENT FROM 160 A TO 630 A_Controlled\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n GTP FOR TRIPPLE POLE +NEUTRAL MCB HAVING RATED CURRENT UP TO 63 A_Controlled\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow79(!show79)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/16MVA PTR/019 for “AUGMENTATION OF POWER TRANSFORMER FROM 12.5MVA TO 16MVA AT 33/11KV SUBSTATIONS”\r\n
    \r\n {show79 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 03-12-2024
    • \r\n \r\n \"\" \r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow78(!show78)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/CIVIL/018/Civil works at three locations of Greater Noida, a) Civil & Interior work to develop office facility at 33/11 kV Substation Building (ESS- 10) in Sector KP-5 b) Civil Work, PEB, EOT Crane & Fire Fighting Work of Kasna Store c) Civil work of Boundary walls for Pocket Substations\r\n
    \r\n {show78 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.     Date: 20-11-2024
    1.Civil works at three locations of Greater Noida, a) Civil & Interior work to develop office facility at 33/11 kV Substation Building (ESS- 10) in Sector KP-5 b) Civil Work, PEB, EOT Crane & Fire Fighting Work of Kasna Store c) Civil work of Boundary walls for Pocket Substations. NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/CIVIL/018 \r\n \r\n Drawings \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow77(!show77)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-4 against NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 Dated 10.08.2024 for “Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation Building at various locations in Greater Noida.”\r\n
    \r\n {show77 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 09-08-2024
    1.Corrigendum-4 against NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 Dated 10.08.2024 for “Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation Building at various locations in Greater Noida.” NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow76(!show76)}\r\n >\r\n \"Request for Selection (RfS) for Long Term Procurement of 300 MW Wind Solar Hybrid Power from Grid Connected Projects Under Tariff Based Competitive Bidding, RfS No: NPCL/LT/Hybrid/24-25 dated 08-November-2024\"\r\n
    \r\n {show76 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionRfS No.   Date: 08-11-2024
    1.Notice Inviting Tenders for \"Request for Selection (RfS) for Long Term Procurement of 300 MW Wind Solar Hybrid Power from Grid Connected Projects Under Tariff Based Competitive Bidding, RfS No: NPCL/LT/Hybrid/24-25 dated 08-November-2024\". RfS No: NPCL/LT/Hybrid/24-25
    • \r\n \r\n \"\" \r\n Draft Power Purchase Document (PPA)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n Request for Selection (Rfs) Document\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\" \r\n Addendum-1\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n Annexure-D\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n Amendment to RFS\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n Response to the Queries\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n Reverse Auction Result\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow75(!show75)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-3 against NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 Dated 10.08.2024 for “Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation Building at various locations in Greater Noida.”\r\n
    \r\n {show75 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 09-08-2024
    1.Corrigendum-3 against NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 Dated 10.08.2024 for “Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation Building at various locations in Greater Noida.” NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow74(!show74)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-1 against NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/EOI/017 for “Expression of Interest from Intended Bidders for leasing Optical Fiber Cable.”\r\n
    \r\n {show74 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 12-09-2024
    1.Corrigendum-1 dated 03.10.2024 against NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/EOI/017 DT: 11.09.2024 For “EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FROM INTENDED BIDDERS FOR LEASING OPTICAL FIBER CABLE”. \"Bid submission date is extended till 18th October’2024\" NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/EOI/017 \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow73(!show73)}\r\n >\r\n NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/EOI/017 for “Expression of Interest from Intended Bidders for leasing Optical Fiber Cable.”\r\n
    \r\n {show73 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 12-09-2024
    1.NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/EOI/017 for “Expression of Interest from Intended Bidders for leasing Optical Fiber Cable.” NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/EOI/017 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow72(!show72)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-2 against NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 Dated 10.08.2024 for “Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation Building at various locations in Greater Noida.”\r\n
    \r\n {show72 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 09-08-2024
    1.Corrigendum-2 against NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 Dated 10.08.2024 for “Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation Building at various locations in Greater Noida.” NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow71(!show71)}\r\n >\r\n Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 Dated 10.08.2024 for “Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation Building at various locations in Greater Noida.”\r\n
    \r\n {show71 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 09-08-2024
    1.Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 Dated 10.08.2024 for “Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation Building at various locations in Greater Noida.” NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow70(!show70)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016 for “Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation Building at various locations in Greater Noida”\r\n
    \r\n {show70 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 09-08-2024
    1.Notice Inviting Tenders for \"Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation Building at various locations in Greater Noida\". NIT No. NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/016
    • \r\n \r\n \"\" \r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow69(!show69)}\r\n >\r\n NOTIFICATION for CORRIGENDUM-4: NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/Meter Test Bench Cl:0.02, Position:10 /015 dated 02.05.2024 for “PROCUREMENT OF 10 POSITION FULLY AUTOMATIC METER TESTING EQUIPMENT WITH REFERENCE METER OF CLASS 0.02”\r\n
    \r\n {show69 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 02.05.2024
    1.Corrigendum-4 against NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/Meter Test Bench Cl:0.02, Position:10 /015 dated 02.05.2024 for “PROCUREMENT OF 10 POSITION FULLY AUTOMATIC METER TESTING EQUIPMENT WITH REFERENCE METER OF CLASS 0.02” NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/Meter Test Bench Cl:0.02, Position:10 /015 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow68(!show68)}\r\n >\r\n NOTIFICATION for CORRIGENDUM-2: NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/Meter Test Bench Cl:0.02, Position:10 /015 dated 02.05.2024 for “PROCUREMENT OF 10 POSITION FULLY AUTOMATIC METER TESTING EQUIPMENT WITH REFERENCE METER OF CLASS 0.02”\r\n
    \r\n {show68 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 02.05.2024
    1.Corrigendum-2 against NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/Meter Test Bench Cl:0.02, Position:10 /015 dated 02.05.2024 for “PROCUREMENT OF 10 POSITION FULLY AUTOMATIC METER TESTING EQUIPMENT WITH REFERENCE METER OF CLASS 0.02” NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/Meter Test Bench Cl:0.02, Position:10 /015 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow67(!show67)}\r\n >\r\n NOTIFICATION for CORRIGENDUM-3: NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/EPC/013 DATED 18.04.2024 for “Supply of Balance of Plant and Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 33/11kV Substations and 33kV Switching Stations at Greater Noida”\r\n
    \r\n {show67 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 18.04.2024
    1.Corrigendum-3 against NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/EPC/013 DATED 18.04.2024 for “Supply of Balance of Plant and Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 33/11kV Substations and 33kV Switching Stations at Greater Noida” NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/EPC/013 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow66(!show66)}\r\n >\r\n NOTIFICATION for CORRIGENDUM-1: NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/Meter Test Bench Cl:0.02, Position:10 /015 dated 02.05.2024 for “PROCUREMENT OF 10 POSITION FULLY AUTOMATIC METER TESTING EQUIPMENT WITH REFERENCE METER OF CLASS 0.02”\r\n
    \r\n {show66 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 02.05.2024
    1.Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/Meter Test Bench Cl:0.02, Position:10 /015 dated 02.05.2024 for “PROCUREMENT OF 10 POSITION FULLY AUTOMATIC METER TESTING EQUIPMENT WITH REFERENCE METER OF CLASS 0.02” NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/Meter Test Bench Cl:0.02, Position:10 /015 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow65(!show65)}\r\n >\r\n NOTIFICATION for CORRIGENDUM-2: NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/EPC/013 DATED 18.04.2024 for “Supply of Balance of Plant and Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 33/11kV Substations and 33kV Switching Stations at Greater Noida”\r\n
    \r\n {show65 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 18.04.2024
    1.Corrigendum-2 against NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/EPC/013 DATED 18.04.2024 for “Supply of Balance of Plant and Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 33/11kV Substations and 33kV Switching Stations at Greater Noida” NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/EPC/013 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow64(!show64)}\r\n >\r\n NOTIFICATION for CORRIGENDUM-1: NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/EPC/013 DATED 18.04.2024 for “Supply of Balance of Plant and Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 33/11kV Substations and 33kV Switching Stations at Greater Noida”\r\n
    \r\n {show64 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 18.04.2024
    1.Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/EPC/013 DATED 18.04.2024 for “Supply of Balance of Plant and Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 33/11kV Substations and 33kV Switching Stations at Greater Noida” NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/EPC/013 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n {show63 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 18.04.2024
    1.Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/33 & 11KV AIS/012 DATED 18.04.2024 for “SUPPLY OF 1250 AMPS 33kV AIS INDOOR SWITCHBOARD WITH TRANSFORMER PROTECTION & 1250 AMPS 11kV INDOOR AIR INSULATED SWITCHGEAR” NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/33 & 11KV AIS/012 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n {show62 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 03-05-2024
    1.Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/GIS/011 DATED 18.04.2024 for “SUPPLY AND ETC OF 33KV DOUBLE BUS INDOOR GAS INSULATED SWITCHGEAR (9 PANEL BOARDS)” NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/GIS/011 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow61(!show61)}\r\n >\r\n NOTIFICATION for CORRIGENDUM-1: NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/PTR/010 Dated 18.04.2024 for “SUPPLY OF 33/11 kV 12.5 MVA Power Transformers”\r\n
    \r\n {show61 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 18.04.2024
    1.Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/PTR/010 Dated 18.04.2024 for “SUPPLY OF 33/11 kV 12.5 MVA Power Transformers” NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/PTR/010 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow60(!show60)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/Meter Test Bench Cl:0.02, Position:10 /015 for “PROCUREMENT OF 10 POSITION FULLY AUTOMATIC METER TESTING EQUIPMENT WITH REFERENCE METER OF CLASS 0.02”\r\n
    \r\n {show60 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 03-05-2024
    1.Notice Inviting Tenders for \"PROCUREMENT OF 10 POSITION FULLY AUTOMATIC METER TESTING EQUIPMENT WITH REFERENCE METER OF CLASS 0.02\". NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/Meter Test Bench Cl:0.02, Position:10 /015 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow59(!show59)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/TESTING OF HT METERING SYSTEM/014 for “TESTING OF HT METERING SYSTEM”\r\n
    \r\n {show59 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 19-04-2024
    1.Notice Inviting Tenders for \"TESTING OF HT METERING SYSTEM\". NIT No. NPCL/AUT/FY24-25/TESTING OF HT METERING SYSTEM/014 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow58(!show58)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/EPC/013 for “Supply of Balance of Plant and Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 33/11kV Substations and 33kV Switching Stations at Greater Noida” \r\n
    \r\n {show58 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 18-04-2024
    1.Notice Inviting Tenders for \"Supply of Balance of Plant and Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 33/11kV Substations and 33kV Switching Stations at Greater Noida\".NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/EPC/013\r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Technical Specifications \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n {show57 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 18-04-2024
    • \r\n \r\n \"\" \r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow56(!show56)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/GIS/011 for \"SUPPLY AND ETC OF 33KV DOUBLE BUS INDOOR GAS INSULATED SWITCHGEAR (9 PANEL BOARDS)\" \r\n
    \r\n {show56 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 18-04-2024
    • \r\n \r\n \"\" \r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow55(!show55)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/PTR/010 for \"SUPPLY OF 33/11 kV 12.5 MVA Power Transformers\" \r\n
    \r\n {show55 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 18-04-2024
    1. Notice Inviting Tenders for \"SUPPLY OF 33/11 kV 12.5 MVA Power Transformers\". NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY24-25/PTR/010
    • \r\n \r\n \"\" \r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow54(!show54)}\r\n >\r\n NOTIFICATION for CORRIGENDUM-1: NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/009 \r\n
    \r\n {show54 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 29-03-2024
    1. Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/009 Dated 29.03.2024 for “Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station and 33kV Switching Station Building at various locations in Greater Noida”. NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/009 \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow53(!show53)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/009 for \"Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station and 33kV Switching Station Building at various locations in Greater Noida\" \r\n
    \r\n {show53 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 29-03-2024
    1. Notice Inviting Tenders for \"Civil Construction of 5 Nos. of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station and 33kV Switching Station Building at various locations in Greater Noida\". NIT No. NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY24-25/GR. NOIDA/009
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n {/* ANNEXURE-TYPICAL DRAWINGS */}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow51(!show51)}\r\n >\r\n NOTIFICATION for Corrigendum-1 :(NIT No. NPCL/EPC/ESS/FY23-24/GR. NOIDA/007) \r\n
    \r\n {show51 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description NIT No.
    1. Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/EPC/ESS/FY23-24/GR. NOIDA/007 dated 28.09.2023 for \" Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning including all necessary Civil Works for 33/11 kV Substation cum 33kV Switching Stations and 33kV Switching Stations in various sectors of Greater Noida City\" .\r\n \r\n NIT No. NPCL/EPC/ESS/FY23-24/GR. NOIDA/007\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Substation Proposed Layouts & SLDs \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow50(!show50)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No. NPCL/EPC/ESS/FY23-24/GR. NOIDA/007 for “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning including all necessary Civil Works for 33/11 kV Substation cum 33kV Switching Stations and 33kV Switching Stations in various sectors of Greater Noida City” \r\n
    \r\n {show50 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description NIT No.
    1. TENDER NOTIFICATION For “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning including all necessary Civil Works for 33/11 kV Substation cum 33kV Switching Stations and 33kV Switching Stations in various sectors of Greater Noida City \".\r\n \r\n NIT No. NPCL/EPC/ESS/FY23-24/GR. NOIDA/007 Dated 28.09.2023\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n SECTION-XI \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow49(!show49)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum 2: (NIT No: Notification for Corrigendum 2: (NIT No: NPCL/AUT/FY23-24/P2P ET/006)) \r\n
    \r\n {show49 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description NPCL/AUT/FY23-24/P2P ET/006
    1. Corrigendum-2 against NIT No: NPCL/AUT/FY23-24/P2P ET/006 DT: 16.08.2023 For \" Expression of Interest(EOI)-For P2P Energy Trading using Blockchain”, technical queries & addendum document is attached for reference. \r\n NPCL/AUT/FY23-24/P2P ET/006\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    setShow48(!show48)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-01 \r\n
    \r\n {show48 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Tender Description
    Following is the Technically Qualified bidder for NIT No.: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-01 dated: 06.07.2023 for \" Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector-01, Greater Noida \"
    \r\n 1. M/s Sanmul Construction P. Ltd. \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow47(!show47)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-10 \r\n
    \r\n {show47 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Tender Description
    Following are the Technically Qualified bidders for NIT No.: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-10 dated: 06.07.2023 for \" Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard at Sector-10, Greater Noida \"
    \r\n \r\n 1. M/s Intercon Buildtech P. Ltd. \r\n 2. M/s Sanmul Construction P. Ltd. \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow46(!show46)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-10 \r\n
    \r\n {show46 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Tender Description
    Following are the Technically Qualified bidders for NIT No.: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-10 dated: 06.07.2023 for \" Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector Ecotech-10, Greater Noida \"
    \r\n \r\n 1. M/s Intercon Buildtech P. Ltd. \r\n 2. M/s Sanmul Construction P. Ltd. \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow45(!show45)}\r\n >\r\n NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-04 \r\n
    \r\n {show45 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Tender Description
    Following are the Technically Qualified bidders for NIT No.: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-04 dated: 06.07.2023 for \" Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector-04, Greater Noida \"
    \r\n\r\n 1. M/s Intercon Buildtech P. Ltd. \r\n 2. M/s Sanmul Construction P. Ltd. \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow44(!show44)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum 1: (NIT No: NPCL/AUT/FY23-24/P2P ET/006) \r\n
    \r\n {show44 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description NPCL/AUT/FY23-24/P2P ET/006
    1. Corrigendum-1 against NIT No: NPCL/AUT/FY23-24/P2P ET/006 DT: 16.08.2023 For \" Expression of Interest(EOI)-For P2P Energy Trading using Blockchain.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 19th-October-2023.\"\r\n NPCL/AUT/FY23-24/P2P ET/006\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow43(!show43)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum 3: (NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/11KVAIS/004) \r\n
    \r\n {show43 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/11KVAIS/004
    1. Corrigendum-3 dated 23.08.2023 against NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/11KVAIS/004 DT: 10.07.2023 For ‘’ SUPPLY OF 1250 AMPS 11kV INDOOR AIR INSULATED SWITCHGEAR.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 28th-August-2023.\"\r\n NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/11KVAIS/004\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow42(!show42)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum 3 : (NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/33KVAIS/003) \r\n
    \r\n {show42 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/33KVAIS/003
    1. Corrigendum-3 dated 23.08.2023 against NIT No. Tender Enquiry No.: NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/33KVAIS/003 for 1250 AMPS 33kV AIS INDOOR SWITCHBOARD WITH TRANSFORMER PROTECTION \" \"Bid submission date is extended till 28th-August-2023.\"\r\n NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/33KVAIS/003\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow41(!show41)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum 3: (NIT no. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/GIS/002) \r\n
    \r\n {show41 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description NIT no. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/GIS/002
    1. Corrigendum-3 dated 23.08.2023 against NIT No.: NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/GIS/002 for 33KV DOUBLE BUS INDOOR GAS INSULATED SWITCHGEAR (9 PANEL BOARDS) \"Bid submission date is extended till 28th-August-2023.\"\r\n NIT no. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/GIS/002\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow40(!show40)}\r\n >\r\n Tender Notification for \"Expression of Interest(EOI)-For P2P Energy Trading using Blockchain\" \r\n
    \r\n {show40 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description NIT No. Dated 16.08.2023
    1. Notice Inviting Tenders for “Expression of Interest(EOI)-For P2P Energy Trading using Blockchain.\r\n NPCL/AUT/FY23-24/P2P ET/006\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow39(!show39)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum 2: (NIT No: NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/CAB/005)\r\n
    \r\n {show39 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1.Corrigendum-2 against NIT No: NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/CAB/005 DT: 10.07.2023 For \" SUPPLY OF 33kV 3C X 400 SQ. MM ALUMINIUM XLPE GRADE CABLE & 11kV 3C X 300 SQ. MM ALUMINIUM XLPE GRADE CABLE.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 23rd-August-2023.\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow38(!show38)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum 2: (NIT no. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/GIS/002)\r\n
    \r\n {show38 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1.Corrigendum-2 against NIT No: NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/GIS/002 DT: 10.07.2023 For \" SUPPLY & ETC OF 33KV DOUBLE BUS INDOOR GAS INSULATED SWITCHGEAR (9 PANEL BOARDS.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 23rd-August-2023.\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow37(!show37)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum 2 (NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/PTR/001) \r\n
    \r\n {show37 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1.Corrigendum-2 against NIT No: NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/PTR/001 DT: 10.07.2023 For \" SUPPLY OF 33/11 kV 12.5 MVA Power Transformers.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 23rd-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow36(!show36)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum 2: (NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/33KVAIS/003) \r\n
    \r\n {show36 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Corrigendum-2 against NIT No: NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/33KVAIS/003 DT: 10.07.2023 For \" SUPPLY OF 1250 AMPS 33kV AIS INDOOR SWITCHBOARD WITH TRANSFORMER PROTECTION.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 23rd-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow35(!show35)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum 2: (NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/11KVAIS/004)\r\n
    \r\n {show35 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Corrigendum-2 against NIT No: NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/11KVAIS/004 DT: 10.07.2023 For \" SUPPLY OF 1250 AMPS 11kV INDOOR AIR INSULATED SWITCHGEAR.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 23rd-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow34(!show34)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum2: (: NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-01)\r\n
    \r\n {show34 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Corrigendum-2 against NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-01 DT: 06.07.2023 For \"Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector-01, Greater Noida.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 22nd-August-2023.\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow33(!show33)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum2: (NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-08)\r\n
    \r\n {show33 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1.Corrigendum-2 against NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-08 DT: 06.07.2023 For \" Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector Ecotech-08, Greater Noida, Greater Noida.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 22nd-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow32(!show32)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum2: (NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-10) \r\n
    \r\n {show32 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Corrigendum-2 against NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-10 DT: 06.07.2023 For \" Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector Ecotech-10, Greater Noida.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 22nd-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow31(!show31)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum2: (NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-04)\r\n
    \r\n {show31 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Corrigendum-2 against NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-04 DT: 06.07.2023 For \"Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector-04, Greater Noida.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 22nd-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow30(!show30)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum2 (NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-10) \r\n
    \r\n {show30 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Corrigendum-2 against NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-10 DT: 06.07.2023 For \" Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard at Sector-10, Greater Noida.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 22nd-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow7(!show7)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum: (NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/33KVAIS/003)\r\n
    \r\n {show7 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. Tender Enquiry No.: NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/33KVAIS/003 for 1250 AMPS 33kV AIS INDOOR SWITCHBOARD WITH TRANSFORMER PROTECTION \" \"Bid submission date is extended till 11th-August-2023.\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow29(!show29)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum: (NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/11KVAIS/004)\r\n
    \r\n {show29 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1.Corrigendum-1 against NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/11KVAIS/004 DT: 10.07.2023 For ‘’ SUPPLY OF 1250 AMPS 11kV INDOOR AIR INSULATED SWITCHGEAR.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 11th-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow28(!show28)}\r\n >\r\n Pre Bid Queries against NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/PTR/001 \r\n
    \r\n {show28 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Pre Bid Queries against NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/PTR/001 dated 10-07-2023 For \" SUPPLY OF 33/11 kV 12.5 MVA Power Transformers.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow6(!show6)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum: (NIT no. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/GIS/002)\r\n
    \r\n {show6 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Corrigendum-1 against NIT No.: NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/GIS/002 for 33KV DOUBLE BUS INDOOR GAS INSULATED SWITCHGEAR (9 PANEL BOARDS) \"Bid submission date is extended till 11th-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow27(!show27)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum (NIT No: NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/CAB/005) \r\n
    \r\n {show27 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Corrigendum-1 against NIT No: NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/CAB/005 DT: 10.07.2023 For \" SUPPLY OF 33kV 3C X 400 SQ. MM ALUMINIUM XLPE GRADE CABLE & 11kV 3C X 300 SQ. MM ALUMINIUM XLPE GRADE CABLE.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 16th-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow26(!show26)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum (NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/PTR/001) \r\n
    \r\n {show26 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Corrigendum-1 against NIT No: NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/PTR/001 DT: 10.07.2023 For \" SUPPLY OF 33/11 kV 12.5 MVA Power Transformers.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 16th-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow25(!show25)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum: (NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-01) \r\n
    \r\n {show25 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Corrigendum-1 against NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-01 DT: 06.07.2023 For \"Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector-01, Greater Noida.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 9th-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow24(!show24)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum: (NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-08) \r\n
    \r\n {show24 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Corrigendum-1 against NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-08 DT: 06.07.2023 For \" Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector Ecotech-08, Greater Noida, Greater Noida.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 9th-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow23(!show23)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum: (NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-10) \r\n
    \r\n {show23 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Corrigendum-1 against NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-10 DT: 06.07.2023 For \" Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector Ecotech-10, Greater Noida.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 9th-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow22(!show22)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum: (NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-04) \r\n
    \r\n {show22 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Corrigendum-1 against NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-04 DT: 06.07.2023 For \"Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector-04, Greater Noida.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 9th-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow21(!show21)}\r\n >\r\n Notification for Corrigendum: (NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-10) \r\n
    \r\n {show21 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Corrigendum-1 against NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-10 DT: 06.07.2023 For \" Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard at Sector-10, Greater Noida.\" \"Bid submission date is extended till 9th-August-2023.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow20(!show20)}\r\n >\r\n Pre Bid Queries for NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-08 \r\n
    \r\n {show20 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Pre Bid Queries against NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-08 DT: 06.07.2023 For \"Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector Ecotech-08, Greater Noida, Greater Noida.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow19(!show19)}\r\n >\r\n Pre Bid Queries for NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-10 \r\n
    \r\n {show19 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Pre Bid Queries against NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-10 DT: 06.07.2023 For \" Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector Ecotech-10, Greater Noida.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow18(!show18)}\r\n >\r\n Pre Bid Queries for NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-04 \r\n
    \r\n {show18 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Pre Bid Queries against NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-04 DT: 06.07.2023 For \" Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector-04, Greater Noida.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow17(!show17)}\r\n >\r\n Pre Bid Queries for NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-01 \r\n
    \r\n {show17 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Pre Bid Queries against NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-01 DT: 06.07.2023 For \" Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector-01, Greater Noida.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow16(!show16)}\r\n >\r\n Pre Bid Queries for NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-10 \r\n
    \r\n {show16 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Pre Bid Queries against NIT No: NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-10 DT: 06.07.2023 For \" Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard at Sector-10, Greater Noida.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow15(!show15)}\r\n >\r\n Pre Bid Queries for NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/CAB/005 \r\n
    \r\n {show15 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender Description
    1. Pre Bid Queries against NIT No: NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/CAB/005 DT: 06.07.2023 For \"SUPPLY OF 33kV 3C X 400 SQ. MM ALUMINIUM XLPE GRADE CABLE & 11kV 3C X 300 SQ. MM ALUMINIUM XLPE GRADE CABLE.\" \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow14(!show14)}\r\n >\r\n Tender Notification for Supply 33kV 3C X 400 Sq. mm. Aluminium XLPE Grade Cable & 11kV 3C X 300 Sq. mm. Aluminium XLPE Grade Cable: NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/CAB/005 \r\n
    \r\n {show14 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 10-07-2023
    1. Notice Inviting Tenders for “SUPPLY OF 33kV 3C X 400 SQ. MM ALUMINIUM XLPE GRADE CABLE & 11kV 3C X 300 SQ. MM ALUMINIUM XLPE GRADE CABLE\".\r\n\r\n NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/CAB/005
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n TS GTP DWG 11kV 300sqmm XLPE Cable Rev A\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n TS GTP DWG 33kV 400sqmm XLPE Cable Rev A\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow13(!show13)}\r\n >\r\n Tender Notification for Supply of 1250 Amps 11kV Indoor Air Insulated Switchgear (AIS): NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/11KVAIS/004. \r\n
    \r\n {show13 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 10-07-2023
    1.Notice Inviting Tenders for “ SUPPLY OF 1250 AMPS 11kV INDOOR AIR INSULATED SWITCHGEAR \".\r\n \r\n \r\n NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/11KVAIS/004
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n TS GTP 11kV ID VCB BOARD1250A CONTROLLED\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow12(!show12)}\r\n >\r\n Tender Notification for Supply of 1250 Amps 33kV AIS Indoor Switchboard: NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/33KVAIS/003 \r\n
    \r\n {show12 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 10-07-2023
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Bid Document Supply of 33kV ID AIS\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n TS GTP 33KV AIS ID BOARD CONTROLLED\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow11(!show11)}\r\n >\r\n Tender Notification for Supply & ETC of 1600 Amps 33KV Double Bus Indoor Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS): NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/GIS/002. \r\n
    \r\n {show11 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 10-07-2023
    1.Notice Inviting Tenders for “ SUPPLY & ETC OF 33KV DOUBLE BUS INDOOR GAS INSULATED SWITCHGEAR (9 PANEL BOARDS) \".\r\n \r\n \r\n NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/GIS/002
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Bid Document Supply & ETC of 33kV DB ID GIS\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n TS GTP 33KV DOUBLE BUS GIS CONTROLLED R-A\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow10(!show10)}\r\n >\r\n Tender Notification for Supply of 33/11 kV 12.5 MVA Power Transformers: NIT No. NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/PTR/001 \r\n
    \r\n {show10 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No. Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 10-07-2023
    1.Notice Inviting Tenders for “ SUPPLY OF 33/11 kV 12.5 MVA Power Transformers NPCL/PRJ/FY23-24/PTR/001
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Bid Document 12.5 MVA Power Transformer\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n TS 12.5MVA 33 11kV ONAN Three Phase Power Transformer Controlled\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow1(!show1)}\r\n >\r\n Notice Inviting Tenders for \"Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector Ecotech-08, Greater Noida\". \r\n
    \r\n {show1 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 06-07-2023
    1.Notice Inviting Tenders for \"Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector Ecotech-08, Greater Noida\".\r\n \r\n NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-08
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n ANNEXURE-TYPICAL DRAWINGS\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow2(!show2)}\r\n >\r\n Notice Inviting Tenders for \"Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector Ecotech-10, Greater Noida \r\n
    \r\n {show2 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 06-07-2023
    1.Notice Inviting Tenders for \"Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector Ecotech-10, Greater Noida\".NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/ECOTECH-10
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Bid Document of Civil Works- Ecotech-10\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n ANNEXURE-TYPICAL DRAWINGS\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n setShow9(!show9)}\r\n >\r\n Notice Inviting Tenders for \"Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector-01, Greater Noida \r\n
    \r\n {show9 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 06-07-2023
    1. Notice Inviting Tenders for \"Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector-01, Greater Noida\". NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-01
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Bid Document of Civil Works- Sector-01\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n ANNEXURE-TYPICAL DRAWINGS\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow8(!show8)}\r\n >\r\n Notice Inviting Tenders for \"Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector-04, Greater Noida \r\n
    \r\n {show8 ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 06-07-2023
    1.Notice Inviting Tenders for \"Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard & Boundary Wall at Sector-04, Greater Noida\". NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-04
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-04\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n ANNEXURE-TYPICAL DRAWINGS\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow(!show)}\r\n >\r\n Notice Inviting Tenders for \"Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard at Sector-10, Greater Noida \r\n
    \r\n {show ? (\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Sr. No.Tender DescriptionNIT No.   Date: 06-07-2023
    1. Notice Inviting Tenders for \"Civil Construction of 33/11kV Electric Substation cum 33kV Switching Station Building with Outdoor Transformer Yard at Sector-10, Greater Noida\". NPCL/CIV/ESS/FY23-24/SECTOR-10
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n {/* ANNEXURE-TYPICAL DRAWINGS */}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow5(!show5)}\r\n >\r\n Tender for banking of power for 01.11.2022 to 30.09.2023\r\n on Short Term Basis\r\n
    \r\n {show5 ? (\r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Tender\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n \r\n {/* \r\n
    \r\n setShow4(!show4)}\r\n >\r\n Inviting Bids for Pilot of “P2P Energy trading using\r\n Blockchain”. Submission of Technical queries - Date\r\n extended to 24/01/2022\r\n
    \r\n {show4 ? (\r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n RfP\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n
    \r\n setShow3(!show3)}\r\n >\r\n Inviting Bids for Pilot of “P2P Energy trading using\r\n Blockchain”-Pre-bid Query Response and Addendum\r\n
    \r\n {show3 ? (\r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Response\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Addendum\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Addendum - 2\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n */}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Tender;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\n\r\nconst EnergyServices = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Energy Services\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Profile\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Energy Services\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Initiative Undertaken\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Our Customer\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Challenges Ahead\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Award & Recognition\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Credit Rating\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n SERVICES\r\n

    \r\n The principal role of Noida Power is that of a\r\n service provider to support economic and lifestyle\r\n activity. Building an efficient and reliable\r\n delivery system thus assumes top priority to provide\r\n supply dependability. That Greater Noida is witness\r\n to the setting up of world-className manufacturing\r\n by multinationals like Honda Cars, Yamaha Motors,\r\n New Holland Tractors, LG Electronics, ST\r\n Microelectronics, India Exposition Mart, GSC\r\n Toughened Glass etc., and is also home to an\r\n upwardly mobile residential population, underscores\r\n this point further.\r\n


    \r\n The Company maintains and operates round-the-clock\r\n emergency services to deal with supply-related\r\n complaints and undertake rectification works. The\r\n facilities have been reinforced by establishing a\r\n Call Centre that provides 24-hour messaging services\r\n to consumers and improves trouble call monitoring.\r\n Complaint management is computerised, enabling call\r\n tracking from start to finish and generation of\r\n ‘exception’ reports.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Energy Services


    \r\n The main role of NPCL as a service provider is to\r\n support activities related to the economy and\r\n lifestyle. That’s why building a dependable and\r\n efficient delivery system is its top priority. This\r\n factor becomes all the more relevant in the light of\r\n the fact that several manufacturing plants of\r\n multinational companies such as Honda Cars, Yamaha\r\n Motors, New Holland Tractors, LG Electronics,\r\n STMicroelectronics, India Exposition Mart, and GSC\r\n Toughened Glass have been set up in Greater Noida.\r\n Moreover, Greater Noida is home to a rising mobile\r\n residential population.\r\n


    \r\n The Company maintains and manages round-the-clock\r\n emergency services to handle supply-related\r\n complaints efficiently. Once the flaws have been\r\n identified, it takes measures to rectify them. A\r\n call centre has also been established to reinforce\r\n the facilities by ensuring 24-hour messaging\r\n services to the consumers. This call centre also\r\n improves trouble call monitoring. NPCL has a\r\n computerized complaint management system that\r\n enables call tracking from start to end and\r\n generates ‘exception reports’.\r\n


    \r\n The Company’s constructive relationship with its\r\n customers can be defined by its streamlined\r\n administrative procedures, on-time delivery of new\r\n supplies, and billing consistency.\r\n


    \r\n The hierarchical responsibilities and organisational\r\n processes are designed in a way to meet the demands\r\n for services in an optimum manner, including the\r\n settlement of customer claims.\r\n


    \r\n To maintain its service standards, NPCL employs\r\n internal measures to assess the quality of its\r\n services. Besides that, it conducts annual\r\n independent surveys to evaluate the feedback of the\r\n customers. Based on the findings of these surveys,\r\n it then addresses the deficiencies in its process\r\n and system to bridge the gap between its actual and\r\n the expected performance levels.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default EnergyServices;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\n\r\nconst InitiativeUndertaken = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Key Initiative\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Profile\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Energy Services\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Initiative Undertaken\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Our Customer\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Challenges Ahead\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Award & Recognition\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Credit Rating\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n It has been NPCL’s aim to build its core competence around\r\n service differentiation and establish a competitive\r\n organisation on the strength of cost-efficiency and high\r\n productivity. Through this, it intends to ensure long-term\r\n sustenance in an environment that values service quality\r\n and cost accountability.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Technology and Social Intermediation\r\n \r\n

    \r\n NPCL understands that the application of innovation and\r\n imagination is a must to succeed in the competitive\r\n marketplace. That’s why it has gone beyond making promises\r\n of reliable and affordable electricity supply and has\r\n taken measures to introduce social intermediation in\r\n villages to promote the concept of energy conservation and\r\n commercialisation. Steps have also been taken to\r\n facilitate the metering of domestic supplies. The\r\n consumers have responded to these measures by\r\n demonstrating commercial behaviour which has resulted in\r\n the avoidance of energy thefts and an improved collection\r\n of user charges. Currently, 89% of the consumer population\r\n in villages is covered under metered supply.\r\n


    \r\n NPCL has taken a unique step by organising basic literary\r\n classNamees for village women to make them understand the\r\n role of electricity in improving lives and to promote\r\n gender equality. The success of these measures can be\r\n summed up by the comments made by the U.S. Secretary of\r\n the Treasury who visited one such site and stated: “Seeing\r\n first-hand the tangible quality of life improvements\r\n brought by reliable electricity was memorable.”\r\n

    \r\n\r\n \r\n Time and Cost-Effective Measures\r\n \r\n

    \r\n To render faster and better consumer services, NPCL has\r\n printed pole/feeder pillar numbers on the majority of\r\n consumer bills. The same numbers have also been painted on\r\n the nearby corresponding objects.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Conservation Efforts\r\n \r\n

    \r\n NPCL’s innovations in network and demand-side engineering\r\n have been highly fruitful in curtailing energy losses. A\r\n couple of novel steps taken by NPCL to conserve energy and\r\n water and avoid environmental degradation have been the\r\n introduction of LT-less distribution or agricultural\r\n connections and facilitating energy-efficient pumping. It\r\n has also introduced LT-insulated wires for supply in\r\n village households. This step has reduced the propensity\r\n of energy thefts and has optimised the network\r\n performance. Process interventions in metering and billing\r\n have ensured the effective plugging of the loopholes\r\n related to revenue leakages.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Integration of IT\r\n \r\n

    \r\n The Company has dispensed off manual entries by following\r\n a fail-safe system to transfer the electronic data of\r\n meter readings to the bill-processing module. Daily\r\n collections are monitored online via the WAN and LAN\r\n infrastructure. Currently, the energy losses stand at 8%,\r\n the lowest in the country, while the gross collection rate\r\n is 99%.\r\n


    \r\n To handle the growing size of the business, NPCL relies on\r\n IT and automation while focusing on improving\r\n productivity, time cycles, and customer relationships.\r\n NPCL’s main initiatives in this regard can be summed up\r\n as:\r\n

    • \r\n integrating network, customer, and asset management by\r\n leveraging geospatial information\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n undertaking remote network sensing and operation in\r\n real-time\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n improving daily work management by automating the\r\n business processes of billing, collection, and human\r\n resource management on an SAP platform\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Integration of IT and Operational Technologies by NPCL has\r\n provided thrust to efficient network grid and asset\r\n management across the Company. GIS-based systems\r\n integrated with various applications of SAP have been\r\n implemented in NPCL. Through this, many mission-critical\r\n business applications are being reengineered to provide\r\n better consumer services in the areas of providing new\r\n service connections, meter testing and replacement, etc.\r\n Furthermore, the GIS system assists the Company with\r\n efficient asset management for all its assets spread\r\n across a wide geographical area. The Outage Management\r\n System, which requires the GIS data to address\r\n outage-related complaints, has also been made functional.\r\n The GIS-based system assists in the planning of newly\r\n emerging sectors/areas with power distribution plans along\r\n with the construction of substations. It also helps the\r\n Company in the handling of upcoming new connections and to\r\n determine the technical losses by utilising real-time\r\n data. The GIS-based Energy Audit system has been\r\n implemented by NPCL to measure the losses and direct the\r\n efforts to curb electricity theft; these measures help in\r\n the overall loss reduction.\r\n


    \r\n The scope of ADMS encompasses the entire distribution\r\n network; from substations to LT distribution at consumer\r\n premises. It also includes in its scope the backdrop of\r\n geographical representation and the requisite network\r\n information sourced from the GIS repository; both these\r\n factors are subjected to timely updates through a\r\n systematic mechanism. All the existing 33/11 KV\r\n substations are fully automated and SCADA-enabled. This\r\n factor has resulted in completely unmanned remote\r\n operations. The ADMS environment also offers an array of\r\n Distribution Management System (DMS) applications for\r\n executing complex analytics engineering on the basis of\r\n authentic SCADA information.\r\n


    \r\n The Outage Management System (OMS) system is integrated\r\n with the GIS system. They collectively serve as a\r\n centralized repository and management for all\r\n outage-related complaints of the Company’s power\r\n distribution network and interface with customer-facing\r\n systems. These systems include the CRM system and the\r\n SCADA system. An effective Building Management System has\r\n been deployed in the Company’s major buildings, such as\r\n the Customer Care Buildings and the Corporate Office.\r\n

    \r\n Innovation\r\n\r\n

    \r\n The Company has established a state-of-the-art new\r\n Technology Centre, which houses both IT and OT\r\n infrastructures. The Centre is managed through the\r\n Building Management System (BMS). The Centre hosts SCADA\r\n and BMS control rooms with round-the-clock operations\r\n monitoring facilities for power systems, network\r\n operations, and building facility management respectively.\r\n Furthermore, the OMS dispatch centre along with the\r\n integrated customer call centre also operates\r\n round-the-clock through a different building. All these\r\n facilities have dedicated operators working in shifts to\r\n ensure seamless service delivery. The Division offices are\r\n also equipped with the web view of SCADA.\r\n


    \r\n The Company has devised a concept of smart substations\r\n equipped with all necessary safety and security-centric\r\n BMS applications viz. Fire Alarm system, CCTV\r\n surveillance, Access Control, Electric Fencing, Public\r\n Address System, Energy Management, Facility Management,\r\n Rodent Repellent, Water Leak Detection, Wicket gate\r\n monitoring, etc. Presently, two completely unmanned smart\r\n substations are deployed on a pilot basis. These\r\n substations are equipped with all the above-mentioned\r\n safety and security features. Many such deployments are\r\n expected in the coming years.\r\n


    \r\n The critical nodes on the optical fibre communication\r\n network of the Company are continuously being monitored\r\n through the centralized Fibre Management and Monitoring\r\n System (FMMS). The FMMS facilitates immediate and accurate\r\n fault detection and location of the network. The Company\r\n has also deployed eight weather-monitoring stations at\r\n strategic locations for better weather monitoring and\r\n subsequent load planning. The Smart grid technologies of\r\n FLISR (Fault Location, Isolation, and Service Restoration)\r\n and Self-Healing grid application have been deployed on\r\n selected 11KV RMU networks. These technologies have\r\n enabled faster fault identification, isolation, and\r\n restoration of healthy networks with supervised and\r\n automated decisions as per technology selection. The\r\n Company is looking forward to expanding its coverage\r\n further to viable power distribution networks.\r\n


    \r\n The Company is also actively engaged in Smart Grid\r\n initiatives. Various projects have been deployed or are\r\n under deployment at 33KV and 11KV distribution networks\r\n viz., real-time control and monitoring of RMUs,\r\n Distribution Transformer Health and Load Monitoring, fault\r\n passage indicators, load break switches, deployment of\r\n smart street light controllers, monitoring of captive and\r\n consumer renewable energy plants and identified HV\r\n consumers with high demand over SCADA system, etc.\r\n

    \r\n\r\n \r\n Walking hand in hand with latest technology\r\n \r\n

    \r\n To keep pace with the changing times, the Company keeps a\r\n tap on the latest developments and technologies that are\r\n being introduced in the power sector. One such application\r\n of the latest technology is Intelligent Load Shedding that\r\n provides a boost to the network management for maintaining\r\n grid discipline. It is done by optimizing the load demand\r\n as per the available power. The Company has also entered\r\n into the realm of Machine Learning and Network\r\n Intelligence through the deployment of the Integrated Load\r\n Forecasting Module, ensuring a better forecast of load\r\n demand.\r\n


    \r\n The Company’s chatbot “Saathi”, based on the technology of\r\n Artificial Intelligence, has been launched on the company\r\n website to take care of the inquiries made by the\r\n customers. Facilitated with a simple conversation format,\r\n the chatbot provides an enriching experience to the\r\n customers through a virtual helpdesk.\r\n


    \r\n The Company has also introduced a real-time Battery Health\r\n Monitoring System (BHMS) for substation batteries. It is\r\n among one of the first such utilities in the power\r\n distribution sector. The next-generation technologies like\r\n the IoT are also under consideration for applications such\r\n as DT Monitoring.\r\n


    \r\n NPCL has successfully tested the ‘Drone’ technology by\r\n conducting a proof of concept to inspect the overhead\r\n distribution line for preventive maintenance and\r\n vegetation management. The objective behind this step is\r\n to arrest the pilferage at low-tension mains and to update\r\n the land base as per the requirement. The drone data\r\n processing software has already been successfully deployed\r\n at the Company's GIS lab. Now the Company is reaping\r\n benefits from the Drone technology as per its defined use\r\n cases on a regular basis.\r\n


    \r\n A sophisticated smart grid lab has been deployed at one of\r\n the Company’s offices locations. It is used for the\r\n purpose of learning, visualization, and testing new and\r\n smart grid technologies viz. GIS applications, SCADA\r\n operations, field area network automation systems, peak\r\n load management system, demand response system, microgrid\r\n system, power quality monitoring, intelligent load\r\n shedding, self-healing system, etc. The lab also has a\r\n test bench to perform troubleshooting of installed systems\r\n and testing of new technologies in the lab environment.\r\n The lab remains under continual up-gradation.\r\n


    \r\n NPCL envisages new technologies and innovations in order\r\n to meet utility requirements in an automotive manner. The\r\n Company has successfully deployed the technology of\r\n Virtual Reality (VR) with the aim to create interactive\r\n and immersive applications. This technology ensures a 360⁰\r\n VR experience of any assets with a realistic and\r\n new-fangled visualization that is used for training\r\n purposes and showcasing the assets remotely. This measure\r\n is one of the foremost implementations in power\r\n distribution utility undertaken with the help of in-house\r\n expertise and skills in the niche technology.\r\n


    \r\n NPCL understands that due consideration is necessary to\r\n develop the power infrastructure and meet the demand\r\n escalation while ensuring business growth. That’s why new\r\n avenues are being explored to procure power from\r\n alternative sources and to supplement the current intake\r\n arrangement to meet the increase in load demand in short\r\n and medium terms.\r\n

    \r\n\r\n \r\n Compliance with Government Defined Standards\r\n \r\n

    \r\n The Company has been taking steps in compliance with the\r\n Honorable UPERC order and the directives of the 13th\r\n amendment of the Electricity Supply Code. One of such\r\n steps is converting the existing housing societies from a\r\n single point to multipoint connections. This is done with\r\n the help of smart prepaid meters with dual register and\r\n dual recharge feature for Grid and DG supply. This is\r\n accomplished by using the RF communication infrastructure\r\n for two-way data communication. The Company is also\r\n releasing new connections of multi-story residential\r\n buildings in compliance with the Honorable UPERC order.\r\n The connections being released in multiple point mode are\r\n only for the supply of power to individual owners or\r\n occupants.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default InitiativeUndertaken;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Chart from \"react-apexcharts\";\r\n\r\nconst OurCustomer = () => {\r\n const series2 = [858, 3324, 95855, 520, 1249, 3554, 8, 342, 246, 751];\r\n const options2 = {\r\n chart: {\r\n width: \"100%\",\r\n type: \"bar\",\r\n color: \"#ff0000\",\r\n },\r\n labels: [\r\n \"Large & Heavy Industry\",\r\n \"Small & Medium Industry\",\r\n \"Domestic Light, Fan & Power Supply\",\r\n \"Institutions\",\r\n \"Private Tubewell Connections\",\r\n \"Commercial Establishments\",\r\n \"State Tube well Connections\",\r\n \"Public Lighting\",\r\n \"Public Water Works\",\r\n \"Temporary Supplies\",\r\n ],\r\n theme: {\r\n monochrome: {\r\n enabled: false,\r\n },\r\n },\r\n plotOptions: {\r\n pie: {\r\n dataLabels: {\r\n offset: -5,\r\n },\r\n },\r\n },\r\n title: {\r\n text: \"\",\r\n },\r\n\r\n legend: {\r\n show: true,\r\n },\r\n chart: {\r\n foreColor: \"#373d3f\",\r\n },\r\n };\r\n\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Our Customer\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Profile\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Energy Services\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Initiative Undertaken\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Our Customer\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Challenges Ahead\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Award & Recognition\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Credit Rating\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n Customer Profile\r\n

    \r\n NPCL has a dynamic customer profile with domestic customers\r\n constituting the largest share by volume, followed by\r\n industrial and commercial customers. Institutional category\r\n forms the next major segment while tubewells, temporary\r\n supply and public services constitute the remaining bucket\r\n of customers. Detailed bifurcation of overall consumer base\r\n among various customer segments is shown over here.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n {/* \r\n \r\n \r\n */}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Category of ConsumersNo. of Connections as on (31.03.2023)
    Large & Heavy Industry 972
    Small & Medium Industry 3601
    Domestic Light, Fan & Power Supply 122861
    Institutions 527
    Private Tubewell Connections 1025
    Commercial Establishments 4497
    State Tube well Connections 8
    Public Lighting 421
    Public Water Works 302
    Other 1008
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default OurCustomer;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\n\r\nconst ChallagesAhead = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Challenges Ahead\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Profile\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Energy Services\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Initiative Undertaken\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Our Customer\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Challenges Ahead\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Award & Recognition\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Credit Rating\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n The challenge ahead lies in nurturing and retaining\r\n talent in an environment of increasing private sector\r\n participation in the utility business.\r\n


    \r\n Institutionalising HR practices will be a major task in\r\n building a performance-driven organisation. It is also\r\n imperative for pursuing the business goal of being a\r\n quality supplier at an affordable price.\r\n


    \r\n The aim is to build a responsive organisation dedicated\r\n to people, processes, and practices. NPCL intends to\r\n ensure the least turn-around time, provide the ‘best in\r\n className’ services to customers, and balance growth\r\n with profitability.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ChallagesAhead;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\n\r\nconst CreditRating = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Credit Rating\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Profile\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Energy Services\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Initiative Undertaken\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Our Customer\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Challenges Ahead\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Award & Recognition\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Credit Rating\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n\r\n CREDIT RATING\r\n

    \r\n NPCL is one of select few distribution Company in India\r\n to be assigned “AA” category of Credit Rating. Its\r\n credit rating & outlook for Long Term facilities have\r\n been upgraded 4 times in 5 years. NPCL also secured\r\n highest credit rating of A1+ for its short term\r\n borrowings moving up from initial rating of A2+ within 5\r\n years only. NPCL’s has been assigned Credit Ratings\r\n under Basel-II norms by India Ratings & Research\r\n (formerly Fitch Ratings).\r\n


    \"\" Please click here to download

    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default CreditRating;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst LifestyleImprovement = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Lifestyle Improvement\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Corporate Social Responsibility\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Lifestyle Improvement\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Community Development\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Commitment to Environment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n CSR Activities\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Quality of life has improved significantly in\r\n villages consequent upon network engineering under\r\n ‘ECO’ Project, resulting in reliable power supply.\r\n Customer response is overwhelming, the number of\r\n metered cases in villages having swelled to 11414 in\r\n 2007-08 and been targeted to reach 14000 by end of\r\n FY 2008-09 to cover 80% of the rural domestic\r\n consumer population.\r\n


    \r\n Thanks to reliable power supply, a Computer\r\n Institute has taken roots in one of the villages for\r\n training the local boys and girls. Small trade has\r\n flourished, while law and order is improved. More\r\n importantly, villagers have access to lifestyle\r\n amenities, like television.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Success of the measures implemented is seen from the\r\n comments made by U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, who\r\n visited one such site and stated:\r\n


    \r\n “…seeing first-hand the tangible quality of life\r\n improvements brought by reliable electricity was\r\n memorable. It was especially impressive to hear from\r\n the students about the real-life impact of power\r\n reform in their day-to-day lives”.\r\n


    \r\n In a subsequent visit, the Chargé d´Affaires,\r\n Mr. Robert O. Blake , had commented:\r\n


    \r\n \r\n “What is perhaps most impressive, though, is the\r\n tremendous positive impact your organisation has\r\n had on the lives of the people in the villages\r\n that your project has touched. I am pleased that\r\n the United States Government through USAID has\r\n been able to participate in this”\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default LifestyleImprovement;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\n\r\nconst CommunityDevelopment = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Community Development\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Corporate Social Responsibility\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Lifestyle Improvement\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Community Development\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Commitment to Environment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n CSR Activities\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Consistent with the public policy of providing\r\n ‘electricity to all’, the Company has drawn the broad\r\n agenda of improving the power supply in rural areas under\r\n a unique scheme that combines network engineering with\r\n social engineering.\r\n


    \r\n As a first-time measure, the services of an NGO have been\r\n introduced to undertake social intermediation in villages,\r\n cultivate commercial behaviour among consumers and promote\r\n both energy and water conservation as an act of public\r\n good. Immediate impact is seen in the spread of computer\r\n literacy, improvement in agricultural produce and\r\n enhancement of small trade as an outcome of reliable power\r\n supply. Community participation is encouraged to realise\r\n the benefits of electricity as a means of social\r\n upliftment and lifestyle improvement. Local self-help\r\n groups are encouraged to build partnerships with the\r\n Company and undertake such activities as bill distribution\r\n on contractual terms. A 'Village Contact Person' now helps\r\n NPCL in network surveillance, credit control and complaint\r\n handling.\r\n


    \r\n Quality of life is an enabler in ushering in new mindsets\r\n that help improve the environment in which the utility has\r\n to operate. To drive home the advantage of improved\r\n electric lighting (now available day-long), active\r\n interventions have been made in promoting basic literacy\r\n among women by holding night classNamees, which are being\r\n funded by NPCL. The result is that NPCL is today not\r\n viewed merely as an organisation with commercial\r\n interests, but one with a social agenda.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default CommunityDevelopment;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\n\r\nconst CommitmentToEnvironment = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Commitment to Environment\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Corporate Social Responsibility\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Lifestyle Improvement\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Community Development\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Commitment to Environment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n CSR Activities\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n The Company has an important role in developing the\r\n concept of water-energy nexus and promoting optimum\r\n groundwater usage.\r\n


    \r\n A novel financing scheme is offered to farmers for\r\n employing energy-efficient pumps in exchange of their\r\n existing sets to help economise groundwater pumping to\r\n suit current cropping patterns.\r\n


    \r\n Farmers gain as their monthly spend on energy is\r\n reduced, arising out of economic pumping. Concurrently,\r\n environmental cause is served as over-pumping is\r\n avoided, thereby protecting the water table and local\r\n ecology. As a unique step, the pumps are metered to\r\n account for the energy consumed.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \\\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default CommitmentToEnvironment;\r\n","import React,{useState} from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\n\r\nconst CSRActivities = () => {\r\n const [show,setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show1,setShow1] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2,setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const settings = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n slidesToShow: 2,\r\n slidesToScroll: 2,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed:1900,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Lifestyle Improvement\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Corporate Social Responsibility\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Lifestyle Improvement\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Community Development\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Commitment to Environment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n CSR Activities\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n CSR INITIATIVES\r\n
    \r\n (slider = slider)}\r\n {...settings}\r\n >\r\n
    \r\n \"NPCL-csr\"/\r\n

    Say “No. to Plastic”


    \r\n With a view to curb use of plastic bags thereby supporting governments “Swachh Bharat” mission, the company launched an initiative of “Say No to Plastic” under which Jute Bags were distributed to its consumers.\r\n

    \r\n \"NPCL-csr\"/\r\n

    Say “No. to Plastic”


    \r\n With a view to curb use of plastic bags thereby supporting governments “Swachh Bharat” mission, the company launched an initiative of “Say No to Plastic” under which Jute Bags were distributed to its consumers.\r\n

    \r\n \"NPCL-csr\"/\r\n

    Renovating a Govt. School in Greater Noida


    \r\n A Co-ed school in Tugalpur, Greater Noida with a strength of 492 students reading in Standard 1st to Vth was in a worn-out condition. NPCL constructed 2 new classrooms with a sitting capacity of 50 each, provided LED lights, fans, white boards and benches in each class room. Washrooms for both boys and girls were revamped and a covered canopy was constructed for better drinking water facility setShow1(!show1)} >{show1 ? (<>show less):(<>read more.....)}

    \r\n \r\n {show1 ? (Mr. B. N. Singh, District Magistrate Gautam Buddha Nagar inaugurated the two new classrooms):null}\r\n
    \r\n \"NPCL-csr\"/\r\n

    Promoting Health & Hygiene through CSR Activity at Prathmik Vidhyalaya, Luksar, Greater Noida


    NPCL in its endeavor to promote better health and hygiene in rural areas, continued its humble initiative of constructing washrooms in Government schools under CSR. 4 new washrooms were constructed at Prathmik Vidhyalaya, Fatehpur Rampur, Greater Noida which were handed over to the schools on 3rd Mar’20 over a small function where NPCL team created awareness among the students on Importance of education, electricity conservation tips, how to maintain basic health & hygiene setShow(!show)} >{show ? (<>show less):(<>read more.....)}

    \r\n {show ? (Imprinted Jute Bags with “Say no to plastic” were distributed along with safety pamphlets to childrens and entire staff of the School.):null}\r\n
    \r\n \"NPCL-csr\"/\r\n

    NPCL’s CSR initiative “ROSHNI”


    A full day Health Check up Camp was organized by NPCL on 6th Sep’19 in collaboration with Sharda Hospital for the residents of Old Age home, Bilaspur. All 57 residents underwent Eye Test, Dental Screening, ECG, Urine Test, Blood Test & consultation by a physician.

    \r\n \"NPCL-csr\"/\r\n

    Renovating a Govt. School in Greater Noida


    A Co-ed school in Tugalpur, Greater Noida with a strength of 492 students reading in Standard 1st to Vth was in a worn-out condition. NPCL constructed 2 new classrooms with a sitting capacity of 50 each, provided LED lights, fans, white boards and benches in each class room. Washrooms for both boys and girls were revamped and a covered canopy was constructed for better drinking water facility setShow2(!show2)} style={{color:\"red\",cursor:\"pointer\"}}>{show2 ? (<>show less):(<>read more.....)}

    \r\n {show2 ? (Mr. B. N. Singh, District Magistrate Gautam Buddha Nagar inaugurated the two new classrooms):null} \r\n
    \r\n \"NPCL-csr\"/\r\n

    Distribution of Ration at Janipura Village, Greater Noida


    NPCL distributed ration to 40 families of Janipura Village, Gautam Buddha Nagar, residing in kachcha house or jhuggi.\r\n

    Due to Covid-19 pandemic, most of the residents in this village have lost their jobs and are now dependent on others to provide them food and other essentials. Distribution of Anaaj to the residents will ensure that even the poor / needy does not sleep empty stomach at least for few weeks.

    \r\n \"NPCL-csr\"/\r\n

    Distribution of Ration at Janipura Village, Greater Noida


    NPCL undertook this noble Initiative of giving “Roshni” to 5 Residents of Old Age Home ’Bilaspur, all between the age group of 63 – 67 and got them admitted on 17th Oct’19 in Sharda Hospital, Greater Noida for their eye surgeries.\r\n\r\n

    NPCL CSR team also ensured hassle free post-operative care and provided 1 month prescribed medicines along with Fruits and health drink.

    \r\n \"NPCL\r\n

    Self Defence Workshop in 12 Government Schools of Greater Noida \r\n


    NPCL in collaboration with Yodha Israeli Military Close Combat System (KRAV MAGA), organises Self Defence workshop for all the girls students and female teachers of the Government School. It will be a 5 days workshop in each school . NPCL will also provide Certificates to all the students and teachers after successful completion of the workshop.

    \r\n \"NPCL\r\n

    Mega Health drive in 12 Government Schools of Greater Noida \r\n


    NPCL in collaboration with Sharda Welfare Foundation Organises Mega Health Drive for all the students of 12 Government Schools wherein a team of Specialised doctors (Paediatric, Ophthalmologist and Dental) will be available for health Check-up of the Students.\r\n\r\n

    Awareness Session on Health & Hygiene will also be provided by the specialised doctors .

    \r\n \"NPCL\r\n

    Installation of Fitness Equipment’s/Swings (Play Equipment's) in Government Schools\r\n \r\n


    In continuation to our CSR initiatives focused in Government Schools, NPCL has started an initiative to promote health and fitness thru Installation of Fitness Equipment’s/Swings (Play Equipment's) in 4 Government Schools of Greater Noida \r\n NPCL installed 5 equipment’s (2 fitness equipment’s and 3 play equipment’s) in the playground of schools. Fitness equipment’s will help students to develop motor skills—grip strength, hand, arm and finger coordination, weight, etc. It will also develop core muscles of the children. \r\n

    Installation work has been completed in Upper Primary School-Salempur Gurjar, Composite School-Pipalka Daudpur, Composite School-Fatehpur Rampur, Prathmikh Vidyalaya-Dabra\r\n

    \r\n \"NPCL\r\n

    Installation of Fitness Equipment’s/Swings (Play Equipment's) in Government Schools\r\n \r\n


    In continuation to our CSR initiatives focused in Government Schools, NPCL has started an initiative to promote health and fitness thru Installation of Fitness Equipment’s/Swings (Play Equipment's) in 4 Government Schools of Greater Noida \r\n NPCL installed 5 equipment’s (2 fitness equipment’s and 3 play equipment’s) in the playground of schools. Fitness equipment’s will help students to develop motor skills—grip strength, hand, arm and finger coordination, weight, etc. It will also develop core muscles of the children. \r\n

    Installation work has been completed in Upper Primary School-Salempur Gurjar, Composite School-Pipalka Daudpur, Composite School-Fatehpur Rampur, Prathmikh Vidyalaya-Dabra\r\n

    \r\n \"NPCL\r\n

    NPCL Equips 10 Government Schools With Smart Classes under CSR\r\n


    NPCL under CSR installed 1 interactive Smart Panel in 10 schools with an aim to improve learning experience of the students.\r\n\r\n\r\n
    This smart panel can also be used by teachers to write on it using a stylus pen, save the text for reference in future. The interactive Panel is equipped with NCERT prescribed syllabus for all subjects till Class XII. This shall be used by all classes of the respective schools on rotational basis. \r\n \r\n
    This was installed with a License of 5 years during which any update w.r.t. NCERT syllabus will be available to the schools free of cost.\r\n\r\n

    \r\n \"NPCL\r\n

    Joy of Giving


    “Joy of Giving” initiative was launched by the company in which the employees enthusiastically demonstrated their social commitment by giving Clothes, Woollens & Toys which can be used by the under privileged.\r\n\r\n

    NPCL team handed over 14 cartons clothes and toys to GOONJ, an NGO which will further distribute the clothes and toys to the needy under “ ODHA DO ZINDAGI INITIATIVE”\r\n \r\n

    \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n {/*

    \r\n In continuation to our CSR Initiative; NPCL constructed\r\n washrooms in the Advocates Chamber at Collectrate\r\n Office, Greater Noida, District Gautam Buddha Nagar,\r\n Uttar Pradesh These newly constructed washrooms were\r\n inaugurated by Mr. B. N. Singh, District Magistrate\r\n Gautam Buddha Nagar on 9th Jan’20.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default CSRActivities;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst Header2 = () => {\r\n function openFuncation() {\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"search-wrap\");\r\n element.classList.add(\"searchactive\");\r\n }\r\n\r\n function closeFuncation() {\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"search-wrap\");\r\n element.classList.remove(\"searchactive\");\r\n }\r\n function menuopenFuncation() {\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"fixmnu\");\r\n element.classList.add(\"active\");\r\n\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"bodyaddid\");\r\n element.classList.add(\"scrollstop\");\r\n }\r\n\r\n function menuclaseFuncation() {\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"fixmnu\");\r\n element.classList.remove(\"active\");\r\n\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"bodyaddid\");\r\n element.classList.remove(\"scrollstop\");\r\n }\r\n function menuopenFunction() {\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"fixmenuds1\");\r\n element.classList.add(\"active\");\r\n\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"scrollhead\");\r\n element.classList.add(\"scrollstop\");\r\n }\r\n\r\n function closemencation() {\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"fixmenuds1\");\r\n element.classList.remove(\"active\");\r\n\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"scrollhead\");\r\n element.classList.remove(\"scrollstop\");\r\n }\r\n function closemenus() {\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"fixmenuds1\");\r\n element.classList.remove(\"active\");\r\n\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"scrollhead\");\r\n element.classList.remove(\"scrollstop\");\r\n }\r\n window.onscroll = function () {\r\n headerFunction();\r\n };\r\n\r\n function headerFunction() {\r\n if (\r\n document.body.scrollTop > 50 ||\r\n document.documentElement.scrollTop > 50\r\n ) {\r\n document.getElementById(\"headerbottom\").className =\r\n \"headerbottom designtime\";\r\n document.getElementById(\"navbar-collapse\").className =\r\n \"navbar-collapse mobilemenu designtime\";\r\n document.getElementById(\"navbar-collapse1\").className =\r\n \"collapse navbar-collapse designtime\";\r\n } else {\r\n document.getElementById(\"headerbottom\").className = \"headerbottom\";\r\n document.getElementById(\"navbar-collapse\").className =\r\n \"navbar-collapse mobilemenu\";\r\n document.getElementById(\"navbar-collapse1\").className =\r\n \"collapse navbar-collapse\";\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function show1() {\r\n document.getElementById(\"div1\").style.display = \"none\";\r\n }\r\n function show2() {\r\n document.getElementById(\"div1\").style.display = \"block\";\r\n }\r\n\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Home\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n About NPCL\r\n \r\n
        • \r\n NPCL At A Glance\r\n
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        • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Company Profile\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
        • \r\n
        • \r\n \r\n Corporate Policies\r\n \r\n
        • \r\n
        • \r\n \r\n Notice of 31st AGM\r\n \r\n
        • \r\n
        • \r\n \r\n Award & Recognition\r\n \r\n
        • \r\n
        • \r\n Our Value Systems\r\n
        • \r\n
        • \r\n \r\n Vision & Mission\r\n \r\n
        • \r\n\r\n
        • \r\n \r\n RPSG Group Vision and Core Values\r\n \r\n
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        • \r\n Corporate Citizenship\r\n
        • \r\n
        • \r\n \r\n Corporate Social Responsibility\r\n \r\n
        • \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulations\r\n \r\n
      • Tariff
      • \r\n
        • \r\n \r\n Tariff applicable from 4th August 2022\r\n \r\n
        • \r\n
        • \r\n \r\n NPCL Tariff Order for FY 2022-23 dated 20th July\r\n 2022\r\n \r\n
        • \r\n
        • \r\n \r\n Cost Data Book\r\n \r\n
        • \r\n
        • \r\n \r\n UPERC Roof top Solar PV regulations 2019{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
        • \r\n
        • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Tariff Schedule\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
        • \r\n
        • \r\n \r\n UP Electricity Supply Code\r\n \r\n
        • \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Procurement\r\n \r\n
      • Procurement
      • \r\n
      • \r\n \r\n Online Vendor Registration\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n \r\n Contact for e-Procurement\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n \r\n Contact for Power-Procurement\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n \r\n Tenders\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Careers\r\n \r\n
      • Life @ NPCL
      • \r\n
      • \r\n \r\n Current Openings\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n \r\n Upload Your CV\r\n \r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sign In/ Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n {/*
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    • */}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n X\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Header2;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport { Margin } from \"@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts\";\r\n\r\nconst ConsumerPortal = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n cssEase: \"linear\",\r\n };\r\n function menuclaseFuncation() {\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"fixmnu\");\r\n element.classList.remove(\"active\");\r\n\r\n var element = document.getElementById(\"bodyaddid\");\r\n element.classList.remove(\"scrollstop\");\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Self\r\n Meter Reading\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Quick\r\n Bill Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Payment Options\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n CGRFs & Ombudsman\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n {/*
      \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
    */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n {/* \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n */}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Application Form{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Register a complaint\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Bill / Estimate Payments\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n Digital Services{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Center{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer engagement\r\n
      and awareness\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Feedback{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Information Board\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Offer\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Own Choice meter\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Tubewell(LMV-5) Subsidy Scheme\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Single Point Compliance Reports\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n You May Also be interested in\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Quick Links{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
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    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Safety First\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Grievance Redressal Mechanism\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Video / Photo Gallery\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Contact Us\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ConsumerPortal;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst RegisterComplain = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Consumer Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Consumer Complaint\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n

    Register a Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Supply Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Bill Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Meter Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Service Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Safety Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Theft Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default RegisterComplain;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst BillEstimatePayment = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Bill Estimate Payment

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Bill Estimate Payment\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n

    Bill Estimate Payment

    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n View/Download Bill and Estimate\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Payment Modes\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Make Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Last Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default BillEstimatePayment;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst DigitalServices = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \"digital\r\n

    Digital Serivce

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Digital Serivce\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n

    Digital Services

    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Know Your Consumer Number\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Payment Gateways\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n 2 Way SMS Services\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"{\" \"}\r\n WhatsApp\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"{\" \"}\r\n Mobile App\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\" 24x7\r\n Call Centre\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\" 24x7\r\n Kiosk services\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Apply Online\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n KYC Update\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n Appointment Based Services\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n Apply for Isolation / Revocation\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Document Submission\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Application Status Check\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n NPCL Saathi\r\n \r\n
    • */}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default DigitalServices;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst KnowledgeCenter = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Knowledge Center

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Knowledge Center\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n

    Knowledge Center

    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Handbook\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Manual of Practice for handling Consumer\r\n Complaints\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n SOP'19 Guidelines\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n DISCOM Dictionary\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Know your Prepaid Meter\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Third Party Meter Testing\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"{\" \"}\r\n Holiday Calendar\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Awareness\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\" FAQ\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default KnowledgeCenter;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst InformationBoard = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Information Board

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Information Board\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n

    Information Board

    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Customer Care Office queue status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"{\" \"}\r\n Single point to multipont conversion\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Solor Rooftop (Net Metering)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default InformationBoard;\r\n","import React, { useEffect } from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst ConsumerEngagementAndAwareness = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Consumer Engagement and Awareness

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Consumer Engagement and Awareness\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n

    \r\n Consumer Engagement and Awareness\r\n

    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Contact Programme\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Week\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Nukkad Natak\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"{\" \"}\r\n Youtube\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Creatives (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ConsumerEngagementAndAwareness;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst Feedback = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n


    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n


    • \r\n \r\n \"\"{\" \"}\r\n Feedback for Website\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"{\" \"}\r\n Feedback for Services\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Testimonials\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Feedback;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst Sustainability = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n


    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Sustainability\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Sustainability \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n

    Our ESG Vision: Statement from our MD&CEO with Picture of MD sir

    \r\n \r\n \r\n Powering lives. Empowering dreams Powering lives. Empowering dreams Powering lives. Empowering dreams.\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n Our ESG Priorities \r\n \r\n NPCL Materiality Index \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n
    \r\n Environment Tab \r\n \r\n Climate Change:\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n

    SDG FOCUS: Affordable and Green Energy

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n

    Climate Action

    \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n \r\n
    \r\n 2030 Target \r\n\r\n
    • Rooftop Solar development of 10MWp
    • \r\n
    • Commitment of EV fleet conversion
    • \r\n
    • Commitment of new substation as green certified substation
    • \r\n
    • T&D Loss Reduction from 7.95% to 5.95%
    • \r\n

    Our Approach:


    RE Integration


    EV Adoption


    T&D Loss Reduction

    \r\n Key Initiative:\r\n

    1.\tLeveraging Rooftop Solar for sustainable Power:


    We have Developed 400Kwp rooftop solar on our 12 office and substations buildings. NPCL has 66 Number of substations which have potential of 18MWp rooftop solar. We are planning to develop 10 MWp rooftop solar by 2030.


    2.\tGreen Building Certification:


    NPCL as a environment conscious company has converted ….. square feet of operating area into certified green spaces. Two of our offices are LEED Gold Standard Green certified building by USGBC. We are committed through our efforts to ensure that all new buildings are certified Green Buildings and retrofit of all existing building is as per the Green Building guidelines.


    3.\tAdoption of Electric Vehicles:


    At NPCL we are deeply committed to creating a sustainable future for our planet. In line with our vision, we have set a bold and ambitious target to replace 80% of our operational fleet with Electric Vehicles (EVs) by the year 2030.
    \r\n \r\n Our journey towards achieving this target will involve fostering partnerships with leading EV manufacturers, investing in charging infrastructure, and incentivizing sustainable practices for our employees and stakeholders.\r\n


    4.\tT&D Loss Reduction:


    Our unwavering commitment to operational excellence, continuous improvement, and innovative solutions has enabled us to achieve industry-leading T&D loss figures. As we forge ahead, we remain steadfast in our pursuit of excellence, striving to set new standards for T&D loss reduction and contributing to a sustainable energy future for our nation.\r\n

    \r\n\r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n Water Management: \r\n

    At NPCL, we firmly believe that water is a precious and finite resource that demands our utmost respect and responsible stewardship. We continuously strive to reduce our water intensity through various water conservation, improving water efficiency and implementing zero liquid discharge initiatives and maximizing reuse and recycle of freshwater.\r\n




    Clean water and Sanitation

    \r\n \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n 2030 Target \r\n\r\n
    • Water Neutral company by 2030
    • \r\n \r\n

    Our Approach:


    Rain Water Harvesting


    Improving Water Efficiency


    Implementing Zero Liquid Discharge

    \r\n Key Initiative:\r\n

    Rain Water Harvesting System:


    Our Rainwater Harvesting Initiative aims to harness the power of nature's gift by capturing and storing rainwater for various beneficial purposes. We at NPCL has developed …… KL Water harvesting system on our office and substations.


    Commissioning of 50KL STP

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Environment Management: \r\n

    NPCL strives to be a leader in sustainable business practices, paving the way for a thriving and resilient future for our planet. We are fully committed to integrating sustainable environmental management practices into every aspect of our operations, products, and services.\r\n




    Responsible consumption and production and Life of land

    \r\n \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n

    At NPCL we believe that effective waste management is integral to our commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability. We are committed to adopting responsible waste practices throughout our operations, with the aim of minimizing our environmental impact and promoting a circular economy.

    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n

    Key Initiative:

    1.\tReverse Vending Machine Installation at NPCL Three Office building to recycle Used plastic PET bottle and Aluminium Can:

    NPCL has installed Reverse Vending machine at three strategic location on basis of consumer footfall to recycle used plastic bottle in Feb 2023. Within 5 months of installation, 10000 Plastic pet bottles recycled and converted into useful product like T shirts, Caps and Bags.

    2.\tElectronic Waste Drop Box for employees to drop their e waste:

    NPCL has installed E-Waste Drop at their corporate and customer care office to provide channel to employees for sustainable disposal of electronic waste. Certain Monterey benefit (on basis of electronic item) and Green Warrior Certificate is also provided to all who disposed their electronic waste.

    3.\tPaper Recycle Bin near all printer to segregate paper waste for recycling:

    NPCL has installed Paper recycling bin to promote paper waste segregation at source. All collected paper waste is getting recycled through approved recyclers and convert it into biodegradable stationary item. \r\n

    4.\tOrganic Waste De composter for food waste management:

    NPCL has installed 25kg/day De composter to convert food waste/kitchen waste from canteen to compost and divert waste from landfill. \r\n

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n
    \r\n Social Tab: \r\n

    Community Development:

    \r\n \r\n

    SDG Focus, Target, Approach

    \r\n Theme based CSR project and 2030 goals \r\n\r\n

    Workforce Prosperity


    We remain steadfast in our belief that by nurturing our employees' growth, fostering inclusivity, prioritizing well-being, and upholding ethics we inspire trust in our employees and stakeholders.


    SDG Focus

    \r\n \r\n

    Rain Water Harvesting


    Improving Water Efficiency

    \r\n \r\n

    2030 Target

    • 1.\t15% Women participation in workforce
    • \r\n
    • 2.\t
    • \r\n\r\n


    \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n
    \r\n Occupational Health and safety \r\n

    At NPCL, the health, safety, and well-being of our employees, contractors, visitors, and the communities in which we operate are paramount. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) to ensure a safe and secure working environment for everyone associated with our operations.

    \r\n \r\n

    SDG Focus


    2030 Target

    \r\n \r\n Zero Incident in workplace and Zero Incident resulting from logistics and transportation and installation/repair of equipment\r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n

    Our approach


    Key Initiative:

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Human Rights \r\n

    At NPCL, we firmly believe in the inherent dignity and worth of every individual. Our commitment to human rights is unwavering, and we strive to ensure that these rights are upheld in every aspect of our operations and interactions. Our commitment encompasses the following aspects of human rights.


    SDG Focus


    Corporate Governance


    At NPCL, we believe that strong corporate governance is the foundation of our success and the key to building trust among our stakeholders. NPCL's corporate governance framework is designed to safeguard our values, preserve our reputation, and contribute to sustainable growth.


    Ethical Conduct: We uphold the highest standards of ethical behaviour in all our interactions. Our directors, officers, and employees are expected to act with honesty, integrity, and fairness in every decision and action they undertake.


    Transparency: We are committed to transparent communication and reporting. Our financial disclosures, operational performance, and decision-making processes are open and accessible to our stakeholders.


    Accountability: We take responsibility for our actions and outcomes. Our management team is held accountable for achieving our strategic objectives while adhering to our values and ethical principles.


    Board of Directors: Our Board of Directors is dedicated to overseeing the company's affairs in the best interests of shareholders and stakeholders. We have a diverse and competent board, with independent directors who bring valuable expertise.


    Risk Management: We prioritize robust risk management practices to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks that could impact our operations, financial performance, and reputation.


    Stakeholder Engagement: We engage with our stakeholders, including employees, communities, customers, and suppliers, to understand their needs, expectations, and concerns. This informs our decisions and contributes to our sustainable growth.


    Legal and Regulatory Compliance: We adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and standards. Our compliance efforts extend to all aspects of our operations to maintain our ethical standing.


    Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuous improvement in our corporate governance practices. We regularly review our policies and procedures to ensure they remain aligned with best practices and evolving expectations.

    \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n
    \r\n Sustainability’, our 7th Pillar \r\n

    ‘Sustainability’ as a pillar is the recent addition to our list of Values. It has always been a driving pillar for ensuring long term value creation among our stakeholders and is embedded into our way of doing business. This also sets a benchmark and boosts our competitiveness in the market.


    SDG Focus:

    \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n
    \r\n \"NPCL\"\r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Sustainability;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst QuickLinks = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Links

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Quick Links\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Quick Links\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n \r\n

    Quick Links

    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Quick Bill Pay\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Self-Meter Reading\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Prepaid Meter Recharge\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Sathi\r\n \r\n
    • */}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default QuickLinks;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst SafetyFirst = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Safety First

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Safety First\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n

    Safety First

    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Safety Tips\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Do's & Don’ts\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Easy Way to Lower Your Bills\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Report a concern\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default SafetyFirst;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\n\r\nconst ChequeDropBox = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Payment Options\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Cheque Drop Box\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Cash/Cheque Collection Centres\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Digital Payment Centres\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Cheque Drop Box\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Online Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n RTGS and NEFT Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Billing Complaint Resolution\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n NACH\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n CHEQUE DROP BOX\r\n

    NPCL Customer Care, Sector KP-I Tugalpur


    \r\n NPCL Customer Care, Sector Techzone – IV, Opp.\r\n Cherry County Society\r\n


    \r\n NPCL Substation , Sector Alpha-I Opp. Ryan\r\n International School\r\n


    \r\n NPCL Substation , Sector Omega-I Builders Area\r\n Near AWHO Apartments\r\n


    NPCL Substation , Surajpur Opp. Police Chowki


    \r\n Bar Association Office, Surajpur District Court\r\n

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ChequeDropBox;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\n\r\nconst OnlinePayment = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Payment Options\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Online Payment\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Cash/Cheque Collection Centres\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Digital Payment Centres\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Cheque Drop Box\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Online Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n RTGS and NEFT Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Billing Complaint Resolution\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n NACH\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ONLINE PAYMENT\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Login\r\n {\" \"}\r\n and pay for registered users or {\"\"}\r\n \r\n Quick Bill pay\r\n \r\n {\"\"} for unregistered users\r\n


    \r\n To pay through BBPS,\r\n \r\n Click here\r\n \r\n


    \r\n For Prepaid meter recharge,\r\n \r\n Click here\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default OnlinePayment;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\n\r\nconst RTGSAndNEFTPayment = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Payment Options\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n RTGS and NEFT Payment\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Cash/Cheque Collection Centres\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Digital Payment Centres\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Cheque Drop Box\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Online Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n RTGS and NEFT Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Billing Complaint Resolution\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n NACH\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n We would like to bring to your notice that you may now\r\n make payment of your monthly electricity consumption\r\n bills through the mode of RTGS and NEFT from your own\r\n bank account.\r\n


    \r\n You are required to enter the following details for\r\n making the payment through RTGS/NEFT:\r\n

    Beneficiary Account No.



    \r\n 'xxxxxx' should be Customer's Contract Account\r\n Number as mentioned on Bill.\r\n


    \r\n (It is cautioned that the Business Partner or\r\n Consumer numbers should not be used here, kindly\r\n ensure that only Contract Account Number as\r\n mentioned on bill is used)\r\n

    \r\n \r\n
    Beneficiary Name


    Beneficiary Address

    \r\n Electric Sub-station, Knowledge Park – IV, Greater\r\n Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar, UP – 201310\r\n

    Bank Name


    Branch Name

    Sandoz Branch, Mumbai

    IFSC Code



    \r\n It would also be necessary for you to intimate us,\r\n i.e. NPCL after making the first payment in order to\r\n initiate the new arrangement.\r\n


    \r\n To send the intimation, please click here.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n click here.\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default RTGSAndNEFTPayment;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst FppCA = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Fuel and Power Purchase Cost Adjustment (FPPCA)\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n Fuel and Power Purchase Cost Adjustment (FPPCA) \r\n \r\n Q1 FY 2023-24 \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 1. FPPCA Public Notice_Q1 FY 2023-24\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 2. NPCL's Submission for Q1 FY 2023-24\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 3. Annexure-1 FPPCA FY24 (Qtr-1)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 4. Hon'ble UPERC Order dt. 28.08.2023\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 5.Annexure-1 FPPCA FY24 (Qtr-1)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n\r\n Q4 FY 2022-23 \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 1. FPPCA Public Notice_Q4 FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 2. NPCL's Submission for Q4 FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 3. Annexure-1 FPPCA FY23 (Qtr-4)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 4. Hon'ble UPERC Order dt. 28.08.2023\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 5. Annexure-1 FPPCA FY23 (Qtr-4)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default FppCA;\r\n"," import React, { useState, useEffect } from \"react\";\r\n import Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\n import Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\n import Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n import FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\n import { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n import { Legend } from \"recharts\";\r\n\r\n\r\n const TariffPetetionARR2425 = () => {\r\n const [show1, setShow1] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2, setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const [show3, setShow3] = useState(false);\r\n const [show4, setShow4] = useState(false);\r\n const [show5, setShow5] = useState(false);\r\n const [show6, setShow6] = useState(false);\r\n const [show7, setShow7] = useState(false);\r\n const [show8, setShow8] = useState(false);\r\n const [show9, setShow9] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n useEffect(() => {\r\n setShow1(true);\r\n }, []);\r\n\r\n const toggleShow1 = () => {\r\n setShow1(!show1);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show6) {\r\n setShow6(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show7) {\r\n setShow7(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show8) {\r\n setShow8(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show9) {\r\n setShow9(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n \r\n const toggleShow2 = () => {\r\n setShow2(!show2);\r\n if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show6) {\r\n setShow6(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show7) {\r\n setShow7(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show8) {\r\n setShow8(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show9) {\r\n setShow9(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n \r\n const toggleShow3 = () => {\r\n setShow3(!show3);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show6) {\r\n setShow6(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show7) {\r\n setShow7(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show8) {\r\n setShow8(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show9) {\r\n setShow9(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n const toggleShow4 = () => {\r\n setShow4(!show4);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show6) {\r\n setShow6(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show7) {\r\n setShow7(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show8) {\r\n setShow8(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show9) {\r\n setShow9(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n const toggleShow5 = () => {\r\n setShow5(!show5);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show6) {\r\n setShow6(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show7) {\r\n setShow7(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show8) {\r\n setShow8(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show9) {\r\n setShow9(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n const toggleShow6 = () => {\r\n setShow6(!show6);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show7) {\r\n setShow7(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show8) {\r\n setShow8(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show9) {\r\n setShow9(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n const toggleShow7 = () => {\r\n setShow7(!show7);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show6) {\r\n setShow6(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show8) {\r\n setShow8(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show9) {\r\n setShow9(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n const toggleShow8 = () => {\r\n setShow8(!show8);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show6) {\r\n setShow6(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show7) {\r\n setShow7(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show9) {\r\n setShow9(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n const toggleShow9 = () => {\r\n setShow9(!show9);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show6) {\r\n setShow6(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show8) {\r\n setShow8(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show7) {\r\n setShow7(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n NPCL Tariff Petition for ARR 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n NPCL Tariff Petition for ARR 2024-25 \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n NPCL Tariff Petition for ARR 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Reply to Deficiency Note -1\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Reply to Deficiency Note -2\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Reply to Deficiency Note -3\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n TVS MoM Reply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Reply to Deficiency Note -4\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Reply to Deficiency Note -5\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Reply to Deficiency Note -6\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Reply to Deficiency Note -7\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n\r\n{show1 ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 1. Coverpage\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 2. Cover Letter (Signed)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 2b. Petition Fee ARR 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 3. Index Page\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 4. Form 1 ARR FY 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 5. Form-2 Affidavit Tariff Petition ARR FY24-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 6. Appendix-I Power of Attorney\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 7. Appendix-II MYT Formats APR and ARR FY 2024-25 ( Linked)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 8. Appendix-III Text of True-up FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 9. Appendix-IV Text of APR FY 2023-24\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 10. Appendix-V Text of ARR FY 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 11. Appendix-VI Cost Allocation\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 12. Appendix-VII Compliance Hon'ble Commission's Directives\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 13. Appendix-VIII Additional MYT Format-I\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 14. Appendix-IX Additional MYT Format- II\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 15. Appendix-X (a) Draft Public Notice (English)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 16. Appendix-X (b) Draft Public Notice (Hindi)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 17. Appendix-XI Executive Summary\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 18. Appendix- XII Soft copy of Petition\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 19. Annexure-1(a) NPCL Audited Accounts FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 20. Annexure-1(b) NPCL Cost Audit Report FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 21. Annexure- 2 Order dt 06.05.20 Addnl Coal FY-19 Petition No. 1438 of 2019\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 22. Annexure-3 Order dt 29.05.20 Change in Law FY 19 Petition No. - 1440 of 2019\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 23. Annexure-4 Order dt. 02.08.22 for CG Environment Cess and Development Cess\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 24. Annexure-5 Order dt. 08.06.2022 for Addnl Coal FY 19-20 Petition No. 1630 of 2020\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 25. Annxure-6 Order dated 20.03.2023 Addnl Coal FY-21 Petition No. 1794 of 2021\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 26. Annexure-7 Order dt.13.06.2023 Addnl Coal FY-22 Petition no. 1873 of 2022\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 27. Annexure-8 Order dt 28.06.2022 Change in Law FY-20 Petition No. 1654 of 2020\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 28. Annexure-9 Order dt 12.05.2023 Change in Lawa FY-21 Petition No. 1798 of 2021\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 29. Annexure-10 Order dt. 13.06.2023 Change in Law FY-22 Petition No. 1879 of 2022\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 30. Annexure-11 Copies of Approved Orders, PPA\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 31. Annexure-12 Copy of Letters to UPERC dated 27.10.16 and 17.03.17\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 32. Annexure-13 Renewable Power Obligation (RPO) Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 33. Annexure-14 Capital Expenditure Project Wise FY 22-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 34. Annexure-15 Fixed Asset Register FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 35. Annexure-16 Assets Retirement Details FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 36. Annexure-17 Depreciation as per UPERC Method\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 37. Annexure-18 Tax Payment details FY 22-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 38. Annexure-19 Demand Estimate FY 2023-24\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 39. Annexure-20(a) Capital Expenditure Plan FY 23-24 (Above Rs. 10 Cr-Approved)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 40. Annexure-20(b) Capital Expenditure Plan FY 23-24 (Below Rs. 10 Cr.)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 41. Annexure-21 Estimation of Consumer Contribution\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 42. Annexure-22 Demand Estimates FY 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 43. Annexure-23 Monthwise PPC FY 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 44. Annexure-24(a) Capital Expenditure Plan (Above Rs. 10 Cr-Approved)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 45. Annexure-24(a) Capital Expenditure Plan (Above Rs. 10 Cr-Approved)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 46. Annexure-24(b) Capital Expenditure Plan (Above Rs. 10 Cr.-Proposed)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 47. Annexure-24(c) Petition for CAPEX Approval for Cyber Resilience\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 48. Annexure-24(d) Capital Expenditure Plan (Less than Rs. 10 Cr.-Proposed)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 49. Annexure-25 Copy of the email dated 03.11.2023\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 50. Annexure-26 Data Centre Petition Petition No. 2010of 2023 dated 16.08.2023\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 51. Annexure-27 Order dated 11.10.2023 in Data Centre Petition No. 2010 of 2023\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 52. Annexure-28 E-Billing Letter to Hon'ble Commission dated 04.10.2023\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 53. Annexure-29 Copy of Letter related Farmers Tubewell Subsidy\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 54. Annexure-30 LifeLine Consumer Revenue details\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 55. Annexure-31 Energy Audit Report FY-2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 56. Annexure-32 List of Open Access Consumers\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 57. Annexure-33 Monthwise Billing Determinants FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 58. Annexure-34 Reco of O&M Expense FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 59. Annexure-35 Load Curve FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 60. Annexure-36 Cross Subsidy Surcharge FY 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 61. Annexure-37 Details of Net Metering FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 62. Annexure-38 Monthwise Power Purchase FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 63. Annexure-39 Last five years Billing determinants\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 64. Annexure-40 Reconcilliation of Power Purchase FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 65. Annexure-41 Energy Balances FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 66. Annexure-42 List of HPO Generators\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 67. Annexure-43 Evidence of Rate of Interest for CSD\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 68. Annexure-44 (b) Soft copy of Cost Records for FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 69. Annexure-44(a) Soft Copy of Audited Annual Financial Statements FY 22-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 69. Annexure-45 Copies of Power Purchase Bills (FY 2022-23) Vol-14\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 69. Annexure-45 Copies of Power Purchase Bills (FY 2022-23) Vol-15\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 69. Annexure-45 Copies of Power Purchase Bills (FY 2022-23) Vol-16\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 69. Annexure-45 Copies of Power Purchase Bills (FY 2022-23) Vol-17\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 69. Annexure-45 Copies of Power Purchase Bills (FY 2022-23) Vol-18\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 69. Annexure-45 Copies of Power Purchase Bills (FY 2022-23) Vol-19\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 69. Annexure-45 Copies of Power Purchase Bills (FY 2022-23) Vol-20\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 69. Annexure-45 Copies of Power Purchase Bills (FY 2022-23) Vol-21\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 69. Annexure-45 Copies of Power Purchase Bills (FY 2022-23) Vol-22\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 69. Annexure-45 Copies of Power Purchase Bills (FY 2022-23) Vol-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 69. Annexure-45 Copies of Power Purchase Bills (FY 2022-23) Vol-24\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 69. Annexure-45 Copies of Power Purchase Bills (FY 2022-23) Vol-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 69. Annexure-45 Copies of Power Purchase Bills (FY 2022-23) Vol-26\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show2 ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 1. Cover Letter\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 2. Affidavit\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n NPCL Reply to 1st Deficiency - ARR FY 2024-25_Final_Clean with comments\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 4. Annexure-1 SAUBHAGYA Scheme details FY23 - FY25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 5. Annexure-2 Form F10A RTF\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 6. Annexure-3. Energy Audit Report FY2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 7. Annexure-4 PPC Justification & Reconciliation Final\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 8. Annexure-5 DSM Bills1\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 9. Annexure-5 DSM Bills2\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 10. Annexure-6 GENCO Invoice No. NPCL-MI-22-23-01\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 11. Annexure-7 Details of Net Metering FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 12. Annexure-8 Details of Ineterest on Consumer Security Deposit\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 13. Annexure-9 List of Open Access Consumers\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 14. Annexure-10 Consumer Bills\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 15. Annexure-11 Demand Estimate FY 2023-24\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 16. Annexure-12 Demand Estimates FY 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 17. Annexure-13 Reverse Auction Order\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 18. Annexure-14 UPSLDC Letter\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 19. Annexure-15. NPCL - Petition for CAPEX 1950 of 2023\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 20. Annexure-16. Hon_ble UPERC Order for Petition 1950 of 2023\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 21. Annexure-17 NPCL_Project Progress Report for Pt. no. 1950 of 2023\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 22. Annexure-18 Legal Status and Financial Impact\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show3 ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 1. Cover Letter DN2\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 2. Affidavit DN2\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 3. NPCL Reply to 2nd Deficiency Note 03.05.2024\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 4. Annexure-1 Summary of DIL Provisions & Reversal\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 5. Annexure-2 Details of Credit Notes FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 6. Annexure-3 Summary of Power Procured from Tata Power (PPGCL& JPL)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 7. Annexure-4 Regional Energy Accounts FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 8. Annexure-5 IEX DAM Obligation Report\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 9. Annexure-5 IEX RTM Obligation Report\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 10. Annexure-5 IEX TAM Obligation Report\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 11. Annexure-6 Datewise Power Purchase FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 12. Annexure-7 Reconciliation of Adani Solar\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 13. Annexure-8 Reconciliation of Tata Solar\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 14. Annexure-9 Summary of Power Procured from PTC (Bannari, NSL and Singoli)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 15. Annexure-10 Summary of Power Procured from KEIPL\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 16. Annexure-11 Monthwise Power Purchase with Point of Injection\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 17.Annexure-12 IEX Exchange Obligation (Renewable)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 18. Annexure-13 Details of Material used in RM with make_model\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 19. Annexure-14 Work Order FY 2022-23 with Index\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 20. Annexure-15 Capital Expenditure Project Wise FY 22-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 21. Annexure-16 Computer Software FAR details\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 22. Annexure-17 Project Wise Details\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 23. Annexure-18 Category Wise estimates for New Connections with Index\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 24. Annexure-19 Fixed Asset Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 25. Annexure-20 Captive Consumtion Revenue Details\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 26. Annexure-21 CWIP Data in Prescribed Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n
    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show4 ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 1. NPCL Reply to 3rd Deficiency Note ARR 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 2. Annexure-1 Form F10A FY 2022-23 Revised\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 3. Annexure-2 List of Open Access Consumers\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 4. Annexure-3 Demand Estimate FY 2023-24\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 5. Annexure-4 Demand Estimates FY 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 6. Annexure-5 Monthwise Details of LT Power Cost for FY-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 7. Annexure-6 Order dt 12.04.24 Change in Law FY 23 Petition No.2004 of 2023\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 8. Annexure-7 Order dt. 02.05.2024 Additional Coal FY 23 Petition No. 2005 of 2023\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 9. Annexure-8 Details of arrears claimed\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 10. Annexure-9 LTPPA Energy Bills FY-20\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 11. Annexure-9 LTPPA Energy Bills FY-21\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 12. Annexure-10 Extract of Tariff Order dt. 26-Aug-21\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 13. Annexure-11 Extract of Tariff Order dt. 20-Jul-22\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 14. Annexure-12 Extract of Tariff Order dt. 24-May-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 15. Annexure-13 UPERC Order dated 21.09.2022 for Genco\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 16. Annexure-14 UPERC Order dated 22.11.2021 for Genco\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 17.Annexure-15 NPCL True up Order dated 24.05.2023(FY 17-19)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 18. Annexure-16 Extract of Tariff Order dt. 20-July-22 for MOTA arrears FY 21\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 19. Annexure-17 Extract of Tariff Order dt. 24-May-23 for MOTA arrears FY 22\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 20. Annexure-18 APPCPL_Demand Letter dt. 25.09.2023 (Claimed Rs. 0.35 Cr., Rs. 2.48 Cr, Rs. 0.35 CR & Rs. 2 Cr)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 21. Annexure-19 Details of Projects\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 22. Annexure-20 Capital Expenditure Project Wise FY 22-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 23. Annexure-21 Bifurcation of Estimates -Final\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 24. Annexure-22 Tax Payment details FY 22-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 25. Annexure-23 Capital Expenditure FY 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 26. Annexure-24 Obligation Report 29.05.2024\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show5 ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 1. NPCL Reply to TVS MoM ARR 2024-25 - 01.07.2024\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 2. Annexure-A1 ABR FY 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 3. Annexure-A2 Form F10A FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 4. Annexure-A3 RE Power LT_ST FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 5. Annexure-A4 O&M Expense details\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 6. Annexure-A5 Soft Copy of Audited Annual Financial Statements FY 22-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 7. Annexure-A6 Registry Document Land\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show6 ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 1. NPCL Reply to 4th Deficiency - ARR FY 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 2. Annexure-1 Revised Form 40A CSS FY 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show7 ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 1. NPCL reply to 5th Deficiency Note\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 2. Annexure-1 Load Curve FY23 & FY24\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 3. Annexure-2 Load Curve FY25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 4. Annexure-3 IEX DAM Data FY23 & FY24\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 5. Annexure-4 Proposed ToD Structure\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 6. Annexure-5 Trial Balance FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show8 ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n NPCL Reply to 6th Deficiency Note\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 1. Annexure 1_Query 2. Final Assessment Bill & Payment Receipt\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 2. Annexure 2_Query 4. NIDP Developers Load Sanction\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 3. Annexure 3_Query 5 and 6_Contractor wise payment R&M Expenses\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 4. Annexure 4_Letter to UPERC dated 01.10.2109 regarding Pilot project Status Report\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 5. Annexure 5_Hon'ble Commission order dated 22.07.2020\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 6. Annexure 6_Notice Inviting Tender\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 6.1. Annexure 6.1_UPERC order dt 24.07.2024\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 6.2. Annexure 6.2_Details of successful Bidder\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 7. Annexure 7_Receivable Write-off and Provision Policy\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 8. Annexure 8_Security Deposit\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 9. Annexure 9_DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER REVISION-D CONTROLLED COPY\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 10. Annexure 10_TS_12.5MVA_33_11kV_ONAN_Three_Phase_Power_Transformer\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 11. Annexure 11 1.1 kV 2-Core XLPE Insulated PVC Sheathed Cable\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 12. Annexure 12_GTP - 4CX 300 SQMM\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 13. Annexure 13 GTP for 1.1 kV 4-Core 16 sqmm XLPE Insulated PVC Sheathed Cable - Controlled Copy\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 14. Annexure 14_GTP - 4Cx35 Sqmm\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 15. Annexure 15 GTP for 1.1 kV 4-Core 95 sqmm XLPE Insulated PVC Sheathed Cable - Controlled Copy\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 16. Annexure 16_GTP - 4Cx150 Sqmm\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 17. Annexure 17_GTP - Tortek - 1C 4 sq.mm Flxi cable - 03.07.2024\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 18. Annexure 18_11kV 3 CORE 150 SQ.MM. XLPE INSULATED THERMOPLASTIC SHEATHED CABLE\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 19. Annexure 19_11kV 300 SQMM XLPE INSULATED THERMOPLASTIC SHEATHED CABLE\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 20. Annexure 20_11kV 3C 70SQMM XLPE INSULATED CABLE_Controlled Copy\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 21. Annexure 21_GTP for 19-33kv 3-core 400 sq.mm. XLPE insulated thermoplastic sheathed cables - Rev_A - Controlled Copy\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 22. Annexure 22_LT Cable 2Cx6mm - 190324\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 23. Annexure 23_Transformer Invoices\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 24. Annexure 24 Break Up of Transformer Cost\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 25. Annexure 25_UPPCL Letter dt. 18.08.2008\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 26. Annexure 26_UPERC Order dt. 26.05.2009\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 27. Annexure-27_NPCL Request for Refund of SD Rs. 11.28 Cr\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 28. Annexure 28_Honourable UPERC Letter to PVVNL\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 29. Annexure 29_UPPCL Demand of Rs. 210 Cr\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 30. Annexure 30_UPPCL Letter 18.03.2023 and 24.03.2023\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 31. Annexure 31_NPCL Letter 25.03.2023 and 24.05.2023\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 32. Annexure 32_Review Petition 1704 and Commission Order\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 33. Annexure 33_Relevant Pages of Tariff Order dated 26.08.2021\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 34. Annexure 34_Relevant Pages of the Appeal 465 of 2023\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show9 ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 1. NPCL reply to 7th Deficiency Note Final\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 2. Annexure-1 F10A FY 2023-24\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 3. Annexure-2 F10A FY 2024-25\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 4. Annexure-3 NPCL Vehicle Policy 2018\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 5. Annexure-4 NPCL Vehicle Policy 2023\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n 6. Annexure-5 Assets Retirement Details FY 2022-23\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n) : null}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n }\r\n\r\n export default TariffPetetionARR2425","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\n\r\nconst BillingComplaintResolution = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Payment Options\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Billing Complaint Resolution\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Cash/Cheque Collection Centres\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Digital Payment Centres\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Cheque Drop Box\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Online Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n RTGS and NEFT Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Billing Complaint Resolution\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n NACH\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n



    \r\n You may approach our Customer Care Office in case of\r\n a billing complaint along with necessary documents\r\n including previous bills receipts, etc.\r\n Alternatively, you may also send your relative or\r\n representative with documents.We endeavour to\r\n resolve most of the complaints across the table\r\n through discussion.\r\n


    \r\n All complaints after verification are resolved and\r\n communicated to the complainant. Adjustments if any\r\n are provided in the next bill.\r\n


    \r\n Consumer may approach\r\n \r\n \"Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum\"\r\n \r\n of the Company if he is not satisfied by the\r\n decision.\r\n

    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (English)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (Hindi)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default BillingComplaintResolution;\r\n","import React, { useState } from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\n\r\nconst NACH = () => {\r\n const [show, setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2, setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const [show3, setShow3] = useState(false);\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Payment Options\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n NACH\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Cash/Cheque Collection Centres\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Digital Payment Centres\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Cheque Drop Box\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Online Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n RTGS and NEFT Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Billing Complaint Resolution\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n NACH\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n setShow(!show)}\r\n >\r\n What is NACH\r\n
    \r\n\r\n {show ? (\r\n

    \r\n National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI)\r\n has implemented “National Automated Clearing\r\n House (NACH)” for Banks, Financial Institutions,\r\n Corporates and Government a web-based solution\r\n to facilitate interbank, high volume, electronic\r\n transactions which are repetitive and periodic\r\n in nature. Consumer can also make NPCL Bill\r\n payment though NACH. Consumer is required to\r\n give one time mandate for auto debit of NPCL\r\n bill payment and amount will be deducted from\r\n his bank account.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n {/*

    \"\" Please click here to download the Representation


    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow2(!show2)}\r\n >\r\n Benefits of NACH\r\n
    \r\n\r\n {show2 ? (\r\n

    \r\n Benefits\r\n

    1. No Need to remember bill due dates.
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Enjoy uninterrupted service without any\r\n payment-related disruptions.\r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. Ensure zero late payment charges.
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n Receive payment confirmation as SMS on your\r\n Registered Mobile Number.\r\n
    8. \r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow3(!show3)}\r\n >\r\n How to Register\r\n
    \r\n {show3 ? (\r\n


    1. \r\n Physical Mandate (Hard Copy) Registration.\r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n To avail this service, please carry copy of\r\n cancelled cheque, Latest bill and your\r\n ID/Address proof and visit our KP-1 /\r\n Techzone IV Customer Care Center.\r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n On receipt of your duly completed and\r\n verified form along with a copy of cancelled\r\n cheque, your auto-pay facility through NACH\r\n will be activated within 10 working days.\r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n E- Mandate registration\r\n *Coming Soon\r\n
    8. \r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default NACH;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst PayAgainstApplication = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Quick Pay\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Pay Against Application\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n


    • \r\n \r\n Consumption Invoices\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Pay Against Application\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Please fill out this field.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Please fill out this field.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Please fill out this field.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Submit\r\n \r\n

    \r\n OTP has been sent on the email id and mobile\r\n no given above. Please use the same and\r\n proceed further\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Please fill out this field.\r\n

    Invalid OTP!!

    \r\n \r\n Validate\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Consumer Name Notification No. Notification Type Net Payable Amount View/ Download Pay
    32296 54367 Notification Type 6566 Click Here 275
    545446 654778 Notification Type 65656 Click Here 13409
    207678 6578896 Notification Type 78343 Click Here 9735
    2465676 54796 Notification Type 90787 Click Here 1588
    43490878 434678 Notification Type 33456 Click Here 5454
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default PayAgainstApplication;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst CallCenter = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Call Centre\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n 24*7 Call Centre\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Customer Care Email Id\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Customer Care Office\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Mobile Application\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Solar Roof Top Net Metering\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n HELP IS JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY !\r\n \r\n

    \r\n Dial 0120- 6226666 / for all your queries /\r\n complaints\r\n

    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n We request you to go through our Frequently Asked\r\n Questions (FAQs) before calling , for finding out the\r\n answers to your queries or doubts instantaneously.\r\n


    \r\n You can also download our mobile app for lodging\r\n complaints, outage notifications, downloading and\r\n viewing last twelve bills and their payments.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default CallCenter;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst CustomerCareEmailId = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Customer Care Email Id\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n 24*7 Call Centre\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Customer Care Email Id\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Customer Care Office\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Mobile Application\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Solar Roof Top Net Metering\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n CUSTOMER CARE EMAIL ID\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Write Us : crm@noidapower.com\r\n \r\n


    \r\n *Please include attachments of size less than 5 MB, as\r\n attachments exceeding the specified limit may not reach our\r\n inbox due to technical constraints.\r\n



    1. \r\n Preliminary acknowledgement will be received instantly,\r\n whereas the actual redressal of query / request will\r\n depend on the defined SLA.\r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n You may also contact at our 24*7 Call Center on 0120-\r\n 6226666\r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default CustomerCareEmailId;\r\n","// THIS FILE IS AUTO GENERATED\nimport { GenIcon } from '../lib';\nexport function FcAbout (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"version\":\"1\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 48 48\",\"enableBackground\":\"new 0 0 48 48\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#2196F3\",\"d\":\"M37,40H11l-6,6V12c0-3.3,2.7-6,6-6h26c3.3,0,6,2.7,6,6v22C43,37.3,40.3,40,37,40z\"}},{\"tag\":\"g\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#fff\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"rect\",\"attr\":{\"x\":\"22\",\"y\":\"20\",\"width\":\"4\",\"height\":\"11\"}},{\"tag\":\"circle\",\"attr\":{\"cx\":\"24\",\"cy\":\"15\",\"r\":\"2\"}}]}]})(props);\n};\nexport function FcAcceptDatabase (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"version\":\"1\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 48 48\",\"enableBackground\":\"new 0 0 48 48\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"g\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#D1C4E9\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M38,7H10C8.9,7,8,7.9,8,9v6c0,1.1,0.9,2,2,2h28c1.1,0,2-0.9,2-2V9C40,7.9,39.1,7,38,7z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M38,19H10c-1.1,0-2,0.9-2,2v6c0,1.1,0.9,2,2,2h28c1.1,0,2-0.9,2-2v-6C40,19.9,39.1,19,38,19z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M38,31H10c-1.1,0-2,0.9-2,2v6c0,1.1,0.9,2,2,2h28c1.1,0,2-0.9,2-2v-6C40,31.9,39.1,31,38,31z\"}}]},{\"tag\":\"circle\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#43A047\",\"cx\":\"38\",\"cy\":\"38\",\"r\":\"10\"}},{\"tag\":\"polygon\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#DCEDC8\",\"points\":\"42.5,33.3 36.8,39 34.1,36.3 32,38.5 36.8,43.3 44.6,35.5\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function FcAddColumn (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"version\":\"1\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 48 48\",\"enableBackground\":\"new 0 0 48 48\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#90CAF9\",\"d\":\"M30,5H18c-2.2,0-4,1.8-4,4v30c0,2.2,1.8,4,4,4h12c2.2,0,4-1.8,4-4V9C34,6.8,32.2,5,30,5z M18,39V9h12l0,30 H18z\"}},{\"tag\":\"circle\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#43A047\",\"cx\":\"38\",\"cy\":\"38\",\"r\":\"10\"}},{\"tag\":\"g\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#fff\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"rect\",\"attr\":{\"x\":\"36\",\"y\":\"32\",\"width\":\"4\",\"height\":\"12\"}},{\"tag\":\"rect\",\"attr\":{\"x\":\"32\",\"y\":\"36\",\"width\":\"12\",\"height\":\"4\"}}]}]})(props);\n};\nexport function FcAddDatabase (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"version\":\"1\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 48 48\",\"enableBackground\":\"new 0 0 48 48\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"g\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#D1C4E9\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M38,7H10C8.9,7,8,7.9,8,9v6c0,1.1,0.9,2,2,2h28c1.1,0,2-0.9,2-2V9C40,7.9,39.1,7,38,7z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M38,19H10c-1.1,0-2,0.9-2,2v6c0,1.1,0.9,2,2,2h28c1.1,0,2-0.9,2-2v-6C40,19.9,39.1,19,38,19z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M38,31H10c-1.1,0-2,0.9-2,2v6c0,1.1,0.9,2,2,2h28c1.1,0,2-0.9,2-2v-6C40,31.9,39.1,31,38,31z\"}}]},{\"tag\":\"circle\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#43A047\",\"cx\":\"38\",\"cy\":\"38\",\"r\":\"10\"}},{\"tag\":\"g\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#fff\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"rect\",\"attr\":{\"x\":\"36\",\"y\":\"32\",\"width\":\"4\",\"height\":\"12\"}},{\"tag\":\"rect\",\"attr\":{\"x\":\"32\",\"y\":\"36\",\"width\":\"12\",\"height\":\"4\"}}]}]})(props);\n};\nexport function FcAddImage (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"version\":\"1\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 48 48\",\"enableBackground\":\"new 0 0 48 48\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#8CBCD6\",\"d\":\"M40,41H8c-2.2,0-4-1.8-4-4V11c0-2.2,1.8-4,4-4h32c2.2,0,4,1.8,4,4v26C44,39.2,42.2,41,40,41z\"}},{\"tag\":\"circle\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#B3DDF5\",\"cx\":\"35\",\"cy\":\"16\",\"r\":\"3\"}},{\"tag\":\"polygon\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#9AC9E3\",\"points\":\"20,16 9,32 31,32\"}},{\"tag\":\"polygon\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#B3DDF5\",\"points\":\"31,22 23,32 39,32\"}},{\"tag\":\"circle\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#43A047\",\"cx\":\"38\",\"cy\":\"38\",\"r\":\"10\"}},{\"tag\":\"g\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#fff\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"rect\",\"attr\":{\"x\":\"36\",\"y\":\"32\",\"width\":\"4\",\"height\":\"12\"}},{\"tag\":\"rect\",\"attr\":{\"x\":\"32\",\"y\":\"36\",\"width\":\"12\",\"height\":\"4\"}}]}]})(props);\n};\nexport function FcAddRow (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"version\":\"1\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 48 48\",\"enableBackground\":\"new 0 0 48 48\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#90CAF9\",\"d\":\"M43,30V18c0-2.2-1.8-4-4-4H9c-2.2,0-4,1.8-4,4v12c0,2.2,1.8,4,4,4h30C41.2,34,43,32.2,43,30z M9,18h30v12 L9,30V18z\"}},{\"tag\":\"circle\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#43A047\",\"cx\":\"38\",\"cy\":\"38\",\"r\":\"10\"}},{\"tag\":\"g\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#fff\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"rect\",\"attr\":{\"x\":\"32\",\"y\":\"36\",\"width\":\"12\",\"height\":\"4\"}},{\"tag\":\"rect\",\"attr\":{\"x\":\"36\",\"y\":\"32\",\"width\":\"4\",\"height\":\"12\"}}]}]})(props);\n};\nexport function FcAddressBook (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"version\":\"1\",\"viewBox\":\"0 0 48 48\",\"enableBackground\":\"new 0 0 48 48\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#673AB7\",\"d\":\"M38,44H12V4h26c2.2,0,4,1.8,4,4v32C42,42.2,40.2,44,38,44z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#311B92\",\"d\":\"M10,4h2v40h-2c-2.2,0-4-1.8-4-4V8C6,5.8,7.8,4,10,4z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#fff\",\"d\":\"M36,24.2c-0.1,4.8-3.1,6.9-5.3,6.7c-0.6-0.1-2.1-0.1-2.9-1.6c-0.8,1-1.8,1.6-3.1,1.6c-2.6,0-3.3-2.5-3.4-3.1 c-0.1-0.7-0.2-1.4-0.1-2.2c0.1-1,1.1-6.5,5.7-6.5c2.2,0,3.5,1.1,3.7,1.3L30,27.2c0,0.3-0.2,1.6,1.1,1.6c2.1,0,2.4-3.9,2.4-4.6 c0.1-1.2,0.3-8.2-7-8.2c-6.9,0-7.9,7.4-8,9.2c-0.5,8.5,6,8.5,7.2,8.5c1.7,0,3.7-0.7,3.9-0.8l0.4,2c-0.3,0.2-2,1.1-4.4,1.1 c-2.2,0-10.1-0.4-9.8-10.8C16.1,23.1,17.4,14,26.6,14C35.8,14,36,22.1,36,24.2z M24.1,25.5c-0.1,1,0,1.8,0.2,2.3 c0.2,0.5,0.6,0.8,1.2,0.8c0.1,0,0.3,0,0.4-0.1c0.2-0.1,0.3-0.1,0.5-0.3c0.2-0.1,0.3-0.3,0.5-0.6c0.2-0.2,0.3-0.6,0.4-1l0.5-5.4 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48\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"g\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#90CAF9\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M17.4,33H15v-4h4l0.4,1.5C19.7,31.8,18.7,33,17.4,33z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M37,36c0,0-11.8-7-18-7V15c5.8,0,18-7,18-7V36z\"}}]},{\"tag\":\"g\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#283593\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"circle\",\"attr\":{\"cx\":\"9\",\"cy\":\"22\",\"r\":\"5\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M40,19h-3v6h3c1.7,0,3-1.3,3-3S41.7,19,40,19z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M18.6,41.2c-0.9,0.6-2.5,1.2-4.6,1.4c-0.6,0.1-1.2-0.3-1.4-1L8.2,27.9c0,0,8.8-6.2,8.8,1.1 c0,5.5,1.5,8.4,2.2,9.5c0.5,0.7,0.5,1.6,0,2.3C19,41,18.8,41.1,18.6,41.2z\"}}]},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#3F51B5\",\"d\":\"M9,29h10V15H9c-1.1,0-2,0.9-2,2v10C7,28.1,7.9,29,9,29z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"#42A5F5\",\"d\":\"M38,38L38,38c-1.1,0-2-0.9-2-2V8c0-1.1,0.9-2,2-2h0c1.1,0,2,0.9,2,2v28C40,37.1,39.1,38,38,38z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function FcAlarmClock (props) {\n 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0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M8.14 10.96c-.09.33-.14.68-.14 1.04 0 1.1.45 2.1 1.17 2.83l-1.42 1.42A6.018 6.018 0 016 12c0-.93.21-1.8.58-2.59L5.11 7.94A7.897 7.897 0 004 12c0 2.21.9 4.21 2.35 5.65l-1.42 1.42A9.969 9.969 0 012 12c0-2.04.61-3.93 1.66-5.51L1.39 4.22 2.8 2.81l18.38 18.38-1.41 1.41L8.14 10.96zm9.28 3.63c.37-.79.58-1.66.58-2.59 0-1.66-.67-3.16-1.76-4.24l-1.42 1.42a3.951 3.951 0 011.04 3.86l1.56 1.55zM20 12c0 1.48-.4 2.87-1.11 4.06l1.45 1.45A9.91 9.91 0 0022 12c0-2.76-1.12-5.26-2.93-7.07l-1.42 1.42A7.94 7.94 0 0120 12z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdSensors (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M7.76 16.24C6.67 15.16 6 13.66 6 12s.67-3.16 1.76-4.24l1.42 1.42C8.45 9.9 8 10.9 8 12c0 1.1.45 2.1 1.17 2.83l-1.41 1.41zm8.48 0C17.33 15.16 18 13.66 18 12s-.67-3.16-1.76-4.24l-1.42 1.42C15.55 9.9 16 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GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M20 8.69V4h-4.69L12 .69 8.69 4H4v4.69L.69 12 4 15.31V20h4.69L12 23.31 15.31 20H20v-4.69L23.31 12 20 8.69zM12 18c-3.31 0-6-2.69-6-6s2.69-6 6-6 6 2.69 6 6-2.69 6-6 6zm0-10c-2.21 0-4 1.79-4 4s1.79 4 4 4 4-1.79 4-4-1.79-4-4-4z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdBrightnessLow (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M20 15.31L23.31 12 20 8.69V4h-4.69L12 .69 8.69 4H4v4.69L.69 12 4 15.31V20h4.69L12 23.31 15.31 20H20v-4.69zM12 18c-3.31 0-6-2.69-6-6s2.69-6 6-6 6 2.69 6 6-2.69 6-6 6z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdBrightnessMedium (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 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MdOutlineAccessible (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"circle\",\"attr\":{\"cx\":\"12\",\"cy\":\"4\",\"r\":\"2\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M19 13v-2c-1.54.02-3.09-.75-4.07-1.83l-1.29-1.43c-.17-.19-.38-.34-.61-.45-.01 0-.01-.01-.02-.01H13c-.35-.2-.75-.3-1.19-.26C10.76 7.11 10 8.04 10 9.09V15c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h5v5h2v-5.5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2h-3v-3.45c1.29 1.07 3.25 1.94 5 1.95zm-9 7c-1.66 0-3-1.34-3-3 0-1.31.84-2.41 2-2.83V12.1a5 5 0 105.9 5.9h-2.07c-.41 1.16-1.52 2-2.83 2z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineAccountBalanceWallet (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M21 7.28V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2H5a2 2 0 00-2 2v14a2 2 0 002 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2v-2.28A2 2 0 0022 15V9a2 2 0 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0-2-.9-2-2V9.5c0-.28.22-.5.5-.5s. 2.5 0 00-5 0V15c0 2.21 1.79 4 4 4s4-1.79 4-4v-4h-2v4c0 1.1-.9 2-2 2z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineFilterAlt (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24m0 24H0\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M7 6h10l-5.01 6.3L7 6zm-2.75-.39C6.27 8.2 10 13 10 13v6c0 .55.45 1 1 1h2c.55 0 1-.45 1-1v-6s3.72-4.8 5.74-7.39A.998.998 0 0018.95 4H5.04c-.83 0-1.3.95-.79 1.61z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineFindInPage (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M14 2H6c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2L4 20c0 1.1.89 2 1.99 2H18c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V8l-6-6zM6 4h7l5 5v8.58l-1.84-1.84a4.992 4.992 0 00-.64-6.28A4.96 4.96 0 0012 8a5 5 0 00-3.53 1.46 4.98 4.98 0 000 7.05 4.982 4.982 0 006.28.63L17.6 20H6V4zm8.11 11.1c-.56.56-1.31.88-2.11.88s-1.55-.31-2.11-.88c-.56-.56-.88-1.31-.88-2.11s.31-1.55.88-2.11c.56-.57 1.31-.88 2.11-.88s1.55.31 2.11.88c.56.56.88 1.31.88 2.11s-.31 1.55-.88 2.11z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineFindReplace (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M11 6c1.38 0 2.63.56 3.54 1.46L12 10h6V4l-2.05 2.05A6.976 6.976 0 0011 4c-3.53 0-6.43 2.61-6.92 6H6.1A5 5 0 0111 6zm5.64 9.14A6.89 6.89 0 0017.92 12H15.9a5 5 0 01-4.9 4c-1.38 0-2.63-.56-3.54-1.46L10 12H4v6l2.05-2.05A6.976 6.976 0 0011 18c1.55 0 2.98-.51 4.14-1.36L20 21.49 21.49 20l-4.85-4.86z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineFingerprint (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 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MdOutlineSavedSearch (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M14.73 13.31A6.388 6.388 0 0016 9.5 6.5 6.5 0 109.5 16c1.43 0 2.74-.48 3.81-1.27L19.59 21 21 19.59l-6.27-6.28zM9.5 14C7.01 14 5 11.99 5 9.5S7.01 5 9.5 5 14 7.01 14 9.5 11.99 14 9.5 14z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M10.29 8.44L9.5 6l-.79 2.44H6.25l2.01 1.59-.77 2.47 2.01-1.53 2.01 1.53-.77-2.47 2.01-1.59z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineSavings (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M15 10c0-.55.45-1 1-1s1 .45 1 1-.45 1-1 1-1-.45-1-1zM8 9h5V7H8v2zm14-1.5v6.97l-2.82.94L17.5 21H12v-2h-2v2H4.5S2 12.54 2 9.5 4.46 4 7.5 4h5c.91-1.21 2.36-2 4-2a1.498 1.498 0 011.38 2.08c-.14.34-.26.73-.32 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MdOutlineBluetoothDisabled (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M13 5.83l1.88 1.88-1.6 1.6 1.41 1.41 3.02-3.02L12 2h-1v5.03l2 2v-3.2zM5.41 4L4 5.41 10.59 12 5 17.59 6.41 19 11 14.41V22h1l4.29-4.29 2.3 2.29L20 18.59 5.41 4zM13 18.17v-3.76l1.88 1.88L13 18.17z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineBluetoothDrive (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"circle\",\"attr\":{\"cx\":\"6.5\",\"cy\":\"14.5\",\"r\":\"1.5\"}},{\"tag\":\"circle\",\"attr\":{\"cx\":\"15.5\",\"cy\":\"14.5\",\"r\":\"1.5\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M18 17H4v-5h11v-2H4.81l1.04-3H15V5H5.5c-.66 0-1.21.42-1.42 1.01L2 12v8c0 .55.45 1 1 1h1c.55 0 1-.45 1-1v-1h12v1c0 .55.45 1 1 1h1c.55 0 1-.45 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MdOutlineThermostat (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M15 13V5c0-1.66-1.34-3-3-3S9 3.34 9 5v8c-1.21.91-2 2.37-2 4 0 2.76 2.24 5 5 5s5-2.24 5-5c0-1.63-.79-3.09-2-4zm-4-8c0-.55.45-1 1-1s1 .45 1 1h-1v1h1v2h-1v1h1v2h-2V5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineTimer10Select (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M13 8v8h-3V8h3m0-3h-3C8.34 5 7 6.34 7 8v8c0 1.66 1.34 3 3 3h3c1.66 0 3-1.34 3-3V8c0-1.66-1.34-3-3-3zM1 8h2v11h3V5H1v3zm17.5 3c-.83 0-1.5.68-1.5 1.5v2c0 .82.67 1.5 1.5 1.5H21v1h-4v2h4.5c.83 0 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5v-2c0-.83-.67-1.5-1.5-1.5H19v-1h4v-2h-4.5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineTimer3Select (props) {\n return 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0-1.76-.35-2.44-1.03l-1.14-1.01-1.51 1.34 1.27 1.12a5.386 5.386 0 003.82 1.57c2.98 0 5.4-2.41 5.4-5.38s-2.42-5.37-5.4-5.37z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineApartment (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M17 11V3H7v4H3v14h8v-4h2v4h8V11h-4zM7 19H5v-2h2v2zm0-4H5v-2h2v2zm0-4H5V9h2v2zm4 4H9v-2h2v2zm0-4H9V9h2v2zm0-4H9V5h2v2zm4 8h-2v-2h2v2zm0-4h-2V9h2v2zm0-4h-2V5h2v2zm4 12h-2v-2h2v2zm0-4h-2v-2h2v2z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineBabyChangingStation (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M14 8v2h-3L8.31 8.82 7 12.75V22H3V12l1.58-4.63A2.003 2.003 0 017.3 6.18l4.15 1.83L14 8zM8 1c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2s.9 2 2 2 2-.9 2-2-.9-2-2-2zm1 18h12v-2H9v2zm10.5-3c.83 0 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MdOutlineFamilyRestroom (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M16 4c0-1.11.89-2 2-2s2 .89 2 2-.89 2-2 2-2-.89-2-2zm4 18v-6h2.5l-2.54-7.63A2.01 2.01 0 0018.06 7h-.12a2 2 0 00-1.9 1.37l-.86 2.58c1.08.6 1.82 1.73 1.82 3.05v8h3zm-7.5-10.5c.83 0 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5s-.67-1.5-1.5-1.5S11 9.17 11 10s.67 1.5 1.5 1.5zM5.5 6c1.11 0 2-.89 2-2s-.89-2-2-2-2 .89-2 2 .89 2 2 2zm2 16v-7H9V9c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2H4c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v6h1.5v7h4zm6.5 0v-4h1v-4c0-.82-.68-1.5-1.5-1.5h-2c-.82 0-1.5.68-1.5 1.5v4h1v4h3z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineFence (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M21 12v-2h-2V7l-3-3-2 2-2-2-2 2-2-2-3 3v3H3v2h2v2H3v2h2v4h14v-4h2v-2h-2v-2h2zm-5-5.17l1 1V10h-2V7.83l.41-.41.59-.59zm-4 0l. 14v-2h2v2h-2zm2 2v2h-2v-2h2zM7 7.83l1-1 . 12h2v2H7v-2zm0 4h2v2H7v-2zm10 2h-2v-2h2v2zm0-4h-2v-2h2v2z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineFireExtinguisher (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M7 19h10v1c0 1.1-.9 2-2 2H9c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2v-1zm0-1h10v-5H7v5zM17 3v6l-3.15-.66c-.01 0-.01.01-.02.02 1.55.62 2.72 1.98 3.07 3.64H7.1c.34-1.66 1.52-3.02 3.07-3.64-.33-.26-.6-.58-.8-.95L5 6.5v-1l4.37-.91C9.87 3.65 10.86 3 12 3c.7 0 1.34.25 1.85.66L17 3zm-4 3c-.03-.59-.45-1-1-1s-1 .45-1 1 .45 1 1 1 1-.45 1-1z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineFitnessCenter (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M20.57 14.86L22 13.43 20.57 12 17 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MdOutlineNightShelter (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M12 5.5l6 4.5v9H6v-9l6-4.5M12 3L4 9v12h16V9l-8-6zm3 9h-3.5v3.5H8V11H7v7h1v-1.5h8V18h1v-4c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-5.25.5a1.25 1.25 0 100 2.5 1.25 1.25 0 000-2.5z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineNoBackpack (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M6.98 4.15c.01 0 .01-.01.02-.01V2h3v2h4V2h3v2.14c1.72.45 3 2 3 3.86v9.17l-2-2V8c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2H8.83L6.98 4.15zM14.83 12l1.67 1.67V12h-1.67zm4.95 10.61l-.85-.85c-.28.15-.59.24-.93.24H6c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2V8c0-.36.06-.69.15-1.02L1.39 4.22 2.8 2.81l18.38 18.38-1.4 1.42zM17.17 20l-6-6H7.5v-2h1.67L6 8.83V20h11.17z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineNoCell (props) 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MdOutlineCatchingPokemon (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M14.5 12a2.5 2.5 0 01-5 0 2.5 2.5 0 015 0zm7.5 0c0 5.52-4.48 10-10 10S2 17.52 2 12 6.48 2 12 2s10 4.48 10 10zm-2 0h-4c0-2.21-1.79-4-4-4s-4 1.79-4 4H4c0 4.41 3.59 8 8 8s8-3.59 8-8z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineCleanHands (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M16.99 5l.63 1.37 1.37.63-1.37.63L16.99 9l-.63-1.37L14.99 7l1.37-.63.63-1.37M20 14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2s-2-4-2-4-2 2.9-2 4 .9 2 2 2zm-9-7.9V4h2c.57 0 1.1.17 1.55.45l1.43-1.43A4.899 4.899 0 0013 2H7.5v2H9v2.11c-1.78.37-3.2 1.68-3.75 3.39h2.16C7.94 8.61 8.89 8 10 8c1.62 0 2.94 1.29 2.99 2.9l2.01.75V11a5 5 0 00-4-4.9zM22 19v1l-8 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0-.5.22-.5.5s. 1H8.5c-.28 0-.5.22-.5.5s. 1.12 1.4 2.01 2.6 2.36l2.62.73C16.4 12.33 17 13.1 17 14v2H5zm9 4H8v-2h6v2z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineIosShare (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M16 5l-1.42 1.42-1.59-1.59V16h-1.98V4.83L9.42 6.42 8 5l4-4 4 4zm4 5v11c0 1.1-.9 2-2 2H6a2 2 0 01-2-2V10c0-1.11.89-2 2-2h3v2H6v11h12V10h-3V8h3a2 2 0 012 2z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineKayaking (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M21 23c-1.03 0-2.06-.25-3-.75-1.89 1-4.11 1-6 0-1.89 1-4.11 1-6 0-.95.5-1.97.75-3 .75H2v-2h1c1.04 0 2.08-.35 3-1 1.83 1.3 4.17 1.3 6 0 1.83 1.3 4.17 1.3 6 0 .91.65 1.96 1 3 1h1v2h-1zM12 5.5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2s.9 2 2 2 2-.9 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0-2-.9-2-2V8c0-.05.02-.1.02-.15L1.39 4.22 2.8 2.81l18.38 18.38-1.4 1.42zM16.17 19l-3.42-3.42V18h-1.5v-3.92L9.5 12.33V18H8v-7.17l-1-1V19h9.17zM12.75 9h-.92l.92.92V9zM19 8v8.17l-2-2V8h-6.17l-.99-.99L9 6.17V3c0-.55.45-1 1-1h4c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v3h2c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2zm-8.5-2h3V3.5h-3V6z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineNordicWalking (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M19 23h-1.5v-9H19v9zM7.53 14H6l-2 9h1.53l2-9zm5.97-8.5c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2s-.9-2-2-2-2 .9-2 2 .9 2 2 2zM9.8 8.9L7 23h2.1l1.8-8 2.1 2v6h2v-7.5l-2.1-2 .6-3C14.8 12 16.8 13 19 13v-2c-1.9 0-3.5-1-4.3-2.4l-1-1.6a2.145 2.145 0 00-2.65-.84L6 8.3V13h2V9.6l1.8-.7z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineNotificationAdd (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 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MdOutlinePeopleAlt (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M16.67 13.13C18.04 14.06 19 15.32 19 17v3h4v-3c0-2.18-3.57-3.47-6.33-3.87zM15 12c2.21 0 4-1.79 4-4s-1.79-4-4-4c-.47 0-.91.1-1.33.24a5.98 5.98 0 010 7.52c. 1.33.24zM9 12c2.21 0 4-1.79 4-4s-1.79-4-4-4-4 1.79-4 4 1.79 4 4 4zm0-6c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2s-.9 2-2 2-2-.9-2-2 .9-2 2-2zM9 13c-2.67 0-8 1.34-8 4v3h16v-3c0-2.66-5.33-4-8-4zm6 5H3v-.99C3.2 16.29 6.3 15 9 15s5.8 1.29 6 2v1z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlinePeopleOutline (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M9 13.75c-2.34 0-7 1.17-7 3.5V19h14v-1.75c0-2.33-4.66-3.5-7-3.5zM4.34 17c.84-.58 2.87-1.25 4.66-1.25s3.82.67 4.66 1.25H4.34zM9 12c1.93 0 3.5-1.57 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2.87-1.22 4.67-1.45L1.39 4.22 2.8 2.81l18.39 18.38zM15.17 18l-3-3H12c-2.37 0-4.29.73-5.48 1.34-.32.16-.52.5-.52.88V18h9.17zM12 6c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2 0 .86-.54 1.59-1.3 1.87l1.48 1.48a3.999 3.999 0 10-5.53-5.53l1.48 1.48A1.99 1.99 0 0112 6z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlinePersonOutline (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M12 5.9a2.1 2.1 0 110 4.2 2.1 2.1 0 010-4.2m0 9c2.97 0 6.1 1.46 6.1 2.1v1.1H5.9V17c0-.64 3.13-2.1 6.1-2.1M12 4C9.79 4 8 5.79 8 8s1.79 4 4 4 4-1.79 4-4-1.79-4-4-4zm0 9c-2.67 0-8 1.34-8 4v3h16v-3c0-2.66-5.33-4-8-4z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlinePersonRemoveAlt1 (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M14 8c0-2.21-1.79-4-4-4S6 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23l6.58-6.59c.37-.36.59-.86.59-1.41V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm0 12l-4.34 4.34L11.77 14H3v-2l3-7h9v10zm4-12h4v12h-4z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineThumbUpAlt (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\",\"opacity\":\".87\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M21 8h-6.31l.95-4.57.03-.32c0-.41-.17-.79-.44-1.06L14.17 1 7.59 7.59C7.22 7.95 7 8.45 7 9v10c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h9c.83 0 1.54-.5 1.84-1.22l3.02-7.05c.09-.23.14-.47.14-.73v-2c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm0 4l-3 7H9V9l4.34-4.34L12.23 10H21v2zM1 9h4v12H1z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineTransgender (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M12 8c1.93 0 3.5 1.57 3.5 3.5S13.93 15 12 15s-3.5-1.57-3.5-3.5S10.07 8 12 8zm4.53.38l3.97-3.96V7h2V1h-6v2h2.58l-3.97 3.97C14.23 6.36 13.16 6 12 6s-2.23.36-3.11.97l-.65-.65 1.41-1.41-1.41-1.42L6.82 4.9 4.92 3H7.5V1h-6v6h2V4.42l1.91 1.9-1.42 1.42L5.4 9.15l1.41- 1.95-.96 3.11a5.5 5.5 0 004.5 5.41V19H9v2h2v2h2v-2h2v-2h-2v-2.09a5.5 5.5 0 003.53-8.53z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineTravelExplore (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M19.3 16.9c.4-.7.7-1.5.7-2.4 0-2.5-2-4.5-4.5-4.5S11 12 11 14.5s2 4.5 4.5 4.5c.9 0 1.7-.3 2.4-.7l3.2 3.2 1.4-1.4-3.2-3.2zm-3.8.1c-1.4 0-2.5-1.1-2.5-2.5s1.1-2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.1 2.5 2.5-1.1 2.5-2.5 2.5zM12 20v2C6.48 22 2 17.52 2 12S6.48 2 12 2c4.84 0 8.87 3.44 9.8 8h-2.07A8 8 0 0015 4.59V5c0 1.1-.9 2-2 2h-2v2c0 .55-.45 1-1 1H8v2h2v3H9l-4.79-4.79C4.08 10.79 4 11.38 4 12c0 4.41 3.59 8 8 8z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineWaterDrop (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M12 2c-5.33 4.55-8 8.48-8 11.8 0 4.98 3.8 8.2 8 8.2s8-3.22 8-8.2c0-3.32-2.67-7.25-8-11.8zm0 18c-3.35 0-6-2.57-6-6.2 0-2.34 1.95-5.44 6-9.14 4.05 3.7 6 6.79 6 9.14 0 3.63-2.65 6.2-6 6.2zm-4.17-6c.37 0 . 2.22 2.28 2.98 3.64 2.87.43-. 0 .4-.32.73-.72.75-2.13.13-4.62-1.09-5.19-4.12a.75.75 0 01.74-.87z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineWavingHand (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M7.03 4.95L3.49 8.49c-3.32 3.32-3.32 8.7 0 12.02s8.7 3.32 12.02 0l6.01-6.01a2.517 2.517 0 00-.39-3.86l.39-.39c.97-.97.97-2.56 0-3.54-.16-.16-.35-.3-.54-.41a2.497 2.497 0 00-3.72-3.05 2.517 2.517 0 00-3.88-.42l-2.51 2.51a2.493 2.493 0 00-3.84-.39zm1.41 1.42c.2-.2.51-.2.71 0 . 0 .71l-3.18 3.18a3 3 0 010 4.24l1.41 1.41a5.004 5.004 0 001.12-5.36l6.3-6.3c.2-.2.51-.2.71 0s.2.51 0 .71l-4.6 4.6 1.41 1.41 6.01-6.01c.2-.2.51-.2.71 0 . 0 .71l-6.01 6.01 1.41 1.41 4.95-4.95c.2-.2.51-.2.71 0 . 0 .71l-5.66 5.66 1.41 1.41 3.54-3.54c.2-.2.51-.2.71 0 . 0 .71l-6 6.01c-2.54 2.54-6.65 2.54-9.19 0s-2.54-6.65 0-9.19l3.53-3.54zM23 17c0 3.31-2.69 6-6 6v-1.5c2.48 0 4.5-2.02 4.5-4.5H23zM1 7c0-3.31 2.69-6 6-6v1.5C4.52 2.5 2.5 4.52 2.5 7H1z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineWhatshot (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M11.57 13.16c-1.36.28-2.17 1.16-2.17 2.41 0 1.34 1.11 2.42 2.49 2.42 2.05 0 3.71-1.66 3.71-3.71 0-1.07-.15-2.12-.46-3.12-.79 1.07-2.2 1.72-3.57 2zM13.5.67s.74 2.65.74 4.8c0 2.06-1.35 3.73-3.41 3.73-2.07 0-3.63-1.67-3.63-3.73l.03-.36C5.21 7.51 4 10.62 4 14c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8s8-3.58 8-8C20 8.61 17.41 3.8 13.5.67zM12 20c-3.31 0-6-2.69-6-6 0-1.53.3-3.04.86-4.43a5.582 5.582 0 003.97 1.63c2.66 0 4.75-1.83 5.28-4.43A14.77 14.77 0 0118 14c0 3.31-2.69 6-6 6z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineCheckBoxOutlineBlank (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M19 5v14H5V5h14m0-2H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineCheckBox (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M19 3H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm0 16H5V5h14v14zM17.99 9l-1.41-1.42-6.59 6.59-2.58-2.57-1.42 1.41 4 3.99z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineIndeterminateCheckBox (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M19 3H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm0 16H5V5h14v14zM7 11h10v2H7z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineRadioButtonChecked (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zm0 18c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8s3.58-8 8-8 8 3.58 8 8-3.58 8-8 8z\"}},{\"tag\":\"circle\",\"attr\":{\"cx\":\"12\",\"cy\":\"12\",\"r\":\"5\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineRadioButtonUnchecked (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zm0 18c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8s3.58-8 8-8 8 3.58 8 8-3.58 8-8 8z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineStarBorderPurple500 (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M22 9.24l-7.19-.62L12 2 9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27 18.18 21l-1.63-7.03L22 9.24zM12 15.4l-3.76 2.27 1-4.28-3.32-2.88 4.38-.38L12 6.1l1.71 4.04 4.38.38-3.32 2.88 1 4.28L12 15.4z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineStarBorder (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M22 9.24l-7.19-.62L12 2 9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27 18.18 21l-1.63-7.03L22 9.24zM12 15.4l-3.76 2.27 1-4.28-3.32-2.88 4.38-.38L12 6.1l1.71 4.04 4.38.38-3.32 2.88 1 4.28L12 15.4z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineStarHalf (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M22 9.24l-7.19-.62L12 2 9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27 18.18 21l-1.63-7.03L22 9.24zM12 15.4V6.1l1.71 4.04 4.38.38-3.32 2.88 1 4.28L12 15.4z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineStarOutline (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M22 9.24l-7.19-.62L12 2 9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27 18.18 21l-1.63-7.03L22 9.24zM12 15.4l-3.76 2.27 1-4.28-3.32-2.88 4.38-.38L12 6.1l1.71 4.04 4.38.38-3.32 2.88 1 4.28L12 15.4z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineStarPurple500 (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M12 17.27L18.18 21l-1.64-7.03L22 9.24l-7.19-.61L12 2 9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineStar (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"g\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}}]},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M12 17.27L18.18 21l-1.64-7.03L22 9.24l-7.19-.61L12 2 9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineToggleOff (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0V0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M17 6H7c-3.31 0-6 2.69-6 6s2.69 6 6 6h10c3.31 0 6-2.69 6-6s-2.69-6-6-6zm0 10H7c-2.21 0-4-1.79-4-4s1.79-4 4-4h10c2.21 0 4 1.79 4 4s-1.79 4-4 4zM7 9c-1.66 0-3 1.34-3 3s1.34 3 3 3 3-1.34 3-3-1.34-3-3-3z\"}}]})(props);\n};\nexport function MdOutlineToggleOn (props) {\n return GenIcon({\"tag\":\"svg\",\"attr\":{\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"},\"child\":[{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"fill\":\"none\",\"d\":\"M0 0h24v24H0z\"}},{\"tag\":\"path\",\"attr\":{\"d\":\"M17 6H7c-3.31 0-6 2.69-6 6s2.69 6 6 6h10c3.31 0 6-2.69 6-6s-2.69-6-6-6zm0 10H7c-2.21 0-4-1.79-4-4s1.79-4 4-4h10c2.21 0 4 1.79 4 4s-1.79 4-4 4zm0-7c-1.66 0-3 1.34-3 3s1.34 3 3 3 3-1.34 3-3-1.34-3-3-3z\"}}]})(props);\n};\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport { FcServices } from \"react-icons/fc\";\r\nimport { FcQuestions } from \"react-icons/fc\";\r\nimport { MdOutlineQuestionAnswer } from \"react-icons/md\";\r\n\r\nconst CustomerCareOffice = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Customer Care Office\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n 24*7 Call Centre\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Customer Care Email Id\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Customer Care Office\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Mobile Application\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Solar Roof Top Net Metering\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n CUSTOMER CARE OFFICE\r\n \r\n

    Service Request

    • \r\n New Service\r\n Connection\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Load\r\n Augmentation{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Load\r\n Reduction{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Name\r\n Transfer{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Category\r\n Change{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Name &\r\n Address Correction{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter\r\n Testing{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter\r\n Shifting\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Disconnection / Reconnection{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Security\r\n Deposit/Refund{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n KYC Updation{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n


    • \r\n \r\n Bill Related\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Meter Related\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Supply Related{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n


    • \r\n NPCL customer care office, Plot No. ESS, KP-1, Tugalpur,\r\n Behind Kailash Hospital, Pincode:- 201308\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL customer care office, Plot No. ESS, Techzone-IV,\r\n Opposite Cherry County Society, Greater Noida (West) –\r\n 201009\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Working Time – 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday\r\n (Excluding national holidays), Lunch Timing (1:30 pm to\r\n 2:00 pm)\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default CustomerCareOffice;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport { FcCheckmark } from \"react-icons/fc\";\r\n\r\nconst MobileApplication = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Mobile Application\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n 24*7 Call Centre\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Customer Care Email Id\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Customer Care Office\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Mobile Application\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Solar Roof Top Net Metering\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n MOBILE APPLICATION\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
  • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Quick Bill Payment\r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n Lodge a Complaint & View Status of lodged\r\n Complaint\r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n View,Download past 12 months bills & Payment\r\n history\r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n Update profile Link or Delink your consumer number\r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n Supply Outage Alerts\r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n Report a Concern\r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n Share your Feedback\r\n
  • \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default MobileApplication;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst SolarRoofTopNetMetering = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Solar Roof Top Net Metering\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n 24*7 Call Centre\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Customer Care Email Id\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Customer Care Office\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Mobile Application\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Solar Roof Top Net Metering\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n CONTACT FOR SOLAR ROOF-TOP NET-METERING\r\n \r\n

    \r\n Net Metering Application & Registration Forms, List of\r\n documents required will be provided by the following\r\n officers of NPCL:\r\n


    \r\n Name: Mr.Prosenjit Das\r\n


    \r\n Email Id: rooftopsolar@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n Contact Number: 01206226606 / 9911998252\r\n


    \r\n For more details, you may visit at:\r\n


    \r\n Noida Power Company Limited\r\n
    \r\n 33/11 KV Sub-station,\r\n
    \r\n Knowledge Park – III,\r\n
    \r\n Greater Noida-201310\r\n
    \r\n Contact No.:{\" \"}\r\n \r\n 01206226606 (From 10.00AM to 5.00PM, Monday to Friday)\r\n \r\n
    \r\n Email ID: rooftopsolar@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n For Net Metering Process, Fee and Charges{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Click here..\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default SolarRoofTopNetMetering;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\n\r\nconst GetOutageNotification = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Self Submission\r\n
    of Meter Reading\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Get Outage Notification\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Outage Notification\r\n

    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Industrial\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Institutional\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Township\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n



    Area Affected



    \r\n Planned\r\n







    16/9/2021,17:30 hrs


    16/9/2021,18:30 hrs


    \r\n Supply interruption due to planned\r\n shutdown of electric network from 17:30\r\n hrs, 16-Sep-21. Expected time of\r\n restoration 18:30 hrs, 16-Sep-21.-NPCL\r\n


    Area Affected



    \r\n Planned\r\n







    16/9/2021,17:30 hrs


    16/9/2021,18:30 hrs


    \r\n Supply interruption due to planned\r\n shutdown of electric network from 17:30\r\n hrs, 16-Sep-21. Expected time of\r\n restoration 18:30 hrs, 16-Sep-21.-NPCL\r\n


    Area Affected



    \r\n Planned\r\n







    16/9/2021,17:30 hrs


    16/9/2021,18:30 hrs


    \r\n Supply interruption due to planned\r\n shutdown of electric network from 17:30\r\n hrs, 16-Sep-21. Expected time of\r\n restoration 18:30 hrs, 16-Sep-21.-NPCL\r\n

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default GetOutageNotification;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\n\r\nconst Institutional = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Self Submission\r\n
    of Meter Reading\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Get Outage Notification\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \"NPCL\r\n
    \r\n \"NPCL\r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    Getting Started


    \r\n \r\n To apply online , please fill{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n Application Form{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n to generate New Connection Request{\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n OR download and fill up the{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Domestic Connection Application Form{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n for{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Domestic Connection{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n and{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Non Domestic Connection Application Form{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n for{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Non Domestic Connection.{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Submit it at the Head Office along with\r\n necessary documents. In case any help is needed,\r\n the person staffing the Reception Counter will\r\n be glad to be of assistance to you.{\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Apart from the Application Form, your\r\n application should contain the following\r\n documents\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Customer CategoryDocument Required
    Industrial\r\n B&L Form
    \r\n SSI Registration (in case of Small Scale\r\n Industries)\r\n
    Customer CategoryDocument Required
    Agricultural\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Kisan Bahi copy - as proof of ownership\r\n
    \r\n B&L Form\r\n
    \r\n No Objection Certificate from other owners\r\n of Tube well\r\n

    Follow Through

    • \r\n Once you have submitted the above documents,\r\n make sure you have collected an acknowledgment\r\n of receipt of the Form from the Reception.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case installation or alteration of service\r\n required, an inspection along with\r\n verification for previous outstanding dues may\r\n be carried out at site.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Kindly ensure that you or your accredited\r\n representative is present at the site during\r\n the inspection.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n A provisional Offer-cum-Bill stating the terms\r\n and conditions for acceptance of your\r\n application and details of charges involved,\r\n shall be issued at the Head Office.{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You are required to kindly deposit the amount\r\n mentioned in Offer-cum-Bill to the Cashier at\r\n the Head Office.{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n After all necessary terms and conditions are\r\n complied with; installation/alteration of\r\n connection will be carried out.{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter will then be fixed and sealed and supply\r\n subsequently energized.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Outage Notification\r\n

    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Industrial\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Institutional\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Township\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n



    No Outage Available

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Institutional;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\n\r\nconst Township = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Self Submission\r\n
    of Meter Reading\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Get Outage Notification\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    Getting Started


    \r\n \r\n To apply online , please fill{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n Application Form{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n to generate New Connection Request{\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n OR download and fill up the{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Domestic Connection Application Form{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n for{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Domestic Connection{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n and{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Non Domestic Connection Application Form{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n for{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Non Domestic Connection.{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Submit it at the Head Office along with\r\n necessary documents. In case any help is needed,\r\n the person staffing the Reception Counter will\r\n be glad to be of assistance to you.{\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Apart from the Application Form, your\r\n application should contain the following\r\n documents\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Customer CategoryDocument Required
    Industrial\r\n B&L Form
    \r\n SSI Registration (in case of Small Scale\r\n Industries)\r\n
    Customer CategoryDocument Required
    Agricultural\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Kisan Bahi copy - as proof of ownership\r\n
    \r\n B&L Form\r\n
    \r\n No Objection Certificate from other owners\r\n of Tube well\r\n

    Follow Through

    • \r\n Once you have submitted the above documents,\r\n make sure you have collected an acknowledgment\r\n of receipt of the Form from the Reception.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case installation or alteration of service\r\n required, an inspection along with\r\n verification for previous outstanding dues may\r\n be carried out at site.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Kindly ensure that you or your accredited\r\n representative is present at the site during\r\n the inspection.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n A provisional Offer-cum-Bill stating the terms\r\n and conditions for acceptance of your\r\n application and details of charges involved,\r\n shall be issued at the Head Office.{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You are required to kindly deposit the amount\r\n mentioned in Offer-cum-Bill to the Cashier at\r\n the Head Office.{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n After all necessary terms and conditions are\r\n complied with; installation/alteration of\r\n connection will be carried out.{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter will then be fixed and sealed and supply\r\n subsequently energized.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Outage Notification\r\n

    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Industrial\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Institutional\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Township\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n



    Area Affected



    \r\n Live\r\n







    16/9/2021,17:30 hrs


    16/9/2021,18:30 hrs


    \r\n Supply interruption due to planned shutdown\r\n of electric network from 17:30 hrs,\r\n 16-Sep-21. Expected time of restoration\r\n 18:30 hrs, 16-Sep-21.-NPCL\r\n


    Area Affected



    \r\n Live\r\n







    16/9/2021,17:30 hrs


    16/9/2021,18:30 hrs


    \r\n Supply interruption due to planned shutdown\r\n of electric network from 17:30 hrs,\r\n 16-Sep-21. Expected time of restoration\r\n 18:30 hrs, 16-Sep-21.-NPCL\r\n

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Township;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\n\r\nconst NewConnection = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Self Submission\r\n
    of Meter Reading\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Get Outage Notification\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n New\r\n Connection\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n Outage Notification\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    Getting Started


    \r\n \r\n To apply online , please fill{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n Application Form{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n to generate New Connection Request{\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n OR download and fill up the{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Domestic Connection Application Form{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n for{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Domestic Connection{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n and{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Non Domestic Connection Application Form{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n for{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Non Domestic Connection.{\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Submit it at the Head Office along with necessary\r\n documents. In case any help is needed, the person\r\n staffing the Reception Counter will be glad to be\r\n of assistance to you.{\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Apart from the Application Form, your application\r\n should contain the following documents\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Customer CategoryDocument Required
    Industrial\r\n B&L Form
    \r\n SSI Registration (in case of Small Scale\r\n Industries)\r\n
    Customer CategoryDocument Required
    Agricultural\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Kisan Bahi copy - as proof of ownership\r\n
    \r\n B&L Form\r\n
    \r\n No Objection Certificate from other owners of\r\n Tube well\r\n

    Follow Through

    • \r\n Once you have submitted the above documents,\r\n make sure you have collected an acknowledgment\r\n of receipt of the Form from the Reception.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case installation or alteration of service\r\n required, an inspection along with verification\r\n for previous outstanding dues may be carried out\r\n at site.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Kindly ensure that you or your accredited\r\n representative is present at the site during the\r\n inspection.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n A provisional Offer-cum-Bill stating the terms\r\n and conditions for acceptance of your\r\n application and details of charges involved,\r\n shall be issued at the Head Office.{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You are required to kindly deposit the amount\r\n mentioned in Offer-cum-Bill to the Cashier at\r\n the Head Office.{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n After all necessary terms and conditions are\r\n complied with; installation/alteration of\r\n connection will be carried out.{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter will then be fixed and sealed and supply\r\n subsequently energized.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default NewConnection;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst Career = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Careers\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Current Openings{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Upload Your CV{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n


    \r\n CV Upload\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    10th\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    12th\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Graduate Level\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Post Graduation \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n (Only JPEG, PDF or DOC file less than 5\r\n MB is allowed)\r\n
    \r\n captcha\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Career;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst CurrentOpenings = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Careers\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Current Openings{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Upload Your CV{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    No Openning Available

    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default CurrentOpenings;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst ThirdPartyMeterTesting = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Third Party Meter Testing

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Knowledge Center\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Third Party Meter Testing\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n

    Other Links

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Third Party Meter Testing\r\n

    \r\n Get your Electric Meters tested through NABL\r\n Accredited Meter Testing Laboratory. An independent\r\n laboratory having state of the Art Meter Testing\r\n Bench with a capacity to test 20 Meters at a given\r\n point of time.\r\n


    \r\n Meter Testing Reports are validated by Assessors of\r\n NABL (a government body) on yearly basis.\r\n


    \r\n To know about the Meter Testing charges, please\r\n write to us on nablmtl@noidapower.com or visit us at\r\n the below mentioned address\r\n


    \r\n NPCL Meter Testing Laboratory\r\n


    \r\n 33/11 KV Substation cum Office
    \r\n Near Overhead Water Reservoir\r\n
    \r\n Sector 37, Greater Noida U.P. 201310\r\n
    \r\n Timing: 10:00 to 18:00\r\n
    \r\n Working Days: Monday- Friday\r\n

    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ThirdPartyMeterTesting;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst HolidayCalendar = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Holiday Calendar

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Knowledge Center\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Holiday Calendar\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n Holiday Calendar - 2022\r\n
    \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n New Year \r\n \r\n 1st January{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Saturday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Republic Day{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n 26th January{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Wednesday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Maha Shivratri{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n 1st March{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Tuesday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Holika Dahan{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n 17th March{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Thursday\r\n \r\n \r\n Holi \r\n \r\n 18th March{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Friday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Ram Navami{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n 10th April{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sunday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Id-ul- Fitr{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n 3rd May{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Tuesday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Id-ul-Zuha{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n 10th July{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sunday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Independence Day{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n 15th August{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Monday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Raksha Bandhan{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n 11th August{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Thursday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Janmashtami{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n 19th August{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Friday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Gandhi Jayanti{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n 2nd October{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sunday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Maha Ashtami{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n 3rd October{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Monday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Maha Navami{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n 4th October{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Tuesday\r\n \r\n \r\n Dussehra \r\n \r\n 5th October{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Wednesday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Chhoti Diwali{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n 23th October{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sunday\r\n \r\n \r\n Diwali \r\n \r\n 24th October{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Monday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Govardhan Puja{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n 25th October{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Tuesday\r\n \r\n \r\n Bhai Dooj \r\n \r\n 26th October{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Wednesday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Christmas Day{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n 25th December{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sunday\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n * The festivals will be observed according\r\n to the local visibility of the moon.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default HolidayCalendar;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst ConsumerAwareness = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Consumer Awareness

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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    5. \r\n Knowledge Center\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Consumer Awareness\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Consumer Awareness\r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ConsumerAwareness;\r\n","import React, { useState } from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst Faq = () => {\r\n const [show, setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2, setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const [show3, setShow3] = useState(false);\r\n const [show4, setShow4] = useState(false);\r\n const [show5, setShow5] = useState(false);\r\n const [show6, setShow6] = useState(false);\r\n const [show7, setShow7] = useState(false);\r\n const [show8, setShow8] = useState(false);\r\n const [show9, setShow9] = useState(false);\r\n const [show10, setShow10] = useState(false);\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n


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    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Knowledge Center\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n FAQ\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n FAQ\r\n
    \r\n setShow9(!show9)}\r\n >\r\n Meter Related\r\n
    \r\n {show9 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be done in case there is no\r\n supply in the meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the nearby area is under Supply\r\n Outage, you may wait until the supply is\r\n restored. If there is no power even after the\r\n supply is restored Consumer may contact at our\r\n 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666. You may reach\r\n out us through our WhatsApp Bot based services\r\n on 0120-6226666 or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NOPOWER {\"\"} Consumer No.).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What to do in case of meter is running\r\n fast/ excess billing?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Domestic Consumer: May please check the\r\n internal wiring by any private electrician. If\r\n no such issue persist may kindly contact 24X7\r\n Call Centre No. 0120-6226666 or you may apply\r\n thru our website by following below mentioned\r\n link{\" \"}\r\n \r\n https://iwebapps.noidapower.com:8032/MTRCHPMT/MeterTesting_Reg.aspx\r\n {\" \"}\r\n or may visit Customer Care Office at KP-I and\r\n and Techzone-4 to register request for Meter\r\n Testing. Demand note for meter testing fees will\r\n be generated as per UPERC guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n Industrial & Institutional Consumers : May\r\n please check the Power Factor & Neutral\r\n disturbance issue to avoid any demand shoot-up\r\n in billing. if persist may kindly contact 24X7\r\n Call Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n You may reach out us through our WhatsApp Bot\r\n based services on 0120-6226666 or Send SMS at\r\n 7840002288 ( #BILLDISPUTE {\"\"} Consumer\r\n No.) or else you may also visit our Customer\r\n Care office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n or{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to analysis correct meter consumption/\r\n abnormal consumption?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In a normal house hold having 1 or 2 A/C’s\r\n along with Geyser, Fridge etc., the average\r\n units consumed may be between 500 to 1000 Units\r\n per month depending upon actual use. If consumer\r\n feel that the consumption is more as compared to\r\n the usage and load, we request consumers to\r\n please get their wiring checked by competent\r\n electrician with respect to below mentioned\r\n points:\r\n

    • \r\n To check any Earth Leakage in the internal\r\n wiring or not.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of multiple connections in the\r\n building, whether your internal wiring has a\r\n separate -neutral wire and should not be mixed\r\n with other connections.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Check if someone else is also using supply\r\n from your meter or not.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n However, it is to inform that, NPCL will not be\r\n responsible for higher consumptions due to any\r\n of the above mentioned reasons but taking action\r\n by consumer will reduce the consumption. After\r\n having checked all the above, If consumption is\r\n still not reduced as per consumer’s expectation,\r\n then s/he is having an option to get the meter\r\n tested by contacting our helpline number\r\n +91-0120-6226666 by applying thru our website by\r\n clicking on below mentioned link{\" \"}\r\n \r\n https://iwebapps.noidapower.com:8032/MTRCHPMT/MeterTesting_Reg.aspx\r\n {\" \"}\r\n or may visit Customer Care Office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n or{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday. and get the offline requests generated\r\n for meter checking . Meter Testing fees will be\r\n generated & added in subsequent bill as per\r\n UPERC guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various reasons of meter\r\n change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. A Distribution Licensee may change the\r\n meter from time to time for any of the following\r\n reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the timelines/Resolutions for\r\n Meter Testing, Fast, Slow, Burnt, Damaged,\r\n Stop, Faulty, Shifting?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 15 working\r\n days for meter replacement.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 15 working days.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Shifting: 7 Working Days as per\r\n site conditions.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To convert the category, consumer may visit\r\n our Customer Care Office at {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Consumer has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by filling up an application form and submit\r\n their ID copy at Knowledge Park-I, Techzone-IV, Sigma-IV\r\n or Ecotech-2. Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges for\r\n conversion from post-paid to pre-paid or for\r\n new connection installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Security Deposit charges are not applicable\r\n for Prepaid Meter. For conversion/New connection\r\n prepaid Meter charges are to paid as per UPERC{\" \"}\r\n cost data book{\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the meaning of downloading of\r\n parameter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Various parameters measured and recorded by\r\n the meter are finally downloaded for billing/\r\n monitoring purpose. The downloading of parameter\r\n means transferring the recorded data from meter\r\n to the records of the company. Downloading can\r\n be automatic (AMR) or using a gadget. However,\r\n we can capture data / parameter by reading the\r\n display recording on a notebook.\r\n


    \r\n Q. Who can apply for Prepaid Meter?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers pertatining to below mentioned\r\n categories can apply for prepaid meter:\r\n

    • LMV-1
    • \r\n
    • LMV-2
    • \r\n
    • LMV-4
    • \r\n
    • LMV-9
    • \r\n

    *Subjected to Technical Feasibility


    \r\n Q. How to recharge prepaid meter?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Prepaid meter recharge coupon are available\r\n at cash collection centre and can be paid via\r\n cash/DD/Credit or debit card from our customer\r\n care office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n or{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday. Recharge can be done online via NPCL’s\r\n website or PAYTM.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How does the alarm work in Pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If your credit gets below Rs.100/-, you\r\n will have an alarm for 30 seconds. Press any\r\n button to turn it off. The alarm will be\r\n repeated every half an hour until recharged. It\r\n is advised that once meter reached its minimum\r\n limit recharge immediately to avoid\r\n disconnection. You can also set minimum limit as\r\n per your convenience.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact in case of misplacing of\r\n Recharge Coupon?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please visit the NPCL Cash Collection\r\n Center for re-issuing of recharge coupon which\r\n will be done free of cost. Consumer have to\r\n mention BP no./ Meter no. to get the recharge\r\n coupon. May please note- the coupon is specific\r\n to your meter hence cannot be used elsewhere.\r\n

    \r\n {/*

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection into\r\n prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to prepaid\r\n connection, consumer can visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4,\r\n Greater Noida . Consumer has to apply under\r\n category conversion services by fill an\r\n application form and submit their ID copy\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges for\r\n conversion from post-paid to pre-paid or for\r\n new connection installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n

    \r\n */}\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the documents required if meter\r\n get stolen?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You have to submit an application, original\r\n FIR, ID proof of registered consumer at our\r\n Customer Care office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n or{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Note: Meter charges are applicable as per UPERC{\" \"}\r\n cost data book.{\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the New Meter cost in Meter stolen\r\n cases?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the consumer process the application\r\n for re-installation of meter in case of Meter\r\n Stolen, applicable meter charges to paid as per\r\n UPERC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n cost data book\r\n {\" \"}\r\n .\r\n


    \r\n *Taxes Applicable on the new meter cost shall be\r\n charged as per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if meter is not at the\r\n premises?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please contact our Call at our 24X7 CALL\r\n CENTER - 0120 6226666 or you may visit Customer\r\n Care Office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Q. Why my meter screen is blank.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is ON in the\r\n area and you are facing No Power issue, if Yes,\r\n you may contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 to register complaint for No Supply\r\n or WhatsApp Bot based services on 0120-6226666\r\n or send SMS at 7840002288 ( #NOPOWER {\"\"}{\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or visit at Customer Care office\r\n at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n or{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday. In case supply is ON but no display on\r\n meter, register complaint for meter display\r\n problem on above given numbers. Our Team will\r\n visit your site for meter inspection within 7\r\n working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If my meter box has a husky display, what\r\n should I do ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 or visit at our Customer Care\r\n office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n and register complaint for meter display\r\n problem. Our Team will visit your site for meter\r\n inspection within 7 working days.You may also\r\n register your complaint on our WhatsApp no.01206226666\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Where to report incase of No Display in the\r\n meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may contact at our 24X7 CALL\r\n CENTER - 0120 6226666 or visit at our Customer\r\n Care office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n and register complaint for meter display\r\n problem. Our Team will visit site for meter\r\n inspection within 7 working days.You may also\r\n register your complaint on our WhatsApp no.01206226666\r\n

    \r\n {/*

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges of meter testing?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing fee\r\n shall be charged as per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the different options available\r\n for Meter Testing?\r\n \r\n

      \r\n Ans.\r\n
    • \r\n Meter Testing request can be registered thru\r\n link mentioned below{\" \"}\r\n \r\n https://iwebapps.noidapower.com:8032/MTRCHPMT/MeterTesting_Reg.aspx\r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may also visit Customer Care Office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I know the status of Meter Testing\r\n Request ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may visit our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer Online E-Application\r\n tab wherein \"Online Meter Testing\" option is\r\n available.\r\n
    \r\n You may check the status of meter testing by\r\n calling to our 24X7 helpline numbers on or\r\n 0120-6226666.\r\n
    You may also visit Customer Care Office\r\n at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. On what basis the meter testing fee is\r\n imposed?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter testing fees is charged on \"type of\r\n meter\" and it is applicable as per UPERC Tariff\r\n Order.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Would you refund the testing fee if meter\r\n found ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no provision for refund of testing\r\n fees.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive testing report on meter\r\n testing? What is the procedure of complaining\r\n if I don’t receive one?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After due inspection meter testing report\r\n is handed over to consumer. In case you have not\r\n received it, you may write us at\r\n CRM@noidapower.com.\r\n
    You may also visit Customer Care Office\r\n at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Which parameter define that meter is faulty\r\n or meter testing is Ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Kindly note that meter testing is done on\r\n many factors such as meter accuracy results ,\r\n display parameters & downloaded data\r\n analysis on which testing engineer will confirm\r\n whether meter is faulty or meter is working\r\n normal.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meters are changed without any\r\n complaint?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case of technology upgradation or\r\n periodic replacement from Old to New Generation\r\n meter as per the Guideline of Hon’ble Regulatory\r\n Commission.\r\n


    \r\n A Distribution Licensee may change the meter\r\n from time to time for any of the following\r\n reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How much time will you take to replace the\r\n faulty meter?\r\n \r\n


    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 15 working\r\n days for meter replacement\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 15 working days\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if there is No power after\r\n successful recharge?\r\n \r\n



    • \r\n For Secure Prepaid meters\r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office it may be\r\n your main MCB be off which is located in\r\n Electric shaft in societies/ check your\r\n MCB status\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office or Check\r\n balance / supply status in mobile app.\r\n
      • \r\n

      \r\n *You may also contact our 24X7 helpline\r\n numbers on 0120-6226666 or may visit NPCL\r\n Customer Care office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n or{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n :During 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to\r\n know more about the same.\r\n

    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid meter\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to registered\r\n email id & phone number post bill\r\n generation. It can also be downloaded from our\r\n website via Quick E-bill Download : or follow\r\n direct link: No payment is required to be made\r\n against the bill. Ensure sufficient balance in\r\n prepaid meter through timely recharge in order\r\n to avail uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if the meter doesn’t show\r\n the credit amount after recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Transactions made online would go through a\r\n process of validation before being updated in\r\n the NPCL accounts. This may take upto 3 working\r\n days. Therefore, please avoid making payments\r\n using same payment gateway, you may try with\r\n another payment options for smooth processing of\r\n meter recharge.{\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meter is beeping when it is already\r\n recharge?\r\n \r\n



    • \r\n There is a provision in meter to set recharge\r\n limit if balance will go down from this limit\r\n then only meter will start beeping at low\r\n balance . This feature is configurable\r\n ,consumer itself can set this limit as per\r\n their consumption pattern.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Freedom Bluetooth unit may be faulty ( if\r\n Showing Con. Fault in display ).\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What options are available for pre-paid\r\n meter recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, (there are many options to pay amount\r\n in paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit Card,credit\r\n Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer can get token from NPCL Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1, Greater Noida\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters( AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, Bill Desk (there are many options to\r\n pay amount in paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit\r\n Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Multipoint App., NPCL web site
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is “CON FAULT”, what is to be done to\r\n get it corrected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. CON FAULT” means connection faulty, because\r\n of which meter will be displaying digit 17 which\r\n means connection from meter to display unit is\r\n interrupted. Kindly register your complaint on\r\n our call center contact no. - 0120-6226666.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can supply gets disconnected if meter is\r\n not recharged or do I get any reminder?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Reminder beep will come in minimun available\r\n balance. Supply will be disconnected in\r\n negative balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Go to NPCL Multipoint App by turning on low\r\n money notifications, consumer can get a\r\n reminder.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to check the balance?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Automatically showing Balance &\r\n other details in Meter display.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumers may check their account balance by\r\n pressing # button in key pad of meter display\r\n unit & for single phase meters - Press key\r\n \"1\" single time to check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Login in NPCL Multipoint App/ web and check\r\n balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be the minimum balance to\r\n maintain pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can change minimum balance in\r\n meter acocording to consumption and requirement.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If meter is showing different date from\r\n actual does it mean that it is faulty ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is suggested to get your meter tested\r\n from NPCL to confirm whether the meter is faulty\r\n or not.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Red light in meter indicates what?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Red LED in meter which indicates pulse /\r\n revolution of meter , if Red light is blinking\r\n in meter it means meter is running on load.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I see my consumption pattern in\r\n pre-paid meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n By pressing Key\"2\" consumer can check\r\n consumptions of today, previous day, previous\r\n Week and current month)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n By Pressing key\"7\" consumer can check monthly\r\n consumptions of present calendar Year)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters ( AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint App and consumer can see\r\n daily consumption( Current month) and Monthly\r\n consumptions( Present Calendar Year) by\r\n selecting \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint Web, conumer can\r\n download and see consumptions by selecting\r\n \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow8(!show8)}\r\n >\r\n Payment Related\r\n
    \r\n {show8 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the different modes of payments\r\n available?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Modes of payments are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n A. Digital Payment through:-\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in Consumer’s\r\n internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH (National\r\n Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Payment thru Credit & Debit cards at NPCL Cash\r\n Collection Center.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Payment tab on WhatsApp Bot based services on\r\n 0120-6226666\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Non-Digital Payment Modes are as follows:-\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Cash / Cheque / DD at Customer Care Office,\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4* or to Village Contact\r\n Persons.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Cheque/DD at NPCL’s Cheque Drop Boxes.
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cash at nearby BBPS authorised retail outlets.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n *You may visit Cash Collection Center at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n or{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I make cash payment?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Modes of payments are as follows:\r\n A. Digital Payments through:-\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in Consumer’s\r\n internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH (National\r\n Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n
    • Payment thru Credit & Debit cards at\r\n NPCL Cash Collection Center.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Payment tab on WhatsApp Bot based services\r\n on 0120-6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n B. Non Digital Payment Modes are as follows:-\r\n
    • Cash / Cheque / DD at Customer Care Offices\r\n or to Village Contact Persons.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Cheque/DD at NPCL’s Cheque Drop Boxes.
    • \r\n
    • Cash at nearby BBPS authorised retail outlets.
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n *You may visit Cash Collection Center at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.\r\n For rural consumers, may please refer the\r\n area wise payment center list for making cash payment.\r\n\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the upper limit for Cash Payment.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per section 6.10 of Electricity Supply\r\n code 2005, you can make cash payment up to\r\n Rs.20,000/- only. In case your bill is more than\r\n the above mentioned value, remaining payment\r\n shall be made via any mode other than cash.\r\n

    \r\n {/*

    \r\n \r\n Q.How to make online payment of Bills?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Online Payment of Bills can be made through\r\n below mentioned modes :\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in Consumer’s\r\n internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH (National\r\n Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n

    \r\n */}\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Do I need to pay extra charges if I wish to\r\n pay Online through NPCL website/Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL do not levy any extra charges for\r\n online payment. In case the amount being paid is\r\n above 4000/-, Bill Desk will charge you a\r\n convenience fee for rendering online payment\r\n service at the following rate:\r\n


    \r\n * For Credit card (Visa/Master Card)\r\n transactions, 1 % of the amount being paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Debit card (Visa/Master Card)\r\n transactions, 0.80 % of the amount being paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Net banking transactions, Rs. 3/-per\r\n transaction\r\n


    \r\n * For wallet transactions, Rs. 3/-per\r\n transaction\r\n


    * For UPI transactions, NIL


    \r\n In case the amount being paid is above 4000/-,\r\n Paytm will charge you a convenience fee for\r\n rendering online payment service at the\r\n following rate:\r\n


    \r\n * For Paytm postpaid/Credit Card transactions, 1\r\n % of the amount being paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Debit card transactions, 0.78 % of the\r\n amount being paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Net banking transactions, Rs. 2.25/-per\r\n transaction\r\n


    \r\n * For Paytm wallet transactions, 0.95 % of the\r\n amount being paid\r\n


    * For UPI transactions, NIL


    \r\n Applicable taxes on the Convenience fees shall\r\n also be charged by Bill Desk & Paytm as per the\r\n norms\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Is it safe to give my bank details on NPCL\r\n website ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL follows\r\n highest level of security standards to ensure\r\n that the data entered by consumers remains\r\n confidential and not stored anywhere on NPCL\r\n Server.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can I make Cheque Payments\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can drop cheque at following\r\n Cheque Collection Centres of NPCL along with\r\n latest bill stub (Lower portion of bill). The\r\n cheques should be in favour of \"\"Noida Power\r\n Company Limited\"\". Write down the cheque with\r\n credentials like your Name, Consumer Number and\r\n mobile number at the back of cheque.\r\n

    • NPCL Customer Care Centre (Sector KP-1)
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Customer Care Centre (Techzone-IV)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station at Alpha-1, Opp Ryan\r\n International School\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station, Sector Omega-I, Builders\r\n Area, Near AWHO Apartments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station at Surajpur, Near Surajpur\r\n Police Station\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bar Association Office, Surajpur District\r\n Court\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I make payment through Post dated\r\n cheques ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post-dated and outstation cheques are not\r\n accepted at NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the penalty charges applicable on\r\n cheque bounce?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque gets bounced due to\r\n insufficient funds or exceed arrangement, you\r\n will not be able to make payment through cheque\r\n in that Financial Year.\r\n
    \r\n Penalty Charges applicable are mentioned below:\r\n

    • \r\n Cheque amount of less than Rs. 5000 : Rs.250\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 5000 & up to Rs.\r\n 10000 : Rs. 500\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 10000 & up to Rs. 1\r\n Lac : Rs. 1000\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount of Rs. 1 Lac and above : Rs.\r\n 5000\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue another cheque, if my cheque\r\n bounces?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque got bounced due to\r\n insufficient funds or exceed arrangements, the\r\n consumer will not be able to make payment\r\n through cheque in that Financial Year.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue cheque, if my supply is\r\n Disconnected ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, consumer can pay their bill amount\r\n through cheque (Considering no cheque bounce\r\n history).\r\n


    \r\n Payment can be done for outstanding bill and\r\n reconnection charges as below:-\r\n

    • \r\n Bill payment via cheque and reconnection\r\n charge via cash and vice versa.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bill payment and reconnection charge together\r\n via cash.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bill payment and reconnection charge together\r\n via cheque . Please note, if in case the same\r\n get dishonoured, the supply will be\r\n disconnected and the Reconnection amount has\r\n to be paid again.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.When will my online payment be updated in my\r\n account?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. All payments made through other than RTGS /\r\n NEFT mode are updated on Real-time basis in\r\n consumers account except during system\r\n shutdown/maintenance when it may take up to 2 to\r\n 3 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where can I approach to register my payment\r\n related complaint?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Complaints can be registered at:\r\n

    • NPCL Website.
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Mobile App.
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Our 24X7 Call centre at 0120-6226666 /\r\n 2333555.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may also visit Customer Care Office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n or{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the GST % will be charged\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. GST will be levied as per GST regulations\r\n and rates applicable to various services\r\n provided by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.For which services I have to pay GST\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per GST Circular No. 34/08/2018-GST\r\n dated 01st March 2018, GST is applicable on all\r\n the services provided by the NPCL except energy\r\n charges.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow7(!show7)}\r\n >\r\n Billing Related\r\n
    \r\n {show7 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How are bills prepared if the meter is not\r\n read?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If the actual meter reading is not acquired\r\n due to any reason; provisional bill will be\r\n raised which is subjected to adjustment upon\r\n receipt of actual meter reading in the\r\n subsequent months. Provisional bills are raised\r\n on average consumption of last 3 months.\r\n Inaccessibility to premises for 3 months or more\r\n could lead to disconnection of supply as per\r\n Electricity ̀ Supply Code 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the normal reading span for monthly\r\n Meter Reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter reading is normally taken between a\r\n period of 28 to 32 days from the last meter\r\n reading date. The same is intimated to you\r\n through SMS if your mobile number is registered\r\n with us. Fixed Charges and slabs for Energy\r\n charges are calculated proportionally for the\r\n billing period.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to calculate / understand electricity\r\n bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.Please refer back side of electricity bill\r\n to check applicable Tariff and Bill Calculation.\r\n Additionally, you can reach out to us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is the meter reading system?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading of three phase meters is taken\r\n remotely through AMR or LPR facility. For Single\r\n Phase meters, meter readers go door-to-door and\r\n records reading in Hand Held Devices (HHD) /\r\n Meter Reading Terminals (MRT). Reading\r\n information can also be conveyed through\r\n SMS/Email registered with us.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my meter is not read regularly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Any one of the following can be the\r\n reasons:\r\n

    • \r\n Your premises are vacant / locked for long\r\n period of time or constantly during daytime\r\n resulting in inaccessibility of meter to the\r\n reader.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Discrepancy in address in our database with\r\n the actual address may result in meter reader\r\n missing out your premises.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n If you observe such shortcomings in the address\r\n (as printed in bill), please bring the same to\r\n the notice of Customer Relation Officer at\r\n Customer Care Office,NPCL immediately for\r\n corrections.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to approach when meter is not read ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If consumer premises is found locked, meter\r\n reader will stick a \"\"miss you\"\" sticker\r\n intimating about the failed reading attempt\r\n alongwith a contact number to coordinate the day\r\n & time of reading. Or you may:\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n WhatsApp Bot based services on 0120-6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number (Only which is showing in\r\n KWH)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why fixed charges are not constant?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Fixed Charges defined by Monthly Tariff\r\n applies to a period of 30 days. When billing\r\n period is not 30 days, applicable fixed charges\r\n are calculated on prorata basis.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Penal Demand Charges\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Use of load beyond the sanctioned load is a\r\n cognisable offence. Penal demand charges are\r\n levied in excess to fixed charges based on\r\n demand usage over and above the sanctioned load.\r\n It is thus advised to enhance your contracted\r\n load to avoid penal demand charges.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to calculate slab ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Slab based energy rates defined by Tariff\r\n is applicable for 30 days per month and is\r\n prorated on simple unitary method based on\r\n number of billing days i.e. difference between\r\n current reading date and previous reading date\r\n (both dates inclusive)\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Makeup Charges?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per approved Tariff, consumers who are\r\n part of LMV-2 (Commercial Supply) and LMV-9\r\n (Temporary Supply) are subjected to load based\r\n minimum charges. If the sum of Fixed Charges\r\n (for LMV-2 only) and Energy Charges is less than\r\n applicable monthly minimum charge then\r\n differential amount is levied as Make Up\r\n Charges. Makeup charge = minimum charge - (fixed\r\n charges + energy charge).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Wrong reading mentioned on my bill. How to\r\n get it rectified?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.Request for wrong reading can be registered\r\n through following touchpoints\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Email your concern at crm@noidapower.com. Do\r\n attach meter reading photograph for\r\n convenience.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may reach out us through our WhatsApp Bot\r\n based services on 0120-6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n {\"\"} Consumer Number {\"\"}{\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in KWH)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What to do if I am not satisfied with the\r\n meter reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are not satisfied with your meter\r\n reading, you may\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may reach out us through our WhatsApp Bot\r\n based services on 0120-6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #SELFREADING{\" \"}\r\n {\"\"} Consumer Number {\"\"}{\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in KWH)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third party\r\n vendor every month. You are requested to\r\n register your email ID & subscribe for e-bill\r\n option for on-time and assured delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n In case you need duplicate bill copy, may please\r\n click on below link given on our website :\r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n \r\n https://iwebapps.noidapower.com:8032/Ebill_download.aspx\r\n {\" \"}\r\n You may reach out us through our WhatsApp Bot\r\n based services on 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you need duplicate bill copy, may\r\n please click on below link given on our website{\" \"}\r\n \r\n https://iwebapps.noidapower.com:8032/Ebill_download.aspx\r\n {\" \"}\r\n or You may also login to our website or Mobile\r\n www.noidapower.com App using your credentials\r\n (Username & Password) for downloading /\r\n viewing last 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our website,\r\n kindly go through the “Need help in Sign In” tab\r\n under My Account tab.\r\n


    \r\n You may also reach out us through our WhatsApp Bot\r\n based services on 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows consumers to\r\n avail rebate of 1% on Fixed and Energy Charges.\r\n DPS means Delayed Payment Surcharge which is\r\n applicable due to non-payment of bills upto due\r\n date.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his electricity\r\n bill by due date specified therein, a late\r\n payment surcharge shall be levied at 1.25% on\r\n the dues per month up-to first three months of\r\n delay. Post three months, DPS will be charged at\r\n 2.00% per month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity connection\r\n can be disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule approved\r\n by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can waive the same\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to lodge complaint through SMS?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can raise your complaint & avail\r\n other important information by sending SMS on\r\n 7840002288 from your registered mobile number.\r\n To see list of short codes with mandatory\r\n details, click on\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Is there any rebate if I pay bills online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, there is no additional rebate provided\r\n for online payments. However, a rebate of 1%\r\n against sum of Demand Charges & Energy\r\n Charges is provided upon payment within due\r\n date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there are different colour bills? It\r\n denotes what ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Multi colour bills are designed to reflect\r\n upon varied consumer behaviour towards payment\r\n of dues and usage of electricity.\r\n

    • Blue Bill denotes timely bill payments
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Green Bill denotes payment through digital\r\n mode and/or Solar Net Metering Consumer\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Orange Bill denotes delayed payment and/or\r\n arrears in current bill\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Red bill cautions consumer to abstain from\r\n unauthorized use of electricity based on site\r\n reporting.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How much interest paid on Security Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Interest is credited to consumers against\r\n existing security deposit on annual basis as per\r\n the bank rate prescribed by the RBI.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What would be the disconnection date once\r\n arrear is paid from the current month bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is advised to clear entire dues in event\r\n of arrears amount in current bill. However, if\r\n payment is made only against arrears, then\r\n disconnection date against current dues is 15\r\n days from the due date as mentioned on the\r\n electricity bill.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can submit self meter reading ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The facility of self submission of meter\r\n reading is available for single phase consumers.\r\n Reading can be submitted through SMS,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Website\r\n {\" \"}\r\n or App in the dedicated slot provided every\r\n month.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid meter? Do\r\n I need to make payment against bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to registered\r\n email id & phone number post bill\r\n generation. It can also be downloaded from our{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Website\r\n {\" \"}\r\n via Quick E-bill Download or follow direct link:\r\n


    \r\n You may also reach out us through our WhatsApp Bot\r\n based services on 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n No payment is required to be made against the\r\n bill. Ensure sufficient balance in prepaid meter\r\n through timely recharge in order to avail\r\n uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How & when self reading can be provided\r\n by consumer?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading submission slot is 1st to 10th day\r\n of every month. You can easily reach out to us\r\n by sending SMS at 7840002288 (#SELFREADING\r\n {\"\"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n {\"\"}\r\n Reading) or our WhatsApp Bot based services on\r\n 0120-6226666. The service is also available on\r\n our{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Website\r\n {\" \"}\r\n & app.\r\n


    \r\n * Please note that reading should be in KWH\r\n parameter\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is power factor?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Power factor for the month is determined as\r\n the ratio of KWH (Active Power Consumption) to\r\n KVAH(Apparent power consumption).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the minimum Power Factor to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per the regulations of U.P. Electricity\r\n Supply Code, 2005 minimum power factor to be\r\n maintained is 0.75. If recorded power factor is\r\n less than 0.75,suitable action as per the\r\n provisions shall be initiated by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What can be the reason which may cause dip\r\n in Power Factor? How it is to be maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Majority of three phase connections\r\n constitutes of inductive load which draws non\r\n working / reactive power thereby increasing the\r\n KVAH(Apparent power consumption). Use of\r\n capacitor banks is helpful in offsetting this\r\n non working power requirement, but it should be\r\n regulated according to variance in load\r\n requirement by installing Automated Power Factor\r\n Controller(APFC). Regular check up and\r\n maintenance is also advised.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why it is important to maintain Power\r\n Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers above 10 KW are billed on KVAH\r\n basis as per the applicable tariff provisions.\r\n Dip in power factor(P.F.) cause increase in KVAH\r\n consumption which in turn results in higher\r\n energy charges for the consumer. Also, it\r\n reduces the effective distribution network\r\n capacity of NPCL which can lead to power outage\r\n in the area.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the consequences if power factor\r\n controller is not working properly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Failure of power factor controller i.e.\r\n APFC/Capacitor banks will lead to\r\n inadequate/over compensation of reactive power\r\n requirement. In both scenarios, KVAH consumption\r\n will suddenly increase leading to higher energy\r\n charges being billed.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can NPCL help in improving Power Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, it is consumer's responsibility to\r\n maintain their power factor from time to time\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third party\r\n vendor every month. You are requested to\r\n subscribe for e-bill for on-time and assured\r\n delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. \"You are required to login on our website\r\n or Mobile www.noidapower.com App using your\r\n credentials (Username & Password) for\r\n downloading / viewing last 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our website,\r\n kindly go through the “Need help in Sign In” tab\r\n under My Account tab\".\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows consumers to\r\n avail rebate of 1% on Fixed and Energy Charges.\r\n DPS means Delayed Payment Surcharge which is\r\n applicable due to non-payment of bills upto due\r\n date.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his electricity\r\n bill by due date specified therein, a late\r\n payment surcharge shall be levied at 1.25% on\r\n the dues per month up-to first three months of\r\n delay. Post three months, DPS will be charged at\r\n 2.00% per month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity connection\r\n can be disconnected.\r\n


    Q. DPS waiver.?


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule approved\r\n by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can waive the same.\r\n



    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. How the differential units are getting\r\n calculated on common (Physical/Virtual)\r\n connection  for multipoint connections?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans.{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in physical\r\n common meter :\r\n {\" \"}\r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code dated:\r\n 10-08-2018, the total energy consumption of the\r\n electricity recorded at the reference meter\r\n shall be compared with the total electricity\r\n consumption of all the individual meters &\r\n common area meter. In case the difference in\r\n energy consumption for any billing cycle works\r\n out to be higher than permissable loss level\r\n i.e. 4% in case of 11KV supply / 5% in case of\r\n voltage higher than 11 KV, then the difference\r\n of energy beyond permissible loss level shall be\r\n added in the consumption of common area billing.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in Virtual\r\n common meter :\r\n \r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code dated:\r\n 05-08-2020, no physical common meter is to be\r\n installed at consumer premise and differential\r\n units calculation is to be done on the basis of\r\n the logic as described below: Total energy\r\n consumption of the electricity recorded at the\r\n reference meter shall be compared with the total\r\n electricity consumption of all the individual\r\n meters. In case the difference in energy\r\n consumption for any billing cycle works out to\r\n be higher than permissable loss level i.e. 4% in\r\n case of 11KV supply / 5% in case of voltage\r\n higher than 11 KV, then the difference of energy\r\n beyond permissible loss level shall be divided\r\n among all the individual consumers in proportion\r\n to their contractual load.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is TDS/TCS charged in bills?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. TDS (Tax Deduction at Source): The\r\n tax shall be deducted under Section 194Q by a\r\n consumer/buyer carrying on a business whose\r\n total sales, gross receipts or turnover from the\r\n business exceeds Rs. 10 crores during the\r\n financial year immediately preceding the\r\n financial year in which such goods are\r\n purchased.\r\n
    \r\n The tax shall be deducted by the consumer/buyer\r\n of goods at the rate of 0.1% of the purchase\r\n value exceeding Rs. 50 lakhs.\r\n
    \r\n TCS (Tax Collection at Source): The\r\n Finance Act, 2020 inserted sub-section (1H) in\r\n section 206C with effect from 1st Oct’20 to levy\r\n the tax collection at source on sale of goods.\r\n The Company is liable to collect TCS at the rate\r\n of 0.1% on consideration received from a\r\n Consumer in excess of fifty lakh rupees in a\r\n financial year.\r\n
    \r\n In non-PAN/ Aadhaar* cases the rate shall be 1%\r\n .
    \r\n In case of PAN is not available or invalid PAN,\r\n the tax shall be deducted at the rate of 5%.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is Additional Security Deposit (ASD)\r\n charged in bills, when it is charged and how\r\n it is calculated?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per Clause 4.2 (e) of UPERC Supply Code,\r\n 2005: If the security deposit falls short of\r\n covering the estimated power consumption bill\r\n for 45 days based on his average monthly\r\n consumption for the preceding financial year,\r\n then demand for Additional Security Deposit\r\n (ASD) is made to consumers equivalent to the\r\n difference of amount between the existing\r\n security deposit and 45 days average power\r\n consumption bill. Also, the demand for ASD is\r\n only made when the required ASD payable by the\r\n consumer exceeds 10% of the existing security\r\n deposit.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow6(!show6)}\r\n >\r\n Theft Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. Where I can contact in case of Direct theft\r\n booked on my consumer number.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit to NPCL Office Located at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n KP-II\r\n {\" \"}\r\n from 10:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) for any\r\n detailed information about theft booked or you\r\n may also contact our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666 or use WhatsApp Bot based services on\r\n 0120-6226666.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to report Direct Theft\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can call and complain against theft of\r\n electricity / tampering of meter through\r\n following avenues:\r\n

    • Helpline Number : 9891222240
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mobile App
    • \r\n
    • CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666
    • \r\n

    \r\n Your identity shall remain confidential and\r\n action will be taken at the earliest.\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is meant by “Direct Theft”?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Section 135(1) of Electricity Act, 2003 as\r\n amended by Electricity (amendment) Act , 2007,\r\n Theft of electricity is defined as, whoever\r\n dishonestly,\r\n

    • \r\n a) Taps Electricity line:\r\n
      • - overhead
      • \r\n
      • - underground
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n b) Tampers meter:\r\n
      • - usage of tampered meter
      • \r\n
      • - current reversing transformer
      • \r\n
      • - loop connection
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - other device interferes with\r\n accurate/proper registration.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n c) Other device/method result in a manner\r\n whereby:\r\n
      • - electricity is stolen
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - damages/destroys an electric meter/\r\n apparatus/equipment/wire/ cause\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n d) Uses electricity through a tampered meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n e) Uses electricity for purposes other than\r\n that which was authorized.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow5(!show5)}\r\n >\r\n Disconnection Related\r\n
    \r\n {show5 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for permanent disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you want your connection to be\r\n permanently disconnected, you have to submit the\r\n ID proof, last paid bill with our written\r\n application form at Customer Care Office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n .\r\n
    * 2 Years Lock-in Period is applicable for\r\n all consumers except LMV-9 (Temporary\r\n Connection) from last date of any change in\r\n contract. Please follow the link to know{\" \"}\r\n \r\n documentation requirement\r\n {\" \"}\r\n .\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines of Permanent\r\n Disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Disconnection of supply will completed\r\n within 30 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can I apply for the same meter after\r\n surrendering of current meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the connection is permanently\r\n disconnected, consumer has to follow{\" \"}\r\n \r\n new connection application{\" \"}\r\n \r\n process for getting an electricity connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for refunding of security\r\n funds?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Consumer Care Centre at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n , Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.\r\n and submit all the requisite documents which\r\n are mentioned at the back side of application\r\n form. Please follow the link to know{\" \"}\r\n \r\n documentation requirement\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why and when MCG charges are applicable for\r\n Permanent Disconnection application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. MCG calculated as per provisions of\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005. The Tariff Orders\r\n issued by Hon’ble Uttar Pradesh Electricity\r\n Regulatory Commission (“State Commission”) from\r\n time to time.Clause 4.14 (Agreement) - Point (h)\r\n However, if the agreement is to be terminated\r\n before completion of 2 years: 30 (i) Consumer\r\n shall be liable to pay the minimum charges (or\r\n the demand / fixed charges, if no minimum\r\n charges are prescribed for that category) for a\r\n period of 6 months or the period by which the\r\n total duration of the agreement falls short of 2\r\n years, whichever is lower.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow4(!show4)}\r\n >\r\n Reconnection Related\r\n
    \r\n {show4 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after making\r\n the part payment of outstanding amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reconnection is not allowed on part\r\n payment.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges for Reconnection\r\n within 6 Months?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reconnection charges will be based on below\r\n mentioned criteria:\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Criteria (load & Category) DR charges (Rs.)*
    Pre-paid Meters - Single phase - Zero
    Pre-paid Meters -3 phase - Zero
    Smart Meters - Single phase - 100
    Smart Meters - 3 phase - 200
    >75 KW/100BHP - 2000
    \r\n LMV-6 (having load <=75KW/100BHP){\" \"}\r\n - 1000
    All others categories - 600


    \r\n Note: * 18% GST is applicable on DR charges and\r\n supply will be reconnected within 48 hrs. for\r\n Rural and 24 hrs. for urban after payment of\r\n Outstanding dues along with reconnection\r\n charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines for Reconnection\r\n after temporary disconnection of supply?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Timeline for reconnection of supply will be\r\n Maximum of 48 Hrs for Rural and 24 hrs in Urban\r\n after payment of bill & Reconnection\r\n charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection when meter\r\n already removed at site?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision to reconnect the\r\n meter however consumer has to apply for new\r\n connection with all required documents.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after final\r\n bill generation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision of reconnection.\r\n Once the payment of final bill is done, consumer\r\n has to apply for new connection with all\r\n required documents.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What steps to be taken in case of Prov.\r\n TD of connection ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the connection is Prov. TD, you may\r\n have to submit a written application along with\r\n ID proof & current meter reading photo with a\r\n concent that in future reading shall be made\r\n available during periodic billing cycle at Customer\r\n Care Office at {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"},\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow3(!show3)}\r\n >\r\n Website / Mobile App Related\r\n
    \r\n {show3 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the procedure to Login on{\" \"}\r\n \r\n www.noidapower.com ?\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Go to www.noidapower.com. Click on\r\n “Consumer Login” and register your Consumer\r\n Number or click on the link: www.npcl.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various services/information\r\n available on NPCL's website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.The main features of website are as follows:\r\n

    • \r\n About NPCL and Contact Details of registered\r\n offices\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bill Payment Option
    • \r\n
    • Outage Alerts
    • \r\n
    • Service Application and Complaint
    • \r\n
    • Tariff Details
    • \r\n
    • Report a Concern
    • \r\n
    • Account Registration
    • \r\n
    • CSR activities
    • \r\n
    • Self Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Ebill Download
    • \r\n
    • Quick Bill Payment
    • \r\n
    • Contact Us
    • \r\n
    • Online Application
    • \r\n
    • Payment Options
    • \r\n
    • Pre-paid Meter Recharge
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer Services for Application form,\r\n Document Checklist, Online Meter Testing, SMS\r\n Based Services, WhatsApp based services,\r\n Customer Care office Queue Status, Single to\r\n Multipoint Conversion, Consumer Awareness and\r\n Many more.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to reset password ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Password can be reset after clicking forgot\r\n password option. You have to punch your\r\n registered email id and consumer number to\r\n receive an updated password , if problem still\r\n persist please write us at crm@noida power.com)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How and from where a consumer can update\r\n his contact details ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. For updating contact details (mobile\r\n number/ email-id) consumer can login to our\r\n website or mobile app. www.noidapower.com You\r\n may also visit our customer care office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday, along with the BP No. and\r\n ID proof of registered consumer or company. You\r\n may also write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Is it safe to give my bank details on NPCL\r\n website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL follows\r\n highest level of security standards to ensure\r\n that the data entered by consumers remains\r\n confidential.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Do I need to pay extra charges for online\r\n payment?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL does not levy any extra charge for\r\n online payment. However, the Payment Gateway,\r\n Wallets and other service providers may levy\r\n service charges along with applicable taxes for\r\n transaction above Rs. 4,000/-.\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Paytm\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1.10% of\r\n the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Bill\r\n desk Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1% of the\r\n transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, 3% per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Why this month bill is not updated on\r\n Website Mobile app ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are generated from time to time from\r\n commercial department. It might be possible due\r\n to some certain reason bill of this month may be\r\n delayed and it’s not generated yet. Once it will\r\n have generated in SAP system then PDF and bill\r\n details will appear on Website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What happen if my ID is locked in NPCL\r\n Website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. USERID will be automatic unlock in 24 hours\r\n for the website users\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What all the features available on Mobile\r\n App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After Login features are as follows :\r\n

    • Bill and Payment History
    • \r\n
    • Register Request & Complaints
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Consumption Analysis
    • \r\n
    • Energy Calculator
    • \r\n
    • Request & Complaint Status
    • \r\n
    • Subscribe for E-bill
    • \r\n
    • Self-Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Payment
    • \r\n
    • Energy Tips
    • \r\n
    • KYC Updation
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is Un-Authenticated Sender issue.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. User details like USERNAME, Email ID and\r\n Password are not matched when user face this\r\n kind of problem.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow2(!show2)}\r\n >\r\n Complaint Against Services Related\r\n
    \r\n {show2 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the process of applying for New\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant can download or fill the online\r\n New Connection Service form from our website and\r\n upload necessary documents www.noidapower.com as\r\n mentioned in the documents checklist. You can\r\n also visit our Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday, to apply in person.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Within how much time should the connection\r\n be provided to me?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the application and necessary\r\n documents are reviewed at NPCL, and estimate\r\n gets generated which needs to be paid by the\r\n consumer. Post which it will take approximately\r\n 7 working days* for the apparatus to be\r\n installed at the consumers premises and for the\r\n energization of supply.\r\n


    \r\n *This SLA is applicable for the urban domestic\r\n connection where no augmentation of main is\r\n required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why I have not received my estimate\r\n intimation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you have successfully submitted your\r\n new service application form at our Customer\r\n Care Office or Online , we process the\r\n application in our system and it gets forwarded\r\n to concerned department for the Commercial &\r\n LCC Dues, Technical feasibility check. Once\r\n clearance is received from all the departments\r\n it is followed by estimate preparation. During\r\n this process system generated messages are\r\n triggered, after completion of necessary stages.\r\n Thus, you are requested to please wait for the\r\n same as we will be working on 1st cum 1st serve\r\n basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I pay the Estimate amount Online\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online thru NPCL\r\n website or you may visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n to apply in person for payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Estimate paid but meter not installed yet?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post payment of estimated amount, New\r\n connection will be provided within 7 days where\r\n no Augmentation of existing mains are required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for the status of\r\n application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Kindly visit our website www.noidapower.com &\r\n refer consumer portal tab wherein option is available\r\n under digital services for application status check.\r\n You may click the direct link : {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Website\r\n {\" \"}\r\n To know the status of application you may\r\n use our WhatsApp bot based services on\r\n 0120-6226666 or write to us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to apply for refunding of security fund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit our Customer Care Office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n to apply for security refund, please follow the\r\n link to know {\" \"}\r\n \r\n documentation requirement\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Paper Formalities Required for Load\r\n Reduction?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to fill application and\r\n provide all the requisite documentation which\r\n are mentioned on the back side of application\r\n form. Please follow the link to know\r\n documentation requirement. Please note for load\r\n reduction consumer can only apply after two\r\n years from date of energization. For Temp.\r\n Supply, consumer can apply for load reduction at\r\n any point of time.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can consumer find the status of request\r\n against New Connection?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of a New Connection\r\n request, consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n Use our WhatsApp Bot based services on\r\n 0120-6226666 or\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Can write us at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Estimate not Received Yet\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you have not received any update\r\n after 7-10 days of applying for request.To know\r\n the status of application you may WhatsApp Bot\r\n based services on 0120-6226666 or can write us\r\n at crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is minimum charges & why it is to\r\n be paid.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to bear the minimum charges\r\n based on the total sanctioned load & as per\r\n the applicable tariff rate it is been calculated\r\n for remaining Tenure in case you have not\r\n completed 2 yrs. to the connection or recent\r\n load enhancement/reduction process. In Case the\r\n maximum demand recorded in any of the last 2\r\n billing cycles is higher than the reduced\r\n contracted load consumer can not opt for the\r\n proposed contracted load\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is Augmentation? How much time it take\r\n to complete?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Augmentation means improvement in load\r\n capacity as per requirement of installed\r\n electrical equipments. Load is increased within\r\n 30 days after payment of estimate if no change\r\n in electrical network is required .\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How and where to approach for Shifting of\r\n Mains ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. We accept application for following request\r\n

    • Meter Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Pole Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Service Cable Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Penal Feeder Box Shifting
    • \r\n

    \r\n For the shifting related request an application\r\n along with the copy of id proof and last paid\r\n bill is required please follow the link to be\r\n submitted at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}. Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday. After verification of\r\n documents, site visit is arranged to check the\r\n feasibility to fulfil the request and then a\r\n survey report is prepared and accordingly\r\n estimate is generated as per Regulatory\r\n guidelines. Once the payment of estimate is done\r\n then shifting will be executed\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What Documents are required for Load\r\n Enhancement/ Load Reduction/ Name Change/\r\n Category Change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please click Here.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the TAT for completion of Service\r\n Application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of estimate payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the system during\r\n this period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n load/ category, except shifting of mains , as it\r\n depends upon site condition and availability of\r\n material.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where we can contact in case of any\r\n information required for service request.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application, use our\r\n WhatsApp Bot based services on 0120-6226666 or\r\n write to us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the payment options for estimate\r\n payment ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can make online payment thru\r\n NPCL website,details are available under\r\n Payment options tab {\" \"}\r\n \r\n https://www.noidapower.com/cash-collection-centres\r\n {\" \"}, excluding cheqeue payment, you may\r\n opt any of the option to make estimate payment\r\n or you may visit our Customer Care office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n to apply in person for payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the basis of calculation of Security\r\n Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The security deposit maintainable for a\r\n consumer is equivalent to 2 times the average\r\n bill value for the financial year under\r\n reference. For a new applicant, the security\r\n deposit will be determined on the basis of load\r\n applied.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my application is been Pending since\r\n long.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several checks\r\n via different departments during which it might\r\n have not been cleared under LCC/CF Check, To\r\n know the status of application use our WhatsApp\r\n Bot based services on 0120-6226666 or write to\r\n us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to contact in case of application\r\n rejected due to LCC/Theft?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Our Office at {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-2\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 3:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When am I required to pay Additional\r\n Security Deposit (ASD)?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Each year the security deposit is reviewed\r\n in the month of April on the basis of last one\r\n year consumption. The statement of Security\r\n Deposit account is given in the bill for the\r\n month of April. If the maintainable Security\r\n Deposit is more than the security Deposit “held”\r\n amount, additional security deposit is required\r\n to be paid.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required in case of\r\n Small Correction in Connection Details such as\r\n Spelling of Name, inadequate Address?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The documentary proof for the desired\r\n change along with latest paid bill receipt along\r\n with correction form by the property owner. You\r\n may visit Customer Care Office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What happens if the Security Deposit amount\r\n held is more than the Security Deposit\r\n Maintainable amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In the above scenario, no ASD request will\r\n be placed however, as per the RBI guidelines\r\n interest gets credited for the held security\r\n amount.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How do I get refund of Security Deposit\r\n after account closure?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After necessary adjustment, the Security\r\n Deposit amount held with us is refunded with an\r\n A/c payee cheque in the name of the registered\r\n consumer at the recorded address.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When I can apply for Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may apply for Security Refund in\r\n below given scenarios :\r\n

    • \r\n *Once the connection is Permanently\r\n Disconnected\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * Once the property is sold and also name\r\n mutation has been completed in records and\r\n earlier connection gets permanently\r\n disconnected, the Old/Earlier property holder\r\n may apply for Security Refund\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required for Security\r\n Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Click here\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who is eligible to get Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Only the registered consumer or Old owner\r\n (in case of property sold out) can apply for\r\n Security Refund\r\n


    \r\n Q.Can I get Final Bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. After meter removal from site final bill\r\n get generated within 15 days and final copy may\r\n be provided wherein consumer himself/herself,\r\n have requested for permanent disconnection and\r\n having relevant notification no. too.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to apply for NOC ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you get the final bill copy and upon\r\n making necessary bill payments (if any),\r\n consumer may apply for NOC from our customer\r\n care office at{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}.\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My New Connection service request is\r\n pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check. After necessary clearance from\r\n respective team, you shall be notified with the\r\n Estimate Amount which is to paid before\r\n executing the site work. In case, payment is\r\n been done and work still pending. To know the\r\n status of a New Connection request, consumer may\r\n use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may Use our WhatsApp Bot based services on\r\n 0120-6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Can write us at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My New\r\n Connection service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed\r\n with site visit & after receiving site\r\n report, Estimate get generated & sent for\r\n necessary approvals. We shall keep you posted\r\n with SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate.In Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registered contact details, you may\r\n reach out to us via our WhatsApp Bot based\r\n services on 0120-6226666. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist new service\r\n request than why meter installation is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment against\r\n your Service request it will take 7-10 days time\r\n for meter installation. Only if there is any\r\n right of way issue, it may take more time for\r\n completing the assigned work and it may only be\r\n completed once clear way will be provided by\r\n consumer to our service team. Use our WhatsApp\r\n Bot based services on 0120-6226666. For any\r\n further assistance, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Name\r\n Mutation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7 days\r\n time for document verification and necessary\r\n approvals. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registered contact\r\n details, you may reach out to us via our\r\n WhatsApp Bot based services on 0120-6226666. For\r\n any further requirement, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Name Mutation is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the system during\r\n this period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n details. In case of any doubt .For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Load\r\n Augmentation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed\r\n with site visit & after receiving site\r\n report, Estimate get generated & sent for\r\n necessary approvals. We shall keep you posted\r\n with SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registered contact\r\n details, you may reach out to us via our\r\n WhatsApp Bot based services on 0120-6226666. For\r\n any further requirement, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Load Augmentation service request is\r\n pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check. After necessary clearance from\r\n respective team, you shall be notified with the\r\n Estimate Amount which is to paid before\r\n executing the site work. In case, payment is\r\n been done and work still pending you may visit\r\n us at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist Load\r\n Augmentation request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment against\r\n your Service request it will take 7-10 days time\r\n for meter installation. Only if there is any\r\n right of way issue, it may take more time for\r\n completing the assigned work and it may only be\r\n completed once clear way will be provided by\r\n consumer to our service team. You may reach out\r\n to us via our WhatsApp Bot based services on\r\n 0120-6226666. For any further assistance, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Category Change is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the system during\r\n this period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n details. In case of any doubt you may reach out\r\n to us via our WhatsApp Bot based services on\r\n 0120-6226666. For any further requirement, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Category Change service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7 days\r\n time for document verification and necessary\r\n approvals. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registered contact\r\n details, you may reach out to us via our\r\n WhatsApp Bot based services on 0120-6226666. For\r\n any further requirement, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Load\r\n Reduction service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed\r\n with site visit (As & when required) &\r\n after receiving site report, Estimate get\r\n generated & sent for necessary approvals. We\r\n shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail alert\r\n containing payment link of estimate. In Case you\r\n have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registered contact details, you may reach out to\r\n us via our WhatsApp Bot based services on\r\n 0120-6226666. For any further requirement, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Load Reduction is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the billing, during\r\n this period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n load details. In case of any doubt you may reach\r\n out to us via our WhatsApp Bot based services on\r\n 0120-6226666. For any further requirement, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Shifting request is pending for Site\r\n Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check. After necessary clearance from\r\n respective team, you shall be notified with the\r\n Estimate Amount which is to paid before\r\n executing the site work. In case, payment is\r\n been done and work still pending you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n .Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Shifting request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Shifting request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed\r\n with site visit & after receiving site\r\n report, Estimate get generated & sent for\r\n necessary approvals. We shall keep you posted\r\n with SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registered contact\r\n details, you may please visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n .Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there is no action taken at site ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check. After necessary clearance from\r\n respective team, you shall be notified with the\r\n Estimate Amount which is to paid before\r\n executing the siite work. In case, payment is\r\n been done and work still pending you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}.\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it will\r\n take next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may receive 1\r\n bill with previous details. In case of any doubt\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name correction is still pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several checks\r\n via different departments during which it might\r\n have not been cleared under LCC/CF Check, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it will\r\n take next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may receive 1\r\n bill with previous details. In case of any doubt\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction is still pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several checks\r\n via different departments during which it might\r\n have not been cleared under LCC/CF Check, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connections floor wise?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In domestic high rise building electricity\r\n connection to individual owner/occupant are\r\n provided on multipoint scheme as per the\r\n guidelines of 13th Ammendmant of Electricity\r\n Supply Code, 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What should be the file type and size to\r\n upload for new connection online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. File size can't exceed 15 mb per\r\n documentation type.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connection through mobile\r\n app?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, you can apply new connection from NPCL\r\n mobile app.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How much I have to pay for Prepaid\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, service charges and security (if\r\n applicable) as specified in Cost Data Book which\r\n shall be calculated based upon your application\r\n and site survey.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can apply for Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are intending to carry out any\r\n construction work at your premise and seeking of\r\n electricity connection for construction\r\n activity, then, you will have to apply for\r\n temorary connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the Documentation requirement for\r\n Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant has to fill application form for\r\n new connection and provide all the requisite\r\n documentation which are mentioned on the back\r\n side of new connection application form.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to convert from temporary to permanent?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete construction work and\r\n obtains building completion certificate from\r\n concerned authority i.e. GNIDA/UPSIDC, you can\r\n apply for Permanent connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges of temporary\r\n connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, security deposit and service\r\n charges as specified in Cost Data Book which\r\n shall be calculated based upon your application\r\n and site survey\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is B&L form and why it is required\r\n in load augmentation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. B&L form or Work completion certificate\r\n form is filled by the licensed electrical\r\n contractor who has carried out electrical\r\n wiring/installation of premise. This certifies\r\n that electrical wiring/installation is done\r\n following all the regualtions and includes the\r\n equipments details installed, insulation test\r\n result of the wiring/installation.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for status of Online New\r\n Connection application\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you may\r\n use our WhatsApp bot based services on\r\n 0120-6226666 or can write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n or visit us at our Customer Care Office,{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Knowledge Park-I\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Techzone-IV\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sigma-IV:- 33/11KV Substation\r\n {\" \"}\r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Ecotech-II: Electric Sub-Station\r\n {\" \"}. Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow(!show)}\r\n >\r\n Supply Related\r\n
    \r\n\r\n {show ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Where to complaint for No-Power issue?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Register the complaint at NPCL's helpline no.\r\n +91-0120 6226666 along with 10-digit consumer\r\n number printed at the upper left corner of your\r\n electricity bill and after registration of\r\n complaint one complaint number will be intimated\r\n to you for future reference. NPCL\r\n fault-repairing crew will attend to the cause of\r\n the complaint and resolve the same within the\r\n following time limits:\r\n

    • Normal Fuse-off: Within 2 Hrs
    • \r\n
    • Overhead Line Breakdowns: Within 2 Hrs
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Underground Line Breakdowns: Within 12 Hrs\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Distribution Transformer failure: Within 6 Hrs\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n You may reach out us through our WhatsApp Bot\r\n based services on 0120-6226666 or Send SMS at\r\n 7840002288 ( #NoPower {\"\"} Consumer No.)\r\n May also download our mobile app for easy &\r\n quick access.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to address the problem of frequent\r\n tripping of MCB or blowing of fuse?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Contact a Licensed Electrical contractor\r\n (L.E.C.) to locate the cause. If there is a\r\n fault/defect in your wiring installations,\r\n rectify the same.\r\n


    \r\n If the load of your installation is more than\r\n the load allowed by NPCL, please apply for\r\n enhancement of load by filling up a form\r\n available at NPCL office KP-1 & know more\r\n about the same.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to resolve supply-related complaints on\r\n power interruptions or unsatisfactory voltage\r\n profile ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Register the complaint at NPCL's helpline\r\n no. +91-0120 6226666 along with\r\n 10-digit consumer number printed at the upper\r\n left corner of your electricity bill and one\r\n complaint number will be intimated to you for\r\n future reference. NPCL fault-repairing crew will\r\n attend to the cause of the complaint and resolve\r\n the same within the following time limits:\r\n

    • Local problem on transformer : 2 days
    • \r\n
    • no expansion required: 10 days
    • \r\n
    • \r\n upgradation of distribution box : 120 days\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n You may reach out us through our WhatsApp Bot\r\n based services on 0120-6226666 or Send SMS at\r\n 7840002288 ( #NOPOWER {\"\"} Consumer No.)\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n setShow10(!show10)}\r\n >\r\n Peer To Peer Energy Trading\r\n
    \r\n {show10 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is P2P solar trading Platform?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. P2P (Peer-to-Peer) solar trading platform is a blockchain-based system that enables prosumers (individuals generating solar energy) to sell their excess solar power directly to P2P consumers at mutually agreed prices.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Who are the Participants in solar energy trading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Participants in solar energy trading include prosumers and consumers who have registered with the NPCL and the P2P platform. Prosumers generate and sell rooftop solar energy, while consumers purchase this energy through the P2P platform. Both parties engage in transactions facilitated by the platform.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Who are Consumer and Prosumer?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Prosumer -A consumer of NPCL who owns solar power generation panel and is registered with the NPCL to sell its solar energy generated through rooftop solar under UPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System Gross /Net Metering) Regulations, 2019 on P2P platform.\r\n


    \r\n Consumer -A consumer of NPCL who is registered with the NPCL to buy solar energy through P2P platform from a P2P prosumer.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Who can participate in solar energy trading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Participants who are registered with the NPCL and P2P Platform.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Who are participants?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. A prosumer or a consumer who has registered with the NPCL and Service Provider to sell or buy rooftop solar energy through P2P platform provided by the Service Provider.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Who is service provider?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. An agency who registers itself with NPCL to provide P2P solar energy transaction services on blockchain based P2P Platform.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the eligibility criteria for participation in energy trading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To participate in energy trading, the following criteria must be met for both prosumers and consumers:\r\n


    \r\n Prosumer: The prosumer must have a solar generation panel installed.\r\n


    General Eligibility for Both Prosumers and Consumers:



    1. Both prosumers and consumers must be live, consumer of NPCL.
    2. \r\n
    3. Both must have cleared all outstanding dues with NPCL.
    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the Transaction Price?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Transaction Price is a mutually agreed price between P2P Prosumers and P2P Consumers, for energy transacted on P2P platform.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the products offered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.

    1. Intraday Market\r\n

      \r\n For intraday transactions, participants submit their schedule energy to be transacted on P2P platform at least four-time blocks before the commencement of schedule. No deviation in schedule shall be allowed beyond this point.\r\n

    2. \r\n
    3. Day-Ahead\r\n

      \r\n For day ahead transactions, participants shall submit their schedule for the energy to be transacted on P2P platform on nth day, by 1700 hrs of (n-l)th day. No deviation in schedule shall be allowed beyond this time.\r\n

    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Is there Transaction charges on solar energy trading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.\r\n

    • Fees charged for P2P solar energy transaction on P2P platform, as specified by the H’ble UPERC (Presently it has been taken as Rs. 0.42 (incl. of GST) per unit, thereby levying @ Rs. 0.21 on P2P Prosumer and P2P Consumer both).\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Wheeling charges will be as per the applicable H’ble UPERC Tariff Order i.e. Rs. 0.77 per unit (Wheeling charges is applicable for Consumers only.)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Is there a mobile application available for P2P Platform?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, currently only the android app is available which can be downloaded from the P2P Google Play Store application, simply visit the Google Play Store if you are using an Android phone and search for the NPCL SAUR MITRA.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the different types of transaction statuses?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.\r\n

    • Rejected: No order is present in the market.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Expired: An order expires if it is not executed within the specified time frame or trading window.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • In Progress: The order is partially executed or is still in progress.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Cancelled: The order was cancelled by the user before execution.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Completed: The order was successfully executed.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Help-desk queries?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Help desk can address all questions, and clarifications related to the P2P platform\r\n

    • \r\n For registration, please visit: \r\n \r\n https://www.noidapower.com/\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • For any query, you can reach out to us via email at: CRMNPCL@rpsg.in
    • \r\n
    • If you prefer to call us, our help line is available at: 0120 6226666 (24 x 7)
    • \r\n

    \r\n \"Currently P2P related complaints are only handled by the above mentioned medium\".\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Faq;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst AllotteesMultiStoriedBuildings = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Single Point to Multipoint Connection for Multi Storied\r\n Building\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Important Notice for Owners / Allottees of\r\n Multi-Storied Buildings in Greater Noida\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Advertisement published on TOI & NBT dated 1st November\r\n 2020\r\n


    \r\n Pursuant to the 13th Amendment of U.P. Electricity\r\n Supply Code 2005, this is to inform that the following\r\n Multi-storied Buildings / Housing Societies, currently\r\n having Single Point Electricity Connection will be\r\n converted into Multi-point Individual Connections, as\r\n under:\"\r\n

    \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n SL. NO.\r\n SOCIETY / CONSUMER NAME; ADDRESS\r\n Estimated Time for Conversion #\r\n \r\n \r\n 1\r\n \r\n CELESTIAL PALACE; GRAHALAXMI SAS PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-005, SECTOR 32 PI, CASIA ESTATE\r\n \r\n Under Conversion\r\n \r\n \r\n 2\r\n \r\n JAMIA APARTMENTS; JMI PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES\r\n WELFARE SOCIETY; PLOT NO.-2, SECTOR-32 PI\r\n \r\n 1 Month\r\n \r\n \r\n 3\r\n \r\n AMBE BHARTI PATRAKAR SAS LTD.; PLOT NO.-9,\r\n SECTOR-32 PI\r\n \r\n 1 Month\r\n \r\n \r\n 4\r\n \r\n EDANA; INOX AIR PRODUCTS PVT. LTD. (GROUP\r\n HOUSING); PLOT NO.-GH-04, SECTOR-ALPHA-1\r\n \r\n 2 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 5\r\n \r\n AIG PARK AVENUE; AIG INFRATECH (INDIA). PVT. LTD.;\r\n PLOT NO. GC-02/GH-01, SECTOR-4\r\n \r\n 2 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 6\r\n \r\n ANAND ASHRAY; C.C.S.E. SAHAKARI\r\n   AWAS SAMITI\r\n   LTD.; PLOT NO.-GH-007A,\r\n SECTOR-PHI-02\r\n \r\n 2 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 7\r\n \r\n HINDUSTAN PETROLIUM COOPERATIVE HOUSING; PLOT\r\n NO.-14, SECTOR-32 PI\r\n \r\n 2 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 8\r\n \r\n POWER OFFICERS SAHAKARI AWAS SAMITI; PLOT NO 14,\r\n POCKET P2\r\n \r\n 2 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 9\r\n \r\n NRI CITY (PLOTTED); OMAXE LTD; PLOT NO.-GH-001,\r\n SECTOR-OMEGA-1\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 10\r\n \r\n KENDRIYA LOKNIRMAN SAS LTD.; PLOT NO.-10, POCKET\r\n P4\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 11\r\n \r\n MEENAKSHI SAHAKARI AWAS SAMITI; PLOT NO.-7,\r\n SECTOR-32 PI\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 12\r\n \r\n PRASAR KUNJ SAHAKARI AWAS SAMITI; PLOT NO.-8,\r\n SECTOR-32 PI\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 13\r\n \r\n BANK EMPLOYEE SAS LTD.; PLOT NO 1, SECTOR-32 PI\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 14\r\n \r\n ANS APARTMENTS PVT. LTD.; PLOT NO.-10, SECTOR-33\r\n PI-1&2\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 15\r\n \r\n BSNL OSAS LIMITED; PLOT NO.-73, SECTOR - SIGMA-4\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 16\r\n \r\n SAYA ZION; SAYA BUILDCON CONSORTIUM PVT. LTD.;\r\n GH-01, SECTOR-4\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 17\r\n \r\n ECOVILLAGE-1; SUPERTECH LTD.; GH-08, SECTOR-1\r\n (Partially Completed Project)\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 18\r\n UNITECH HORIZON; PLOT NO. 6, SECTOR -PI\r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 19\r\n \r\n ACE CITY; CREST PROMOTERS PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-01, SECTOR-1\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 20\r\n \r\n GRAND FORT; SATILILA SAS LTD.; PLOT NO.-76,\r\n SECTOR-SIGMA-4\r\n \r\n 2 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 21\r\n \r\n LOTUS VILLA; RENOWNED BUILDTECH PVT. LTD.; K.N.\r\n 215-234, JALPURA\r\n \r\n 2 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 22\r\n \r\n SPRING MEADOWS; PIGEON BUILDHOME PVT. LTD.;\r\n GH-07A, SECTOR-TECHZONE-4\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 23\r\n \r\n ECOVILLAGE-2; SUPERTECH LTD.; GH-01, SECTOR-16B\r\n (Partially Completed Project)\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 24\r\n \r\n ELDECO MYSTIC GREEN; ELDECO INFRASTRUCTURE PVT.\r\n LTD.; PLOT NO.-GH-003, SECTOR- OMICRON-I\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 25\r\n \r\n CZAR; SUPERTECH LTD.; GH-02, SECTOR-OMICRON-1\r\n (Incomplete elect. Infra)\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 26\r\n \r\n ATS DOLCE; DOMUS GREEN PVT. LTD.; PLOT NO.-GH-12A,\r\n SECTOR-ZETA-I (Ph-II Under Construction)\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 27\r\n \r\n FRENCH APARTMENTS; ANTHEM INFRASTRUCTURE PVT LTD.;\r\n PLOT NO.-GH-07B, SECTOR-16B\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 28\r\n \r\n SAMRIDHI GRAND; SAMRIDHI REALTY HOMES PVT. LTD.;\r\n PLOT NO.-GH-09D, SECTOR-TECHZONE-4\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 29\r\n \r\n HIMALAYA PRIDE; HIMALAYA REALESTATE PVT. LTD.;\r\n GH-10B, SECTOR-TECHZONE-4\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 30\r\n \r\n PANCHSHEEL HYNISH; PANCHSHEEL BUILDTECH PVT.LTD.;\r\n PLOT NO.-GH-08A, SECTOR-1\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 31\r\n VALENCIA HOMES; PLOT NO.-GH-07B, SECTOR-1\r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 32\r\n \r\n SAVIOUR GREEN ARCH; NEW WAY HOMES PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-10A, SECTOR-TECHZONE-4\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 33\r\n \r\n ARIHANT ARDEN; ARIHANT ARDEN ASSOCIATION OF\r\n APARTMENT OWNERS; PLOT NO.-GH-07A, SECTOR-1\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 34\r\n \r\n NIRAL ASPIRE; NIRALA HOUSING PVT. LTD.; PLOT NO.\r\n GH-03, SECTOR 16\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 35\r\n \r\n 10TH AVENUE, GAUR CITY -2; GAURSONS PROMOTERS\r\n PVT.LTD.; PLOT NO.-GC-10/GH-3, SECTOR-16C\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 36\r\n \r\n GALAXY VEGA; PANCH TATVA PROMOTERS PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-08C, SECTOR-TECHZONE-4\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 37\r\n \r\n PANCHSHEEL GREENS; PANCHSHEEL BUILDTECH PVT.LTD.\r\n (GREENS); PLOT NO.-GH-001A, SECTOR-16B\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 38\r\n \r\n GALAXY NORTH AVENUE-II; GALAXY DREAM HOME\r\n DEVELOPERS; PLOT NO.-GC/3D, GH-3, SECTOR-16C\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 39\r\n \r\n 1ST AVENUE, GAUR CITY -1; GAURSONS HI TECH\r\n INFRASTRUCTURE PVT. LTD.; PLOT NO.-GC-01/GH-1,\r\n SECTOR-4\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 40\r\n \r\n PRISTINE AVENUE; GEOTECH HOMZ PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GC-3F/GH-3, SECTOR-16C\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 41\r\n \r\n STELLAR MI CITIHOMES; SPRINGLEA DEVELOPERS PVT.\r\n LTD.; PLOT NO.-GH-07A, SECTOR-OMICRON-III,\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 42\r\n \r\n PARSVNATH ESTATE RESIDENT WELFARE ASSOCIATION;\r\n PLOT NO.-BRS-08, POCKET P2\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 43\r\n \r\n AVJ HOMES; AVJ DEVELOPERS  PVT.\r\n LTD.; PLOT NO.90, SECTOR-BETA-2\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 44\r\n \r\n PALM OLYMPIA; SAM INDIA ABHIMANYU HOUSING; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-02, SECTOR-16C\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 45\r\n \r\n 14TH AVENUE, GAUR CITY -2; GAURSONS PROMOTERS PVT.\r\n LTD.; PLOT NO.-GC-14/GH-3, SECTOR-16C\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 46\r\n \r\n 16TH AVENUE, GAUR CITY-2; GAURSONS PROMOTERS\r\n PVT.LTD.; PLOT NO.-GC-16/GH-3, SECTOR-16C\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 47\r\n \r\n ARIHANT AMBER; CITYCON BUILDWELL PVT LTD; GH-16C,\r\n SECTOR-01\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 48\r\n \r\n FUSION HOMES; FUSION BUILDTECH PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-05A,SECTOR-TECHZONE-4\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 49\r\n \r\n TRIDENT HOMES; TRIDENT INFRAHOMES PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-05B, SECTOR-1\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 50\r\n \r\n SKA GREEN MANSION; SKA REALTECH PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-01N, SECTOR-12\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 51\r\n \r\n AJNARA HOMES; APV REALTY LTD.; PLOT NO.-GH-003,\r\n SECTOR-16B\r\n \r\n 5 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 52\r\n \r\n SKY GARDEN; SJP INFRACON LTD.; PLOT NO.-GH-05,\r\n SECTOR-16B\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 53\r\n \r\n AISHWARYAM; WALL ROCK INFRATECH PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GC-3G/GH-3, SECTOR-16C\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 54\r\n \r\n DIVYANSH FLOURA; DIVYANSH INFRA HEIGHT PVT. LTD.;\r\n PLOT NO.-GC-3H/GH-3, SECTOR-16C\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 55\r\n \r\n EROS SAMPOORNAM; AJAY ENTERPRISES PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-01, SECTOR-2\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 56\r\n \r\n OMKAR ROYAL NEST; OMKAR NESTS PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-08B, SECTOR-TECHZONE-4\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 57\r\n \r\n ACE ASPIRE; STAR LANDCRAFT PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-02A,ECTOR-TECHZONE-4\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 58\r\n \r\n ALPHA HOMES; MSX REALTORS PVT.LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-010, SECTOR-ALPHA-1\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 59\r\n \r\n AMRAPALI GRAND; BIHARIJI ISPAT UDYOG LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-009, SECTOR- ZETA-I\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 60\r\n \r\n AIR FORCE NAVAL HOUSHING BOARD; PLOT NO.-9,\r\n BUILDERS SCHEME\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 61\r\n \r\n EXPRESS PARK VIEW-1; NIMBUS PROJECTS LIMITED; PLOT\r\n NO.-10B, SECTOR-CHI-05\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 62\r\n \r\n IITL NIMBUS THE EXPRESS PARK VIEW; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-003, SECTOR-CHI-05\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 63\r\n \r\n EXPRESS PARK VIEW-1; IITL PROJECTS LIMITED; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-010A, SECTOR-CHI-05\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 64\r\n \r\n CASA GRAND 1; EARTHCON CONSTRUCTION PVT.LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-07A, SECTOR-CHI-05\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 65\r\n \r\n TODAY HOMES & INFRASTRUCTURE PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-BRS-07, SECTOR-OMEGA-1\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 66\r\n \r\n PLUMERIA GARDEN; UP TOWN SHIP PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-001, SECTOR-OMICRON-III\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 67\r\n UNITECH HEIGHT; PLOT NO.-5,SECTOR-CHI-03\r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 68\r\n \r\n UNITECH VERVE; PLOT NO.-11, SECTOR-32 PI,PI-02\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 69\r\n \r\n LOTUS PARK; RENOWNED BUILDTECH PVT.LTD.;\r\n   K.N. 258-268, SURAJPUR\r\n \r\n 2 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 70\r\n \r\n CASA WOODSTOCK; ANGEL INFRAHEIGHT PVT LTD.;\r\n GC-3E/GH-03, SECTOR-16C\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 71\r\n UNITECH CASCADE; PLOT NO.-8, SECTOR-32PI\r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 72\r\n \r\n AMRAPALI CASTLE; ULTRA HOME CONSTRUCTION PVT.LTD.;\r\n GH-04A, SECTOR-CHI-5\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 73\r\n \r\n PLATINUM APARTMENTS RESIDENTS WELFARE\r\n ASSOCIATION.(PARWA); PLOT NO.-D-001(TAU),\r\n SECTOR-31\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 74\r\n \r\n PARASDEEP SAHAKARI AWAS SAMITI; PLOT NO.-GHS-04,\r\n SECTOR-32 PI\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 75\r\n \r\n MAHAGUN MY WOODS; MAHAGUN (INDIA) PVT.LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-04, SECTOR-16C\r\n \r\n 5 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 76\r\n \r\n NIRALA ESTATE; NIRALA INFRATECH PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO-GH-04, SECTOR-TECHZONE-4\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 77\r\n \r\n VEDANTAM; JYOTIRMAY INFRACON PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-01B, SECTOR-16C\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 78\r\n \r\n GOLF GARDENIA; M.I.BUILDERS PVT. LTD; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-002, SECTOR-ALPHA-2\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 79\r\n \r\n PARSVANATH EDENS; EDENS FLAT OWNERS &\r\n RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION; PLOT NO.-GHS-05,\r\n SECTOR-ALPHA-2\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 80\r\n \r\n OASIS HOMES; IDEAL REALTY SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD.;\r\n PLOT NO-91, SECTOR-BETA-2\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 81\r\n \r\n ARMY WELFARE HOUSING ORGANISATION; PLOT NO.-10,\r\n BUILDERS SCHEME\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 82\r\n \r\n OMAXE PALM GREENS; OMAXE BUILD HOME PVT. LTD.;\r\n PLOT NO.-GH-002, SECTOR-MU\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 83\r\n \r\n VRINDA CITY; CCSE SAHKARI AWAS SAMITI LTD; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-002, SECTOR-PHI-04\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 84\r\n \r\n PARSVNATH PANORAMA; PLOT NO.-A-001, SWARN NAGRI\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 85\r\n \r\n NRI RESIDENCY; SDS INFRATECH PRIVATE LIMITED; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-001, SECTOR-OMEGA-2\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 86\r\n UNITECH HABITAT; PLOT NO.-9, SECTOR PI-02\r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 87\r\n \r\n NIRALA GREENSHIRE; NIRALA PROJECTS PVT LTD ;\r\n GH-03, SECTOR-2\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 88\r\n \r\n PURVANCHAL SILVER CITY-II; RWA PURVANCHAL SILVER\r\n CITY-II; PLOT NO.-10, SECTOR-PHI-02\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 89\r\n \r\n MAHALUXMI GREEN MANSION; MAHALUXMI BUILDTECH\r\n LIMITED; HRA-14, SECTOR-SITE-C\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 90\r\n \r\n SHIVALIK HOMES; COSMOS INFRAESTATE PVT.LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-HRA-009, SITE C SURAJPUR HOUSING\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 91\r\n \r\n 4TH AVENUE,GAUR CITY -1; GAURSONS HI TECH\r\n INFRASTRUCTURE PVT LTD; PLOT NO.-GC-04/GH-1,\r\n SECTOR-4\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 92\r\n \r\n 5TH AVENUE,GAUR CITY -1; GAURSONS HI-TECH\r\n INFRASTRUCTURE PVT .LTD; PLOT NO.-GC-05/GH-1,\r\n SECTOR-4\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 93\r\n \r\n 6TH AVENUE,GAUR CITY -1; GAURSONS HI-TECH\r\n INFRASTRUCTURE PVT.LTD.; PLOT NO.-GC-6/GH-1,\r\n SECTOR-4\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 94\r\n \r\n LA RESIDENTIA; LA RESIDENTIA DEVLOPERS PVT. LTD.;\r\n PLOT NO-GH-06A,SECTOR-TECHZONE-4\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 95\r\n \r\n ACE PLATINUM; STAR CITY BUILDCON PVT. LTD.; PLOT\r\n NO.-GH-012/1, SECTOR-ZETA-I\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 96\r\n \r\n PUTTING GREENS; OMAXE LTD.; PLOT NO.-GH-002,\r\n POCKET P2\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 97\r\n \r\n PROVIEW TECHNO CITY APARTMENT; PROVIEW\r\n CONSTRUCTION LIMITED; PLOT NO.-GH-009A,\r\n SECTOR-CHI-05\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 98\r\n \r\n VICTORY ONE CENTRAL; INTELLECT PROJECTS PVT LTD;\r\n GH-02E, SECTOR-12 (Partially Complete Project)\r\n \r\n 3 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n 99\r\n \r\n \r\n PANCHSHEEL GREENS-II; PANCHSHEEL BUILDTECH PVT.\r\n LTD.; PLOT NO.-GH-01A, SECTOR-16\r\n \r\n Under Construction\r\n \r\n \r\n 100\r\n \r\n AJNARA LEE GARDEN; AJNARA REALTECH LTD.; PLOT NO.\r\n GH 02, SECTOR 16C (Partially Complete Project)\r\n \r\n 4 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 101\r\n \r\n ECOVILLAGE-3; SUPERTECH LIMITED; PLOT NO.-GH-06,\r\n SECTOR-16B (Partially Complete Project)\r\n \r\n 6 Months\r\n \r\n \r\n 102\r\n \r\n AVJ HEIGHTS; AVJ DEVELOPERS PVT. LTD. (AVJ\r\n HEIGHTS); GH-012/2, SECTOR ZETA-1\r\n \r\n Under NCLT\r\n \r\n \r\n 103\r\n \r\n JAYPEE GREENS; JAYPEE GREENS LTD.\r\n   (Mixed Load)\r\n \r\n 6 Month\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

    \r\n #: Please note that the Conversion work will be\r\n commenced upon receipt of Application in prescribed form\r\n duly completed in all respect along with relevant\r\n documents and payment, as approved by the Hon’ble\r\n Commission vide its Order dated 5th August 2020, from at\r\n least 50% of the Owners / Allottees.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default AllotteesMultiStoriedBuildings;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst SinglePointToMultipontConversion = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Single Point To Multipont Conversion

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Information Board\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Single Point To Multipont Conversion\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n Single Point to Multipont Conversion\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Important Notice for Owners / Allottees of\r\n Multi-Storied Buildings in Greater Noida published on\r\n TOI & NBT dated 14th March 2021.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Noida Power Company Limited Public Notice - Appeal to\r\n Residents / AOA / RWA / SAS to take Individual\r\n Connection.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Important Notice for Owners / Allottees of\r\n Multi-Storied Buildings in Greater Noida published on\r\n TOI & NBT dated 1st November 2020.\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default SinglePointToMultipontConversion;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Chart from 'react-apexcharts'\r\n\r\nconst CustomerCareOfficeQueueStatus = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n\r\n const series2= [{\r\n name: \"Previous Working Day Token Status\",\r\n data: [44, 55, 41, 64, 22, 43, 21]\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"Current Date Token Status\",\r\n data: [53, 32, 33, 0,0, 0, 0]\r\n }]\r\n\r\n const options2 = {\r\n chart: {\r\n type: 'bar',\r\n }, plotOptions: {\r\n bar: {\r\n horizontal: true,\r\n dataLabels: {\r\n position: 'top',\r\n },\r\n }\r\n },\r\n dataLabels: {\r\n enabled: true,\r\n offsetX: -6,\r\n style: {\r\n fontSize: '12px',\r\n colors: ['#fff']\r\n }\r\n },\r\n stroke: {\r\n show: true,\r\n width: 1,\r\n colors: ['#fff']\r\n },\r\n tooltip: {\r\n shared: true,\r\n intersect: false\r\n }, xaxis: {\r\n categories: [\"10 AM\",\"11 AM\",\"12 AM\",\"1 PM\",\"2 PM\",\"3 PM\",\"4 PM\",\"5 PM\"],\r\n },\r\n }\r\n\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Customer Care Office Queue Status

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Information Board\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Customer Care Office Queue Status\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n Customer Care Office Queue Status\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n KP-1 Office\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Techzone–4 Office\r\n
    • \r\n

    Live Status

    \r\n \"\"/\r\n
    High Traffic
    Medium Traffic
    \r\n \r\n
    Low Traffic
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default CustomerCareOfficeQueueStatus;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Chart from 'react-apexcharts'\r\n\r\nconst CustomerCareOfficeQueueStatusTech = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n\r\n const series2= [{\r\n name: \"Previous Working Day Token Status\",\r\n data: [44, 55, 41, 64, 22, 43, 21]\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"Current Date Token Status\",\r\n data: [53, 52, 53, 0,0, 0, 0]\r\n }]\r\n\r\n const options2 = {\r\n chart: {\r\n type: 'bar',\r\n }, plotOptions: {\r\n bar: {\r\n horizontal: true,\r\n dataLabels: {\r\n position: 'top',\r\n },\r\n }\r\n },\r\n dataLabels: {\r\n enabled: true,\r\n offsetX: -6,\r\n style: {\r\n fontSize: '12px',\r\n colors: ['#fff']\r\n }\r\n },\r\n stroke: {\r\n show: true,\r\n width: 1,\r\n colors: ['#fff']\r\n },\r\n tooltip: {\r\n shared: true,\r\n intersect: false\r\n }, xaxis: {\r\n categories: [\"10 AM\",\"11 AM\",\"12 AM\",\"1 PM\",\"2 PM\",\"3 PM\",\"4 PM\",\"5 PM\"],\r\n },\r\n }\r\n\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Customer Care Office Queue Status

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Information Board\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Customer Care Office Queue Status\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n Customer Care Office Queue Status\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n KP-1 Office\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Techzone–4 Office\r\n
    • \r\n

    Live Status

    \r\n \"\"/\r\n
    High Traffic
    Medium Traffic
    \r\n \r\n
    Low Traffic
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default CustomerCareOfficeQueueStatusTech;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst SupplyRelatedComaplaint = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Supply Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Supply Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Supply Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Planned Outages\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n


    Area Affected



    \r\n From: 15/1/2022,11:00 hrs\r\n


    \r\n To: 15/1/2022,13:30 hrs\r\n


    \r\n Remarks: Supply interruption due to planned\r\n shutdown of electric network from 11:00 hrs,\r\n 15-Jan-22. Expected time of restoration 13:30 hrs,\r\n 15-Jan-22.-NPCL\r\n

    Area Affected



    \r\n From: 16/1/2022,11:00 hrs\r\n


    \r\n To: 16/1/2022,16:00 hrs\r\n


    \r\n Remarks: Supply interruption due to planned\r\n shutdown of electric network from 11:00 hrs,\r\n 16-Jan-22. Expected time of restoration 16:00 hrs,\r\n 16-Jan-22.-NPCL\r\n



    No Outage Available


    Area Affected



    \r\n From: 15/1/2022,11:00 hrs\r\n


    \r\n To: 15/1/2022,13:30 hrs\r\n


    \r\n Remarks: Supply interruption due to planned\r\n shutdown of electric network from 11:00 hrs,\r\n 15-Jan-22. Expected time of restoration 13:30 hrs,\r\n 15-Jan-22.-NPCL\r\n

    Area Affected



    \r\n From: 16/1/2022,11:00 hrs\r\n


    \r\n To: 16/1/2022,16:00 hrs\r\n


    \r\n Remarks: Supply interruption due to planned\r\n shutdown of electric network from 11:00 hrs,\r\n 16-Jan-22. Expected time of restoration 16:00 hrs,\r\n 16-Jan-22.-NPCL\r\n

    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default SupplyRelatedComaplaint;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst Register = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Supply Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Supply Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Supply Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Planned Outages\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    New Registration


    \r\n Welcome to NPCL Supplier Registration Portal\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Declaration\r\n

    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n * Yes I have read the data privacy\r\n statement and accept the terms.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Submit\r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Register;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst Status = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Supply Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Supply Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Supply Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Planned Outages\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Status;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst FeedBackForm = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Supply Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Supply Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Supply Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Planned Outages\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    Feedback Form

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Ease of Accessing Information on Website

    \r\n \r\n 😒 Poor\r\n \r\n \r\n 😐 OK\r\n \r\n \r\n 😏 Good\r\n \r\n \r\n 😁 Great\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Submit\r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default FeedBackForm;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst ComplaintManagementProcess = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Supply Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Supply Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Supply Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Planned Outages\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n TIER – I: NPCL Complaint escalation & Redressal\r\n structure\r\n \r\n


    \r\n In case of any concern/ request you may visit our\r\n Customer Care Office and meet the following official\r\n with complete detail:\r\n

    • \r\n Level 1: Customer Relation Officer\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Level 2: Customer Relation Managers\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Level 3:Concern Departmental Heads with prior\r\n appointment{\" \"}\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n TIER-II  \r\n


    \r\n Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF): A forum is\r\n constituted under the Chairmanship of a retired Judge\r\n and two other members wherein the Consumers of\r\n electricity can file their complaints for the\r\n redressal of their grievances related to deficiency/\r\n error in bill or services or any non- compliance of\r\n standards & directions issued by the Uttar Pradesh\r\n Electricity Regulatory Commission in this regard.\r\n


    \r\n Address of the forum: Consumer Grievance Redressal\r\n Forum (CGRF), 33/11KV Electric Sub Station, Block-D,\r\n Opposite Ryan International School, Sector Alpha-1,\r\n Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201310.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Phone No. of the Secretary of the Forum – 9911411373{\" \"}\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Public Hearing by the Forum: A monthly camp is\r\n organized on the 17th of every month (in case, 17th\r\n being Saturday/holiday, after holiday) at CGRF, where\r\n the employees of NPCL are also present.\r\n


    \r\n TIER – III:\r\n


    \r\n Electricity Ombudsman: An Appeal can be filled before\r\n the Electricity Ombudsman of the State on not being\r\n satisfied by the order of the CGRF.\r\n


    \r\n Address of the Office of Electricity Ombudsman:\r\n Niyamak Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow,\r\n Uttar Pradesh – 226010 Phone No. – 0522- 2720856, Fax-\r\n 0522-2720857,\r\n


    Email: eo-up@uperc.org

    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ComplaintManagementProcess;\r\n","import React, { useState } from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst Faqs = () => {\r\n const [show, setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2, setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const [show3, setShow3] = useState(false);\r\n const [show4, setShow4] = useState(false);\r\n const [show5, setShow5] = useState(false);\r\n const [show6, setShow6] = useState(false);\r\n const [show7, setShow7] = useState(false);\r\n const [show8, setShow8] = useState(false);\r\n const [show9, setShow9] = useState(false);\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Supply Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Supply Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Supply Related Complaint

    \r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Planned Outages\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n


    \r\n setShow9(!show9)}\r\n >\r\n Meter Related\r\n
    \r\n {show9 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be done in case there is\r\n no supply in the meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n In case the nearby are is under Supply\r\n Outage, you may wait until the supply is\r\n restored. If there is no power even after\r\n the supply is restored Consumer may\r\n contact at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666 You may reach out us through\r\n WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What to do in case of meter is\r\n running fast/ excess billing?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Domestic Consumer: May please check\r\n the internal wiring by any private\r\n electrician. If no such issue persist may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 or visit Customer Care Office\r\n at KP-I to register request for Meter\r\n Testing. Demand note for meter testing\r\n fees will be generated as per UPERC\r\n guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n Industrial & Institutional Consumers :\r\n May please check the Power Factor &\r\n Neutral disturbance issue to avoid any\r\n demand shoot-up in billing. if persist may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (BillDispute{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #BILLDISPUTE{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or else you may also\r\n visit our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to analysis correct meter\r\n consumption/ abnormal consumption?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In a normal house hold having 1 or 2\r\n A/C’s along with Geyser, Fridge etc., the\r\n average units consumed may be between 500\r\n to 1000 Units per month depending upon\r\n actual use. If consumer feel that the\r\n consumption is more as compared to the\r\n usage and load, we request consumers to\r\n please get their wiring checked by\r\n competent electrician with respect to\r\n below mentioned points:\r\n

    • \r\n To check any Earth Leakage in the\r\n internal wiring or not.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of multiple connections in the\r\n building, whether your internal wiring\r\n has a separate neutral wire and should\r\n not be mixed with other connections.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Check if someone else is also using\r\n supply from your meter or not.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n However, it is to inform that, NPCL will\r\n not be responsible for higher consumptions\r\n due to any of the above reasons but taking\r\n action by consumer will reduce the\r\n consumption. After having checked all the\r\n above, If consumption is still not reduced\r\n as per consumer’s expectation, then he is\r\n having an option to get the meter tested\r\n by contacting our helpline\r\n number+91-120-2333555 Apply online for\r\n meter testing or visit Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday. and get the offline requests\r\n generated for meter checking . Meter\r\n Testing fees will be generated & added\r\n in subsequent bill as per UPERC\r\n guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various reasons of meter\r\n change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. A Distribution Licensee may change\r\n the meter from time to time for any of the\r\n following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the timelines/Resolutions\r\n for Meter Testing, Fast, Slow, Burnt,\r\n Damaged, Stop, Faulty, Shifting?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14\r\n working days for meter replacement.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days\r\n after estimate payment for testing &\r\n another 14 working days for replacement\r\n if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Shifting: 7 Working Days as\r\n per site conditions\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges for Meter\r\n testing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing\r\n fee shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection\r\n to prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park -1\r\n or Techzone-4, Greater Noida . Consumer\r\n has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form and\r\n submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges\r\n for conversion from post-paid to\r\n pre-paid or for new connection\r\n installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter charges to paid as per UPERC\r\n cost data book enforce\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the meaning of downloading of\r\n parameter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Various parameters measured and\r\n recorded by the meter are finally\r\n downloaded for billing/ monitoring\r\n purpose. The downloading of parameter\r\n means transferring the recorded data from\r\n meter to the records of the company.\r\n Downloading can be automatic (AMR) or\r\n using a gadget. However we can capture\r\n data / parameter by reading the display\r\n recording on a notebook.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Who can apply for Prepaid Meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers pertatining to below\r\n mentioned categories can apply for prepaid\r\n meter:\r\n

    • LMV-1
    • \r\n
    • LMV-2
    • \r\n
    • LMV-5
    • \r\n
    • LMV-9
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to recharge prepaid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Prepaid meter recharge coupon are\r\n available at cash collection centre and\r\n can be paid via cash/DD/Credit or debit\r\n card from our customer care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday..\r\n Recharge can be done online via NPCL’s\r\n website or PAYTM.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How does the alarm work in Pre-paid\r\n meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If your credit gets below Rs.100/-,\r\n you will have an alarm for 30 seconds.\r\n Press any button to turn it off. The alarm\r\n will be repeated every half an hour until\r\n recharged. It is advised that once meter\r\n reached its minimum limit recharge\r\n immediately to avoid disconnection. You\r\n can also set minimum limit as per your\r\n convenience.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact in case of misplacing\r\n of Recharge Coupon?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Simply visit the NPCL Cash Collection\r\n Center for re-issuing of recharge coupon\r\n which will be done free of cost. Consumer\r\n have to mention BP no./ Meter no. to get\r\n the recharge coupon. May please note- the\r\n coupon is specific to your meter hence\r\n cannot be used elsewhere.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection\r\n into prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park -1\r\n or Techzone-4, Greater Noida . Consumer\r\n has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form and\r\n submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges\r\n for conversion from post-paid to\r\n pre-paid or for new connection\r\n installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the documents required if\r\n meter get stolen?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You have to submit an application,\r\n original FIR, ID proof of registered\r\n consumer at our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Note: Meter charges are applicable as per\r\n UPERC cost data book.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the New Meter cost in Meter\r\n stolen cases?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the consumer process the\r\n application for re-installation of meter\r\n in case of Meter Stolen, applicable meter\r\n charges to paid as per UPERC cost data\r\n book enforce.\r\n


    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the new meter\r\n cost shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if meter is not at\r\n the premises?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please contact our Call at our 24X7\r\n CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or you may\r\n visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why my meter screen is blank.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in\r\n the area and your supply is not coming, if\r\n Yes, you may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 to register\r\n complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NOPOWER{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or visit atCustomer Care\r\n office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.. In case supply\r\n is ON but no display on meter,\r\n register complaint for meter display\r\n problem on above given numbers. Our\r\n Team will visit to do the needful\r\n within 7 working days.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If my meter box has a husky display,\r\n what should I do ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Is your meter box is having husky\r\n display.Kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre\r\n No. 0120-6226666 or visit at our Customer\r\n Care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday. and register complaint\r\n for meter display problem. Our Team will\r\n visit to do the needful within 7 working\r\n days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Where to report incase of No Display\r\n in the meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may contact at our 24X7 CALL\r\n CENTER - 0120 6226666 or visit at our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday and register\r\n complaint for meter display problem. Our\r\n Team will visit to do the needful within 7\r\n working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges of meter testing\r\n and why is it mandatory to pay ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing\r\n fee shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the different options\r\n available for Meter Testing?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Online from our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer\r\n services tab wherein \"Online Meter\r\n Testing\" option is available.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may also visit Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I know the status of Meter\r\n Testing Request ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may visit our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer\r\n services tab wherein \"Online Meter\r\n Testing\" option is available : You may\r\n also download our Mobile application and\r\n apply for meter testing or else it can be\r\n placed by calling to our 24X7 helpline\r\n numbers on or 0120-6226666 You may also\r\n visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. On what basis the meter testing fee\r\n is imposed?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter testing fees is charged on\r\n \"type of meter\" and it is applicable as\r\n per UPERC Tariff Order.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Would you refund the testing fee if\r\n meter found ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no provision for refund of\r\n testing fees.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive testing report on\r\n meter testing? What is the procedure of\r\n complaining if I don’t receive one?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Everytime when we will test meter a\r\n test reprt is issued to our consumer. In\r\n case you have not received it, you may\r\n write us at CRM@noidapower.com. You may\r\n also visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Which parameter define that meter is\r\n faulty or meter testing is Ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Kindly note that meter testing is\r\n done on many factors such as meter\r\n accuracy results , display parameters\r\n & downloaded data analysis on which\r\n testing engineer will confirm whether\r\n meter is faulty or meter is working\r\n normal.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meters are changed without any\r\n complaint?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case of technology upgradation or\r\n periodic replacement from Old to New\r\n Generation meter as per the Guideline of\r\n Hon’ble Regulatory Commission.\r\n


    \r\n A Distribution Licensee may change the\r\n meter from time to time for any of the\r\n following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How much time will you take to\r\n replace the faulty meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14\r\n working days for meter replacement\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days\r\n after estimate payment for testing &\r\n another 14 working days for replacement\r\n if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if there is No power\r\n after successful recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n For Secure Prepaid meters\r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office it\r\n may be your main MCB be off which is\r\n located in Electric shaft in\r\n societies/ check your MCB status\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M\r\n to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more\r\n about the same. Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n
      • \r\n Check balance / supply status in\r\n mobile aap.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4 :\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M\r\n to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more\r\n about the same. Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid\r\n meter\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number\r\n post bill generation. It can also be\r\n downloaded from our website via Quick\r\n E-bill Download : or follow direct link:\r\n No payment is required to be made against\r\n the bill. Ensure sufficient balance in\r\n prepaid meter through timely recharge in\r\n order to avail uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if the meter doesn’t\r\n show the credit amount after recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please refer our prepaid meter manual\r\n available at our website and refer page\r\n no. 6 & 7 Or In case, payment is been\r\n done but credit still pending, you may\r\n contact at our helpline no. +91-0120\r\n 6226666 or else if issue still persist,\r\n please visit our customer care office, KP-1\r\n or Techzone-4 in person :During 10:00 A.M\r\n to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more about\r\n the same. Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n .\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meter is beeping when it is\r\n already recharge?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n There is a provision in meter to set\r\n recharge limit if balance will go down\r\n from this limit then only meter will\r\n start beeping at low balance . This\r\n feature is configurable ,consumer itself\r\n can set this limit as per their\r\n consumption pattern.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Freedom Bluetooth unit may be faulty (\r\n if Showing Con. Fault in display ).\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What options are available for\r\n pre-paid meter recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, (there are many options to pay\r\n amount in paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit\r\n Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer can get token from NPCL\r\n Customer Care Office, KP-1, Greater\r\n Noida\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters( AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, Bill Desk (there are many options\r\n to pay amount in paytm ex- Through UPl,\r\n Debit Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Multipoint App., NPCL web site\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is “CON FAULT”, what is to be\r\n done to get it corrected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. CON FAULT” means connection faulty,\r\n meter will be displaying digit 17 when\r\n your connection from meter to display unit\r\n is not proper. Kindly register you’re\r\n compliant on our call center contact no. -\r\n 0120-6226666/.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can supply gets disconnected if meter\r\n is not recharged or do I get any\r\n reminder?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Reminder beep will come in minimun\r\n available balance. Supply will be\r\n disconnected in negative balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Go to NPCL Multipoint App by turning on\r\n low money notifications, consumer can\r\n get a reminder.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to check the balance?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Automatically showing Balance\r\n & other details in Meter display.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumers may check their account\r\n balance by pressing # button in key pad\r\n of meter display unit & for single\r\n phase meters - Press key \"1\" single time\r\n to check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Login in NPCL Multipoint App/ web and\r\n check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be the minimum balance to\r\n maintain pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can change minimum balance\r\n in meter acocording to consumption and\r\n requirement.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If meter is showing different date\r\n from actual does it mean that it is\r\n faulty ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is a matter of meter testing &\r\n inspection then only we will confirm the\r\n same. Based on the testing report our team\r\n shall analyse the data.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact when there is no\r\n display in the meter but supply is\r\n connected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in\r\n the area and your supply is not coming, if\r\n Yes, you may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 to register\r\n complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NOPOWER Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Red light in meter indicates what?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. it’s a calibration LED in meter which\r\n indicates pulse / revolution of meter , if\r\n Red light is blinking in meters it means\r\n meter is running on load.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I change my meter from\r\n post-paid to pre-paid and what\r\n documentation is required?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park -1\r\n or Techzone-4, Greater Noida . Consumer\r\n has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form and\r\n submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I see my consumption pattern\r\n in pre-paid meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n By pressing Key\"2\" consumer can check\r\n consumptions of today, previous day,\r\n previous Week and current month)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n By Pressing key\"7\" consumer can check\r\n monthly consumptions of present calendar\r\n Year)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters ( Aew Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint App and consumer\r\n can see daily consumption( Current\r\n month) and Monthly consumptions( Present\r\n Calendar Year) by selecting \"Report\"\r\n option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint Web, conumer can\r\n download and see consumptions by\r\n selecting \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow8(!show8)}\r\n >\r\n Payment Related\r\n
    \r\n {show8 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the different modes of\r\n payments available?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Modes of payments are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n A. Digital Payment through:-\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Credit & Debit cards to Village\r\n Contact Persons and at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4*.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Non-Digital Payment Modes are as\r\n follows:-\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Cash / Cheque / DD at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4* or to\r\n Village Contact Persons.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque/DD at NPCL’s Cheque Drop Boxes.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cash at nearby BBPS authorised retail\r\n outlets For further details please visit\r\n NPCL’s website.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n *You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where can I make cash payment?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n In case of Rural Consumers - Authorised\r\n Village Contact Persons (VCPs) or cash\r\n collection centre, Tugalpur, Knowledge\r\n Park-1 or Techzone-4, Greater Noida\r\n between 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to\r\n Saturday (Except 2nd & 4th Saturdays\r\n and Gazetted Holidays) (On 1st, 3rd\r\n & 5th Saturdays counter will be open\r\n from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM).\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of Urban / Industrial /\r\n Institutional Consumers - Cash\r\n Collection Centre.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Any consumer - Nearby BBPS Authorised\r\n Retail Outlets. There are more than 1500\r\n authorised BBPS retails outlets in and\r\n around Greater Noida area. Consumers may\r\n locate nearest BBPS Authorised Retails\r\n Outlets on NPCL website through web-link\r\n “Find Nearest Bharat Bill Pay Outlet”.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the upper limit for Cash\r\n Payment.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per section 6.10 of Electricity\r\n Supply code 2005, you can make cash\r\n payment up to Rs.20,000/- only. In case\r\n your bill is more than the above mentioned\r\n value, remaining payment shall be made via\r\n any mode other than cash.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to make online payment of Bills?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Online Payment of Bills can be made\r\n through below mentioned modes :\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Do I need to pay extra charges if I\r\n wish to pay Online through NPCL\r\n website/Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL do not levy any extra charge for\r\n online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway , Wallets and Other service\r\n providers may levy service charges\r\n along-with applicable taxes for\r\n transactions above Rs. 4,000/-. In case\r\n the transaction is made through Paytm\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n


    \r\n ** For credit/debit card transactions,\r\n 1.10% of the transaction amount being paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Net banking transactions, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Bill desk Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n * For credit/debit card transactions, 1%\r\n of the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * For Net banking transactions,\r\n Rs.3/-per transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Is it safe to give my bank details on\r\n NPCL website ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security\r\n standards to ensure that the data entered\r\n by consumers remains confidential and not\r\n stored anywhere on NPCL Server.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How can I make Cheque Payments\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can drop cheque at following\r\n Cheque Collection Centres of NPCL along\r\n with latest bill stub (Lower portion of\r\n bill). The cheques should be in favour of\r\n \"\"Noida Power Company Limited\"\". Write\r\n down the cheque with credentials like your\r\n Name, Consumer Number and mobile number at\r\n the back of cheque.\r\n

    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre (Sector KP-1)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre (Techzone-IV)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station atAlpha-1, Opp Ryan\r\n International School\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station, Sector Omega-I,\r\n Builders Area, Near AWHO Apartments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station at Surajpur, Near\r\n Surajpur Police Station\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bar Association Office, Surajpur\r\n District Court\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I make payment through Post dated\r\n cheques ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post-dated and outstation cheques are\r\n not accepted at NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges applicable on\r\n cheque bounce?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque gets bounced due\r\n to insufficient funds or exceed\r\n arrangement, you will not be able to make\r\n payment through cheque in that Financial\r\n Year. Charges applicable are mentioned\r\n below:\r\n

    • \r\n Cheque amount of less than Rs. 5000 :\r\n Rs.250\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 5000 & up to\r\n Rs. 10000 : Rs. 500\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 10000 & up to\r\n Rs. 1 Lac : Rs. 1000\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount of Rs. 1 Lac and above :\r\n Rs. 5000\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue another cheque, if my\r\n cheque bounces?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque got bounced due to\r\n insufficient funds or exceed arrangements,\r\n the consumer will not be able to make\r\n payment through cheque in that Financial\r\n Year.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue cheque, if my supply is\r\n Disconnected ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, consumer can pay their bill\r\n amount through cheque (Considering no\r\n cheque bounce history).\r\n


    \r\n Payment can be done for outstanding bill\r\n and reconnection charges as below:-\r\n

    • \r\n Bill payment via cheque and reconnection\r\n charge via cash and vice versa >Bill\r\n payment and reconnection charge together\r\n via cash.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bill payment and reconnection charge\r\n together via cheque . Please note, if in\r\n case the same get dishonoured, the\r\n supply will be disconnected and the\r\n Reconnection amount has to be paid\r\n again.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.When will my online payment be updated\r\n in my account?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. All payments made through other that\r\n RTGS / NEFT mode are updated on Real-time\r\n basis in consumers account except during\r\n system shutdown/maintenance when it may\r\n take up to 2 to 3 working days.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I approach to register my\r\n payment related complaint?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Complaints can be registered at:\r\n

    • NPCL Website.
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Mobile App.
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Our 24X7 Call centre at 0120-6226666 /\r\n 2333555.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the GST % will be charged\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. GST will be levied as per GST\r\n regulations and rates applicable to\r\n various services provided by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.For which services I have to pay GST\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per GST Circular No.\r\n 34/08/2018-GST dated 01st March 2018, GST\r\n is applicable on all the services provided\r\n by the NPCL except energy charges.\r\n

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    \r\n setShow7(!show7)}\r\n >\r\n Billing Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q.How are bills prepared if the meter is\r\n not read?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If the actual meter reading is not\r\n acquired due to any reason; provisional\r\n bill will be raised which is subjected to\r\n adjustment upon receipt of actual meter\r\n reading in the subsequent months.\r\n Provisional bills are raised on average\r\n consumption of last 3 months.\r\n Inaccessibility to premises for 3 months\r\n or more could lead to disconnection of\r\n supply as per Electricity ̀ Supply Code\r\n 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the normal reading span for\r\n monthly Meter Reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter reading is normally taken\r\n between a period of 28 to 32 days from the\r\n last meter reading date. The same is\r\n intimated to you through SMS if your\r\n mobile number is registered with us. Fixed\r\n Charges and slabs for Energy charges are\r\n calculated proportionally for the billing\r\n period.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to calculate / understand\r\n electricity bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Please refer back side of\r\n electricity bill and check for applicable\r\n Tariff and Bill Calculation. Additionally,\r\n you can reach out to us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the meter reading system?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading of three phase meters is\r\n taken remotely through AMR or LPR\r\n facility. For Single Phase meters, meter\r\n readers go door-to-door and record\r\n readings in Hand Held Devices (HHD) /\r\n Meter Reading Terminals (MRT). Reading\r\n information can also be conveyed through\r\n SMS/Email registered with us.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why is my meter not read regularly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Any one of the following can be the\r\n reasons:\r\n

    • \r\n Your premises are vacant / locked for\r\n long period of time or constantly during\r\n daytime resulting in inaccessibility of\r\n meter to the reader. Code 2005.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Discrepancy in address in our database\r\n with the actual address may result in\r\n meter reader missing out your premises.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n If you observe such shortcomings in the\r\n address (as printed in bill), please bring\r\n the same to the notice of CR(Front Desk)\r\n at NPCL Customer Care Office immediately\r\n for corrections.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to approach when meter is not\r\n read ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If consumer premises is found locked,\r\n meter reader will stick a \"\"miss you\"\"\r\n sticker intimating about the failed\r\n reading attempt alongwith a contact number\r\n to coordinate the day & time of\r\n reading. Or you may:\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number (Only which is showing\r\n in KWH)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why fixed charges are not constant?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Fixed Charges defined by Monthly\r\n Tariff applies to a period of 30 days.\r\n When billing period is not 30 days,\r\n applicable fixed charges are calculated on\r\n prorata basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are Penal Demand Charges\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Use of load beyond the sanctioned\r\n load is a cognisable offence. Penal demand\r\n charges are levied in excess to fixed\r\n charges based on demand usage over and\r\n above the sanctioned load. It is thus\r\n advised to enhance your contracted load to\r\n avoid penal demand charges.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to calculate slab ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Slab based energy rates defined by\r\n Tariff is applicable for 30 days per month\r\n and is prorated on simple unitary method\r\n based on number of billing days i.e.\r\n difference between current reading date\r\n and previous reading date (both dates\r\n inclusive)\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Makeup Charges?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. : As per approved Tariff,\r\n consumers who are part of LMV-2\r\n (Commercial Supply) and LMV-9 (Temporary\r\n Supply) are subjected to load based\r\n minimum charges. If the sum of Fixed\r\n Charges (for LMV-2 only) and Energy\r\n Charges is less than applicable monthly\r\n minimum charge then differential amount is\r\n levied as Make Up Charges. Makeup charge =\r\n minimum charge - (fixed charges + energy\r\n charge).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Wrong reading mentioned on my bill.\r\n How to get it rectified?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Request for wrong reading can be\r\n registered through following touchpoints\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Email your concern at\r\n crm@noidapower.com. Do attach meter\r\n reading photograph for convenience.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in\r\n KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What to do if I am not satisfied with\r\n the meter reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are not satisfied with your\r\n bill, you may\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #SELFREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in\r\n KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third\r\n party vendor every month. You are\r\n requested to subscribe for e-bill for\r\n on-time and assured delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n In case you need duplicate bill copy, may\r\n please click on below link given on our\r\n website : You may reach out us through\r\n WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666 (DupBill{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #DUPBILL Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Q.How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you need duplicate bill copy,\r\n may please click on below link given on\r\n our website : You may also login to our\r\n website or Mobile www.noidapower.com App\r\n using your credentials (Username &\r\n Password) for downloading / viewing last 6\r\n bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need help\r\n in Sign In” tab under My Account tab.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed\r\n and Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed\r\n Payment Surcharge which is applicable due\r\n to non-payment of bills upto due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall be\r\n levied at 1.25% on the dues per month\r\n up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00%\r\n per month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity\r\n connection can be disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to lodge complaint through SMS?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can raise your complaint &\r\n avail other important information by\r\n sending SMS on 7840002288 from your\r\n registered mobile number. To see list of\r\n short codes with mandatory details, click\r\n on\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Is there any rebate if I pay bills\r\n online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, there is no additional rebate\r\n provided for online payments. However, a\r\n rebate of 1% against sum of Demand Charges\r\n & Energy Charges is provided upon\r\n payment within due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there are different colour bills?\r\n It denotes what ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Multi colour bills are designed to\r\n reflect upon varied consumer behaviour\r\n towards payment of dues and usage of\r\n electricity.\r\n

    • \r\n Blue Bill denotes timely bill payments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Green Bill denotes payment through\r\n digital mode and/or Solar Net Metering\r\n Consumer\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Orange Bill denotes delayed payment\r\n and/or arrears in current bill\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Red bill cautions consumer to abstain\r\n from unauthorized use of electricity\r\n based on site reporting.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How much interest paid on Security\r\n Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Interest is credited to consumers\r\n against existing security deposit on\r\n annual basis as per the bank rate\r\n prescribed by the RBI.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What would be the disconnection date\r\n once arrear is paid from the current\r\n month bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is advised to clear entire dues in\r\n event of arrears amount in current bill.\r\n However, if payment is made only against\r\n arrears, then disconnection date against\r\n current dues is 15 days from the due date\r\n as mentioned on the electricity bill.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can submit self meter reading ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The facility of self submission of\r\n meter reading is available for single\r\n phase consumers. Reading can be submitted\r\n through SMS, Website or App in the\r\n dedicated slot provided every month.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid\r\n meter? Do I need to make payment against\r\n bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number\r\n post bill generation. It can also be\r\n downloaded from our website via Quick\r\n E-bill Download or follow direct link:\r\n


    \r\n No payment is required to be made against\r\n the bill. Ensure sufficient balance in\r\n prepaid meter through timely recharge in\r\n order to avail uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How & when self reading can be\r\n provided by consumer?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading submission slot is 1st to\r\n 10th day of every month. You can easily\r\n reach out to us by sending SMS at\r\n 7840002288 (#SELFREADING\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading) or WHATSAPP us at\r\n 0120-6226666 (SelfReading{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading). The service is also\r\n available on our website &\r\n app.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n * Please note that reading should be in\r\n KWH parameter\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is power factor?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Power factor for the month is\r\n determined as the ratio of KWH (Active\r\n Power Consumption) to KVAH(Apparent power\r\n consumption).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the minimum Power Factor to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per the regulations of U.P.\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005 minimum\r\n power factor to be maintained is 0.75. If\r\n recorded power factor is less than\r\n 0.75,suitable action as per the provisions\r\n shall be initiated by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What can be the reason which may cause\r\n dip in Power Factor? How it is to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Majority of three phase connections\r\n constitutes of inductive load which draws\r\n non working / reactive power thereby\r\n increasing the KVAH(Apparent power\r\n consumption). Use of capacitor banks is\r\n helpful in offsetting this non working\r\n power requirement, but it should be\r\n regulated according to variance in load\r\n requirement by installing Automated Power\r\n Factor Controller(APFC). Regular check up\r\n and maintenance is also advised.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why it is important to maintain Power\r\n Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers above 10 KW are billed on\r\n KVAH basis as per the applicable tariff\r\n provisions. Dip in power factor(P.F.)\r\n cause increase in KVAH consumption which\r\n in turn results in higher energy charges\r\n for the consumer. Also, it reduces the\r\n effective distribution network capacity of\r\n NPCL which can lead to power outage in the\r\n area.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the consequences if power\r\n factor controller is not working\r\n properly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Failure of power factor controller\r\n i.e. APFC/Capacitor banks will lead to\r\n inadequate/over compensation of reactive\r\n power requirement. In both scenarios, KVAH\r\n consumption will suddenly increase leading\r\n to higher energy charges being billed.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can NPCL help in improving Power\r\n Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, it is consumer's responsibility\r\n to maintain their power factor from time\r\n to time\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third\r\n party vendor every month. You are\r\n requested to subscribe for e-bill for\r\n on-time and assured delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. \"You are required to login on our\r\n website or Mobile www.noidapower.com App\r\n using your credentials (Username &\r\n Password) for downloading / viewing last 6\r\n bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need help\r\n in Sign In” tab under My Account tab\".\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed\r\n and Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed\r\n Payment Surcharge which is applicable due\r\n to non-payment of bills upto due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall be\r\n levied at 1.25% on the dues per month\r\n up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00%\r\n per month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity\r\n connection can be disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. How the differential units are\r\n getting calculated on common\r\n (Physical/Virtual) connection  for\r\n multipoint connections?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans.{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in\r\n physical common meter :\r\n {\" \"}\r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code\r\n dated: 10-08-2018, the total energy\r\n consumption of the electricity recorded at\r\n the reference meter shall be compared with\r\n the total electricity consumption of all\r\n the individual meters & common area meter.\r\n In case the difference in energy\r\n consumption for any billing cycle works\r\n out to be higher than permissable loss\r\n level i.e. 4% in case of 11KV supply / 5%\r\n in case of voltage higher than 11 KV, then\r\n the difference of energy beyond\r\n permissible loss level shall be added in\r\n the consumption of common area billing.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in\r\n Virtual common meter :\r\n \r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code\r\n dated: 05-08-2020, no physical common\r\n meter is to be installed at consumer\r\n premise and differential units calculation\r\n is to be done on the basis of the logic as\r\n described below: Total energy consumption\r\n of the electricity recorded at the\r\n reference meter shall be compared with the\r\n total electricity consumption of all the\r\n individual meters. In case the difference\r\n in energy consumption for any billing\r\n cycle works out to be higher than\r\n permissable loss level i.e. 4% in case of\r\n 11KV supply / 5% in case of voltage higher\r\n than 11 KV, then the difference of energy\r\n beyond permissible loss level shall be\r\n divided among all the individual consumers\r\n in proportion to their contractual load.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is TDS/TCS charged in bills?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. TDS (Tax Deduction at Source):{\" \"}\r\n The tax shall be deducted under Section\r\n 194Q by a consumer/buyer carrying on a\r\n business whose total sales, gross receipts\r\n or turnover from the business exceeds Rs.\r\n 10 crores during the financial year\r\n immediately preceding the financial year\r\n in which such goods are purchased.\r\n
    \r\n The tax shall be deducted by the\r\n consumer/buyer of goods at the rate of\r\n 0.1% of the purchase value exceeding Rs.\r\n 50 lakhs.\r\n
    \r\n TCS (Tax Collection at Source): The\r\n Finance Act, 2020 inserted sub-section\r\n (1H) in section 206C with effect from 1st\r\n Oct’20 to levy the tax collection at\r\n source on sale of goods. The Company is\r\n liable to collect TCS at the rate of 0.1%\r\n on consideration received from a Consumer\r\n in excess of fifty lakh rupees in a\r\n financial year.\r\n
    \r\n In non-PAN/ Aadhaar* cases the rate shall\r\n be 1% .
    \r\n In case of PAN is not available or invalid\r\n PAN, the tax shall be deducted at the rate\r\n of 5%.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is Additional Security Deposit\r\n (ASD) charged in bills, when it is\r\n charged and how it is calculated?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per Clause 4.2 (e) of UPERC Supply\r\n Code, 2005: If the security deposit falls\r\n short of covering the estimated power\r\n consumption bill for 45 days based on his\r\n average monthly consumption for the\r\n preceding financial year, then demand for\r\n Additional Security Deposit (ASD) is made\r\n to consumers equivalent to the difference\r\n of amount between the existing security\r\n deposit and 45 days average power\r\n consumption bill. Also, the demand for ASD\r\n is only made when the required ASD payable\r\n by the consumer exceeds 10% of the\r\n existing security deposit.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow6(!show6)}\r\n >\r\n Theft Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. Where I can contact in case of Direct\r\n theft booked on my consumer number.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit to Our Office at KP-II\r\n from 10:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) for\r\n any detailed information about theft\r\n booked or may contact our 24X7 CALL CENTER\r\n - 0120 6226666 or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666, write Theft (to report\r\n electricity theft) may please click on\r\n given link to register online complaint.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to report Direct Theft\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can call and complain against\r\n theft of electricity / tampering of meter\r\n through following avenues:\r\n

    • Helpline Number : 9891222240
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mobile App
    • \r\n
    • CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666
    • \r\n

    \r\n Your identity shall remain confidential\r\n and action will be taken at the earliest.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is meant by “Direct Theft”?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Section 135(1) of Electricity Act,\r\n 2003 as amended by Electricity (amendment)\r\n Act , 2007, Theft of electricity is\r\n defined as, whoever dishonestly,\r\n

    • \r\n a) Taps Electricity line:\r\n
      • - overhead
      • \r\n
      • - underground
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n b) Tampers meter:\r\n
      • - usage of tampered meter
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - current reversing transformer\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - loop connection
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - other device interferes with\r\n accurate/proper registration. c)\r\n Other device/method result in a\r\n manner whereby:\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - electricity is stolen
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - damages/destroys an electric\r\n meter/ apparatus/equipment/wire/\r\n cause\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n c) Uses electricity through a tampered\r\n meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n d) Uses electricity for purposes other\r\n than that which was authorized.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow5(!show5)}\r\n >\r\n Disconnection Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for permanent\r\n disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you want your connection to be\r\n permanently disconnected, you have to\r\n submit the ID proof, last paid bill with\r\n our written application form at Customer\r\n Care Office at KP-I or Techzone-4*. 2 Years\r\n Lock-in Period is applicable for all\r\n consumers except LMV-9 (Temporary\r\n Connection) from last date of any change\r\n in contract. Please follow the link to\r\n know documentation requirement *Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines of Permanent\r\n Disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Disconnection of supply will\r\n completed within 30 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can I apply for the same meter after\r\n surrendering of current meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the connection is permanently\r\n disconnected, consumer has to follow new\r\n connection application process for getting\r\n an electricity connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for refunding of\r\n security funds?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Consumer Care Centre at\r\n KP-I or Techzone-4, and submit all the\r\n requisite documents which are mentioned at\r\n the back side of application form. Please\r\n follow the link to know documentation\r\n requirement Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why and when MCG charges are\r\n applicable for Permanent Disconnection\r\n application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. MCG calculated as per provisions of\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005. The Tariff\r\n Orders issued by Hon’ble Uttar Pradesh\r\n Electricity Regulatory Commission (“State\r\n Commission”) from time to time.Clause 4.14\r\n (Agreement) - Point (h) However, if the\r\n agreement is to be terminated before\r\n completion of 2 years: 30 (i) Consumer\r\n shall be liable to pay the minimum charges\r\n (or the demand / fixed charges, if no\r\n minimum charges are prescribed for that\r\n category) for a period of 6 months or the\r\n period by which the total duration of the\r\n agreement falls short of 2 years,\r\n whichever is lower.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow4(!show4)}\r\n >\r\n Reconnection Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n making the part payment of outstanding\r\n amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reconnection is not allowed on part\r\n payment.\r\n



    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Criteria (load & Category){\" \"}\r\n DR charges (Rs.)*
    \r\n Pre-paid Meters - Single phase{\" \"}\r\n - Zero
    Pre-paid Meters -3 phase - Zero
    Smart Meters - Single phase - 100
    Smart Meters - 3 phase - 200
    >75 KW/100BHP - 2000
    \r\n LMV-6 (having load <=75KW/100BHP){\" \"}\r\n - 1000
    All others categories - 600


    \r\n Note: * 18% GST is applicable on DR\r\n charges and supply will be reconnected\r\n within 48 hrs. for Rural and 24 hrs. for\r\n urban after payment of Outstanding dues\r\n along with reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines for\r\n Reconnection after temporary\r\n disconnection of supply?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Timeline for reconnection of supply\r\n will be Maximum of 48 Hrs for Rural and 24\r\n hrs in Urban after payment of bill &\r\n Reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection when\r\n meter already removed at site?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n final bill generation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision of\r\n reconnection. Once the payment of final\r\n bill is done, consumer has to apply for\r\n new connection with all required\r\n documents.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow3(!show3)}\r\n >\r\n Website / Mobile App Related\r\n
    \r\n {show3 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the procedure to Login on{\" \"}\r\n \r\n www.noidapower.com ?\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Go to www.noidapower.com. Click on\r\n “Consumer Login” and register your\r\n Consumer Number or click on the link:\r\n www.npcl.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various\r\n services/information available on NPCL's\r\n website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.The main features of website are as\r\n follows:\r\n

    • \r\n About NPCL and Contact Details of\r\n registered offices\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bill Payment Option
    • \r\n
    • Outage Alerts
    • \r\n
    • Service Application and Complaint
    • \r\n
    • Tariff Details
    • \r\n
    • Report a Concern
    • \r\n
    • Account Registration
    • \r\n
    • CSR activities
    • \r\n
    • Self Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Ebill Download
    • \r\n
    • Quick Bill Payment
    • \r\n
    • Contact Us
    • \r\n
    • Online Application
    • \r\n
    • Payment Options
    • \r\n
    • Pre-paid Meter Recharge
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer Services for Application form,\r\n Document Checklist, Online Meter\r\n Testing, SMS Based Services, WhatsApp\r\n based services, Customer Care office\r\n Queue Status, Single to Multipoint\r\n Conversion, Consumer Awareness and Many\r\n more.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to reset password ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Password can be reset after clicking\r\n forgot password option. You have to punch\r\n your registered email id and consumer\r\n number to receive an updated password , if\r\n problem still persist please write us at\r\n crm@noida power.com)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How and from where a consumer can\r\n update his contact details ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. For updating contact details (mobile\r\n number/ email-id) consumer can login to\r\n our website or mobile app.\r\n www.noidapower.com You may also visit our\r\n customer care office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday, along with the BP No.\r\n and ID proof of registered consumer or\r\n company. You may also write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Is it safe to give my bank details on\r\n NPCL website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security\r\n standards to ensure that the data entered\r\n by consumers remains confidential.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Do I need to pay extra charges for\r\n online payment?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL does not levy any extra charge\r\n for online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway, Wallets and other service\r\n providers may levy service charges along\r\n with applicable taxes for transaction\r\n above Rs. 4,000/-.\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Paytm Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1.10%\r\n of the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Bill desk Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1% of\r\n the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, 3% per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Why this month bill is not updated on\r\n Website Mobile app ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are generated from time to time\r\n from commercial department. It might be\r\n possible due to some certain reason bill\r\n of this month may be delayed and it’s not\r\n generated yet. Once it will have generated\r\n in SAP system then PDF and bill details\r\n will appear on Website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What happen if my ID is locked in\r\n NPCL Website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. USERID will be automatic unlock in 24\r\n hours for the website users\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What all the features available on\r\n Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After Login fetures are as follows :\r\n

    • Bill and Payment History
    • \r\n
    • Register Request & Complaints
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Consumption Analysis
    • \r\n
    • Energy Calculator
    • \r\n
    • Request & Complaint Status
    • \r\n
    • Subscribe for E-bill
    • \r\n
    • Self-Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Payment
    • \r\n
    • Energy Tips
    • \r\n
    • KYC Updation
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is Un-Authenticated Sender\r\n issue.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. User details like USERNAME, Email ID\r\n and Password are not matched when user\r\n face this kind of problem.\r\n

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    \r\n setShow2(!show2)}\r\n >\r\n Complaint Against Services Related\r\n
    \r\n {show2 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the process of applying for\r\n New Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant can download or fill the\r\n online New Connection Service form from\r\n our website and upload necessary documents\r\n www.noidapower.com as mentioned in the\r\n documents checklist. You can also visit\r\n our Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday, to apply in person.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Within how much time should the\r\n connection be provided to me?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the application and necessary\r\n documents are reviewed at NPCL, and\r\n estimate gets generated which needs to be\r\n paid by the consumer. Post which it will\r\n take approximately 7 working days* for the\r\n apparatus to be installed at the consumers\r\n premises and for the energization of\r\n supply.\r\n


    \r\n *This SLA is applicable for the urban\r\n domestic connection where no augmentation\r\n of main is required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why I have not received my estimate\r\n intimation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you have successfully submitted\r\n your new service application form at our\r\n Customer Care Office or Online , we\r\n process the application in our system and\r\n it gets forwarded to concerned department\r\n for the Commercial & LCC Dues,\r\n Technical feasibility check. Once\r\n clearance is received from all the\r\n departments it is followed by estimate\r\n preparation. During this process system\r\n generated messages are triggered, after\r\n completion of necessary stages. Thus, you\r\n are requested to please wait for the same\r\n as we will be working on 1st cum 1st serve\r\n basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I pay the Estimate amount Online\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online\r\n thru NPCL website or you may visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday to apply in person for\r\n payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Estimate paid but meter not installed\r\n yet?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post payment of estimated amount, New\r\n connection will be provided within 7 days\r\n where no Augmentation of existing mains\r\n are required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for the status of\r\n application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to apply for refunding of security\r\n fund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday to apply for security refund,\r\n please follow the link to know\r\n documentation requirement\r\n (https://www.noidapower.com/Services/Document_Checklist)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Paper Formalities Required for Load\r\n Reduction?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to fill application and\r\n provide all the requisite documentation\r\n which are mentioned on the back side of\r\n application form. Please follow the link\r\n to know documentation requirement. Please\r\n note for load reduction consumer can only\r\n apply after two years from date of\r\n energization. For Temp. Supply, consumer\r\n can apply for load reduction at any point\r\n of time.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can consumer find the status of\r\n request against New Connection?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of a New\r\n Connection request, consumer may use\r\n following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Can write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Estimate not Received Yet\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you have not received any\r\n update after 7-10 days of applying for\r\n request.To know the status of application\r\n you may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to\r\n know the short codes follow the link or\r\n can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is minimum charges & why it\r\n is to be paid.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to bear the minimum\r\n charges based on the total sanctioned load\r\n & as per the applicable tariff rate it\r\n is been calculated for remaining Tenure in\r\n case you have not completed 2 yrs. to the\r\n connection or recent load\r\n enhancement/reduction process. In Case the\r\n maximum demand recorded in any of the last\r\n 2 billing cycles is higher than the\r\n reduced contracted load consumer can not\r\n opt for the proposed contracted load\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is Augmentation? How much time it\r\n take to complete?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Augmentation means\r\n improvement/enhancement of the system\r\n capacity to be able to cater to the\r\n increased electricity load requirement.\r\n Such augmentation needs capital\r\n investment. Sometimes, only after requests\r\n received for new connections or load\r\n enhancement; particularly if the requested\r\n load is high. Different types of\r\n Augmentation may be required such as:\r\n

    • Low Tension (LT) Line Extension
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Capacity Augmentation
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Complete electrification of an un-electrified area
    • */}\r\n

    \r\n Timeline for different type of\r\n augmentations are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Type of augmentation Timeline\r\n required for augmentation{\" \"}\r\n (Working Days)
    LT Network augmentation - 60
    Transformer Augmentation - 120
    \r\n HT - 11 KV Network Strengthening{\" \"}\r\n - 180
    \r\n Un-electrified Area or New Grid\r\n Required{\" \"}\r\n - 180


    \r\n \r\n Q.How and where to approach for Shifting\r\n of Mains ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. We accept application for following\r\n request\r\n

    • Meter Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Pole Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Service Cable Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Penal Feeder Box Shifting
    • \r\n

    \r\n For the shifting related request an\r\n application along with the copy of id\r\n proof and last paid bill is required\r\n (please follow the link to be submitted at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday. After verification\r\n of documents, site visit is arranged to\r\n check the feasibility to fulfil the\r\n request and then a survey report is\r\n prepared and accordingly estimate is\r\n generated as per Regulatory guidelines.\r\n Once the payment of estimate is done then\r\n shifting will be executed\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What Documents are required for Load\r\n Enhancement/ Load Reduction/ Name\r\n Change/ Category Change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please click Here.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the TAT for completion of\r\n Service Application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous load/\r\n category, except shifting of mains , as it\r\n depends upon site condition and\r\n availability of material.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where we can contact in case of any\r\n information required for service\r\n request.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the payment options for\r\n estimate payment ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online\r\n thru NPCL website or you may visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday to apply inperson for\r\n payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the basis of calculation of\r\n Security Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The security deposit maintainable for\r\n a consumer is equivalent to 2 times the\r\n average bill value for the financial year\r\n under reference. For a new applicant, the\r\n security deposit will be determined on the\r\n basis of load applied.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my application is been Pending\r\n since long.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, To know the status of\r\n application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes\r\n follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to contact in case of\r\n application rejected due to LCC/Theft?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When am I required to pay Additional\r\n Security Deposit (ASD)?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Each year the security deposit is\r\n reviewed in the month of April on the\r\n basis of last one year consumption. The\r\n statement of Security Deposit account is\r\n given in the bill for the month of April.\r\n If the maintainable Security Deposit is\r\n more than the security Deposit “held”\r\n amount, additional security deposit is\r\n required to be paid.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required in\r\n case of Small Correction in Connection\r\n Details such as Spelling of Name,\r\n inadequate Address?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The documentary proof for the desired\r\n change along with latest paid bill receipt\r\n along with correction form by the property\r\n owner. You may visit Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What happens if the Security Deposit\r\n amount held is more than the Security\r\n Deposit Maintainable amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In the above scenario, no ASD request\r\n will be placed however, as per the RBI\r\n guidelines interest gets credited for the\r\n held security amount.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How do I get refund of Security\r\n Deposit after account closure?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After necessary adjustment, the\r\n Security Deposit amount held with us is\r\n refunded with an A/c payee cheque in the\r\n name of the registered consumer at the\r\n recorded address.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When I can apply for Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may apply for Security\r\n Refund in below given senarios :\r\n

    • \r\n *Once the connection is Permanently\r\n Disconnected\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * Once the property is sold and also\r\n name mutation has been completed in\r\n records and earlier connection gets\r\n permanently disconnected, the\r\n Old/Earlier property holder may apply\r\n for Security Refund\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required for\r\n Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Click here\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who is eligible to get Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Only the registered consumer or Old\r\n owner (in case of property sold out) can\r\n apply for Security Refund\r\n


    \r\n Q.Can I get Final Bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. After meter removal from site final\r\n bill get generated within 15 days and\r\n final copy may be provided whrein consumer\r\n himself/herself, have requested for\r\n permannet disconnection and having\r\n relevant notification no. too.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to apply for NOC ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you get the final bill copy and\r\n upon making necessary bill payments (if\r\n any), consumer may apply for NOC from our\r\n customer care office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV ..Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My New Connection service request\r\n is pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the siite work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending. To know the\r\n status of a New Connection request,\r\n consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Can write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n New Connection service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n & after receving site report, Estimate\r\n get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate.In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist new\r\n service request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n 7-10 days time for meter installation.\r\n Only if there is any right of way issue,\r\n it may take more time for completing the\r\n assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by\r\n consumer to our service team. You may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services\r\n on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n assistance, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Name Mutation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Name Mutation is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous details. In\r\n case of any doubt you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666\r\n NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No.For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Load Augmentation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n & after receving site report, Estimate\r\n get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Load Augmentation service\r\n request is pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the site work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending you may visit\r\n us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist Load\r\n Augmentation request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n 7-10 days time for meter installation.\r\n Only if there is any right of way issue,\r\n it may take more time for completing the\r\n assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by\r\n consumer to our service team. You may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services\r\n on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n assistance, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Category Change is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous details. In\r\n case of any doubt you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666\r\n CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Category Change service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Load Reduction service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit (As\r\n & when required) & after receving\r\n site report, Estimate get generated &\r\n sent for necessary approvals. We shall\r\n keep you posted with SMS/EMail alert\r\n containing payment link of estimate. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Load Reduction is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the billing, during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous load details.\r\n In case of any doubt you may reach out to\r\n us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Shifting request is pending for\r\n Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the site work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Shifting request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Shifting request\r\n it will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n & after receving site report, Estimate\r\n get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there is no action taken at site ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the siite work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you\r\n may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name correction is still\r\n pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you\r\n may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction is still\r\n pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connections floor\r\n wise?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In domestic high rise building\r\n electricity connection to individual\r\n owner/occupant are provided on multipoint\r\n scheme as per the guidelines of 13th\r\n Ammendmant of Electricity Supply Code,\r\n 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What should be the file type and size\r\n to upload for new connection online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. File size can't exceed 15 mb per\r\n documentation type.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connection through\r\n mobile app?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, you can apply new connection\r\n from NPCL mobile app.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How much I have to pay for Prepaid\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, service charges and\r\n security (if applicable) as specified in\r\n Cost Data Book which shall be calculated\r\n based upon your application and site\r\n survey.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can apply for Temporary\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are intending to carry out any\r\n construction work at your premise and\r\n seeking of electricity connection for\r\n construction activity, then, you will have\r\n to apply for temorary connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the Documentation requirement\r\n for Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant has to fill application\r\n form for new connection and provide all\r\n the requisite documentation which are\r\n mentioned on the back side of new\r\n connection application form.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to convert from temporary to\r\n permanent?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete construction work\r\n and obtains building completion\r\n certificate from concerned authority i.e.\r\n GNIDA/UPSIDC, you can apply for Permanent\r\n connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges of temporary\r\n connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, security deposit and\r\n service charges as specified in Cost Data\r\n Book which shall be calculated based upon\r\n your application and site survey\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is B&L form and why it is\r\n required in load augmentation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. B&L form or Work completion\r\n certificate form is filled by the licensed\r\n electrical contractor who has carried out\r\n electrical wiring/installation of premise.\r\n This certifies that electrical\r\n wiring/installation is done following all\r\n the regualtions and includes the\r\n equipments details installed, insulation\r\n test result of the wiring/installation.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for status of Online\r\n New Connection application\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow(!show)}\r\n >\r\n Supply Related\r\n
    \r\n\r\n {show ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to resolve supply-related\r\n complaints on power interruptions or\r\n unsatisfactory voltage profile?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Register the complaint at NPCL's\r\n helpline no. +91-0120 6226666 along with\r\n 10-digit consumer number printed at the\r\n upper left corner of your electricity bill\r\n and one complaint number will be intimated\r\n to you for future reference. NPCL\r\n fault-repairing crew will attend to the\r\n cause of the complaint and resolve the\r\n same within the following time limits:\r\n

    • Urban: 3 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Rural: 12 Hours
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Industrial & Instittutional : 4\r\n Hours\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Transformer failure : 72 Hours
    • \r\n

    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) May also download our\r\n mobile app for easy & quick\r\n access.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to address the problem of\r\n frequent tripping of MCB or blowing of\r\n fuse?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Contact a Licensed Electrical\r\n contractor (L.E.C.) to locate the cause.\r\n If there is a fault/defect in your wiring\r\n installations, rectify the same.\r\n


    \r\n If the load of your installation is more\r\n than the load allowed by NPCL, please\r\n apply for enhancement of load by filling\r\n up a form available at NPCL office KP-1\r\n & know more about the same.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Faqs;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst BillRelatedComplaint = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Bill Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Bill Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Bill Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    New Registration


    \r\n Welcome to NPCL Supplier Registration Portal\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Declaration\r\n

    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n * Yes I have read the data privacy\r\n statement and accept the terms.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Submit\r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default BillRelatedComplaint;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst BillRelatedComplaintStatus = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Bill Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Bill Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Bill Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n


    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default BillRelatedComplaintStatus;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst BillRelatedComplaintFeedback = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Bill Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complain\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Bill Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Bill Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    Feedback Form

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Ease of Accessing Information on Website

    \r\n \r\n 😒 Poor\r\n \r\n \r\n 😐 OK\r\n \r\n \r\n 😏 Good\r\n \r\n \r\n 😁 Great\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Submit\r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default BillRelatedComplaintFeedback;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst BillRelatedComplaintCMP = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Bill Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Bill Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Bill Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    Complaint Management Process (Guide)

    \r\n \r\n

    TIER – I: NPCL Complaint escalation & Redressal structure


    In case of any concern/ request you may visit our Customer Care Office and meet the following official with complete detail:

    • Level 1: Customer Relation Officer
    • \r\n
    • Level 2: Customer Relation Managers
    • \r\n
    • Level 3:Concern Departmental Heads with prior appointment
    • \r\n



    Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF): A forum is constituted under the Chairmanship of a retired Judge and two other members wherein the Consumers of electricity can file their complaints for the redressal of their grievances related to deficiency/ error in bill or services or any non- compliance of standards & directions issued by the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission in this regard.


    Address of the forum: Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF), 33/11KV Electric Sub Station, Block-D, Opposite Ryan International School, Sector Alpha-1, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201310.


    Phone No. of the Secretary of the Forum – 9911411373


    Public Hearing by the Forum: A monthly camp is organized on the 17th of every month (in case, 17th being Saturday/holiday, after holiday) at CGRF, where the employees of NPCL are also present.


    TIER – III:


    Electricity Ombudsman: An Appeal can be filled before the Electricity Ombudsman of the State on not being satisfied by the order of the CGRF.


    Address of the Office of Electricity Ombudsman: Niyamak Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 226010 Phone No. – 0522- 2720856, Fax- 0522-2720857,


    Email: eo-up@uperc.org

    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default BillRelatedComplaintCMP;\r\n","import React, { useState } from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst BillRelatedComplaintFAQ = () => {\r\n const [show, setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2, setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const [show3, setShow3] = useState(false);\r\n const [show4, setShow4] = useState(false);\r\n const [show5, setShow5] = useState(false);\r\n const [show6, setShow6] = useState(false);\r\n const [show7, setShow7] = useState(false);\r\n const [show8, setShow8] = useState(false);\r\n const [show9, setShow9] = useState(false);\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Bill Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Bill Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Bill Related Complaint

    \r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n


    \r\n setShow9(!show9)}\r\n >\r\n Meter Related\r\n
    \r\n {show9 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be done in case there is\r\n no supply in the meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n In case the nearby are is under Supply\r\n Outage, you may wait until the supply is\r\n restored. If there is no power even after\r\n the supply is restored Consumer may\r\n contact at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666 You may reach out us through\r\n WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What to do in case of meter is\r\n running fast/ excess billing?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Domestic Consumer: May please check\r\n the internal wiring by any private\r\n electrician. If no such issue persist may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 or visit Customer Care Office\r\n at KP-I to register request for Meter\r\n Testing. Demand note for meter testing\r\n fees will be generated as per UPERC\r\n guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n Industrial & Institutional Consumers :\r\n May please check the Power Factor &\r\n Neutral disturbance issue to avoid any\r\n demand shoot-up in billing. if persist may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (BillDispute{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #BILLDISPUTE{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or else you may also\r\n visit our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to analysis correct meter\r\n consumption/ abnormal consumption?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In a normal house hold having 1 or 2\r\n A/C’s along with Geyser, Fridge etc., the\r\n average units consumed may be between 500\r\n to 1000 Units per month depending upon\r\n actual use. If consumer feel that the\r\n consumption is more as compared to the\r\n usage and load, we request consumers to\r\n please get their wiring checked by\r\n competent electrician with respect to\r\n below mentioned points:\r\n

    • \r\n To check any Earth Leakage in the\r\n internal wiring or not.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of multiple connections in the\r\n building, whether your internal wiring\r\n has a separate neutral wire and should\r\n not be mixed with other connections.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Check if someone else is also using\r\n supply from your meter or not.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n However, it is to inform that, NPCL will\r\n not be responsible for higher consumptions\r\n due to any of the above reasons but taking\r\n action by consumer will reduce the\r\n consumption. After having checked all the\r\n above, If consumption is still not reduced\r\n as per consumer’s expectation, then he is\r\n having an option to get the meter tested\r\n by contacting our helpline\r\n number+91-120-6226666 Apply online for\r\n meter testing or visit Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday. and get the offline requests\r\n generated for meter checking . Meter\r\n Testing fees will be generated & added\r\n in subsequent bill as per UPERC\r\n guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various reasons of meter\r\n change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. A Distribution Licensee may change\r\n the meter from time to time for any of the\r\n following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the timelines/Resolutions\r\n for Meter Testing, Fast, Slow, Burnt,\r\n Damaged, Stop, Faulty, Shifting?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14\r\n working days for meter replacement.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days\r\n after estimate payment for testing &\r\n another 14 working days for replacement\r\n if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Shifting: 7 Working Days as\r\n per site conditions\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges for Meter\r\n testing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing\r\n fee shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection\r\n to prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park -1\r\n or Techzone-4, Greater Noida . Consumer\r\n has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form and\r\n submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges\r\n for conversion from post-paid to\r\n pre-paid or for new connection\r\n installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter charges to paid as per UPERC\r\n cost data book enforce\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the meaning of downloading of\r\n parameter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Various parameters measured and\r\n recorded by the meter are finally\r\n downloaded for billing/ monitoring\r\n purpose. The downloading of parameter\r\n means transferring the recorded data from\r\n meter to the records of the company.\r\n Downloading can be automatic (AMR) or\r\n using a gadget. However we can capture\r\n data / parameter by reading the display\r\n recording on a notebook.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Who can apply for Prepaid Meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers pertatining to below\r\n mentioned categories can apply for prepaid\r\n meter:\r\n

    • LMV-1
    • \r\n
    • LMV-2
    • \r\n
    • LMV-5
    • \r\n
    • LMV-9
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to recharge prepaid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Prepaid meter recharge coupon are\r\n available at cash collection centre and\r\n can be paid via cash/DD/Credit or debit\r\n card from our customer care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday..\r\n Recharge can be done online via NPCL’s\r\n website or PAYTM.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How does the alarm work in Pre-paid\r\n meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If your credit gets below Rs.100/-,\r\n you will have an alarm for 30 seconds.\r\n Press any button to turn it off. The alarm\r\n will be repeated every half an hour until\r\n recharged. It is advised that once meter\r\n reached its minimum limit recharge\r\n immediately to avoid disconnection. You\r\n can also set minimum limit as per your\r\n convenience.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact in case of misplacing\r\n of Recharge Coupon?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Simply visit the NPCL Cash Collection\r\n Center for re-issuing of recharge coupon\r\n which will be done free of cost. Consumer\r\n have to mention BP no./ Meter no. to get\r\n the recharge coupon. May please note- the\r\n coupon is specific to your meter hence\r\n cannot be used elsewhere.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection\r\n into prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park -1\r\n or Techzone-4, Greater Noida . Consumer\r\n has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form and\r\n submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges\r\n for conversion from post-paid to\r\n pre-paid or for new connection\r\n installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the documents required if\r\n meter get stolen?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You have to submit an application,\r\n original FIR, ID proof of registered\r\n consumer at our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Note: Meter charges are applicable as per\r\n UPERC cost data book.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the New Meter cost in Meter\r\n stolen cases?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the consumer process the\r\n application for re-installation of meter\r\n in case of Meter Stolen, applicable meter\r\n charges to paid as per UPERC cost data\r\n book enforce.\r\n


    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the new meter\r\n cost shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if meter is not at\r\n the premises?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please contact our Call at our 24X7\r\n CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or you may\r\n visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why my meter screen is blank.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in\r\n the area and your supply is not coming, if\r\n Yes, you may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 to register\r\n complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NOPOWER{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or visit atCustomer Care\r\n office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.. In case supply\r\n is ON but no display on meter,\r\n register complaint for meter display\r\n problem on above given numbers. Our\r\n Team will visit to do the needful\r\n within 7 working days.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If my meter box has a husky display,\r\n what should I do ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Is your meter box is having husky\r\n display.Kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre\r\n No. 0120-6226666 or visit at our Customer\r\n Care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday. and register complaint\r\n for meter display problem. Our Team will\r\n visit to do the needful within 7 working\r\n days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Where to report incase of No Display\r\n in the meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may contact at our 24X7 CALL\r\n CENTER - 0120 6226666 or visit at our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday and register\r\n complaint for meter display problem. Our\r\n Team will visit to do the needful within 7\r\n working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges of meter testing\r\n and why is it mandatory to pay ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing\r\n fee shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the different options\r\n available for Meter Testing?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Online from our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer\r\n services tab wherein \"Online Meter\r\n Testing\" option is available.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may also visit Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I know the status of Meter\r\n Testing Request ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may visit our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer\r\n services tab wherein \"Online Meter\r\n Testing\" option is available : You may\r\n also download our Mobile application and\r\n apply for meter testing or else it can be\r\n placed by calling to our 24X7 helpline\r\n numbers on 0120-6226666 or 0120-6226666\r\n You may also visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. On what basis the meter testing fee\r\n is imposed?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter testing fees is charged on\r\n \"type of meter\" and it is applicable as\r\n per UPERC Tariff Order.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Would you refund the testing fee if\r\n meter found ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no provision for refund of\r\n testing fees.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive testing report on\r\n meter testing? What is the procedure of\r\n complaining if I don’t receive one?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Everytime when we will test meter a\r\n test reprt is issued to our consumer. In\r\n case you have not received it, you may\r\n write us at CRM@noidapower.com. You may\r\n also visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Which parameter define that meter is\r\n faulty or meter testing is Ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Kindly note that meter testing is\r\n done on many factors such as meter\r\n accuracy results , display parameters\r\n & downloaded data analysis on which\r\n testing engineer will confirm whether\r\n meter is faulty or meter is working\r\n normal.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meters are changed without any\r\n complaint?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case of technology upgradation or\r\n periodic replacement from Old to New\r\n Generation meter as per the Guideline of\r\n Hon’ble Regulatory Commission.\r\n


    \r\n A Distribution Licensee may change the\r\n meter from time to time for any of the\r\n following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How much time will you take to\r\n replace the faulty meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14\r\n working days for meter replacement\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days\r\n after estimate payment for testing &\r\n another 14 working days for replacement\r\n if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if there is No power\r\n after successful recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n For Secure Prepaid meters\r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office it\r\n may be your main MCB be off which is\r\n located in Electric shaft in\r\n societies/ check your MCB status\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M\r\n to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more\r\n about the same. Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n
      • \r\n Check balance / supply status in\r\n mobile aap.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4 :\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M\r\n to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more\r\n about the same. Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid\r\n meter\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number\r\n post bill generation. It can also be\r\n downloaded from our website via Quick\r\n E-bill Download : or follow direct link:\r\n No payment is required to be made against\r\n the bill. Ensure sufficient balance in\r\n prepaid meter through timely recharge in\r\n order to avail uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if the meter doesn’t\r\n show the credit amount after recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please refer our prepaid meter manual\r\n available at our website and refer page\r\n no. 6 & 7 Or In case, payment is been\r\n done but credit still pending, you may\r\n contact at our helpline no. +91-0120\r\n 6226666 or else if issue still persist,\r\n please visit our customer care office, KP-1\r\n or Techzone-4 in person :During 10:00 A.M\r\n to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more about\r\n the same. Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n .\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meter is beeping when it is\r\n already recharge?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n There is a provision in meter to set\r\n recharge limit if balance will go down\r\n from this limit then only meter will\r\n start beeping at low balance . This\r\n feature is configurable ,consumer itself\r\n can set this limit as per their\r\n consumption pattern.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Freedom Bluetooth unit may be faulty (\r\n if Showing Con. Fault in display ).\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What options are available for\r\n pre-paid meter recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, (there are many options to pay\r\n amount in paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit\r\n Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer can get token from NPCL\r\n Customer Care Office, KP-1, Greater\r\n Noida\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters( AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, Bill Desk (there are many options\r\n to pay amount in paytm ex- Through UPl,\r\n Debit Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Multipoint App., NPCL web site\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is “CON FAULT”, what is to be\r\n done to get it corrected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. CON FAULT” means connection faulty,\r\n meter will be displaying digit 17 when\r\n your connection from meter to display unit\r\n is not proper. Kindly register you’re\r\n compliant on our call center contact no. -\r\n 0120-6226666/.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can supply gets disconnected if meter\r\n is not recharged or do I get any\r\n reminder?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Reminder beep will come in minimun\r\n available balance. Supply will be\r\n disconnected in negative balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Go to NPCL Multipoint App by turning on\r\n low money notifications, consumer can\r\n get a reminder.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to check the balance?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Automatically showing Balance\r\n & other details in Meter display.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumers may check their account\r\n balance by pressing # button in key pad\r\n of meter display unit & for single\r\n phase meters - Press key \"1\" single time\r\n to check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Login in NPCL Multipoint App/ web and\r\n check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be the minimum balance to\r\n maintain pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can change minimum balance\r\n in meter acocording to consumption and\r\n requirement.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If meter is showing different date\r\n from actual does it mean that it is\r\n faulty ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is a matter of meter testing &\r\n inspection then only we will confirm the\r\n same. Based on the testing report our team\r\n shall analyse the data.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact when there is no\r\n display in the meter but supply is\r\n connected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in\r\n the area and your supply is not coming, if\r\n Yes, you may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 to register\r\n complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NOPOWER Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Red light in meter indicates what?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. it’s a calibration LED in meter which\r\n indicates pulse / revolution of meter , if\r\n Red light is blinking in meters it means\r\n meter is running on load.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I change my meter from\r\n post-paid to pre-paid and what\r\n documentation is required?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park -1\r\n or Techzone-4, Greater Noida . Consumer\r\n has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form and\r\n submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I see my consumption pattern\r\n in pre-paid meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n By pressing Key\"2\" consumer can check\r\n consumptions of today, previous day,\r\n previous Week and current month)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n By Pressing key\"7\" consumer can check\r\n monthly consumptions of present calendar\r\n Year)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters ( Aew Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint App and consumer\r\n can see daily consumption( Current\r\n month) and Monthly consumptions( Present\r\n Calendar Year) by selecting \"Report\"\r\n option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint Web, conumer can\r\n download and see consumptions by\r\n selecting \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow8(!show8)}\r\n >\r\n Payment Related\r\n
    \r\n {show8 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the different modes of\r\n payments available?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Modes of payments are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n A. Digital Payment through:-\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Credit & Debit cards to Village\r\n Contact Persons and at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4*.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Non-Digital Payment Modes are as\r\n follows:-\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Cash / Cheque / DD at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4* or to\r\n Village Contact Persons.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque/DD at NPCL’s Cheque Drop Boxes.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cash at nearby BBPS authorised retail\r\n outlets For further details please visit\r\n NPCL’s website.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n *You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where can I make cash payment?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n In case of Rural Consumers - Authorised\r\n Village Contact Persons (VCPs) or cash\r\n collection centre, Tugalpur, Knowledge\r\n Park-1 or Techzone-4, Greater Noida\r\n between 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to\r\n Saturday (Except 2nd & 4th Saturdays\r\n and Gazetted Holidays) (On 1st, 3rd\r\n & 5th Saturdays counter will be open\r\n from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM).\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of Urban / Industrial /\r\n Institutional Consumers - Cash\r\n Collection Centre.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Any consumer - Nearby BBPS Authorised\r\n Retail Outlets. There are more than 1500\r\n authorised BBPS retails outlets in and\r\n around Greater Noida area. Consumers may\r\n locate nearest BBPS Authorised Retails\r\n Outlets on NPCL website through web-link\r\n “Find Nearest Bharat Bill Pay Outlet”.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the upper limit for Cash\r\n Payment.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per section 6.10 of Electricity\r\n Supply code 2005, you can make cash\r\n payment up to Rs.20,000/- only. In case\r\n your bill is more than the above mentioned\r\n value, remaining payment shall be made via\r\n any mode other than cash.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to make online payment of Bills?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Online Payment of Bills can be made\r\n through below mentioned modes :\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Do I need to pay extra charges if I\r\n wish to pay Online through NPCL\r\n website/Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL do not levy any extra charge for\r\n online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway , Wallets and Other service\r\n providers may levy service charges\r\n along-with applicable taxes for\r\n transactions above Rs. 4,000/-. In case\r\n the transaction is made through Paytm\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n


    \r\n ** For credit/debit card transactions,\r\n 1.10% of the transaction amount being paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Net banking transactions, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Bill desk Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n * For credit/debit card transactions, 1%\r\n of the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * For Net banking transactions,\r\n Rs.3/-per transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Is it safe to give my bank details on\r\n NPCL website ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security\r\n standards to ensure that the data entered\r\n by consumers remains confidential and not\r\n stored anywhere on NPCL Server.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How can I make Cheque Payments\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can drop cheque at following\r\n Cheque Collection Centres of NPCL along\r\n with latest bill stub (Lower portion of\r\n bill). The cheques should be in favour of\r\n \"\"Noida Power Company Limited\"\". Write\r\n down the cheque with credentials like your\r\n Name, Consumer Number and mobile number at\r\n the back of cheque.\r\n

    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre (Sector KP-1)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre (Techzone-IV)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station atAlpha-1, Opp Ryan\r\n International School\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station, Sector Omega-I,\r\n Builders Area, Near AWHO Apartments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station at Surajpur, Near\r\n Surajpur Police Station\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bar Association Office, Surajpur\r\n District Court\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I make payment through Post dated\r\n cheques ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post-dated and outstation cheques are\r\n not accepted at NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges applicable on\r\n cheque bounce?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque gets bounced due\r\n to insufficient funds or exceed\r\n arrangement, you will not be able to make\r\n payment through cheque in that Financial\r\n Year. Charges applicable are mentioned\r\n below:\r\n

    • \r\n Cheque amount of less than Rs. 5000 :\r\n Rs.250\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 5000 & up to\r\n Rs. 10000 : Rs. 500\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 10000 & up to\r\n Rs. 1 Lac : Rs. 1000\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount of Rs. 1 Lac and above :\r\n Rs. 5000\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue another cheque, if my\r\n cheque bounces?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque got bounced due to\r\n insufficient funds or exceed arrangements,\r\n the consumer will not be able to make\r\n payment through cheque in that Financial\r\n Year.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue cheque, if my supply is\r\n Disconnected ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, consumer can pay their bill\r\n amount through cheque (Considering no\r\n cheque bounce history).\r\n


    \r\n Payment can be done for outstanding bill\r\n and reconnection charges as below:-\r\n

    • \r\n Bill payment via cheque and reconnection\r\n charge via cash and vice versa >Bill\r\n payment and reconnection charge together\r\n via cash.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bill payment and reconnection charge\r\n together via cheque . Please note, if in\r\n case the same get dishonoured, the\r\n supply will be disconnected and the\r\n Reconnection amount has to be paid\r\n again.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.When will my online payment be updated\r\n in my account?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. All payments made through other that\r\n RTGS / NEFT mode are updated on Real-time\r\n basis in consumers account except during\r\n system shutdown/maintenance when it may\r\n take up to 2 to 3 working days.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I approach to register my\r\n payment related complaint?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Complaints can be registered at:\r\n

    • NPCL Website.
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Mobile App.
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Our 24X7 Call centre at 0120-6226666.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the GST % will be charged\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. GST will be levied as per GST\r\n regulations and rates applicable to\r\n various services provided by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.For which services I have to pay GST\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per GST Circular No.\r\n 34/08/2018-GST dated 01st March 2018, GST\r\n is applicable on all the services provided\r\n by the NPCL except energy charges.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow7(!show7)}\r\n >\r\n Billing Related\r\n
    \r\n {show7 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How are bills prepared if the meter is\r\n not read?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If the actual meter reading is not\r\n acquired due to any reason; provisional\r\n bill will be raised which is subjected to\r\n adjustment upon receipt of actual meter\r\n reading in the subsequent months.\r\n Provisional bills are raised on average\r\n consumption of last 3 months.\r\n Inaccessibility to premises for 3 months\r\n or more could lead to disconnection of\r\n supply as per Electricity ̀ Supply Code\r\n 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the normal reading span for\r\n monthly Meter Reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter reading is normally taken\r\n between a period of 28 to 32 days from the\r\n last meter reading date. The same is\r\n intimated to you through SMS if your\r\n mobile number is registered with us. Fixed\r\n Charges and slabs for Energy charges are\r\n calculated proportionally for the billing\r\n period.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to calculate / understand\r\n electricity bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Please refer back side of\r\n electricity bill and check for applicable\r\n Tariff and Bill Calculation. Additionally,\r\n you can reach out to us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the meter reading system?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading of three phase meters is\r\n taken remotely through AMR or LPR\r\n facility. For Single Phase meters, meter\r\n readers go door-to-door and record\r\n readings in Hand Held Devices (HHD) /\r\n Meter Reading Terminals (MRT). Reading\r\n information can also be conveyed through\r\n SMS/Email registered with us.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why is my meter not read regularly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Any one of the following can be the\r\n reasons:\r\n

    • \r\n Your premises are vacant / locked for\r\n long period of time or constantly during\r\n daytime resulting in inaccessibility of\r\n meter to the reader. Code 2005.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Discrepancy in address in our database\r\n with the actual address may result in\r\n meter reader missing out your premises.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n If you observe such shortcomings in the\r\n address (as printed in bill), please bring\r\n the same to the notice of CR(Front Desk)\r\n at NPCL Customer Care Office immediately\r\n for corrections.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to approach when meter is not\r\n read ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If consumer premises is found locked,\r\n meter reader will stick a \"\"miss you\"\"\r\n sticker intimating about the failed\r\n reading attempt alongwith a contact number\r\n to coordinate the day & time of\r\n reading. Or you may:\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number (Only which is showing\r\n in KWH)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why fixed charges are not constant?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Fixed Charges defined by Monthly\r\n Tariff applies to a period of 30 days.\r\n When billing period is not 30 days,\r\n applicable fixed charges are calculated on\r\n prorata basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are Penal Demand Charges\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Use of load beyond the sanctioned\r\n load is a cognisable offence. Penal demand\r\n charges are levied in excess to fixed\r\n charges based on demand usage over and\r\n above the sanctioned load. It is thus\r\n advised to enhance your contracted load to\r\n avoid penal demand charges.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to calculate slab ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Slab based energy rates defined by\r\n Tariff is applicable for 30 days per month\r\n and is prorated on simple unitary method\r\n based on number of billing days i.e.\r\n difference between current reading date\r\n and previous reading date (both dates\r\n inclusive)\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Makeup Charges?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. : As per approved Tariff,\r\n consumers who are part of LMV-2\r\n (Commercial Supply) and LMV-9 (Temporary\r\n Supply) are subjected to load based\r\n minimum charges. If the sum of Fixed\r\n Charges (for LMV-2 only) and Energy\r\n Charges is less than applicable monthly\r\n minimum charge then differential amount is\r\n levied as Make Up Charges. Makeup charge =\r\n minimum charge - (fixed charges + energy\r\n charge).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Wrong reading mentioned on my bill.\r\n How to get it rectified?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Request for wrong reading can be\r\n registered through following touchpoints\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Email your concern at\r\n crm@noidapower.com. Do attach meter\r\n reading photograph for convenience.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in\r\n KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What to do if I am not satisfied with\r\n the meter reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are not satisfied with your\r\n bill, you may\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #SELFREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in\r\n KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third\r\n party vendor every month. You are\r\n requested to subscribe for e-bill for\r\n on-time and assured delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n In case you need duplicate bill copy, may\r\n please click on below link given on our\r\n website : You may reach out us through\r\n WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666 (DupBill{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #DUPBILL Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Q.How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you need duplicate bill copy,\r\n may please click on below link given on\r\n our website : You may also login to our\r\n website or Mobile www.noidapower.com App\r\n using your credentials (Username &\r\n Password) for downloading / viewing last 6\r\n bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need help\r\n in Sign In” tab under My Account tab.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed\r\n and Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed\r\n Payment Surcharge which is applicable due\r\n to non-payment of bills upto due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall be\r\n levied at 1.25% on the dues per month\r\n up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00%\r\n per month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity\r\n connection can be disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to lodge complaint through SMS?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can raise your complaint &\r\n avail other important information by\r\n sending SMS on 7840002288 from your\r\n registered mobile number. To see list of\r\n short codes with mandatory details, click\r\n on\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Is there any rebate if I pay bills\r\n online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, there is no additional rebate\r\n provided for online payments. However, a\r\n rebate of 1% against sum of Demand Charges\r\n & Energy Charges is provided upon\r\n payment within due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there are different colour bills?\r\n It denotes what ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Multi colour bills are designed to\r\n reflect upon varied consumer behaviour\r\n towards payment of dues and usage of\r\n electricity.\r\n

    • \r\n Blue Bill denotes timely bill payments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Green Bill denotes payment through\r\n digital mode and/or Solar Net Metering\r\n Consumer\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Orange Bill denotes delayed payment\r\n and/or arrears in current bill\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Red bill cautions consumer to abstain\r\n from unauthorized use of electricity\r\n based on site reporting.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How much interest paid on Security\r\n Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Interest is credited to consumers\r\n against existing security deposit on\r\n annual basis as per the bank rate\r\n prescribed by the RBI.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What would be the disconnection date\r\n once arrear is paid from the current\r\n month bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is advised to clear entire dues in\r\n event of arrears amount in current bill.\r\n However, if payment is made only against\r\n arrears, then disconnection date against\r\n current dues is 15 days from the due date\r\n as mentioned on the electricity bill.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can submit self meter reading ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The facility of self submission of\r\n meter reading is available for single\r\n phase consumers. Reading can be submitted\r\n through SMS, Website or App in the\r\n dedicated slot provided every month.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid\r\n meter? Do I need to make payment against\r\n bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number\r\n post bill generation. It can also be\r\n downloaded from our website via Quick\r\n E-bill Download or follow direct link:\r\n


    \r\n No payment is required to be made against\r\n the bill. Ensure sufficient balance in\r\n prepaid meter through timely recharge in\r\n order to avail uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How & when self reading can be\r\n provided by consumer?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading submission slot is 1st to\r\n 10th day of every month. You can easily\r\n reach out to us by sending SMS at\r\n 7840002288 (#SELFREADING\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading) or WHATSAPP us at\r\n 0120-6226666 (SelfReading{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading). The service is also\r\n available on our website &\r\n app.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n * Please note that reading should be in\r\n KWH parameter\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is power factor?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Power factor for the month is\r\n determined as the ratio of KWH (Active\r\n Power Consumption) to KVAH(Apparent power\r\n consumption).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the minimum Power Factor to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per the regulations of U.P.\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005 minimum\r\n power factor to be maintained is 0.75. If\r\n recorded power factor is less than\r\n 0.75,suitable action as per the provisions\r\n shall be initiated by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What can be the reason which may cause\r\n dip in Power Factor? How it is to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Majority of three phase connections\r\n constitutes of inductive load which draws\r\n non working / reactive power thereby\r\n increasing the KVAH(Apparent power\r\n consumption). Use of capacitor banks is\r\n helpful in offsetting this non working\r\n power requirement, but it should be\r\n regulated according to variance in load\r\n requirement by installing Automated Power\r\n Factor Controller(APFC). Regular check up\r\n and maintenance is also advised.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why it is important to maintain Power\r\n Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers above 10 KW are billed on\r\n KVAH basis as per the applicable tariff\r\n provisions. Dip in power factor(P.F.)\r\n cause increase in KVAH consumption which\r\n in turn results in higher energy charges\r\n for the consumer. Also, it reduces the\r\n effective distribution network capacity of\r\n NPCL which can lead to power outage in the\r\n area.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the consequences if power\r\n factor controller is not working\r\n properly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Failure of power factor controller\r\n i.e. APFC/Capacitor banks will lead to\r\n inadequate/over compensation of reactive\r\n power requirement. In both scenarios, KVAH\r\n consumption will suddenly increase leading\r\n to higher energy charges being billed.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can NPCL help in improving Power\r\n Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, it is consumer's responsibility\r\n to maintain their power factor from time\r\n to time\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third\r\n party vendor every month. You are\r\n requested to subscribe for e-bill for\r\n on-time and assured delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. \"You are required to login on our\r\n website or Mobile www.noidapower.com App\r\n using your credentials (Username &\r\n Password) for downloading / viewing last 6\r\n bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need help\r\n in Sign In” tab under My Account tab\".\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed\r\n and Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed\r\n Payment Surcharge which is applicable due\r\n to non-payment of bills upto due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall be\r\n levied at 1.25% on the dues per month\r\n up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00%\r\n per month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity\r\n connection can be disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. How the differential units are\r\n getting calculated on common\r\n (Physical/Virtual) connection  for\r\n multipoint connections?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans.{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in\r\n physical common meter :\r\n {\" \"}\r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code\r\n dated: 10-08-2018, the total energy\r\n consumption of the electricity recorded at\r\n the reference meter shall be compared with\r\n the total electricity consumption of all\r\n the individual meters & common area meter.\r\n In case the difference in energy\r\n consumption for any billing cycle works\r\n out to be higher than permissable loss\r\n level i.e. 4% in case of 11KV supply / 5%\r\n in case of voltage higher than 11 KV, then\r\n the difference of energy beyond\r\n permissible loss level shall be added in\r\n the consumption of common area billing.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in\r\n Virtual common meter :\r\n \r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code\r\n dated: 05-08-2020, no physical common\r\n meter is to be installed at consumer\r\n premise and differential units calculation\r\n is to be done on the basis of the logic as\r\n described below: Total energy consumption\r\n of the electricity recorded at the\r\n reference meter shall be compared with the\r\n total electricity consumption of all the\r\n individual meters. In case the difference\r\n in energy consumption for any billing\r\n cycle works out to be higher than\r\n permissable loss level i.e. 4% in case of\r\n 11KV supply / 5% in case of voltage higher\r\n than 11 KV, then the difference of energy\r\n beyond permissible loss level shall be\r\n divided among all the individual consumers\r\n in proportion to their contractual load.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is TDS/TCS charged in bills?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. TDS (Tax Deduction at Source):{\" \"}\r\n The tax shall be deducted under Section\r\n 194Q by a consumer/buyer carrying on a\r\n business whose total sales, gross receipts\r\n or turnover from the business exceeds Rs.\r\n 10 crores during the financial year\r\n immediately preceding the financial year\r\n in which such goods are purchased.\r\n
    \r\n The tax shall be deducted by the\r\n consumer/buyer of goods at the rate of\r\n 0.1% of the purchase value exceeding Rs.\r\n 50 lakhs.\r\n
    \r\n TCS (Tax Collection at Source): The\r\n Finance Act, 2020 inserted sub-section\r\n (1H) in section 206C with effect from 1st\r\n Oct’20 to levy the tax collection at\r\n source on sale of goods. The Company is\r\n liable to collect TCS at the rate of 0.1%\r\n on consideration received from a Consumer\r\n in excess of fifty lakh rupees in a\r\n financial year.\r\n
    \r\n In non-PAN/ Aadhaar* cases the rate shall\r\n be 1% .
    \r\n In case of PAN is not available or invalid\r\n PAN, the tax shall be deducted at the rate\r\n of 5%.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is Additional Security Deposit\r\n (ASD) charged in bills, when it is\r\n charged and how it is calculated?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per Clause 4.2 (e) of UPERC Supply\r\n Code, 2005: If the security deposit falls\r\n short of covering the estimated power\r\n consumption bill for 45 days based on his\r\n average monthly consumption for the\r\n preceding financial year, then demand for\r\n Additional Security Deposit (ASD) is made\r\n to consumers equivalent to the difference\r\n of amount between the existing security\r\n deposit and 45 days average power\r\n consumption bill. Also, the demand for ASD\r\n is only made when the required ASD payable\r\n by the consumer exceeds 10% of the\r\n existing security deposit.\r\n

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    \r\n setShow6(!show6)}\r\n >\r\n Theft Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. Where I can contact in case of Direct\r\n theft booked on my consumer number.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit to Our Office at KP-II\r\n from 10:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) for\r\n any detailed information about theft\r\n booked or may contact our 24X7 CALL CENTER\r\n - 0120 6226666 or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666, write Theft (to report\r\n electricity theft) may please click on\r\n given link to register online complaint.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to report Direct Theft\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can call and complain against\r\n theft of electricity / tampering of meter\r\n through following avenues:\r\n

    • Helpline Number : 9891222240
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mobile App
    • \r\n
    • CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666
    • \r\n

    \r\n Your identity shall remain confidential\r\n and action will be taken at the earliest.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is meant by “Direct Theft”?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Section 135(1) of Electricity Act,\r\n 2003 as amended by Electricity (amendment)\r\n Act , 2007, Theft of electricity is\r\n defined as, whoever dishonestly,\r\n

    • \r\n a) Taps Electricity line:\r\n
      • - overhead
      • \r\n
      • - underground
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n b) Tampers meter:\r\n
      • - usage of tampered meter
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - current reversing transformer\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - loop connection
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - other device interferes with\r\n accurate/proper registration. c)\r\n Other device/method result in a\r\n manner whereby:\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - electricity is stolen
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - damages/destroys an electric\r\n meter/ apparatus/equipment/wire/\r\n cause\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n c) Uses electricity through a tampered\r\n meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n d) Uses electricity for purposes other\r\n than that which was authorized.\r\n
    • \r\n
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    \r\n setShow5(!show5)}\r\n >\r\n Disconnection Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for permanent\r\n disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you want your connection to be\r\n permanently disconnected, you have to\r\n submit the ID proof, last paid bill with\r\n our written application form at Customer\r\n Care Office at KP-I or Techzone-4*. 2 Years\r\n Lock-in Period is applicable for all\r\n consumers except LMV-9 (Temporary\r\n Connection) from last date of any change\r\n in contract. Please follow the link to\r\n know documentation requirement *Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines of Permanent\r\n Disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Disconnection of supply will\r\n completed within 30 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can I apply for the same meter after\r\n surrendering of current meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the connection is permanently\r\n disconnected, consumer has to follow new\r\n connection application process for getting\r\n an electricity connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for refunding of\r\n security funds?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Consumer Care Centre at\r\n KP-I or Techzone-4, and submit all the\r\n requisite documents which are mentioned at\r\n the back side of application form. Please\r\n follow the link to know documentation\r\n requirement Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why and when MCG charges are\r\n applicable for Permanent Disconnection\r\n application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. MCG calculated as per provisions of\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005. The Tariff\r\n Orders issued by Hon’ble Uttar Pradesh\r\n Electricity Regulatory Commission (“State\r\n Commission”) from time to time.Clause 4.14\r\n (Agreement) - Point (h) However, if the\r\n agreement is to be terminated before\r\n completion of 2 years: 30 (i) Consumer\r\n shall be liable to pay the minimum charges\r\n (or the demand / fixed charges, if no\r\n minimum charges are prescribed for that\r\n category) for a period of 6 months or the\r\n period by which the total duration of the\r\n agreement falls short of 2 years,\r\n whichever is lower.\r\n

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    \r\n setShow4(!show4)}\r\n >\r\n Reconnection Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n making the part payment of outstanding\r\n amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reconnection is not allowed on part\r\n payment.\r\n



    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Criteria (load & Category){\" \"}\r\n DR charges (Rs.)*
    \r\n Pre-paid Meters - Single phase{\" \"}\r\n - Zero
    Pre-paid Meters -3 phase - Zero
    Smart Meters - Single phase - 100
    Smart Meters - 3 phase - 200
    >75 KW/100BHP - 2000
    \r\n LMV-6 (having load <=75KW/100BHP){\" \"}\r\n - 1000
    All others categories - 600


    \r\n Note: * 18% GST is applicable on DR\r\n charges and supply will be reconnected\r\n within 48 hrs. for Rural and 24 hrs. for\r\n urban after payment of Outstanding dues\r\n along with reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines for\r\n Reconnection after temporary\r\n disconnection of supply?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Timeline for reconnection of supply\r\n will be Maximum of 48 Hrs for Rural and 24\r\n hrs in Urban after payment of bill &\r\n Reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection when\r\n meter already removed at site?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n final bill generation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision of\r\n reconnection. Once the payment of final\r\n bill is done, consumer has to apply for\r\n new connection with all required\r\n documents.\r\n

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    \r\n setShow3(!show3)}\r\n >\r\n Website / Mobile App Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the procedure to Login on{\" \"}\r\n \r\n www.noidapower.com ?\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Go to www.noidapower.com. Click on\r\n “Consumer Login” and register your\r\n Consumer Number or click on the link:\r\n www.npcl.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various\r\n services/information available on NPCL's\r\n website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.The main features of website are as\r\n follows:\r\n

    • \r\n About NPCL and Contact Details of\r\n registered offices\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bill Payment Option
    • \r\n
    • Outage Alerts
    • \r\n
    • Service Application and Complaint
    • \r\n
    • Tariff Details
    • \r\n
    • Report a Concern
    • \r\n
    • Account Registration
    • \r\n
    • CSR activities
    • \r\n
    • Self Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Ebill Download
    • \r\n
    • Quick Bill Payment
    • \r\n
    • Contact Us
    • \r\n
    • Online Application
    • \r\n
    • Payment Options
    • \r\n
    • Pre-paid Meter Recharge
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer Services for Application form,\r\n Document Checklist, Online Meter\r\n Testing, SMS Based Services, WhatsApp\r\n based services, Customer Care office\r\n Queue Status, Single to Multipoint\r\n Conversion, Consumer Awareness and Many\r\n more.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to reset password ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Password can be reset after clicking\r\n forgot password option. You have to punch\r\n your registered email id and consumer\r\n number to receive an updated password , if\r\n problem still persist please write us at\r\n crm@noida power.com)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How and from where a consumer can\r\n update his contact details ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. For updating contact details (mobile\r\n number/ email-id) consumer can login to\r\n our website or mobile app.\r\n www.noidapower.com You may also visit our\r\n customer care office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday, along with the BP No.\r\n and ID proof of registered consumer or\r\n company. You may also write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Is it safe to give my bank details on\r\n NPCL website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security\r\n standards to ensure that the data entered\r\n by consumers remains confidential.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Do I need to pay extra charges for\r\n online payment?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL does not levy any extra charge\r\n for online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway, Wallets and other service\r\n providers may levy service charges along\r\n with applicable taxes for transaction\r\n above Rs. 4,000/-.\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Paytm Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1.10%\r\n of the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Bill desk Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1% of\r\n the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, 3% per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Why this month bill is not updated on\r\n Website Mobile app ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are generated from time to time\r\n from commercial department. It might be\r\n possible due to some certain reason bill\r\n of this month may be delayed and it’s not\r\n generated yet. Once it will have generated\r\n in SAP system then PDF and bill details\r\n will appear on Website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What happen if my ID is locked in\r\n NPCL Website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. USERID will be automatic unlock in 24\r\n hours for the website users\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What all the features available on\r\n Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After Login fetures are as follows :\r\n

    • Bill and Payment History
    • \r\n
    • Register Request & Complaints
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Consumption Analysis
    • \r\n
    • Energy Calculator
    • \r\n
    • Request & Complaint Status
    • \r\n
    • Subscribe for E-bill
    • \r\n
    • Self-Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Payment
    • \r\n
    • Energy Tips
    • \r\n
    • KYC Updation
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is Un-Authenticated Sender\r\n issue.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. User details like USERNAME, Email ID\r\n and Password are not matched when user\r\n face this kind of problem.\r\n

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    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the process of applying for\r\n New Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant can download or fill the\r\n online New Connection Service form from\r\n our website and upload necessary documents\r\n www.noidapower.com as mentioned in the\r\n documents checklist. You can also visit\r\n our Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday, to apply in person.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Within how much time should the\r\n connection be provided to me?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the application and necessary\r\n documents are reviewed at NPCL, and\r\n estimate gets generated which needs to be\r\n paid by the consumer. Post which it will\r\n take approximately 7 working days* for the\r\n apparatus to be installed at the consumers\r\n premises and for the energization of\r\n supply.\r\n


    \r\n *This SLA is applicable for the urban\r\n domestic connection where no augmentation\r\n of main is required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why I have not received my estimate\r\n intimation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you have successfully submitted\r\n your new service application form at our\r\n Customer Care Office or Online , we\r\n process the application in our system and\r\n it gets forwarded to concerned department\r\n for the Commercial & LCC Dues,\r\n Technical feasibility check. Once\r\n clearance is received from all the\r\n departments it is followed by estimate\r\n preparation. During this process system\r\n generated messages are triggered, after\r\n completion of necessary stages. Thus, you\r\n are requested to please wait for the same\r\n as we will be working on 1st cum 1st serve\r\n basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I pay the Estimate amount Online\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online\r\n thru NPCL website or you may visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday to apply in person for\r\n payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Estimate paid but meter not installed\r\n yet?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post payment of estimated amount, New\r\n connection will be provided within 7 days\r\n where no Augmentation of existing mains\r\n are required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for the status of\r\n application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to apply for refunding of security\r\n fund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday to apply for security refund,\r\n please follow the link to know\r\n documentation requirement\r\n (https://www.noidapower.com/Services/Document_Checklist)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Paper Formalities Required for Load\r\n Reduction?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to fill application and\r\n provide all the requisite documentation\r\n which are mentioned on the back side of\r\n application form. Please follow the link\r\n to know documentation requirement. Please\r\n note for load reduction consumer can only\r\n apply after two years from date of\r\n energization. For Temp. Supply, consumer\r\n can apply for load reduction at any point\r\n of time.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can consumer find the status of\r\n request against New Connection?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of a New\r\n Connection request, consumer may use\r\n following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Can write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Estimate not Received Yet\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you have not received any\r\n update after 7-10 days of applying for\r\n request.To know the status of application\r\n you may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to\r\n know the short codes follow the link or\r\n can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is minimum charges & why it\r\n is to be paid.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to bear the minimum\r\n charges based on the total sanctioned load\r\n & as per the applicable tariff rate it\r\n is been calculated for remaining Tenure in\r\n case you have not completed 2 yrs. to the\r\n connection or recent load\r\n enhancement/reduction process. In Case the\r\n maximum demand recorded in any of the last\r\n 2 billing cycles is higher than the\r\n reduced contracted load consumer can not\r\n opt for the proposed contracted load\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is Augmentation? How much time it\r\n take to complete?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Augmentation means\r\n improvement/enhancement of the system\r\n capacity to be able to cater to the\r\n increased electricity load requirement.\r\n Such augmentation needs capital\r\n investment. Sometimes, only after requests\r\n received for new connections or load\r\n enhancement; particularly if the requested\r\n load is high. Different types of\r\n Augmentation may be required such as:\r\n

    • Low Tension (LT) Line Extension
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Capacity Augmentation
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Complete electrification of an un-electrified area
    • */}\r\n

    \r\n Timeline for different type of\r\n augmentations are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Type of augmentation Timeline\r\n required for augmentation{\" \"}\r\n (Working Days)
    LT Network augmentation - 60
    Transformer Augmentation - 120
    \r\n HT - 11 KV Network Strengthening{\" \"}\r\n - 180
    \r\n Un-electrified Area or New Grid\r\n Required{\" \"}\r\n - 180


    \r\n \r\n Q.How and where to approach for Shifting\r\n of Mains ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. We accept application for following\r\n request\r\n

    • Meter Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Pole Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Service Cable Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Penal Feeder Box Shifting
    • \r\n

    \r\n For the shifting related request an\r\n application along with the copy of id\r\n proof and last paid bill is required\r\n (please follow the link to be submitted at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday. After verification\r\n of documents, site visit is arranged to\r\n check the feasibility to fulfil the\r\n request and then a survey report is\r\n prepared and accordingly estimate is\r\n generated as per Regulatory guidelines.\r\n Once the payment of estimate is done then\r\n shifting will be executed\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What Documents are required for Load\r\n Enhancement/ Load Reduction/ Name\r\n Change/ Category Change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please click Here.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the TAT for completion of\r\n Service Application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous load/\r\n category, except shifting of mains , as it\r\n depends upon site condition and\r\n availability of material.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where we can contact in case of any\r\n information required for service\r\n request.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the payment options for\r\n estimate payment ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online\r\n thru NPCL website or you may visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday to apply inperson for\r\n payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the basis of calculation of\r\n Security Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The security deposit maintainable for\r\n a consumer is equivalent to 2 times the\r\n average bill value for the financial year\r\n under reference. For a new applicant, the\r\n security deposit will be determined on the\r\n basis of load applied.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my application is been Pending\r\n since long.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, To know the status of\r\n application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes\r\n follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to contact in case of\r\n application rejected due to LCC/Theft?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When am I required to pay Additional\r\n Security Deposit (ASD)?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Each year the security deposit is\r\n reviewed in the month of April on the\r\n basis of last one year consumption. The\r\n statement of Security Deposit account is\r\n given in the bill for the month of April.\r\n If the maintainable Security Deposit is\r\n more than the security Deposit “held”\r\n amount, additional security deposit is\r\n required to be paid.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required in\r\n case of Small Correction in Connection\r\n Details such as Spelling of Name,\r\n inadequate Address?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The documentary proof for the desired\r\n change along with latest paid bill receipt\r\n along with correction form by the property\r\n owner. You may visit Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What happens if the Security Deposit\r\n amount held is more than the Security\r\n Deposit Maintainable amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In the above scenario, no ASD request\r\n will be placed however, as per the RBI\r\n guidelines interest gets credited for the\r\n held security amount.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How do I get refund of Security\r\n Deposit after account closure?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After necessary adjustment, the\r\n Security Deposit amount held with us is\r\n refunded with an A/c payee cheque in the\r\n name of the registered consumer at the\r\n recorded address.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When I can apply for Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may apply for Security\r\n Refund in below given senarios :\r\n

    • \r\n *Once the connection is Permanently\r\n Disconnected\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * Once the property is sold and also\r\n name mutation has been completed in\r\n records and earlier connection gets\r\n permanently disconnected, the\r\n Old/Earlier property holder may apply\r\n for Security Refund\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required for\r\n Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Click here\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who is eligible to get Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Only the registered consumer or Old\r\n owner (in case of property sold out) can\r\n apply for Security Refund\r\n


    \r\n Q.Can I get Final Bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. After meter removal from site final\r\n bill get generated within 15 days and\r\n final copy may be provided whrein consumer\r\n himself/herself, have requested for\r\n permannet disconnection and having\r\n relevant notification no. too.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to apply for NOC ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you get the final bill copy and\r\n upon making necessary bill payments (if\r\n any), consumer may apply for NOC from our\r\n customer care office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV ..Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My New Connection service request\r\n is pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the siite work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending. To know the\r\n status of a New Connection request,\r\n consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Can write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n New Connection service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n & after receving site report, Estimate\r\n get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate.In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist new\r\n service request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n 7-10 days time for meter installation.\r\n Only if there is any right of way issue,\r\n it may take more time for completing the\r\n assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by\r\n consumer to our service team. You may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services\r\n on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n assistance, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Name Mutation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Name Mutation is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous details. In\r\n case of any doubt you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666\r\n NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No.For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Load Augmentation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n & after receving site report, Estimate\r\n get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Load Augmentation service\r\n request is pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the site work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending you may visit\r\n us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist Load\r\n Augmentation request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n 7-10 days time for meter installation.\r\n Only if there is any right of way issue,\r\n it may take more time for completing the\r\n assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by\r\n consumer to our service team. You may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services\r\n on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n assistance, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Category Change is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous details. In\r\n case of any doubt you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666\r\n CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Category Change service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Load Reduction service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit (As\r\n & when required) & after receving\r\n site report, Estimate get generated &\r\n sent for necessary approvals. We shall\r\n keep you posted with SMS/EMail alert\r\n containing payment link of estimate. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Load Reduction is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the billing, during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous load details.\r\n In case of any doubt you may reach out to\r\n us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Shifting request is pending for\r\n Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the site work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Shifting request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Shifting request\r\n it will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n & after receving site report, Estimate\r\n get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there is no action taken at site ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the siite work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you\r\n may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name correction is still\r\n pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you\r\n may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction is still\r\n pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connections floor\r\n wise?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In domestic high rise building\r\n electricity connection to individual\r\n owner/occupant are provided on multipoint\r\n scheme as per the guidelines of 13th\r\n Ammendmant of Electricity Supply Code,\r\n 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What should be the file type and size\r\n to upload for new connection online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. File size can't exceed 15 mb per\r\n documentation type.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connection through\r\n mobile app?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, you can apply new connection\r\n from NPCL mobile app.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How much I have to pay for Prepaid\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, service charges and\r\n security (if applicable) as specified in\r\n Cost Data Book which shall be calculated\r\n based upon your application and site\r\n survey.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can apply for Temporary\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are intending to carry out any\r\n construction work at your premise and\r\n seeking of electricity connection for\r\n construction activity, then, you will have\r\n to apply for temorary connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the Documentation requirement\r\n for Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant has to fill application\r\n form for new connection and provide all\r\n the requisite documentation which are\r\n mentioned on the back side of new\r\n connection application form.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to convert from temporary to\r\n permanent?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete construction work\r\n and obtains building completion\r\n certificate from concerned authority i.e.\r\n GNIDA/UPSIDC, you can apply for Permanent\r\n connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges of temporary\r\n connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, security deposit and\r\n service charges as specified in Cost Data\r\n Book which shall be calculated based upon\r\n your application and site survey\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is B&L form and why it is\r\n required in load augmentation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. B&L form or Work completion\r\n certificate form is filled by the licensed\r\n electrical contractor who has carried out\r\n electrical wiring/installation of premise.\r\n This certifies that electrical\r\n wiring/installation is done following all\r\n the regualtions and includes the\r\n equipments details installed, insulation\r\n test result of the wiring/installation.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for status of Online\r\n New Connection application\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow(!show)}\r\n >\r\n Supply Related\r\n
    \r\n\r\n {show ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to resolve supply-related\r\n complaints on power interruptions or\r\n unsatisfactory voltage profile?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Register the complaint at NPCL's\r\n helpline no. +91-0120 6226666 along with\r\n 10-digit consumer number printed at the\r\n upper left corner of your electricity bill\r\n and one complaint number will be intimated\r\n to you for future reference. NPCL\r\n fault-repairing crew will attend to the\r\n cause of the complaint and resolve the\r\n same within the following time limits:\r\n

    • Urban: 3 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Rural: 12 Hours
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Industrial & Instittutional : 4\r\n Hours\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Transformer failure : 72 Hours
    • \r\n

    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) May also download our\r\n mobile app for easy & quick\r\n access.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to address the problem of\r\n frequent tripping of MCB or blowing of\r\n fuse?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Contact a Licensed Electrical\r\n contractor (L.E.C.) to locate the cause.\r\n If there is a fault/defect in your wiring\r\n installations, rectify the same.\r\n


    \r\n If the load of your installation is more\r\n than the load allowed by NPCL, please\r\n apply for enhancement of load by filling\r\n up a form available at NPCL office KP-1\r\n & know more about the same.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default BillRelatedComplaintFAQ;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst ReportAConcern = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Self Submission\r\n
    of Meter Reading\r\n

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Important Notice for Owners / Allottees of Multi-Storied\r\n Buildings in Greater Noida published on TOI & NBT dated\r\n 14th March 2021. Consumers can log complaint & avail\r\n information by sending SMS to 7840002288 from their\r\n registered Mobile No. Click{\" \"}\r\n \r\n here\r\n {\" \"}\r\n to view the SMS short codes and their purpose. ----------\r\n Single Phase consumers can now submit Self Meter Reading\r\n with photo proof between 1st to 10th Day of every month,\r\n click{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n here\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n report a Concern\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Report a Concern\r\n

    • \r\n \r\n Report Fire\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Report Safety Hazzard{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Report Theft{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Report Unethical{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n



    \r\n In case of any Emergency such as Fire from\r\n Meter Box, Feeder Pillar Box, Transformer,\r\n Electrical Network or Electric Shock to\r\n person or animal, kindly call NPCL 24*7\r\n Emergency No. 9718722222 to report these\r\n incidents.\r\n


    \r\n Alternatively, you may also report this\r\n issue:\r\n

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Valid.\r\n
    \r\n Please fill out this field.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Valid.\r\n
    \r\n Please fill out this field.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Valid.\r\n
    \r\n Please fill out this field.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n (Only JPEG, PDF or DOC file less\r\n than 5 MB is allowed)\r\n

    \r\n Reporter Details\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n captcha text\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Submit\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Cancel\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ReportAConcern;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst ChequeGuidelines = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ChequeGuidelines;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst ReportSafetyHazzard = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Self Submission\r\n
    of Meter Reading\r\n

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Important Notice for Owners / Allottees of Multi-Storied\r\n Buildings in Greater Noida published on TOI & NBT dated\r\n 14th March 2021. Consumers can log complaint & avail\r\n information by sending SMS to 7840002288 from their\r\n registered Mobile No. Click{\" \"}\r\n \r\n here\r\n {\" \"}\r\n to view the SMS short codes and their purpose. ----------\r\n Single Phase consumers can now submit Self Meter Reading\r\n with photo proof between 1st to 10th Day of every month,\r\n click{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n here\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Report Safety Hazzard\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Report a Concern\r\n

    • \r\n \r\n Report Fire\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Report Safety Hazzard{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Report Theft{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Report Unethical{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Valid.\r\n
    \r\n Please fill out this field.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n (Only JPEG, PDF or DOC file less than\r\n 5 MB is allowed)\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Valid.\r\n
    \r\n Please fill out this field.\r\n

    \r\n Reporter Details\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n We assure of keeping your identity\r\n confidential\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Submit\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Cancel\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ReportSafetyHazzard;\r\n","function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }\n\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) { subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype); subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass; subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }\n\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\n\nvar ReCAPTCHA =\n/*#__PURE__*/\nfunction (_React$Component) {\n _inheritsLoose(ReCAPTCHA, _React$Component);\n\n function ReCAPTCHA() {\n var _this;\n\n _this = _React$Component.call(this) || this;\n _this.handleExpired = _this.handleExpired.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_this));\n _this.handleErrored = _this.handleErrored.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_this));\n _this.handleChange = _this.handleChange.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_this));\n _this.handleRecaptchaRef = _this.handleRecaptchaRef.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_this));\n return _this;\n }\n\n var _proto = ReCAPTCHA.prototype;\n\n _proto.getValue = function getValue() {\n if (this.props.grecaptcha && this._widgetId !== undefined) {\n return this.props.grecaptcha.getResponse(this._widgetId);\n }\n\n return null;\n };\n\n _proto.getWidgetId = function getWidgetId() {\n if (this.props.grecaptcha && this._widgetId !== undefined) {\n return this._widgetId;\n }\n\n return null;\n };\n\n _proto.execute = function execute() {\n var grecaptcha = this.props.grecaptcha;\n\n if (grecaptcha && this._widgetId !== undefined) {\n return grecaptcha.execute(this._widgetId);\n } else {\n this._executeRequested = true;\n }\n };\n\n _proto.executeAsync = function executeAsync() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n _this2.executionResolve = resolve;\n _this2.executionReject = reject;\n\n _this2.execute();\n });\n };\n\n _proto.reset = function reset() {\n if (this.props.grecaptcha && this._widgetId !== undefined) {\n this.props.grecaptcha.reset(this._widgetId);\n }\n };\n\n _proto.handleExpired = function handleExpired() {\n if (this.props.onExpired) {\n this.props.onExpired();\n } else {\n this.handleChange(null);\n }\n };\n\n _proto.handleErrored = function handleErrored() {\n if (this.props.onErrored) {\n this.props.onErrored();\n }\n\n if (this.executionReject) {\n this.executionReject();\n delete this.executionResolve;\n delete this.executionReject;\n }\n };\n\n _proto.handleChange = function handleChange(token) {\n if (this.props.onChange) {\n this.props.onChange(token);\n }\n\n if (this.executionResolve) {\n this.executionResolve(token);\n delete this.executionReject;\n delete this.executionResolve;\n }\n };\n\n _proto.explicitRender = function explicitRender() {\n if (this.props.grecaptcha && this.props.grecaptcha.render && this._widgetId === undefined) {\n var wrapper = document.createElement(\"div\");\n this._widgetId = this.props.grecaptcha.render(wrapper, {\n sitekey: this.props.sitekey,\n callback: this.handleChange,\n theme: this.props.theme,\n type: this.props.type,\n tabindex: this.props.tabindex,\n \"expired-callback\": this.handleExpired,\n \"error-callback\": this.handleErrored,\n size: this.props.size,\n stoken: this.props.stoken,\n hl: this.props.hl,\n badge: this.props.badge\n });\n this.captcha.appendChild(wrapper);\n }\n\n if (this._executeRequested && this.props.grecaptcha && this._widgetId !== undefined) {\n this._executeRequested = false;\n this.execute();\n }\n };\n\n _proto.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() {\n this.explicitRender();\n };\n\n _proto.componentDidUpdate = function componentDidUpdate() {\n this.explicitRender();\n };\n\n _proto.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() {\n if (this._widgetId !== undefined) {\n this.delayOfCaptchaIframeRemoving();\n this.reset();\n }\n };\n\n _proto.delayOfCaptchaIframeRemoving = function delayOfCaptchaIframeRemoving() {\n var temporaryNode = document.createElement(\"div\");\n document.body.appendChild(temporaryNode);\n temporaryNode.style.display = \"none\"; // move of the recaptcha to a temporary node\n\n while (this.captcha.firstChild) {\n temporaryNode.appendChild(this.captcha.firstChild);\n } // delete the temporary node after reset will be done\n\n\n setTimeout(function () {\n document.body.removeChild(temporaryNode);\n }, 5000);\n };\n\n _proto.handleRecaptchaRef = function handleRecaptchaRef(elem) {\n this.captcha = elem;\n };\n\n _proto.render = function render() {\n // consume properties owned by the reCATPCHA, pass the rest to the div so the user can style it.\n\n /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */\n var _this$props = this.props,\n sitekey = _this$props.sitekey,\n onChange = _this$props.onChange,\n theme = _this$props.theme,\n type = _this$props.type,\n tabindex = _this$props.tabindex,\n onExpired = _this$props.onExpired,\n onErrored = _this$props.onErrored,\n size = _this$props.size,\n stoken = _this$props.stoken,\n grecaptcha = _this$props.grecaptcha,\n badge = _this$props.badge,\n hl = _this$props.hl,\n childProps = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_this$props, [\"sitekey\", \"onChange\", \"theme\", \"type\", \"tabindex\", \"onExpired\", \"onErrored\", \"size\", \"stoken\", \"grecaptcha\", \"badge\", \"hl\"]);\n /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */\n\n\n return React.createElement(\"div\", _extends({}, childProps, {\n ref: this.handleRecaptchaRef\n }));\n };\n\n return ReCAPTCHA;\n}(React.Component);\n\nexport { ReCAPTCHA as default };\nReCAPTCHA.displayName = \"ReCAPTCHA\";\nReCAPTCHA.propTypes = {\n sitekey: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n onChange: PropTypes.func,\n grecaptcha: PropTypes.object,\n theme: PropTypes.oneOf([\"dark\", \"light\"]),\n type: PropTypes.oneOf([\"image\", \"audio\"]),\n tabindex: PropTypes.number,\n onExpired: PropTypes.func,\n onErrored: PropTypes.func,\n size: PropTypes.oneOf([\"compact\", \"normal\", \"invisible\"]),\n stoken: PropTypes.string,\n hl: PropTypes.string,\n badge: PropTypes.oneOf([\"bottomright\", \"bottomleft\", \"inline\"])\n};\nReCAPTCHA.defaultProps = {\n onChange: function onChange() {},\n theme: \"light\",\n type: \"image\",\n tabindex: 0,\n size: \"normal\",\n badge: \"bottomright\"\n};","function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }\n\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }\n\nfunction _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) { subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype); subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass; subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }\n\nimport { Component, createElement, forwardRef } from \"react\";\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\";\nimport hoistStatics from \"hoist-non-react-statics\";\nvar SCRIPT_MAP = {}; // A counter used to generate a unique id for each component that uses the function\n\nvar idCount = 0;\nexport default function makeAsyncScript(getScriptURL, options) {\n options = options || {};\n return function wrapWithAsyncScript(WrappedComponent) {\n var wrappedComponentName = WrappedComponent.displayName || WrappedComponent.name || \"Component\";\n\n var AsyncScriptLoader =\n /*#__PURE__*/\n function (_Component) {\n _inheritsLoose(AsyncScriptLoader, _Component);\n\n function AsyncScriptLoader(props, context) {\n var _this;\n\n _this = _Component.call(this, props, context) || this;\n _this.state = {};\n _this.__scriptURL = \"\";\n return _this;\n }\n\n var _proto = AsyncScriptLoader.prototype;\n\n _proto.asyncScriptLoaderGetScriptLoaderID = function asyncScriptLoaderGetScriptLoaderID() {\n if (!this.__scriptLoaderID) {\n this.__scriptLoaderID = \"async-script-loader-\" + idCount++;\n }\n\n return this.__scriptLoaderID;\n };\n\n _proto.setupScriptURL = function setupScriptURL() {\n this.__scriptURL = typeof getScriptURL === \"function\" ? getScriptURL() : getScriptURL;\n return this.__scriptURL;\n };\n\n _proto.asyncScriptLoaderHandleLoad = function asyncScriptLoaderHandleLoad(state) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n // use reacts setState callback to fire props.asyncScriptOnLoad with new state/entry\n this.setState(state, function () {\n return _this2.props.asyncScriptOnLoad && _this2.props.asyncScriptOnLoad(_this2.state);\n });\n };\n\n _proto.asyncScriptLoaderTriggerOnScriptLoaded = function asyncScriptLoaderTriggerOnScriptLoaded() {\n var mapEntry = SCRIPT_MAP[this.__scriptURL];\n\n if (!mapEntry || !mapEntry.loaded) {\n throw new Error(\"Script is not loaded.\");\n }\n\n for (var obsKey in mapEntry.observers) {\n mapEntry.observers[obsKey](mapEntry);\n }\n\n delete window[options.callbackName];\n };\n\n _proto.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var scriptURL = this.setupScriptURL();\n var key = this.asyncScriptLoaderGetScriptLoaderID();\n var _options = options,\n globalName = _options.globalName,\n callbackName = _options.callbackName,\n scriptId = _options.scriptId; // check if global object already attached to window\n\n if (globalName && typeof window[globalName] !== \"undefined\") {\n SCRIPT_MAP[scriptURL] = {\n loaded: true,\n observers: {}\n };\n } // check if script loading already\n\n\n if (SCRIPT_MAP[scriptURL]) {\n var entry = SCRIPT_MAP[scriptURL]; // if loaded or errored then \"finish\"\n\n if (entry && (entry.loaded || entry.errored)) {\n this.asyncScriptLoaderHandleLoad(entry);\n return;\n } // if still loading then callback to observer queue\n\n\n entry.observers[key] = function (entry) {\n return _this3.asyncScriptLoaderHandleLoad(entry);\n };\n\n return;\n }\n /*\n * hasn't started loading\n * start the \"magic\"\n * setup script to load and observers\n */\n\n\n var observers = {};\n\n observers[key] = function (entry) {\n return _this3.asyncScriptLoaderHandleLoad(entry);\n };\n\n SCRIPT_MAP[scriptURL] = {\n loaded: false,\n observers: observers\n };\n var script = document.createElement(\"script\");\n script.src = scriptURL;\n script.async = true;\n\n for (var attribute in options.attributes) {\n script.setAttribute(attribute, options.attributes[attribute]);\n }\n\n if (scriptId) {\n script.id = scriptId;\n }\n\n var callObserverFuncAndRemoveObserver = function callObserverFuncAndRemoveObserver(func) {\n if (SCRIPT_MAP[scriptURL]) {\n var mapEntry = SCRIPT_MAP[scriptURL];\n var observersMap = mapEntry.observers;\n\n for (var obsKey in observersMap) {\n if (func(observersMap[obsKey])) {\n delete observersMap[obsKey];\n }\n }\n }\n };\n\n if (callbackName && typeof window !== \"undefined\") {\n window[callbackName] = function () {\n return _this3.asyncScriptLoaderTriggerOnScriptLoaded();\n };\n }\n\n script.onload = function () {\n var mapEntry = SCRIPT_MAP[scriptURL];\n\n if (mapEntry) {\n mapEntry.loaded = true;\n callObserverFuncAndRemoveObserver(function (observer) {\n if (callbackName) {\n return false;\n }\n\n observer(mapEntry);\n return true;\n });\n }\n };\n\n script.onerror = function () {\n var mapEntry = SCRIPT_MAP[scriptURL];\n\n if (mapEntry) {\n mapEntry.errored = true;\n callObserverFuncAndRemoveObserver(function (observer) {\n observer(mapEntry);\n return true;\n });\n }\n };\n\n document.body.appendChild(script);\n };\n\n _proto.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() {\n // Remove tag script\n var scriptURL = this.__scriptURL;\n\n if (options.removeOnUnmount === true) {\n var allScripts = document.getElementsByTagName(\"script\");\n\n for (var i = 0; i < allScripts.length; i += 1) {\n if (allScripts[i].src.indexOf(scriptURL) > -1) {\n if (allScripts[i].parentNode) {\n allScripts[i].parentNode.removeChild(allScripts[i]);\n }\n }\n }\n } // Clean the observer entry\n\n\n var mapEntry = SCRIPT_MAP[scriptURL];\n\n if (mapEntry) {\n delete mapEntry.observers[this.asyncScriptLoaderGetScriptLoaderID()];\n\n if (options.removeOnUnmount === true) {\n delete SCRIPT_MAP[scriptURL];\n }\n }\n };\n\n _proto.render = function render() {\n var globalName = options.globalName; // remove asyncScriptOnLoad from childProps\n\n var _this$props = this.props,\n asyncScriptOnLoad = _this$props.asyncScriptOnLoad,\n forwardedRef = _this$props.forwardedRef,\n childProps = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_this$props, [\"asyncScriptOnLoad\", \"forwardedRef\"]); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars\n\n\n if (globalName && typeof window !== \"undefined\") {\n childProps[globalName] = typeof window[globalName] !== \"undefined\" ? window[globalName] : undefined;\n }\n\n childProps.ref = forwardedRef;\n return createElement(WrappedComponent, childProps);\n };\n\n return AsyncScriptLoader;\n }(Component); // Note the second param \"ref\" provided by React.forwardRef.\n // We can pass it along to AsyncScriptLoader as a regular prop, e.g. \"forwardedRef\"\n // And it can then be attached to the Component.\n\n\n var ForwardedComponent = forwardRef(function (props, ref) {\n return createElement(AsyncScriptLoader, _extends({}, props, {\n forwardedRef: ref\n }));\n });\n ForwardedComponent.displayName = \"AsyncScriptLoader(\" + wrappedComponentName + \")\";\n ForwardedComponent.propTypes = {\n asyncScriptOnLoad: PropTypes.func\n };\n return hoistStatics(ForwardedComponent, WrappedComponent);\n };\n}","import ReCAPTCHA from \"./recaptcha\";\nimport makeAsyncScriptLoader from \"react-async-script\";\nvar callbackName = \"onloadcallback\";\nvar globalName = \"grecaptcha\";\n\nfunction getOptions() {\n return typeof window !== \"undefined\" && window.recaptchaOptions || {};\n}\n\nfunction getURL() {\n var dynamicOptions = getOptions();\n var hostname = dynamicOptions.useRecaptchaNet ? \"recaptcha.net\" : \"www.google.com\";\n return \"https://\" + hostname + \"/recaptcha/api.js?onload=\" + callbackName + \"&render=explicit\";\n}\n\nexport default makeAsyncScriptLoader(getURL, {\n callbackName: callbackName,\n globalName: globalName\n})(ReCAPTCHA);","import RecaptchaWrapper from \"./recaptcha-wrapper\";\nimport ReCAPTCHA from \"./recaptcha\";\nexport default RecaptchaWrapper;\nexport { ReCAPTCHA };","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport ReCAPTCHA from \"react-google-recaptcha\";\r\n\r\n\r\nclass Login extends React.Component {\r\n\r\n settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n\r\n onChange(value) {\r\n console.log(\"Captcha value:\", value);\r\n }\r\n \r\n render(){\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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    3. \r\n \r\n Login\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Login\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Need Help in Sign In{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n New User\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Forgot Password\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Login Info\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Login Panel

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n )}\r\n};\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nexport default Login;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst ReportTheft = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Self Submission\r\n
    of Meter Reading\r\n

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Important Notice for Owners / Allottees of Multi-Storied\r\n Buildings in Greater Noida published on TOI & NBT dated\r\n 14th March 2021. Consumers can log complaint & avail\r\n information by sending SMS to 7840002288 from their\r\n registered Mobile No. Click{\" \"}\r\n \r\n here\r\n {\" \"}\r\n to view the SMS short codes and their purpose. ----------\r\n Single Phase consumers can now submit Self Meter Reading\r\n with photo proof between 1st to 10th Day of every month,\r\n click{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n here\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Report Theft\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Report a Concern\r\n

    • \r\n \r\n Report Fire\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Report Safety Hazzard{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Report Theft{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Report Unethical{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n



    \r\n Theft cases can also be reported on 9891222240\r\n or 24*7 Call Centre No. 0120 6226666 . Your\r\n identity will be kept confidential.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Valid.\r\n
    \r\n Please fill out this field.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n (Only JPEG, PDF or DOC file less than 5\r\n MB is allowed)\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n We assure of keeping your identity\r\n confidential\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Submit\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Cancel\r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ReportTheft;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst ReportUnethical = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Self Submission\r\n
    of Meter Reading\r\n

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Important Notice for Owners / Allottees of Multi-Storied\r\n Buildings in Greater Noida published on TOI & NBT dated\r\n 14th March 2021. Consumers can log complaint & avail\r\n information by sending SMS to 7840002288 from their\r\n registered Mobile No. Click{\" \"}\r\n \r\n here\r\n {\" \"}\r\n to view the SMS short codes and their purpose. ----------\r\n Single Phase consumers can now submit Self Meter Reading\r\n with photo proof between 1st to 10th Day of every month,\r\n click{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n here\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Report Unethical\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Report a Concern\r\n

    • \r\n \r\n Report Fire\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Report Safety Hazzard{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Report Theft{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Report Unethical{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Valid.\r\n
    \r\n Please fill out this field.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n (Only JPEG, PDF or DOC file less than 5\r\n MB is allowed)\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Valid.\r\n
    \r\n Please fill out this field.\r\n

    \r\n Reporter Details\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n We assure of keeping your identity\r\n confidential\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Submit\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Cancel\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ReportUnethical;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst ValuesBeliefs = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Important Notice for Owners / Allottees of Multi-Storied\r\n Buildings in Greater Noida published on TOI & NBT dated\r\n 14th March 2021. Consumers can log complaint & avail\r\n information by sending SMS to 7840002288 from their\r\n registered Mobile No. Click{\" \"}\r\n \r\n here\r\n {\" \"}\r\n to view the SMS short codes and their purpose. ----------\r\n Single Phase consumers can now submit Self Meter Reading\r\n with photo proof between 1st to 10th Day of every month,\r\n click{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n here\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Our Values\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n OUR VALUES\r\n
    • Customer First
    • \r\n
    • Execution Excellence
    • \r\n
    • Credibility
    • \r\n
    • Agility
    • \r\n
    • Risk-Taking
    • \r\n
    • Humaneness
    • \r\n
    • Sustainability
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ValuesBeliefs;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst NeedHelpInSignIn = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Login\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Login\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Need Help in Sign In{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n New User\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Forgot Password\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Login Info\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n Need Help in Sign in\r\n \r\n \r\n \"subs\"\r\n\r\n \"subs\"\r\n\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default NeedHelpInSignIn;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst NewUser = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Login\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Login\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Need Help in Sign In{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n New User\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Forgot Password\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Login Info\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    Comming Soon API ?

    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default NewUser;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst ForgetPassword = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

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    3. \r\n \r\n Login\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n


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    Other Links

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    Forgot Password

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
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    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ForgetPassword;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\n\r\nconst LoginInfo = (props) => {\r\n console.log(props)\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

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    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
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    Other Links

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    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
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    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
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    • \r\n \r\n Login\r\n \r\n
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    \r\n You are being redirected to HTTPS (secure)\r\n Address. In case you have any issue accessing the\r\n webpage, Please make sure SSL and TLS protocols\r\n are enabled in your browser which can be found at\r\n Tools{\"->\"} Internet Options {\"->\"} Advanced,\r\n under security section.\r\n


    \r\n If you are accessing these webpages from your\r\n Office network, Please confirm with your network\r\n admin that the URL{\" \"}\r\n \r\n login.html\r\n {\" \"}\r\n is not blocked in your network. You can also\r\n report this issue by clicking the link Contact Us\r\n . Please click Continue.\r\n

    \r\n Continue..\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nexport default LoginInfo\r\n","import React from 'react'\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst Dosndnts = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

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    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n DO'S & DON'TS\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
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    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    DO'S & DON'TS

    1. Do not replace the FUSE, if you do not know the process.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    2. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    3. Do not fix the fuse in dark.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    4. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    5. Do not allow children to touch switches and plug points.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    6. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    7. Do not repair the broken covers of switches, sockets and plug points, better change the covers.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    8. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    9. Do not try to stop the flow of electricity by holding wires, stop the supply in proper manner by switching it off.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    10. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    11. Carefully, switch off the flow of electricity before repairs of switches or other electric points. If necessary, stop the supply from the cut-outs or the main switch.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    12. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    13. Do not touch SWITCH and PLUG POINTS with wet hands.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    14. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    15. Do not use electrical appliances, without adequate earthing.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    16. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    17. Do not repair any electric appliance without switching it off.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    18. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    19. Do not come in contact with any live-wire appliance, switch it off before rushing to rescue a person. In case it is not possible, then the affected person may be separated from the electrical contact, by applying one of the following techniques.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    20. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    21. Remove the affected person from the electrical contact with the help of a dry piece of wood or any other bad conductor of electric current.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    22. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    23. If the clothes of the affected person are dry, then he may be pulled away by holding the clothes.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    24. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    25. Stand on a dry wooden plank or stool to pull the affected person away from contact with electricity.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    26. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default Dosndnts","import React from 'react'\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst EasyWaysToLowerYourBill = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

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    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
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    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
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    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    EASY WAYS TO LOWER YOUR BILL\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t


    Save Electricity And Check Wastage\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

    1. Use more tube-lights in place of electric bulbs.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    2. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    3. Switch off lights and fans etc. while leaving the room.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    4. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    5. Keep the bulbs clean for better lighting.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    6. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    7. Do not open the fridge-door unnecessarily time and again.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    8. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    9. Use shunt capacitors for induction motor of 3 HP and above, and for welding transformer of 1 kVA and above.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    10. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    11. Do not use inferior quality material for electrical wiring installation. Use only ISI marked items to reduce electricity consumption and avoid possibility of accident.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    12. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    13. Install Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) labeled equipment, which specifies energy efficiency, to reduce energy consumption.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    14. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    15. All establishments shall conduct energy audit through an accredited energy auditor in such manner and intervals as specified under the Energy Conservation Act 2001 and regulations under the Act. Directions of Energy Auditor shall be complied with for the purpose energy conservation.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    16. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    17. Comply with the provisions of the Energy Conservation Act 2001 and the regulations under the Act, for better energy usage and conservation.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    18. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

    Tame the summer......save power in the bargain\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

    1. Use ceiling or table fan as the first line of defence against summer heat. Ceiling fans, for instance, cost about 30 paise an hour to operate – much less than air-conditioners (Rs.10.00 per hour).\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    2. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    3. Set the thermostat of the air-conditioner at 25 degrees centigrade (77.F degree Farenheit) for least cost. The energy consumption will be three to five per cent less with each degree about 22oC (71.5oF).\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    4. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    5. Using ceiling or room fans allow you to set the thermostat higher because the air movement will cool the room.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    6. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    7. A good air-conditioner will cool and dehumidify a room in about 30 minutes, So use a timer and leave the unit off for some time.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    8. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    9. Keep doors in air-conditioned rooms closed as often as possible.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    10. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    11. Clean ACs once a month. Clean filters to enable the unit to cool down quickly and use less energy.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    12. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    13. Get your internal wiring checked by a licensed electrical contractor before installing an air-conditioner.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    14. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    15. Contract the NPCL office and apprise him of the intended increase in load.\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    16. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t


    \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default EasyWaysToLowerYourBill","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst SafetyRelatedComplaint = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Safety Related Complaint

    1. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tHome\r\n\t\t\t\t\t
    2. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t
    3. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tConsumer Portal\r\n\t\t\t\t\t
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tRegister a Complaint\r\n\t\t\t\t\t
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSafety Related Complaint\r\n\t\t\t\t\t
    8. \r\n\t\t\t\t

    Safety Related Complaint

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    • \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n
    • \r\n\t\t
    • \r\n FAQs\r\n
    • \r\n

    New Registration


    Welcome to NPCL Supplier Registration Portal

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n * Yes I have read the data privacy statement and accept the terms.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default SafetyRelatedComplaint","import React from 'react'\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst SafetyRelatedComplaintStatus = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Safety Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n Safety Related Complaint\r\n
    8. \r\n

    Safety Related Complaint

    • \r\n Register\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Status\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Feedback\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n
    • \r\n\t\t
    • \r\n FAQs\r\n
    • \r\n


    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default SafetyRelatedComplaintStatus","import React from 'react'\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst SafetyRelatedComplaintFeedBack = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Safety Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n Safety Related Complaint\r\n
    8. \r\n

    Safety Related Complaint

    • \r\n Register\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Status\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Feedback\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n
    • \r\n\t\t
    • \r\n FAQs\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Feedback Form

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Ease of Accessing Information on Website

    \r\n\t\t\t😒 Poor\r\n\t\t\t😐 OK\r\n\t\t\t😏 Good\r\n\t\t\t😁 Great\r\n\t\t
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default SafetyRelatedComplaintFeedBack","import React from 'react'\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst SafetyRelatedComplaintCMP = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Safety Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n Safety Related Complaint\r\n
    8. \r\n

    Safety Related Complaint

    • \r\n Register\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Status\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Feedback\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n
    • \r\n\t\t
    • \r\n FAQs\r\n
    • \r\n

    Complaint Management Process (Guide)

    \r\n \r\n

    TIER – I: NPCL Complaint escalation & Redressal structure
    In case of any concern/ request you may visit our Customer Care Office and meet the following official with complete detail:

    • Level 1: Customer Relation Officer
    • \r\n
    • Level 2: Customer Relation Managers
    • \r\n
    • Level 3:Concern Departmental Heads with prior appointment
    • \r\n

    Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF): A forum is constituted under the Chairmanship of a retired Judge and two other members wherein the Consumers of electricity can file their complaints for the redressal of their grievances related to deficiency/ error in bill or services or any non- compliance of standards & directions issued by the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission in this regard.


    Address of the forum: Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF), 33/11KV Electric Sub Station, Block-D, Opposite Ryan International School, Sector Alpha-1, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201310.


    Phone No. of the Secretary of the Forum – 9911411373


    Public Hearing by the Forum: A monthly camp is organized on the 17th of every month (in case, 17th being Saturday/holiday, after holiday) at CGRF, where the employees of NPCL are also present.


    TIER – III:
    Electricity Ombudsman: An Appeal can be filled before the Electricity Ombudsman of the State on not being satisfied by the order of the CGRF.


    Address of the Office of Electricity Ombudsman: Niyamak Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 226010 Phone No. – 0522- 2720856, Fax- 0522-2720857,


    Email: eo-up@uperc.org

    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default SafetyRelatedComplaintCMP","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport { useState } from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst SafetyRelatedComplaintFAQ = () => {\r\n const [open1, setOpen1] = useState(false);\r\n const [open2, setOpen2] = useState(false);\r\n const [open3, setOpen3] = useState(false);\r\n const [open4, setOpen4] = useState(false);\r\n const [open5, setOpen5] = useState(false);\r\n const [open6, setOpen6] = useState(false);\r\n const [open7, setOpen7] = useState(false);\r\n const [open8, setOpen8] = useState(false);\r\n const [open9, setOpen9] = useState(false);\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Safety Related Complaint

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    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Safety Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Safety Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n FAQs{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n setOpen1(!open1)}\r\n >\r\n Meter Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {open1 ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be done in case there\r\n is no supply in the meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n In case the nearby are is under Supply\r\n Outage, you may wait until the supply is\r\n restored. If there is no power even\r\n after the supply is restored Consumer\r\n may contact at our 24X7 CALL CENTER -\r\n 0120 6226666 You may reach out us\r\n through WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666\r\n (NoPower Consumer No.) or Send SMS at\r\n 7840002288 ( #NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What to do in case of meter is\r\n running fast/ excess billing?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Domestic Consumer: May please check\r\n the internal wiring by any private\r\n electrician. If no such issue persist\r\n may kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 or visit Customer Care\r\n Office at KP-I to register request for\r\n Meter Testing. Demand note for meter\r\n testing fees will be generated as per\r\n UPERC guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n Industrial & Institutional Consumers :\r\n May please check the Power Factor &\r\n Neutral disturbance issue to avoid any\r\n demand shoot-up in billing. if persist\r\n may kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp\r\n no. 0120-6226666 (BillDispute Consumer\r\n No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #BILLDISPUTE Consumer No.) or else you\r\n may also visit our Customer Care office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to analysis correct meter\r\n consumption/ abnormal consumption?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In a normal house hold having 1 or\r\n 2 A/C’s along with Geyser, Fridge etc.,\r\n the average units consumed may be\r\n between 500 to 1000 Units per month\r\n depending upon actual use. If consumer\r\n feel that the consumption is more as\r\n compared to the usage and load, we\r\n request consumers to please get their\r\n wiring checked by competent electrician\r\n with respect to below mentioned points:\r\n

    • \r\n To check any Earth Leakage in the\r\n internal wiring or not.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of multiple connections in the\r\n building, whether your internal wiring\r\n has a separate neutral wire and should\r\n not be mixed with other connections.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Check if someone else is also using\r\n supply from your meter or not.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n However, it is to inform that, NPCL will\r\n not be responsible for higher\r\n consumptions due to any of the above\r\n reasons but taking action by consumer\r\n will reduce the consumption. After\r\n having checked all the above, If\r\n consumption is still not reduced as per\r\n consumer’s expectation, then he is\r\n having an option to get the meter tested\r\n by contacting our helpline\r\n number+91-120-2333555 Apply online for\r\n meter testing or visit Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday. and get the\r\n offline requests generated for meter\r\n checking . Meter Testing fees will be\r\n generated & added in subsequent bill as\r\n per UPERC guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various reasons of\r\n meter change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. A Distribution Licensee may change\r\n the meter from time to time for any of\r\n the following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the timelines/Resolutions\r\n for Meter Testing, Fast, Slow, Burnt,\r\n Damaged, Stop, Faulty, Shifting?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14\r\n working days for meter replacement.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working\r\n days after estimate payment for\r\n testing & another 14 working days for\r\n replacement if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Shifting: 7 Working Days\r\n as per site conditions\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges for Meter\r\n testing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as\r\n follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter\r\n testing fee shall also be charged as per\r\n the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection\r\n to prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit\r\n our Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park -1 or Techzone-4, Greater Noida .\r\n Consumer has to apply under category\r\n conversion services by fill an\r\n application form and submit their ID\r\n copy Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit\r\n charges for conversion from post-paid\r\n to pre-paid or for new connection\r\n installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter charges to paid as per UPERC\r\n cost data book enforce\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the meaning of downloading\r\n of parameter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Various parameters measured and\r\n recorded by the meter are finally\r\n downloaded for billing/ monitoring\r\n purpose. The downloading of parameter\r\n means transferring the recorded data\r\n from meter to the records of the\r\n company. Downloading can be automatic\r\n (AMR) or using a gadget. However we can\r\n capture data / parameter by reading the\r\n display recording on a notebook.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Who can apply for Prepaid Meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers pertatining to below\r\n mentioned categories can apply for\r\n prepaid meter:\r\n

    • LMV-1
    • \r\n
    • LMV-2
    • \r\n
    • LMV-5
    • \r\n
    • LMV-9
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to recharge prepaid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Prepaid meter recharge coupon are\r\n available at cash collection centre and\r\n can be paid via cash/DD/Credit or debit\r\n card from our customer care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.. Recharge can be done online via\r\n NPCL’s website or PAYTM.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How does the alarm work in Pre-paid\r\n meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If your credit gets below Rs.100/-,\r\n you will have an alarm for 30 seconds.\r\n Press any button to turn it off. The\r\n alarm will be repeated every half an\r\n hour until recharged. It is advised that\r\n once meter reached its minimum limit\r\n recharge immediately to avoid\r\n disconnection. You can also set minimum\r\n limit as per your convenience.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact in case of\r\n misplacing of Recharge Coupon?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Simply visit the NPCL Cash\r\n Collection Center for re-issuing of\r\n recharge coupon which will be done free\r\n of cost. Consumer have to mention BP\r\n no./ Meter no. to get the recharge\r\n coupon. May please note- the coupon is\r\n specific to your meter hence cannot be\r\n used elsewhere.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection\r\n into prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit\r\n our Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park -1 or Techzone-4, Greater Noida .\r\n Consumer has to apply under category\r\n conversion services by fill an\r\n application form and submit their ID\r\n copy Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit\r\n charges for conversion from post-paid\r\n to pre-paid or for new connection\r\n installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the documents required if\r\n meter get stolen?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You have to submit an application,\r\n original FIR, ID proof of registered\r\n consumer at our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Note: Meter charges are applicable as\r\n per UPERC cost data book.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the New Meter cost in\r\n Meter stolen cases?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the consumer process the\r\n application for re-installation of meter\r\n in case of Meter Stolen, applicable\r\n meter charges to paid as per UPERC cost\r\n data book enforce.\r\n


    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the new meter\r\n cost shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if meter is not at\r\n the premises?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please contact our Call at our 24X7\r\n CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or you may\r\n visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why my meter screen is blank.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in\r\n the area and your supply is not coming,\r\n if Yes, you may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 to register\r\n complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower Consumer No.) or\r\n send SMS at 7840002288 ( #NOPOWER\r\n Consumer No.) or visit atCustomer Care\r\n office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.. In case supply\r\n is ON but no display on meter, register\r\n complaint for meter display problem on\r\n above given numbers. Our Team will visit\r\n to do the needful within 7 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If my meter box has a husky\r\n display, what should I do ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Is your meter box is having husky\r\n display.Kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre\r\n No. 0120-6226666 or visit at our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday. and register\r\n complaint for meter display problem. Our\r\n Team will visit to do the needful within\r\n 7 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Where to report incase of No\r\n Display in the meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may contact at our 24X7\r\n CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or visit at\r\n our Customer Care office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday and\r\n register complaint for meter display\r\n problem. Our Team will visit to do the\r\n needful within 7 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges of meter\r\n testing and why is it mandatory to pay\r\n ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as\r\n follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter\r\n testing fee shall also be charged as per\r\n the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the different options\r\n available for Meter Testing?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Online from our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer\r\n services tab wherein \"Online Meter\r\n Testing\" option is available.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may also visit Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I know the status of Meter\r\n Testing Request ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may visit our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer\r\n services tab wherein \"Online Meter\r\n Testing\" option is available : You may\r\n also download our Mobile application and\r\n apply for meter testing or else it can\r\n be placed by calling to our 24X7\r\n helpline numbers on or 0120-6226666 You\r\n may also visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. On what basis the meter testing fee\r\n is imposed?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter testing fees is charged on\r\n \"type of meter\" and it is applicable as\r\n per UPERC Tariff Order.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Would you refund the testing fee if\r\n meter found ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no provision for refund of\r\n testing fees.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive testing report on\r\n meter testing? What is the procedure\r\n of complaining if I don’t receive one?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Everytime when we will test meter a\r\n test reprt is issued to our consumer. In\r\n case you have not received it, you may\r\n write us at CRM@noidapower.com. You may\r\n also visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Which parameter define that meter\r\n is faulty or meter testing is Ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Kindly note that meter testing is\r\n done on many factors such as meter\r\n accuracy results , display parameters &\r\n downloaded data analysis on which\r\n testing engineer will confirm whether\r\n meter is faulty or meter is working\r\n normal.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meters are changed without any\r\n complaint?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case of technology upgradation\r\n or periodic replacement from Old to New\r\n Generation meter as per the Guideline of\r\n Hon’ble Regulatory Commission.\r\n


    \r\n A Distribution Licensee may change the\r\n meter from time to time for any of the\r\n following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How much time will you take to\r\n replace the faulty meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14\r\n working days for meter replacement\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working\r\n days after estimate payment for\r\n testing & another 14 working days for\r\n replacement if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if there is No\r\n power after successful recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n For Secure Prepaid meters\r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office it\r\n may be your main MCB be off which\r\n is located in Electric shaft in\r\n societies/ check your MCB status\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office\r\n at KP-1 or Techzone-4 :During\r\n 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to\r\n know more about the same.\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n
      • \r\n Check balance / supply status in\r\n mobile aap.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office\r\n at KP-1 or Techzone-4 :\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office\r\n at KP-1 or Techzone-4 :During\r\n 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to\r\n know more about the same.\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid\r\n meter\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number post\r\n bill generation. It can also be\r\n downloaded from our website via Quick\r\n E-bill Download : or follow direct link:\r\n No payment is required to be made\r\n against the bill. Ensure sufficient\r\n balance in prepaid meter through timely\r\n recharge in order to avail uninterrupted\r\n power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if the meter\r\n doesn’t show the credit amount after\r\n recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please refer our prepaid meter\r\n manual available at our website and\r\n refer page no. 6 & 7 Or In case, payment\r\n is been done but credit still pending,\r\n you may contact at our helpline no.\r\n +91-0120 6226666 or else if issue still\r\n persist, please visit our customer care\r\n office, KP-1 or Techzone-4 in person\r\n :During 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri)\r\n to know more about the same. Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meter is beeping when it is\r\n already recharge?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n There is a provision in meter to set\r\n recharge limit if balance will go down\r\n from this limit then only meter will\r\n start beeping at low balance . This\r\n feature is configurable ,consumer\r\n itself can set this limit as per their\r\n consumption pattern.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Freedom Bluetooth unit may be faulty (\r\n if Showing Con. Fault in display ).\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What options are available for\r\n pre-paid meter recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, (there are many options to pay\r\n amount in paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit\r\n Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer can get token from NPCL\r\n Customer Care Office, KP-1, Greater\r\n Noida\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters( AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, Bill Desk (there are many\r\n options to pay amount in paytm ex-\r\n Through UPl, Debit Card,credit Card\r\n and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Multipoint App., NPCL web site\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is “CON FAULT”, what is to be\r\n done to get it corrected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. CON FAULT” means connection faulty,\r\n meter will be displaying digit 17 when\r\n your connection from meter to display\r\n unit is not proper. Kindly register\r\n you’re compliant on our call center\r\n contact no. - 0120-6226666/.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can supply gets disconnected if\r\n meter is not recharged or do I get any\r\n reminder?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Reminder beep will come in minimun\r\n available balance. Supply will be\r\n disconnected in negative balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Go to NPCL Multipoint App by turning\r\n on low money notifications, consumer\r\n can get a reminder.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to check the balance?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Automatically showing Balance &\r\n other details in Meter display.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumers may check their account\r\n balance by pressing # button in key\r\n pad of meter display unit & for single\r\n phase meters - Press key \"1\" single\r\n time to check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Login in NPCL Multipoint App/ web and\r\n check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be the minimum balance\r\n to maintain pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can change minimum balance\r\n in meter acocording to consumption and\r\n requirement.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If meter is showing different date\r\n from actual does it mean that it is\r\n faulty ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is a matter of meter testing &\r\n inspection then only we will confirm the\r\n same. Based on the testing report our\r\n team shall analyse the data.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact when there is no\r\n display in the meter but supply is\r\n connected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in\r\n the area and your supply is not coming,\r\n if Yes, you may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 to register\r\n complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower Consumer No.) or\r\n send SMS at 7840002288 ( #NOPOWER\r\n Consumer No.)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Red light in meter indicates what?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. it’s a calibration LED in meter\r\n which indicates pulse / revolution of\r\n meter , if Red light is blinking in\r\n meters it means meter is running on\r\n load.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I change my meter from\r\n post-paid to pre-paid and what\r\n documentation is required?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit\r\n our Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park -1 or Techzone-4, Greater Noida .\r\n Consumer has to apply under category\r\n conversion services by fill an\r\n application form and submit their ID\r\n copy Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I see my consumption\r\n pattern in pre-paid meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n By pressing Key\"2\" consumer can check\r\n consumptions of today, previous day,\r\n previous Week and current month)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n By Pressing key\"7\" consumer can check\r\n monthly consumptions of present\r\n calendar Year)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters ( Aew Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint App and consumer\r\n can see daily consumption( Current\r\n month) and Monthly consumptions(\r\n Present Calendar Year) by selecting\r\n \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint Web, conumer can\r\n download and see consumptions by\r\n selecting \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setOpen2(!open2)}\r\n >\r\n Payment Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {open2 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the different modes of\r\n payments available?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Modes of payments are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n A. Digital Payment through:-\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Credit & Debit cards to Village\r\n Contact Persons and at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4*.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Non-Digital Payment Modes are as\r\n follows:-\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Cash / Cheque / DD at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4* or to\r\n Village Contact Persons.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque/DD at NPCL’s Cheque Drop Boxes.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cash at nearby BBPS authorised retail\r\n outlets For further details please\r\n visit NPCL’s website.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n *You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where can I make cash payment?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n In case of Rural Consumers -\r\n Authorised Village Contact Persons\r\n (VCPs) or cash collection centre,\r\n Tugalpur, Knowledge Park-1 or\r\n Techzone-4, Greater Noida between\r\n 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to\r\n Saturday (Except 2nd & 4th Saturdays\r\n and Gazetted Holidays) (On 1st, 3rd &\r\n 5th Saturdays counter will be open\r\n from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM).\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of Urban / Industrial /\r\n Institutional Consumers - Cash\r\n Collection Centre.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Any consumer - Nearby BBPS Authorised\r\n Retail Outlets. There are more than\r\n 1500 authorised BBPS retails outlets\r\n in and around Greater Noida area.\r\n Consumers may locate nearest BBPS\r\n Authorised Retails Outlets on NPCL\r\n website through web-link “Find Nearest\r\n Bharat Bill Pay Outlet”.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the upper limit for Cash\r\n Payment.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per section 6.10 of Electricity\r\n Supply code 2005, you can make cash\r\n payment up to Rs.20,000/- only. In case\r\n your bill is more than the above\r\n mentioned value, remaining payment shall\r\n be made via any mode other than cash.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to make online payment of Bills?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Online Payment of Bills can be made\r\n through below mentioned modes :\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Do I need to pay extra charges if I\r\n wish to pay Online through NPCL\r\n website/Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL do not levy any extra charge\r\n for online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway , Wallets and Other service\r\n providers may levy service charges\r\n along-with applicable taxes for\r\n transactions above Rs. 4,000/-. In case\r\n the transaction is made through Paytm\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied\r\n at following rate:\r\n


    \r\n ** For credit/debit card transactions,\r\n 1.10% of the transaction amount being\r\n paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Net banking transactions,\r\n Rs.4/-per transaction\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Bill desk Gateway service charges would\r\n be levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n * For credit/debit card transactions,\r\n 1% of the transaction amount being\r\n paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * For Net banking transactions,\r\n Rs.3/-per transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Is it safe to give my bank details\r\n on NPCL website ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security\r\n standards to ensure that the data\r\n entered by consumers remains\r\n confidential and not stored anywhere on\r\n NPCL Server.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How can I make Cheque Payments\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can drop cheque at\r\n following Cheque Collection Centres of\r\n NPCL along with latest bill stub (Lower\r\n portion of bill). The cheques should be\r\n in favour of \"\"Noida Power Company\r\n Limited\"\". Write down the cheque with\r\n credentials like your Name, Consumer\r\n Number and mobile number at the back of\r\n cheque.\r\n

    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre (Sector\r\n KP-1)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre\r\n (Techzone-IV)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station atAlpha-1, Opp Ryan\r\n International School\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station, Sector Omega-I,\r\n Builders Area, Near AWHO Apartments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station at Surajpur, Near\r\n Surajpur Police Station\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bar Association Office, Surajpur\r\n District Court\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I make payment through Post\r\n dated cheques ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post-dated and outstation cheques\r\n are not accepted at NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges applicable on\r\n cheque bounce?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque gets bounced due\r\n to insufficient funds or exceed\r\n arrangement, you will not be able to\r\n make payment through cheque in that\r\n Financial Year. Charges applicable are\r\n mentioned below:\r\n

    • \r\n Cheque amount of less than Rs. 5000 :\r\n Rs.250\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 5000 & up to\r\n Rs. 10000 : Rs. 500\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 10000 & up to\r\n Rs. 1 Lac : Rs. 1000\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount of Rs. 1 Lac and above :\r\n Rs. 5000\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue another cheque, if my\r\n cheque bounces?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque got bounced due\r\n to insufficient funds or exceed\r\n arrangements, the consumer will not be\r\n able to make payment through cheque in\r\n that Financial Year.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue cheque, if my supply is\r\n Disconnected ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, consumer can pay their bill\r\n amount through cheque (Considering no\r\n cheque bounce history).\r\n


    \r\n Payment can be done for outstanding bill\r\n and reconnection charges as below:-\r\n

    • \r\n Bill payment via cheque and\r\n reconnection charge via cash and vice\r\n versa >Bill payment and reconnection\r\n charge together via cash.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bill payment and reconnection charge\r\n together via cheque . Please note, if\r\n in case the same get dishonoured, the\r\n supply will be disconnected and the\r\n Reconnection amount has to be paid\r\n again.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.When will my online payment be\r\n updated in my account?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. All payments made through other\r\n that RTGS / NEFT mode are updated on\r\n Real-time basis in consumers account\r\n except during system\r\n shutdown/maintenance when it may take up\r\n to 2 to 3 working days.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I approach to register my\r\n payment related complaint?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Complaints can be registered at:\r\n

    • NPCL Website.
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Mobile App.
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Our 24X7 Call centre at 0120-6226666 /\r\n 2333555.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the GST % will be charged\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. GST will be levied as per GST\r\n regulations and rates applicable to\r\n various services provided by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.For which services I have to pay GST\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per GST Circular No.\r\n 34/08/2018-GST dated 01st March 2018,\r\n GST is applicable on all the services\r\n provided by the NPCL except energy\r\n charges.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setOpen3(!open3)}\r\n >\r\n Billing Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {open3 ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How are bills prepared if the meter\r\n is not read?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If the actual meter reading is not\r\n acquired due to any reason; provisional\r\n bill will be raised which is subjected\r\n to adjustment upon receipt of actual\r\n meter reading in the subsequent months.\r\n Provisional bills are raised on average\r\n consumption of last 3 months.\r\n Inaccessibility to premises for 3 months\r\n or more could lead to disconnection of\r\n supply as per Electricity ̀ Supply Code\r\n 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the normal reading span for\r\n monthly Meter Reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter reading is normally taken\r\n between a period of 28 to 32 days from\r\n the last meter reading date. The same is\r\n intimated to you through SMS if your\r\n mobile number is registered with us.\r\n Fixed Charges and slabs for Energy\r\n charges are calculated proportionally\r\n for the billing period.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to calculate / understand\r\n electricity bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Please refer back side of\r\n electricity bill and check for\r\n applicable Tariff and Bill Calculation.\r\n Additionally, you can reach out to us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the meter reading system?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading of three phase meters is\r\n taken remotely through AMR or LPR\r\n facility. For Single Phase meters, meter\r\n readers go door-to-door and record\r\n readings in Hand Held Devices (HHD) /\r\n Meter Reading Terminals (MRT). Reading\r\n information can also be conveyed through\r\n SMS/Email registered with us.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why is my meter not read regularly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Any one of the following can be the\r\n reasons:\r\n

    • \r\n Your premises are vacant / locked for\r\n long period of time or constantly\r\n during daytime resulting in\r\n inaccessibility of meter to the\r\n reader. Code 2005.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Discrepancy in address in our database\r\n with the actual address may result in\r\n meter reader missing out your\r\n premises.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n If you observe such shortcomings in the\r\n address (as printed in bill), please\r\n bring the same to the notice of CR(Front\r\n Desk) at NPCL Customer Care Office\r\n immediately for corrections.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to approach when meter is not\r\n read ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If consumer premises is found\r\n locked, meter reader will stick a \"\"miss\r\n you\"\" sticker intimating about the\r\n failed reading attempt alongwith a\r\n contact number to coordinate the day &\r\n time of reading. Or you may:\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading\r\n Consumer Number\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING\r\n Consumer Number (Only which is showing\r\n in KWH)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why fixed charges are not constant?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Fixed Charges defined by Monthly\r\n Tariff applies to a period of 30 days.\r\n When billing period is not 30 days,\r\n applicable fixed charges are calculated\r\n on prorata basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are Penal Demand Charges\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Use of load beyond the sanctioned\r\n load is a cognisable offence. Penal\r\n demand charges are levied in excess to\r\n fixed charges based on demand usage over\r\n and above the sanctioned load. It is\r\n thus advised to enhance your contracted\r\n load to avoid penal demand charges.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to calculate slab ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Slab based energy rates defined by\r\n Tariff is applicable for 30 days per\r\n month and is prorated on simple unitary\r\n method based on number of billing days\r\n i.e. difference between current reading\r\n date and previous reading date (both\r\n dates inclusive)\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Makeup Charges?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. : As per approved Tariff,\r\n consumers who are part of LMV-2\r\n (Commercial Supply) and LMV-9 (Temporary\r\n Supply) are subjected to load based\r\n minimum charges. If the sum of Fixed\r\n Charges (for LMV-2 only) and Energy\r\n Charges is less than applicable monthly\r\n minimum charge then differential amount\r\n is levied as Make Up Charges. Makeup\r\n charge = minimum charge - (fixed charges\r\n + energy charge).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Wrong reading mentioned on my bill.\r\n How to get it rectified?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Request for wrong reading can\r\n be registered through following\r\n touchpoints\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Email your concern at\r\n crm@noidapower.com. Do attach meter\r\n reading photograph for convenience.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING\r\n Consumer Number Reading (Only which is\r\n showing in KWH)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What to do if I am not satisfied\r\n with the meter reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are not satisfied with your\r\n bill, you may\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #SELFREADING\r\n Consumer Number Reading (Only which is\r\n showing in KWH)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done\r\n on Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third\r\n party vendor every month. You are\r\n requested to subscribe for e-bill for\r\n on-time and assured delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n In case you need duplicate bill copy,\r\n may please click on below link given on\r\n our website : You may reach out us\r\n through WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666\r\n (DupBill Consumer No.) or Send SMS at\r\n 7840002288 ( #DUPBILL Consumer No.)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you need duplicate bill\r\n copy, may please click on below link\r\n given on our website : You may also\r\n login to our website or Mobile\r\n www.noidapower.com App using your\r\n credentials (Username & Password) for\r\n downloading / viewing last 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need\r\n help in Sign In” tab under My Account\r\n tab.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed\r\n and Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed\r\n Payment Surcharge which is applicable\r\n due to non-payment of bills upto due\r\n date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall\r\n be levied at 1.25% on the dues per month\r\n up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at\r\n 2.00% per month on the unpaid dues. In\r\n case of constant non-payment, your\r\n elctricity connection can be\r\n disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to lodge complaint through SMS?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can raise your complaint &\r\n avail other important information by\r\n sending SMS on 7840002288 from your\r\n registered mobile number. To see list of\r\n short codes with mandatory details,\r\n click on\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Is there any rebate if I pay bills\r\n online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, there is no additional rebate\r\n provided for online payments. However, a\r\n rebate of 1% against sum of Demand\r\n Charges & Energy Charges is provided\r\n upon payment within due date.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Why there are different colour bills?\r\n It denotes what ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Multi colour bills are designed to\r\n reflect upon varied consumer behaviour\r\n towards payment of dues and usage of\r\n electricity.\r\n

    • \r\n Blue Bill denotes timely bill payments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Green Bill denotes payment through\r\n digital mode and/or Solar Net Metering\r\n Consumer\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Orange Bill denotes delayed payment\r\n and/or arrears in current bill\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Red bill cautions consumer to abstain\r\n from unauthorized use of electricity\r\n based on site reporting.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How much interest paid on Security\r\n Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Interest is credited to consumers\r\n against existing security deposit on\r\n annual basis as per the bank rate\r\n prescribed by the RBI.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What would be the disconnection date\r\n once arrear is paid from the current\r\n month bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is advised to clear entire dues\r\n in event of arrears amount in current\r\n bill. However, if payment is made only\r\n against arrears, then disconnection date\r\n against current dues is 15 days from the\r\n due date as mentioned on the electricity\r\n bill.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can submit self meter reading ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The facility of self submission of\r\n meter reading is available for single\r\n phase consumers. Reading can be\r\n submitted through SMS, Website or App in\r\n the dedicated slot provided every month.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid\r\n meter? Do I need to make payment\r\n against bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number post\r\n bill generation. It can also be\r\n downloaded from our website via Quick\r\n E-bill Download or follow direct link:\r\n


    \r\n No payment is required to be made\r\n against the bill. Ensure sufficient\r\n balance in prepaid meter through timely\r\n recharge in order to avail uninterrupted\r\n power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How & when self reading can be\r\n provided by consumer?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading submission slot is 1st to\r\n 10th day of every month. You can easily\r\n reach out to us by sending SMS at\r\n 7840002288 (#SELFREADING Consumer No.\r\n Reading) or WHATSAPP us at 0120-6226666\r\n (SelfReading Consumer No.Reading). The\r\n service is also available on our website\r\n & app.\r\n


    \r\n * Please note that reading should be in\r\n KWH parameter\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is power factor?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Power factor for the month is\r\n determined as the ratio of KWH (Active\r\n Power Consumption) to KVAH(Apparent\r\n power consumption).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the minimum Power Factor to\r\n be maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per the regulations of U.P.\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005 minimum\r\n power factor to be maintained is 0.75.\r\n If recorded power factor is less than\r\n 0.75,suitable action as per the\r\n provisions shall be initiated by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What can be the reason which may\r\n cause dip in Power Factor? How it is\r\n to be maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Majority of three phase connections\r\n constitutes of inductive load which\r\n draws non working / reactive power\r\n thereby increasing the KVAH(Apparent\r\n power consumption). Use of capacitor\r\n banks is helpful in offsetting this non\r\n working power requirement, but it should\r\n be regulated according to variance in\r\n load requirement by installing Automated\r\n Power Factor Controller(APFC). Regular\r\n check up and maintenance is also\r\n advised.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why it is important to maintain\r\n Power Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers above 10 KW are billed on\r\n KVAH basis as per the applicable tariff\r\n provisions. Dip in power factor(P.F.)\r\n cause increase in KVAH consumption which\r\n in turn results in higher energy charges\r\n for the consumer. Also, it reduces the\r\n effective distribution network capacity\r\n of NPCL which can lead to power outage\r\n in the area.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the consequences if power\r\n factor controller is not working\r\n properly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Failure of power factor controller\r\n i.e. APFC/Capacitor banks will lead to\r\n inadequate/over compensation of reactive\r\n power requirement. In both scenarios,\r\n KVAH consumption will suddenly increase\r\n leading to higher energy charges being\r\n billed.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can NPCL help in improving Power\r\n Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, it is consumer's responsibility\r\n to maintain their power factor from time\r\n to time\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done\r\n on Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How electricity bills are\r\n delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third\r\n party vendor every month. You are\r\n requested to subscribe for e-bill for\r\n on-time and assured delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. \"You are required to login on our\r\n website or Mobile www.noidapower.com App\r\n using your credentials (Username &\r\n Password) for downloading / viewing last\r\n 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need\r\n help in Sign In” tab under My Account\r\n tab\".\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed\r\n and Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed\r\n Payment Surcharge which is applicable\r\n due to non-payment of bills upto due\r\n date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall\r\n be levied at 1.25% on the dues per month\r\n up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at\r\n 2.00% per month on the unpaid dues. In\r\n case of constant non-payment, your\r\n elctricity connection can be\r\n disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same.\r\n


    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setOpen4(!open4)}\r\n >\r\n Theft Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {open4 ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Where I can contact in case of\r\n Direct theft booked on my consumer\r\n number.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit to Our Office at\r\n KP-II from 10:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M\r\n (Mon-Fri) for any detailed information\r\n about theft booked or may contact our\r\n 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or\r\n WhatsApp on 0120-6226666, write Theft\r\n (to report electricity theft) may please\r\n click on given link to register online\r\n complaint.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to report Direct Theft\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can call and complain against\r\n theft of electricity / tampering of\r\n meter through following avenues:\r\n

    • Helpline Number : 9891222240
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Noidapower.com\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mobile App
    • \r\n
    • CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666
    • \r\n

    \r\n Your identity shall remain confidential\r\n and action will be taken at the\r\n earliest.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is meant by “Direct Theft”?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Section 135(1) of Electricity Act,\r\n 2003 as amended by Electricity\r\n (amendment) Act , 2007, Theft of\r\n electricity is defined as, whoever\r\n dishonestly,\r\n

    • \r\n a) Taps Electricity line:\r\n
      • - overhead
      • \r\n
      • - underground
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n b) Tampers meter:\r\n
      • - usage of tampered meter
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - current reversing transformer\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - loop connection
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - other device interferes with\r\n accurate/proper registration. c)\r\n Other device/method result in a\r\n manner whereby:\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - electricity is stolen
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - damages/destroys an electric\r\n meter/ apparatus/equipment/wire/\r\n cause\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n c) Uses electricity through a tampered\r\n meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n d) Uses electricity for purposes other\r\n than that which was authorized.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setOpen5(!open5)}\r\n >\r\n Disconnection Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {open5 ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for permanent\r\n disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you want your connection to be\r\n permanently disconnected, you have to\r\n submit the ID proof, last paid bill with\r\n our written application form at Customer\r\n Care Office at KP-I or Techzone-4*. 2\r\n Years Lock-in Period is applicable for\r\n all consumers except LMV-9 (Temporary\r\n Connection) from last date of any change\r\n in contract. Please follow the link to\r\n know documentation requirement\r\n *Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines of Permanent\r\n Disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Disconnection of supply will\r\n completed within 30 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can I apply for the same meter\r\n after surrendering of current meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the connection is permanently\r\n disconnected, consumer has to follow new\r\n connection application process for\r\n getting an electricity connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for refunding of\r\n security funds?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Consumer Care Centre\r\n at KP-I or Techzone-4, and submit all\r\n the requisite documents which are\r\n mentioned at the back side of\r\n application form. Please follow the link\r\n to know documentation requirement\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why and when MCG charges are\r\n applicable for Permanent Disconnection\r\n application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. MCG calculated as per provisions of\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005. The\r\n Tariff Orders issued by Hon’ble Uttar\r\n Pradesh Electricity Regulatory\r\n Commission (“State Commission”) from\r\n time to time.Clause 4.14 (Agreement) -\r\n Point (h) However, if the agreement is\r\n to be terminated before completion of 2\r\n years: 30 (i) Consumer shall be liable\r\n to pay the minimum charges (or the\r\n demand / fixed charges, if no minimum\r\n charges are prescribed for that\r\n category) for a period of 6 months or\r\n the period by which the total duration\r\n of the agreement falls short of 2 years,\r\n whichever is lower.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setOpen6(!open6)}\r\n >\r\n Reconnection Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {open6 ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n making the part payment of outstanding\r\n amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reconnection is not allowed on part\r\n payment.\r\n



    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Criteria (load & Category){\" \"}\r\n DR charges (Rs.)*
    \r\n Pre-paid Meters - Single phase{\" \"}\r\n - Zero
    Pre-paid Meters -3 phase - Zero
    \r\n Smart Meters - Single phase{\" \"}\r\n - 100
    Smart Meters - 3 phase - 200
    >75 KW/100BHP - 2000
    \r\n LMV-6 (having load\r\n <=75KW/100BHP){\" \"}\r\n - 1000
    All others categories - 600


    \r\n Note: * 18% GST is applicable on DR\r\n charges and supply will be reconnected\r\n within 48 hrs. for Rural and 24 hrs. for\r\n urban after payment of Outstanding dues\r\n along with reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines for\r\n Reconnection after temporary\r\n disconnection of supply?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Timeline for reconnection of supply\r\n will be Maximum of 48 Hrs for Rural and\r\n 24 hrs in Urban after payment of bill &\r\n Reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection when\r\n meter already removed at site?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n final bill generation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision of\r\n reconnection. Once the payment of final\r\n bill is done, consumer has to apply for\r\n new connection with all required\r\n documents.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setOpen7(!open7)}\r\n >\r\n Website / Mobile App Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {open7 ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the procedure to Login on{\" \"}\r\n \r\n www.noidapower.com ?\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Go to www.noidapower.com. Click on\r\n “Consumer Login” and register your\r\n Consumer Number or click on the link:\r\n www.npcl.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various\r\n services/information available on\r\n NPCL's website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.The main features of website are as\r\n follows:\r\n

    • \r\n About NPCL and Contact Details of\r\n registered offices\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bill Payment Option
    • \r\n
    • Outage Alerts
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Service Application and Complaint\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Tariff Details
    • \r\n
    • Report a Concern
    • \r\n
    • Account Registration
    • \r\n
    • CSR activities
    • \r\n
    • Self Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Ebill Download
    • \r\n
    • Quick Bill Payment
    • \r\n
    • Contact Us
    • \r\n
    • Online Application
    • \r\n
    • Payment Options
    • \r\n
    • Pre-paid Meter Recharge
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer Services for Application\r\n form, Document Checklist, Online Meter\r\n Testing, SMS Based Services, WhatsApp\r\n based services, Customer Care office\r\n Queue Status, Single to Multipoint\r\n Conversion, Consumer Awareness and\r\n Many more.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to reset password ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Password can be reset after\r\n clicking forgot password option. You\r\n have to punch your registered email id\r\n and consumer number to receive an\r\n updated password , if problem still\r\n persist please write us at crm@noida\r\n power.com)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How and from where a consumer can\r\n update his contact details ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. For updating contact details\r\n (mobile number/ email-id) consumer can\r\n login to our website or mobile app.\r\n www.noidapower.com You may also visit\r\n our customer care office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday, along with\r\n the BP No. and ID proof of registered\r\n consumer or company. You may also write\r\n us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Is it safe to give my bank details\r\n on NPCL website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security\r\n standards to ensure that the data\r\n entered by consumers remains\r\n confidential.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Do I need to pay extra charges for\r\n online payment?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL does not levy any extra charge\r\n for online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway, Wallets and other service\r\n providers may levy service charges along\r\n with applicable taxes for transaction\r\n above Rs. 4,000/-.\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Paytm Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction,\r\n 1.10% of the transaction amount being\r\n paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Bill desk Gateway service charges would\r\n be levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1%\r\n of the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, 3% per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Why this month bill is not updated\r\n on Website Mobile app ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are generated from time to\r\n time from commercial department. It\r\n might be possible due to some certain\r\n reason bill of this month may be delayed\r\n and it’s not generated yet. Once it will\r\n have generated in SAP system then PDF\r\n and bill details will appear on Website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What happen if my ID is locked in\r\n NPCL Website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. USERID will be automatic unlock in\r\n 24 hours for the website users\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What all the features available on\r\n Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After Login fetures are as follows\r\n :\r\n

    • Bill and Payment History
    • \r\n
    • Register Request & Complaints
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Consumption Analysis
    • \r\n
    • Energy Calculator
    • \r\n
    • Request & Complaint Status
    • \r\n
    • Subscribe for E-bill
    • \r\n
    • Self-Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Payment
    • \r\n
    • Energy Tips
    • \r\n
    • KYC Updation
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is Un-Authenticated Sender\r\n issue.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. User details like USERNAME, Email\r\n ID and Password are not matched when\r\n user face this kind of problem.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setOpen8(!open8)}\r\n >\r\n Complaint Against Services Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {open8 ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the process of applying for\r\n New Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant can download or fill the\r\n online New Connection Service form from\r\n our website and upload necessary\r\n documents www.noidapower.com as\r\n mentioned in the documents checklist.\r\n You can also visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday, to apply in person.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Within how much time should the\r\n connection be provided to me?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the application and necessary\r\n documents are reviewed at NPCL, and\r\n estimate gets generated which needs to\r\n be paid by the consumer. Post which it\r\n will take approximately 7 working days*\r\n for the apparatus to be installed at the\r\n consumers premises and for the\r\n energization of supply.\r\n


    \r\n *This SLA is applicable for the urban\r\n domestic connection where no\r\n augmentation of main is required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why I have not received my estimate\r\n intimation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you have successfully\r\n submitted your new service application\r\n form at our Customer Care Office or\r\n Online , we process the application in\r\n our system and it gets forwarded to\r\n concerned department for the Commercial\r\n & LCC Dues, Technical feasibility check.\r\n Once clearance is received from all the\r\n departments it is followed by estimate\r\n preparation. During this process system\r\n generated messages are triggered, after\r\n completion of necessary stages. Thus,\r\n you are requested to please wait for the\r\n same as we will be working on 1st cum\r\n 1st serve basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I pay the Estimate amount Online\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online\r\n thru NPCL website or you may visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday to apply in person\r\n for payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Estimate paid but meter not\r\n installed yet?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post payment of estimated amount,\r\n New connection will be provided within 7\r\n days where no Augmentation of existing\r\n mains are required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for the status of\r\n application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application\r\n you may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to\r\n know the short codes follow the link or\r\n can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to apply for refunding of\r\n security fund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday to apply for security\r\n refund, please follow the link to know\r\n documentation requirement\r\n (https://www.noidapower.com/Services/Document_Checklist)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Paper Formalities Required for Load\r\n Reduction?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to fill application\r\n and provide all the requisite\r\n documentation which are mentioned on the\r\n back side of application form. Please\r\n follow the link to know documentation\r\n requirement. Please note for load\r\n reduction consumer can only apply after\r\n two years from date of energization. For\r\n Temp. Supply, consumer can apply for\r\n load reduction at any point of time.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can consumer find the status of\r\n request against New Connection?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of a New\r\n Connection request, consumer may use\r\n following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666,NSC Notification No. (to\r\n know New Service connection\r\n application status)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Can write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Estimate not Received Yet\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you have not received any\r\n update after 7-10 days of applying for\r\n request.To know the status of\r\n application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes\r\n follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is minimum charges & why it is\r\n to be paid.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to bear the minimum\r\n charges based on the total sanctioned\r\n load & as per the applicable tariff rate\r\n it is been calculated for remaining\r\n Tenure in case you have not completed 2\r\n yrs. to the connection or recent load\r\n enhancement/reduction process. In Case\r\n the maximum demand recorded in any of\r\n the last 2 billing cycles is higher than\r\n the reduced contracted load consumer can\r\n not opt for the proposed contracted load\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is Augmentation? How much time\r\n it take to complete?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Augmentation means\r\n improvement/enhancement of the system\r\n capacity to be able to cater to the\r\n increased electricity load requirement.\r\n Such augmentation needs capital\r\n investment. Sometimes, only after\r\n requests received for new connections or\r\n load enhancement; particularly if the\r\n requested load is high. Different types\r\n of Augmentation may be required such as:\r\n

    • Low Tension (LT) Line Extension
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Transformer Capacity Augmentation\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n High Tension ( 11 KV) Line Extension\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Complete electrification of an\r\n un-electrified area\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Timeline for different type of\r\n augmentations are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Type of augmentation Timeline\r\n required for augmentation{\" \"}\r\n (Working Days)
    LT Network augmentation - 60
    Transformer Augmentation - 120
    \r\n HT - 11 KV Network Strengthening{\" \"}\r\n - 180
    \r\n Un-electrified Area or New Grid\r\n Required{\" \"}\r\n - 180


    \r\n \r\n Q.How and where to approach for\r\n Shifting of Mains ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. We accept application for following\r\n request\r\n

    • Meter Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Pole Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Service Cable Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Penal Feeder Box Shifting
    • \r\n

    \r\n For the shifting related request an\r\n application along with the copy of id\r\n proof and last paid bill is required\r\n (please follow the link to be submitted\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday. After\r\n verification of documents, site visit is\r\n arranged to check the feasibility to\r\n fulfil the request and then a survey\r\n report is prepared and accordingly\r\n estimate is generated as per Regulatory\r\n guidelines. Once the payment of estimate\r\n is done then shifting will be executed\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What Documents are required for Load\r\n Enhancement/ Load Reduction/ Name\r\n Change/ Category Change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please click Here.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the TAT for completion of\r\n Service Application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will\r\n take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous load/ category, except shifting\r\n of mains , as it depends upon site\r\n condition and availability of material.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where we can contact in case of any\r\n information required for service\r\n request.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application\r\n you may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to\r\n know the short codes follow the link or\r\n can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the payment options for\r\n estimate payment ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online\r\n thru NPCL website or you may visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday to apply inperson\r\n for payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the basis of calculation of\r\n Security Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The security deposit maintainable\r\n for a consumer is equivalent to 2 times\r\n the average bill value for the financial\r\n year under reference. For a new\r\n applicant, the security deposit will be\r\n determined on the basis of load applied.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my application is been Pending\r\n since long.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments\r\n during which it might have not been\r\n cleared under LCC/CF Check, To know the\r\n status of application you may WhatsApp\r\n us on 0120-6226666 , to know the short\r\n codes follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to contact in case of\r\n application rejected due to LCC/Theft?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When am I required to pay Additional\r\n Security Deposit (ASD)?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Each year the security deposit is\r\n reviewed in the month of April on the\r\n basis of last one year consumption. The\r\n statement of Security Deposit account is\r\n given in the bill for the month of\r\n April. If the maintainable Security\r\n Deposit is more than the security\r\n Deposit “held” amount, additional\r\n security deposit is required to be paid.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required in\r\n case of Small Correction in Connection\r\n Details such as Spelling of Name,\r\n inadequate Address?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The documentary proof for the\r\n desired change along with latest paid\r\n bill receipt along with correction form\r\n by the property owner. You may visit\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What happens if the Security Deposit\r\n amount held is more than the Security\r\n Deposit Maintainable amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In the above scenario, no ASD\r\n request will be placed however, as per\r\n the RBI guidelines interest gets\r\n credited for the held security amount.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How do I get refund of Security\r\n Deposit after account closure?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After necessary adjustment, the\r\n Security Deposit amount held with us is\r\n refunded with an A/c payee cheque in the\r\n name of the registered consumer at the\r\n recorded address.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When I can apply for Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may apply for Security\r\n Refund in below given senarios :\r\n

    • \r\n *Once the connection is Permanently\r\n Disconnected\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * Once the property is sold and also\r\n name mutation has been completed in\r\n records and earlier connection gets\r\n permanently disconnected, the\r\n Old/Earlier property holder may apply\r\n for Security Refund\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required for\r\n Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Click here\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who is eligible to get Security\r\n Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Only the registered consumer or Old\r\n owner (in case of property sold out) can\r\n apply for Security Refund\r\n


    \r\n Q.Can I get Final Bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. After meter removal from site final\r\n bill get generated within 15 days and\r\n final copy may be provided whrein\r\n consumer himself/herself, have requested\r\n for permannet disconnection and having\r\n relevant notification no. too.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to apply for NOC ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you get the final bill copy\r\n and upon making necessary bill payments\r\n (if any), consumer may apply for NOC\r\n from our customer care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n ..Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My New Connection service\r\n request is pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion\r\n of documentation process, the\r\n application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it\r\n might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from\r\n respective team, you shall be notified\r\n with the Estimate Amount which is to\r\n paid before executing the siite work. In\r\n case, payment is been done and work\r\n still pending. To know the status of a\r\n New Connection request, consumer may use\r\n following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666,NSC Notification No. (to\r\n know New Service connection\r\n application status)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Can write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for\r\n My New Connection service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request\r\n it will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit &\r\n after receving site report, Estimate get\r\n generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link\r\n of estimate.In Case you have received\r\n any rejection SMS/Email on registred\r\n contact details, you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NSC Notification No. For\r\n any further requirement, you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist new\r\n service request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will\r\n take 7-10 days time for meter\r\n installation. Only if there is any right\r\n of way issue, it may take more time for\r\n completing the assigned work and it may\r\n only be completed once clear way will be\r\n provided by consumer to our service\r\n team. You may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n assistance, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for\r\n My Name Mutation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request\r\n it will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NM Notification\r\n No. For any further requirement, you may\r\n please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Name Mutation is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will\r\n take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NM Notification\r\n No.For any further requirement, you may\r\n please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for\r\n My Load Augmentation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request\r\n it will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit &\r\n after receving site report, Estimate get\r\n generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link\r\n of estimate. In Case you have received\r\n any rejection SMS/Email on registred\r\n contact details, you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 LA Notification No. For any\r\n further requirement, you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Load Augmentation service\r\n request is pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion\r\n of documentation process, the\r\n application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it\r\n might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from\r\n respective team, you shall be notified\r\n with the Estimate Amount which is to\r\n paid before executing the site work. In\r\n case, payment is been done and work\r\n still pending you may visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist Load\r\n Augmentation request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will\r\n take 7-10 days time for meter\r\n installation. Only if there is any right\r\n of way issue, it may take more time for\r\n completing the assigned work and it may\r\n only be completed once clear way will be\r\n provided by consumer to our service\r\n team. You may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n assistance, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Category Change\r\n is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will\r\n take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 CT Notification\r\n No. For any further requirement, you may\r\n please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for\r\n My Category Change service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request\r\n it will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 CT Notification\r\n No. For any further requirement, you may\r\n please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for\r\n My Load Reduction service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request\r\n it will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n (As & when required) & after receving\r\n site report, Estimate get generated &\r\n sent for necessary approvals. We shall\r\n keep you posted with SMS/EMail alert\r\n containing payment link of estimate. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 LR Notification\r\n No. For any further requirement, you may\r\n please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Load Reduction is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will\r\n take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the billing, during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous load details. In case of any\r\n doubt you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LR\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Shifting request is pending\r\n for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion\r\n of documentation process, the\r\n application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it\r\n might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from\r\n respective team, you shall be notified\r\n with the Estimate Amount which is to\r\n paid before executing the site work. In\r\n case, payment is been done and work\r\n still pending you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for\r\n My Shifting request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Shifting request\r\n it will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit &\r\n after receving site report, Estimate get\r\n generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link\r\n of estimate. In Case you have received\r\n any rejection SMS/Email on registred\r\n contact details, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there is no action taken at site\r\n ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion\r\n of documentation process, the\r\n application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it\r\n might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from\r\n respective team, you shall be notified\r\n with the Estimate Amount which is to\r\n paid before executing the siite work. In\r\n case, payment is been done and work\r\n still pending you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request\r\n it will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NAC\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name correction is still\r\n pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments\r\n during which it might have not been\r\n cleared under LCC/CF Check, you may\r\n please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction request\r\n not done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request\r\n it will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NAC\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction is still\r\n pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments\r\n during which it might have not been\r\n cleared under LCC/CF Check, you may\r\n please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connections floor\r\n wise?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In domestic high rise building\r\n electricity connection to individual\r\n owner/occupant are provided on\r\n multipoint scheme as per the guidelines\r\n of 13th Ammendmant of Electricity Supply\r\n Code, 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What should be the file type and\r\n size to upload for new connection\r\n online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. File size can't exceed 15 mb per\r\n documentation type.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connection through\r\n mobile app?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, you can apply new connection\r\n from NPCL mobile app.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How much I have to pay for Prepaid\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the\r\n applicable processing fee, service\r\n charges and security (if applicable) as\r\n specified in Cost Data Book which shall\r\n be calculated based upon your\r\n application and site survey.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can apply for Temporary\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are intending to carry out\r\n any construction work at your premise\r\n and seeking of electricity connection\r\n for construction activity, then, you\r\n will have to apply for temorary\r\n connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the Documentation\r\n requirement for Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant has to fill application\r\n form for new connection and provide all\r\n the requisite documentation which are\r\n mentioned on the back side of new\r\n connection application form.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to convert from temporary to\r\n permanent?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete construction work\r\n and obtains building completion\r\n certificate from concerned authority\r\n i.e. GNIDA/UPSIDC, you can apply for\r\n Permanent connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges of temporary\r\n connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the\r\n applicable processing fee, security\r\n deposit and service charges as specified\r\n in Cost Data Book which shall be\r\n calculated based upon your application\r\n and site survey\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is B&L form and why it is\r\n required in load augmentation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. B&L form or Work completion\r\n certificate form is filled by the\r\n licensed electrical contractor who has\r\n carried out electrical\r\n wiring/installation of premise. This\r\n certifies that electrical\r\n wiring/installation is done following\r\n all the regualtions and includes the\r\n equipments details installed, insulation\r\n test result of the wiring/installation.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for status of Online\r\n New Connection application\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application\r\n you may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to\r\n know the short codes follow the link or\r\n can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setOpen9(!open9)}\r\n >\r\n Supply Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {open9 ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to resolve supply-related\r\n complaints on power interruptions or\r\n unsatisfactory voltage profile?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Register the complaint at NPCL's\r\n helpline no. +91-0120 6226666 along with\r\n 10-digit consumer number printed at the\r\n upper left corner of your electricity\r\n bill and one complaint number will be\r\n intimated to you for future reference.\r\n NPCL fault-repairing crew will attend to\r\n the cause of the complaint and resolve\r\n the same within the following time\r\n limits:\r\n

    • Urban: 3 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Rural: 12 Hours
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Industrial & Instittutional : 4 Hours\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Transformer failure : 72 Hours
    • \r\n

    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp\r\n no. 0120-6226666 (NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n or Send SMS at 7840002288 ( #NoPower\r\n Consumer No.) May also download our\r\n mobile app for easy & quick access.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to address the problem of\r\n frequent tripping of MCB or blowing of\r\n fuse?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Contact a Licensed Electrical\r\n contractor (L.E.C.) to locate the cause.\r\n If there is a fault/defect in your\r\n wiring installations, rectify the same.\r\n


    \r\n If the load of your installation is more\r\n than the load allowed by NPCL, please\r\n apply for enhancement of load by filling\r\n up a form available at NPCL office KP-1\r\n & know more about the same.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default SafetyRelatedComplaintFAQ;\r\n","import arrayWithHoles from \"./arrayWithHoles.js\";\nimport iterableToArray from \"./iterableToArray.js\";\nimport unsupportedIterableToArray from \"./unsupportedIterableToArray.js\";\nimport nonIterableRest from \"./nonIterableRest.js\";\nexport default function _toArray(arr) {\n return arrayWithHoles(arr) || iterableToArray(arr) || unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || nonIterableRest();\n}","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\nimport Table from \"../components/Table\";\r\nimport Select from \"react-select\";\r\nimport { Component } from \"react\";\r\nconst TableData = [\r\n {\r\n Price1: 100,\r\n Price2: 230,\r\n Price3: 500,\r\n Price4: 780,\r\n Price5: 101,\r\n Price6: 567,\r\n Price7: 4356,\r\n Price8: 1234,\r\n Price9: 8790,\r\n Price10: 3242\r\n }\r\n];\r\nconst options = [\r\n { value: \"Lamps\", label: \"Lamps\" },\r\n { value: \"tubeLights\", label: \"tubeLights\" },\r\n { value: \"electricIron\", label: \"electricIron\" },\r\n { value: \"immersionHeater\", label: \"immersionHeater\" },\r\n { value: \"waterHeater\", label: \"waterHeater\" },\r\n { value: \"toaster\", label: \"toaster\" },\r\n { value: \"roomHeater\", label: \"roomHeater\" },\r\n { value: \"refrigerator\", label: \"refrigerator\" },\r\n { value: \"airConditioner\", label: \"airConditioner\" },\r\n { value: \"tableFan\", label: \"tableFan\" },\r\n { value: \"exhaustFan\", label: \"exhaustFan\" },\r\n { value: \"washingMachine\", label: \"washingMachine\" },\r\n { value: \"radio\", label: \"radio\" },\r\n { value: \"television\", label: \"television\" },\r\n { value: \"mixerGrinder\", label: \"mixerGrinder\" },\r\n { value: \"computer\", label: \"computer\" },\r\n { value: \"pumpMotor\", label: \"pumpMotor\" }\r\n];\r\n\r\nexport default class App extends Component {\r\n // Initialize the state variable with the a currency (USD in this case)\r\n state = {\r\n currency: options[0]\r\n }\r\n\r\n getConvertedPrice = (price) => {\r\n // assuming your prices TableData are in USD\r\n // I just pulled conversions from google for USD to currency ABC\r\n const { value } = this.state.currency;\r\n if (value === \"Lamps\") {\r\n return price.toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n if (value === \"tubeLights\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n if (value === \"electricIron\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n if (value === \"immersionHeater\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n if (value === \"waterHeater\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n if (value === \"toaster\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n if (value === \"roomHeater\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n if (value === \"refrigerator\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n if (value === \"airConditioner\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (value === \"tableFan\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n if (value === \"exhaustFan\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n if (value === \"washingMachine\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n if (value === \"radio\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n if (value === \"television\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n if (value === \"mixerGrinder\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n if (value === \"computer\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n if (value === \"pumpMotor\") {\r\n return (price * 2).toFixed(2);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n handleCurrencyChange = (changedCurrency) => {\r\n this.setState({currency: changedCurrency})\r\n }\r\n\r\n render() {\r\n\r\n return (\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\nimport Table from \"../components/Table\";\r\n\r\nconst LoadReductionAugmentation = () => {\r\n const [loadReduction,setLoadReduction] = useState(true)\r\n const [augmentation,setAugmentation] = useState(false)\r\n const [table,setTable]=useState([])\r\n const clickHandler = ()=>{\r\n setTable([...table,\"d\"])\r\n }\r\n\r\n const removeHandler = ()=>{\r\n const q= table.length-1;\r\n let [first,...rest] = table;\r\n setTable(rest)\r\n }\r\n\r\n const openLoad = ()=>{\r\n setLoadReduction(true);\r\n setAugmentation(false)\r\n }\r\n const openAug = ()=>{\r\n setLoadReduction(false);\r\n setAugmentation(true)\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    {loadReduction ? ('Load Reduction'):('load Augmentation')}

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Apply Online\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    • Load Reduction
    • \r\n
    • Load Augmentation
    • \r\n
    \r\n {loadReduction ? (
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Application Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    Calculate Your Energy Consumption and Load

    \r\n \r\n\t\t\t\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\t \r\n\t \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Appliances(Watts)No. of EquipmentLoad (Watts)Average HoursApproximate Units/Month
    \r\n {table.map(()=>
    )}\r\n \r\n\t\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Total Load


    Total Consumption

    ):null}\r\n\r\n {augmentation ? (
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Application Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    Calculate Your Energy Consumption and Load

    \r\n \r\n\t\t\t\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\t \r\n\t \r\n \r\n\r\n
    Appliances(Watts)No. of EquipmentLoad (Watts)Average HoursApproximate Units/Month
    \r\n {table.map(()=>
    )}\r\n \r\n\t\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Total Load


    Total Consumption

    ):null}\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default LoadReductionAugmentation","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\nimport Table from \"../components/Table\";\r\n\r\nconst LoadReductionAugmentationDoc = () => {\r\n const [show,setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [showName,setShowName] = useState(false);\r\n const [showCat,setShowCat] = useState(false);\r\n const [showPer,setShowPer] = useState(false);\r\n const [showLoad,setShowLoad] = useState(false);\r\n const [showAddress,setShowAddress] = useState(false);\r\n const [showNot,setShowNot] = useState(false);\r\n const [showService,setShowService] = useState(false);\r\n const [loadReduction,setLoadReduction] = useState(true)\r\n const [augmentation,setAugmentation] = useState(false)\r\n\r\n const openLoad = ()=>{\r\n setLoadReduction(true);\r\n setAugmentation(false)\r\n }\r\n const openAug = ()=>{\r\n setLoadReduction(false);\r\n setAugmentation(true)\r\n }\r\n\r\n const onChangeOption = (e)=>{\r\n if(e.target.value===\"LIST1\"){\r\n setShowCat(false)\r\n setShow(true)\r\n setShowName(false)\r\n setShowPer(false)\r\n setShowLoad(false)\r\n setShowAddress(false)\r\n setShowNot(false)\r\n setShowService(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value===\"LIST2\"){\r\n setShowCat(false)\r\n setShowName(true)\r\n setShow(false)\r\n setShowPer(false)\r\n setShowAddress(false)\r\n setShowLoad(false)\r\n setShowNot(false)\r\n setShowService(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value===\"LIST3\"){\r\n setShowCat(true)\r\n setShowPer(false)\r\n setShowName(false)\r\n setShow(false)\r\n setShowLoad(false)\r\n setShowAddress(false)\r\n setShowNot(false)\r\n setShowService(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value===\"LIST4\"){\r\n setShowLoad(false)\r\n setShowPer(true)\r\n setShowCat(false)\r\n setShowName(false)\r\n setShow(false)\r\n setShowAddress(false)\r\n setShowNot(false)\r\n setShowService(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value===\"LIST5\"){\r\n setShowLoad(true)\r\n setShowPer(false)\r\n setShowCat(false)\r\n setShowName(false)\r\n setShow(false)\r\n setShowAddress(false)\r\n setShowNot(false)\r\n setShowService(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value===\"LIST6\"){\r\n setShowAddress(true)\r\n setShowLoad(false)\r\n setShowPer(false)\r\n setShowCat(false)\r\n setShowName(false)\r\n setShow(false)\r\n setShowNot(false)\r\n setShowService(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value===\"LIST7\"){\r\n setShowNot(true)\r\n setShowAddress(false)\r\n setShowLoad(false)\r\n setShowPer(false)\r\n setShowCat(false)\r\n setShowName(false)\r\n setShow(false)\r\n setShowService(false)\r\n}\r\nif(e.target.value===\"LIST8\"){\r\n setShowService(true)\r\n setShowNot(false)\r\n setShowAddress(false)\r\nsetShowLoad(false)\r\nsetShowPer(false)\r\nsetShowCat(false)\r\nsetShowName(false)\r\nsetShow(false)\r\n} \r\n }\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    {loadReduction ? ('Load Reduction'):('load Augmentation')}

    \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Apply Online\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    • Load Reduction
    • \r\n
    • Load Augmentation
    • \r\n
    \r\n {loadReduction ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Application Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n


    \r\n\r\n{show ? (\r\n
    \r\n): null}\r\n\r\n\r\n{showName ? (
    ):null}\r\n \r\n\r\n{showCat ? (
    ):null}\r\n \r\n\r\n{showPer ? (
    ):null}\r\n \r\n\r\n{showLoad ? (
    ):null}\r\n \r\n\r\n{showAddress ? (
    ):null}\r\n \r\n\r\n{showNot ? (
    ):null}\r\n \r\n {showService ? (
    ):null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n ):null}\r\n\r\n {augmentation ? (
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Application Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n


    \r\n\r\n{show ? (\r\n
    \r\n): null}\r\n\r\n\r\n{showName ? (
    ):null}\r\n \r\n\r\n{showCat ? (
    ):null}\r\n \r\n\r\n{showPer ? (
    ):null}\r\n \r\n\r\n{showLoad ? (
    ):null}\r\n \r\n\r\n{showAddress ? (
    ):null}\r\n \r\n\r\n{showNot ? (
    ):null}\r\n \r\n {showService ? (
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default LoadReductionAugmentationDoc","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst Rebate = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Rebates\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • Pre-Paid Meters / Automatic Meter Reading System
    • \r\n
    • Payment on or Before Due Date
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Who Shift from Unmetered to Metered Connections
    • \r\n
    • Scheme for Advanced deposit for future monthly energy bills
    • \r\n
    • Facilitation Charge For online Payment
    • \r\n
    • Power Looms LMV-2 and LMV-6 Categories
    • \r\n
    • Consumers getting supply as per rural schedule LMV-6
    • \r\n
    \r\n Rebates\r\n

    Pre-Paid Meters / Automatic Meter Reading System

    \r\n \t
    1. (i) Any consumer having prepaid meters shall be entitled to a discount of 2.00% on Rate as defined in the Tariff Order.
    2. \r\n\t\t
    3. (ii) The token charges for code generation for prepaid meters shall be Rs. 10 + GST/- per token or as decided by the Commission from time to time.
    4. \r\n\t
    \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default Rebate","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst RebatePayment = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Rebates\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • Pre-Paid Meters / Automatic Meter Reading System
    • \r\n
    • Payment on or Before Due Date
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Who Shift from Unmetered to Metered Connections
    • \r\n
    • Scheme for Advanced deposit for future monthly energy bills
    • \r\n
    • Facilitation Charge For online Payment
    • \r\n
    • Power Looms LMV-2 and LMV-6 Categories
    • \r\n
    • Consumers getting supply as per rural schedule LMV-6
    • \r\n
    \r\n Rebates\r\n

    Payment on or Before Due Date

      \r\n\t \t
    1. A rebate at 1.00% (5.00% for LMV-5) of current month charges (Fixed charges + Energy Charges) shall be given in case full payment (including arrears) is made on or before the due date. The consumers who have made advance deposit against their future monthly energy bills shall also be eligible for the above rebate\r\n
    2. \r\n\t\t
    \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default RebatePayment","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst RebateConsumer = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Rebates\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • Pre-Paid Meters / Automatic Meter Reading System
    • \r\n
    • Payment on or Before Due Date
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Who Shift from Unmetered to Metered Connections
    • \r\n
    • Scheme for Advanced deposit for future monthly energy bills
    • \r\n
    • Facilitation Charge For online Payment
    • \r\n
    • Power Looms LMV-2 and LMV-6 Categories
    • \r\n
    • Consumers getting supply as per rural schedule LMV-6
    • \r\n
    \r\n Rebates\r\n

    Consumer Who Shift from Unmetered to Metered Connections

    1. In case any rural consumer shifts from unmetered to metered category, he shall be entitled to rebate of 10% on Rate which shall be applicable from date of installation of meter till end of FY 2018-19. The rebate has been discontinued w.e.f. 1st April 2019 as per applicable Tariff Order approved by Hon'ble UPERC.\r\n
    2. \r\n\t\t
    \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default RebateConsumer","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst RebateScheme = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Rebates\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • Pre-Paid Meters / Automatic Meter Reading System
    • \r\n
    • Payment on or Before Due Date
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Who Shift from Unmetered to Metered Connections
    • \r\n
    • Scheme for Advanced deposit for future monthly energy bills
    • \r\n
    • Facilitation Charge For online Payment
    • \r\n
    • Power Looms LMV-2 and LMV-6 Categories
    • \r\n
    • Consumers getting supply as per rural schedule LMV-6
    • \r\n
    \r\n Rebates\r\n

    Scheme for Advanced deposit for future monthly energy bills


    If a consumer intends to make advance deposit against his future monthly energy bills, the Licensee, shall accept such payment and this amount shall be adjusted only towards his future monthly energy bills. On such advance deposit the consumers shall be paid interest, at the interest rate applicable on security deposit, for the period during which advance exists for each month on reducing balance method and amount so accrued shall be adjusted in the electricity bills which shall be shown separately in the bill of each month.\r\n


    The consumer needs to submit an application in the prescribed format stating the amount and time period for which the advance has been paid.\r\n


    Further the licensee would be free to adjust any unpaid charges against the consumer bill.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default RebateScheme","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst RebateFacilitation = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Rebates\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • Pre-Paid Meters / Automatic Meter Reading System
    • \r\n
    • Payment on or Before Due Date
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Who Shift from Unmetered to Metered Connections
    • \r\n
    • Scheme for Advanced deposit for future monthly energy bills
    • \r\n
    • Facilitation Charge For online Payment
    • \r\n
    • Power Looms LMV-2 and LMV-6 Categories
    • \r\n
    • Consumers getting supply as per rural schedule LMV-6
    • \r\n
    \r\n Rebates\r\n

    Facilitation Charge For online Payment

    1. (i) No transaction charge shall be collected from the consumers making their payment through internet banking.\r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. (ii) The Licensees shall bear the transaction charges for transactions up to Rs. 4,000 for payment of bill through internet using Credit Card / Debit Card.\r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default RebateFacilitation","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst RebatePower = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Rebates\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • Pre-Paid Meters / Automatic Meter Reading System
    • \r\n
    • Payment on or Before Due Date
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Who Shift from Unmetered to Metered Connections
    • \r\n
    • Scheme for Advanced deposit for future monthly energy bills
    • \r\n
    • Facilitation Charge For online Payment
    • \r\n
    • Power Looms LMV-2 and LMV-6 Categories
    • \r\n
    • Consumers getting supply as per rural schedule LMV-6
    • \r\n
    \r\n Rebates\r\n

    Power Looms LMV-2 and LMV-6 Categories


    Rebate to Power Loom consumers shall be applicable in accordance with the Government order dated June 14, 2006 and the Commission’s order dated July 11, 2006 subject to adherence of provision of advance subsidy.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default RebatePower","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst RebateConsumerLMV = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Rebates\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • Pre-Paid Meters / Automatic Meter Reading System
    • \r\n
    • Payment on or Before Due Date
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Who Shift from Unmetered to Metered Connections
    • \r\n
    • Scheme for Advanced deposit for future monthly energy bills
    • \r\n
    • Facilitation Charge For online Payment
    • \r\n
    • Power Looms LMV-2 and LMV-6 Categories
    • \r\n
    • Consumers getting supply as per rural schedule LMV-6
    • \r\n
    \r\n Rebates\r\n

    Consumers getting supply as per rural schedule LMV-6


    The consumer under this category shall be entitled to a rebate of 7.5% on demand & energy charges as given for under urban schedule without TOD rates.

    \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default RebateConsumerLMV","import classNames from 'classnames';\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport { useBootstrapPrefix } from './ThemeProvider';\nimport { jsx as _jsx } from \"react/jsx-runtime\";\nconst Table = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(({\n bsPrefix,\n className,\n striped,\n bordered,\n borderless,\n hover,\n size,\n variant,\n responsive,\n ...props\n}, ref) => {\n const decoratedBsPrefix = useBootstrapPrefix(bsPrefix, 'table');\n const classes = classNames(className, decoratedBsPrefix, variant && `${decoratedBsPrefix}-${variant}`, size && `${decoratedBsPrefix}-${size}`, striped && `${decoratedBsPrefix}-${typeof striped === 'string' ? `striped-${striped}` : 'striped'}`, bordered && `${decoratedBsPrefix}-bordered`, borderless && `${decoratedBsPrefix}-borderless`, hover && `${decoratedBsPrefix}-hover`);\n\n const table = /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(\"table\", { ...props,\n className: classes,\n ref: ref\n });\n\n if (responsive) {\n let responsiveClass = `${decoratedBsPrefix}-responsive`;\n\n if (typeof responsive === 'string') {\n responsiveClass = `${responsiveClass}-${responsive}`;\n }\n\n return /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(\"div\", {\n className: responsiveClass,\n children: table\n });\n }\n\n return table;\n});\nexport default Table;","import React, { useEffect } from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Table from \"react-bootstrap/Table\";\r\n\r\nconst RoofTopSolar = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n useEffect(() => {\r\n window.scrollTo(0, 0);\r\n }, []);\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Customer Service\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    Rooftop Solar


    \r\n Rooftop solar is a photovoltaic system that generates\r\n electricity from solar panels mounted on the rooftop of\r\n any building like\r\n residential/Institutional/Commercial/Industrial. Various\r\n components of such system include photovoltaic modules,\r\n mounting systems, cables, solar inverters and other\r\n electrical accessories.\r\n


    Net Metering


    \r\n Net Metering Scheme means the metered prosumers of a\r\n Licensee under domestic under (LMV-1) category or\r\n agriculture (LMV-5) category, who intends to/ has\r\n set up a grid connected rooftop solar PV system in\r\n the consumer premises, which can be self-owned or\r\n third party owned wherein the energy imported from\r\n the grid and the energy exported to the grid\r\n interactive rooftop solar PV system are netted out\r\n through single bi-directional energy meter.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Net metering is a billing mechanism that credits\r\n solar energy system owner for the electricity they\r\n add to the grid. The energy generated by the Grid\r\n Interactive Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic (RSPV)\r\n system is first used for self-consumption and the\r\n excess energy is injected / exported to the grid\r\n automatically. For example, if a residential\r\n customer has a PV system on its roof-top, it may\r\n generate more electricity than his current usage\r\n of the home and the unused / excess energy flows\r\n to the grid.\r\n


    \r\n Through Net metering arrangement by using Single\r\n Bi-Directional Energy Meter, solar energy exported\r\n to the Grid from Grid Interactive RSPV system is\r\n deducted from energy imported from the Grid in\r\n units (kWh) to arrive at the net imported or\r\n exported energy and the net energy import or\r\n export is billed or credited or carried-over on\r\n the basis of the applicable retail tariff. At the\r\n end of the each settlement period (Financial\r\n year), any electricity credits, which remain\r\n unadjusted shall be paid at a rate of Rs.2/kWH by\r\n NPCL. At the beginning of next settlement period,\r\n cumulative carried over electricity credits shall\r\n be reset to Zero.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n The Peak rated capacity (kWp) of Grid Interactive\r\n Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic (RSPV) system to be\r\n installed by any eligible consumer shall not exceed\r\n 100% of the sanctioned/contractual load of the\r\n building/consumer as per UPERC RSPV Regulation 2019.\r\n This means, if a consumer has sanctioned/contractual\r\n load of 5 kW, the maximum RSPV system that can be\r\n installed is 5 kWp.\r\n


    Net Billing/Net Feed In Tariff:


    \r\n Net-billing / net feed-in scheme means a prosumer of\r\n any category, in the area of supply of the\r\n Distribution Licensee, who intends to set up a grid\r\n connected rooftop solar PV system in his/ her\r\n premises, which can be self-owned or third party\r\n owned, where-in the energy imported from the Grid\r\n and energy exported to the Grid Interactive rooftop\r\n Solar photovoltaic system of a Prosumer are measured\r\n through a single bi-directional energy meter valued\r\n at two different Tariffs which are determined by the\r\n Commission.\r\n


    Benefits of Rooftop Solar Net Metering:

    • Reduced Power Bills
    • \r\n
    • Low Maintenance
    • \r\n
    • One Time Investment
    • \r\n
    • Clean & Green Power
    • \r\n

    \r\n NPCL has taken huge leap towards promoting roof top\r\n solar power. Get a solar panel installed to enjoy\r\n clean and affordable power with savings at every\r\n step.\r\n


    \r\n Procedure for Net Metering and Net Billing/Net Feed\r\n In Application at NPCL:\r\n


    \r\n As per UPERC RSPV Regulation 2019, Domestic\r\n Consumers (LMV-1) & Agriculture (LMV-5) are only\r\n eligible for Net Metering and all tariff category\r\n are eligible for Net Billing/Net Feed In scheme\r\n only. For On Grid Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic\r\n installation, MNRE is giving Central Finance\r\n Assistance (CFA) for the Net metered\r\n domestic/residential consumers only. To avail CFA /\r\n Subsidy from State & Central Govt. Under Phase-II of\r\n Roof Top Solar Scheme of MNRE, it is mandatory to\r\n install RSPV System by empanelled vendors of UPNEDA\r\n only. Consumers interested to install RSPV System\r\n shall be required to apply on the National portal\r\n (https://solarrooftop.gov.in) for the subsidy based\r\n RTS project and thereafter, Consumer / Solar Vendor\r\n shall submit hard copies of all other relevant\r\n documents as per document requirement list at NPCL\r\n Office at Sector Knowledge Park-3, Greater Noida.\r\n

    • \r\n \r\n Document required for Net Metering\r\n application:\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document required for Net Billing/Net Feed-In\r\n application:\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Apply for solar rooftop\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n a. For Subsidy based project apply on National Portal for Rooftop Solar (Only Residential Consumer):\r\n {\" \"} \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Click Here.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
      \r\n Note: {\" \"} Stepwise Procedure for National Portal \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n b. Non-Subsidy Based project: Directly submit document at below mentioned address.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n
    • DISCOM Nodal Officer
    • \r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    NameE -mail IDContact Number
    Shri Sarnath Ganguly\r\n {/* */}\r\n rooftopsolar@noidapower.com\r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n \r\n 0120 6226606\r\n \r\n
    Shri Sanket Shrivastava\r\n {/* */}\r\n rooftopsolar@noidapower.com\r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n \r\n 0120 6226601\r\n \r\n
    Shri Prosenjit Das\r\n {/* */}\r\n rooftopsolar@noidapower.com\r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n \r\n 0120 6226620\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n Subsidy Information: \r\n
      \r\n \r\n a. Central Finance Assistance (CFA)/Central Govt Subsidy for residential rooftop solar installation: Click here \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n b. State Govt. Subsidy Addition to the Central Finance Assistance (CFA), to promote installation of Grid connected Rooftop systems under Net-Metering arrangement on large scale in private residential sectors, State Government will provide subsidy of Rs 15000/KW to a maximum limit of subsidy Rs 30000/- per consumer. This Subsidy will be disbursed by UPNEDA to beneficiary on reimbursement basis after successful installation and commissioning of Rooftop solar systems with net metering and submission of all documents.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n List of vendors empanelled and their contact\r\n details.\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Solar rooftop calculator.\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Responsibility of consumers & DISCOMs.\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Solar Roof Top Portal of MNRE / UPNEDA.
    • \r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n https://solarrooftop.gov.in/\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n http://upnedasolarrooftopportal.com/\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n https://www.uperc.org/\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Total Solar Rooftop Net Metering capacity in\r\n NPCL is 31.332MW as on 31st March 2024.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Net Metering/Net Billing/Net Feed In Applicable\r\n Charges click Here\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n click Here\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For further queries the below official may be\r\n contacted:\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    NameE -mail IDContact Number
    Mr.Prosenjit Das\r\n \r\n rooftopsolar@noidapower.com\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n 01206226606 / 9911998252\r\n \r\n

    \r\n Office Address:\r\n
    \r\n Noida Power Company Limited\r\n
    \r\n 33/11 KV Sub-station,\r\n
    \r\n Knowledge Park – III,\r\n
    \r\n Greater Noida-201310\r\n
    \r\n Contact No.: 01206226606 (From 10.00AM\r\n to 5.00PM, Monday to Friday)\r\n
    \r\n Email ID: rooftopsolar@noidapower.com\r\n

    • \r\n To Contact Online Please{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n click Here\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default RoofTopSolar;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport { useState } from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst SiteMap2 = () => {\r\n const [aboutusOpen, setAboutusOpen] = useState(false);\r\n const [myAccountOpen, setMyAccountOpen] = useState(false);\r\n const [regulationOpen, setRegulationOpen] = useState(false);\r\n const [procurementOpen, setProcurementOpen] = useState(false);\r\n const [careerOpen, setCareerOpen] = useState(false);\r\n const [consumerOpen, setConsumerOpen] = useState(false);\r\n const [knowledgeOpen, setKnowledegeOpen] = useState(false);\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Sitemap\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n Sitemap\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n setAboutusOpen(!aboutusOpen)}\r\n >\r\n \r\n About Us \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n {aboutusOpen ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Company Profile\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Corporate Policies\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Energy Services\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Credit Rating\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Initiative Undertaken\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Challenges Ahead\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n LifeStyle Improvement\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n CSR Activities\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Commitment To Environment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Community Development\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Our Customer\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Award & Recognition\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vision & Mission\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n RPSG Group Vision and Core Values\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Corporate Social Responsibility\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n \r\n setMyAccountOpen(!myAccountOpen)\r\n }\r\n >\r\n \r\n My Account \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n {myAccountOpen ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n User Login\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Need Help In Sign In\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n New User Sign In\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n \r\n Login Info\r\n \r\n
    • */}\r\n {/*
    • \r\n \r\n Update profile\r\n \r\n
    • */}\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n New User Registration\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Forget Password\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n \r\n Vender Registration\r\n \r\n
    • */}\r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n \r\n setRegulationOpen(!regulationOpen)\r\n }\r\n >\r\n \r\n Regulation \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n {regulationOpen ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Tariff applicable from 4th August 2022\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n NPCL Tariff Order for FY 2022-23 dated\r\n 20th July 2022\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Cost Data Book\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n UPERC Roof top Solar PV regulations 2019\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Tariff Schedule\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n UP Electricity Supply Code – upto 12th\r\n Amendment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n \r\n setProcurementOpen(!procurementOpen)\r\n }\r\n >\r\n \r\n Procurement \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n {procurementOpen ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Online Vendor Registration\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Contact for e-Procurement\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Contact for Power-Procurement\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Tenders\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n setCareerOpen(!careerOpen)}\r\n >\r\n \r\n Careers \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n {careerOpen ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Current Openings\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Upload Your CV\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n setConsumerOpen(!consumerOpen)}\r\n >\r\n \r\n Consumer Portal{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n {consumerOpen ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Rebates\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Rebate Payment\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Rebate Consumer\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Rebate Scheme\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Rebate Facilitation\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Rebate Power\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Rebate Consumer LMV\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Call Center\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document CheckList\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Self Meter Reading\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Pay Against Application\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Mobile Application\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Customer Care E-Mail ID\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Customer Care Center\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n \r\n Mobile Application\r\n \r\n
    • */}\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Online Application\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback Form\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Consumer Awareness\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Information Center\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Third Part Meter Testing\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Know Your Prepaid Meter\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Report Safety Hazzard\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n \r\n Safety Related Complaints\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Safety Related Complaints Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Safety Related Complaints Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Safety Related Complaints CMP\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Safety Related Complaints FAQ\r\n \r\n
    • */}\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Seasonal Industries in in LMV-6 and HV-2\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n \r\n setKnowledegeOpen(!knowledgeOpen)\r\n }\r\n >\r\n \r\n Knowledge Center{\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n {knowledgeOpen ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Do & Dont's\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Safety Tips\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Holiday Calendar\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQ\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default SiteMap2;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Table from \"react-bootstrap/Table\";\r\nimport { FaWhatsapp } from \"react-icons/fa\";\r\n\r\nconst WhatsappBasedServices = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Customer Service\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n Click to connect\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n
    \r\n \"\"\r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default WhatsappBasedServices;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst Safety = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n SAFETY TIPS\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n



    \r\n Why we are at risk\r\n


    \r\n Electricity travels by the path of least resistance\r\n to ground. Hence, elements, which are good\r\n conductors of electricity, are more at risk when in\r\n contact with a source of electricity. For instance\r\n Metals, water and human bodies are good conductors\r\n of electricity.\r\n


    \r\n The sheer water content of human bodies\r\n (approximately 70%) makes human beings particularly\r\n susceptible to passage of electricity. When\r\n electricity passes through our body, it puts\r\n enormous stress on the nervous and cardiovascular\r\n systems.\r\n


    \r\n Burns caused by electric 'shocks' may result in\r\n serious injury or death. Hence, electrical safety is\r\n something that should never be taken lightly.\r\n Therefore, to ensure your safety, this section\r\n brings you some safety tips.\r\n

    • \r\n \r\n Outdoors{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Indoors{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Precautions for Kids{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    1. \r\n Never touch a fallen power line or anything or\r\n anyone in contact with one. Always assume that\r\n the power line is energized and maintain safe\r\n distance. A low-hanging wire can suddenly move\r\n unexpectedly if there is a strong wind is\r\n blowing. In any electrical emergency, stay\r\n calm and call for help.\r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Watch for power lines when using a ladder,\r\n pruning trees, carrying long tools or pipes,\r\n working on the roof or installing an antenna.\r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Play it safe when you're having fun. Keep\r\n kites or model airplanes away from power\r\n lines.\r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n Don't use electric tools near water or in the\r\n rain.\r\n
    8. \r\n
    9. \r\n Never enter a substation or fenced enclosure\r\n that surrounds electrical equipment.\r\n
    10. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Safety;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst SafetyIndoors = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n SAFETY TIPS\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n



    Why we are at risk\r\n


    Electricity travels by the path of least resistance to ground. Hence, elements, which are good conductors of electricity, are more at risk when in contact with a source of electricity. For instance Metals, water and human bodies are good conductors of electricity.\r\n


    The sheer water content of human bodies (approximately 70%) makes human beings particularly susceptible to passage of electricity. When electricity passes through our body, it puts enormous stress on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.\r\n


    Burns caused by electric 'shocks' may result in serious injury or death. Hence, electrical safety is something that should never be taken lightly. Therefore, to ensure your safety, this section brings you some safety tips.\r\n

    • Outdoors
    • \r\n
    • Indoors
    • \r\n
    • Precautions for Kids
    • \r\n
      \r\n \t\t
    1. Licensed Electrical Contractors should do installation of wiring and electrical fittings/equipment.\r\n
    2. \r\n \t\t
    3. Fans, Switchboards and other electrical equipment should be properly earthed. · Loose or unsupported wiring installation should be avoided. Wiring for electric motors should be done with all three-phase wire bunched in a metallic conduit, this helps in effective earthling. The minimum permissible size of earth wire should be no.14 SWG.\r\n
    4. \r\n \t\t
    5. Metallic supports should not be used for wiring installations.\r\n
    6. \r\n \t\t
    7. When in doubt you should always have your installation checked by Licensed Electrical Contractor. Even otherwise, a complete check-up is recommended periodically.\r\n
    8. \r\n \t\t
    9. Fuses of proper rating should be installed. This is extremely important for safety of the installation and the user.\r\n
    10. \r\n \t\t
    11. A triple-pole-linked switch protected with no-volt release and triple pole fuses (for overload purpose) shall control the motor circuit.\r\n
    12. \r\n \t\t
    13. The connected load of your installation should be in conformity with the details furnished in the application form and B&L form.\r\n
    14. \r\n \t\t
    15. Plug points should be of the 3 pin type and installations should be connected to the plug point should be with 3 core cables and 3 pin plug tops.\r\n
    16. \r\n \t\t
    17. AC motor should not be connected unless the motor and the installation have suitable devices to limit the starting current.\r\n
    18. \r\n \t\t
    19. You should Install MCB's in your household circuits under the guidance of a Licensed Contractors to protect your appliances as well as your family members from electrical overloading or short-circuit.\r\n
    20. \r\n \t\t
    21. Don't overload electrical outlets. If you must use an extension cord temporarily, match the amperage and wattage limits of the cord and appliance, and do not use damaged cords.\r\n
    22. \r\n \t\t
    23. Stay dry. Keep electric appliances, such as hair dryers, away from water. Never operate an appliance when wet.\r\n
    24. \r\n \t\t
    25. Keep household appliances in good working order. If something seems wrong with an appliance or tool, or if it gives even the slightest shock, disconnect it. Have it repaired or discard it.\r\n
    26. \r\n \t\t
    27. Never carry appliances by the cords, and remove cords from outlets by pulling on the plug head. Don't run cords under rugs or furniture; they could become damaged or overheated.\r\n
    28. \r\n \t\t
    29. Any plug-in appliance should always be unplugged when it is not being used. Many people are injured and home fires started by leaving appliances plugged-in when not in use.\r\n
    30. \r\n \t\t
    31. Recognize workplace hazards. Keep your tools, work area and storage space clean and dry. Check cords for wear and keep tools switched \"off\" before plugging or unplugging.\r\n
    32. \r\n \t\t
    33. Be prepared for power outages during storms. Keep flashlights and batteries where they can be found easily. Unplug your appliances during storms to prevent lightning damage, and don't forget lightning can come into your home through cable television and telephone lines as well. When power resumes, turn on only necessary items and do so one appliance at a time to avoid overloading the electric system.\r\n
    34. \r\n \t
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default SafetyIndoors;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst SafetyPrecautions = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n



    Why we are at risk\r\n


    Electricity travels by the path of least resistance to ground. Hence, elements, which are good conductors of electricity, are more at risk when in contact with a source of electricity. For instance Metals, water and human bodies are good conductors of electricity.\r\n


    The sheer water content of human bodies (approximately 70%) makes human beings particularly susceptible to passage of electricity. When electricity passes through our body, it puts enormous stress on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.\r\n


    Burns caused by electric 'shocks' may result in serious injury or death. Hence, electrical safety is something that should never be taken lightly. Therefore, to ensure your safety, this section brings you some safety tips.\r\n

    • Outdoors
    • \r\n
    • Indoors
    • \r\n
    • Precautions for Kids
    • \r\n
      \r\n \t\t
    1. Keep electrical equipment out of reach of children.\r\n
    2. \r\n \t\t
    3. Educate your children about electrical safety. Teach them never to put fingers or objects into outlets or appliances, and use outlet covers wherever necessary.\r\n
    4. \r\n \t\t
    5. Don't let your children climb trees near power lines. Let them play with kites and balloons only in open areas away from power lines. Even when your kids are flying kites far away from power lines, static electricity can build up enough on the kite and string to be dangerous. If kite string gets caught in power lines, ask them to leave it alone and not try to remove the string from the lines.\r\n
    6. \r\n \t\t
    7. Help them recognize \"Danger-High Voltage\" signs and identify electric utility equipment. Teach them to call for help in the event of an electrical emergency.\r\n
    8. \r\n \t
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default SafetyPrecautions;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport { useState } from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst NewServiceConnection = () => {\r\n const [openDomestic, setOpenDomestic] = useState(true);\r\n const [openNonDomestic, setOpenNonDomestic] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const open1 = () => {\r\n setOpenDomestic(true);\r\n setOpenNonDomestic(false);\r\n };\r\n const open2 = () => {\r\n setOpenNonDomestic(true);\r\n setOpenDomestic(false);\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    New Connection

    • \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n {openDomestic ? (\r\n <>\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Online Application\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n



    \r\n \r\n Click here to Apply\r\n \r\n

    {\" \"}\r\n \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {openNonDomestic ? (\r\n <>\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Online Application\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n



    \r\n \r\n Click here to Apply\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default NewServiceConnection;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\nimport ModalConnection from \"../components/ModalConnection\";\r\nimport ModalName from \"../components/ModalName\";\r\nimport ModalChange from \"../components/ModalChange\";\r\nimport ModalLoad from \"../components/ModalLoad\";\r\n\r\nconst NewServiceConnectionOnline = () => {\r\n const [openDomestic,setOpenDomestic] = useState(true);\r\n const [openNonDomestic,setOpenNonDomestic] = useState(false);\r\n const [openImage,setOpenImage] = useState(false);\r\n const [openPdf,setOpenPdf]=useState(false);\r\n const [openPdf1,setOpenPdf1]=useState(false);\r\n const [openPdf2,setOpenPdf2]=useState(false);\r\n\r\n const open1 = ()=>{\r\n setOpenDomestic(true)\r\n setOpenNonDomestic(false)\r\n }\r\n const open2 = ()=>{\r\n setOpenNonDomestic(true)\r\n setOpenDomestic(false)\r\n }\r\n\r\n const [openNewCon,setOpenNewCon] = useState(false);\r\n const [openNameMutation,setOpenNameMutation] = useState(false);\r\n const [openCategoryChange,setOpenCategoryChange] = useState(false);\r\n const [openPermanent,setOpenPermanent] = useState(false);\r\n const [openLoadReduction,setOpenLoadReduction] = useState(false);\r\n const [openName,setOpenName] = useState(false);\r\n const [openNotInUse,setOpenNotInUse] = useState(false);\r\n const [openShifting,setOpenShifting] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const selectedValue = (e)=>{\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST1\"){\r\n setOpenNewCon(true)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false)\r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenPdf(false)\r\n setOpenPdf1(false)\r\n setOpenPdf2(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST2\"){\r\n setOpenNameMutation(true) \r\n setOpenImage(false)\r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenPdf1(false)\r\n setOpenPdf2(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST3\"){\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(true)\r\n setOpenImage(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenPdf(false)\r\n setOpenPdf2(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST4\"){\r\n setOpenPermanent(true)\r\n setOpenImage(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPdf(false)\r\n setOpenPdf1(false)\r\n setOpenPdf2(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST5\"){\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(true)\r\n setOpenImage(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenPdf(false)\r\n setOpenPdf1(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST6\"){\r\n setOpenName(true)\r\n setOpenImage(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenPdf(false)\r\n setOpenPdf1(false)\r\n setOpenPdf2(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST7\"){\r\n setOpenNotInUse(true)\r\n setOpenImage(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenPdf(false)\r\n setOpenPdf1(false)\r\n setOpenPdf2(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST8\"){\r\n setOpenShifting(true)\r\n setOpenImage(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenPdf(false)\r\n setOpenPdf1(false)\r\n setOpenPdf2(false)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n const closeFunction = ()=>{\r\n setOpenImage(false)\r\n setOpenPdf(false)\r\n setOpenPdf1(false)\r\n setOpenPdf2(false)\r\n }\r\n\r\n \r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    New Connection

    • \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n {openDomestic ? (
      \r\n\t \t
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Online Application\r\n
    • \r\n


    Application Form(Domestic)

    \r\n \r\n\t \r\n
    \r\n {openNewCon ? (
    For filling up the online application form please
    setOpenImage(true)} style={{textDecoration:\"underline\",cursor:\"pointer\"}}>Click Here
    Click Here to download the application form
    ):null }\r\n {openImage ? (
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openNameMutation ? (
    For filling up the online application form please
    setOpenPdf(true)} style={{textDecoration:\"underline\",cursor:\"pointer\"}}>Click Here
    Click Here to download the application form\r\n
    ):null}\r\n {openPdf ? (
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openCategoryChange ? (
    For filling up the online application form please
    setOpenPdf1(!openPdf1)} style={{textDecoration:\"underline\",cursor:\"pointer\"}}>Click Here
    Click Here to download the application form
    ):null}\r\n {openPdf1 ? (
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openPermanent ? (Click Here to download the application form):null}\r\n\r\n {openLoadReduction ? (
    For filling up the online application form please
    setOpenPdf2(!openPdf2)} style={{textDecoration:\"underline\",cursor:\"pointer\"}}>Click Here

    Click Here to download the application form
    ):null}\r\n {openPdf2 ? (
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openName ? (Click here to download Application Form):null}\r\n\r\n {openNotInUse ? (Click here to download Application Form):null}\r\n {openShifting ? (Click here to download Application Form):null}\r\n
    ):null}\r\n \r\n {openNonDomestic ? (
      \r\n\t \t
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Online Application\r\n
    • \r\n


    Application Form(Non-Domestic)

    \r\n \r\n\t \r\n
    \r\n {openNewCon ? (
    For filling up the online application form please
    setOpenImage(true)} style={{textDecoration:\"underline\",cursor:\"pointer\"}}>Click Here
    Click Here to download the application form
    ):null }\r\n {openImage ? (
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openNameMutation ? (
    For filling up the online application form please
    setOpenPdf(true)} style={{textDecoration:\"underline\",cursor:\"pointer\"}}>Click Here
    Click Here to download the application form\r\n
    ):null}\r\n {openPdf ? (
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openCategoryChange ? (
    For filling up the online application form please
    setOpenPdf1(!openPdf1)} style={{textDecoration:\"underline\",cursor:\"pointer\"}}>Click Here
    Click Here to download the application form
    ):null}\r\n {openPdf1 ? (
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openPermanent ? (Click Here to download the application form):null}\r\n\r\n {openLoadReduction ? (
    For filling up the online application form please
    setOpenPdf2(!openPdf2)} style={{textDecoration:\"underline\",cursor:\"pointer\"}}>Click Here

    Click Here to download the application form
    ):null}\r\n {openPdf2 ? (
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openName ? (Click here to download Application Form):null}\r\n\r\n {openNotInUse ? (Click here to download Application Form):null}\r\n {openShifting ? (Click here to download Application Form):null}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default NewServiceConnectionOnline","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\nimport Table from \"../components/Table\";\r\n\r\nconst NewServiceConnectionCalculate = () => {\r\n const [openDomestic,setOpenDomestic] = useState(true)\r\n const [openNonDomestic,setOpenNonDomestic] = useState(false)\r\n\r\n const open1 = ()=>{\r\n setOpenDomestic(true);\r\n setOpenNonDomestic(false);\r\n }\r\n const open2 = ()=>{\r\n setOpenNonDomestic(true);\r\n setOpenDomestic(false);\r\n }\r\n \r\n const [table,setTable]=useState([])\r\n const clickHandler = ()=>{\r\n setTable([...table,\"d\"])\r\n }\r\n const removeHandler = ()=>{\r\n const q= table.length-1;\r\n let [first,...rest] = table;\r\n setTable(rest)\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \"\"/\r\n

    New Connection

    • \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n\r\n {openDomestic ? (
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Online Application\r\n
    • \r\n


    Calculate Your Energy Consumption and Load(Domestic)

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Appliances(Watts)No. of EquipmentLoad (Watts)Average HoursApproximate Units/Month
    \r\n {table.map(()=>
    )}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Total Load

    \r\n \r\n

    Total Consumption

    \r\n \r\n
    ):null}\r\n {openNonDomestic ? (
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Online Application\r\n
    • \r\n


    Calculate Your Energy Consumption and Load(Non-Domestic)

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Appliances(Watts)No. of EquipmentLoad (Watts)Average HoursApproximate Units/Month
    \r\n {table.map(()=>
    )}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Total Load

    \r\n \r\n

    Total Consumption

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default NewServiceConnectionCalculate\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst NewServiceConnectionDocument = () => {\r\n\r\n const [openDomestic,setOpenDomestic] = useState(true)\r\n const [openNonDomestic,setOpenNonDomestic] = useState(false)\r\n \r\n const open1 = ()=>{\r\n setOpenDomestic(true);\r\n setOpenNonDomestic(false);\r\n }\r\n const open2 = ()=>{\r\n setOpenNonDomestic(true);\r\n setOpenDomestic(false);\r\n }\r\n\r\n const [openNewCon,setOpenNewCon] = useState(false);\r\n const [openNameMutation,setOpenNameMutation] = useState(false);\r\n const [openCategoryChange,setOpenCategoryChange] = useState(false);\r\n const [openPermanent,setOpenPermanent] = useState(false);\r\n const [openLoadReduction,setOpenLoadReduction] = useState(false);\r\n const [openName,setOpenName] = useState(false);\r\n const [openNotInUse,setOpenNotInUse] = useState(false);\r\n const [openShifting,setOpenShifting] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const selectedValue = (e)=>{\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST1\"){\r\n setOpenNewCon(true)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false)\r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST2\"){\r\n setOpenNameMutation(true) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST3\"){\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(true)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST4\"){\r\n setOpenPermanent(true)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST5\"){\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(true)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST6\"){\r\n setOpenName(true)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST7\"){\r\n setOpenNotInUse(true)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST8\"){\r\n setOpenShifting(true)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    New Connection

    • \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n {openDomestic ? (
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Online Application\r\n
    • \r\n


    Document Checklist(Domestic)

    \r\n \r\n\t \r\n
    \r\n \r\n {openNewCon ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\r\n
    ):null}\r\n \r\n {openNameMutation ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\r\n
    ): null}\r\n \r\n {openCategoryChange ? (\r\n
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    \r\n ): null}\r\n\r\n {openPermanent ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n {openLoadReduction ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openName ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openNotInUse ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n {openShifting ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n
    ):null}\r\n {openNonDomestic ? (
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Online Application\r\n
    • \r\n


    Document Checklist(Non-Domestic)

    \r\n \r\n\t \r\n
    \r\n \r\n {openNewCon ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\r\n
    ):null}\r\n \r\n {openNameMutation ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\r\n
    ): null}\r\n \r\n {openCategoryChange ? (\r\n
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    \r\n ): null}\r\n\r\n {openPermanent ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n {openLoadReduction ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openName ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openNotInUse ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n {openShifting ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n
    ):null}\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default NewServiceConnectionDocument","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport { useState } from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst NewServiceConnectionSample = () => {\r\n const [openDomestic, setOpenDomestic] = useState(true);\r\n const [openNonDomestic, setOpenNonDomestic] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const open1 = () => {\r\n setOpenDomestic(true);\r\n setOpenNonDomestic(false);\r\n };\r\n const open2 = () => {\r\n setOpenNonDomestic(true);\r\n setOpenDomestic(false);\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    New Connection

    • \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n\r\n {openDomestic ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Online Application\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    Sample Document(Domestic)

    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Safety Challan Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n GST Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Co-Owner NOC Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Dada Lai Property Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n MSME Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n B & L Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Personal Bond\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Declaration REGARDING Non Registration on GST\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Applied For Receipt Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Owner Consent LETTER Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Indemnity Bond Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Khasra Khatoni Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Pollution Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Possession Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Rular Sale Deed Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC Registry Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC transfer Letter Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n TM Letter GNIDA Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {openNonDomestic ? (\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Online Application\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    Sample Document(Non-Domestic)

    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Safety Challan Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n GST Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Co-Owner NOC Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Dada Lai Property Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n MSME Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n B & L Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Personal Bond\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Declaration REGARDING Non Registration on GST\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Applied For Receipt Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Owner Consent LETTER Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Indemnity Bond Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Khasra Khatoni Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Pollution Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Possession Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Rular Sale Deed Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC Registry Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC transfer Letter Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n TM Letter GNIDA Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default NewServiceConnectionSample;\r\n","import React, { useState } from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Table from \"../components/Table\";\r\n\r\nconst LoadReductionAugmentationSample = () => {\r\n const [loadReduction, setLoadReduction] = useState(true);\r\n const [augmentation, setAugmentation] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const openLoad = () => {\r\n setLoadReduction(true);\r\n setAugmentation(false);\r\n };\r\n const openAug = () => {\r\n setLoadReduction(false);\r\n setAugmentation(true);\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n {loadReduction ? \"Load Reduction\" : \"load Augmentation\"}\r\n

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Apply Online\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Load Reduction\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Load Augmentation\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n {loadReduction ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Application Status\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Sample Document\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Safety Challan Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n GST Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Co-Owner NOC Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Dada Lai Property Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n MSME Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n B & L Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Personal Bond\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Declaration REGARDING Non Registration\r\n on GST\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Applied For\r\n Receipt Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Owner Consent LETTER Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Indemnity Bond Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Khasra Khatoni Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Pollution Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Possession Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Rular Sale Deed Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC Registry Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC transfer Letter Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n TM Letter GNIDA Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {augmentation ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Application Status\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Sample Document\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Safety Challan Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n GST Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Co-Owner NOC Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Dada Lai Property Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n MSME Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n B & L Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Personal Bond\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Declaration REGARDING Non Registration\r\n on GST\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Applied For\r\n Receipt Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Owner Consent LETTER Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Indemnity Bond Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Khasra Khatoni Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Pollution Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Possession Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Rular Sale Deed Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC Registry Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC transfer Letter Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n TM Letter GNIDA Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default LoadReductionAugmentationSample;\r\n","import React, { useState } from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst LoadReductionAugmentationFaq = () => {\r\n const [showMeter, setShowMeter] = useState(false);\r\n const [showPayment, setShowPayment] = useState(false);\r\n const [showBill, setShowBill] = useState(false);\r\n const [showTheft, setShowTheft] = useState(false);\r\n const [showDisconnection, setShowDisconnection] = useState(false);\r\n const [showReconnection, setShowReconnection] = useState(false);\r\n const [showWebSite, setShowWebSite] = useState(false);\r\n const [showComplaint, setShowComplaint] = useState(false);\r\n const [showSupply, setShowSupply] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const [loadReduction, setLoadReduction] = useState(true);\r\n const [augmentation, setAugmentation] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const openLoad = () => {\r\n setLoadReduction(true);\r\n setAugmentation(false);\r\n };\r\n const openAug = () => {\r\n setLoadReduction(false);\r\n setAugmentation(true);\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n {loadReduction ? \"Load Reduction\" : \"load Augmentation\"}\r\n

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Apply Online\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Load Reduction\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Load Augmentation\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n {loadReduction ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Application Status\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n FAQs{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n setShowMeter(!showMeter)}\r\n style={{ cursor: \"pointer\" }}\r\n >\r\n Meter Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n {showMeter ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be done in case\r\n there is no supply in the meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n In case the nearby are is under\r\n Supply Outage, you may wait until\r\n the supply is restored. If there is\r\n no power even after the supply is\r\n restored Consumer may contact at our\r\n 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 You\r\n may reach out us through WhatsApp\r\n no. 0120-6226666 (NoPower Consumer\r\n No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What to do in case of meter is\r\n running fast/ excess billing?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Domestic Consumer: May please\r\n check the internal wiring by any\r\n private electrician. If no such\r\n issue persist may kindly contact\r\n 24X7 Call Centre No. 0120-6226666 or\r\n visit Customer Care Office at KP-I\r\n to register request for Meter\r\n Testing. Demand note for meter\r\n testing fees will be generated as\r\n per UPERC guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n Industrial & Institutional Consumers\r\n : May please check the Power Factor\r\n & Neutral disturbance issue to avoid\r\n any demand shoot-up in billing. if\r\n persist may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n You may reach out us through\r\n WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666\r\n (BillDispute Consumer No.) or Send\r\n SMS at 7840002288 ( #BILLDISPUTE\r\n Consumer No.) or else you may also\r\n visit our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to analysis correct meter\r\n consumption/ abnormal consumption?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In a normal house hold having 1\r\n or 2 A/C’s along with Geyser, Fridge\r\n etc., the average units consumed may\r\n be between 500 to 1000 Units per\r\n month depending upon actual use. If\r\n consumer feel that the consumption\r\n is more as compared to the usage and\r\n load, we request consumers to please\r\n get their wiring checked by\r\n competent electrician with respect\r\n to below mentioned points:\r\n

    • \r\n To check any Earth Leakage in the\r\n internal wiring or not.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of multiple connections in\r\n the building, whether your\r\n internal wiring has a separate\r\n neutral wire and should not be\r\n mixed with other connections.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Check if someone else is also\r\n using supply from your meter or\r\n not.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n However, it is to inform that, NPCL\r\n will not be responsible for higher\r\n consumptions due to any of the above\r\n reasons but taking action by\r\n consumer will reduce the\r\n consumption. After having checked\r\n all the above, If consumption is\r\n still not reduced as per consumer’s\r\n expectation, then he is having an\r\n option to get the meter tested by\r\n contacting our helpline\r\n number+91-120-2333555 Apply online\r\n for meter testing or visit Customer\r\n Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday. and get\r\n the offline requests generated for\r\n meter checking . Meter Testing fees\r\n will be generated & added in\r\n subsequent bill as per UPERC\r\n guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various reasons of\r\n meter change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. A Distribution Licensee may\r\n change the meter from time to time\r\n for any of the following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the\r\n timelines/Resolutions for Meter\r\n Testing, Fast, Slow, Burnt,\r\n Damaged, Stop, Faulty, Shifting?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged:\r\n 14 working days for meter\r\n replacement.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working\r\n days after estimate payment for\r\n testing & another 14 working days\r\n for replacement if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days\r\n for replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Shifting: 7 Working\r\n Days as per site conditions\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges for Meter\r\n testing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as\r\n follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter\r\n testing fee shall also be charged as\r\n per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid\r\n connection to prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection\r\n to prepaid connection, consumer can\r\n visit our Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4,\r\n Greater Noida . Consumer has to\r\n apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit\r\n charges for conversion from\r\n post-paid to pre-paid or for new\r\n connection installation in\r\n Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter charges to paid as per\r\n UPERC cost data book enforce\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the meaning of\r\n downloading of parameter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Various parameters measured and\r\n recorded by the meter are finally\r\n downloaded for billing/ monitoring\r\n purpose. The downloading of\r\n parameter means transferring the\r\n recorded data from meter to the\r\n records of the company. Downloading\r\n can be automatic (AMR) or using a\r\n gadget. However we can capture data\r\n / parameter by reading the display\r\n recording on a notebook.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Who can apply for Prepaid\r\n Meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers pertatining to below\r\n mentioned categories can apply for\r\n prepaid meter:\r\n

    • LMV-1
    • \r\n
    • LMV-2
    • \r\n
    • LMV-5
    • \r\n
    • LMV-9
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to recharge prepaid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Prepaid meter recharge coupon\r\n are available at cash collection\r\n centre and can be paid via\r\n cash/DD/Credit or debit card from\r\n our customer care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.. Recharge can be done\r\n online via NPCL’s website or PAYTM.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How does the alarm work in\r\n Pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If your credit gets below\r\n Rs.100/-, you will have an alarm for\r\n 30 seconds. Press any button to turn\r\n it off. The alarm will be repeated\r\n every half an hour until recharged.\r\n It is advised that once meter\r\n reached its minimum limit recharge\r\n immediately to avoid disconnection.\r\n You can also set minimum limit as\r\n per your convenience.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact in case of\r\n misplacing of Recharge Coupon?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Simply visit the NPCL Cash\r\n Collection Center for re-issuing of\r\n recharge coupon which will be done\r\n free of cost. Consumer have to\r\n mention BP no./ Meter no. to get the\r\n recharge coupon. May please note-\r\n the coupon is specific to your meter\r\n hence cannot be used elsewhere.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid\r\n connection into prepaid\r\n connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection\r\n to prepaid connection, consumer can\r\n visit our Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4,\r\n Greater Noida . Consumer has to\r\n apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit\r\n charges for conversion from\r\n post-paid to pre-paid or for new\r\n connection installation in\r\n Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the documents required\r\n if meter get stolen?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You have to submit an\r\n application, original FIR, ID proof\r\n of registered consumer at our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Note: Meter charges are applicable\r\n as per UPERC cost data book.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the New Meter cost in\r\n Meter stolen cases?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the consumer process the\r\n application for re-installation of\r\n meter in case of Meter Stolen,\r\n applicable meter charges to paid as\r\n per UPERC cost data book enforce.\r\n


    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the new\r\n meter cost shall also be charged as\r\n per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if meter is not\r\n at the premises?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please contact our Call at our\r\n 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or\r\n you may visit Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why my meter screen is blank.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is\r\n On in the area and your supply is\r\n not coming, if Yes, you may kindly\r\n contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 to register complaint\r\n for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n or send SMS at 7840002288 ( #NOPOWER\r\n Consumer No.) or visit atCustomer\r\n Care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.. In case\r\n supply is ON but no display on\r\n meter, register complaint for meter\r\n display problem on above given\r\n numbers. Our Team will visit to do\r\n the needful within 7 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If my meter box has a husky\r\n display, what should I do ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Is your meter box is having\r\n husky display.Kindly contact 24X7\r\n Call Centre No. 0120-6226666 or\r\n visit at our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday. and register complaint\r\n for meter display problem. Our Team\r\n will visit to do the needful within\r\n 7 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Where to report incase of No\r\n Display in the meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may contact at our\r\n 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or\r\n visit at our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday and register complaint for\r\n meter display problem. Our Team will\r\n visit to do the needful within 7\r\n working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges of meter\r\n testing and why is it mandatory to\r\n pay ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as\r\n follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter\r\n testing fee shall also be charged as\r\n per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the different options\r\n available for Meter Testing?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Online from our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer\r\n consumer services tab wherein\r\n \"Online Meter Testing\" option is\r\n available.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may also visit Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I know the status of\r\n Meter Testing Request ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may visit our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer\r\n consumer services tab wherein\r\n \"Online Meter Testing\" option is\r\n available : You may also download\r\n our Mobile application and apply for\r\n meter testing or else it can be\r\n placed by calling to our 24X7\r\n helpline numbers on or 0120-6226666\r\n You may also visit Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. On what basis the meter testing\r\n fee is imposed?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter testing fees is charged\r\n on \"type of meter\" and it is\r\n applicable as per UPERC Tariff\r\n Order.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Would you refund the testing\r\n fee if meter found ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no provision for\r\n refund of testing fees.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive testing report\r\n on meter testing? What is the\r\n procedure of complaining if I\r\n don’t receive one?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Everytime when we will test\r\n meter a test reprt is issued to our\r\n consumer. In case you have not\r\n received it, you may write us at\r\n CRM@noidapower.com. You may also\r\n visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Which parameter define that\r\n meter is faulty or meter testing\r\n is Ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Kindly note that meter testing\r\n is done on many factors such as\r\n meter accuracy results , display\r\n parameters & downloaded data\r\n analysis on which testing engineer\r\n will confirm whether meter is faulty\r\n or meter is working normal.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meters are changed without\r\n any complaint?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case of technology\r\n upgradation or periodic replacement\r\n from Old to New Generation meter as\r\n per the Guideline of Hon’ble\r\n Regulatory Commission.\r\n


    \r\n A Distribution Licensee may change\r\n the meter from time to time for any\r\n of the following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How much time will you take to\r\n replace the faulty meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged:\r\n 14 working days for meter\r\n replacement\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working\r\n days after estimate payment for\r\n testing & another 14 working days\r\n for replacement if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days\r\n for replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if there is No\r\n power after successful recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n For Secure Prepaid meters\r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance\r\n office it may be your main MCB\r\n be off which is located in\r\n Electric shaft in societies/\r\n check your MCB status\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care\r\n office at KP-1 or Techzone-4\r\n :During 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M\r\n (Mon-Fri) to know more about\r\n the same. Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n
      • \r\n Check balance / supply status\r\n in mobile aap.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance\r\n office.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care\r\n office at KP-1 or Techzone-4 :\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care\r\n office at KP-1 or Techzone-4\r\n :During 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M\r\n (Mon-Fri) to know more about\r\n the same. Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive a bill for\r\n Pre-paid meter\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number\r\n post bill generation. It can also be\r\n downloaded from our website via\r\n Quick E-bill Download : or follow\r\n direct link: No payment is required\r\n to be made against the bill. Ensure\r\n sufficient balance in prepaid meter\r\n through timely recharge in order to\r\n avail uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if the meter\r\n doesn’t show the credit amount\r\n after recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please refer our prepaid meter\r\n manual available at our website and\r\n refer page no. 6 & 7 Or In case,\r\n payment is been done but credit\r\n still pending, you may contact at\r\n our helpline no. +91-0120 6226666 or\r\n else if issue still persist, please\r\n visit our customer care office, KP-1\r\n or Techzone-4 in person :During\r\n 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to\r\n know more about the same. Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meter is beeping when it is\r\n already recharge?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n There is a provision in meter to\r\n set recharge limit if balance will\r\n go down from this limit then only\r\n meter will start beeping at low\r\n balance . This feature is\r\n configurable ,consumer itself can\r\n set this limit as per their\r\n consumption pattern.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Freedom Bluetooth unit may be\r\n faulty ( if Showing Con. Fault in\r\n display ).\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What options are available for\r\n pre-paid meter recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, (there are many options to\r\n pay amount in paytm ex- Through\r\n UPl, Debit Card,credit Card and\r\n Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer can get token from NPCL\r\n Customer Care Office, KP-1,\r\n Greater Noida\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters( AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, Bill Desk (there are many\r\n options to pay amount in paytm ex-\r\n Through UPl, Debit Card,credit\r\n Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Multipoint App., NPCL web\r\n site\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is “CON FAULT”, what is to\r\n be done to get it corrected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. CON FAULT” means connection\r\n faulty, meter will be displaying\r\n digit 17 when your connection from\r\n meter to display unit is not proper.\r\n Kindly register you’re compliant on\r\n our call center contact no. -\r\n 0120-6226666/.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can supply gets disconnected if\r\n meter is not recharged or do I get\r\n any reminder?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Reminder beep will come in minimun\r\n available balance. Supply will be\r\n disconnected in negative balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Go to NPCL Multipoint App by\r\n turning on low money\r\n notifications, consumer can get a\r\n reminder.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to check the balance?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Automatically showing\r\n Balance & other details in Meter\r\n display.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumers may check their account\r\n balance by pressing # button in\r\n key pad of meter display unit &\r\n for single phase meters - Press\r\n key \"1\" single time to check\r\n balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Login in NPCL Multipoint App/ web\r\n and check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be the minimum\r\n balance to maintain pre-paid\r\n meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can change minimum\r\n balance in meter acocording to\r\n consumption and requirement.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If meter is showing different\r\n date from actual does it mean that\r\n it is faulty ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is a matter of meter testing\r\n & inspection then only we will\r\n confirm the same. Based on the\r\n testing report our team shall\r\n analyse the data.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact when there is\r\n no display in the meter but supply\r\n is connected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is\r\n On in the area and your supply is\r\n not coming, if Yes, you may kindly\r\n contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 to register complaint\r\n for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n or send SMS at 7840002288 ( #NOPOWER\r\n Consumer No.)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Red light in meter indicates\r\n what?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. it’s a calibration LED in meter\r\n which indicates pulse / revolution\r\n of meter , if Red light is blinking\r\n in meters it means meter is running\r\n on load.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I change my meter from\r\n post-paid to pre-paid and what\r\n documentation is required?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection\r\n to prepaid connection, consumer can\r\n visit our Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4,\r\n Greater Noida . Consumer has to\r\n apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I see my consumption\r\n pattern in pre-paid meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n By pressing Key\"2\" consumer can\r\n check consumptions of today,\r\n previous day, previous Week and\r\n current month)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n By Pressing key\"7\" consumer can\r\n check monthly consumptions of\r\n present calendar Year)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters ( Aew\r\n Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint App and\r\n consumer can see daily\r\n consumption( Current month) and\r\n Monthly consumptions( Present\r\n Calendar Year) by selecting\r\n \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint Web, conumer\r\n can download and see consumptions\r\n by selecting \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShowPayment(!showPayment)}\r\n >\r\n Payment Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n {showPayment ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the different modes of\r\n payments available?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Modes of payments are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n A. Digital Payment through:-\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Credit & Debit cards to Village\r\n Contact Persons and at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4*.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Non-Digital Payment Modes are as\r\n follows:-\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Cash / Cheque / DD at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4* or to\r\n Village Contact Persons.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque/DD at NPCL’s Cheque Drop Boxes.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cash at nearby BBPS authorised retail\r\n outlets For further details please\r\n visit NPCL’s website.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n *You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where can I make cash payment?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n In case of Rural Consumers -\r\n Authorised Village Contact Persons\r\n (VCPs) or cash collection centre,\r\n Tugalpur, Knowledge Park-1 or\r\n Techzone-4, Greater Noida between\r\n 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to\r\n Saturday (Except 2nd & 4th Saturdays\r\n and Gazetted Holidays) (On 1st, 3rd &\r\n 5th Saturdays counter will be open\r\n from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM).\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of Urban / Industrial /\r\n Institutional Consumers - Cash\r\n Collection Centre.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Any consumer - Nearby BBPS Authorised\r\n Retail Outlets. There are more than\r\n 1500 authorised BBPS retails outlets\r\n in and around Greater Noida area.\r\n Consumers may locate nearest BBPS\r\n Authorised Retails Outlets on NPCL\r\n website through web-link “Find Nearest\r\n Bharat Bill Pay Outlet”.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the upper limit for Cash\r\n Payment.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per section 6.10 of Electricity\r\n Supply code 2005, you can make cash\r\n payment up to Rs.20,000/- only. In case\r\n your bill is more than the above\r\n mentioned value, remaining payment shall\r\n be made via any mode other than cash.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to make online payment of Bills?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Online Payment of Bills can be made\r\n through below mentioned modes :\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Do I need to pay extra charges if I\r\n wish to pay Online through NPCL\r\n website/Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL do not levy any extra charge\r\n for online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway , Wallets and Other service\r\n providers may levy service charges\r\n along-with applicable taxes for\r\n transactions above Rs. 4,000/-. In case\r\n the transaction is made through Paytm\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied\r\n at following rate:\r\n


    \r\n ** For credit/debit card transactions,\r\n 1.10% of the transaction amount being\r\n paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Net banking transactions,\r\n Rs.4/-per transaction\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Bill desk Gateway service charges would\r\n be levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n * For credit/debit card transactions,\r\n 1% of the transaction amount being\r\n paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * For Net banking transactions,\r\n Rs.3/-per transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Is it safe to give my bank details\r\n on NPCL website ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security\r\n standards to ensure that the data\r\n entered by consumers remains\r\n confidential and not stored anywhere on\r\n NPCL Server.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How can I make Cheque Payments\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can drop cheque at\r\n following Cheque Collection Centres of\r\n NPCL along with latest bill stub (Lower\r\n portion of bill). The cheques should be\r\n in favour of \"\"Noida Power Company\r\n Limited\"\". Write down the cheque with\r\n credentials like your Name, Consumer\r\n Number and mobile number at the back of\r\n cheque.\r\n

    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre (Sector\r\n KP-1)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre\r\n (Techzone-IV)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station atAlpha-1, Opp Ryan\r\n International School\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station, Sector Omega-I,\r\n Builders Area, Near AWHO Apartments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station at Surajpur, Near\r\n Surajpur Police Station\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bar Association Office, Surajpur\r\n District Court\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I make payment through Post\r\n dated cheques ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post-dated and outstation cheques\r\n are not accepted at NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges applicable on\r\n cheque bounce?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque gets bounced due\r\n to insufficient funds or exceed\r\n arrangement, you will not be able to\r\n make payment through cheque in that\r\n Financial Year. Charges applicable are\r\n mentioned below:\r\n

    • \r\n Cheque amount of less than Rs. 5000 :\r\n Rs.250\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 5000 & up to\r\n Rs. 10000 : Rs. 500\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 10000 & up to\r\n Rs. 1 Lac : Rs. 1000\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount of Rs. 1 Lac and above :\r\n Rs. 5000\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue another cheque, if my\r\n cheque bounces?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque got bounced due\r\n to insufficient funds or exceed\r\n arrangements, the consumer will not be\r\n able to make payment through cheque in\r\n that Financial Year.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue cheque, if my supply is\r\n Disconnected ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, consumer can pay their bill\r\n amount through cheque (Considering no\r\n cheque bounce history).\r\n


    \r\n Payment can be done for outstanding bill\r\n and reconnection charges as below:-\r\n

    • \r\n Bill payment via cheque and\r\n reconnection charge via cash and vice\r\n versa Bill payment and reconnection\r\n charge together via cash.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bill payment and reconnection charge\r\n together via cheque . Please note, if\r\n in case the same get dishonoured, the\r\n supply will be disconnected and the\r\n Reconnection amount has to be paid\r\n again.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.When will my online payment be\r\n updated in my account?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. All payments made through other\r\n that RTGS / NEFT mode are updated on\r\n Real-time basis in consumers account\r\n except during system\r\n shutdown/maintenance when it may take up\r\n to 2 to 3 working days.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I approach to register my\r\n payment related complaint?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Complaints can be registered at:\r\n

    • NPCL Website.
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Mobile App.
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Our 24X7 Call centre at 0120-6226666 /\r\n 2333555.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the GST % will be charged\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. GST will be levied as per GST\r\n regulations and rates applicable to\r\n various services provided by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.For which services I have to pay GST\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per GST Circular No.\r\n 34/08/2018-GST dated 01st March 2018,\r\n GST is applicable on all the services\r\n provided by the NPCL except energy\r\n charges.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShowBill(!showBill)}\r\n >\r\n Billing Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n {showBill ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How are bills prepared if the meter is\r\n not read?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If the actual meter reading is not\r\n acquired due to any reason; provisional bill\r\n will be raised which is subjected to\r\n adjustment upon receipt of actual meter\r\n reading in the subsequent months.\r\n Provisional bills are raised on average\r\n consumption of last 3 months.\r\n Inaccessibility to premises for 3 months or\r\n more could lead to disconnection of supply\r\n as per Electricity ̀ Supply Code 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the normal reading span for\r\n monthly Meter Reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter reading is normally taken between\r\n a period of 28 to 32 days from the last\r\n meter reading date. The same is intimated to\r\n you through SMS if your mobile number is\r\n registered with us. Fixed Charges and slabs\r\n for Energy charges are calculated\r\n proportionally for the billing period.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to calculate / understand\r\n electricity bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Please refer back side of\r\n electricity bill and check for applicable\r\n Tariff and Bill Calculation. Additionally,\r\n you can reach out to us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the meter reading system?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading of three phase meters is taken\r\n remotely through AMR or LPR facility. For\r\n Single Phase meters, meter readers go\r\n door-to-door and record readings in Hand\r\n Held Devices (HHD) / Meter Reading Terminals\r\n (MRT). Reading information can also be\r\n conveyed through SMS/Email registered with\r\n us.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why is my meter not read regularly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Any one of the following can be the\r\n reasons:\r\n

    • \r\n Your premises are vacant / locked for long\r\n period of time or constantly during\r\n daytime resulting in inaccessibility of\r\n meter to the reader. Code 2005.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Discrepancy in address in our database\r\n with the actual address may result in\r\n meter reader missing out your premises.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n If you observe such shortcomings in the\r\n address (as printed in bill), please bring\r\n the same to the notice of CR(Front Desk) at\r\n NPCL Customer Care Office immediately for\r\n corrections.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to approach when meter is not read\r\n ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If consumer premises is found locked,\r\n meter reader will stick a \"\"miss you\"\"\r\n sticker intimating about the failed reading\r\n attempt alongwith a contact number to\r\n coordinate the day & time of reading. Or you\r\n may:\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading\r\n Consumer Number\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING\r\n Consumer Number (Only which is showing in\r\n KWH)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why fixed charges are not constant?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Fixed Charges defined by Monthly Tariff\r\n applies to a period of 30 days. When billing\r\n period is not 30 days, applicable fixed\r\n charges are calculated on prorata basis.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Penal Demand Charges\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Use of load beyond the sanctioned load\r\n is a cognisable offence. Penal demand charges\r\n are levied in excess to fixed charges based\r\n on demand usage over and above the\r\n sanctioned load. It is thus advised to\r\n enhance your contracted load to avoid penal\r\n demand charges.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to calculate slab ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Slab based energy rates defined by\r\n Tariff is applicable for 30 days per month\r\n and is prorated on simple unitary method\r\n based on number of billing days i.e.\r\n difference between current reading date and\r\n previous reading date (both dates inclusive)\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Makeup Charges?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. : As per approved Tariff, consumers\r\n who are part of LMV-2 (Commercial Supply)\r\n and LMV-9 (Temporary Supply) are subjected\r\n to load based minimum charges. If the sum of\r\n Fixed Charges (for LMV-2 only) and Energy\r\n Charges is less than applicable monthly\r\n minimum charge then differential amount is\r\n levied as Make Up Charges. Makeup charge =\r\n minimum charge - (fixed charges + energy\r\n charge).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Wrong reading mentioned on my bill. How\r\n to get it rectified?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Request for wrong reading can be\r\n registered through following touchpoints\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Email your concern at crm@noidapower.com.\r\n Do attach meter reading photograph for\r\n convenience.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING\r\n Consumer Number Reading (Only which is\r\n showing in KWH)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What to do if I am not satisfied with\r\n the meter reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are not satisfied with your\r\n bill, you may\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #SELFREADING\r\n Consumer Number Reading (Only which is\r\n showing in KWH)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third party\r\n vendor every month. You are requested to\r\n subscribe for e-bill for on-time and assured\r\n delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n In case you need duplicate bill copy, may\r\n please click on below link given on our\r\n website : You may reach out us through\r\n WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666 (DupBill Consumer\r\n No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 ( #DUPBILL\r\n Consumer No.)\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you need duplicate bill copy,\r\n may please click on below link given on our\r\n website : You may also login to our website\r\n or Mobile www.noidapower.com App using your\r\n credentials (Username & Password) for\r\n downloading / viewing last 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need help in\r\n Sign In” tab under My Account tab.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed and\r\n Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed Payment\r\n Surcharge which is applicable due to\r\n non-payment of bills upto due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall be\r\n levied at 1.25% on the dues per month up-to\r\n first three months of delay. Post three\r\n months, DPS will be charged at 2.00% per\r\n month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity\r\n connection can be disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to lodge complaint through SMS?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can raise your complaint & avail\r\n other important information by sending SMS\r\n on 7840002288 from your registered mobile\r\n number. To see list of short codes with\r\n mandatory details, click on\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Is there any rebate if I pay bills\r\n online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, there is no additional rebate\r\n provided for online payments. However, a\r\n rebate of 1% against sum of Demand Charges &\r\n Energy Charges is provided upon payment\r\n within due date.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Q.Why there are different colour bills? It\r\n denotes what ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Multi colour bills are designed to\r\n reflect upon varied consumer behaviour\r\n towards payment of dues and usage of\r\n electricity.\r\n

    • \r\n Blue Bill denotes timely bill payments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Green Bill denotes payment through digital\r\n mode and/or Solar Net Metering Consumer\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Orange Bill denotes delayed payment and/or\r\n arrears in current bill\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Red bill cautions consumer to abstain from\r\n unauthorized use of electricity based on\r\n site reporting.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How much interest paid on Security\r\n Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Interest is credited to consumers\r\n against existing security deposit on annual\r\n basis as per the bank rate prescribed by the\r\n RBI.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What would be the disconnection date\r\n once arrear is paid from the current month\r\n bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is advised to clear entire dues in\r\n event of arrears amount in current bill.\r\n However, if payment is made only against\r\n arrears, then disconnection date against\r\n current dues is 15 days from the due date as\r\n mentioned on the electricity bill.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can submit self meter reading ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The facility of self submission of\r\n meter reading is available for single phase\r\n consumers. Reading can be submitted through\r\n SMS, Website or App in the dedicated slot\r\n provided every month.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid\r\n meter? Do I need to make payment against\r\n bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number post bill\r\n generation. It can also be downloaded from\r\n our website via Quick E-bill Download or\r\n follow direct link:\r\n


    \r\n No payment is required to be made against\r\n the bill. Ensure sufficient balance in\r\n prepaid meter through timely recharge in\r\n order to avail uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How & when self reading can be provided\r\n by consumer?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading submission slot is 1st to 10th\r\n day of every month. You can easily reach out\r\n to us by sending SMS at 7840002288\r\n (#SELFREADING Consumer No. Reading) or\r\n WHATSAPP us at 0120-6226666 (SelfReading\r\n Consumer No. Reading). The service is also\r\n available on our website & app.\r\n


    \r\n * Please note that reading should be in KWH\r\n parameter\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is power factor?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Power factor for the month is\r\n determined as the ratio of KWH (Active Power\r\n Consumption) to KVAH(Apparent power\r\n consumption).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the minimum Power Factor to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per the regulations of U.P.\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005 minimum power\r\n factor to be maintained is 0.75. If recorded\r\n power factor is less than 0.75,suitable\r\n action as per the provisions shall be\r\n initiated by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What can be the reason which may cause\r\n dip in Power Factor? How it is to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Majority of three phase connections\r\n constitutes of inductive load which draws\r\n non working / reactive power thereby\r\n increasing the KVAH(Apparent power\r\n consumption). Use of capacitor banks is\r\n helpful in offsetting this non working power\r\n requirement, but it should be regulated\r\n according to variance in load requirement by\r\n installing Automated Power Factor\r\n Controller(APFC). Regular check up and\r\n maintenance is also advised.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why it is important to maintain Power\r\n Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers above 10 KW are billed on\r\n KVAH basis as per the applicable tariff\r\n provisions. Dip in power factor(P.F.) cause\r\n increase in KVAH consumption which in turn\r\n results in higher energy charges for the\r\n consumer. Also, it reduces the effective\r\n distribution network capacity of NPCL which\r\n can lead to power outage in the area.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the consequences if power\r\n factor controller is not working properly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Failure of power factor controller i.e.\r\n APFC/Capacitor banks will lead to\r\n inadequate/over compensation of reactive\r\n power requirement. In both scenarios, KVAH\r\n consumption will suddenly increase leading\r\n to higher energy charges being billed.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can NPCL help in improving Power Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, it is consumer's responsibility to\r\n maintain their power factor from time to\r\n time\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third party\r\n vendor every month. You are requested to\r\n subscribe for e-bill for on-time and assured\r\n delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. \"You are required to login on our\r\n website or Mobile www.noidapower.com App\r\n using your credentials (Username & Password)\r\n for downloading / viewing last 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need help in\r\n Sign In” tab under My Account tab\".\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed and\r\n Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed Payment\r\n Surcharge which is applicable due to\r\n non-payment of bills upto due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall be\r\n levied at 1.25% on the dues per month up-to\r\n first three months of delay. Post three\r\n months, DPS will be charged at 2.00% per\r\n month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity\r\n connection can be disconnected.\r\n


    Q. DPS waiver.?


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same.\r\n


    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShowTheft(!showTheft)}\r\n style={{ cursor: \"pointer\" }}\r\n >\r\n Theft Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {showTheft ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Where I can contact in case of Direct\r\n theft booked on my consumer number.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit to Our Office at KP-II\r\n from 10:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) for any\r\n detailed information about theft booked or\r\n may contact our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666 or WhatsApp on 0120-6226666, write\r\n Theft (to report electricity theft) may\r\n please click on given link to register\r\n online complaint.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to report Direct Theft\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can call and complain against theft\r\n of electricity / tampering of meter through\r\n following avenues:\r\n

    • Helpline Number : 9891222240
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mobile App
    • \r\n
    • CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666
    • \r\n

    \r\n Your identity shall remain confidential and\r\n action will be taken at the earliest.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is meant by “Direct Theft”?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Section 135(1) of Electricity Act, 2003\r\n as amended by Electricity (amendment) Act ,\r\n 2007, Theft of electricity is defined as,\r\n whoever dishonestly,\r\n

    • \r\n a) Taps Electricity line:\r\n
      • - overhead
      • \r\n
      • - underground
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n b) Tampers meter:\r\n
      • - usage of tampered meter
      • \r\n
      • - current reversing transformer
      • \r\n
      • - loop connection
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - other device interferes with\r\n accurate/proper registration. c) Other\r\n device/method result in a manner\r\n whereby:\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - electricity is stolen
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - damages/destroys an electric meter/\r\n apparatus/equipment/wire/ cause\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n c) Uses electricity through a tampered\r\n meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n d) Uses electricity for purposes other\r\n than that which was authorized.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n setShowDisconnection(!showDisconnection)\r\n }\r\n >\r\n Disconnection Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {showDisconnection ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for permanent\r\n disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you want your connection to be\r\n permanently disconnected, you have to submit\r\n the ID proof, last paid bill with our\r\n written application form at Customer Care\r\n Office at KP-I or Techzone-4*. 2 Years Lock-in\r\n Period is applicable for all consumers\r\n except LMV-9 (Temporary Connection) from\r\n last date of any change in contract. Please\r\n follow the link to know documentation\r\n requirement *Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines of Permanent\r\n Disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Disconnection of supply will completed\r\n within 30 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can I apply for the same meter after\r\n surrendering of current meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the connection is permanently\r\n disconnected, consumer has to follow new\r\n connection application process for getting\r\n an electricity connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for refunding of security\r\n funds?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Consumer Care Centre at\r\n KP-I or Techzone-4, and submit all the\r\n requisite documents which are mentioned at\r\n the back side of application form. Please\r\n follow the link to know documentation\r\n requirement Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why and when MCG charges are applicable\r\n for Permanent Disconnection application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. MCG calculated as per provisions of\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005. The Tariff\r\n Orders issued by Hon’ble Uttar Pradesh\r\n Electricity Regulatory Commission (“State\r\n Commission”) from time to time.Clause 4.14\r\n (Agreement) - Point (h) However, if the\r\n agreement is to be terminated before\r\n completion of 2 years: 30 (i) Consumer shall\r\n be liable to pay the minimum charges (or the\r\n demand / fixed charges, if no minimum\r\n charges are prescribed for that category)\r\n for a period of 6 months or the period by\r\n which the total duration of the agreement\r\n falls short of 2 years, whichever is lower.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n setShowReconnection(!showReconnection)\r\n }\r\n >\r\n Reconnection Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {showReconnection ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n making the part payment of outstanding\r\n amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reconnection is not allowed on part\r\n payment.\r\n



    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Criteria (load & Category){\" \"}\r\n DR charges (Rs.)*
    \r\n Pre-paid Meters - Single phase{\" \"}\r\n - Zero
    Pre-paid Meters -3 phase - Zero
    Smart Meters - Single phase - 100
    Smart Meters - 3 phase - 200
    >75 KW/100BHP - 2000
    \r\n LMV-6 (having load <=75KW/100BHP){\" \"}\r\n - 1000
    All others categories - 600


    \r\n Note: * 18% GST is applicable on DR charges\r\n and supply will be reconnected within 48\r\n hrs. for Rural and 24 hrs. for urban after\r\n payment of Outstanding dues along with\r\n reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines for Reconnection\r\n after temporary disconnection of supply?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Timeline for reconnection of supply\r\n will be Maximum of 48 Hrs for Rural and 24\r\n hrs in Urban after payment of bill &\r\n Reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection when\r\n meter already removed at site?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n final bill generation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision of\r\n reconnection. Once the payment of final bill\r\n is done, consumer has to apply for new\r\n connection with all required documents.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShowWebSite(!showWebSite)}\r\n >\r\n Website / Mobile App Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {showWebSite ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the procedure to Login on{\" \"}\r\n www.noidapower.com ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Go to www.noidapower.com. Click on\r\n “Consumer Login” and register your Consumer\r\n Number or click on the link: www.npcl.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various\r\n services/information available on NPCL's\r\n website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.The main features of website are as\r\n follows:\r\n

    • \r\n About NPCL and Contact Details of\r\n registered offices\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bill Payment Option
    • \r\n
    • Outage Alerts
    • \r\n
    • Service Application and Complaint
    • \r\n
    • Tariff Details
    • \r\n
    • Report a Concern
    • \r\n
    • Account Registration
    • \r\n
    • CSR activities
    • \r\n
    • Self Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Ebill Download
    • \r\n
    • Quick Bill Payment
    • \r\n
    • Contact Us
    • \r\n
    • Online Application
    • \r\n
    • Payment Options
    • \r\n
    • Pre-paid Meter Recharge
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer Services for Application form,\r\n Document Checklist, Online Meter Testing,\r\n SMS Based Services, WhatsApp based\r\n services, Customer Care office Queue\r\n Status, Single to Multipoint Conversion,\r\n Consumer Awareness and Many more.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to reset password ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Password can be reset after clicking\r\n forgot password option. You have to punch\r\n your registered email id and consumer number\r\n to receive an updated password , if problem\r\n still persist please write us at crm@noida\r\n power.com)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How and from where a consumer can\r\n update his contact details ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. For updating contact details (mobile\r\n number/ email-id) consumer can login to our\r\n website or mobile app. www.noidapower.com\r\n You may also visit our customer care office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday,\r\n along with the BP No. and ID proof of\r\n registered consumer or company. You may also\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Is it safe to give my bank details on\r\n NPCL website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security standards\r\n to ensure that the data entered by consumers\r\n remains confidential.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Do I need to pay extra charges for\r\n online payment?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL does not levy any extra charge for\r\n online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway, Wallets and other service providers\r\n may levy service charges along with\r\n applicable taxes for transaction above Rs.\r\n 4,000/-.\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Paytm Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1.10%\r\n of the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Bill\r\n desk Gateway service charges would be levied\r\n at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1% of\r\n the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, 3% per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Why this month bill is not updated on\r\n Website Mobile app ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are generated from time to time\r\n from commercial department. It might be\r\n possible due to some certain reason bill of\r\n this month may be delayed and it’s not\r\n generated yet. Once it will have generated\r\n in SAP system then PDF and bill details will\r\n appear on Website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What happen if my ID is locked in NPCL\r\n Website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. USERID will be automatic unlock in 24\r\n hours for the website users\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What all the features available on\r\n Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After Login fetures are as follows :\r\n

    • Bill and Payment History
    • \r\n
    • Register Request & Complaints
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Consumption Analysis
    • \r\n
    • Energy Calculator
    • \r\n
    • Request & Complaint Status
    • \r\n
    • Subscribe for E-bill
    • \r\n
    • Self-Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Payment
    • \r\n
    • Energy Tips
    • \r\n
    • KYC Updation
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is Un-Authenticated Sender issue.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. User details like USERNAME, Email ID\r\n and Password are not matched when user face\r\n this kind of problem.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShowComplaint(!showComplaint)}\r\n >\r\n Complaint Against Services Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {showComplaint ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the process of applying for New\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant can download or fill the\r\n online New Connection Service form from our\r\n website and upload necessary documents\r\n www.noidapower.com as mentioned in the\r\n documents checklist. You can also visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday, to apply in person.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Within how much time should the\r\n connection be provided to me?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the application and necessary\r\n documents are reviewed at NPCL, and estimate\r\n gets generated which needs to be paid by the\r\n consumer. Post which it will take\r\n approximately 7 working days* for the\r\n apparatus to be installed at the consumers\r\n premises and for the energization of supply.\r\n


    \r\n *This SLA is applicable for the urban\r\n domestic connection where no augmentation of\r\n main is required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why I have not received my estimate\r\n intimation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you have successfully submitted\r\n your new service application form at our\r\n Customer Care Office or Online , we process\r\n the application in our system and it gets\r\n forwarded to concerned department for the\r\n Commercial & LCC Dues, Technical feasibility\r\n check. Once clearance is received from all\r\n the departments it is followed by estimate\r\n preparation. During this process system\r\n generated messages are triggered, after\r\n completion of necessary stages. Thus, you\r\n are requested to please wait for the same as\r\n we will be working on 1st cum 1st serve\r\n basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I pay the Estimate amount Online\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online thru\r\n NPCL website or you may visit our Customer\r\n Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday to apply in person for\r\n payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Estimate paid but meter not installed\r\n yet?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post payment of estimated amount, New\r\n connection will be provided within 7 days\r\n where no Augmentation of existing mains are\r\n required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for the status of\r\n application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can write\r\n us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to apply for refunding of security\r\n fund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit our Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday to\r\n apply for security refund, please follow the\r\n link to know documentation requirement\r\n (https://www.noidapower.com/Services/Document_Checklist)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Paper Formalities Required for Load\r\n Reduction?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to fill application and\r\n provide all the requisite documentation\r\n which are mentioned on the back side of\r\n application form. Please follow the link to\r\n know documentation requirement. Please note\r\n for load reduction consumer can only apply\r\n after two years from date of energization.\r\n For Temp. Supply, consumer can apply for\r\n load reduction at any point of time.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can consumer find the status of\r\n request against New Connection?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of a New Connection\r\n request, consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Can write us at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Estimate not Received Yet\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you have not received any\r\n update after 7-10 days of applying for\r\n request.To know the status of application\r\n you may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to\r\n know the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is minimum charges & why it is to\r\n be paid.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to bear the minimum\r\n charges based on the total sanctioned load &\r\n as per the applicable tariff rate it is been\r\n calculated for remaining Tenure in case you\r\n have not completed 2 yrs. to the connection\r\n or recent load enhancement/reduction\r\n process. In Case the maximum demand recorded\r\n in any of the last 2 billing cycles is\r\n higher than the reduced contracted load\r\n consumer can not opt for the proposed\r\n contracted load\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is Augmentation? How much time it\r\n take to complete?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Augmentation means\r\n improvement/enhancement of the system\r\n capacity to be able to cater to the\r\n increased electricity load requirement. Such\r\n augmentation needs capital investment.\r\n Sometimes, only after requests received for\r\n new connections or load enhancement;\r\n particularly if the requested load is high.\r\n Different types of Augmentation may be\r\n required such as:\r\n

    • Low Tension (LT) Line Extension
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Capacity Augmentation
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n High Tension ( 11 KV) Line Extension\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Complete electrification of an\r\n un-electrified area\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Timeline for different type of augmentations\r\n are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Type of augmentation Timeline\r\n required for augmentation{\" \"}\r\n (Working Days)
    LT Network augmentation - 60
    Transformer Augmentation - 120
    \r\n HT - 11 KV Network Strengthening{\" \"}\r\n - 180
    \r\n Un-electrified Area or New Grid\r\n Required{\" \"}\r\n - 180


    \r\n \r\n Q.How and where to approach for Shifting\r\n of Mains ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. We accept application for following\r\n request\r\n

    • Meter Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Pole Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Service Cable Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Penal Feeder Box Shifting
    • \r\n

    \r\n For the shifting related request an\r\n application along with the copy of id proof\r\n and last paid bill is required (please\r\n follow the link to be submitted at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday. After verification of\r\n documents, site visit is arranged to check\r\n the feasibility to fulfil the request and\r\n then a survey report is prepared and\r\n accordingly estimate is generated as per\r\n Regulatory guidelines. Once the payment of\r\n estimate is done then shifting will be\r\n executed\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What Documents are required for Load\r\n Enhancement/ Load Reduction/ Name Change/\r\n Category Change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please click Here.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the TAT for completion of\r\n Service Application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in the\r\n system during this period you may receive 1\r\n bill with previous load/ category, except\r\n shifting of mains , as it depends upon site\r\n condition and availability of material.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where we can contact in case of any\r\n information required for service request.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can write\r\n us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the payment options for\r\n estimate payment ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online thru\r\n NPCL website or you may visit our Customer\r\n Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday to apply inperson for\r\n payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the basis of calculation of\r\n Security Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The security deposit maintainable for a\r\n consumer is equivalent to 2 times the\r\n average bill value for the financial year\r\n under reference. For a new applicant, the\r\n security deposit will be determined on the\r\n basis of load applied.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my application is been Pending since\r\n long.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, To know the status of\r\n application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes\r\n follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to contact in case of application\r\n rejected due to LCC/Theft?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When am I required to pay Additional\r\n Security Deposit (ASD)?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Each year the security deposit is\r\n reviewed in the month of April on the basis\r\n of last one year consumption. The statement\r\n of Security Deposit account is given in the\r\n bill for the month of April. If the\r\n maintainable Security Deposit is more than\r\n the security Deposit “held” amount,\r\n additional security deposit is required to\r\n be paid.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required in case\r\n of Small Correction in Connection Details\r\n such as Spelling of Name, inadequate\r\n Address?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The documentary proof for the desired\r\n change along with latest paid bill receipt\r\n along with correction form by the property\r\n owner. You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What happens if the Security Deposit\r\n amount held is more than the Security\r\n Deposit Maintainable amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In the above scenario, no ASD request\r\n will be placed however, as per the RBI\r\n guidelines interest gets credited for the\r\n held security amount.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How do I get refund of Security Deposit\r\n after account closure?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After necessary adjustment, the\r\n Security Deposit amount held with us is\r\n refunded with an A/c payee cheque in the\r\n name of the registered consumer at the\r\n recorded address.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When I can apply for Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may apply for Security Refund\r\n in below given senarios :\r\n

    • \r\n *Once the connection is Permanently\r\n Disconnected\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * Once the property is sold and also name\r\n mutation has been completed in records and\r\n earlier connection gets permanently\r\n disconnected, the Old/Earlier property\r\n holder may apply for Security Refund\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required for\r\n Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Click here\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who is eligible to get Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Only the registered consumer or Old\r\n owner (in case of property sold out) can\r\n apply for Security Refund\r\n


    \r\n Q.Can I get Final Bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. After meter removal from site final\r\n bill get generated within 15 days and final\r\n copy may be provided whrein consumer\r\n himself/herself, have requested for\r\n permannet disconnection and having relevant\r\n notification no. too.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to apply for NOC ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you get the final bill copy and\r\n upon making necessary bill payments (if\r\n any), consumer may apply for NOC from our\r\n customer care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV ..Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My New Connection service request is\r\n pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes\r\n for several checks via different departments\r\n during which it might have not been cleared\r\n under LCC/CF Check. After neccessary\r\n clearance from respective team, you shall be\r\n notified with the Estimate Amount which is\r\n to paid before executing the siite work. In\r\n case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending. To know the status of a New\r\n Connection request, consumer may use\r\n following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Can write us at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n New Connection service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit &\r\n after receving site report, Estimate get\r\n generated & sent for necessary approvals. We\r\n shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail alert\r\n containing payment link of estimate.In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may reach out\r\n to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NSC Notification No. For any\r\n further requirement, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist new\r\n service request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n 7-10 days time for meter installation. Only\r\n if there is any right of way issue, it may\r\n take more time for completing the assigned\r\n work and it may only be completed once clear\r\n way will be provided by consumer to our\r\n service team. You may reach out to us via\r\n our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC\r\n Notification No. For any further assistance,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Name Mutation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details, you\r\n may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NM Notification No.\r\n For any further requirement, you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Name Mutation is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in the\r\n system during this period you may receive 1\r\n bill with previous details. In case of any\r\n doubt you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NM\r\n Notification No.For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Load Augmentation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit &\r\n after receving site report, Estimate get\r\n generated & sent for necessary approvals. We\r\n shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail alert\r\n containing payment link of estimate. In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may reach out\r\n to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 LA Notification No. For any\r\n further requirement, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Load Augmentation service request\r\n is pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes\r\n for several checks via different departments\r\n during which it might have not been cleared\r\n under LCC/CF Check. After neccessary\r\n clearance from respective team, you shall be\r\n notified with the Estimate Amount which is\r\n to paid before executing the site work. In\r\n case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist Load\r\n Augmentation request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n 7-10 days time for meter installation. Only\r\n if there is any right of way issue, it may\r\n take more time for completing the assigned\r\n work and it may only be completed once clear\r\n way will be provided by consumer to our\r\n service team. You may reach out to us via\r\n our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA\r\n Notification No. For any further assistance,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Category Change is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in the\r\n system during this period you may receive 1\r\n bill with previous details. In case of any\r\n doubt you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 CT\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Category Change service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details, you\r\n may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 CT Notification No.\r\n For any further requirement, you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Load Reduction service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit (As &\r\n when required) & after receving site report,\r\n Estimate get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LR\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Load Reduction is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in the\r\n billing, during this period you may receive\r\n 1 bill with previous load details. In case\r\n of any doubt you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LR\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Shifting request is pending for\r\n Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes\r\n for several checks via different departments\r\n during which it might have not been cleared\r\n under LCC/CF Check. After neccessary\r\n clearance from respective team, you shall be\r\n notified with the Estimate Amount which is\r\n to paid before executing the site work. In\r\n case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Shifting request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Shifting request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit &\r\n after receving site report, Estimate get\r\n generated & sent for necessary approvals. We\r\n shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail alert\r\n containing payment link of estimate. In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there is no action taken at site ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes\r\n for several checks via different departments\r\n during which it might have not been cleared\r\n under LCC/CF Check. After neccessary\r\n clearance from respective team, you shall be\r\n notified with the Estimate Amount which is\r\n to paid before executing the siite work. In\r\n case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this period\r\n you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n details. In case of any doubt you may reach\r\n out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NAC Notification No. For any\r\n further requirement, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name correction is still pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this period\r\n you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n details. In case of any doubt you may reach\r\n out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NAC Notification No. For any\r\n further requirement, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction is still\r\n pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connections floor wise?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In domestic high rise building\r\n electricity connection to individual\r\n owner/occupant are provided on multipoint\r\n scheme as per the guidelines of 13th\r\n Ammendmant of Electricity Supply Code, 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What should be the file type and size to\r\n upload for new connection online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. File size can't exceed 15 mb per\r\n documentation type.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connection through\r\n mobile app?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, you can apply new connection from\r\n NPCL mobile app.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How much I have to pay for Prepaid\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, service charges and security\r\n (if applicable) as specified in Cost Data\r\n Book which shall be calculated based upon\r\n your application and site survey.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can apply for Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are intending to carry out any\r\n construction work at your premise and\r\n seeking of electricity connection for\r\n construction activity, then, you will have\r\n to apply for temorary connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the Documentation requirement\r\n for Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant has to fill application form\r\n for new connection and provide all the\r\n requisite documentation which are mentioned\r\n on the back side of new connection\r\n application form.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to convert from temporary to\r\n permanent?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete construction work and\r\n obtains building completion certificate from\r\n concerned authority i.e. GNIDA/UPSIDC, you\r\n can apply for Permanent connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges of temporary\r\n connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, security deposit and service\r\n charges as specified in Cost Data Book which\r\n shall be calculated based upon your\r\n application and site survey\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is B&L form and why it is required\r\n in load augmentation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. B&L form or Work completion certificate\r\n form is filled by the licensed electrical\r\n contractor who has carried out electrical\r\n wiring/installation of premise. This\r\n certifies that electrical\r\n wiring/installation is done following all\r\n the regualtions and includes the equipments\r\n details installed, insulation test result of\r\n the wiring/installation.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for status of Online New\r\n Connection application\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can write\r\n us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n setShowSupply(!showSupply)}\r\n >\r\n Supply Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {showSupply ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to resolve supply-related\r\n complaints on power interruptions or\r\n unsatisfactory voltage profile?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Register the complaint at NPCL's\r\n helpline no. +91-0120 6226666 along with\r\n 10-digit consumer number printed at the\r\n upper left corner of your electricity bill\r\n and one complaint number will be intimated\r\n to you for future reference. NPCL\r\n fault-repairing crew will attend to the\r\n cause of the complaint and resolve the same\r\n within the following time limits:\r\n

    • Urban: 3 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Rural: 12 Hours
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Industrial & Instittutional : 4 Hours\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Transformer failure : 72 Hours
    • \r\n

    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower Consumer No.) or Send\r\n SMS at 7840002288 ( #NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n May also download our mobile app for easy &\r\n quick access.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to address the problem of frequent\r\n tripping of MCB or blowing of fuse?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Contact a Licensed Electrical\r\n contractor (L.E.C.) to locate the cause. If\r\n there is a fault/defect in your wiring\r\n installations, rectify the same.\r\n


    \r\n If the load of your installation is more\r\n than the load allowed by NPCL, please apply\r\n for enhancement of load by filling up a form\r\n available at NPCL office KP-1 & know more\r\n about the same.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {augmentation ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Application Status\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n FAQs{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n setShowMeter(!showMeter)}\r\n style={{ cursor: \"pointer\" }}\r\n >\r\n Meter Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n {showMeter ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be done in case\r\n there is no supply in the meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n In case the nearby are is under\r\n Supply Outage, you may wait until\r\n the supply is restored. If there is\r\n no power even after the supply is\r\n restored Consumer may contact at our\r\n 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 You\r\n may reach out us through WhatsApp\r\n no. 0120-6226666 (NoPower Consumer\r\n No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What to do in case of meter is\r\n running fast/ excess billing?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Domestic Consumer: May please\r\n check the internal wiring by any\r\n private electrician. If no such\r\n issue persist may kindly contact\r\n 24X7 Call Centre No. 0120-6226666 or\r\n visit Customer Care Office at KP-I\r\n to register request for Meter\r\n Testing. Demand note for meter\r\n testing fees will be generated as\r\n per UPERC guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n Industrial & Institutional Consumers\r\n : May please check the Power Factor\r\n & Neutral disturbance issue to avoid\r\n any demand shoot-up in billing. if\r\n persist may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n You may reach out us through\r\n WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666\r\n (BillDispute Consumer No.) or Send\r\n SMS at 7840002288 ( #BILLDISPUTE\r\n Consumer No.) or else you may also\r\n visit our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to analysis correct meter\r\n consumption/ abnormal consumption?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In a normal house hold having 1\r\n or 2 A/C’s along with Geyser, Fridge\r\n etc., the average units consumed may\r\n be between 500 to 1000 Units per\r\n month depending upon actual use. If\r\n consumer feel that the consumption\r\n is more as compared to the usage and\r\n load, we request consumers to please\r\n get their wiring checked by\r\n competent electrician with respect\r\n to below mentioned points:\r\n

    • \r\n To check any Earth Leakage in the\r\n internal wiring or not.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of multiple connections in\r\n the building, whether your\r\n internal wiring has a separate\r\n neutral wire and should not be\r\n mixed with other connections.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Check if someone else is also\r\n using supply from your meter or\r\n not.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n However, it is to inform that, NPCL\r\n will not be responsible for higher\r\n consumptions due to any of the above\r\n reasons but taking action by\r\n consumer will reduce the\r\n consumption. After having checked\r\n all the above, If consumption is\r\n still not reduced as per consumer’s\r\n expectation, then he is having an\r\n option to get the meter tested by\r\n contacting our helpline\r\n number+91-120-2333555 Apply online\r\n for meter testing or visit Customer\r\n Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday. and get\r\n the offline requests generated for\r\n meter checking . Meter Testing fees\r\n will be generated & added in\r\n subsequent bill as per UPERC\r\n guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various reasons of\r\n meter change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. A Distribution Licensee may\r\n change the meter from time to time\r\n for any of the following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the\r\n timelines/Resolutions for Meter\r\n Testing, Fast, Slow, Burnt,\r\n Damaged, Stop, Faulty, Shifting?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged:\r\n 14 working days for meter\r\n replacement.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working\r\n days after estimate payment for\r\n testing & another 14 working days\r\n for replacement if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days\r\n for replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Shifting: 7 Working\r\n Days as per site conditions\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges for Meter\r\n testing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as\r\n follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter\r\n testing fee shall also be charged as\r\n per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid\r\n connection to prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection\r\n to prepaid connection, consumer can\r\n visit our Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4,\r\n Greater Noida . Consumer has to\r\n apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit\r\n charges for conversion from\r\n post-paid to pre-paid or for new\r\n connection installation in\r\n Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter charges to paid as per\r\n UPERC cost data book enforce\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the meaning of\r\n downloading of parameter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Various parameters measured and\r\n recorded by the meter are finally\r\n downloaded for billing/ monitoring\r\n purpose. The downloading of\r\n parameter means transferring the\r\n recorded data from meter to the\r\n records of the company. Downloading\r\n can be automatic (AMR) or using a\r\n gadget. However we can capture data\r\n / parameter by reading the display\r\n recording on a notebook.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Who can apply for Prepaid\r\n Meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers pertatining to below\r\n mentioned categories can apply for\r\n prepaid meter:\r\n

    • LMV-1
    • \r\n
    • LMV-2
    • \r\n
    • LMV-5
    • \r\n
    • LMV-9
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to recharge prepaid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Prepaid meter recharge coupon\r\n are available at cash collection\r\n centre and can be paid via\r\n cash/DD/Credit or debit card from\r\n our customer care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.. Recharge can be done\r\n online via NPCL’s website or PAYTM.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How does the alarm work in\r\n Pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If your credit gets below\r\n Rs.100/-, you will have an alarm for\r\n 30 seconds. Press any button to turn\r\n it off. The alarm will be repeated\r\n every half an hour until recharged.\r\n It is advised that once meter\r\n reached its minimum limit recharge\r\n immediately to avoid disconnection.\r\n You can also set minimum limit as\r\n per your convenience.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact in case of\r\n misplacing of Recharge Coupon?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Simply visit the NPCL Cash\r\n Collection Center for re-issuing of\r\n recharge coupon which will be done\r\n free of cost. Consumer have to\r\n mention BP no./ Meter no. to get the\r\n recharge coupon. May please note-\r\n the coupon is specific to your meter\r\n hence cannot be used elsewhere.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid\r\n connection into prepaid\r\n connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection\r\n to prepaid connection, consumer can\r\n visit our Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4,\r\n Greater Noida . Consumer has to\r\n apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit\r\n charges for conversion from\r\n post-paid to pre-paid or for new\r\n connection installation in\r\n Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the documents required\r\n if meter get stolen?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You have to submit an\r\n application, original FIR, ID proof\r\n of registered consumer at our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Note: Meter charges are applicable\r\n as per UPERC cost data book.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the New Meter cost in\r\n Meter stolen cases?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the consumer process the\r\n application for re-installation of\r\n meter in case of Meter Stolen,\r\n applicable meter charges to paid as\r\n per UPERC cost data book enforce.\r\n


    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the new\r\n meter cost shall also be charged as\r\n per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if meter is not\r\n at the premises?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please contact our Call at our\r\n 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or\r\n you may visit Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why my meter screen is blank.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is\r\n On in the area and your supply is\r\n not coming, if Yes, you may kindly\r\n contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 to register complaint\r\n for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n or send SMS at 7840002288 ( #NOPOWER\r\n Consumer No.) or visit atCustomer\r\n Care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.. In case\r\n supply is ON but no display on\r\n meter, register complaint for meter\r\n display problem on above given\r\n numbers. Our Team will visit to do\r\n the needful within 7 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If my meter box has a husky\r\n display, what should I do ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Is your meter box is having\r\n husky display.Kindly contact 24X7\r\n Call Centre No. 0120-6226666 or\r\n visit at our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday. and register complaint\r\n for meter display problem. Our Team\r\n will visit to do the needful within\r\n 7 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Where to report incase of No\r\n Display in the meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may contact at our\r\n 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or\r\n visit at our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday and register complaint for\r\n meter display problem. Our Team will\r\n visit to do the needful within 7\r\n working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges of meter\r\n testing and why is it mandatory to\r\n pay ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as\r\n follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter\r\n testing fee shall also be charged as\r\n per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the different options\r\n available for Meter Testing?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Online from our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer\r\n consumer services tab wherein\r\n \"Online Meter Testing\" option is\r\n available.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may also visit Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I know the status of\r\n Meter Testing Request ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may visit our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer\r\n consumer services tab wherein\r\n \"Online Meter Testing\" option is\r\n available : You may also download\r\n our Mobile application and apply for\r\n meter testing or else it can be\r\n placed by calling to our 24X7\r\n helpline numbers on or 0120-6226666\r\n You may also visit Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. On what basis the meter testing\r\n fee is imposed?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter testing fees is charged\r\n on \"type of meter\" and it is\r\n applicable as per UPERC Tariff\r\n Order.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Would you refund the testing\r\n fee if meter found ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no provision for\r\n refund of testing fees.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive testing report\r\n on meter testing? What is the\r\n procedure of complaining if I\r\n don’t receive one?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Everytime when we will test\r\n meter a test reprt is issued to our\r\n consumer. In case you have not\r\n received it, you may write us at\r\n CRM@noidapower.com. You may also\r\n visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Which parameter define that\r\n meter is faulty or meter testing\r\n is Ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Kindly note that meter testing\r\n is done on many factors such as\r\n meter accuracy results , display\r\n parameters & downloaded data\r\n analysis on which testing engineer\r\n will confirm whether meter is faulty\r\n or meter is working normal.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meters are changed without\r\n any complaint?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case of technology\r\n upgradation or periodic replacement\r\n from Old to New Generation meter as\r\n per the Guideline of Hon’ble\r\n Regulatory Commission.\r\n


    \r\n A Distribution Licensee may change\r\n the meter from time to time for any\r\n of the following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How much time will you take to\r\n replace the faulty meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged:\r\n 14 working days for meter\r\n replacement\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working\r\n days after estimate payment for\r\n testing & another 14 working days\r\n for replacement if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days\r\n for replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if there is No\r\n power after successful recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n For Secure Prepaid meters\r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance\r\n office it may be your main MCB\r\n be off which is located in\r\n Electric shaft in societies/\r\n check your MCB status\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care\r\n office at KP-1 or Techzone-4\r\n :During 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M\r\n (Mon-Fri) to know more about\r\n the same. Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n
      • \r\n Check balance / supply status\r\n in mobile aap.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance\r\n office.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care\r\n office at KP-1 or Techzone-4 :\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care\r\n office at KP-1 or Techzone-4\r\n :During 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M\r\n (Mon-Fri) to know more about\r\n the same. Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive a bill for\r\n Pre-paid meter\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number\r\n post bill generation. It can also be\r\n downloaded from our website via\r\n Quick E-bill Download : or follow\r\n direct link: No payment is required\r\n to be made against the bill. Ensure\r\n sufficient balance in prepaid meter\r\n through timely recharge in order to\r\n avail uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if the meter\r\n doesn’t show the credit amount\r\n after recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please refer our prepaid meter\r\n manual available at our website and\r\n refer page no. 6 & 7 Or In case,\r\n payment is been done but credit\r\n still pending, you may contact at\r\n our helpline no. +91-0120 6226666 or\r\n else if issue still persist, please\r\n visit our customer care office, KP-1\r\n or Techzone-4 in person :During\r\n 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to\r\n know more about the same. Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meter is beeping when it is\r\n already recharge?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n There is a provision in meter to\r\n set recharge limit if balance will\r\n go down from this limit then only\r\n meter will start beeping at low\r\n balance . This feature is\r\n configurable ,consumer itself can\r\n set this limit as per their\r\n consumption pattern.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Freedom Bluetooth unit may be\r\n faulty ( if Showing Con. Fault in\r\n display ).\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What options are available for\r\n pre-paid meter recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, (there are many options to\r\n pay amount in paytm ex- Through\r\n UPl, Debit Card,credit Card and\r\n Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer can get token from NPCL\r\n Customer Care Office, KP-1,\r\n Greater Noida\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters( AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, Bill Desk (there are many\r\n options to pay amount in paytm ex-\r\n Through UPl, Debit Card,credit\r\n Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Multipoint App., NPCL web\r\n site\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is “CON FAULT”, what is to\r\n be done to get it corrected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. CON FAULT” means connection\r\n faulty, meter will be displaying\r\n digit 17 when your connection from\r\n meter to display unit is not proper.\r\n Kindly register you’re compliant on\r\n our call center contact no. -\r\n 0120-6226666/.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can supply gets disconnected if\r\n meter is not recharged or do I get\r\n any reminder?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Reminder beep will come in minimun\r\n available balance. Supply will be\r\n disconnected in negative balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Go to NPCL Multipoint App by\r\n turning on low money\r\n notifications, consumer can get a\r\n reminder.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to check the balance?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Automatically showing\r\n Balance & other details in Meter\r\n display.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumers may check their account\r\n balance by pressing # button in\r\n key pad of meter display unit &\r\n for single phase meters - Press\r\n key \"1\" single time to check\r\n balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Login in NPCL Multipoint App/ web\r\n and check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be the minimum\r\n balance to maintain pre-paid\r\n meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can change minimum\r\n balance in meter acocording to\r\n consumption and requirement.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If meter is showing different\r\n date from actual does it mean that\r\n it is faulty ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is a matter of meter testing\r\n & inspection then only we will\r\n confirm the same. Based on the\r\n testing report our team shall\r\n analyse the data.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact when there is\r\n no display in the meter but supply\r\n is connected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is\r\n On in the area and your supply is\r\n not coming, if Yes, you may kindly\r\n contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 to register complaint\r\n for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n or send SMS at 7840002288 ( #NOPOWER\r\n Consumer No.)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Red light in meter indicates\r\n what?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. it’s a calibration LED in meter\r\n which indicates pulse / revolution\r\n of meter , if Red light is blinking\r\n in meters it means meter is running\r\n on load.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I change my meter from\r\n post-paid to pre-paid and what\r\n documentation is required?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection\r\n to prepaid connection, consumer can\r\n visit our Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4,\r\n Greater Noida . Consumer has to\r\n apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I see my consumption\r\n pattern in pre-paid meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n By pressing Key\"2\" consumer can\r\n check consumptions of today,\r\n previous day, previous Week and\r\n current month)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n By Pressing key\"7\" consumer can\r\n check monthly consumptions of\r\n present calendar Year)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters ( Aew\r\n Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint App and\r\n consumer can see daily\r\n consumption( Current month) and\r\n Monthly consumptions( Present\r\n Calendar Year) by selecting\r\n \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint Web, conumer\r\n can download and see consumptions\r\n by selecting \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShowPayment(!showPayment)}\r\n >\r\n Payment Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n {showPayment ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the different modes of\r\n payments available?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Modes of payments are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n A. Digital Payment through:-\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Credit & Debit cards to Village\r\n Contact Persons and at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4*.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Non-Digital Payment Modes are as\r\n follows:-\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Cash / Cheque / DD at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4* or to\r\n Village Contact Persons.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque/DD at NPCL’s Cheque Drop Boxes.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cash at nearby BBPS authorised retail\r\n outlets For further details please\r\n visit NPCL’s website.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n *You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where can I make cash payment?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n In case of Rural Consumers -\r\n Authorised Village Contact Persons\r\n (VCPs) or cash collection centre,\r\n Tugalpur, Knowledge Park-1 or\r\n Techzone-4, Greater Noida between\r\n 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to\r\n Saturday (Except 2nd & 4th Saturdays\r\n and Gazetted Holidays) (On 1st, 3rd &\r\n 5th Saturdays counter will be open\r\n from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM).\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of Urban / Industrial /\r\n Institutional Consumers - Cash\r\n Collection Centre.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Any consumer - Nearby BBPS Authorised\r\n Retail Outlets. There are more than\r\n 1500 authorised BBPS retails outlets\r\n in and around Greater Noida area.\r\n Consumers may locate nearest BBPS\r\n Authorised Retails Outlets on NPCL\r\n website through web-link “Find Nearest\r\n Bharat Bill Pay Outlet”.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the upper limit for Cash\r\n Payment.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per section 6.10 of Electricity\r\n Supply code 2005, you can make cash\r\n payment up to Rs.20,000/- only. In case\r\n your bill is more than the above\r\n mentioned value, remaining payment shall\r\n be made via any mode other than cash.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to make online payment of Bills?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Online Payment of Bills can be made\r\n through below mentioned modes :\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Do I need to pay extra charges if I\r\n wish to pay Online through NPCL\r\n website/Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL do not levy any extra charge\r\n for online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway , Wallets and Other service\r\n providers may levy service charges\r\n along-with applicable taxes for\r\n transactions above Rs. 4,000/-. In case\r\n the transaction is made through Paytm\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied\r\n at following rate:\r\n


    \r\n ** For credit/debit card transactions,\r\n 1.10% of the transaction amount being\r\n paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Net banking transactions,\r\n Rs.4/-per transaction\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Bill desk Gateway service charges would\r\n be levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n * For credit/debit card transactions,\r\n 1% of the transaction amount being\r\n paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * For Net banking transactions,\r\n Rs.3/-per transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Is it safe to give my bank details\r\n on NPCL website ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security\r\n standards to ensure that the data\r\n entered by consumers remains\r\n confidential and not stored anywhere on\r\n NPCL Server.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How can I make Cheque Payments\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can drop cheque at\r\n following Cheque Collection Centres of\r\n NPCL along with latest bill stub (Lower\r\n portion of bill). The cheques should be\r\n in favour of \"\"Noida Power Company\r\n Limited\"\". Write down the cheque with\r\n credentials like your Name, Consumer\r\n Number and mobile number at the back of\r\n cheque.\r\n

    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre (Sector\r\n KP-1)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre\r\n (Techzone-IV)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station atAlpha-1, Opp Ryan\r\n International School\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station, Sector Omega-I,\r\n Builders Area, Near AWHO Apartments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station at Surajpur, Near\r\n Surajpur Police Station\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bar Association Office, Surajpur\r\n District Court\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I make payment through Post\r\n dated cheques ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post-dated and outstation cheques\r\n are not accepted at NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges applicable on\r\n cheque bounce?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque gets bounced due\r\n to insufficient funds or exceed\r\n arrangement, you will not be able to\r\n make payment through cheque in that\r\n Financial Year. Charges applicable are\r\n mentioned below:\r\n

    • \r\n Cheque amount of less than Rs. 5000 :\r\n Rs.250\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 5000 & up to\r\n Rs. 10000 : Rs. 500\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 10000 & up to\r\n Rs. 1 Lac : Rs. 1000\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount of Rs. 1 Lac and above :\r\n Rs. 5000\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue another cheque, if my\r\n cheque bounces?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque got bounced due\r\n to insufficient funds or exceed\r\n arrangements, the consumer will not be\r\n able to make payment through cheque in\r\n that Financial Year.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue cheque, if my supply is\r\n Disconnected ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, consumer can pay their bill\r\n amount through cheque (Considering no\r\n cheque bounce history).\r\n


    \r\n Payment can be done for outstanding bill\r\n and reconnection charges as below:-\r\n

    • \r\n Bill payment via cheque and\r\n reconnection charge via cash and vice\r\n versa Bill payment and reconnection\r\n charge together via cash.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bill payment and reconnection charge\r\n together via cheque . Please note, if\r\n in case the same get dishonoured, the\r\n supply will be disconnected and the\r\n Reconnection amount has to be paid\r\n again.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.When will my online payment be\r\n updated in my account?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. All payments made through other\r\n that RTGS / NEFT mode are updated on\r\n Real-time basis in consumers account\r\n except during system\r\n shutdown/maintenance when it may take up\r\n to 2 to 3 working days.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I approach to register my\r\n payment related complaint?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Complaints can be registered at:\r\n

    • NPCL Website.
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Mobile App.
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Our 24X7 Call centre at 0120-6226666 /\r\n 2333555.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the GST % will be charged\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. GST will be levied as per GST\r\n regulations and rates applicable to\r\n various services provided by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.For which services I have to pay GST\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per GST Circular No.\r\n 34/08/2018-GST dated 01st March 2018,\r\n GST is applicable on all the services\r\n provided by the NPCL except energy\r\n charges.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShowBill(!showBill)}\r\n >\r\n Billing Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n {showBill ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How are bills prepared if the meter is\r\n not read?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If the actual meter reading is not\r\n acquired due to any reason; provisional bill\r\n will be raised which is subjected to\r\n adjustment upon receipt of actual meter\r\n reading in the subsequent months.\r\n Provisional bills are raised on average\r\n consumption of last 3 months.\r\n Inaccessibility to premises for 3 months or\r\n more could lead to disconnection of supply\r\n as per Electricity ̀ Supply Code 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the normal reading span for\r\n monthly Meter Reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter reading is normally taken between\r\n a period of 28 to 32 days from the last\r\n meter reading date. The same is intimated to\r\n you through SMS if your mobile number is\r\n registered with us. Fixed Charges and slabs\r\n for Energy charges are calculated\r\n proportionally for the billing period.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to calculate / understand\r\n electricity bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Please refer back side of\r\n electricity bill and check for applicable\r\n Tariff and Bill Calculation. Additionally,\r\n you can reach out to us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the meter reading system?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading of three phase meters is taken\r\n remotely through AMR or LPR facility. For\r\n Single Phase meters, meter readers go\r\n door-to-door and record readings in Hand\r\n Held Devices (HHD) / Meter Reading Terminals\r\n (MRT). Reading information can also be\r\n conveyed through SMS/Email registered with\r\n us.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why is my meter not read regularly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Any one of the following can be the\r\n reasons:\r\n

    • \r\n Your premises are vacant / locked for long\r\n period of time or constantly during\r\n daytime resulting in inaccessibility of\r\n meter to the reader. Code 2005.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Discrepancy in address in our database\r\n with the actual address may result in\r\n meter reader missing out your premises.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n If you observe such shortcomings in the\r\n address (as printed in bill), please bring\r\n the same to the notice of CR(Front Desk) at\r\n NPCL Customer Care Office immediately for\r\n corrections.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to approach when meter is not read\r\n ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If consumer premises is found locked,\r\n meter reader will stick a \"\"miss you\"\"\r\n sticker intimating about the failed reading\r\n attempt alongwith a contact number to\r\n coordinate the day & time of reading. Or you\r\n may:\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading\r\n Consumer Number\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING\r\n Consumer Number (Only which is showing in\r\n KWH)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why fixed charges are not constant?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Fixed Charges defined by Monthly Tariff\r\n applies to a period of 30 days. When billing\r\n period is not 30 days, applicable fixed\r\n charges are calculated on prorata basis.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Penal Demand Charges\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Use of load beyond the sanctioned load\r\n is a cognisable offence. Penal demand charges\r\n are levied in excess to fixed charges based\r\n on demand usage over and above the\r\n sanctioned load. It is thus advised to\r\n enhance your contracted load to avoid penal\r\n demand charges.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to calculate slab ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Slab based energy rates defined by\r\n Tariff is applicable for 30 days per month\r\n and is prorated on simple unitary method\r\n based on number of billing days i.e.\r\n difference between current reading date and\r\n previous reading date (both dates inclusive)\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Makeup Charges?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. : As per approved Tariff, consumers\r\n who are part of LMV-2 (Commercial Supply)\r\n and LMV-9 (Temporary Supply) are subjected\r\n to load based minimum charges. If the sum of\r\n Fixed Charges (for LMV-2 only) and Energy\r\n Charges is less than applicable monthly\r\n minimum charge then differential amount is\r\n levied as Make Up Charges. Makeup charge =\r\n minimum charge - (fixed charges + energy\r\n charge).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Wrong reading mentioned on my bill. How\r\n to get it rectified?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Request for wrong reading can be\r\n registered through following touchpoints\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Email your concern at crm@noidapower.com.\r\n Do attach meter reading photograph for\r\n convenience.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING\r\n Consumer Number Reading (Only which is\r\n showing in KWH)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What to do if I am not satisfied with\r\n the meter reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are not satisfied with your\r\n bill, you may\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #SELFREADING\r\n Consumer Number Reading (Only which is\r\n showing in KWH)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third party\r\n vendor every month. You are requested to\r\n subscribe for e-bill for on-time and assured\r\n delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n In case you need duplicate bill copy, may\r\n please click on below link given on our\r\n website : You may reach out us through\r\n WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666 (DupBill Consumer\r\n No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 ( #DUPBILL\r\n Consumer No.)\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you need duplicate bill copy,\r\n may please click on below link given on our\r\n website : You may also login to our website\r\n or Mobile www.noidapower.com App using your\r\n credentials (Username & Password) for\r\n downloading / viewing last 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need help in\r\n Sign In” tab under My Account tab.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed and\r\n Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed Payment\r\n Surcharge which is applicable due to\r\n non-payment of bills upto due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall be\r\n levied at 1.25% on the dues per month up-to\r\n first three months of delay. Post three\r\n months, DPS will be charged at 2.00% per\r\n month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity\r\n connection can be disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to lodge complaint through SMS?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can raise your complaint & avail\r\n other important information by sending SMS\r\n on 7840002288 from your registered mobile\r\n number. To see list of short codes with\r\n mandatory details, click on\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Is there any rebate if I pay bills\r\n online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, there is no additional rebate\r\n provided for online payments. However, a\r\n rebate of 1% against sum of Demand Charges &\r\n Energy Charges is provided upon payment\r\n within due date.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Q.Why there are different colour bills? It\r\n denotes what ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Multi colour bills are designed to\r\n reflect upon varied consumer behaviour\r\n towards payment of dues and usage of\r\n electricity.\r\n

    • \r\n Blue Bill denotes timely bill payments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Green Bill denotes payment through digital\r\n mode and/or Solar Net Metering Consumer\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Orange Bill denotes delayed payment and/or\r\n arrears in current bill\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Red bill cautions consumer to abstain from\r\n unauthorized use of electricity based on\r\n site reporting.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How much interest paid on Security\r\n Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Interest is credited to consumers\r\n against existing security deposit on annual\r\n basis as per the bank rate prescribed by the\r\n RBI.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What would be the disconnection date\r\n once arrear is paid from the current month\r\n bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is advised to clear entire dues in\r\n event of arrears amount in current bill.\r\n However, if payment is made only against\r\n arrears, then disconnection date against\r\n current dues is 15 days from the due date as\r\n mentioned on the electricity bill.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can submit self meter reading ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The facility of self submission of\r\n meter reading is available for single phase\r\n consumers. Reading can be submitted through\r\n SMS, Website or App in the dedicated slot\r\n provided every month.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid\r\n meter? Do I need to make payment against\r\n bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number post bill\r\n generation. It can also be downloaded from\r\n our website via Quick E-bill Download or\r\n follow direct link:\r\n


    \r\n No payment is required to be made against\r\n the bill. Ensure sufficient balance in\r\n prepaid meter through timely recharge in\r\n order to avail uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How & when self reading can be provided\r\n by consumer?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading submission slot is 1st to 10th\r\n day of every month. You can easily reach out\r\n to us by sending SMS at 7840002288\r\n (#SELFREADING Consumer No. Reading) or\r\n WHATSAPP us at 0120-6226666 (SelfReading\r\n Consumer No. Reading). The service is also\r\n available on our website & app.\r\n


    \r\n * Please note that reading should be in KWH\r\n parameter\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is power factor?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Power factor for the month is\r\n determined as the ratio of KWH (Active Power\r\n Consumption) to KVAH(Apparent power\r\n consumption).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the minimum Power Factor to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per the regulations of U.P.\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005 minimum power\r\n factor to be maintained is 0.75. If recorded\r\n power factor is less than 0.75,suitable\r\n action as per the provisions shall be\r\n initiated by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What can be the reason which may cause\r\n dip in Power Factor? How it is to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Majority of three phase connections\r\n constitutes of inductive load which draws\r\n non working / reactive power thereby\r\n increasing the KVAH(Apparent power\r\n consumption). Use of capacitor banks is\r\n helpful in offsetting this non working power\r\n requirement, but it should be regulated\r\n according to variance in load requirement by\r\n installing Automated Power Factor\r\n Controller(APFC). Regular check up and\r\n maintenance is also advised.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why it is important to maintain Power\r\n Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers above 10 KW are billed on\r\n KVAH basis as per the applicable tariff\r\n provisions. Dip in power factor(P.F.) cause\r\n increase in KVAH consumption which in turn\r\n results in higher energy charges for the\r\n consumer. Also, it reduces the effective\r\n distribution network capacity of NPCL which\r\n can lead to power outage in the area.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the consequences if power\r\n factor controller is not working properly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Failure of power factor controller i.e.\r\n APFC/Capacitor banks will lead to\r\n inadequate/over compensation of reactive\r\n power requirement. In both scenarios, KVAH\r\n consumption will suddenly increase leading\r\n to higher energy charges being billed.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can NPCL help in improving Power Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, it is consumer's responsibility to\r\n maintain their power factor from time to\r\n time\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third party\r\n vendor every month. You are requested to\r\n subscribe for e-bill for on-time and assured\r\n delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. \"You are required to login on our\r\n website or Mobile www.noidapower.com App\r\n using your credentials (Username & Password)\r\n for downloading / viewing last 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need help in\r\n Sign In” tab under My Account tab\".\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed and\r\n Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed Payment\r\n Surcharge which is applicable due to\r\n non-payment of bills upto due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall be\r\n levied at 1.25% on the dues per month up-to\r\n first three months of delay. Post three\r\n months, DPS will be charged at 2.00% per\r\n month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity\r\n connection can be disconnected.\r\n


    Q. DPS waiver.?


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same.\r\n


    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n setShowTheft(!showTheft)}\r\n style={{ cursor: \"pointer\" }}\r\n >\r\n Theft Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {showTheft ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Where I can contact in case of Direct\r\n theft booked on my consumer number.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit to Our Office at KP-II\r\n from 10:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) for any\r\n detailed information about theft booked or\r\n may contact our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666 or WhatsApp on 0120-6226666, write\r\n Theft (to report electricity theft) may\r\n please click on given link to register\r\n online complaint.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to report Direct Theft\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can call and complain against theft\r\n of electricity / tampering of meter through\r\n following avenues:\r\n

    • Helpline Number : 9891222240
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mobile App
    • \r\n
    • CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666
    • \r\n

    \r\n Your identity shall remain confidential and\r\n action will be taken at the earliest.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is meant by “Direct Theft”?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Section 135(1) of Electricity Act, 2003\r\n as amended by Electricity (amendment) Act ,\r\n 2007, Theft of electricity is defined as,\r\n whoever dishonestly,\r\n

    • \r\n a) Taps Electricity line:\r\n
      • - overhead
      • \r\n
      • - underground
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n b) Tampers meter:\r\n
      • - usage of tampered meter
      • \r\n
      • - current reversing transformer
      • \r\n
      • - loop connection
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - other device interferes with\r\n accurate/proper registration. c) Other\r\n device/method result in a manner\r\n whereby:\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - electricity is stolen
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - damages/destroys an electric meter/\r\n apparatus/equipment/wire/ cause\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n c) Uses electricity through a tampered\r\n meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n d) Uses electricity for purposes other\r\n than that which was authorized.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n setShowDisconnection(!showDisconnection)\r\n }\r\n >\r\n Disconnection Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {showDisconnection ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for permanent\r\n disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you want your connection to be\r\n permanently disconnected, you have to submit\r\n the ID proof, last paid bill with our\r\n written application form at Customer Care\r\n Office at KP-I or Techzone-4*. 2 Years Lock-in\r\n Period is applicable for all consumers\r\n except LMV-9 (Temporary Connection) from\r\n last date of any change in contract. Please\r\n follow the link to know documentation\r\n requirement *Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines of Permanent\r\n Disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Disconnection of supply will completed\r\n within 30 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can I apply for the same meter after\r\n surrendering of current meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the connection is permanently\r\n disconnected, consumer has to follow new\r\n connection application process for getting\r\n an electricity connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for refunding of security\r\n funds?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Consumer Care Centre at\r\n KP-I or Techzone-4, and submit all the\r\n requisite documents which are mentioned at\r\n the back side of application form. Please\r\n follow the link to know documentation\r\n requirement Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why and when MCG charges are applicable\r\n for Permanent Disconnection application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. MCG calculated as per provisions of\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005. The Tariff\r\n Orders issued by Hon’ble Uttar Pradesh\r\n Electricity Regulatory Commission (“State\r\n Commission”) from time to time.Clause 4.14\r\n (Agreement) - Point (h) However, if the\r\n agreement is to be terminated before\r\n completion of 2 years: 30 (i) Consumer shall\r\n be liable to pay the minimum charges (or the\r\n demand / fixed charges, if no minimum\r\n charges are prescribed for that category)\r\n for a period of 6 months or the period by\r\n which the total duration of the agreement\r\n falls short of 2 years, whichever is lower.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n setShowReconnection(!showReconnection)\r\n }\r\n >\r\n Reconnection Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {showReconnection ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n making the part payment of outstanding\r\n amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reconnection is not allowed on part\r\n payment.\r\n



    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Criteria (load & Category){\" \"}\r\n DR charges (Rs.)*
    \r\n Pre-paid Meters - Single phase{\" \"}\r\n - Zero
    Pre-paid Meters -3 phase - Zero
    Smart Meters - Single phase - 100
    Smart Meters - 3 phase - 200
    >75 KW/100BHP - 2000
    \r\n LMV-6 (having load <=75KW/100BHP){\" \"}\r\n - 1000
    All others categories - 600


    \r\n Note: * 18% GST is applicable on DR charges\r\n and supply will be reconnected within 48\r\n hrs. for Rural and 24 hrs. for urban after\r\n payment of Outstanding dues along with\r\n reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines for Reconnection\r\n after temporary disconnection of supply?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Timeline for reconnection of supply\r\n will be Maximum of 48 Hrs for Rural and 24\r\n hrs in Urban after payment of bill &\r\n Reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection when\r\n meter already removed at site?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n final bill generation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision of\r\n reconnection. Once the payment of final bill\r\n is done, consumer has to apply for new\r\n connection with all required documents.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n setShowWebSite(!showWebSite)}\r\n >\r\n Website / Mobile App Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {showWebSite ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the procedure to Login on{\" \"}\r\n www.noidapower.com ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Go to www.noidapower.com. Click on\r\n “Consumer Login” and register your Consumer\r\n Number or click on the link: www.npcl.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various\r\n services/information available on NPCL's\r\n website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.The main features of website are as\r\n follows:\r\n

    • \r\n About NPCL and Contact Details of\r\n registered offices\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bill Payment Option
    • \r\n
    • Outage Alerts
    • \r\n
    • Service Application and Complaint
    • \r\n
    • Tariff Details
    • \r\n
    • Report a Concern
    • \r\n
    • Account Registration
    • \r\n
    • CSR activities
    • \r\n
    • Self Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Ebill Download
    • \r\n
    • Quick Bill Payment
    • \r\n
    • Contact Us
    • \r\n
    • Online Application
    • \r\n
    • Payment Options
    • \r\n
    • Pre-paid Meter Recharge
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer Services for Application form,\r\n Document Checklist, Online Meter Testing,\r\n SMS Based Services, WhatsApp based\r\n services, Customer Care office Queue\r\n Status, Single to Multipoint Conversion,\r\n Consumer Awareness and Many more.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to reset password ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Password can be reset after clicking\r\n forgot password option. You have to punch\r\n your registered email id and consumer number\r\n to receive an updated password , if problem\r\n still persist please write us at crm@noida\r\n power.com)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How and from where a consumer can\r\n update his contact details ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. For updating contact details (mobile\r\n number/ email-id) consumer can login to our\r\n website or mobile app. www.noidapower.com\r\n You may also visit our customer care office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday,\r\n along with the BP No. and ID proof of\r\n registered consumer or company. You may also\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Is it safe to give my bank details on\r\n NPCL website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security standards\r\n to ensure that the data entered by consumers\r\n remains confidential.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Do I need to pay extra charges for\r\n online payment?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL does not levy any extra charge for\r\n online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway, Wallets and other service providers\r\n may levy service charges along with\r\n applicable taxes for transaction above Rs.\r\n 4,000/-.\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Paytm Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1.10%\r\n of the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Bill\r\n desk Gateway service charges would be levied\r\n at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1% of\r\n the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, 3% per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Why this month bill is not updated on\r\n Website Mobile app ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are generated from time to time\r\n from commercial department. It might be\r\n possible due to some certain reason bill of\r\n this month may be delayed and it’s not\r\n generated yet. Once it will have generated\r\n in SAP system then PDF and bill details will\r\n appear on Website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What happen if my ID is locked in NPCL\r\n Website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. USERID will be automatic unlock in 24\r\n hours for the website users\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What all the features available on\r\n Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After Login fetures are as follows :\r\n

    • Bill and Payment History
    • \r\n
    • Register Request & Complaints
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Consumption Analysis
    • \r\n
    • Energy Calculator
    • \r\n
    • Request & Complaint Status
    • \r\n
    • Subscribe for E-bill
    • \r\n
    • Self-Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Payment
    • \r\n
    • Energy Tips
    • \r\n
    • KYC Updation
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is Un-Authenticated Sender issue.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. User details like USERNAME, Email ID\r\n and Password are not matched when user face\r\n this kind of problem.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n setShowComplaint(!showComplaint)}\r\n >\r\n Complaint Against Services Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {showComplaint ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the process of applying for New\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant can download or fill the\r\n online New Connection Service form from our\r\n website and upload necessary documents\r\n www.noidapower.com as mentioned in the\r\n documents checklist. You can also visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday, to apply in person.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Within how much time should the\r\n connection be provided to me?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the application and necessary\r\n documents are reviewed at NPCL, and estimate\r\n gets generated which needs to be paid by the\r\n consumer. Post which it will take\r\n approximately 7 working days* for the\r\n apparatus to be installed at the consumers\r\n premises and for the energization of supply.\r\n


    \r\n *This SLA is applicable for the urban\r\n domestic connection where no augmentation of\r\n main is required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why I have not received my estimate\r\n intimation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you have successfully submitted\r\n your new service application form at our\r\n Customer Care Office or Online , we process\r\n the application in our system and it gets\r\n forwarded to concerned department for the\r\n Commercial & LCC Dues, Technical feasibility\r\n check. Once clearance is received from all\r\n the departments it is followed by estimate\r\n preparation. During this process system\r\n generated messages are triggered, after\r\n completion of necessary stages. Thus, you\r\n are requested to please wait for the same as\r\n we will be working on 1st cum 1st serve\r\n basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I pay the Estimate amount Online\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online thru\r\n NPCL website or you may visit our Customer\r\n Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday to apply in person for\r\n payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Estimate paid but meter not installed\r\n yet?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post payment of estimated amount, New\r\n connection will be provided within 7 days\r\n where no Augmentation of existing mains are\r\n required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for the status of\r\n application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can write\r\n us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to apply for refunding of security\r\n fund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit our Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday to\r\n apply for security refund, please follow the\r\n link to know documentation requirement\r\n (https://www.noidapower.com/Services/Document_Checklist)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Paper Formalities Required for Load\r\n Reduction?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to fill application and\r\n provide all the requisite documentation\r\n which are mentioned on the back side of\r\n application form. Please follow the link to\r\n know documentation requirement. Please note\r\n for load reduction consumer can only apply\r\n after two years from date of energization.\r\n For Temp. Supply, consumer can apply for\r\n load reduction at any point of time.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can consumer find the status of\r\n request against New Connection?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of a New Connection\r\n request, consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Can write us at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Estimate not Received Yet\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you have not received any\r\n update after 7-10 days of applying for\r\n request.To know the status of application\r\n you may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to\r\n know the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is minimum charges & why it is to\r\n be paid.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to bear the minimum\r\n charges based on the total sanctioned load &\r\n as per the applicable tariff rate it is been\r\n calculated for remaining Tenure in case you\r\n have not completed 2 yrs. to the connection\r\n or recent load enhancement/reduction\r\n process. In Case the maximum demand recorded\r\n in any of the last 2 billing cycles is\r\n higher than the reduced contracted load\r\n consumer can not opt for the proposed\r\n contracted load\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is Augmentation? How much time it\r\n take to complete?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Augmentation means\r\n improvement/enhancement of the system\r\n capacity to be able to cater to the\r\n increased electricity load requirement. Such\r\n augmentation needs capital investment.\r\n Sometimes, only after requests received for\r\n new connections or load enhancement;\r\n particularly if the requested load is high.\r\n Different types of Augmentation may be\r\n required such as:\r\n

    • Low Tension (LT) Line Extension
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Capacity Augmentation
    • \r\n
    • \r\n {\" \"}\r\n High Tension ( 11 KV) Line Extension\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Complete electrification of an\r\n un-electrified area\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Timeline for different type of augmentations\r\n are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Type of augmentation Timeline\r\n required for augmentation{\" \"}\r\n (Working Days)
    LT Network augmentation - 60
    Transformer Augmentation - 120
    \r\n HT - 11 KV Network Strengthening{\" \"}\r\n - 180
    \r\n Un-electrified Area or New Grid\r\n Required{\" \"}\r\n - 180


    \r\n \r\n Q.How and where to approach for Shifting\r\n of Mains ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. We accept application for following\r\n request\r\n

    • Meter Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Pole Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Service Cable Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Penal Feeder Box Shifting
    • \r\n

    \r\n For the shifting related request an\r\n application along with the copy of id proof\r\n and last paid bill is required (please\r\n follow the link to be submitted at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday. After verification of\r\n documents, site visit is arranged to check\r\n the feasibility to fulfil the request and\r\n then a survey report is prepared and\r\n accordingly estimate is generated as per\r\n Regulatory guidelines. Once the payment of\r\n estimate is done then shifting will be\r\n executed\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What Documents are required for Load\r\n Enhancement/ Load Reduction/ Name Change/\r\n Category Change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please click Here.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the TAT for completion of\r\n Service Application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in the\r\n system during this period you may receive 1\r\n bill with previous load/ category, except\r\n shifting of mains , as it depends upon site\r\n condition and availability of material.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where we can contact in case of any\r\n information required for service request.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can write\r\n us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the payment options for\r\n estimate payment ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online thru\r\n NPCL website or you may visit our Customer\r\n Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday to apply inperson for\r\n payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the basis of calculation of\r\n Security Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The security deposit maintainable for a\r\n consumer is equivalent to 2 times the\r\n average bill value for the financial year\r\n under reference. For a new applicant, the\r\n security deposit will be determined on the\r\n basis of load applied.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my application is been Pending since\r\n long.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, To know the status of\r\n application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes\r\n follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to contact in case of application\r\n rejected due to LCC/Theft?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When am I required to pay Additional\r\n Security Deposit (ASD)?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Each year the security deposit is\r\n reviewed in the month of April on the basis\r\n of last one year consumption. The statement\r\n of Security Deposit account is given in the\r\n bill for the month of April. If the\r\n maintainable Security Deposit is more than\r\n the security Deposit “held” amount,\r\n additional security deposit is required to\r\n be paid.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required in case\r\n of Small Correction in Connection Details\r\n such as Spelling of Name, inadequate\r\n Address?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The documentary proof for the desired\r\n change along with latest paid bill receipt\r\n along with correction form by the property\r\n owner. You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What happens if the Security Deposit\r\n amount held is more than the Security\r\n Deposit Maintainable amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In the above scenario, no ASD request\r\n will be placed however, as per the RBI\r\n guidelines interest gets credited for the\r\n held security amount.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How do I get refund of Security Deposit\r\n after account closure?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After necessary adjustment, the\r\n Security Deposit amount held with us is\r\n refunded with an A/c payee cheque in the\r\n name of the registered consumer at the\r\n recorded address.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When I can apply for Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may apply for Security Refund\r\n in below given senarios :\r\n

    • \r\n *Once the connection is Permanently\r\n Disconnected\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * Once the property is sold and also name\r\n mutation has been completed in records and\r\n earlier connection gets permanently\r\n disconnected, the Old/Earlier property\r\n holder may apply for Security Refund\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required for\r\n Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Click here\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who is eligible to get Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Only the registered consumer or Old\r\n owner (in case of property sold out) can\r\n apply for Security Refund\r\n


    \r\n Q.Can I get Final Bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. After meter removal from site final\r\n bill get generated within 15 days and final\r\n copy may be provided whrein consumer\r\n himself/herself, have requested for\r\n permannet disconnection and having relevant\r\n notification no. too.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to apply for NOC ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you get the final bill copy and\r\n upon making necessary bill payments (if\r\n any), consumer may apply for NOC from our\r\n customer care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV ..Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My New Connection service request is\r\n pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes\r\n for several checks via different departments\r\n during which it might have not been cleared\r\n under LCC/CF Check. After neccessary\r\n clearance from respective team, you shall be\r\n notified with the Estimate Amount which is\r\n to paid before executing the siite work. In\r\n case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending. To know the status of a New\r\n Connection request, consumer may use\r\n following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Can write us at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n New Connection service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit &\r\n after receving site report, Estimate get\r\n generated & sent for necessary approvals. We\r\n shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail alert\r\n containing payment link of estimate.In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may reach out\r\n to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NSC Notification No. For any\r\n further requirement, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist new\r\n service request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n 7-10 days time for meter installation. Only\r\n if there is any right of way issue, it may\r\n take more time for completing the assigned\r\n work and it may only be completed once clear\r\n way will be provided by consumer to our\r\n service team. You may reach out to us via\r\n our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC\r\n Notification No. For any further assistance,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Name Mutation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details, you\r\n may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NM Notification No.\r\n For any further requirement, you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Name Mutation is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in the\r\n system during this period you may receive 1\r\n bill with previous details. In case of any\r\n doubt you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NM\r\n Notification No.For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Load Augmentation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit &\r\n after receving site report, Estimate get\r\n generated & sent for necessary approvals. We\r\n shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail alert\r\n containing payment link of estimate. In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may reach out\r\n to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 LA Notification No. For any\r\n further requirement, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Load Augmentation service request\r\n is pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes\r\n for several checks via different departments\r\n during which it might have not been cleared\r\n under LCC/CF Check. After neccessary\r\n clearance from respective team, you shall be\r\n notified with the Estimate Amount which is\r\n to paid before executing the site work. In\r\n case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist Load\r\n Augmentation request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n 7-10 days time for meter installation. Only\r\n if there is any right of way issue, it may\r\n take more time for completing the assigned\r\n work and it may only be completed once clear\r\n way will be provided by consumer to our\r\n service team. You may reach out to us via\r\n our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA\r\n Notification No. For any further assistance,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Category Change is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in the\r\n system during this period you may receive 1\r\n bill with previous details. In case of any\r\n doubt you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 CT\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Category Change service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details, you\r\n may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 CT Notification No.\r\n For any further requirement, you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Load Reduction service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit (As &\r\n when required) & after receving site report,\r\n Estimate get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LR\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Load Reduction is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in the\r\n billing, during this period you may receive\r\n 1 bill with previous load details. In case\r\n of any doubt you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LR\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Shifting request is pending for\r\n Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes\r\n for several checks via different departments\r\n during which it might have not been cleared\r\n under LCC/CF Check. After neccessary\r\n clearance from respective team, you shall be\r\n notified with the Estimate Amount which is\r\n to paid before executing the site work. In\r\n case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Shifting request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Shifting request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit &\r\n after receving site report, Estimate get\r\n generated & sent for necessary approvals. We\r\n shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail alert\r\n containing payment link of estimate. In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there is no action taken at site ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes\r\n for several checks via different departments\r\n during which it might have not been cleared\r\n under LCC/CF Check. After neccessary\r\n clearance from respective team, you shall be\r\n notified with the Estimate Amount which is\r\n to paid before executing the siite work. In\r\n case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this period\r\n you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n details. In case of any doubt you may reach\r\n out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NAC Notification No. For any\r\n further requirement, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name correction is still pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this period\r\n you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n details. In case of any doubt you may reach\r\n out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NAC Notification No. For any\r\n further requirement, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction is still\r\n pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connections floor wise?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In domestic high rise building\r\n electricity connection to individual\r\n owner/occupant are provided on multipoint\r\n scheme as per the guidelines of 13th\r\n Ammendmant of Electricity Supply Code, 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What should be the file type and size to\r\n upload for new connection online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. File size can't exceed 15 mb per\r\n documentation type.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connection through\r\n mobile app?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, you can apply new connection from\r\n NPCL mobile app.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How much I have to pay for Prepaid\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, service charges and security\r\n (if applicable) as specified in Cost Data\r\n Book which shall be calculated based upon\r\n your application and site survey.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can apply for Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are intending to carry out any\r\n construction work at your premise and\r\n seeking of electricity connection for\r\n construction activity, then, you will have\r\n to apply for temorary connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the Documentation requirement\r\n for Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant has to fill application form\r\n for new connection and provide all the\r\n requisite documentation which are mentioned\r\n on the back side of new connection\r\n application form.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to convert from temporary to\r\n permanent?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete construction work and\r\n obtains building completion certificate from\r\n concerned authority i.e. GNIDA/UPSIDC, you\r\n can apply for Permanent connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges of temporary\r\n connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, security deposit and service\r\n charges as specified in Cost Data Book which\r\n shall be calculated based upon your\r\n application and site survey\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is B&L form and why it is required\r\n in load augmentation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. B&L form or Work completion certificate\r\n form is filled by the licensed electrical\r\n contractor who has carried out electrical\r\n wiring/installation of premise. This\r\n certifies that electrical\r\n wiring/installation is done following all\r\n the regualtions and includes the equipments\r\n details installed, insulation test result of\r\n the wiring/installation.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for status of Online New\r\n Connection application\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can write\r\n us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n setShowSupply(!showSupply)}\r\n >\r\n Supply Related\r\n \r\n
    \r\n {showSupply ? (\r\n \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to resolve supply-related\r\n complaints on power interruptions or\r\n unsatisfactory voltage profile?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Register the complaint at NPCL's\r\n helpline no. +91-0120 6226666 along with\r\n 10-digit consumer number printed at the\r\n upper left corner of your electricity bill\r\n and one complaint number will be intimated\r\n to you for future reference. NPCL\r\n fault-repairing crew will attend to the\r\n cause of the complaint and resolve the same\r\n within the following time limits:\r\n

    • Urban: 3 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Rural: 12 Hours
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Industrial & Instittutional : 4 Hours\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Transformer failure : 72 Hours
    • \r\n

    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower Consumer No.) or Send\r\n SMS at 7840002288 ( #NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n May also download our mobile app for easy &\r\n quick access.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to address the problem of frequent\r\n tripping of MCB or blowing of fuse?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Contact a Licensed Electrical\r\n contractor (L.E.C.) to locate the cause. If\r\n there is a fault/defect in your wiring\r\n installations, rectify the same.\r\n


    \r\n If the load of your installation is more\r\n than the load allowed by NPCL, please apply\r\n for enhancement of load by filling up a form\r\n available at NPCL office KP-1 & know more\r\n about the same.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default LoadReductionAugmentationFaq;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\nimport Table from \"../components/Table\";\r\n\r\nconst LoadReductionAugmentationApply = () => {\r\n const [loadReduction,setLoadReduction] = useState(true)\r\n const [augmentation,setAugmentation] = useState(false)\r\n\r\n const openLoad = ()=>{\r\n setLoadReduction(true);\r\n setAugmentation(false)\r\n }\r\n const openAug = ()=>{\r\n setLoadReduction(false);\r\n setAugmentation(true)\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    {loadReduction ? ('Load Reduction'):('load Augmentation')}

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Apply Online\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    • Load Reduction
    • \r\n
    • Load Augmentation
    • \r\n
    \r\n {loadReduction ? (
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Application Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n \r\n

    Click here to Apply

    ): null}\r\n {augmentation ? (
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Application Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n \r\n

    Click here to Apply

    ): null}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default LoadReductionAugmentationApply","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst LoadReductionAugmentationStatus = () => {\r\n const [loadReduction,setLoadReduction] = useState(true)\r\n const [augmentation,setAugmentation] = useState(false)\r\n\r\n const openLoad = ()=>{\r\n setLoadReduction(true);\r\n setAugmentation(false)\r\n }\r\n const openAug = ()=>{\r\n setLoadReduction(false);\r\n setAugmentation(true)\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    {loadReduction ? ('Load Reduction'):('load Augmentation')}

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Apply Online\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    • Load Reduction
    • \r\n
    • Load Augmentation
    • \r\n
    \r\n {loadReduction ? (
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Application Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    Application Status

    ):null}\r\n {augmentation ? (
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Application Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    Application Status

    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default LoadReductionAugmentationStatus","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst LoadReductionAugmentationFeedback = () => {\r\n const [loadReduction,setLoadReduction] = useState(true)\r\n const [augmentation,setAugmentation] = useState(false)\r\n\r\n const openLoad = ()=>{\r\n setLoadReduction(true);\r\n setAugmentation(false)\r\n }\r\n const openAug = ()=>{\r\n setLoadReduction(false);\r\n setAugmentation(true)\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    {loadReduction ? ('Load Reduction'):('load Augmentation')}

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Apply Online\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    • Load Reduction
    • \r\n
    • Load Augmentation
    • \r\n
    \r\n {loadReduction ? (
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Application Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    Feedback Form

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Ease of Accessing Information on Website

    \r\n\t\t\t😒 Poor\r\n\t\t\t😐 OK\r\n\t\t\t😏 Good\r\n\t\t\t😁 Great\r\n\t\t
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    ):null}\r\n {augmentation ? (
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Application Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    Feedback Form

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Ease of Accessing Information on Website

    \r\n\t\t\t😒 Poor\r\n\t\t\t😐 OK\r\n\t\t\t😏 Good\r\n\t\t\t😁 Great\r\n\t\t
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    ):null}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default LoadReductionAugmentationFeedback","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport SvgDesign from \"../components/SvgDesign\";\r\n\r\nconst OurValues = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Vision Mission\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vision & Mission\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Our Values\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n RPSG Group Vision and Core Values\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n Our Values\r\n
    • Customer First
    • \r\n
    • Execution Excellence
    • \r\n
    • CredibilityCredibility
    • \r\n
    • Agility
    • \r\n
    • Risk-Taking
    • \r\n
    • Humaneness
    • \r\n
    • Sustainability
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default OurValues;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst ConsumerOffer = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Consumer Offer\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n

    Consumer Offer

    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n Rebates\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n Other Offers\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ConsumerOffer;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst ConsumerOfferJuggi = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Customer Offer\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    • \r\n \r\n JHUGGI/ HUTMENTS/ PATRI SHOPKEEPERS\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n SEASONAL INDUSTRIES IN LMV-6 AND HV-2\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Connections to Jhuggi / hutments / Patri Shopkeepers shall be given as temporary connection only and shall be energized through pre-paid meters only and the prospective consumer has to provide\r\n

    • Aadhar Card /
    • \r\n
    • Pan Card/
    • \r\n
    • Ration Card/
    • \r\n
    • Voter ID Card/
    • \r\n
    • Driving License/
    • \r\n
    • Bank Account of Nationalized Bank only (one of these).
    • \r\n

    All the papers issued in regard to this connection will boldly display that the same is a temporary connection and is not a proof of ownership of the said premises. These temporary connections shall be upto 2 KW only.

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ConsumerOfferJuggi;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst ConsumerOfferSeasonal = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Customer Offer\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n JHUGGI/ HUTMENTS/ PATRI SHOPKEEPERS\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n SEASONAL INDUSTRIES IN LMV-6 AND HV-2\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Seasonal industries will be determined in accordance with the criteria laid down below. No exhaustive list can be provided but some examples of industries exhibiting such characteristics are sugar, ice, rice mill and cold storage. The industries which operate during certain period of the year, i.e. have seasonality of operation, can avail the benefits of seasonal industries provided:\r\n

    • The continuous period of operation of such industries shall be at least 4 (four) months but not more than 9 (nine) months in a financial year.
    • \r\n
    • Any prospective consumer, desirous of availing the seasonal benefit, shall specifically declare his season at the time of submission of declaration / execution of agreement mentioning the period of operation unambiguously.
    • \r\n
    • The seasonal period once notified cannot be reduced during the next consecutive 12 months. The off-season tariff is not applicable to composite units having seasonal and other category loads.
    • \r\n
    • The off-season tariff is also not available to those units who have captive generation exclusively for process during season and who avail Licensees supply for miscellaneous loads and other non-process loads.
    • \r\n
    • The consumer opting for seasonal benefit has a flexibility to declare his off seasonal maximum demand subject to a maximum of 25% of the contracted demand. The tariff rates (demand charge per kW / kVA and energy charge per kWh / kVAh) for such industries during off-season period will be the same as for normal period. Further, during the off season fixed charges shall be levied on the basis of maximum demand recorded by the meter (not on normal billable demand or on percentage contracted demand). Rates for the energy charges shall however be the same as during the operational season. Further, first violation in the season would attract full billable demand charges and energy charges calculated at the unit rate 50% higher than the applicable tariff during normal period but only for the month in which the consumer has defaulted. However, on second violation in the off-season, the consumer will forfeit the benefit of seasonal rates for the entire season and energy charges shall be calculated at the unit rate 50% higher than the applicable tariff during the normal period.
    • \r\n

    All the papers issued in regard to this connection will boldly display that the same is a temporary connection and is not a proof of ownership of the said premises. These temporary connections shall be upto 2 KW only.

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ConsumerOfferSeasonal;\r\n","import React, { useState, useEffect } from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst ContactOverPhone = () => {\r\n\r\n const [show1, setShow1] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2, setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const [show3, setShow3] = useState(false);\r\n const [show4, setShow4] = useState(false);\r\n const [show5, setShow5] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const toggleShow1 = () => {\r\n setShow1(!show1);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n const toggleShow2 = () => {\r\n setShow2(!show2);\r\n if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n const toggleShow3 = () => {\r\n setShow3(!show3);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n const toggleShow4 = () => {\r\n setShow4(!show4);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n const toggleShow5 = () => {\r\n setShow5(!show5);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Contact Over Phone\r\n
    24*7 Call Center / Customer Care number
    0120 - 622 6666
    No Power complaint E-mail
    General query complaint E-mail
    \r\n\r\n {/*
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Customer Relation\r\n \r\n New Connection - Operations\r\n Operations & Maintenance - Zone-1Operations & Maintenance - Zone-2
    Commercial Services
    • \r\n \r\n Customer Relation\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n New Connection - Operations\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Operations & Maintenance - Zone-1\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Operations & Maintenance - Zone-2\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Commercial Services\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n {show1 ? (\r\n
    Heading Sub-Heading \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Name Designation Mobile
    Customer Relation General queries / requests / complaints /information \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Mr. Tarun Raj Dy. Manager - BE&CR 9911998254
    Mr. Prabhat Ranjan Dy. Manager - BE&CR 7065049851
    Mr. Gautam Kumar Manager - BE&CR 8287938179
    Ms. Neha Rai Manager - BE&CR 7065049852
    Overall\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Ms. Meghna Dosi Head - BE&CR 7840008873
    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show2 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Heading \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Sub-Heading Name Designation Mobile
    New Connection - Operations\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    New Connection(LT - Upto 50 KW) Mr. Gurchant Singh Sr. Executive - Operations 9911998242
    New Connection(HT - > 50 KW) Mr. Udit Kulshrestha Assistant Manager - Operations 8505952424
    Coversion of single point connection to multi point connection for multi-storied building Mr. Tarun Chauhan Sr. Executive - Operations 9911998208
    New Connection Head Mr. Jitendra Dhamat Sr. Manager - Operations 8743009894
    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show3 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Heading \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Sub-Heading Name Designation Mobile
    Operations & Maintenance - Zone-1\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Surajpur-1 (Site C/Site B/ Udyog Vihar/Udyog kendra/B2P area/Ecotech-3 etc.) Mr. Biswaranjan Gouda Asst. Manager - Operations 7834807022
    Surajpur-2 (Surajpur/Kuleshra/Tilapta/Devla/ Jalpura/ Haldauni/Habibpur/ Thapkhera/Boraki/Pali/Ghori etc.) Mr. Amit Kumar Dy. Manager - Operations 9911998247
    Greater Noida West (Societies of GNW/Ecotech-12/ Techzon-4/Sec-10/Ithehra etc.) Mr. Inder Pal Singh Lodhi Dy. Manager - Operations 8743009896
    Zone-1 Head Mr. Gaurav Sharma Sr. Manager - Operations 9990046407
    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show4 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Heading \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Sub-Heading Name Designation Mobile
    Operations & Maintenance - Zone-2 \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Urban-1(Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Delta/ Eta/Zeta/Tughalpur/KP1/ KP2/KP3/KP4 etc.) Mr. Amandeep Singh Executive - Operations 8750068236
    Urban-2 & Kasna (Sigma/ Omicron/ ZU/MU/Chi/Builders area/swarn Nagri /Site-4/Site-5/Ecotech Ext-1/Ecotech-6 etc.) Mr. Pawan Gautam Dy. Manager - Operations 9540060874
    Zone-2-Head Mr. Pankaj Palawat Sr. Manager - Operations 8287238929
    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show5 ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Heading \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Commercial Services \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Reconnection / Disconnection Mr. Sunil Kumar Sharma Asst. Manager - Commercial 9990046403
    Reconnection / Disconnection (Rural) Mr. Tarun Goel Manager - Loss Control Cell7065049847
    Meter reading & Billing Mr. Abhishake Jain DGM - Commercial9718804962
    Commercial services (Name mutation/load reduction/category transfer/Permanent disconnection/Security deposit refund) Mr. Nikhil Garg DGM-Commercial 9990046406
    Overall Mr. Harinder Singh Head - Commercial 9625313294
    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ContactOverPhone;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst KnowYourPrepaidMeter = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Know Your Prepaid Meter\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
      \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Know Your Prepaid Meter\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Know Your Prepaid Meter Radius(User Handbook)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default KnowYourPrepaidMeter;\r\n","import React from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst SampleNextArrow = (props) => {\r\n const { className, style, onClick } = props;\r\n return (\r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default SampleNextArrow","import React from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst SamplePrevArrow = (props) => {\r\n const { className, style, onClick } = props;\r\n return (\r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default SamplePrevArrow","import React, { useEffect } from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport SampleNextArrow from \"../components/SampleNextArrow\";\r\nimport SamplePrevArrow from \"../components/SamplePrevArrow\";\r\n\r\nconst ConsumerTestimonial = () => {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows:true,\r\n nextArrow: ,\r\n prevArrow: \r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Consumer Testimonial\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n Consumer Testimonial\r\n \r\n \r\n \"subs\"\r\n\r\n \"subs\"\r\n\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \"subs\"\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ConsumerTestimonial;\r\n"," import React, { useState, useEffect } from \"react\";\r\n import Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\n import Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\n import Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n import FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\n import { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n import { Legend } from \"recharts\";\r\n\r\n const Legal = () => {\r\n const [show1, setShow1] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2, setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const [show3, setShow3] = useState(false);\r\n const [show4, setShow4] = useState(false);\r\n const [show5, setShow5] = useState(false);\r\n const [show6, setShow6] = useState(false);\r\n const [show7, setShow7] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n useEffect(() => {\r\n setShow1(true);\r\n }, []);\r\n\r\n const toggleShow1 = () => {\r\n setShow1(!show1);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show6) {\r\n setShow6(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show7) {\r\n setShow7(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n \r\n const toggleShow2 = () => {\r\n setShow2(!show2);\r\n if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show6) {\r\n setShow6(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show7) {\r\n setShow7(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n \r\n const toggleShow3 = () => {\r\n setShow3(!show3);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show6) {\r\n setShow6(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show7) {\r\n setShow7(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n \r\n const toggleShow4 = () => {\r\n setShow4(!show4);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show6) {\r\n setShow6(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show7) {\r\n setShow7(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n \r\n const toggleShow5 = () => {\r\n setShow5(!show5);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show6) {\r\n setShow6(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show7) {\r\n setShow7(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n const toggleShow6 = () => {\r\n setShow6(!show6);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show7) {\r\n setShow7(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n const toggleShow7 = () => {\r\n setShow7(!show7);\r\n if (show2) {\r\n setShow2(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show3) {\r\n setShow3(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show4) {\r\n setShow4(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show1) {\r\n setShow1(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show5) {\r\n setShow5(false);\r\n }\r\n else if (show6) {\r\n setShow6(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n CGRFs & Ombudsman\r\n {/* \" className=\"active\">\r\n CGRFs & Ombudsman\r\n */}\r\n
    4. \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status of the CGRF at a Glance\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status of the Disposal by CGRFS\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Format of the Complaint\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n UPERC (CGRF) Regulations,2022\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Cause List\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Notices\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n\r\n{show1 ? (\r\n

    Three Consumer Grievance Redressal Forums [CGRFs], Greater Noida, (U.P.) have been established for the licensed area of Noida Power Company Limited on 29.09.2023 under Section 42(5) of Electricity Act, 2003, read with the UPERC (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum) Regulations, 2022 [ “CGRF Regulations 2022” ] for redressal of consumer grievances regarding any dispute, other than theft or unauthorized use of electricity.


    If a consumer is not satisfied with the resolution of grievances by the Company, he/she can approach the appropriate forum as per the jurisdiction of the CGRF as mentioned below:

    \r\n\r\n \r\n

    Rural Level


    Pecuniary Jurisdiction: Dispute related to rural bills and assessments less than Rs. 50 Lakh.

    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    ChairmanIndependent MemberFirst Nominated MemberSecond Nominated MemberThird Nominated Member (Prosumer/Consumer)
    Shri Gaurav Sharma
    Senior Manager (Operations)
    Shri Sunil Kumar-Advocate\r\n
    Shri Sunil Kumar\r\n
    Shri Arun Mavi \r\n
    Shri Virender Singh \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Urban Level


    Pecuniary Jurisdiction: Dispute related to urban bills and assessments less than Rs. 50 Lakh.

    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n
    ChairmanIndependent MemberFirst Nominated MemberSecond Nominated MemberThird Nominated Member (Prosumer/Consumer)
    Shri Jitender Dhamat
    Senior Manager (Operations)
    Smt. Veenita Marathia-Advocate
    Shri Mulendra Kumar Sharma
    Shri Satya Prakash Sharma
    Shri Prem Kumar

    Company Level


    Pecuniary Jurisdiction: Dispute related to bills and assessments equal to and greater than Rs. 50 Lakh.

    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n
    ChairmanIndependent MemberFirst Nominated MemberSecond Nominated MemberThird Nominated Member (Prosumer/Consumer)
    Shri Sanjiv Goel
    General Manager (Regulatory)
    Shri D.S Pandey
    Shri Devi Ram
    Shri A.D. Pandey
    Shri Omveer Singh
    \r\n\r\n Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, Greater Noida
    [CGRF – Rural], [CGRF – Urban] and [CGRF – Company] ,
    33/11 kV Substation, Sector Alpha - I,
    Sector Alpha-I, Opposite Ryan International School,
    Greater Noida, U.P. – 201310

    Email: cgrf@noidapower.com
    Telephone No:      0120-6226644
    Website:    www.noidapower.com
    Office Hours: 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM (Monday to Friday)

    The forums will address all complaints related to supply and billing, excluding the cases relating to pilferage/theft/unauthorised use of electricity. The Consumers, who are not satisfied with decision of the Forum, may file an Appeal before the Company Level or the Hon’ble Ombudsman as prescribed in the Regulations 2022.

    Electricity Ombudsman
    Vidyut Niyamak Bhawan
    Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar
    Telephone No:91-522-2720856
    Fax : +91-522-2720857
    Email: eo-up@uperc.org
    Company Level
    Address: Consumer Grievance Redressal
    Forum, Greater Noida
    33/11 kV Substation, D-Block,
    Sector Alpha-I, Opposite Ryan International
    School, Greater Noida, U.P. – 201310
    Telephone: 0120-6226644
    Email: cgrf@noidapower.com
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show2 ? (\r\n

    FY 2023-24


    Q3 - \"NPCL\"/


    Q4 -\"NPCL\"/


    FY 2024-25


    Q1 - \"NPCL\"/


    Q2 - \"NPCL\"/


    Q3 - \"NPCL\"/

    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show3 ? (\r\n

    Suggested Format for Filling the Complaint before CGRFs ..................................... \"NPCL\"/



    SUGGESTED FORMAT (In English) ..................................... \"NPCL\"/

    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show4 ? (\r\n

    CGRF Regulations 2022 and NPCL's approval are provided in PDF in the below link:


    \"NPCL\"/ – CGRF Regulation 2022, Composition & Jurisdiction

    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show5 ? (\r\n

    FAQs regarding CGRFs .............................................. \"NPCL\"/

    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show6 ? (\r\n

    CGRF- RURAL LEVEL (07/06/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- URBAN LEVEL (14/06/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- RURAL LEVEL (18/06/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- URBAN LEVEL (05/07/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- RURAL LEVEL (04/07/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- URBAN LEVEL (19/07/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- RURAL LEVEL (01/08/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- URBAN LEVEL (07/08/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- RURAL LEVEL (13/08/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- RURAL LEVEL (22/08/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- URBAN LEVEL (23/08/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- RURAL LEVEL (30/08/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- COMPANY LEVEL (03/09/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- RURAL LEVEL (12/09/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- URBAN LEVEL (13/09/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- COMPANY LEVEL (17/09/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- URBAN LEVEL (27/09/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- COMPANY LEVEL (08/11/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- URBAN LEVEL (12/11/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- URBAN LEVEL (29/11/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- URBAN LEVEL (06/12/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- URBAN LEVEL (13/12/2024) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- URBAN LEVEL (03/01/2025) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- COMPANY LEVEL (06/01/2025) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- COMPANY LEVEL (13/01/2025) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- URBAN LEVEL (30/01/2025) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/



    CGRF- URBAN LEVEL (07/02/2025) .............................................. \"NPCL\"/

    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n{show7 ? (\r\n

    Advertisement for the Members of CGRFs .............................................. \"NPCL\"/

    \r\n) : null}\r\n\r\n {/*

    Three Consumer Grievance Redressal Forums [CGRFs], Greater Noida, (U.P.) have been established for the licensed area of Noida Power Company Limited on 29.09.2023 under Section 42(5) of Electricity Act, 2003, read with the UPERC (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum) Regulations, 2022 [ “CGRF Regulations 2022” ] for redressal of consumer grievances regarding any dispute, other than theft or unauthorized use of electricity.


    If a consumer is not satisfied with the resolution of grievances by the Company, he/she can approach the appropriate forum as per the jurisdiction of the CGRF as mentioned below:

    \r\n\r\n \r\n

    Pecuniary Rural Level


    Jurisdiction: Dispute related to rural bills and assessments less than Rs. 50 Lakh.

    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    ChairmanFirst Nominated MemberSecond Nominated MemberThird Nominated Member (Prosumer/Consumer)Independent Member
    Shri Gaurav Sharma
    Senior Manager (Operations)
    Shri Sunil Kumar\r\n\r\n Shri Arun Mavi \r\n\r\n Shri Virender Singh \r\n\r\n Shri Sunil Kumar-Advocate\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Urban Level


    Pecuniary Jurisdiction: Dispute related to urban bills and assessments less than Rs. 50 Lakh.

    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    ChairmanFirst Nominated MemberSecond Nominated MemberThird Nominated Member (Prosumer/Consumer)Independent Member
    Shri Jitender Dhamat
    Senior Manager (Operations)
    Shri Mulendra Kumar Sharma Shri Satya Prakash SharmaShri Prem Kumar Smt. Veenita Marathia-Advocate

    Company Level


    Pecuniary Jurisdiction: Dispute related to bills and assessments equal to and greater than Rs. 50 Lakh.

    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    ChairmanFirst Nominated MemberSecond Nominated MemberThird Nominated Member (Prosumer/Consumer)Independent Member
    Shri Sanjiv Goel
    General Manager (Regulatory)
    Shri Devi Ram Shri A.D. Pandey Shri Omveer Singh -
    \r\n \r\n

    Nature of Dispute, Pecuniary Jurisdiction of Forums and CGRF Regulations 2022 are provided in PDF in the below link:


    \"NPCL\"/ – CGRF Regulation 2022, Composition & Jurisdiction

    \r\n\r\n Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, Greater Noida
    [CGRF – Rural], [CGRF – Urban] and [CGRF – Company] ,
    33/11 kV Substation, Sector Alpha - I,
    Sector Alpha-I, Opposite Ryan International School,
    Greater Noida, U.P. – 201310

    Email: cgrf@noidapower.com
    Telephone No:      0120-6226644
    Website:    www.noidapower.com
    Office Hours: 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM (Monday to Friday)

    The forums will address all complaints related to supply and billing, excluding the cases relating to pilferage/theft/unauthorised use of electricity. The Consumers, who are not satisfied with decision of the Forum, may file an Appeal before the Company Level or the Hon’ble Ombudsman as prescribed in the Regulations 2022.

    Electricity Ombudsman
    Vidyut Niyamak Bhawan
    Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar
    Telephone No:91-522-2720856
    Fax : +91-522-2720857
    Email: eo-up@uperc.org
    Company Level
    Address: Consumer Grievance Redressal
    Forum, Greater Noida
    33/11 kV Substation, D-Block,
    Sector Alpha-I, Opposite Ryan International
    School, Greater Noida, U.P. – 201310
    Telephone: 0120-6226644
    Email: cgrf@noidapower.com
    \r\n \r\n
    */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n }\r\n\r\n export default Legal","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { GoogleMapReact,LocationPin } from 'google-maps-react';\r\n\r\nconst MeterTesting = () => {\r\n const location = {\r\n address: '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, california.',\r\n lat: 37.42216,\r\n lng: -122.08427,\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n MeterTesting\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Get your Electric Meters tested through NABL Accredited Meter Testing Laboratory. An independent laboratory having state of the Art Meter Testing Bench with a capacity to test 20 Meters at a given point of time.\r\n


    \r\n Meter Testing Reports are validated by Assessors of NABL (a government body) on yearly basis.\r\n


    To know about the Meter Testing charges, please write to us on nablmtl@noidapower.com or visit us at the below mentioned address


    NPCL Meter Testing Laboratory

    33/11 KV Substation cum Office
    Near Overhead Water Reservoir
    Sector 37, Greater Noida
    U.P. 201310
    Timing: 10:00 to 18:00
    Working Days: Monday- Friday

    \r\n {/* \r\n \r\n */}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default MeterTesting;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport ReCAPTCHA from \"react-google-recaptcha\";\r\n\r\n\r\nclass ConsumerContactProgram extends React.Component {\r\n\r\n settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n\r\n onChange(value) {\r\n console.log(\"Captcha value:\", value);\r\n }\r\n \r\n render(){\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Consumer Contact Program\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n Consumer Contact Programme \r\n\t\t

    As part of NPCL's ongoing endeavors to reach out to Consumers, we have started organizing Customer Contact Programs (CCPs) at the Consumers' own localities, through Residential Housing Societies or local clubs.


    ‘Customer Contact Program’ is an interactive experience where Consumers of the society / Locality can talk to our Customer Relations Team.


    CCPs are also an important platform for NPCL to inform Consumers about its Services and generate awareness regarding the new Customer-centric initiatives, especially the e-services. Consumer suggestions /feedbacks received are analyzed for further improvement in our services.


    If you are interested, please register below.

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n )}\r\n};\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nexport default ConsumerContactProgram;\r\n","import React,{useState} from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\n\r\nconst NukkadNatak = () => {\r\n const [show,setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show1,setShow1] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2,setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const settings = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n slidesToShow: 2,\r\n slidesToScroll: 2,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed:1900,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n NukkadNatak\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Nukkad Natak\r\n
    \r\n (slider = slider)}\r\n {...settings}\r\n >\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n {/*

    \r\n In continuation to our CSR Initiative; NPCL constructed\r\n washrooms in the Advocates Chamber at Collectrate\r\n Office, Greater Noida, District Gautam Buddha Nagar,\r\n Uttar Pradesh These newly constructed washrooms were\r\n inaugurated by Mr. B. N. Singh, District Magistrate\r\n Gautam Buddha Nagar on 9th Jan’20.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default NukkadNatak;\r\n","import React,{useState} from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\n\r\nconst ConsumerWeek = () => {\r\n const [show,setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show1,setShow1] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2,setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const settings = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n slidesToShow: 2,\r\n slidesToScroll: 2,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed:1900,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n ConsumerWeek\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Consumer Week\r\n
    \r\n (slider = slider)}\r\n {...settings}\r\n >\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n {/*

    \r\n In continuation to our CSR Initiative; NPCL constructed\r\n washrooms in the Advocates Chamber at Collectrate\r\n Office, Greater Noida, District Gautam Buddha Nagar,\r\n Uttar Pradesh These newly constructed washrooms were\r\n inaugurated by Mr. B. N. Singh, District Magistrate\r\n Gautam Buddha Nagar on 9th Jan’20.\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ConsumerWeek;\r\n","import React,{useState} from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\n\r\nconst KioskServices = () => {\r\n const [show,setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show1,setShow1] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2,setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const settings = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n slidesToShow: 2,\r\n slidesToScroll: 2,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed:1900,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Kiosk Services

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Kiosk Services\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n Kiosk Services \r\n\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n The self-help Kiosk are installed at following locations; Techzone IV, Sigma IV, Ecotech II, Surajpur (Stores), KPII,KP-I and Girdharpur Substation to enhance reach and ease to consumers.\r\n

    Placement of Self-Help Kiosk at decentralized locations was aimed towards catering to 80% consumers base. Consumers can access 24*7 kiosk at nearby decentralized locations.


    KIOSK service is categorized in 3 heads e.g. Information, Complaints and Services. Consumer can register complaints pertaining to Supply, Bill and Meter.\r\nConsumer can easily track bill & payment history for last 12 months and also print duplicate bill copy on a stub.\r\n


    \r\n\r\nFAQ and Document checklist related with all operation & commercial applications are available for consumers ease. Online payment option is also available for consumer. \r\n

    1. \r\n 33/11kV Substation at Sigma-IV;\r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n 33/11kV Substation at Ecotech-II;\r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n 33/11kV Substation cum Store Building at Surajpur;\r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n 33/11kV Substation at Knowledge Park-II;\r\n
    8. \r\n
    9. \r\n 33/11kV Substation at Girdharpur\r\n
    10. \r\n
    11. \r\n Customer care office ,KP-I\r\n
    12. \r\n
    13. \r\n Customer care office ,Techzone-IV\r\n
    14. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \"Kiosk\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default KioskServices;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\n\r\nconst OnlineMeterTesting = ()=>\r\n {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Online Meter Testing\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Meter Testing Registration
    • \r\n\t\t\t\t\t
    • Meter Testing Status
    • \r\n\t\t\t\t
    \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tMETER TESTING REGISTRATION\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \r\n \r\n \r\n )}\r\n\r\nexport default OnlineMeterTesting;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\n\r\nconst OnlineMeterTestingStatus = ()=>\r\n {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Online Meter Testing\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Meter Testing Registration
    • \r\n\t\t\t\t\t
    • Meter Testing Status
    • \r\n\t\t\t\t
    \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tMETER TESTING STATUS\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \r\n \r\n \r\n )}\r\n\r\nexport default OnlineMeterTestingStatus;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\n\r\nconst ConsumerOwnChoiceMeter = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Vendor’s List \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n {/*
    • \r\n <\r\n to=\"https://iwebapps.noidapower.com:8032/download//Vendor's List.pdf\" target=\"_blank\"\r\n className=\"nav-link \"\r\n data-toggle=\"tab\" \r\n >\r\n Vendor’s List \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n \r\n
    */}\r\n Vendor List \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \"\"\r\n Vendor’s List\r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ConsumerOwnChoiceMeter;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\n\r\nconst LastPayment = ()=>\r\n {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Last Payment\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n\r\nLast Payment Details \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n )}\r\n\r\nexport default LastPayment;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst SMSBasedServices = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n SMS BASED SERVICES\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    \r\n (Type Short SMS Code -space- your consumer number and send\r\n to 7840002288, eg- #NOPOWER 2XXXXXXXXX)\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n S.No\r\n Short SMS Codes\r\n Purpose\r\n \r\n \r\n 1\r\n \r\n #SELFREADING -space- 2XXXXXXXXX -space- READING\r\n \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n To provide self meter reading\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n 2\r\n \r\n #BILLDISPUTE -space- 2XXXXXXXXX\r\n \r\n \r\n To register billing dispute complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n 3\r\n \r\n #DUEAMT -space- 2XXXXXXXXX\r\n \r\n \r\n To know bill amount, due for payment\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n 4\r\n \r\n #DUPBILL -space- 2XXXXXXXXX\r\n \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n To receive the bill on registered E-Mail ID\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n 5\r\n \r\n #METERBURNT -space- 2XXXXXXXXX\r\n \r\n \r\n To register meter burnt complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n 6\r\n \r\n #METERDEFECTIVE -space- 2XXXXXXXXX\r\n \r\n \r\n To register meter defective complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n 7\r\n \r\n #NOPOWER -space- 2XXXXXXXXX\r\n \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n To register No supply complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n 8\r\n \r\n #STATUS -space- 2XXXXXXXXX -space- Complaint number\r\n \r\n \r\n To know the status of existing complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n 9\r\n #THEFT\r\n \r\n To register electricity theft complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n 10\r\n \r\n #WRONGREADING -space- 2XXXXXXXXX\r\n \r\n \r\n To register wrong reading complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n 2XXXXXXXXX is the\r\n 10 digit consumer no. printed on the first page of the\r\n bill{\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n You can register your Mobile number by clicking on{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Sign In/ Register\r\n {\" \"}\r\n link or calling our 24*7 Call Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default SMSBasedServices;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst NameMutation = () => {\r\n const [openNewCon,setOpenNewCon] = useState(false);\r\n const [openNameMutation,setOpenNameMutation] = useState(false);\r\n const [openCategoryChange,setOpenCategoryChange] = useState(false);\r\n const [openPermanent,setOpenPermanent] = useState(false);\r\n const [openLoadReduction,setOpenLoadReduction] = useState(false);\r\n const [openName,setOpenName] = useState(false);\r\n const [openNotInUse,setOpenNotInUse] = useState(false);\r\n const [openShifting,setOpenShifting] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const selectedValue = (e)=>{\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST1\"){\r\n setOpenNewCon(true)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false)\r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST2\"){\r\n setOpenNameMutation(true) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST3\"){\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(true)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST4\"){\r\n setOpenPermanent(true)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST5\"){\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(true)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST6\"){\r\n setOpenName(true)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST7\"){\r\n setOpenNotInUse(true)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST8\"){\r\n setOpenShifting(true)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n }\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Name Mutation

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
      \r\n\t \t
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n FAQ'S\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Feedback\r\n
    • \r\n


    Document Checklist

    \r\n \r\n\t \r\n
    \r\n \r\n {openNewCon ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\r\n
    ):null}\r\n \r\n {openNameMutation ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\r\n
    ): null}\r\n \r\n {openCategoryChange ? (\r\n
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    \r\n ): null}\r\n\r\n {openPermanent ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n {openLoadReduction ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openName ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openNotInUse ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n {openShifting ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default NameMutation","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport { useState } from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst NameMutationSample = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Name Mutation

    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQ'S\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    Sample Document

    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Safety Challan Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n GST Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Co-Owner NOC Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Dada Lai Property Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n MSME Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n B & L Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Personal Bond\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Declaration REGARDING Non Registration on GST\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Applied For Receipt Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Owner Consent LETTER Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Indemnity Bond Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Khasra Khatoni Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Pollution Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Possession Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Rular Sale Deed Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC Registry Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC transfer Letter Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n TM Letter GNIDA Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default NameMutationSample;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport { useState } from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst NameMutationFaqs = () => {\r\n const [show, setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2, setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const [show3, setShow3] = useState(false);\r\n const [show4, setShow4] = useState(false);\r\n const [show5, setShow5] = useState(false);\r\n const [show6, setShow6] = useState(false);\r\n const [show7, setShow7] = useState(false);\r\n const [show8, setShow8] = useState(false);\r\n const [show9, setShow9] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Name Mutation

    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQ'S\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n


    \r\n setShow9(!show9)}\r\n >\r\n Meter Related\r\n
    \r\n {show9 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be done in case there is no\r\n supply in the meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n In case the nearby are is under Supply Outage, you\r\n may wait until the supply is restored. If there is\r\n no power even after the supply is restored\r\n Consumer may contact at our 24X7 CALL CENTER -\r\n 0120 6226666 You may reach out us through WhatsApp\r\n no. 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What to do in case of meter is running fast/\r\n excess billing?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Domestic Consumer: May please check the\r\n internal wiring by any private electrician. If no\r\n such issue persist may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 or visit Customer Care\r\n Office at KP-I to register request for Meter\r\n Testing. Demand note for meter testing fees will\r\n be generated as per UPERC guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n Industrial & Institutional Consumers : May\r\n please check the Power Factor & Neutral\r\n disturbance issue to avoid any demand shoot-up in\r\n billing. if persist may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (BillDispute{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #BILLDISPUTE{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or else you may also visit our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to analysis correct meter consumption/\r\n abnormal consumption?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In a normal house hold having 1 or 2 A/C’s\r\n along with Geyser, Fridge etc., the average units\r\n consumed may be between 500 to 1000 Units per\r\n month depending upon actual use. If consumer feel\r\n that the consumption is more as compared to the\r\n usage and load, we request consumers to please get\r\n their wiring checked by competent electrician with\r\n respect to below mentioned points:\r\n

    • \r\n To check any Earth Leakage in the internal\r\n wiring or not.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of multiple connections in the building,\r\n whether your internal wiring has a separate\r\n neutral wire and should not be mixed with other\r\n connections.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Check if someone else is also using supply from\r\n your meter or not.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n However, it is to inform that, NPCL will not be\r\n responsible for higher consumptions due to any of\r\n the above reasons but taking action by consumer\r\n will reduce the consumption. After having checked\r\n all the above, If consumption is still not reduced\r\n as per consumer’s expectation, then he is having\r\n an option to get the meter tested by contacting\r\n our helpline number+91-120-2333555 Apply online\r\n for meter testing or visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday. and get the offline\r\n requests generated for meter checking . Meter\r\n Testing fees will be generated & added in\r\n subsequent bill as per UPERC guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various reasons of meter change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. A Distribution Licensee may change the meter\r\n from time to time for any of the following\r\n reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the timelines/Resolutions for Meter\r\n Testing, Fast, Slow, Burnt, Damaged, Stop,\r\n Faulty, Shifting?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14 working days\r\n for meter replacement.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days after\r\n estimate payment for testing & another 14\r\n working days for replacement if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Shifting: 7 Working Days as per\r\n site conditions\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges for Meter testing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing fee\r\n shall also be charged as per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to prepaid\r\n connection, consumer can visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4, Greater\r\n Noida . Consumer has to apply under category\r\n conversion services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges for\r\n conversion from post-paid to pre-paid or for new\r\n connection installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter charges to paid as per UPERC cost data\r\n book enforce\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the meaning of downloading of\r\n parameter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Various parameters measured and recorded by\r\n the meter are finally downloaded for billing/\r\n monitoring purpose. The downloading of parameter\r\n means transferring the recorded data from meter to\r\n the records of the company. Downloading can be\r\n automatic (AMR) or using a gadget. However we can\r\n capture data / parameter by reading the display\r\n recording on a notebook.\r\n


    \r\n Q. Who can apply for Prepaid Meter?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers pertatining to below mentioned\r\n categories can apply for prepaid meter:\r\n

    • LMV-1
    • \r\n
    • LMV-2
    • \r\n
    • LMV-5
    • \r\n
    • LMV-9
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to recharge prepaid meter?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Prepaid meter recharge coupon are available\r\n at cash collection centre and can be paid via\r\n cash/DD/Credit or debit card from our customer\r\n care office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday..\r\n Recharge can be done online via NPCL’s website or\r\n PAYTM.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How does the alarm work in Pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If your credit gets below Rs.100/-, you will\r\n have an alarm for 30 seconds. Press any button to\r\n turn it off. The alarm will be repeated every half\r\n an hour until recharged. It is advised that once\r\n meter reached its minimum limit recharge\r\n immediately to avoid disconnection. You can also\r\n set minimum limit as per your convenience.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact in case of misplacing of\r\n Recharge Coupon?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Simply visit the NPCL Cash Collection Center\r\n for re-issuing of recharge coupon which will be\r\n done free of cost. Consumer have to mention BP\r\n no./ Meter no. to get the recharge coupon. May\r\n please note- the coupon is specific to your meter\r\n hence cannot be used elsewhere.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection into\r\n prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to prepaid\r\n connection, consumer can visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4, Greater\r\n Noida . Consumer has to apply under category\r\n conversion services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges for\r\n conversion from post-paid to pre-paid or for new\r\n connection installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the documents required if meter get\r\n stolen?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You have to submit an application, original\r\n FIR, ID proof of registered consumer at our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Note: Meter charges are applicable as per UPERC\r\n cost data book.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the New Meter cost in Meter stolen\r\n cases?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the consumer process the application for\r\n re-installation of meter in case of Meter Stolen,\r\n applicable meter charges to paid as per UPERC cost\r\n data book enforce.\r\n


    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the new meter cost shall\r\n also be charged as per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if meter is not at the\r\n premises?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please contact our Call at our 24X7 CALL\r\n CENTER - 0120 6226666 or you may visit Customer\r\n Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Q. Why my meter screen is blank.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in the area\r\n and your supply is not coming, if Yes, you may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n to register complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NOPOWER{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or visit atCustomer Care office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.. In\r\n case supply is ON but no display on meter,\r\n register complaint for meter display problem\r\n on above given numbers. Our Team will visit to\r\n do the needful within 7 working days.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If my meter box has a husky display, what\r\n should I do ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Is your meter box is having husky\r\n display.Kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 or visit at our Customer Care office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday. and register\r\n complaint for meter display problem. Our Team will\r\n visit to do the needful within 7 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Where to report incase of No Display in the\r\n meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may contact at our 24X7 CALL CENTER\r\n - 0120 6226666 or visit at our Customer Care\r\n office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday and\r\n register complaint for meter display problem. Our\r\n Team will visit to do the needful within 7 working\r\n days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges of meter testing and why\r\n is it mandatory to pay ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing fee\r\n shall also be charged as per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the different options available for\r\n Meter Testing?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Online from our website www.noidapower.com and\r\n refer consumer services tab wherein \"Online\r\n Meter Testing\" option is available.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may also visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I know the status of Meter Testing\r\n Request ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may visit our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer services tab\r\n wherein \"Online Meter Testing\" option is available\r\n : You may also download our Mobile application and\r\n apply for meter testing or else it can be placed\r\n by calling to our 24X7 helpline numbers on or\r\n 0120-6226666 You may also visit Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. On what basis the meter testing fee is\r\n imposed?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter testing fees is charged on \"type of\r\n meter\" and it is applicable as per UPERC Tariff\r\n Order.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Would you refund the testing fee if meter\r\n found ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no provision for refund of testing\r\n fees.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive testing report on meter\r\n testing? What is the procedure of complaining if\r\n I don’t receive one?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Everytime when we will test meter a test\r\n reprt is issued to our consumer. In case you have\r\n not received it, you may write us at\r\n CRM@noidapower.com. You may also visit Customer\r\n Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Which parameter define that meter is faulty\r\n or meter testing is Ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Kindly note that meter testing is done on\r\n many factors such as meter accuracy results ,\r\n display parameters & downloaded data analysis\r\n on which testing engineer will confirm whether\r\n meter is faulty or meter is working normal.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meters are changed without any complaint?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case of technology upgradation or periodic\r\n replacement from Old to New Generation meter as\r\n per the Guideline of Hon’ble Regulatory\r\n Commission.\r\n


    \r\n A Distribution Licensee may change the meter from\r\n time to time for any of the following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How much time will you take to replace the\r\n faulty meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14 working days\r\n for meter replacement\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days after\r\n estimate payment for testing & another 14\r\n working days for replacement if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if there is No power after\r\n successful recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n For Secure Prepaid meters\r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office it may be\r\n your main MCB be off which is located in\r\n Electric shaft in societies/ check your MCB\r\n status\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M\r\n (Mon-Fri) to know more about the same.\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n
      • \r\n Check balance / supply status in mobile aap.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • Contact your maintenance office.
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4 :\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M\r\n (Mon-Fri) to know more about the same.\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid meter\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to registered\r\n email id & phone number post bill generation.\r\n It can also be downloaded from our website via\r\n Quick E-bill Download : or follow direct link: No\r\n payment is required to be made against the bill.\r\n Ensure sufficient balance in prepaid meter through\r\n timely recharge in order to avail uninterrupted\r\n power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if the meter doesn’t show the\r\n credit amount after recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please refer our prepaid meter manual\r\n available at our website and refer page no. 6\r\n & 7 Or In case, payment is been done but\r\n credit still pending, you may contact at our\r\n helpline no. +91-0120 6226666 or else if issue\r\n still persist, please visit our customer care\r\n office, KP-1 or Techzone-4 in person :During 10:00\r\n A.M to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more about the\r\n same. Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meter is beeping when it is already\r\n recharge?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n There is a provision in meter to set recharge\r\n limit if balance will go down from this limit\r\n then only meter will start beeping at low\r\n balance . This feature is configurable ,consumer\r\n itself can set this limit as per their\r\n consumption pattern.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Freedom Bluetooth unit may be faulty ( if\r\n Showing Con. Fault in display ).\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What options are available for pre-paid meter\r\n recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, (there are many options to pay amount in\r\n paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit Card,credit Card\r\n and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer can get token from NPCL Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1, Greater Noida\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters( AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, Bill Desk (there are many options to pay\r\n amount in paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit\r\n Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Multipoint App., NPCL web site
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is “CON FAULT”, what is to be done to\r\n get it corrected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. CON FAULT” means connection faulty, meter\r\n will be displaying digit 17 when your connection\r\n from meter to display unit is not proper. Kindly\r\n register you’re compliant on our call center\r\n contact no. - 0120-6226666/.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can supply gets disconnected if meter is not\r\n recharged or do I get any reminder?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Reminder beep will come in minimun available\r\n balance. Supply will be disconnected in negative\r\n balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Go to NPCL Multipoint App by turning on low\r\n money notifications, consumer can get a\r\n reminder.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to check the balance?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Automatically showing Balance & other\r\n details in Meter display.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumers may check their account balance by\r\n pressing # button in key pad of meter display\r\n unit & for single phase meters - Press key\r\n \"1\" single time to check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Login in NPCL Multipoint App/ web and check\r\n balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be the minimum balance to\r\n maintain pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can change minimum balance in meter\r\n acocording to consumption and requirement.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If meter is showing different date from\r\n actual does it mean that it is faulty ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is a matter of meter testing &\r\n inspection then only we will confirm the same.\r\n Based on the testing report our team shall analyse\r\n the data.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact when there is no display in\r\n the meter but supply is connected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in the area\r\n and your supply is not coming, if Yes, you may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n to register complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NOPOWER Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Q. Red light in meter indicates what?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. it’s a calibration LED in meter which\r\n indicates pulse / revolution of meter , if Red\r\n light is blinking in meters it means meter is\r\n running on load.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I change my meter from post-paid to\r\n pre-paid and what documentation is required?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to prepaid\r\n connection, consumer can visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4, Greater\r\n Noida . Consumer has to apply under category\r\n conversion services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I see my consumption pattern in\r\n pre-paid meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n By pressing Key\"2\" consumer can check\r\n consumptions of today, previous day, previous\r\n Week and current month)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n By Pressing key\"7\" consumer can check monthly\r\n consumptions of present calendar Year)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters ( Aew Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint App and consumer can see\r\n daily consumption( Current month) and Monthly\r\n consumptions( Present Calendar Year) by\r\n selecting \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint Web, conumer can download\r\n and see consumptions by selecting \"Report\"\r\n option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow8(!show8)}\r\n >\r\n Payment Related\r\n
    \r\n {show8 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the different modes of payments\r\n available?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Modes of payments are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n A. Digital Payment through:-\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in Consumer’s\r\n internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH (National\r\n Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Credit & Debit cards to Village Contact\r\n Persons and at Customer Care Office, KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4*.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Non-Digital Payment Modes are as follows:-\r\n

    • \r\n Cash / Cheque / DD at Customer Care Office, KP-1\r\n or Techzone-4* or to Village Contact Persons.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Cheque/DD at NPCL’s Cheque Drop Boxes.
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cash at nearby BBPS authorised retail outlets\r\n For further details please visit NPCL’s website.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n *You may visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I make cash payment?\r\n

    • \r\n In case of Rural Consumers - Authorised Village\r\n Contact Persons (VCPs) or cash collection\r\n centre, Tugalpur, Knowledge Park-1 or\r\n Techzone-4, Greater Noida between 10:00 AM to\r\n 5:00 PM, Monday to Saturday (Except 2nd &\r\n 4th Saturdays and Gazetted Holidays) (On 1st,\r\n 3rd & 5th Saturdays counter will be open\r\n from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM).\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of Urban / Industrial / Institutional\r\n Consumers - Cash Collection Centre.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Any consumer - Nearby BBPS Authorised Retail\r\n Outlets. There are more than 1500 authorised\r\n BBPS retails outlets in and around Greater Noida\r\n area. Consumers may locate nearest BBPS\r\n Authorised Retails Outlets on NPCL website\r\n through web-link “Find Nearest Bharat Bill Pay\r\n Outlet”.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL website.\r\n


    \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the upper limit for Cash Payment.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per section 6.10 of Electricity Supply\r\n code 2005, you can make cash payment up to\r\n Rs.20,000/- only. In case your bill is more than\r\n the above mentioned value, remaining payment shall\r\n be made via any mode other than cash.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to make online payment of Bills?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Online Payment of Bills can be made through\r\n below mentioned modes :\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in Consumer’s\r\n internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH (National\r\n Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Do I need to pay extra charges if I wish to\r\n pay Online through NPCL website/Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL do not levy any extra charge for online\r\n payment. However, the Payment Gateway , Wallets\r\n and Other service providers may levy service\r\n charges along-with applicable taxes for\r\n transactions above Rs. 4,000/-. In case the\r\n transaction is made through Paytm Gateway service\r\n charges would be levied at following rate:\r\n


    \r\n ** For credit/debit card transactions, 1.10% of\r\n the transaction amount being paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Net banking transactions, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Bill desk\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n * For credit/debit card transactions, 1% of the\r\n transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * For Net banking transactions, Rs.3/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Is it safe to give my bank details on NPCL\r\n website ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL follows\r\n highest level of security standards to ensure that\r\n the data entered by consumers remains confidential\r\n and not stored anywhere on NPCL Server.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can I make Cheque Payments\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can drop cheque at following Cheque\r\n Collection Centres of NPCL along with latest bill\r\n stub (Lower portion of bill). The cheques should\r\n be in favour of \"\"Noida Power Company Limited\"\".\r\n Write down the cheque with credentials like your\r\n Name, Consumer Number and mobile number at the\r\n back of cheque.\r\n

    • NPCL Customer Care Centre (Sector KP-1)
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Customer Care Centre (Techzone-IV)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station atAlpha-1, Opp Ryan\r\n International School\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station, Sector Omega-I, Builders Area,\r\n Near AWHO Apartments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station at Surajpur, Near Surajpur\r\n Police Station\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bar Association Office, Surajpur District Court\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I make payment through Post dated cheques\r\n ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post-dated and outstation cheques are not\r\n accepted at NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges applicable on cheque\r\n bounce?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque gets bounced due to\r\n insufficient funds or exceed arrangement, you will\r\n not be able to make payment through cheque in that\r\n Financial Year. Charges applicable are mentioned\r\n below:\r\n

    • \r\n Cheque amount of less than Rs. 5000 : Rs.250\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 5000 & up to Rs.\r\n 10000 : Rs. 500\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 10000 & up to Rs. 1\r\n Lac : Rs. 1000\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount of Rs. 1 Lac and above : Rs. 5000\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue another cheque, if my cheque\r\n bounces?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque got bounced due to\r\n insufficient funds or exceed arrangements, the\r\n consumer will not be able to make payment through\r\n cheque in that Financial Year.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue cheque, if my supply is\r\n Disconnected ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, consumer can pay their bill amount\r\n through cheque (Considering no cheque bounce\r\n history).\r\n


    \r\n Payment can be done for outstanding bill and\r\n reconnection charges as below:-\r\n

    • \r\n Bill payment via cheque and reconnection charge\r\n via cash and vice versa >Bill payment and\r\n reconnection charge together via cash.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bill payment and reconnection charge together\r\n via cheque . Please note, if in case the same\r\n get dishonoured, the supply will be disconnected\r\n and the Reconnection amount has to be paid\r\n again.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.When will my online payment be updated in my\r\n account?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. All payments made through other that RTGS /\r\n NEFT mode are updated on Real-time basis in\r\n consumers account except during system\r\n shutdown/maintenance when it may take up to 2 to 3\r\n working days.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I approach to register my payment\r\n related complaint?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Complaints can be registered at:\r\n

    • NPCL Website.
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Mobile App.
    • \r\n
    • Our 24X7 Call centre at 0120-6226666 .
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.What are the GST % will be charged\r\n


    \r\n Ans. GST will be levied as per GST regulations and\r\n rates applicable to various services provided by\r\n NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.For which services I have to pay GST\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per GST Circular No. 34/08/2018-GST dated\r\n 01st March 2018, GST is applicable on all the\r\n services provided by the NPCL except energy\r\n charges.\r\n

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    \r\n setShow7(!show7)}\r\n >\r\n Billing Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q.How are bills prepared if the meter is not\r\n read?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If the actual meter reading is not acquired\r\n due to any reason; provisional bill will be raised\r\n which is subjected to adjustment upon receipt of\r\n actual meter reading in the subsequent months.\r\n Provisional bills are raised on average\r\n consumption of last 3 months. Inaccessibility to\r\n premises for 3 months or more could lead to\r\n disconnection of supply as per Electricity ̀ Supply\r\n Code 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the normal reading span for monthly\r\n Meter Reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter reading is normally taken between a\r\n period of 28 to 32 days from the last meter\r\n reading date. The same is intimated to you through\r\n SMS if your mobile number is registered with us.\r\n Fixed Charges and slabs for Energy charges are\r\n calculated proportionally for the billing period.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to calculate / understand electricity\r\n bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Please refer back side of electricity\r\n bill and check for applicable Tariff and Bill\r\n Calculation. Additionally, you can reach out to us\r\n at crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is the meter reading system?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading of three phase meters is taken\r\n remotely through AMR or LPR facility. For Single\r\n Phase meters, meter readers go door-to-door and\r\n record readings in Hand Held Devices (HHD) / Meter\r\n Reading Terminals (MRT). Reading information can\r\n also be conveyed through SMS/Email registered with\r\n us.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Why is my meter not read regularly?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Any one of the following can be the reasons:\r\n

    • \r\n Your premises are vacant / locked for long\r\n period of time or constantly during daytime\r\n resulting in inaccessibility of meter to the\r\n reader. Code 2005.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Discrepancy in address in our database with the\r\n actual address may result in meter reader\r\n missing out your premises.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n If you observe such shortcomings in the address\r\n (as printed in bill), please bring the same to the\r\n notice of CR(Front Desk) at NPCL Customer Care\r\n Office immediately for corrections.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to approach when meter is not read ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If consumer premises is found locked, meter\r\n reader will stick a \"\"miss you\"\" sticker\r\n intimating about the failed reading attempt\r\n alongwith a contact number to coordinate the day\r\n & time of reading. Or you may:\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number (Only which is showing in KWH)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Why fixed charges are not constant?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Fixed Charges defined by Monthly Tariff\r\n applies to a period of 30 days. When billing\r\n period is not 30 days, applicable fixed charges\r\n are calculated on prorata basis.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Penal Demand Charges\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Use of load beyond the sanctioned load is a\r\n cognisable offence. Penal demand charges are levied\r\n in excess to fixed charges based on demand usage\r\n over and above the sanctioned load. It is thus\r\n advised to enhance your contracted load to avoid\r\n penal demand charges.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to calculate slab ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Slab based energy rates defined by Tariff is\r\n applicable for 30 days per month and is prorated\r\n on simple unitary method based on number of\r\n billing days i.e. difference between current\r\n reading date and previous reading date (both dates\r\n inclusive)\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Makeup Charges?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. : As per approved Tariff, consumers who\r\n are part of LMV-2 (Commercial Supply) and LMV-9\r\n (Temporary Supply) are subjected to load based\r\n minimum charges. If the sum of Fixed Charges (for\r\n LMV-2 only) and Energy Charges is less than\r\n applicable monthly minimum charge then differential\r\n amount is levied as Make Up Charges. Makeup charge\r\n = minimum charge - (fixed charges + energy charge).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Wrong reading mentioned on my bill. How to get\r\n it rectified?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Request for wrong reading can be\r\n registered through following touchpoints\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Email your concern at crm@noidapower.com. Do\r\n attach meter reading photograph for convenience.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What to do if I am not satisfied with the\r\n meter reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are not satisfied with your bill, you\r\n may\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #SELFREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on Monthly\r\n basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third party\r\n vendor every month. You are requested to subscribe\r\n for e-bill for on-time and assured delivery of\r\n bill.\r\n


    \r\n In case you need duplicate bill copy, may please\r\n click on below link given on our website : You may\r\n reach out us through WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666\r\n (DupBill{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #DUPBILL Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Q.How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you need duplicate bill copy, may\r\n please click on below link given on our website :\r\n You may also login to our website or Mobile\r\n www.noidapower.com App using your credentials\r\n (Username & Password) for downloading /\r\n viewing last 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our website,\r\n kindly go through the “Need help in Sign In” tab\r\n under My Account tab.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows consumers to\r\n avail rebate of 1% on Fixed and Energy Charges.\r\n DPS means Delayed Payment Surcharge which is\r\n applicable due to non-payment of bills upto due\r\n date.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his electricity\r\n bill by due date specified therein, a late payment\r\n surcharge shall be levied at 1.25% on the dues per\r\n month up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00% per\r\n month on the unpaid dues. In case of constant\r\n non-payment, your elctricity connection can be\r\n disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule approved\r\n by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can waive the same\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to lodge complaint through SMS?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can raise your complaint & avail\r\n other important information by sending SMS on\r\n 7840002288 from your registered mobile number. To\r\n see list of short codes with mandatory details,\r\n click on\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Is there any rebate if I pay bills online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, there is no additional rebate provided\r\n for online payments. However, a rebate of 1%\r\n against sum of Demand Charges & Energy Charges\r\n is provided upon payment within due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there are different colour bills? It\r\n denotes what ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Multi colour bills are designed to reflect\r\n upon varied consumer behaviour towards payment of\r\n dues and usage of electricity.\r\n

    • Blue Bill denotes timely bill payments
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Green Bill denotes payment through digital mode\r\n and/or Solar Net Metering Consumer\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Orange Bill denotes delayed payment and/or\r\n arrears in current bill\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Red bill cautions consumer to abstain from\r\n unauthorized use of electricity based on site\r\n reporting.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How much interest paid on Security Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Interest is credited to consumers against\r\n existing security deposit on annual basis as per\r\n the bank rate prescribed by the RBI.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What would be the disconnection date once\r\n arrear is paid from the current month bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is advised to clear entire dues in event\r\n of arrears amount in current bill. However, if\r\n payment is made only against arrears, then\r\n disconnection date against current dues is 15 days\r\n from the due date as mentioned on the electricity\r\n bill.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Who can submit self meter reading ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. The facility of self submission of meter\r\n reading is available for single phase consumers.\r\n Reading can be submitted through SMS, Website or\r\n App in the dedicated slot provided every month.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid meter? Do I\r\n need to make payment against bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to registered\r\n email id & phone number post bill generation.\r\n It can also be downloaded from our website via\r\n Quick E-bill Download or follow direct link:\r\n


    \r\n No payment is required to be made against the\r\n bill. Ensure sufficient balance in prepaid meter\r\n through timely recharge in order to avail\r\n uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How & when self reading can be provided by\r\n consumer?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading submission slot is 1st to 10th day of\r\n every month. You can easily reach out to us by\r\n sending SMS at 7840002288 (#SELFREADING\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading) or WHATSAPP us at 0120-6226666\r\n (SelfReading{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading). The service is also available on\r\n our website & app.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n * Please note that reading should be in KWH\r\n parameter\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is power factor?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Power factor for the month is determined as\r\n the ratio of KWH (Active Power Consumption) to\r\n KVAH(Apparent power consumption).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the minimum Power Factor to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per the regulations of U.P. Electricity\r\n Supply Code, 2005 minimum power factor to be\r\n maintained is 0.75. If recorded power factor is\r\n less than 0.75,suitable action as per the\r\n provisions shall be initiated by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What can be the reason which may cause dip in\r\n Power Factor? How it is to be maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Majority of three phase connections\r\n constitutes of inductive load which draws non\r\n working / reactive power thereby increasing the\r\n KVAH(Apparent power consumption). Use of capacitor\r\n banks is helpful in offsetting this non working\r\n power requirement, but it should be regulated\r\n according to variance in load requirement by\r\n installing Automated Power Factor\r\n Controller(APFC). Regular check up and maintenance\r\n is also advised.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why it is important to maintain Power Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers above 10 KW are billed on KVAH\r\n basis as per the applicable tariff provisions. Dip\r\n in power factor(P.F.) cause increase in KVAH\r\n consumption which in turn results in higher energy\r\n charges for the consumer. Also, it reduces the\r\n effective distribution network capacity of NPCL\r\n which can lead to power outage in the area.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the consequences if power factor\r\n controller is not working properly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Failure of power factor controller i.e.\r\n APFC/Capacitor banks will lead to inadequate/over\r\n compensation of reactive power requirement. In\r\n both scenarios, KVAH consumption will suddenly\r\n increase leading to higher energy charges being\r\n billed.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can NPCL help in improving Power Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, it is consumer's responsibility to\r\n maintain their power factor from time to time\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on Monthly\r\n basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third party\r\n vendor every month. You are requested to subscribe\r\n for e-bill for on-time and assured delivery of\r\n bill.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. \"You are required to login on our website or\r\n Mobile www.noidapower.com App using your\r\n credentials (Username & Password) for\r\n downloading / viewing last 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our website,\r\n kindly go through the “Need help in Sign In” tab\r\n under My Account tab\".\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows consumers to\r\n avail rebate of 1% on Fixed and Energy Charges.\r\n DPS means Delayed Payment Surcharge which is\r\n applicable due to non-payment of bills upto due\r\n date.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his electricity\r\n bill by due date specified therein, a late payment\r\n surcharge shall be levied at 1.25% on the dues per\r\n month up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00% per\r\n month on the unpaid dues. In case of constant\r\n non-payment, your elctricity connection can be\r\n disconnected.\r\n


    Q. DPS waiver.?


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule approved\r\n by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can waive the same.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. How the differential units are getting\r\n calculated on common (Physical/Virtual)\r\n connection  for multipoint connections?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans.{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in physical\r\n common meter :\r\n {\" \"}\r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code dated:\r\n 10-08-2018, the total energy consumption of the\r\n electricity recorded at the reference meter shall\r\n be compared with the total electricity consumption\r\n of all the individual meters & common area meter.\r\n In case the difference in energy consumption for\r\n any billing cycle works out to be higher than\r\n permissable loss level i.e. 4% in case of 11KV\r\n supply / 5% in case of voltage higher than 11 KV,\r\n then the difference of energy beyond permissible\r\n loss level shall be added in the consumption of\r\n common area billing.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in Virtual common\r\n meter :\r\n \r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code dated:\r\n 05-08-2020, no physical common meter is to be\r\n installed at consumer premise and differential\r\n units calculation is to be done on the basis of\r\n the logic as described below: Total energy\r\n consumption of the electricity recorded at the\r\n reference meter shall be compared with the total\r\n electricity consumption of all the individual\r\n meters. In case the difference in energy\r\n consumption for any billing cycle works out to be\r\n higher than permissable loss level i.e. 4% in case\r\n of 11KV supply / 5% in case of voltage higher than\r\n 11 KV, then the difference of energy beyond\r\n permissible loss level shall be divided among all\r\n the individual consumers in proportion to their\r\n contractual load.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is TDS/TCS charged in bills?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. TDS (Tax Deduction at Source): The tax\r\n shall be deducted under Section 194Q by a\r\n consumer/buyer carrying on a business whose total\r\n sales, gross receipts or turnover from the\r\n business exceeds Rs. 10 crores during the\r\n financial year immediately preceding the financial\r\n year in which such goods are purchased.\r\n
    \r\n The tax shall be deducted by the consumer/buyer of\r\n goods at the rate of 0.1% of the purchase value\r\n exceeding Rs. 50 lakhs.\r\n
    \r\n TCS (Tax Collection at Source): The Finance\r\n Act, 2020 inserted sub-section (1H) in section\r\n 206C with effect from 1st Oct’20 to levy the tax\r\n collection at source on sale of goods. The Company\r\n is liable to collect TCS at the rate of 0.1% on\r\n consideration received from a Consumer in excess\r\n of fifty lakh rupees in a financial year.\r\n
    \r\n In non-PAN/ Aadhaar* cases the rate shall be 1% .\r\n
    \r\n In case of PAN is not available or invalid PAN,\r\n the tax shall be deducted at the rate of 5%.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is Additional Security Deposit (ASD)\r\n charged in bills, when it is charged and how it\r\n is calculated?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per Clause 4.2 (e) of UPERC Supply Code,\r\n 2005: If the security deposit falls short of\r\n covering the estimated power consumption bill for\r\n 45 days based on his average monthly consumption\r\n for the preceding financial year, then demand for\r\n Additional Security Deposit (ASD) is made to\r\n consumers equivalent to the difference of amount\r\n between the existing security deposit and 45 days\r\n average power consumption bill. Also, the demand\r\n for ASD is only made when the required ASD payable\r\n by the consumer exceeds 10% of the existing\r\n security deposit.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow6(!show6)}\r\n >\r\n Theft Related\r\n
    \r\n {show6 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Where I can contact in case of Direct theft\r\n booked on my consumer number.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit to Our Office at KP-II from\r\n 10:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) for any detailed\r\n information about theft booked or may contact our\r\n 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666, write Theft (to report electricity\r\n theft) may please click on given link to register\r\n online complaint.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to report Direct Theft\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can call and complain against theft of\r\n electricity / tampering of meter through following\r\n avenues:\r\n

    • Helpline Number : 9891222240
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mobile App
    • \r\n
    • CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666
    • \r\n

    \r\n Your identity shall remain confidential and action\r\n will be taken at the earliest.\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is meant by “Direct Theft”?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Section 135(1) of Electricity Act, 2003 as\r\n amended by Electricity (amendment) Act , 2007,\r\n Theft of electricity is defined as, whoever\r\n dishonestly,\r\n

    • \r\n a) Taps Electricity line:\r\n
      • - overhead
      • \r\n
      • - underground
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n b) Tampers meter:\r\n
      • - usage of tampered meter
      • \r\n
      • - current reversing transformer
      • \r\n
      • - loop connection
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - other device interferes with\r\n accurate/proper registration. c) Other\r\n device/method result in a manner whereby:\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - electricity is stolen
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - damages/destroys an electric meter/\r\n apparatus/equipment/wire/ cause\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n c) Uses electricity through a tampered meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n d) Uses electricity for purposes other than that\r\n which was authorized.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow5(!show5)}\r\n >\r\n Disconnection Related\r\n
    \r\n {show5 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for permanent disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you want your connection to be permanently\r\n disconnected, you have to submit the ID proof,\r\n last paid bill with our written application form\r\n at Customer Care Office at KP-I or Techzone-4*. 2\r\n Years Lock-in Period is applicable for all\r\n consumers except LMV-9 (Temporary Connection) from\r\n last date of any change in contract. Please follow\r\n the link to know documentation requirement\r\n *Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines of Permanent\r\n Disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Disconnection of supply will completed within\r\n 30 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can I apply for the same meter after\r\n surrendering of current meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the connection is permanently\r\n disconnected, consumer has to follow new\r\n connection application process for getting an\r\n electricity connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for refunding of security funds?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Consumer Care Centre at KP-I or\r\n Techzone-4, and submit all the requisite documents\r\n which are mentioned at the back side of\r\n application form. Please follow the link to know\r\n documentation requirement Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why and when MCG charges are applicable for\r\n Permanent Disconnection application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. MCG calculated as per provisions of\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005. The Tariff Orders\r\n issued by Hon’ble Uttar Pradesh Electricity\r\n Regulatory Commission (“State Commission”) from\r\n time to time.Clause 4.14 (Agreement) - Point (h)\r\n However, if the agreement is to be terminated\r\n before completion of 2 years: 30 (i) Consumer\r\n shall be liable to pay the minimum charges (or the\r\n demand / fixed charges, if no minimum charges are\r\n prescribed for that category) for a period of 6\r\n months or the period by which the total duration\r\n of the agreement falls short of 2 years, whichever\r\n is lower.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow4(!show4)}\r\n >\r\n Reconnection Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after making\r\n the part payment of outstanding amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reconnection is not allowed on part payment.\r\n



    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Criteria (load & Category) DR charges (Rs.)*
    Pre-paid Meters - Single phase - Zero
    Pre-paid Meters -3 phase - Zero
    Smart Meters - Single phase - 100
    Smart Meters - 3 phase - 200
    >75 KW/100BHP - 2000
    LMV-6 (having load <=75KW/100BHP) - 1000
    All others categories - 600


    \r\n Note: * 18% GST is applicable on DR charges and\r\n supply will be reconnected within 48 hrs. for\r\n Rural and 24 hrs. for urban after payment of\r\n Outstanding dues along with reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines for Reconnection after\r\n temporary disconnection of supply?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Timeline for reconnection of supply will be\r\n Maximum of 48 Hrs for Rural and 24 hrs in Urban\r\n after payment of bill & Reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection when meter\r\n already removed at site?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after final\r\n bill generation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision of reconnection.\r\n Once the payment of final bill is done, consumer\r\n has to apply for new connection with all required\r\n documents.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow3(!show3)}\r\n >\r\n Website / Mobile App Related\r\n
    \r\n {show3 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the procedure to Login on{\" \"}\r\n \r\n www.noidapower.com ?\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Go to www.noidapower.com. Click on “Consumer\r\n Login” and register your Consumer Number or click\r\n on the link: www.npcl.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various services/information\r\n available on NPCL's website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.The main features of website are as follows:\r\n

    • \r\n About NPCL and Contact Details of registered\r\n offices\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bill Payment Option
    • \r\n
    • Outage Alerts
    • \r\n
    • Service Application and Complaint
    • \r\n
    • Tariff Details
    • \r\n
    • Report a Concern
    • \r\n
    • Account Registration
    • \r\n
    • CSR activities
    • \r\n
    • Self Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Ebill Download
    • \r\n
    • Quick Bill Payment
    • \r\n
    • Contact Us
    • \r\n
    • Online Application
    • \r\n
    • Payment Options
    • \r\n
    • Pre-paid Meter Recharge
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer Services for Application form, Document\r\n Checklist, Online Meter Testing, SMS Based\r\n Services, WhatsApp based services, Customer Care\r\n office Queue Status, Single to Multipoint\r\n Conversion, Consumer Awareness and Many more.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to reset password ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Password can be reset after clicking forgot\r\n password option. You have to punch your registered\r\n email id and consumer number to receive an updated\r\n password , if problem still persist please write\r\n us at crm@noida power.com)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How and from where a consumer can update his\r\n contact details ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. For updating contact details (mobile number/\r\n email-id) consumer can login to our website or\r\n mobile app. www.noidapower.com You may also visit\r\n our customer care office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday, along with the BP No. and ID proof of\r\n registered consumer or company. You may also write\r\n us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Is it safe to give my bank details on NPCL\r\n website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL follows\r\n highest level of security standards to ensure that\r\n the data entered by consumers remains confidential.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Do I need to pay extra charges for online\r\n payment?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL does not levy any extra charge for\r\n online payment. However, the Payment Gateway,\r\n Wallets and other service providers may levy\r\n service charges along with applicable taxes for\r\n transaction above Rs. 4,000/-.\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Paytm\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1.10% of the\r\n transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Bill desk\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1% of the\r\n transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, 3% per transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Why this month bill is not updated on Website\r\n Mobile app ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are generated from time to time from\r\n commercial department. It might be possible due to\r\n some certain reason bill of this month may be\r\n delayed and it’s not generated yet. Once it will\r\n have generated in SAP system then PDF and bill\r\n details will appear on Website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What happen if my ID is locked in NPCL\r\n Website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. USERID will be automatic unlock in 24 hours\r\n for the website users\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What all the features available on Mobile App\r\n ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After Login fetures are as follows :\r\n

    • Bill and Payment History
    • \r\n
    • Register Request & Complaints
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Consumption Analysis
    • \r\n
    • Energy Calculator
    • \r\n
    • Request & Complaint Status
    • \r\n
    • Subscribe for E-bill
    • \r\n
    • Self-Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Payment
    • \r\n
    • Energy Tips
    • \r\n
    • KYC Updation
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is Un-Authenticated Sender issue.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. User details like USERNAME, Email ID and\r\n Password are not matched when user face this kind\r\n of problem.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow2(!show2)}\r\n >\r\n Complaint Against Services Related\r\n
    \r\n {show2 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the process of applying for New\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant can download or fill the online New\r\n Connection Service form from our website and\r\n upload necessary documents www.noidapower.com as\r\n mentioned in the documents checklist. You can also\r\n visit our Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday, to apply in person.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Within how much time should the connection be\r\n provided to me?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the application and necessary documents\r\n are reviewed at NPCL, and estimate gets generated\r\n which needs to be paid by the consumer. Post which\r\n it will take approximately 7 working days* for the\r\n apparatus to be installed at the consumers\r\n premises and for the energization of supply.\r\n


    \r\n *This SLA is applicable for the urban domestic\r\n connection where no augmentation of main is\r\n required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why I have not received my estimate\r\n intimation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you have successfully submitted your new\r\n service application form at our Customer Care\r\n Office or Online , we process the application in\r\n our system and it gets forwarded to concerned\r\n department for the Commercial & LCC Dues,\r\n Technical feasibility check. Once clearance is\r\n received from all the departments it is followed\r\n by estimate preparation. During this process\r\n system generated messages are triggered, after\r\n completion of necessary stages. Thus, you are\r\n requested to please wait for the same as we will\r\n be working on 1st cum 1st serve basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I pay the Estimate amount Online\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online thru NPCL\r\n website or you may visit our Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday to apply in\r\n person for payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Estimate paid but meter not installed yet?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post payment of estimated amount, New\r\n connection will be provided within 7 days where no\r\n Augmentation of existing mains are required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for the status of application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you may\r\n WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know the short\r\n codes follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to apply for refunding of security fund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit our Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday to apply for\r\n security refund, please follow the link to know\r\n documentation requirement\r\n (https://www.noidapower.com/Services/Document_Checklist)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Paper Formalities Required for Load Reduction?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to fill application and provide\r\n all the requisite documentation which are\r\n mentioned on the back side of application form.\r\n Please follow the link to know documentation\r\n requirement. Please note for load reduction\r\n consumer can only apply after two years from date\r\n of energization. For Temp. Supply, consumer can\r\n apply for load reduction at any point of time.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can consumer find the status of request\r\n against New Connection?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of a New Connection\r\n request, consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Can write us at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Estimate not Received Yet\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you have not received any update\r\n after 7-10 days of applying for request.To know\r\n the status of application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes follow the\r\n link or can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is minimum charges & why it is to be\r\n paid.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to bear the minimum charges\r\n based on the total sanctioned load & as per\r\n the applicable tariff rate it is been calculated\r\n for remaining Tenure in case you have not\r\n completed 2 yrs. to the connection or recent load\r\n enhancement/reduction process. In Case the maximum\r\n demand recorded in any of the last 2 billing\r\n cycles is higher than the reduced contracted load\r\n consumer can not opt for the proposed contracted\r\n load\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is Augmentation? How much time it take to\r\n complete?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Augmentation means improvement/enhancement of\r\n the system capacity to be able to cater to the\r\n increased electricity load requirement. Such\r\n augmentation needs capital investment. Sometimes,\r\n only after requests received for new connections\r\n or load enhancement; particularly if the requested\r\n load is high. Different types of Augmentation may\r\n be required such as:\r\n

    • Low Tension (LT) Line Extension
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Capacity Augmentation
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Complete electrification of an un-electrified area
    • */}\r\n

    \r\n Timeline for different type of augmentations are\r\n as follows:\r\n


    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Type of augmentation Timeline required for\r\n augmentation{\" \"}\r\n (Working Days)
    LT Network augmentation - 60
    Transformer Augmentation - 120
    HT - 11 KV Network Strengthening - 180
    \r\n Un-electrified Area or New Grid Required{\" \"}\r\n - 180


    \r\n \r\n Q.How and where to approach for Shifting of\r\n Mains ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. We accept application for following request\r\n

    • Meter Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Pole Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Service Cable Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Penal Feeder Box Shifting
    • \r\n

    \r\n For the shifting related request an application\r\n along with the copy of id proof and last paid bill\r\n is required (please follow the link to be\r\n submitted at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday. After verification of\r\n documents, site visit is arranged to check the\r\n feasibility to fulfil the request and then a\r\n survey report is prepared and accordingly estimate\r\n is generated as per Regulatory guidelines. Once\r\n the payment of estimate is done then shifting will\r\n be executed\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What Documents are required for Load\r\n Enhancement/ Load Reduction/ Name Change/\r\n Category Change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please click Here.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the TAT for completion of Service\r\n Application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of estimate payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with previous load/\r\n category, except shifting of mains , as it depends\r\n upon site condition and availability of material.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where we can contact in case of any\r\n information required for service request.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you may\r\n WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know the short\r\n codes follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the payment options for estimate\r\n payment ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online thru NPCL\r\n website or you may visit our Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday to apply inperson\r\n for payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the basis of calculation of Security\r\n Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The security deposit maintainable for a\r\n consumer is equivalent to 2 times the average bill\r\n value for the financial year under reference. For a\r\n new applicant, the security deposit will be\r\n determined on the basis of load applied.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my application is been Pending since\r\n long.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation process,\r\n the application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it might have\r\n not been cleared under LCC/CF Check, To know the\r\n status of application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes follow the\r\n link or can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to contact in case of application\r\n rejected due to LCC/Theft?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When am I required to pay Additional Security\r\n Deposit (ASD)?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Each year the security deposit is reviewed in\r\n the month of April on the basis of last one year\r\n consumption. The statement of Security Deposit\r\n account is given in the bill for the month of\r\n April. If the maintainable Security Deposit is\r\n more than the security Deposit “held” amount,\r\n additional security deposit is required to be\r\n paid.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required in case of\r\n Small Correction in Connection Details such as\r\n Spelling of Name, inadequate Address?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The documentary proof for the desired change\r\n along with latest paid bill receipt along with\r\n correction form by the property owner. You may\r\n visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What happens if the Security Deposit amount\r\n held is more than the Security Deposit\r\n Maintainable amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In the above scenario, no ASD request will be\r\n placed however, as per the RBI guidelines interest\r\n gets credited for the held security amount.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How do I get refund of Security Deposit after\r\n account closure?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After necessary adjustment, the Security\r\n Deposit amount held with us is refunded with an\r\n A/c payee cheque in the name of the registered\r\n consumer at the recorded address.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When I can apply for Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may apply for Security Refund in\r\n below given senarios :\r\n

    • \r\n *Once the connection is Permanently Disconnected\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * Once the property is sold and also name\r\n mutation has been completed in records and\r\n earlier connection gets permanently\r\n disconnected, the Old/Earlier property holder\r\n may apply for Security Refund\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required for Security\r\n Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Click here\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who is eligible to get Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Only the registered consumer or Old owner (in\r\n case of property sold out) can apply for Security\r\n Refund\r\n


    \r\n Q.Can I get Final Bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. After meter removal from site final bill get\r\n generated within 15 days and final copy may be\r\n provided whrein consumer himself/herself, have\r\n requested for permannet disconnection and having\r\n relevant notification no. too.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to apply for NOC ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you get the final bill copy and upon\r\n making necessary bill payments (if any), consumer\r\n may apply for NOC from our customer care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV ..Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My New Connection service request is\r\n pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the siite\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending. To know the status of a New Connection\r\n request, consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Can write us at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My New\r\n Connection service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit & after receving site report,\r\n Estimate get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail\r\n alert containing payment link of estimate.In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist new service\r\n request than why meter installation is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment against\r\n your Service request it will take 7-10 days time\r\n for meter installation. Only if there is any right\r\n of way issue, it may take more time for completing\r\n the assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by consumer to our\r\n service team. You may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further assistance, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Name\r\n Mutation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7 days\r\n time for document verification and necessary\r\n approvals. In Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details, you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Name Mutation is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n details. In case of any doubt you may reach out to\r\n us via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No.For any further requirement, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Load\r\n Augmentation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit & after receving site report,\r\n Estimate get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail\r\n alert containing payment link of estimate. In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Load Augmentation service request is\r\n pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the site\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist Load\r\n Augmentation request than why meter installation\r\n is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment against\r\n your Service request it will take 7-10 days time\r\n for meter installation. Only if there is any right\r\n of way issue, it may take more time for completing\r\n the assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by consumer to our\r\n service team. You may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further assistance, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Category Change is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n details. In case of any doubt you may reach out to\r\n us via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Category\r\n Change service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7 days\r\n time for document verification and necessary\r\n approvals. In Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details, you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Load\r\n Reduction service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit (As & when required) & after\r\n receving site report, Estimate get generated &\r\n sent for necessary approvals. We shall keep you\r\n posted with SMS/EMail alert containing payment\r\n link of estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp services\r\n on 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Load Reduction is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the billing, during\r\n this period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n load details. In case of any doubt you may reach\r\n out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Shifting request is pending for Site\r\n Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the site\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may please visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Shifting\r\n request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Shifting request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit & after receving site report,\r\n Estimate get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail\r\n alert containing payment link of estimate. In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there is no action taken at site ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the siite\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may please visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take next\r\n billing cycle to get implemented in the system\r\n during this period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name correction is still pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation process,\r\n the application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it might have\r\n not been cleared under LCC/CF Check, you may\r\n please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take next\r\n billing cycle to get implemented in the system\r\n during this period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction is still pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation process,\r\n the application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it might have\r\n not been cleared under LCC/CF Check, you may\r\n please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connections floor wise?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In domestic high rise building electricity\r\n connection to individual owner/occupant are\r\n provided on multipoint scheme as per the\r\n guidelines of 13th Ammendmant of Electricity\r\n Supply Code, 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What should be the file type and size to\r\n upload for new connection online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. File size can't exceed 15 mb per\r\n documentation type.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connection through mobile app?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, you can apply new connection from NPCL\r\n mobile app.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How much I have to pay for Prepaid Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, service charges and security (if\r\n applicable) as specified in Cost Data Book which\r\n shall be calculated based upon your application\r\n and site survey.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can apply for Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are intending to carry out any\r\n construction work at your premise and seeking of\r\n electricity connection for construction activity,\r\n then, you will have to apply for temorary\r\n connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the Documentation requirement for\r\n Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant has to fill application form for\r\n new connection and provide all the requisite\r\n documentation which are mentioned on the back side\r\n of new connection application form.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to convert from temporary to permanent?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete construction work and\r\n obtains building completion certificate from\r\n concerned authority i.e. GNIDA/UPSIDC, you can\r\n apply for Permanent connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges of temporary connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, security deposit and service\r\n charges as specified in Cost Data Book which shall\r\n be calculated based upon your application and site\r\n survey\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is B&L form and why it is required in\r\n load augmentation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. B&L form or Work completion certificate\r\n form is filled by the licensed electrical\r\n contractor who has carried out electrical\r\n wiring/installation of premise. This certifies\r\n that electrical wiring/installation is done\r\n following all the regualtions and includes the\r\n equipments details installed, insulation test\r\n result of the wiring/installation.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for status of Online New\r\n Connection application\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you may\r\n WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know the short\r\n codes follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow(!show)}\r\n >\r\n Supply Related\r\n
    \r\n\r\n {show ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to resolve supply-related complaints on\r\n power interruptions or unsatisfactory voltage\r\n profile?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Register the complaint at NPCL's helpline no.\r\n +91-0120 6226666 along with 10-digit consumer\r\n number printed at the upper left corner of your\r\n electricity bill and one complaint number will be\r\n intimated to you for future reference. NPCL\r\n fault-repairing crew will attend to the cause of\r\n the complaint and resolve the same within the\r\n following time limits:\r\n

    • Urban: 3 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Rural: 12 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Industrial & Instittutional : 4 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Transformer failure : 72 Hours
    • \r\n

    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) May also download our mobile app\r\n for easy & quick access.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to address the problem of frequent\r\n tripping of MCB or blowing of fuse?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Contact a Licensed Electrical contractor\r\n (L.E.C.) to locate the cause. If there is a\r\n fault/defect in your wiring installations, rectify\r\n the same.\r\n


    \r\n If the load of your installation is more than the\r\n load allowed by NPCL, please apply for enhancement\r\n of load by filling up a form available at NPCL\r\n office KP-1 & know more about the same.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default NameMutationFaqs;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst NameMutationApply = () => {\r\n \r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Name Mutation

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
      \r\n\t \t
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n FAQ'S\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Feedback\r\n
    • \r\n




    Click here to Apply

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default NameMutationApply","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst NameMutationFeedback = () => {\r\n \r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Name Mutation

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
      \r\n\t \t
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n FAQ'S\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Feedback\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n Feedback Fetching Soon?\r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default NameMutationFeedback","\r\nimport React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst CategoryChange = () => {\r\n const [openNewCon,setOpenNewCon] = useState(false);\r\n const [openNameMutation,setOpenNameMutation] = useState(false);\r\n const [openCategoryChange,setOpenCategoryChange] = useState(false);\r\n const [openPermanent,setOpenPermanent] = useState(false);\r\n const [openLoadReduction,setOpenLoadReduction] = useState(false);\r\n const [openName,setOpenName] = useState(false);\r\n const [openNotInUse,setOpenNotInUse] = useState(false);\r\n const [openShifting,setOpenShifting] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const selectedValue = (e)=>{\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST1\"){\r\n setOpenNewCon(true)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false)\r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST2\"){\r\n setOpenNameMutation(true) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST3\"){\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(true)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST4\"){\r\n setOpenPermanent(true)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST5\"){\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(true)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST6\"){\r\n setOpenName(true)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST7\"){\r\n setOpenNotInUse(true)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST8\"){\r\n setOpenShifting(true)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n }\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Category Change

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
      \r\n\t \t
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n FAQ'S\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Feedback\r\n
    • \r\n


    Document Checklist

    \r\n \r\n\t \r\n
    \r\n \r\n {openNewCon ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\r\n
    ):null}\r\n \r\n {openNameMutation ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\r\n
    ): null}\r\n \r\n {openCategoryChange ? (\r\n
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    \r\n ): null}\r\n\r\n {openPermanent ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n {openLoadReduction ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openName ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openNotInUse ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n {openShifting ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default CategoryChange","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport { useState } from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst CategoryChangeSample = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Category Change

    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQ'S\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    Sample Document

    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Safety Challan Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n GST Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Co-Owner NOC Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Dada Lai Property Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n MSME Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n B & L Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Personal Bond\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Declaration REGARDING Non Registration on GST\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Applied For Receipt Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Owner Consent LETTER Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Indemnity Bond Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Khasra Khatoni Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Pollution Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Possession Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Rular Sale Deed Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC Registry Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC transfer Letter Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n TM Letter GNIDA Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default CategoryChangeSample;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport { useState } from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst CategoryChangeFaqs = () => {\r\n const [show, setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2, setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const [show3, setShow3] = useState(false);\r\n const [show4, setShow4] = useState(false);\r\n const [show5, setShow5] = useState(false);\r\n const [show6, setShow6] = useState(false);\r\n const [show7, setShow7] = useState(false);\r\n const [show8, setShow8] = useState(false);\r\n const [show9, setShow9] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Category Change

    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQ'S\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n


    \r\n setShow9(!show9)}\r\n >\r\n Meter Related\r\n
    \r\n {show9 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be done in case there is no\r\n supply in the meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n In case the nearby are is under Supply Outage, you\r\n may wait until the supply is restored. If there is\r\n no power even after the supply is restored\r\n Consumer may contact at our 24X7 CALL CENTER -\r\n 0120 6226666 You may reach out us through WhatsApp\r\n no. 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What to do in case of meter is running fast/\r\n excess billing?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Domestic Consumer: May please check the\r\n internal wiring by any private electrician. If no\r\n such issue persist may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 or visit Customer Care\r\n Office at KP-I to register request for Meter\r\n Testing. Demand note for meter testing fees will\r\n be generated as per UPERC guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n Industrial & Institutional Consumers : May\r\n please check the Power Factor & Neutral\r\n disturbance issue to avoid any demand shoot-up in\r\n billing. if persist may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (BillDispute{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #BILLDISPUTE{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or else you may also visit our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to analysis correct meter consumption/\r\n abnormal consumption?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In a normal house hold having 1 or 2 A/C’s\r\n along with Geyser, Fridge etc., the average units\r\n consumed may be between 500 to 1000 Units per\r\n month depending upon actual use. If consumer feel\r\n that the consumption is more as compared to the\r\n usage and load, we request consumers to please get\r\n their wiring checked by competent electrician with\r\n respect to below mentioned points:\r\n

    • \r\n To check any Earth Leakage in the internal\r\n wiring or not.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of multiple connections in the building,\r\n whether your internal wiring has a separate\r\n neutral wire and should not be mixed with other\r\n connections.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Check if someone else is also using supply from\r\n your meter or not.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n However, it is to inform that, NPCL will not be\r\n responsible for higher consumptions due to any of\r\n the above reasons but taking action by consumer\r\n will reduce the consumption. After having checked\r\n all the above, If consumption is still not reduced\r\n as per consumer’s expectation, then he is having\r\n an option to get the meter tested by contacting\r\n our helpline number+91-120-2333555 Apply online\r\n for meter testing or visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday. and get the offline\r\n requests generated for meter checking . Meter\r\n Testing fees will be generated & added in\r\n subsequent bill as per UPERC guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various reasons of meter change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. A Distribution Licensee may change the meter\r\n from time to time for any of the following\r\n reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the timelines/Resolutions for Meter\r\n Testing, Fast, Slow, Burnt, Damaged, Stop,\r\n Faulty, Shifting?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14 working days\r\n for meter replacement.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days after\r\n estimate payment for testing & another 14\r\n working days for replacement if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Shifting: 7 Working Days as per\r\n site conditions\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges for Meter testing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing fee\r\n shall also be charged as per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to prepaid\r\n connection, consumer can visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4, Greater\r\n Noida . Consumer has to apply under category\r\n conversion services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges for\r\n conversion from post-paid to pre-paid or for new\r\n connection installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter charges to paid as per UPERC cost data\r\n book enforce\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the meaning of downloading of\r\n parameter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Various parameters measured and recorded by\r\n the meter are finally downloaded for billing/\r\n monitoring purpose. The downloading of parameter\r\n means transferring the recorded data from meter to\r\n the records of the company. Downloading can be\r\n automatic (AMR) or using a gadget. However we can\r\n capture data / parameter by reading the display\r\n recording on a notebook.\r\n


    \r\n Q. Who can apply for Prepaid Meter?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers pertatining to below mentioned\r\n categories can apply for prepaid meter:\r\n

    • LMV-1
    • \r\n
    • LMV-2
    • \r\n
    • LMV-5
    • \r\n
    • LMV-9
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to recharge prepaid meter?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Prepaid meter recharge coupon are available\r\n at cash collection centre and can be paid via\r\n cash/DD/Credit or debit card from our customer\r\n care office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday..\r\n Recharge can be done online via NPCL’s website or\r\n PAYTM.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How does the alarm work in Pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If your credit gets below Rs.100/-, you will\r\n have an alarm for 30 seconds. Press any button to\r\n turn it off. The alarm will be repeated every half\r\n an hour until recharged. It is advised that once\r\n meter reached its minimum limit recharge\r\n immediately to avoid disconnection. You can also\r\n set minimum limit as per your convenience.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact in case of misplacing of\r\n Recharge Coupon?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Simply visit the NPCL Cash Collection Center\r\n for re-issuing of recharge coupon which will be\r\n done free of cost. Consumer have to mention BP\r\n no./ Meter no. to get the recharge coupon. May\r\n please note- the coupon is specific to your meter\r\n hence cannot be used elsewhere.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection into\r\n prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to prepaid\r\n connection, consumer can visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4, Greater\r\n Noida . Consumer has to apply under category\r\n conversion services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges for\r\n conversion from post-paid to pre-paid or for new\r\n connection installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the documents required if meter get\r\n stolen?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You have to submit an application, original\r\n FIR, ID proof of registered consumer at our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Note: Meter charges are applicable as per UPERC\r\n cost data book.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the New Meter cost in Meter stolen\r\n cases?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the consumer process the application for\r\n re-installation of meter in case of Meter Stolen,\r\n applicable meter charges to paid as per UPERC cost\r\n data book enforce.\r\n


    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the new meter cost shall\r\n also be charged as per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if meter is not at the\r\n premises?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please contact our Call at our 24X7 CALL\r\n CENTER - 0120 6226666 or you may visit Customer\r\n Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Q. Why my meter screen is blank.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in the area\r\n and your supply is not coming, if Yes, you may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n to register complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NOPOWER{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or visit atCustomer Care office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.. In\r\n case supply is ON but no display on meter,\r\n register complaint for meter display problem\r\n on above given numbers. Our Team will visit to\r\n do the needful within 7 working days.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If my meter box has a husky display, what\r\n should I do ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Is your meter box is having husky\r\n display.Kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 or visit at our Customer Care office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday. and register\r\n complaint for meter display problem. Our Team will\r\n visit to do the needful within 7 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Where to report incase of No Display in the\r\n meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may contact at our 24X7 CALL CENTER\r\n - 0120 6226666 or visit at our Customer Care\r\n office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday and\r\n register complaint for meter display problem. Our\r\n Team will visit to do the needful within 7 working\r\n days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges of meter testing and why\r\n is it mandatory to pay ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing fee\r\n shall also be charged as per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the different options available for\r\n Meter Testing?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Online from our website www.noidapower.com and\r\n refer consumer services tab wherein \"Online\r\n Meter Testing\" option is available.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may also visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I know the status of Meter Testing\r\n Request ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may visit our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer services tab\r\n wherein \"Online Meter Testing\" option is available\r\n : You may also download our Mobile application and\r\n apply for meter testing or else it can be placed\r\n by calling to our 24X7 helpline numbers on\r\n 0120-6226666 You may also visit Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. On what basis the meter testing fee is\r\n imposed?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter testing fees is charged on \"type of\r\n meter\" and it is applicable as per UPERC Tariff\r\n Order.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Would you refund the testing fee if meter\r\n found ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no provision for refund of testing\r\n fees.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive testing report on meter\r\n testing? What is the procedure of complaining if\r\n I don’t receive one?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Everytime when we will test meter a test\r\n reprt is issued to our consumer. In case you have\r\n not received it, you may write us at\r\n CRM@noidapower.com. You may also visit Customer\r\n Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Which parameter define that meter is faulty\r\n or meter testing is Ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Kindly note that meter testing is done on\r\n many factors such as meter accuracy results ,\r\n display parameters & downloaded data analysis\r\n on which testing engineer will confirm whether\r\n meter is faulty or meter is working normal.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meters are changed without any complaint?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case of technology upgradation or periodic\r\n replacement from Old to New Generation meter as\r\n per the Guideline of Hon’ble Regulatory\r\n Commission.\r\n


    \r\n A Distribution Licensee may change the meter from\r\n time to time for any of the following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How much time will you take to replace the\r\n faulty meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14 working days\r\n for meter replacement\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days after\r\n estimate payment for testing & another 14\r\n working days for replacement if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if there is No power after\r\n successful recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n For Secure Prepaid meters\r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office it may be\r\n your main MCB be off which is located in\r\n Electric shaft in societies/ check your MCB\r\n status\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M\r\n (Mon-Fri) to know more about the same.\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n
      • \r\n Check balance / supply status in mobile aap.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • Contact your maintenance office.
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4 :\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M\r\n (Mon-Fri) to know more about the same.\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid meter\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to registered\r\n email id & phone number post bill generation.\r\n It can also be downloaded from our website via\r\n Quick E-bill Download : or follow direct link: No\r\n payment is required to be made against the bill.\r\n Ensure sufficient balance in prepaid meter through\r\n timely recharge in order to avail uninterrupted\r\n power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if the meter doesn’t show the\r\n credit amount after recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please refer our prepaid meter manual\r\n available at our website and refer page no. 6\r\n & 7 Or In case, payment is been done but\r\n credit still pending, you may contact at our\r\n helpline no. +91-0120 6226666 or else if issue\r\n still persist, please visit our customer care\r\n office, KP-1 or Techzone-4 in person :During 10:00\r\n A.M to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more about the\r\n same. Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meter is beeping when it is already\r\n recharge?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n There is a provision in meter to set recharge\r\n limit if balance will go down from this limit\r\n then only meter will start beeping at low\r\n balance . This feature is configurable ,consumer\r\n itself can set this limit as per their\r\n consumption pattern.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Freedom Bluetooth unit may be faulty ( if\r\n Showing Con. Fault in display ).\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What options are available for pre-paid meter\r\n recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, (there are many options to pay amount in\r\n paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit Card,credit Card\r\n and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer can get token from NPCL Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1, Greater Noida\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters( AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, Bill Desk (there are many options to pay\r\n amount in paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit\r\n Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Multipoint App., NPCL web site
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is “CON FAULT”, what is to be done to\r\n get it corrected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. CON FAULT” means connection faulty, meter\r\n will be displaying digit 17 when your connection\r\n from meter to display unit is not proper. Kindly\r\n register you’re compliant on our call center\r\n contact no. - 0120-6226666/.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can supply gets disconnected if meter is not\r\n recharged or do I get any reminder?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Reminder beep will come in minimun available\r\n balance. Supply will be disconnected in negative\r\n balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Go to NPCL Multipoint App by turning on low\r\n money notifications, consumer can get a\r\n reminder.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to check the balance?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Automatically showing Balance & other\r\n details in Meter display.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumers may check their account balance by\r\n pressing # button in key pad of meter display\r\n unit & for single phase meters - Press key\r\n \"1\" single time to check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Login in NPCL Multipoint App/ web and check\r\n balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be the minimum balance to\r\n maintain pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can change minimum balance in meter\r\n acocording to consumption and requirement.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If meter is showing different date from\r\n actual does it mean that it is faulty ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is a matter of meter testing &\r\n inspection then only we will confirm the same.\r\n Based on the testing report our team shall analyse\r\n the data.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact when there is no display in\r\n the meter but supply is connected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in the area\r\n and your supply is not coming, if Yes, you may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n to register complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NOPOWER Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Q. Red light in meter indicates what?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. it’s a calibration LED in meter which\r\n indicates pulse / revolution of meter , if Red\r\n light is blinking in meters it means meter is\r\n running on load.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I change my meter from post-paid to\r\n pre-paid and what documentation is required?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to prepaid\r\n connection, consumer can visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4, Greater\r\n Noida . Consumer has to apply under category\r\n conversion services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I see my consumption pattern in\r\n pre-paid meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n By pressing Key\"2\" consumer can check\r\n consumptions of today, previous day, previous\r\n Week and current month)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n By Pressing key\"7\" consumer can check monthly\r\n consumptions of present calendar Year)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters ( Aew Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint App and consumer can see\r\n daily consumption( Current month) and Monthly\r\n consumptions( Present Calendar Year) by\r\n selecting \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint Web, conumer can download\r\n and see consumptions by selecting \"Report\"\r\n option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow8(!show8)}\r\n >\r\n Payment Related\r\n
    \r\n {show8 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the different modes of payments\r\n available?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Modes of payments are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n A. Digital Payment through:-\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in Consumer’s\r\n internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH (National\r\n Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Credit & Debit cards to Village Contact\r\n Persons and at Customer Care Office, KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4*.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Non-Digital Payment Modes are as follows:-\r\n

    • \r\n Cash / Cheque / DD at Customer Care Office, KP-1\r\n or Techzone-4* or to Village Contact Persons.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Cheque/DD at NPCL’s Cheque Drop Boxes.
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cash at nearby BBPS authorised retail outlets\r\n For further details please visit NPCL’s website.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n *You may visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I make cash payment?\r\n

    • \r\n In case of Rural Consumers - Authorised Village\r\n Contact Persons (VCPs) or cash collection\r\n centre, Tugalpur, Knowledge Park-1 or\r\n Techzone-4, Greater Noida between 10:00 AM to\r\n 5:00 PM, Monday to Saturday (Except 2nd &\r\n 4th Saturdays and Gazetted Holidays) (On 1st,\r\n 3rd & 5th Saturdays counter will be open\r\n from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM).\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of Urban / Industrial / Institutional\r\n Consumers - Cash Collection Centre.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Any consumer - Nearby BBPS Authorised Retail\r\n Outlets. There are more than 1500 authorised\r\n BBPS retails outlets in and around Greater Noida\r\n area. Consumers may locate nearest BBPS\r\n Authorised Retails Outlets on NPCL website\r\n through web-link “Find Nearest Bharat Bill Pay\r\n Outlet”.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL website.\r\n


    \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the upper limit for Cash Payment.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per section 6.10 of Electricity Supply\r\n code 2005, you can make cash payment up to\r\n Rs.20,000/- only. In case your bill is more than\r\n the above mentioned value, remaining payment shall\r\n be made via any mode other than cash.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to make online payment of Bills?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Online Payment of Bills can be made through\r\n below mentioned modes :\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in Consumer’s\r\n internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH (National\r\n Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Do I need to pay extra charges if I wish to\r\n pay Online through NPCL website/Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL do not levy any extra charge for online\r\n payment. However, the Payment Gateway , Wallets\r\n and Other service providers may levy service\r\n charges along-with applicable taxes for\r\n transactions above Rs. 4,000/-. In case the\r\n transaction is made through Paytm Gateway service\r\n charges would be levied at following rate:\r\n


    \r\n ** For credit/debit card transactions, 1.10% of\r\n the transaction amount being paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Net banking transactions, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Bill desk\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n * For credit/debit card transactions, 1% of the\r\n transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * For Net banking transactions, Rs.3/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Is it safe to give my bank details on NPCL\r\n website ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL follows\r\n highest level of security standards to ensure that\r\n the data entered by consumers remains confidential\r\n and not stored anywhere on NPCL Server.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can I make Cheque Payments\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can drop cheque at following Cheque\r\n Collection Centres of NPCL along with latest bill\r\n stub (Lower portion of bill). The cheques should\r\n be in favour of \"\"Noida Power Company Limited\"\".\r\n Write down the cheque with credentials like your\r\n Name, Consumer Number and mobile number at the\r\n back of cheque.\r\n

    • NPCL Customer Care Centre (Sector KP-1)
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Customer Care Centre (Techzone-IV)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station atAlpha-1, Opp Ryan\r\n International School\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station, Sector Omega-I, Builders Area,\r\n Near AWHO Apartments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station at Surajpur, Near Surajpur\r\n Police Station\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bar Association Office, Surajpur District Court\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I make payment through Post dated cheques\r\n ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post-dated and outstation cheques are not\r\n accepted at NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges applicable on cheque\r\n bounce?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque gets bounced due to\r\n insufficient funds or exceed arrangement, you will\r\n not be able to make payment through cheque in that\r\n Financial Year. Charges applicable are mentioned\r\n below:\r\n

    • \r\n Cheque amount of less than Rs. 5000 : Rs.250\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 5000 & up to Rs.\r\n 10000 : Rs. 500\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 10000 & up to Rs. 1\r\n Lac : Rs. 1000\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount of Rs. 1 Lac and above : Rs. 5000\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue another cheque, if my cheque\r\n bounces?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque got bounced due to\r\n insufficient funds or exceed arrangements, the\r\n consumer will not be able to make payment through\r\n cheque in that Financial Year.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue cheque, if my supply is\r\n Disconnected ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, consumer can pay their bill amount\r\n through cheque (Considering no cheque bounce\r\n history).\r\n


    \r\n Payment can be done for outstanding bill and\r\n reconnection charges as below:-\r\n

    • \r\n Bill payment via cheque and reconnection charge\r\n via cash and vice versa >Bill payment and\r\n reconnection charge together via cash.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bill payment and reconnection charge together\r\n via cheque . Please note, if in case the same\r\n get dishonoured, the supply will be disconnected\r\n and the Reconnection amount has to be paid\r\n again.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.When will my online payment be updated in my\r\n account?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. All payments made through other that RTGS /\r\n NEFT mode are updated on Real-time basis in\r\n consumers account except during system\r\n shutdown/maintenance when it may take up to 2 to 3\r\n working days.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I approach to register my payment\r\n related complaint?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Complaints can be registered at:\r\n

    • NPCL Website.
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Mobile App.
    • \r\n
    • Our 24X7 Call centre at 0120-6226666 .
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.What are the GST % will be charged\r\n


    \r\n Ans. GST will be levied as per GST regulations and\r\n rates applicable to various services provided by\r\n NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.For which services I have to pay GST\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per GST Circular No. 34/08/2018-GST dated\r\n 01st March 2018, GST is applicable on all the\r\n services provided by the NPCL except energy\r\n charges.\r\n

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    \r\n setShow7(!show7)}\r\n >\r\n Billing Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q.How are bills prepared if the meter is not\r\n read?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If the actual meter reading is not acquired\r\n due to any reason; provisional bill will be raised\r\n which is subjected to adjustment upon receipt of\r\n actual meter reading in the subsequent months.\r\n Provisional bills are raised on average\r\n consumption of last 3 months. Inaccessibility to\r\n premises for 3 months or more could lead to\r\n disconnection of supply as per Electricity ̀ Supply\r\n Code 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the normal reading span for monthly\r\n Meter Reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter reading is normally taken between a\r\n period of 28 to 32 days from the last meter\r\n reading date. The same is intimated to you through\r\n SMS if your mobile number is registered with us.\r\n Fixed Charges and slabs for Energy charges are\r\n calculated proportionally for the billing period.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to calculate / understand electricity\r\n bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Please refer back side of electricity\r\n bill and check for applicable Tariff and Bill\r\n Calculation. Additionally, you can reach out to us\r\n at crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is the meter reading system?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading of three phase meters is taken\r\n remotely through AMR or LPR facility. For Single\r\n Phase meters, meter readers go door-to-door and\r\n record readings in Hand Held Devices (HHD) / Meter\r\n Reading Terminals (MRT). Reading information can\r\n also be conveyed through SMS/Email registered with\r\n us.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Why is my meter not read regularly?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Any one of the following can be the reasons:\r\n

    • \r\n Your premises are vacant / locked for long\r\n period of time or constantly during daytime\r\n resulting in inaccessibility of meter to the\r\n reader. Code 2005.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Discrepancy in address in our database with the\r\n actual address may result in meter reader\r\n missing out your premises.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n If you observe such shortcomings in the address\r\n (as printed in bill), please bring the same to the\r\n notice of CR(Front Desk) at NPCL Customer Care\r\n Office immediately for corrections.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to approach when meter is not read ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If consumer premises is found locked, meter\r\n reader will stick a \"\"miss you\"\" sticker\r\n intimating about the failed reading attempt\r\n alongwith a contact number to coordinate the day\r\n & time of reading. Or you may:\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number (Only which is showing in KWH)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Why fixed charges are not constant?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Fixed Charges defined by Monthly Tariff\r\n applies to a period of 30 days. When billing\r\n period is not 30 days, applicable fixed charges\r\n are calculated on prorata basis.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Penal Demand Charges\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Use of load beyond the sanctioned load is a\r\n cognisable offence. Penal demand charges are levied\r\n in excess to fixed charges based on demand usage\r\n over and above the sanctioned load. It is thus\r\n advised to enhance your contracted load to avoid\r\n penal demand charges.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to calculate slab ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Slab based energy rates defined by Tariff is\r\n applicable for 30 days per month and is prorated\r\n on simple unitary method based on number of\r\n billing days i.e. difference between current\r\n reading date and previous reading date (both dates\r\n inclusive)\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Makeup Charges?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. : As per approved Tariff, consumers who\r\n are part of LMV-2 (Commercial Supply) and LMV-9\r\n (Temporary Supply) are subjected to load based\r\n minimum charges. If the sum of Fixed Charges (for\r\n LMV-2 only) and Energy Charges is less than\r\n applicable monthly minimum charge then differential\r\n amount is levied as Make Up Charges. Makeup charge\r\n = minimum charge - (fixed charges + energy charge).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Wrong reading mentioned on my bill. How to get\r\n it rectified?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Request for wrong reading can be\r\n registered through following touchpoints\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Email your concern at crm@noidapower.com. Do\r\n attach meter reading photograph for convenience.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What to do if I am not satisfied with the\r\n meter reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are not satisfied with your bill, you\r\n may\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #SELFREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on Monthly\r\n basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third party\r\n vendor every month. You are requested to subscribe\r\n for e-bill for on-time and assured delivery of\r\n bill.\r\n


    \r\n In case you need duplicate bill copy, may please\r\n click on below link given on our website : You may\r\n reach out us through WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666\r\n (DupBill{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #DUPBILL Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Q.How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you need duplicate bill copy, may\r\n please click on below link given on our website :\r\n You may also login to our website or Mobile\r\n www.noidapower.com App using your credentials\r\n (Username & Password) for downloading /\r\n viewing last 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our website,\r\n kindly go through the “Need help in Sign In” tab\r\n under My Account tab.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows consumers to\r\n avail rebate of 1% on Fixed and Energy Charges.\r\n DPS means Delayed Payment Surcharge which is\r\n applicable due to non-payment of bills upto due\r\n date.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his electricity\r\n bill by due date specified therein, a late payment\r\n surcharge shall be levied at 1.25% on the dues per\r\n month up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00% per\r\n month on the unpaid dues. In case of constant\r\n non-payment, your elctricity connection can be\r\n disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule approved\r\n by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can waive the same\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to lodge complaint through SMS?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can raise your complaint & avail\r\n other important information by sending SMS on\r\n 7840002288 from your registered mobile number. To\r\n see list of short codes with mandatory details,\r\n click on\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Is there any rebate if I pay bills online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, there is no additional rebate provided\r\n for online payments. However, a rebate of 1%\r\n against sum of Demand Charges & Energy Charges\r\n is provided upon payment within due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there are different colour bills? It\r\n denotes what ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Multi colour bills are designed to reflect\r\n upon varied consumer behaviour towards payment of\r\n dues and usage of electricity.\r\n

    • Blue Bill denotes timely bill payments
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Green Bill denotes payment through digital mode\r\n and/or Solar Net Metering Consumer\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Orange Bill denotes delayed payment and/or\r\n arrears in current bill\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Red bill cautions consumer to abstain from\r\n unauthorized use of electricity based on site\r\n reporting.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How much interest paid on Security Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Interest is credited to consumers against\r\n existing security deposit on annual basis as per\r\n the bank rate prescribed by the RBI.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What would be the disconnection date once\r\n arrear is paid from the current month bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is advised to clear entire dues in event\r\n of arrears amount in current bill. However, if\r\n payment is made only against arrears, then\r\n disconnection date against current dues is 15 days\r\n from the due date as mentioned on the electricity\r\n bill.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Who can submit self meter reading ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. The facility of self submission of meter\r\n reading is available for single phase consumers.\r\n Reading can be submitted through SMS, Website or\r\n App in the dedicated slot provided every month.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid meter? Do I\r\n need to make payment against bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to registered\r\n email id & phone number post bill generation.\r\n It can also be downloaded from our website via\r\n Quick E-bill Download or follow direct link:\r\n


    \r\n No payment is required to be made against the\r\n bill. Ensure sufficient balance in prepaid meter\r\n through timely recharge in order to avail\r\n uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How & when self reading can be provided by\r\n consumer?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading submission slot is 1st to 10th day of\r\n every month. You can easily reach out to us by\r\n sending SMS at 7840002288 (#SELFREADING\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading) or WHATSAPP us at 0120-6226666\r\n (SelfReading{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading). The service is also available on\r\n our website & app.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n * Please note that reading should be in KWH\r\n parameter\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is power factor?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Power factor for the month is determined as\r\n the ratio of KWH (Active Power Consumption) to\r\n KVAH(Apparent power consumption).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the minimum Power Factor to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per the regulations of U.P. Electricity\r\n Supply Code, 2005 minimum power factor to be\r\n maintained is 0.75. If recorded power factor is\r\n less than 0.75,suitable action as per the\r\n provisions shall be initiated by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What can be the reason which may cause dip in\r\n Power Factor? How it is to be maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Majority of three phase connections\r\n constitutes of inductive load which draws non\r\n working / reactive power thereby increasing the\r\n KVAH(Apparent power consumption). Use of capacitor\r\n banks is helpful in offsetting this non working\r\n power requirement, but it should be regulated\r\n according to variance in load requirement by\r\n installing Automated Power Factor\r\n Controller(APFC). Regular check up and maintenance\r\n is also advised.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why it is important to maintain Power Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers above 10 KW are billed on KVAH\r\n basis as per the applicable tariff provisions. Dip\r\n in power factor(P.F.) cause increase in KVAH\r\n consumption which in turn results in higher energy\r\n charges for the consumer. Also, it reduces the\r\n effective distribution network capacity of NPCL\r\n which can lead to power outage in the area.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the consequences if power factor\r\n controller is not working properly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Failure of power factor controller i.e.\r\n APFC/Capacitor banks will lead to inadequate/over\r\n compensation of reactive power requirement. In\r\n both scenarios, KVAH consumption will suddenly\r\n increase leading to higher energy charges being\r\n billed.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can NPCL help in improving Power Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, it is consumer's responsibility to\r\n maintain their power factor from time to time\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on Monthly\r\n basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third party\r\n vendor every month. You are requested to subscribe\r\n for e-bill for on-time and assured delivery of\r\n bill.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. \"You are required to login on our website or\r\n Mobile www.noidapower.com App using your\r\n credentials (Username & Password) for\r\n downloading / viewing last 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our website,\r\n kindly go through the “Need help in Sign In” tab\r\n under My Account tab\".\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows consumers to\r\n avail rebate of 1% on Fixed and Energy Charges.\r\n DPS means Delayed Payment Surcharge which is\r\n applicable due to non-payment of bills upto due\r\n date.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his electricity\r\n bill by due date specified therein, a late payment\r\n surcharge shall be levied at 1.25% on the dues per\r\n month up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00% per\r\n month on the unpaid dues. In case of constant\r\n non-payment, your elctricity connection can be\r\n disconnected.\r\n


    Q. DPS waiver.?


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule approved\r\n by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can waive the same.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. How the differential units are getting\r\n calculated on common (Physical/Virtual)\r\n connection  for multipoint connections?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans.{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in physical\r\n common meter :\r\n {\" \"}\r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code dated:\r\n 10-08-2018, the total energy consumption of the\r\n electricity recorded at the reference meter shall\r\n be compared with the total electricity consumption\r\n of all the individual meters & common area meter.\r\n In case the difference in energy consumption for\r\n any billing cycle works out to be higher than\r\n permissable loss level i.e. 4% in case of 11KV\r\n supply / 5% in case of voltage higher than 11 KV,\r\n then the difference of energy beyond permissible\r\n loss level shall be added in the consumption of\r\n common area billing.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in Virtual common\r\n meter :\r\n \r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code dated:\r\n 05-08-2020, no physical common meter is to be\r\n installed at consumer premise and differential\r\n units calculation is to be done on the basis of\r\n the logic as described below: Total energy\r\n consumption of the electricity recorded at the\r\n reference meter shall be compared with the total\r\n electricity consumption of all the individual\r\n meters. In case the difference in energy\r\n consumption for any billing cycle works out to be\r\n higher than permissable loss level i.e. 4% in case\r\n of 11KV supply / 5% in case of voltage higher than\r\n 11 KV, then the difference of energy beyond\r\n permissible loss level shall be divided among all\r\n the individual consumers in proportion to their\r\n contractual load.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is TDS/TCS charged in bills?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. TDS (Tax Deduction at Source): The tax\r\n shall be deducted under Section 194Q by a\r\n consumer/buyer carrying on a business whose total\r\n sales, gross receipts or turnover from the\r\n business exceeds Rs. 10 crores during the\r\n financial year immediately preceding the financial\r\n year in which such goods are purchased.\r\n
    \r\n The tax shall be deducted by the consumer/buyer of\r\n goods at the rate of 0.1% of the purchase value\r\n exceeding Rs. 50 lakhs.\r\n
    \r\n TCS (Tax Collection at Source): The Finance\r\n Act, 2020 inserted sub-section (1H) in section\r\n 206C with effect from 1st Oct’20 to levy the tax\r\n collection at source on sale of goods. The Company\r\n is liable to collect TCS at the rate of 0.1% on\r\n consideration received from a Consumer in excess\r\n of fifty lakh rupees in a financial year.\r\n
    \r\n In non-PAN/ Aadhaar* cases the rate shall be 1% .\r\n
    \r\n In case of PAN is not available or invalid PAN,\r\n the tax shall be deducted at the rate of 5%.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is Additional Security Deposit (ASD)\r\n charged in bills, when it is charged and how it\r\n is calculated?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per Clause 4.2 (e) of UPERC Supply Code,\r\n 2005: If the security deposit falls short of\r\n covering the estimated power consumption bill for\r\n 45 days based on his average monthly consumption\r\n for the preceding financial year, then demand for\r\n Additional Security Deposit (ASD) is made to\r\n consumers equivalent to the difference of amount\r\n between the existing security deposit and 45 days\r\n average power consumption bill. Also, the demand\r\n for ASD is only made when the required ASD payable\r\n by the consumer exceeds 10% of the existing\r\n security deposit.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow6(!show6)}\r\n >\r\n Theft Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. Where I can contact in case of Direct theft\r\n booked on my consumer number.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit to Our Office at KP-II from\r\n 10:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) for any detailed\r\n information about theft booked or may contact our\r\n 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666, write Theft (to report electricity\r\n theft) may please click on given link to register\r\n online complaint.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to report Direct Theft\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can call and complain against theft of\r\n electricity / tampering of meter through following\r\n avenues:\r\n

    • Helpline Number : 9891222240
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mobile App
    • \r\n
    • CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666
    • \r\n

    \r\n Your identity shall remain confidential and action\r\n will be taken at the earliest.\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is meant by “Direct Theft”?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Section 135(1) of Electricity Act, 2003 as\r\n amended by Electricity (amendment) Act , 2007,\r\n Theft of electricity is defined as, whoever\r\n dishonestly,\r\n

    • \r\n a) Taps Electricity line:\r\n
      • - overhead
      • \r\n
      • - underground
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n b) Tampers meter:\r\n
      • - usage of tampered meter
      • \r\n
      • - current reversing transformer
      • \r\n
      • - loop connection
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - other device interferes with\r\n accurate/proper registration. c) Other\r\n device/method result in a manner whereby:\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - electricity is stolen
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - damages/destroys an electric meter/\r\n apparatus/equipment/wire/ cause\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n c) Uses electricity through a tampered meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n d) Uses electricity for purposes other than that\r\n which was authorized.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow5(!show5)}\r\n >\r\n Disconnection Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for permanent disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you want your connection to be permanently\r\n disconnected, you have to submit the ID proof,\r\n last paid bill with our written application form\r\n at Customer Care Office at KP-I or Techzone-4*. 2\r\n Years Lock-in Period is applicable for all\r\n consumers except LMV-9 (Temporary Connection) from\r\n last date of any change in contract. Please follow\r\n the link to know documentation requirement\r\n *Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines of Permanent\r\n Disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Disconnection of supply will completed within\r\n 30 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can I apply for the same meter after\r\n surrendering of current meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the connection is permanently\r\n disconnected, consumer has to follow new\r\n connection application process for getting an\r\n electricity connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for refunding of security funds?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Consumer Care Centre at KP-I or\r\n Techzone-4, and submit all the requisite documents\r\n which are mentioned at the back side of\r\n application form. Please follow the link to know\r\n documentation requirement Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why and when MCG charges are applicable for\r\n Permanent Disconnection application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. MCG calculated as per provisions of\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005. The Tariff Orders\r\n issued by Hon’ble Uttar Pradesh Electricity\r\n Regulatory Commission (“State Commission”) from\r\n time to time.Clause 4.14 (Agreement) - Point (h)\r\n However, if the agreement is to be terminated\r\n before completion of 2 years: 30 (i) Consumer\r\n shall be liable to pay the minimum charges (or the\r\n demand / fixed charges, if no minimum charges are\r\n prescribed for that category) for a period of 6\r\n months or the period by which the total duration\r\n of the agreement falls short of 2 years, whichever\r\n is lower.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow4(!show4)}\r\n >\r\n Reconnection Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after making\r\n the part payment of outstanding amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reconnection is not allowed on part payment.\r\n



    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Criteria (load & Category) DR charges (Rs.)*
    Pre-paid Meters - Single phase - Zero
    Pre-paid Meters -3 phase - Zero
    Smart Meters - Single phase - 100
    Smart Meters - 3 phase - 200
    >75 KW/100BHP - 2000
    LMV-6 (having load <=75KW/100BHP) - 1000
    All others categories - 600


    \r\n Note: * 18% GST is applicable on DR charges and\r\n supply will be reconnected within 48 hrs. for\r\n Rural and 24 hrs. for urban after payment of\r\n Outstanding dues along with reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines for Reconnection after\r\n temporary disconnection of supply?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Timeline for reconnection of supply will be\r\n Maximum of 48 Hrs for Rural and 24 hrs in Urban\r\n after payment of bill & Reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection when meter\r\n already removed at site?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after final\r\n bill generation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision of reconnection.\r\n Once the payment of final bill is done, consumer\r\n has to apply for new connection with all required\r\n documents.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow3(!show3)}\r\n >\r\n Website / Mobile App Related\r\n
    \r\n {show3 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the procedure to Login on{\" \"}\r\n \r\n www.noidapower.com ?\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Go to www.noidapower.com. Click on “Consumer\r\n Login” and register your Consumer Number or click\r\n on the link: www.npcl.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various services/information\r\n available on NPCL's website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.The main features of website are as follows:\r\n

    • \r\n About NPCL and Contact Details of registered\r\n offices\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bill Payment Option
    • \r\n
    • Outage Alerts
    • \r\n
    • Service Application and Complaint
    • \r\n
    • Tariff Details
    • \r\n
    • Report a Concern
    • \r\n
    • Account Registration
    • \r\n
    • CSR activities
    • \r\n
    • Self Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Ebill Download
    • \r\n
    • Quick Bill Payment
    • \r\n
    • Contact Us
    • \r\n
    • Online Application
    • \r\n
    • Payment Options
    • \r\n
    • Pre-paid Meter Recharge
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer Services for Application form, Document\r\n Checklist, Online Meter Testing, SMS Based\r\n Services, WhatsApp based services, Customer Care\r\n office Queue Status, Single to Multipoint\r\n Conversion, Consumer Awareness and Many more.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to reset password ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Password can be reset after clicking forgot\r\n password option. You have to punch your registered\r\n email id and consumer number to receive an updated\r\n password , if problem still persist please write\r\n us at crm@noida power.com)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How and from where a consumer can update his\r\n contact details ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. For updating contact details (mobile number/\r\n email-id) consumer can login to our website or\r\n mobile app. www.noidapower.com You may also visit\r\n our customer care office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday, along with the BP No. and ID proof of\r\n registered consumer or company. You may also write\r\n us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Is it safe to give my bank details on NPCL\r\n website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL follows\r\n highest level of security standards to ensure that\r\n the data entered by consumers remains confidential.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Do I need to pay extra charges for online\r\n payment?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL does not levy any extra charge for\r\n online payment. However, the Payment Gateway,\r\n Wallets and other service providers may levy\r\n service charges along with applicable taxes for\r\n transaction above Rs. 4,000/-.\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Paytm\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1.10% of the\r\n transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Bill desk\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1% of the\r\n transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, 3% per transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Why this month bill is not updated on Website\r\n Mobile app ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are generated from time to time from\r\n commercial department. It might be possible due to\r\n some certain reason bill of this month may be\r\n delayed and it’s not generated yet. Once it will\r\n have generated in SAP system then PDF and bill\r\n details will appear on Website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What happen if my ID is locked in NPCL\r\n Website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. USERID will be automatic unlock in 24 hours\r\n for the website users\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What all the features available on Mobile App\r\n ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After Login fetures are as follows :\r\n

    • Bill and Payment History
    • \r\n
    • Register Request & Complaints
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Consumption Analysis
    • \r\n
    • Energy Calculator
    • \r\n
    • Request & Complaint Status
    • \r\n
    • Subscribe for E-bill
    • \r\n
    • Self-Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Payment
    • \r\n
    • Energy Tips
    • \r\n
    • KYC Updation
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is Un-Authenticated Sender issue.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. User details like USERNAME, Email ID and\r\n Password are not matched when user face this kind\r\n of problem.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow2(!show2)}\r\n >\r\n Complaint Against Services Related\r\n
    \r\n {show2 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the process of applying for New\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant can download or fill the online New\r\n Connection Service form from our website and\r\n upload necessary documents www.noidapower.com as\r\n mentioned in the documents checklist. You can also\r\n visit our Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday, to apply in person.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Within how much time should the connection be\r\n provided to me?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the application and necessary documents\r\n are reviewed at NPCL, and estimate gets generated\r\n which needs to be paid by the consumer. Post which\r\n it will take approximately 7 working days* for the\r\n apparatus to be installed at the consumers\r\n premises and for the energization of supply.\r\n


    \r\n *This SLA is applicable for the urban domestic\r\n connection where no augmentation of main is\r\n required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why I have not received my estimate\r\n intimation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you have successfully submitted your new\r\n service application form at our Customer Care\r\n Office or Online , we process the application in\r\n our system and it gets forwarded to concerned\r\n department for the Commercial & LCC Dues,\r\n Technical feasibility check. Once clearance is\r\n received from all the departments it is followed\r\n by estimate preparation. During this process\r\n system generated messages are triggered, after\r\n completion of necessary stages. Thus, you are\r\n requested to please wait for the same as we will\r\n be working on 1st cum 1st serve basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I pay the Estimate amount Online\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online thru NPCL\r\n website or you may visit our Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday to apply in\r\n person for payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Estimate paid but meter not installed yet?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post payment of estimated amount, New\r\n connection will be provided within 7 days where no\r\n Augmentation of existing mains are required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for the status of application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you may\r\n WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know the short\r\n codes follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to apply for refunding of security fund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit our Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday to apply for\r\n security refund, please follow the link to know\r\n documentation requirement\r\n (https://www.noidapower.com/Services/Document_Checklist)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Paper Formalities Required for Load Reduction?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to fill application and provide\r\n all the requisite documentation which are\r\n mentioned on the back side of application form.\r\n Please follow the link to know documentation\r\n requirement. Please note for load reduction\r\n consumer can only apply after two years from date\r\n of energization. For Temp. Supply, consumer can\r\n apply for load reduction at any point of time.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can consumer find the status of request\r\n against New Connection?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of a New Connection\r\n request, consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Can write us at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Estimate not Received Yet\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you have not received any update\r\n after 7-10 days of applying for request.To know\r\n the status of application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes follow the\r\n link or can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is minimum charges & why it is to be\r\n paid.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to bear the minimum charges\r\n based on the total sanctioned load & as per\r\n the applicable tariff rate it is been calculated\r\n for remaining Tenure in case you have not\r\n completed 2 yrs. to the connection or recent load\r\n enhancement/reduction process. In Case the maximum\r\n demand recorded in any of the last 2 billing\r\n cycles is higher than the reduced contracted load\r\n consumer can not opt for the proposed contracted\r\n load\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is Augmentation? How much time it take to\r\n complete?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Augmentation means improvement/enhancement of\r\n the system capacity to be able to cater to the\r\n increased electricity load requirement. Such\r\n augmentation needs capital investment. Sometimes,\r\n only after requests received for new connections\r\n or load enhancement; particularly if the requested\r\n load is high. Different types of Augmentation may\r\n be required such as:\r\n

    • Low Tension (LT) Line Extension
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Capacity Augmentation
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Complete electrification of an un-electrified area
    • */}\r\n

    \r\n Timeline for different type of augmentations are\r\n as follows:\r\n


    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Type of augmentation Timeline required for\r\n augmentation{\" \"}\r\n (Working Days)
    LT Network augmentation - 60
    Transformer Augmentation - 120
    HT - 11 KV Network Strengthening - 180
    \r\n Un-electrified Area or New Grid Required{\" \"}\r\n - 180


    \r\n \r\n Q.How and where to approach for Shifting of\r\n Mains ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. We accept application for following request\r\n

    • Meter Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Pole Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Service Cable Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Penal Feeder Box Shifting
    • \r\n

    \r\n For the shifting related request an application\r\n along with the copy of id proof and last paid bill\r\n is required (please follow the link to be\r\n submitted at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday. After verification of\r\n documents, site visit is arranged to check the\r\n feasibility to fulfil the request and then a\r\n survey report is prepared and accordingly estimate\r\n is generated as per Regulatory guidelines. Once\r\n the payment of estimate is done then shifting will\r\n be executed\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What Documents are required for Load\r\n Enhancement/ Load Reduction/ Name Change/\r\n Category Change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please click Here.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the TAT for completion of Service\r\n Application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of estimate payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with previous load/\r\n category, except shifting of mains , as it depends\r\n upon site condition and availability of material.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where we can contact in case of any\r\n information required for service request.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you may\r\n WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know the short\r\n codes follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the payment options for estimate\r\n payment ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online thru NPCL\r\n website or you may visit our Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday to apply inperson\r\n for payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the basis of calculation of Security\r\n Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The security deposit maintainable for a\r\n consumer is equivalent to 2 times the average bill\r\n value for the financial year under reference. For a\r\n new applicant, the security deposit will be\r\n determined on the basis of load applied.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my application is been Pending since\r\n long.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation process,\r\n the application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it might have\r\n not been cleared under LCC/CF Check, To know the\r\n status of application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes follow the\r\n link or can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to contact in case of application\r\n rejected due to LCC/Theft?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When am I required to pay Additional Security\r\n Deposit (ASD)?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Each year the security deposit is reviewed in\r\n the month of April on the basis of last one year\r\n consumption. The statement of Security Deposit\r\n account is given in the bill for the month of\r\n April. If the maintainable Security Deposit is\r\n more than the security Deposit “held” amount,\r\n additional security deposit is required to be\r\n paid.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required in case of\r\n Small Correction in Connection Details such as\r\n Spelling of Name, inadequate Address?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The documentary proof for the desired change\r\n along with latest paid bill receipt along with\r\n correction form by the property owner. You may\r\n visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What happens if the Security Deposit amount\r\n held is more than the Security Deposit\r\n Maintainable amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In the above scenario, no ASD request will be\r\n placed however, as per the RBI guidelines interest\r\n gets credited for the held security amount.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How do I get refund of Security Deposit after\r\n account closure?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After necessary adjustment, the Security\r\n Deposit amount held with us is refunded with an\r\n A/c payee cheque in the name of the registered\r\n consumer at the recorded address.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When I can apply for Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may apply for Security Refund in\r\n below given senarios :\r\n

    • \r\n *Once the connection is Permanently Disconnected\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * Once the property is sold and also name\r\n mutation has been completed in records and\r\n earlier connection gets permanently\r\n disconnected, the Old/Earlier property holder\r\n may apply for Security Refund\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required for Security\r\n Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Click here\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who is eligible to get Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Only the registered consumer or Old owner (in\r\n case of property sold out) can apply for Security\r\n Refund\r\n


    \r\n Q.Can I get Final Bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. After meter removal from site final bill get\r\n generated within 15 days and final copy may be\r\n provided whrein consumer himself/herself, have\r\n requested for permannet disconnection and having\r\n relevant notification no. too.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to apply for NOC ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you get the final bill copy and upon\r\n making necessary bill payments (if any), consumer\r\n may apply for NOC from our customer care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV ..Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My New Connection service request is\r\n pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the siite\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending. To know the status of a New Connection\r\n request, consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Can write us at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My New\r\n Connection service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit & after receving site report,\r\n Estimate get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail\r\n alert containing payment link of estimate.In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist new service\r\n request than why meter installation is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment against\r\n your Service request it will take 7-10 days time\r\n for meter installation. Only if there is any right\r\n of way issue, it may take more time for completing\r\n the assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by consumer to our\r\n service team. You may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further assistance, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Name\r\n Mutation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7 days\r\n time for document verification and necessary\r\n approvals. In Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details, you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Name Mutation is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n details. In case of any doubt you may reach out to\r\n us via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No.For any further requirement, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Load\r\n Augmentation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit & after receving site report,\r\n Estimate get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail\r\n alert containing payment link of estimate. In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Load Augmentation service request is\r\n pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the site\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist Load\r\n Augmentation request than why meter installation\r\n is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment against\r\n your Service request it will take 7-10 days time\r\n for meter installation. Only if there is any right\r\n of way issue, it may take more time for completing\r\n the assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by consumer to our\r\n service team. You may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further assistance, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Category Change is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n details. In case of any doubt you may reach out to\r\n us via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Category\r\n Change service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7 days\r\n time for document verification and necessary\r\n approvals. In Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details, you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Load\r\n Reduction service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit (As & when required) & after\r\n receving site report, Estimate get generated &\r\n sent for necessary approvals. We shall keep you\r\n posted with SMS/EMail alert containing payment\r\n link of estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp services\r\n on 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Load Reduction is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the billing, during\r\n this period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n load details. In case of any doubt you may reach\r\n out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Shifting request is pending for Site\r\n Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the site\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may please visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Shifting\r\n request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Shifting request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit & after receving site report,\r\n Estimate get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail\r\n alert containing payment link of estimate. In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there is no action taken at site ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the siite\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may please visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take next\r\n billing cycle to get implemented in the system\r\n during this period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name correction is still pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation process,\r\n the application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it might have\r\n not been cleared under LCC/CF Check, you may\r\n please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take next\r\n billing cycle to get implemented in the system\r\n during this period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction is still pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation process,\r\n the application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it might have\r\n not been cleared under LCC/CF Check, you may\r\n please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connections floor wise?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In domestic high rise building electricity\r\n connection to individual owner/occupant are\r\n provided on multipoint scheme as per the\r\n guidelines of 13th Ammendmant of Electricity\r\n Supply Code, 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What should be the file type and size to\r\n upload for new connection online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. File size can't exceed 15 mb per\r\n documentation type.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connection through mobile app?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, you can apply new connection from NPCL\r\n mobile app.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How much I have to pay for Prepaid Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, service charges and security (if\r\n applicable) as specified in Cost Data Book which\r\n shall be calculated based upon your application\r\n and site survey.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can apply for Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are intending to carry out any\r\n construction work at your premise and seeking of\r\n electricity connection for construction activity,\r\n then, you will have to apply for temorary\r\n connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the Documentation requirement for\r\n Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant has to fill application form for\r\n new connection and provide all the requisite\r\n documentation which are mentioned on the back side\r\n of new connection application form.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to convert from temporary to permanent?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete construction work and\r\n obtains building completion certificate from\r\n concerned authority i.e. GNIDA/UPSIDC, you can\r\n apply for Permanent connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges of temporary connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, security deposit and service\r\n charges as specified in Cost Data Book which shall\r\n be calculated based upon your application and site\r\n survey\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is B&L form and why it is required in\r\n load augmentation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. B&L form or Work completion certificate\r\n form is filled by the licensed electrical\r\n contractor who has carried out electrical\r\n wiring/installation of premise. This certifies\r\n that electrical wiring/installation is done\r\n following all the regualtions and includes the\r\n equipments details installed, insulation test\r\n result of the wiring/installation.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for status of Online New\r\n Connection application\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you may\r\n WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know the short\r\n codes follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow(!show)}\r\n >\r\n Supply Related\r\n
    \r\n\r\n {show ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to resolve supply-related complaints on\r\n power interruptions or unsatisfactory voltage\r\n profile?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Register the complaint at NPCL's helpline no.\r\n +91-0120 6226666 along with 10-digit consumer\r\n number printed at the upper left corner of your\r\n electricity bill and one complaint number will be\r\n intimated to you for future reference. NPCL\r\n fault-repairing crew will attend to the cause of\r\n the complaint and resolve the same within the\r\n following time limits:\r\n

    • Urban: 3 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Rural: 12 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Industrial & Instittutional : 4 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Transformer failure : 72 Hours
    • \r\n

    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) May also download our mobile app\r\n for easy & quick access.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to address the problem of frequent\r\n tripping of MCB or blowing of fuse?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Contact a Licensed Electrical contractor\r\n (L.E.C.) to locate the cause. If there is a\r\n fault/defect in your wiring installations, rectify\r\n the same.\r\n


    \r\n If the load of your installation is more than the\r\n load allowed by NPCL, please apply for enhancement\r\n of load by filling up a form available at NPCL\r\n office KP-1 & know more about the same.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default CategoryChangeFaqs;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst CategoryChangeApply= () => {\r\n \r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Category Change

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n FAQ'S\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Feedback\r\n
    • \r\n




    Click here to Apply

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default CategoryChangeApply","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst CategoryChangeFeedback = () => {\r\n \r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Category Change

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n FAQ'S\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Feedback\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n Feedback Fetching Soon?\r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default CategoryChangeFeedback","\r\nimport React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst Permanent = () => {\r\n const [openNewCon,setOpenNewCon] = useState(false);\r\n const [openNameMutation,setOpenNameMutation] = useState(false);\r\n const [openCategoryChange,setOpenCategoryChange] = useState(false);\r\n const [openPermanent,setOpenPermanent] = useState(false);\r\n const [openLoadReduction,setOpenLoadReduction] = useState(false);\r\n const [openName,setOpenName] = useState(false);\r\n const [openNotInUse,setOpenNotInUse] = useState(false);\r\n const [openShifting,setOpenShifting] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const selectedValue = (e)=>{\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST1\"){\r\n setOpenNewCon(true)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false)\r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST2\"){\r\n setOpenNameMutation(true) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST3\"){\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(true)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST4\"){\r\n setOpenPermanent(true)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST5\"){\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(true)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST6\"){\r\n setOpenName(true)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST7\"){\r\n setOpenNotInUse(true)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST8\"){\r\n setOpenShifting(true)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n }\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Permanent Disconnection & Securty Refund

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
      \r\n\t \t
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n FAQ'S\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Feedback\r\n
    • \r\n


    Document Checklist

    \r\n \r\n\t \r\n
    \r\n \r\n {openNewCon ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\r\n
    ):null}\r\n \r\n {openNameMutation ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\r\n
    ): null}\r\n \r\n {openCategoryChange ? (\r\n
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    \r\n ): null}\r\n\r\n {openPermanent ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n {openLoadReduction ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openName ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openNotInUse ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n {openShifting ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default Permanent","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport { useState } from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst PermanentSample = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Permanent Disconnection & Securty Refund\r\n

    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQ'S\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    Sample Document

    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Safety Challan Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n GST Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Co-Owner NOC Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Dada Lai Property Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n MSME Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n B & L Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Personal Bond\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Declaration REGARDING Non Registration on GST\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Applied For Receipt Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Owner Consent LETTER Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Indemnity Bond Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Khasra Khatoni Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Pollution Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Possession Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Rular Sale Deed Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC Registry Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC transfer Letter Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n TM Letter GNIDA Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default PermanentSample;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport { useState } from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst PermanentFaqs = () => {\r\n const [show, setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2, setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const [show3, setShow3] = useState(false);\r\n const [show4, setShow4] = useState(false);\r\n const [show5, setShow5] = useState(false);\r\n const [show6, setShow6] = useState(false);\r\n const [show7, setShow7] = useState(false);\r\n const [show8, setShow8] = useState(false);\r\n const [show9, setShow9] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Permanent Disconnection & Securty Refund\r\n

    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQ'S\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n


    \r\n setShow9(!show9)}\r\n >\r\n Meter Related\r\n
    \r\n {show9 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be done in case there is no\r\n supply in the meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n In case the nearby are is under Supply Outage, you\r\n may wait until the supply is restored. If there is\r\n no power even after the supply is restored\r\n Consumer may contact at our 24X7 CALL CENTER -\r\n 0120 6226666 You may reach out us through WhatsApp\r\n no. 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What to do in case of meter is running fast/\r\n excess billing?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Domestic Consumer: May please check the\r\n internal wiring by any private electrician. If no\r\n such issue persist may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 or visit Customer Care\r\n Office at KP-I to register request for Meter\r\n Testing. Demand note for meter testing fees will\r\n be generated as per UPERC guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n Industrial & Institutional Consumers : May\r\n please check the Power Factor & Neutral\r\n disturbance issue to avoid any demand shoot-up in\r\n billing. if persist may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (BillDispute{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #BILLDISPUTE{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or else you may also visit our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to analysis correct meter consumption/\r\n abnormal consumption?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In a normal house hold having 1 or 2 A/C’s\r\n along with Geyser, Fridge etc., the average units\r\n consumed may be between 500 to 1000 Units per\r\n month depending upon actual use. If consumer feel\r\n that the consumption is more as compared to the\r\n usage and load, we request consumers to please get\r\n their wiring checked by competent electrician with\r\n respect to below mentioned points:\r\n

    • \r\n To check any Earth Leakage in the internal\r\n wiring or not.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of multiple connections in the building,\r\n whether your internal wiring has a separate\r\n neutral wire and should not be mixed with other\r\n connections.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Check if someone else is also using supply from\r\n your meter or not.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n However, it is to inform that, NPCL will not be\r\n responsible for higher consumptions due to any of\r\n the above reasons but taking action by consumer\r\n will reduce the consumption. After having checked\r\n all the above, If consumption is still not reduced\r\n as per consumer’s expectation, then he is having\r\n an option to get the meter tested by contacting\r\n our helpline number+91-120-2333555 Apply online\r\n for meter testing or visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday. and get the offline\r\n requests generated for meter checking . Meter\r\n Testing fees will be generated & added in\r\n subsequent bill as per UPERC guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various reasons of meter change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. A Distribution Licensee may change the meter\r\n from time to time for any of the following\r\n reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the timelines/Resolutions for Meter\r\n Testing, Fast, Slow, Burnt, Damaged, Stop,\r\n Faulty, Shifting?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14 working days\r\n for meter replacement.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days after\r\n estimate payment for testing & another 14\r\n working days for replacement if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Shifting: 7 Working Days as per\r\n site conditions\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges for Meter testing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing fee\r\n shall also be charged as per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to prepaid\r\n connection, consumer can visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4, Greater\r\n Noida . Consumer has to apply under category\r\n conversion services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges for\r\n conversion from post-paid to pre-paid or for new\r\n connection installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter charges to paid as per UPERC cost data\r\n book enforce\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the meaning of downloading of\r\n parameter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Various parameters measured and recorded by\r\n the meter are finally downloaded for billing/\r\n monitoring purpose. The downloading of parameter\r\n means transferring the recorded data from meter to\r\n the records of the company. Downloading can be\r\n automatic (AMR) or using a gadget. However we can\r\n capture data / parameter by reading the display\r\n recording on a notebook.\r\n


    \r\n Q. Who can apply for Prepaid Meter?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers pertatining to below mentioned\r\n categories can apply for prepaid meter:\r\n

    • LMV-1
    • \r\n
    • LMV-2
    • \r\n
    • LMV-5
    • \r\n
    • LMV-9
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to recharge prepaid meter?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Prepaid meter recharge coupon are available\r\n at cash collection centre and can be paid via\r\n cash/DD/Credit or debit card from our customer\r\n care office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday..\r\n Recharge can be done online via NPCL’s website or\r\n PAYTM.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How does the alarm work in Pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If your credit gets below Rs.100/-, you will\r\n have an alarm for 30 seconds. Press any button to\r\n turn it off. The alarm will be repeated every half\r\n an hour until recharged. It is advised that once\r\n meter reached its minimum limit recharge\r\n immediately to avoid disconnection. You can also\r\n set minimum limit as per your convenience.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact in case of misplacing of\r\n Recharge Coupon?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Simply visit the NPCL Cash Collection Center\r\n for re-issuing of recharge coupon which will be\r\n done free of cost. Consumer have to mention BP\r\n no./ Meter no. to get the recharge coupon. May\r\n please note- the coupon is specific to your meter\r\n hence cannot be used elsewhere.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection into\r\n prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to prepaid\r\n connection, consumer can visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4, Greater\r\n Noida . Consumer has to apply under category\r\n conversion services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges for\r\n conversion from post-paid to pre-paid or for new\r\n connection installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the documents required if meter get\r\n stolen?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You have to submit an application, original\r\n FIR, ID proof of registered consumer at our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Note: Meter charges are applicable as per UPERC\r\n cost data book.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the New Meter cost in Meter stolen\r\n cases?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the consumer process the application for\r\n re-installation of meter in case of Meter Stolen,\r\n applicable meter charges to paid as per UPERC cost\r\n data book enforce.\r\n


    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the new meter cost shall\r\n also be charged as per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if meter is not at the\r\n premises?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please contact our Call at our 24X7 CALL\r\n CENTER - 0120 6226666 or you may visit Customer\r\n Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Q. Why my meter screen is blank.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in the area\r\n and your supply is not coming, if Yes, you may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n to register complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NOPOWER{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or visit atCustomer Care office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.. In\r\n case supply is ON but no display on meter,\r\n register complaint for meter display problem\r\n on above given numbers. Our Team will visit to\r\n do the needful within 7 working days.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If my meter box has a husky display, what\r\n should I do ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Is your meter box is having husky\r\n display.Kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 or visit at our Customer Care office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday. and register\r\n complaint for meter display problem. Our Team will\r\n visit to do the needful within 7 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Where to report incase of No Display in the\r\n meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may contact at our 24X7 CALL CENTER\r\n - 0120 6226666 or visit at our Customer Care\r\n office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday and\r\n register complaint for meter display problem. Our\r\n Team will visit to do the needful within 7 working\r\n days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges of meter testing and why\r\n is it mandatory to pay ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing fee\r\n shall also be charged as per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the different options available for\r\n Meter Testing?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Online from our website www.noidapower.com and\r\n refer consumer services tab wherein \"Online\r\n Meter Testing\" option is available.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may also visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I know the status of Meter Testing\r\n Request ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may visit our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer services tab\r\n wherein \"Online Meter Testing\" option is available\r\n : You may also download our Mobile application and\r\n apply for meter testing or else it can be placed\r\n by calling to our 24X7 helpline numbers on or\r\n 0120-6226666 You may also visit Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. On what basis the meter testing fee is\r\n imposed?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter testing fees is charged on \"type of\r\n meter\" and it is applicable as per UPERC Tariff\r\n Order.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Would you refund the testing fee if meter\r\n found ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no provision for refund of testing\r\n fees.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive testing report on meter\r\n testing? What is the procedure of complaining if\r\n I don’t receive one?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Everytime when we will test meter a test\r\n reprt is issued to our consumer. In case you have\r\n not received it, you may write us at\r\n CRM@noidapower.com. You may also visit Customer\r\n Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Which parameter define that meter is faulty\r\n or meter testing is Ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Kindly note that meter testing is done on\r\n many factors such as meter accuracy results ,\r\n display parameters & downloaded data analysis\r\n on which testing engineer will confirm whether\r\n meter is faulty or meter is working normal.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meters are changed without any complaint?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case of technology upgradation or periodic\r\n replacement from Old to New Generation meter as\r\n per the Guideline of Hon’ble Regulatory\r\n Commission.\r\n


    \r\n A Distribution Licensee may change the meter from\r\n time to time for any of the following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How much time will you take to replace the\r\n faulty meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14 working days\r\n for meter replacement\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days after\r\n estimate payment for testing & another 14\r\n working days for replacement if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if there is No power after\r\n successful recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n For Secure Prepaid meters\r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office it may be\r\n your main MCB be off which is located in\r\n Electric shaft in societies/ check your MCB\r\n status\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M\r\n (Mon-Fri) to know more about the same.\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n
      • \r\n Check balance / supply status in mobile aap.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • Contact your maintenance office.
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4 :\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M\r\n (Mon-Fri) to know more about the same.\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid meter\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to registered\r\n email id & phone number post bill generation.\r\n It can also be downloaded from our website via\r\n Quick E-bill Download : or follow direct link: No\r\n payment is required to be made against the bill.\r\n Ensure sufficient balance in prepaid meter through\r\n timely recharge in order to avail uninterrupted\r\n power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if the meter doesn’t show the\r\n credit amount after recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please refer our prepaid meter manual\r\n available at our website and refer page no. 6\r\n & 7 Or In case, payment is been done but\r\n credit still pending, you may contact at our\r\n helpline no. +91-0120 6226666 or else if issue\r\n still persist, please visit our customer care\r\n office, KP-1 or Techzone-4 in person :During 10:00\r\n A.M to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more about the\r\n same. Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meter is beeping when it is already\r\n recharge?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n There is a provision in meter to set recharge\r\n limit if balance will go down from this limit\r\n then only meter will start beeping at low\r\n balance . This feature is configurable ,consumer\r\n itself can set this limit as per their\r\n consumption pattern.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Freedom Bluetooth unit may be faulty ( if\r\n Showing Con. Fault in display ).\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What options are available for pre-paid meter\r\n recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, (there are many options to pay amount in\r\n paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit Card,credit Card\r\n and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer can get token from NPCL Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1, Greater Noida\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters( AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, Bill Desk (there are many options to pay\r\n amount in paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit\r\n Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Multipoint App., NPCL web site
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is “CON FAULT”, what is to be done to\r\n get it corrected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. CON FAULT” means connection faulty, meter\r\n will be displaying digit 17 when your connection\r\n from meter to display unit is not proper. Kindly\r\n register you’re compliant on our call center\r\n contact no. - 0120-6226666/.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can supply gets disconnected if meter is not\r\n recharged or do I get any reminder?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Reminder beep will come in minimun available\r\n balance. Supply will be disconnected in negative\r\n balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Go to NPCL Multipoint App by turning on low\r\n money notifications, consumer can get a\r\n reminder.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to check the balance?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Automatically showing Balance & other\r\n details in Meter display.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumers may check their account balance by\r\n pressing # button in key pad of meter display\r\n unit & for single phase meters - Press key\r\n \"1\" single time to check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Login in NPCL Multipoint App/ web and check\r\n balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be the minimum balance to\r\n maintain pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can change minimum balance in meter\r\n acocording to consumption and requirement.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If meter is showing different date from\r\n actual does it mean that it is faulty ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is a matter of meter testing &\r\n inspection then only we will confirm the same.\r\n Based on the testing report our team shall analyse\r\n the data.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact when there is no display in\r\n the meter but supply is connected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in the area\r\n and your supply is not coming, if Yes, you may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n to register complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NOPOWER Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Q. Red light in meter indicates what?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. it’s a calibration LED in meter which\r\n indicates pulse / revolution of meter , if Red\r\n light is blinking in meters it means meter is\r\n running on load.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I change my meter from post-paid to\r\n pre-paid and what documentation is required?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to prepaid\r\n connection, consumer can visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4, Greater\r\n Noida . Consumer has to apply under category\r\n conversion services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I see my consumption pattern in\r\n pre-paid meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n By pressing Key\"2\" consumer can check\r\n consumptions of today, previous day, previous\r\n Week and current month)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n By Pressing key\"7\" consumer can check monthly\r\n consumptions of present calendar Year)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters ( Aew Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint App and consumer can see\r\n daily consumption( Current month) and Monthly\r\n consumptions( Present Calendar Year) by\r\n selecting \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint Web, conumer can download\r\n and see consumptions by selecting \"Report\"\r\n option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow8(!show8)}\r\n >\r\n Payment Related\r\n
    \r\n {show8 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the different modes of payments\r\n available?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Modes of payments are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n A. Digital Payment through:-\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in Consumer’s\r\n internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH (National\r\n Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Credit & Debit cards to Village Contact\r\n Persons and at Customer Care Office, KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4*.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Non-Digital Payment Modes are as follows:-\r\n

    • \r\n Cash / Cheque / DD at Customer Care Office, KP-1\r\n or Techzone-4* or to Village Contact Persons.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Cheque/DD at NPCL’s Cheque Drop Boxes.
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cash at nearby BBPS authorised retail outlets\r\n For further details please visit NPCL’s website.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n *You may visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I make cash payment?\r\n

    • \r\n In case of Rural Consumers - Authorised Village\r\n Contact Persons (VCPs) or cash collection\r\n centre, Tugalpur, Knowledge Park-1 or\r\n Techzone-4, Greater Noida between 10:00 AM to\r\n 5:00 PM, Monday to Saturday (Except 2nd &\r\n 4th Saturdays and Gazetted Holidays) (On 1st,\r\n 3rd & 5th Saturdays counter will be open\r\n from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM).\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of Urban / Industrial / Institutional\r\n Consumers - Cash Collection Centre.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Any consumer - Nearby BBPS Authorised Retail\r\n Outlets. There are more than 1500 authorised\r\n BBPS retails outlets in and around Greater Noida\r\n area. Consumers may locate nearest BBPS\r\n Authorised Retails Outlets on NPCL website\r\n through web-link “Find Nearest Bharat Bill Pay\r\n Outlet”.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL website.\r\n


    \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the upper limit for Cash Payment.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per section 6.10 of Electricity Supply\r\n code 2005, you can make cash payment up to\r\n Rs.20,000/- only. In case your bill is more than\r\n the above mentioned value, remaining payment shall\r\n be made via any mode other than cash.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to make online payment of Bills?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Online Payment of Bills can be made through\r\n below mentioned modes :\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in Consumer’s\r\n internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH (National\r\n Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Do I need to pay extra charges if I wish to\r\n pay Online through NPCL website/Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL do not levy any extra charge for online\r\n payment. However, the Payment Gateway , Wallets\r\n and Other service providers may levy service\r\n charges along-with applicable taxes for\r\n transactions above Rs. 4,000/-. In case the\r\n transaction is made through Paytm Gateway service\r\n charges would be levied at following rate:\r\n


    \r\n ** For credit/debit card transactions, 1.10% of\r\n the transaction amount being paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Net banking transactions, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Bill desk\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n * For credit/debit card transactions, 1% of the\r\n transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * For Net banking transactions, Rs.3/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Is it safe to give my bank details on NPCL\r\n website ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL follows\r\n highest level of security standards to ensure that\r\n the data entered by consumers remains confidential\r\n and not stored anywhere on NPCL Server.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can I make Cheque Payments\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can drop cheque at following Cheque\r\n Collection Centres of NPCL along with latest bill\r\n stub (Lower portion of bill). The cheques should\r\n be in favour of \"\"Noida Power Company Limited\"\".\r\n Write down the cheque with credentials like your\r\n Name, Consumer Number and mobile number at the\r\n back of cheque.\r\n

    • NPCL Customer Care Centre (Sector KP-1)
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Customer Care Centre (Techzone-IV)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station atAlpha-1, Opp Ryan\r\n International School\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station, Sector Omega-I, Builders Area,\r\n Near AWHO Apartments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station at Surajpur, Near Surajpur\r\n Police Station\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bar Association Office, Surajpur District Court\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I make payment through Post dated cheques\r\n ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post-dated and outstation cheques are not\r\n accepted at NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges applicable on cheque\r\n bounce?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque gets bounced due to\r\n insufficient funds or exceed arrangement, you will\r\n not be able to make payment through cheque in that\r\n Financial Year. Charges applicable are mentioned\r\n below:\r\n

    • \r\n Cheque amount of less than Rs. 5000 : Rs.250\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 5000 & up to Rs.\r\n 10000 : Rs. 500\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 10000 & up to Rs. 1\r\n Lac : Rs. 1000\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount of Rs. 1 Lac and above : Rs. 5000\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue another cheque, if my cheque\r\n bounces?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque got bounced due to\r\n insufficient funds or exceed arrangements, the\r\n consumer will not be able to make payment through\r\n cheque in that Financial Year.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue cheque, if my supply is\r\n Disconnected ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, consumer can pay their bill amount\r\n through cheque (Considering no cheque bounce\r\n history).\r\n


    \r\n Payment can be done for outstanding bill and\r\n reconnection charges as below:-\r\n

    • \r\n Bill payment via cheque and reconnection charge\r\n via cash and vice versa >Bill payment and\r\n reconnection charge together via cash.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bill payment and reconnection charge together\r\n via cheque . Please note, if in case the same\r\n get dishonoured, the supply will be disconnected\r\n and the Reconnection amount has to be paid\r\n again.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.When will my online payment be updated in my\r\n account?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. All payments made through other that RTGS /\r\n NEFT mode are updated on Real-time basis in\r\n consumers account except during system\r\n shutdown/maintenance when it may take up to 2 to 3\r\n working days.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I approach to register my payment\r\n related complaint?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Complaints can be registered at:\r\n

    • NPCL Website.
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Mobile App.
    • \r\n
    • Our 24X7 Call centre at 0120-6226666 .
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.What are the GST % will be charged\r\n


    \r\n Ans. GST will be levied as per GST regulations and\r\n rates applicable to various services provided by\r\n NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.For which services I have to pay GST\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per GST Circular No. 34/08/2018-GST dated\r\n 01st March 2018, GST is applicable on all the\r\n services provided by the NPCL except energy\r\n charges.\r\n

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    \r\n setShow7(!show7)}\r\n >\r\n Billing Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q.How are bills prepared if the meter is not\r\n read?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If the actual meter reading is not acquired\r\n due to any reason; provisional bill will be raised\r\n which is subjected to adjustment upon receipt of\r\n actual meter reading in the subsequent months.\r\n Provisional bills are raised on average\r\n consumption of last 3 months. Inaccessibility to\r\n premises for 3 months or more could lead to\r\n disconnection of supply as per Electricity ̀ Supply\r\n Code 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the normal reading span for monthly\r\n Meter Reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter reading is normally taken between a\r\n period of 28 to 32 days from the last meter\r\n reading date. The same is intimated to you through\r\n SMS if your mobile number is registered with us.\r\n Fixed Charges and slabs for Energy charges are\r\n calculated proportionally for the billing period.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to calculate / understand electricity\r\n bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Please refer back side of electricity\r\n bill and check for applicable Tariff and Bill\r\n Calculation. Additionally, you can reach out to us\r\n at crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is the meter reading system?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading of three phase meters is taken\r\n remotely through AMR or LPR facility. For Single\r\n Phase meters, meter readers go door-to-door and\r\n record readings in Hand Held Devices (HHD) / Meter\r\n Reading Terminals (MRT). Reading information can\r\n also be conveyed through SMS/Email registered with\r\n us.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Why is my meter not read regularly?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Any one of the following can be the reasons:\r\n

    • \r\n Your premises are vacant / locked for long\r\n period of time or constantly during daytime\r\n resulting in inaccessibility of meter to the\r\n reader. Code 2005.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Discrepancy in address in our database with the\r\n actual address may result in meter reader\r\n missing out your premises.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n If you observe such shortcomings in the address\r\n (as printed in bill), please bring the same to the\r\n notice of CR(Front Desk) at NPCL Customer Care\r\n Office immediately for corrections.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to approach when meter is not read ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If consumer premises is found locked, meter\r\n reader will stick a \"\"miss you\"\" sticker\r\n intimating about the failed reading attempt\r\n alongwith a contact number to coordinate the day\r\n & time of reading. Or you may:\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number (Only which is showing in KWH)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Why fixed charges are not constant?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Fixed Charges defined by Monthly Tariff\r\n applies to a period of 30 days. When billing\r\n period is not 30 days, applicable fixed charges\r\n are calculated on prorata basis.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Penal Demand Charges\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Use of load beyond the sanctioned load is a\r\n cognisable offence. Penal demand charges are levied\r\n in excess to fixed charges based on demand usage\r\n over and above the sanctioned load. It is thus\r\n advised to enhance your contracted load to avoid\r\n penal demand charges.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to calculate slab ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Slab based energy rates defined by Tariff is\r\n applicable for 30 days per month and is prorated\r\n on simple unitary method based on number of\r\n billing days i.e. difference between current\r\n reading date and previous reading date (both dates\r\n inclusive)\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Makeup Charges?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. : As per approved Tariff, consumers who\r\n are part of LMV-2 (Commercial Supply) and LMV-9\r\n (Temporary Supply) are subjected to load based\r\n minimum charges. If the sum of Fixed Charges (for\r\n LMV-2 only) and Energy Charges is less than\r\n applicable monthly minimum charge then differential\r\n amount is levied as Make Up Charges. Makeup charge\r\n = minimum charge - (fixed charges + energy charge).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Wrong reading mentioned on my bill. How to get\r\n it rectified?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Request for wrong reading can be\r\n registered through following touchpoints\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Email your concern at crm@noidapower.com. Do\r\n attach meter reading photograph for convenience.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What to do if I am not satisfied with the\r\n meter reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are not satisfied with your bill, you\r\n may\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #SELFREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on Monthly\r\n basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third party\r\n vendor every month. You are requested to subscribe\r\n for e-bill for on-time and assured delivery of\r\n bill.\r\n


    \r\n In case you need duplicate bill copy, may please\r\n click on below link given on our website : You may\r\n reach out us through WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666\r\n (DupBill{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #DUPBILL Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Q.How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you need duplicate bill copy, may\r\n please click on below link given on our website :\r\n You may also login to our website or Mobile\r\n www.noidapower.com App using your credentials\r\n (Username & Password) for downloading /\r\n viewing last 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our website,\r\n kindly go through the “Need help in Sign In” tab\r\n under My Account tab.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows consumers to\r\n avail rebate of 1% on Fixed and Energy Charges.\r\n DPS means Delayed Payment Surcharge which is\r\n applicable due to non-payment of bills upto due\r\n date.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his electricity\r\n bill by due date specified therein, a late payment\r\n surcharge shall be levied at 1.25% on the dues per\r\n month up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00% per\r\n month on the unpaid dues. In case of constant\r\n non-payment, your elctricity connection can be\r\n disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule approved\r\n by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can waive the same\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to lodge complaint through SMS?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can raise your complaint & avail\r\n other important information by sending SMS on\r\n 7840002288 from your registered mobile number. To\r\n see list of short codes with mandatory details,\r\n click on\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Is there any rebate if I pay bills online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, there is no additional rebate provided\r\n for online payments. However, a rebate of 1%\r\n against sum of Demand Charges & Energy Charges\r\n is provided upon payment within due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there are different colour bills? It\r\n denotes what ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Multi colour bills are designed to reflect\r\n upon varied consumer behaviour towards payment of\r\n dues and usage of electricity.\r\n

    • Blue Bill denotes timely bill payments
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Green Bill denotes payment through digital mode\r\n and/or Solar Net Metering Consumer\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Orange Bill denotes delayed payment and/or\r\n arrears in current bill\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Red bill cautions consumer to abstain from\r\n unauthorized use of electricity based on site\r\n reporting.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How much interest paid on Security Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Interest is credited to consumers against\r\n existing security deposit on annual basis as per\r\n the bank rate prescribed by the RBI.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What would be the disconnection date once\r\n arrear is paid from the current month bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is advised to clear entire dues in event\r\n of arrears amount in current bill. However, if\r\n payment is made only against arrears, then\r\n disconnection date against current dues is 15 days\r\n from the due date as mentioned on the electricity\r\n bill.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Who can submit self meter reading ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. The facility of self submission of meter\r\n reading is available for single phase consumers.\r\n Reading can be submitted through SMS, Website or\r\n App in the dedicated slot provided every month.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid meter? Do I\r\n need to make payment against bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to registered\r\n email id & phone number post bill generation.\r\n It can also be downloaded from our website via\r\n Quick E-bill Download or follow direct link:\r\n


    \r\n No payment is required to be made against the\r\n bill. Ensure sufficient balance in prepaid meter\r\n through timely recharge in order to avail\r\n uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How & when self reading can be provided by\r\n consumer?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading submission slot is 1st to 10th day of\r\n every month. You can easily reach out to us by\r\n sending SMS at 7840002288 (#SELFREADING\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading) or WHATSAPP us at 0120-6226666\r\n (SelfReading{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading). The service is also available on\r\n our website & app.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n * Please note that reading should be in KWH\r\n parameter\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is power factor?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Power factor for the month is determined as\r\n the ratio of KWH (Active Power Consumption) to\r\n KVAH(Apparent power consumption).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the minimum Power Factor to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per the regulations of U.P. Electricity\r\n Supply Code, 2005 minimum power factor to be\r\n maintained is 0.75. If recorded power factor is\r\n less than 0.75,suitable action as per the\r\n provisions shall be initiated by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What can be the reason which may cause dip in\r\n Power Factor? How it is to be maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Majority of three phase connections\r\n constitutes of inductive load which draws non\r\n working / reactive power thereby increasing the\r\n KVAH(Apparent power consumption). Use of capacitor\r\n banks is helpful in offsetting this non working\r\n power requirement, but it should be regulated\r\n according to variance in load requirement by\r\n installing Automated Power Factor\r\n Controller(APFC). Regular check up and maintenance\r\n is also advised.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why it is important to maintain Power Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers above 10 KW are billed on KVAH\r\n basis as per the applicable tariff provisions. Dip\r\n in power factor(P.F.) cause increase in KVAH\r\n consumption which in turn results in higher energy\r\n charges for the consumer. Also, it reduces the\r\n effective distribution network capacity of NPCL\r\n which can lead to power outage in the area.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the consequences if power factor\r\n controller is not working properly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Failure of power factor controller i.e.\r\n APFC/Capacitor banks will lead to inadequate/over\r\n compensation of reactive power requirement. In\r\n both scenarios, KVAH consumption will suddenly\r\n increase leading to higher energy charges being\r\n billed.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can NPCL help in improving Power Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, it is consumer's responsibility to\r\n maintain their power factor from time to time\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on Monthly\r\n basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third party\r\n vendor every month. You are requested to subscribe\r\n for e-bill for on-time and assured delivery of\r\n bill.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. \"You are required to login on our website or\r\n Mobile www.noidapower.com App using your\r\n credentials (Username & Password) for\r\n downloading / viewing last 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our website,\r\n kindly go through the “Need help in Sign In” tab\r\n under My Account tab\".\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows consumers to\r\n avail rebate of 1% on Fixed and Energy Charges.\r\n DPS means Delayed Payment Surcharge which is\r\n applicable due to non-payment of bills upto due\r\n date.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his electricity\r\n bill by due date specified therein, a late payment\r\n surcharge shall be levied at 1.25% on the dues per\r\n month up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00% per\r\n month on the unpaid dues. In case of constant\r\n non-payment, your elctricity connection can be\r\n disconnected.\r\n


    Q. DPS waiver.?


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule approved\r\n by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can waive the same.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. How the differential units are getting\r\n calculated on common (Physical/Virtual)\r\n connection  for multipoint connections?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans.{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in physical\r\n common meter :\r\n {\" \"}\r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code dated:\r\n 10-08-2018, the total energy consumption of the\r\n electricity recorded at the reference meter shall\r\n be compared with the total electricity consumption\r\n of all the individual meters & common area meter.\r\n In case the difference in energy consumption for\r\n any billing cycle works out to be higher than\r\n permissable loss level i.e. 4% in case of 11KV\r\n supply / 5% in case of voltage higher than 11 KV,\r\n then the difference of energy beyond permissible\r\n loss level shall be added in the consumption of\r\n common area billing.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in Virtual common\r\n meter :\r\n \r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code dated:\r\n 05-08-2020, no physical common meter is to be\r\n installed at consumer premise and differential\r\n units calculation is to be done on the basis of\r\n the logic as described below: Total energy\r\n consumption of the electricity recorded at the\r\n reference meter shall be compared with the total\r\n electricity consumption of all the individual\r\n meters. In case the difference in energy\r\n consumption for any billing cycle works out to be\r\n higher than permissable loss level i.e. 4% in case\r\n of 11KV supply / 5% in case of voltage higher than\r\n 11 KV, then the difference of energy beyond\r\n permissible loss level shall be divided among all\r\n the individual consumers in proportion to their\r\n contractual load.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is TDS/TCS charged in bills?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. TDS (Tax Deduction at Source): The tax\r\n shall be deducted under Section 194Q by a\r\n consumer/buyer carrying on a business whose total\r\n sales, gross receipts or turnover from the\r\n business exceeds Rs. 10 crores during the\r\n financial year immediately preceding the financial\r\n year in which such goods are purchased.\r\n
    \r\n The tax shall be deducted by the consumer/buyer of\r\n goods at the rate of 0.1% of the purchase value\r\n exceeding Rs. 50 lakhs.\r\n
    \r\n TCS (Tax Collection at Source): The Finance\r\n Act, 2020 inserted sub-section (1H) in section\r\n 206C with effect from 1st Oct’20 to levy the tax\r\n collection at source on sale of goods. The Company\r\n is liable to collect TCS at the rate of 0.1% on\r\n consideration received from a Consumer in excess\r\n of fifty lakh rupees in a financial year.\r\n
    \r\n In non-PAN/ Aadhaar* cases the rate shall be 1% .\r\n
    \r\n In case of PAN is not available or invalid PAN,\r\n the tax shall be deducted at the rate of 5%.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is Additional Security Deposit (ASD)\r\n charged in bills, when it is charged and how it\r\n is calculated?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per Clause 4.2 (e) of UPERC Supply Code,\r\n 2005: If the security deposit falls short of\r\n covering the estimated power consumption bill for\r\n 45 days based on his average monthly consumption\r\n for the preceding financial year, then demand for\r\n Additional Security Deposit (ASD) is made to\r\n consumers equivalent to the difference of amount\r\n between the existing security deposit and 45 days\r\n average power consumption bill. Also, the demand\r\n for ASD is only made when the required ASD payable\r\n by the consumer exceeds 10% of the existing\r\n security deposit.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow6(!show6)}\r\n >\r\n Theft Related\r\n
    \r\n {show6 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Where I can contact in case of Direct theft\r\n booked on my consumer number.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit to Our Office at KP-II from\r\n 10:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) for any detailed\r\n information about theft booked or may contact our\r\n 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666, write Theft (to report electricity\r\n theft) may please click on given link to register\r\n online complaint.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to report Direct Theft\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can call and complain against theft of\r\n electricity / tampering of meter through following\r\n avenues:\r\n

    • Helpline Number : 9891222240
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mobile App
    • \r\n
    • CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666
    • \r\n

    \r\n Your identity shall remain confidential and action\r\n will be taken at the earliest.\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is meant by “Direct Theft”?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Section 135(1) of Electricity Act, 2003 as\r\n amended by Electricity (amendment) Act , 2007,\r\n Theft of electricity is defined as, whoever\r\n dishonestly,\r\n

    • \r\n a) Taps Electricity line:\r\n
      • - overhead
      • \r\n
      • - underground
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n b) Tampers meter:\r\n
      • - usage of tampered meter
      • \r\n
      • - current reversing transformer
      • \r\n
      • - loop connection
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - other device interferes with\r\n accurate/proper registration. c) Other\r\n device/method result in a manner whereby:\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - electricity is stolen
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - damages/destroys an electric meter/\r\n apparatus/equipment/wire/ cause\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n c) Uses electricity through a tampered meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n d) Uses electricity for purposes other than that\r\n which was authorized.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow5(!show5)}\r\n >\r\n Disconnection Related\r\n
    \r\n {show5 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for permanent disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you want your connection to be permanently\r\n disconnected, you have to submit the ID proof,\r\n last paid bill with our written application form\r\n at Customer Care Office at KP-I or Techzone-4*. 2\r\n Years Lock-in Period is applicable for all\r\n consumers except LMV-9 (Temporary Connection) from\r\n last date of any change in contract. Please follow\r\n the link to know documentation requirement\r\n *Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines of Permanent\r\n Disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Disconnection of supply will completed within\r\n 30 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can I apply for the same meter after\r\n surrendering of current meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the connection is permanently\r\n disconnected, consumer has to follow new\r\n connection application process for getting an\r\n electricity connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for refunding of security funds?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Consumer Care Centre at KP-I or\r\n Techzone-4, and submit all the requisite documents\r\n which are mentioned at the back side of\r\n application form. Please follow the link to know\r\n documentation requirement Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why and when MCG charges are applicable for\r\n Permanent Disconnection application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. MCG calculated as per provisions of\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005. The Tariff Orders\r\n issued by Hon’ble Uttar Pradesh Electricity\r\n Regulatory Commission (“State Commission”) from\r\n time to time.Clause 4.14 (Agreement) - Point (h)\r\n However, if the agreement is to be terminated\r\n before completion of 2 years: 30 (i) Consumer\r\n shall be liable to pay the minimum charges (or the\r\n demand / fixed charges, if no minimum charges are\r\n prescribed for that category) for a period of 6\r\n months or the period by which the total duration\r\n of the agreement falls short of 2 years, whichever\r\n is lower.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow4(!show4)}\r\n >\r\n Reconnection Related\r\n
    \r\n {show4 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after making\r\n the part payment of outstanding amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reconnection is not allowed on part payment.\r\n



    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Criteria (load & Category) DR charges (Rs.)*
    Pre-paid Meters - Single phase - Zero
    Pre-paid Meters -3 phase - Zero
    Smart Meters - Single phase - 100
    Smart Meters - 3 phase - 200
    >75 KW/100BHP - 2000
    LMV-6 (having load <=75KW/100BHP) - 1000
    All others categories - 600


    \r\n Note: * 18% GST is applicable on DR charges and\r\n supply will be reconnected within 48 hrs. for\r\n Rural and 24 hrs. for urban after payment of\r\n Outstanding dues along with reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines for Reconnection after\r\n temporary disconnection of supply?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Timeline for reconnection of supply will be\r\n Maximum of 48 Hrs for Rural and 24 hrs in Urban\r\n after payment of bill & Reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection when meter\r\n already removed at site?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after final\r\n bill generation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision of reconnection.\r\n Once the payment of final bill is done, consumer\r\n has to apply for new connection with all required\r\n documents.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow3(!show3)}\r\n >\r\n Website / Mobile App Related\r\n
    \r\n {show3 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the procedure to Login on{\" \"}\r\n \r\n www.noidapower.com ?\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Go to www.noidapower.com. Click on “Consumer\r\n Login” and register your Consumer Number or click\r\n on the link: www.npcl.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various services/information\r\n available on NPCL's website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.The main features of website are as follows:\r\n

    • \r\n About NPCL and Contact Details of registered\r\n offices\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bill Payment Option
    • \r\n
    • Outage Alerts
    • \r\n
    • Service Application and Complaint
    • \r\n
    • Tariff Details
    • \r\n
    • Report a Concern
    • \r\n
    • Account Registration
    • \r\n
    • CSR activities
    • \r\n
    • Self Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Ebill Download
    • \r\n
    • Quick Bill Payment
    • \r\n
    • Contact Us
    • \r\n
    • Online Application
    • \r\n
    • Payment Options
    • \r\n
    • Pre-paid Meter Recharge
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer Services for Application form, Document\r\n Checklist, Online Meter Testing, SMS Based\r\n Services, WhatsApp based services, Customer Care\r\n office Queue Status, Single to Multipoint\r\n Conversion, Consumer Awareness and Many more.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to reset password ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Password can be reset after clicking forgot\r\n password option. You have to punch your registered\r\n email id and consumer number to receive an updated\r\n password , if problem still persist please write\r\n us at crm@noida power.com)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How and from where a consumer can update his\r\n contact details ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. For updating contact details (mobile number/\r\n email-id) consumer can login to our website or\r\n mobile app. www.noidapower.com You may also visit\r\n our customer care office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday, along with the BP No. and ID proof of\r\n registered consumer or company. You may also write\r\n us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Is it safe to give my bank details on NPCL\r\n website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL follows\r\n highest level of security standards to ensure that\r\n the data entered by consumers remains confidential.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Do I need to pay extra charges for online\r\n payment?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL does not levy any extra charge for\r\n online payment. However, the Payment Gateway,\r\n Wallets and other service providers may levy\r\n service charges along with applicable taxes for\r\n transaction above Rs. 4,000/-.\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Paytm\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1.10% of the\r\n transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Bill desk\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1% of the\r\n transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, 3% per transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Why this month bill is not updated on Website\r\n Mobile app ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are generated from time to time from\r\n commercial department. It might be possible due to\r\n some certain reason bill of this month may be\r\n delayed and it’s not generated yet. Once it will\r\n have generated in SAP system then PDF and bill\r\n details will appear on Website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What happen if my ID is locked in NPCL\r\n Website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. USERID will be automatic unlock in 24 hours\r\n for the website users\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What all the features available on Mobile App\r\n ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After Login fetures are as follows :\r\n

    • Bill and Payment History
    • \r\n
    • Register Request & Complaints
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Consumption Analysis
    • \r\n
    • Energy Calculator
    • \r\n
    • Request & Complaint Status
    • \r\n
    • Subscribe for E-bill
    • \r\n
    • Self-Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Payment
    • \r\n
    • Energy Tips
    • \r\n
    • KYC Updation
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is Un-Authenticated Sender issue.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. User details like USERNAME, Email ID and\r\n Password are not matched when user face this kind\r\n of problem.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow2(!show2)}\r\n >\r\n Complaint Against Services Related\r\n
    \r\n {show2 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the process of applying for New\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant can download or fill the online New\r\n Connection Service form from our website and\r\n upload necessary documents www.noidapower.com as\r\n mentioned in the documents checklist. You can also\r\n visit our Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday, to apply in person.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Within how much time should the connection be\r\n provided to me?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the application and necessary documents\r\n are reviewed at NPCL, and estimate gets generated\r\n which needs to be paid by the consumer. Post which\r\n it will take approximately 7 working days* for the\r\n apparatus to be installed at the consumers\r\n premises and for the energization of supply.\r\n


    \r\n *This SLA is applicable for the urban domestic\r\n connection where no augmentation of main is\r\n required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why I have not received my estimate\r\n intimation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you have successfully submitted your new\r\n service application form at our Customer Care\r\n Office or Online , we process the application in\r\n our system and it gets forwarded to concerned\r\n department for the Commercial & LCC Dues,\r\n Technical feasibility check. Once clearance is\r\n received from all the departments it is followed\r\n by estimate preparation. During this process\r\n system generated messages are triggered, after\r\n completion of necessary stages. Thus, you are\r\n requested to please wait for the same as we will\r\n be working on 1st cum 1st serve basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I pay the Estimate amount Online\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online thru NPCL\r\n website or you may visit our Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday to apply in\r\n person for payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Estimate paid but meter not installed yet?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post payment of estimated amount, New\r\n connection will be provided within 7 days where no\r\n Augmentation of existing mains are required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for the status of application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you may\r\n WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know the short\r\n codes follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to apply for refunding of security fund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit our Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday to apply for\r\n security refund, please follow the link to know\r\n documentation requirement\r\n (https://www.noidapower.com/Services/Document_Checklist)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Paper Formalities Required for Load Reduction?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to fill application and provide\r\n all the requisite documentation which are\r\n mentioned on the back side of application form.\r\n Please follow the link to know documentation\r\n requirement. Please note for load reduction\r\n consumer can only apply after two years from date\r\n of energization. For Temp. Supply, consumer can\r\n apply for load reduction at any point of time.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can consumer find the status of request\r\n against New Connection?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of a New Connection\r\n request, consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Can write us at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Estimate not Received Yet\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you have not received any update\r\n after 7-10 days of applying for request.To know\r\n the status of application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes follow the\r\n link or can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is minimum charges & why it is to be\r\n paid.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to bear the minimum charges\r\n based on the total sanctioned load & as per\r\n the applicable tariff rate it is been calculated\r\n for remaining Tenure in case you have not\r\n completed 2 yrs. to the connection or recent load\r\n enhancement/reduction process. In Case the maximum\r\n demand recorded in any of the last 2 billing\r\n cycles is higher than the reduced contracted load\r\n consumer can not opt for the proposed contracted\r\n load\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is Augmentation? How much time it take to\r\n complete?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Augmentation means improvement/enhancement of\r\n the system capacity to be able to cater to the\r\n increased electricity load requirement. Such\r\n augmentation needs capital investment. Sometimes,\r\n only after requests received for new connections\r\n or load enhancement; particularly if the requested\r\n load is high. Different types of Augmentation may\r\n be required such as:\r\n

    • Low Tension (LT) Line Extension
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Capacity Augmentation
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Complete electrification of an un-electrified area
    • */}\r\n

    \r\n Timeline for different type of augmentations are\r\n as follows:\r\n


    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Type of augmentation Timeline required for\r\n augmentation{\" \"}\r\n (Working Days)
    LT Network augmentation - 60
    Transformer Augmentation - 120
    HT - 11 KV Network Strengthening - 180
    \r\n Un-electrified Area or New Grid Required{\" \"}\r\n - 180


    \r\n \r\n Q.How and where to approach for Shifting of\r\n Mains ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. We accept application for following request\r\n

    • Meter Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Pole Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Service Cable Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Penal Feeder Box Shifting
    • \r\n

    \r\n For the shifting related request an application\r\n along with the copy of id proof and last paid bill\r\n is required (please follow the link to be\r\n submitted at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday. After verification of\r\n documents, site visit is arranged to check the\r\n feasibility to fulfil the request and then a\r\n survey report is prepared and accordingly estimate\r\n is generated as per Regulatory guidelines. Once\r\n the payment of estimate is done then shifting will\r\n be executed\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What Documents are required for Load\r\n Enhancement/ Load Reduction/ Name Change/\r\n Category Change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please click Here.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the TAT for completion of Service\r\n Application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of estimate payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with previous load/\r\n category, except shifting of mains , as it depends\r\n upon site condition and availability of material.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where we can contact in case of any\r\n information required for service request.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you may\r\n WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know the short\r\n codes follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the payment options for estimate\r\n payment ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online thru NPCL\r\n website or you may visit our Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday to apply inperson\r\n for payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the basis of calculation of Security\r\n Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The security deposit maintainable for a\r\n consumer is equivalent to 2 times the average bill\r\n value for the financial year under reference. For a\r\n new applicant, the security deposit will be\r\n determined on the basis of load applied.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my application is been Pending since\r\n long.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation process,\r\n the application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it might have\r\n not been cleared under LCC/CF Check, To know the\r\n status of application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes follow the\r\n link or can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to contact in case of application\r\n rejected due to LCC/Theft?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When am I required to pay Additional Security\r\n Deposit (ASD)?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Each year the security deposit is reviewed in\r\n the month of April on the basis of last one year\r\n consumption. The statement of Security Deposit\r\n account is given in the bill for the month of\r\n April. If the maintainable Security Deposit is\r\n more than the security Deposit “held” amount,\r\n additional security deposit is required to be\r\n paid.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required in case of\r\n Small Correction in Connection Details such as\r\n Spelling of Name, inadequate Address?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The documentary proof for the desired change\r\n along with latest paid bill receipt along with\r\n correction form by the property owner. You may\r\n visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What happens if the Security Deposit amount\r\n held is more than the Security Deposit\r\n Maintainable amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In the above scenario, no ASD request will be\r\n placed however, as per the RBI guidelines interest\r\n gets credited for the held security amount.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How do I get refund of Security Deposit after\r\n account closure?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After necessary adjustment, the Security\r\n Deposit amount held with us is refunded with an\r\n A/c payee cheque in the name of the registered\r\n consumer at the recorded address.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When I can apply for Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may apply for Security Refund in\r\n below given senarios :\r\n

    • \r\n *Once the connection is Permanently Disconnected\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * Once the property is sold and also name\r\n mutation has been completed in records and\r\n earlier connection gets permanently\r\n disconnected, the Old/Earlier property holder\r\n may apply for Security Refund\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required for Security\r\n Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Click here\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who is eligible to get Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Only the registered consumer or Old owner (in\r\n case of property sold out) can apply for Security\r\n Refund\r\n


    \r\n Q.Can I get Final Bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. After meter removal from site final bill get\r\n generated within 15 days and final copy may be\r\n provided whrein consumer himself/herself, have\r\n requested for permannet disconnection and having\r\n relevant notification no. too.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to apply for NOC ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you get the final bill copy and upon\r\n making necessary bill payments (if any), consumer\r\n may apply for NOC from our customer care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV ..Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My New Connection service request is\r\n pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the siite\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending. To know the status of a New Connection\r\n request, consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Can write us at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My New\r\n Connection service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit & after receving site report,\r\n Estimate get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail\r\n alert containing payment link of estimate.In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist new service\r\n request than why meter installation is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment against\r\n your Service request it will take 7-10 days time\r\n for meter installation. Only if there is any right\r\n of way issue, it may take more time for completing\r\n the assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by consumer to our\r\n service team. You may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further assistance, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Name\r\n Mutation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7 days\r\n time for document verification and necessary\r\n approvals. In Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details, you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Name Mutation is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n details. In case of any doubt you may reach out to\r\n us via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No.For any further requirement, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Load\r\n Augmentation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit & after receving site report,\r\n Estimate get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail\r\n alert containing payment link of estimate. In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Load Augmentation service request is\r\n pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the site\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist Load\r\n Augmentation request than why meter installation\r\n is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment against\r\n your Service request it will take 7-10 days time\r\n for meter installation. Only if there is any right\r\n of way issue, it may take more time for completing\r\n the assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by consumer to our\r\n service team. You may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further assistance, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Category Change is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n details. In case of any doubt you may reach out to\r\n us via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Category\r\n Change service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7 days\r\n time for document verification and necessary\r\n approvals. In Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details, you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Load\r\n Reduction service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit (As & when required) & after\r\n receving site report, Estimate get generated &\r\n sent for necessary approvals. We shall keep you\r\n posted with SMS/EMail alert containing payment\r\n link of estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp services\r\n on 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Load Reduction is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the billing, during\r\n this period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n load details. In case of any doubt you may reach\r\n out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Shifting request is pending for Site\r\n Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the site\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may please visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Shifting\r\n request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Shifting request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit & after receving site report,\r\n Estimate get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail\r\n alert containing payment link of estimate. In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there is no action taken at site ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the siite\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may please visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take next\r\n billing cycle to get implemented in the system\r\n during this period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name correction is still pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation process,\r\n the application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it might have\r\n not been cleared under LCC/CF Check, you may\r\n please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take next\r\n billing cycle to get implemented in the system\r\n during this period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction is still pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation process,\r\n the application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it might have\r\n not been cleared under LCC/CF Check, you may\r\n please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connections floor wise?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In domestic high rise building electricity\r\n connection to individual owner/occupant are\r\n provided on multipoint scheme as per the\r\n guidelines of 13th Ammendmant of Electricity\r\n Supply Code, 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What should be the file type and size to\r\n upload for new connection online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. File size can't exceed 15 mb per\r\n documentation type.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connection through mobile app?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, you can apply new connection from NPCL\r\n mobile app.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How much I have to pay for Prepaid Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, service charges and security (if\r\n applicable) as specified in Cost Data Book which\r\n shall be calculated based upon your application\r\n and site survey.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can apply for Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are intending to carry out any\r\n construction work at your premise and seeking of\r\n electricity connection for construction activity,\r\n then, you will have to apply for temorary\r\n connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the Documentation requirement for\r\n Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant has to fill application form for\r\n new connection and provide all the requisite\r\n documentation which are mentioned on the back side\r\n of new connection application form.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to convert from temporary to permanent?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete construction work and\r\n obtains building completion certificate from\r\n concerned authority i.e. GNIDA/UPSIDC, you can\r\n apply for Permanent connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges of temporary connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, security deposit and service\r\n charges as specified in Cost Data Book which shall\r\n be calculated based upon your application and site\r\n survey\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is B&L form and why it is required in\r\n load augmentation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. B&L form or Work completion certificate\r\n form is filled by the licensed electrical\r\n contractor who has carried out electrical\r\n wiring/installation of premise. This certifies\r\n that electrical wiring/installation is done\r\n following all the regualtions and includes the\r\n equipments details installed, insulation test\r\n result of the wiring/installation.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for status of Online New\r\n Connection application\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you may\r\n WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know the short\r\n codes follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow(!show)}\r\n >\r\n Supply Related\r\n
    \r\n\r\n {show ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to resolve supply-related complaints on\r\n power interruptions or unsatisfactory voltage\r\n profile?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Register the complaint at NPCL's helpline no.\r\n +91-0120 6226666 along with 10-digit consumer\r\n number printed at the upper left corner of your\r\n electricity bill and one complaint number will be\r\n intimated to you for future reference. NPCL\r\n fault-repairing crew will attend to the cause of\r\n the complaint and resolve the same within the\r\n following time limits:\r\n

    • Urban: 3 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Rural: 12 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Industrial & Instittutional : 4 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Transformer failure : 72 Hours
    • \r\n

    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) May also download our mobile app\r\n for easy & quick access.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to address the problem of frequent\r\n tripping of MCB or blowing of fuse?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Contact a Licensed Electrical contractor\r\n (L.E.C.) to locate the cause. If there is a\r\n fault/defect in your wiring installations, rectify\r\n the same.\r\n


    \r\n If the load of your installation is more than the\r\n load allowed by NPCL, please apply for enhancement\r\n of load by filling up a form available at NPCL\r\n office KP-1 & know more about the same.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default PermanentFaqs;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst PermanentApply= () => {\r\n \r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Permanent Disconnection & Securty Refund

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n FAQ'S\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Feedback\r\n
    • \r\n




    Click here to Apply

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default PermanentApply","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst PermanentFeedback = () => {\r\n \r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Permanent Disconnection & Securty Refund

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n FAQ'S\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Feedback\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n Feedback Fetching Soon?\r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default PermanentFeedback","\r\nimport React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst NameAndAddress = () => {\r\n const [openNewCon,setOpenNewCon] = useState(false);\r\n const [openNameMutation,setOpenNameMutation] = useState(false);\r\n const [openCategoryChange,setOpenCategoryChange] = useState(false);\r\n const [openPermanent,setOpenPermanent] = useState(false);\r\n const [openLoadReduction,setOpenLoadReduction] = useState(false);\r\n const [openName,setOpenName] = useState(false);\r\n const [openNotInUse,setOpenNotInUse] = useState(false);\r\n const [openShifting,setOpenShifting] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const selectedValue = (e)=>{\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST1\"){\r\n setOpenNewCon(true)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false)\r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST2\"){\r\n setOpenNameMutation(true) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST3\"){\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(true)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST4\"){\r\n setOpenPermanent(true)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST5\"){\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(true)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST6\"){\r\n setOpenName(true)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST7\"){\r\n setOpenNotInUse(true)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n setOpenShifting(false)\r\n }\r\n if(e.target.value === \"LIST8\"){\r\n setOpenShifting(true)\r\n setOpenNotInUse(false)\r\n setOpenName(false)\r\n setOpenLoadReduction(false)\r\n setOpenPermanent(false)\r\n setOpenCategoryChange(false)\r\n setOpenNameMutation(false) \r\n setOpenNewCon(false) \r\n }\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Name & Address Correction

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
      \r\n\t \t
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n FAQ'S\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Feedback\r\n
    • \r\n


    Document Checklist

    \r\n \r\n\t \r\n
    \r\n \r\n {openNewCon ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\r\n
    ):null}\r\n \r\n {openNameMutation ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\r\n
    ): null}\r\n \r\n {openCategoryChange ? (\r\n
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    \r\n ): null}\r\n\r\n {openPermanent ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n {openLoadReduction ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openName ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openNotInUse ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n {openShifting ? (
    \r\n \"\"/\t\t\r\n
    ): null}\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default NameAndAddress","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport { useState } from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst NameAndAddressSample = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Name & Address Correction

    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQ'S\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    Sample Document

    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Safety Challan Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n GST Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Co-Owner NOC Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Dada Lai Property Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n MSME Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n B & L Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Personal Bond\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Declaration REGARDING Non Registration on GST\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Completion Certificate Applied For Receipt Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Owner Consent LETTER Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Indemnity Bond Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Khasra Khatoni Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Pollution Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Possession Certificate Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n Rular Sale Deed Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC Registry Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n UPSIDC transfer Letter Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
      \r\n \"\"\r\n \r\n TM Letter GNIDA Format\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default NameAndAddressSample;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport { useState } from \"react\";\r\n\r\nconst NameAndAddressFaqs = () => {\r\n const [show, setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2, setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const [show3, setShow3] = useState(false);\r\n const [show4, setShow4] = useState(false);\r\n const [show5, setShow5] = useState(false);\r\n const [show6, setShow6] = useState(false);\r\n const [show7, setShow7] = useState(false);\r\n const [show8, setShow8] = useState(false);\r\n const [show9, setShow9] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Name & Address Correction

    • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQ'S\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n


    \r\n setShow9(!show9)}\r\n >\r\n Meter Related\r\n
    \r\n {show9 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be done in case there is no\r\n supply in the meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n In case the nearby are is under Supply Outage, you\r\n may wait until the supply is restored. If there is\r\n no power even after the supply is restored\r\n Consumer may contact at our 24X7 CALL CENTER -\r\n 0120 6226666 You may reach out us through WhatsApp\r\n no. 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What to do in case of meter is running fast/\r\n excess billing?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Domestic Consumer: May please check the\r\n internal wiring by any private electrician. If no\r\n such issue persist may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 or visit Customer Care\r\n Office at KP-I to register request for Meter\r\n Testing. Demand note for meter testing fees will\r\n be generated as per UPERC guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n Industrial & Institutional Consumers : May\r\n please check the Power Factor & Neutral\r\n disturbance issue to avoid any demand shoot-up in\r\n billing. if persist may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (BillDispute{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #BILLDISPUTE{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or else you may also visit our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to analysis correct meter consumption/\r\n abnormal consumption?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In a normal house hold having 1 or 2 A/C’s\r\n along with Geyser, Fridge etc., the average units\r\n consumed may be between 500 to 1000 Units per\r\n month depending upon actual use. If consumer feel\r\n that the consumption is more as compared to the\r\n usage and load, we request consumers to please get\r\n their wiring checked by competent electrician with\r\n respect to below mentioned points:\r\n

    • \r\n To check any Earth Leakage in the internal\r\n wiring or not.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of multiple connections in the building,\r\n whether your internal wiring has a separate\r\n neutral wire and should not be mixed with other\r\n connections.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Check if someone else is also using supply from\r\n your meter or not.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n However, it is to inform that, NPCL will not be\r\n responsible for higher consumptions due to any of\r\n the above reasons but taking action by consumer\r\n will reduce the consumption. After having checked\r\n all the above, If consumption is still not reduced\r\n as per consumer’s expectation, then he is having\r\n an option to get the meter tested by contacting\r\n our helpline number+91-120-2333555 Apply online\r\n for meter testing or visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday. and get the offline\r\n requests generated for meter checking . Meter\r\n Testing fees will be generated & added in\r\n subsequent bill as per UPERC guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various reasons of meter change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. A Distribution Licensee may change the meter\r\n from time to time for any of the following\r\n reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the timelines/Resolutions for Meter\r\n Testing, Fast, Slow, Burnt, Damaged, Stop,\r\n Faulty, Shifting?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14 working days\r\n for meter replacement.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days after\r\n estimate payment for testing & another 14\r\n working days for replacement if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Shifting: 7 Working Days as per\r\n site conditions\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges for Meter testing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing fee\r\n shall also be charged as per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to prepaid\r\n connection, consumer can visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4, Greater\r\n Noida . Consumer has to apply under category\r\n conversion services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges for\r\n conversion from post-paid to pre-paid or for new\r\n connection installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter charges to paid as per UPERC cost data\r\n book enforce\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the meaning of downloading of\r\n parameter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Various parameters measured and recorded by\r\n the meter are finally downloaded for billing/\r\n monitoring purpose. The downloading of parameter\r\n means transferring the recorded data from meter to\r\n the records of the company. Downloading can be\r\n automatic (AMR) or using a gadget. However we can\r\n capture data / parameter by reading the display\r\n recording on a notebook.\r\n


    \r\n Q. Who can apply for Prepaid Meter?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers pertatining to below mentioned\r\n categories can apply for prepaid meter:\r\n

    • LMV-1
    • \r\n
    • LMV-2
    • \r\n
    • LMV-5
    • \r\n
    • LMV-9
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to recharge prepaid meter?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Prepaid meter recharge coupon are available\r\n at cash collection centre and can be paid via\r\n cash/DD/Credit or debit card from our customer\r\n care office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday..\r\n Recharge can be done online via NPCL’s website or\r\n PAYTM.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How does the alarm work in Pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If your credit gets below Rs.100/-, you will\r\n have an alarm for 30 seconds. Press any button to\r\n turn it off. The alarm will be repeated every half\r\n an hour until recharged. It is advised that once\r\n meter reached its minimum limit recharge\r\n immediately to avoid disconnection. You can also\r\n set minimum limit as per your convenience.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact in case of misplacing of\r\n Recharge Coupon?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Simply visit the NPCL Cash Collection Center\r\n for re-issuing of recharge coupon which will be\r\n done free of cost. Consumer have to mention BP\r\n no./ Meter no. to get the recharge coupon. May\r\n please note- the coupon is specific to your meter\r\n hence cannot be used elsewhere.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection into\r\n prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to prepaid\r\n connection, consumer can visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4, Greater\r\n Noida . Consumer has to apply under category\r\n conversion services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges for\r\n conversion from post-paid to pre-paid or for new\r\n connection installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the documents required if meter get\r\n stolen?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You have to submit an application, original\r\n FIR, ID proof of registered consumer at our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Note: Meter charges are applicable as per UPERC\r\n cost data book.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the New Meter cost in Meter stolen\r\n cases?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the consumer process the application for\r\n re-installation of meter in case of Meter Stolen,\r\n applicable meter charges to paid as per UPERC cost\r\n data book enforce.\r\n


    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the new meter cost shall\r\n also be charged as per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if meter is not at the\r\n premises?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please contact our Call at our 24X7 CALL\r\n CENTER - 0120 6226666 or you may visit Customer\r\n Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Q. Why my meter screen is blank.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in the area\r\n and your supply is not coming, if Yes, you may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n to register complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NOPOWER{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or visit atCustomer Care office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.. In\r\n case supply is ON but no display on meter,\r\n register complaint for meter display problem\r\n on above given numbers. Our Team will visit to\r\n do the needful within 7 working days.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If my meter box has a husky display, what\r\n should I do ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Is your meter box is having husky\r\n display.Kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 or visit at our Customer Care office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday. and register\r\n complaint for meter display problem. Our Team will\r\n visit to do the needful within 7 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Where to report incase of No Display in the\r\n meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may contact at our 24X7 CALL CENTER\r\n - 0120 6226666 or visit at our Customer Care\r\n office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday and\r\n register complaint for meter display problem. Our\r\n Team will visit to do the needful within 7 working\r\n days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges of meter testing and why\r\n is it mandatory to pay ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing fee\r\n shall also be charged as per the norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the different options available for\r\n Meter Testing?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Online from our website www.noidapower.com and\r\n refer consumer services tab wherein \"Online\r\n Meter Testing\" option is available.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may also visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I know the status of Meter Testing\r\n Request ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may visit our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer services tab\r\n wherein \"Online Meter Testing\" option is available\r\n : You may also download our Mobile application and\r\n apply for meter testing or else it can be placed\r\n by calling to our 24X7 helpline numbers on or\r\n 0120-6226666 You may also visit Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. On what basis the meter testing fee is\r\n imposed?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter testing fees is charged on \"type of\r\n meter\" and it is applicable as per UPERC Tariff\r\n Order.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Would you refund the testing fee if meter\r\n found ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no provision for refund of testing\r\n fees.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive testing report on meter\r\n testing? What is the procedure of complaining if\r\n I don’t receive one?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Everytime when we will test meter a test\r\n reprt is issued to our consumer. In case you have\r\n not received it, you may write us at\r\n CRM@noidapower.com. You may also visit Customer\r\n Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Which parameter define that meter is faulty\r\n or meter testing is Ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Kindly note that meter testing is done on\r\n many factors such as meter accuracy results ,\r\n display parameters & downloaded data analysis\r\n on which testing engineer will confirm whether\r\n meter is faulty or meter is working normal.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meters are changed without any complaint?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case of technology upgradation or periodic\r\n replacement from Old to New Generation meter as\r\n per the Guideline of Hon’ble Regulatory\r\n Commission.\r\n


    \r\n A Distribution Licensee may change the meter from\r\n time to time for any of the following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How much time will you take to replace the\r\n faulty meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14 working days\r\n for meter replacement\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days after\r\n estimate payment for testing & another 14\r\n working days for replacement if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if there is No power after\r\n successful recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n For Secure Prepaid meters\r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office it may be\r\n your main MCB be off which is located in\r\n Electric shaft in societies/ check your MCB\r\n status\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M\r\n (Mon-Fri) to know more about the same.\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n
      • \r\n Check balance / supply status in mobile aap.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • Contact your maintenance office.
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4 :\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M\r\n (Mon-Fri) to know more about the same.\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid meter\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to registered\r\n email id & phone number post bill generation.\r\n It can also be downloaded from our website via\r\n Quick E-bill Download : or follow direct link: No\r\n payment is required to be made against the bill.\r\n Ensure sufficient balance in prepaid meter through\r\n timely recharge in order to avail uninterrupted\r\n power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if the meter doesn’t show the\r\n credit amount after recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please refer our prepaid meter manual\r\n available at our website and refer page no. 6\r\n & 7 Or In case, payment is been done but\r\n credit still pending, you may contact at our\r\n helpline no. +91-0120 6226666 or else if issue\r\n still persist, please visit our customer care\r\n office, KP-1 or Techzone-4 in person :During 10:00\r\n A.M to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more about the\r\n same. Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meter is beeping when it is already\r\n recharge?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n There is a provision in meter to set recharge\r\n limit if balance will go down from this limit\r\n then only meter will start beeping at low\r\n balance . This feature is configurable ,consumer\r\n itself can set this limit as per their\r\n consumption pattern.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Freedom Bluetooth unit may be faulty ( if\r\n Showing Con. Fault in display ).\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What options are available for pre-paid meter\r\n recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, (there are many options to pay amount in\r\n paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit Card,credit Card\r\n and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer can get token from NPCL Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1, Greater Noida\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters( AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, Bill Desk (there are many options to pay\r\n amount in paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit\r\n Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Multipoint App., NPCL web site
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is “CON FAULT”, what is to be done to\r\n get it corrected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. CON FAULT” means connection faulty, meter\r\n will be displaying digit 17 when your connection\r\n from meter to display unit is not proper. Kindly\r\n register you’re compliant on our call center\r\n contact no. - 0120-6226666/.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can supply gets disconnected if meter is not\r\n recharged or do I get any reminder?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Reminder beep will come in minimun available\r\n balance. Supply will be disconnected in negative\r\n balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Go to NPCL Multipoint App by turning on low\r\n money notifications, consumer can get a\r\n reminder.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to check the balance?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Automatically showing Balance & other\r\n details in Meter display.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumers may check their account balance by\r\n pressing # button in key pad of meter display\r\n unit & for single phase meters - Press key\r\n \"1\" single time to check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Login in NPCL Multipoint App/ web and check\r\n balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be the minimum balance to\r\n maintain pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can change minimum balance in meter\r\n acocording to consumption and requirement.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If meter is showing different date from\r\n actual does it mean that it is faulty ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is a matter of meter testing &\r\n inspection then only we will confirm the same.\r\n Based on the testing report our team shall analyse\r\n the data.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact when there is no display in\r\n the meter but supply is connected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in the area\r\n and your supply is not coming, if Yes, you may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No. 0120-6226666\r\n to register complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NOPOWER Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Q. Red light in meter indicates what?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. it’s a calibration LED in meter which\r\n indicates pulse / revolution of meter , if Red\r\n light is blinking in meters it means meter is\r\n running on load.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I change my meter from post-paid to\r\n pre-paid and what documentation is required?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to prepaid\r\n connection, consumer can visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park -1 or Techzone-4, Greater\r\n Noida . Consumer has to apply under category\r\n conversion services by fill an application form\r\n and submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I see my consumption pattern in\r\n pre-paid meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n By pressing Key\"2\" consumer can check\r\n consumptions of today, previous day, previous\r\n Week and current month)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n By Pressing key\"7\" consumer can check monthly\r\n consumptions of present calendar Year)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters ( Aew Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint App and consumer can see\r\n daily consumption( Current month) and Monthly\r\n consumptions( Present Calendar Year) by\r\n selecting \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint Web, conumer can download\r\n and see consumptions by selecting \"Report\"\r\n option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow8(!show8)}\r\n >\r\n Payment Related\r\n
    \r\n {show8 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the different modes of payments\r\n available?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Modes of payments are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n A. Digital Payment through:-\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in Consumer’s\r\n internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH (National\r\n Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Credit & Debit cards to Village Contact\r\n Persons and at Customer Care Office, KP-1 or\r\n Techzone-4*.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Non-Digital Payment Modes are as follows:-\r\n

    • \r\n Cash / Cheque / DD at Customer Care Office, KP-1\r\n or Techzone-4* or to Village Contact Persons.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Cheque/DD at NPCL’s Cheque Drop Boxes.
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cash at nearby BBPS authorised retail outlets\r\n For further details please visit NPCL’s website.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n *You may visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I make cash payment?\r\n

    • \r\n In case of Rural Consumers - Authorised Village\r\n Contact Persons (VCPs) or cash collection\r\n centre, Tugalpur, Knowledge Park-1 or\r\n Techzone-4, Greater Noida between 10:00 AM to\r\n 5:00 PM, Monday to Saturday (Except 2nd &\r\n 4th Saturdays and Gazetted Holidays) (On 1st,\r\n 3rd & 5th Saturdays counter will be open\r\n from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM).\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of Urban / Industrial / Institutional\r\n Consumers - Cash Collection Centre.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Any consumer - Nearby BBPS Authorised Retail\r\n Outlets. There are more than 1500 authorised\r\n BBPS retails outlets in and around Greater Noida\r\n area. Consumers may locate nearest BBPS\r\n Authorised Retails Outlets on NPCL website\r\n through web-link “Find Nearest Bharat Bill Pay\r\n Outlet”.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL website.\r\n


    \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the upper limit for Cash Payment.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per section 6.10 of Electricity Supply\r\n code 2005, you can make cash payment up to\r\n Rs.20,000/- only. In case your bill is more than\r\n the above mentioned value, remaining payment shall\r\n be made via any mode other than cash.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to make online payment of Bills?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Online Payment of Bills can be made through\r\n below mentioned modes :\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in Consumer’s\r\n internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH (National\r\n Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Do I need to pay extra charges if I wish to\r\n pay Online through NPCL website/Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL do not levy any extra charge for online\r\n payment. However, the Payment Gateway , Wallets\r\n and Other service providers may levy service\r\n charges along-with applicable taxes for\r\n transactions above Rs. 4,000/-. In case the\r\n transaction is made through Paytm Gateway service\r\n charges would be levied at following rate:\r\n


    \r\n ** For credit/debit card transactions, 1.10% of\r\n the transaction amount being paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Net banking transactions, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Bill desk\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n * For credit/debit card transactions, 1% of the\r\n transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * For Net banking transactions, Rs.3/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Is it safe to give my bank details on NPCL\r\n website ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL follows\r\n highest level of security standards to ensure that\r\n the data entered by consumers remains confidential\r\n and not stored anywhere on NPCL Server.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can I make Cheque Payments\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can drop cheque at following Cheque\r\n Collection Centres of NPCL along with latest bill\r\n stub (Lower portion of bill). The cheques should\r\n be in favour of \"\"Noida Power Company Limited\"\".\r\n Write down the cheque with credentials like your\r\n Name, Consumer Number and mobile number at the\r\n back of cheque.\r\n

    • NPCL Customer Care Centre (Sector KP-1)
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Customer Care Centre (Techzone-IV)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station atAlpha-1, Opp Ryan\r\n International School\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station, Sector Omega-I, Builders Area,\r\n Near AWHO Apartments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station at Surajpur, Near Surajpur\r\n Police Station\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bar Association Office, Surajpur District Court\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I make payment through Post dated cheques\r\n ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post-dated and outstation cheques are not\r\n accepted at NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges applicable on cheque\r\n bounce?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque gets bounced due to\r\n insufficient funds or exceed arrangement, you will\r\n not be able to make payment through cheque in that\r\n Financial Year. Charges applicable are mentioned\r\n below:\r\n

    • \r\n Cheque amount of less than Rs. 5000 : Rs.250\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 5000 & up to Rs.\r\n 10000 : Rs. 500\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 10000 & up to Rs. 1\r\n Lac : Rs. 1000\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount of Rs. 1 Lac and above : Rs. 5000\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue another cheque, if my cheque\r\n bounces?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque got bounced due to\r\n insufficient funds or exceed arrangements, the\r\n consumer will not be able to make payment through\r\n cheque in that Financial Year.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue cheque, if my supply is\r\n Disconnected ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, consumer can pay their bill amount\r\n through cheque (Considering no cheque bounce\r\n history).\r\n


    \r\n Payment can be done for outstanding bill and\r\n reconnection charges as below:-\r\n

    • \r\n Bill payment via cheque and reconnection charge\r\n via cash and vice versa >Bill payment and\r\n reconnection charge together via cash.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bill payment and reconnection charge together\r\n via cheque . Please note, if in case the same\r\n get dishonoured, the supply will be disconnected\r\n and the Reconnection amount has to be paid\r\n again.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.When will my online payment be updated in my\r\n account?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. All payments made through other that RTGS /\r\n NEFT mode are updated on Real-time basis in\r\n consumers account except during system\r\n shutdown/maintenance when it may take up to 2 to 3\r\n working days.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I approach to register my payment\r\n related complaint?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Complaints can be registered at:\r\n

    • NPCL Website.
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Mobile App.
    • \r\n
    • Our 24X7 Call centre at 0120-6226666 .
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.What are the GST % will be charged\r\n


    \r\n Ans. GST will be levied as per GST regulations and\r\n rates applicable to various services provided by\r\n NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.For which services I have to pay GST\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per GST Circular No. 34/08/2018-GST dated\r\n 01st March 2018, GST is applicable on all the\r\n services provided by the NPCL except energy\r\n charges.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow7(!show7)}\r\n >\r\n Billing Related\r\n
    \r\n {show7 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How are bills prepared if the meter is not\r\n read?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If the actual meter reading is not acquired\r\n due to any reason; provisional bill will be raised\r\n which is subjected to adjustment upon receipt of\r\n actual meter reading in the subsequent months.\r\n Provisional bills are raised on average\r\n consumption of last 3 months. Inaccessibility to\r\n premises for 3 months or more could lead to\r\n disconnection of supply as per Electricity ̀ Supply\r\n Code 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the normal reading span for monthly\r\n Meter Reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter reading is normally taken between a\r\n period of 28 to 32 days from the last meter\r\n reading date. The same is intimated to you through\r\n SMS if your mobile number is registered with us.\r\n Fixed Charges and slabs for Energy charges are\r\n calculated proportionally for the billing period.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to calculate / understand electricity\r\n bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Please refer back side of electricity\r\n bill and check for applicable Tariff and Bill\r\n Calculation. Additionally, you can reach out to us\r\n at crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is the meter reading system?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading of three phase meters is taken\r\n remotely through AMR or LPR facility. For Single\r\n Phase meters, meter readers go door-to-door and\r\n record readings in Hand Held Devices (HHD) / Meter\r\n Reading Terminals (MRT). Reading information can\r\n also be conveyed through SMS/Email registered with\r\n us.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Why is my meter not read regularly?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Any one of the following can be the reasons:\r\n

    • \r\n Your premises are vacant / locked for long\r\n period of time or constantly during daytime\r\n resulting in inaccessibility of meter to the\r\n reader. Code 2005.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Discrepancy in address in our database with the\r\n actual address may result in meter reader\r\n missing out your premises.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n If you observe such shortcomings in the address\r\n (as printed in bill), please bring the same to the\r\n notice of CR(Front Desk) at NPCL Customer Care\r\n Office immediately for corrections.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to approach when meter is not read ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If consumer premises is found locked, meter\r\n reader will stick a \"\"miss you\"\" sticker\r\n intimating about the failed reading attempt\r\n alongwith a contact number to coordinate the day\r\n & time of reading. Or you may:\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number (Only which is showing in KWH)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Why fixed charges are not constant?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Fixed Charges defined by Monthly Tariff\r\n applies to a period of 30 days. When billing\r\n period is not 30 days, applicable fixed charges\r\n are calculated on prorata basis.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Penal Demand Charges\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Use of load beyond the sanctioned load is a\r\n cognisable offence. Penal demand charges are levied\r\n in excess to fixed charges based on demand usage\r\n over and above the sanctioned load. It is thus\r\n advised to enhance your contracted load to avoid\r\n penal demand charges.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to calculate slab ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Slab based energy rates defined by Tariff is\r\n applicable for 30 days per month and is prorated\r\n on simple unitary method based on number of\r\n billing days i.e. difference between current\r\n reading date and previous reading date (both dates\r\n inclusive)\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Makeup Charges?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. : As per approved Tariff, consumers who\r\n are part of LMV-2 (Commercial Supply) and LMV-9\r\n (Temporary Supply) are subjected to load based\r\n minimum charges. If the sum of Fixed Charges (for\r\n LMV-2 only) and Energy Charges is less than\r\n applicable monthly minimum charge then differential\r\n amount is levied as Make Up Charges. Makeup charge\r\n = minimum charge - (fixed charges + energy charge).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Wrong reading mentioned on my bill. How to get\r\n it rectified?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Request for wrong reading can be\r\n registered through following touchpoints\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Email your concern at crm@noidapower.com. Do\r\n attach meter reading photograph for convenience.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What to do if I am not satisfied with the\r\n meter reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are not satisfied with your bill, you\r\n may\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #SELFREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on Monthly\r\n basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third party\r\n vendor every month. You are requested to subscribe\r\n for e-bill for on-time and assured delivery of\r\n bill.\r\n


    \r\n In case you need duplicate bill copy, may please\r\n click on below link given on our website : You may\r\n reach out us through WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666\r\n (DupBill{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #DUPBILL Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Q.How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you need duplicate bill copy, may\r\n please click on below link given on our website :\r\n You may also login to our website or Mobile\r\n www.noidapower.com App using your credentials\r\n (Username & Password) for downloading /\r\n viewing last 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our website,\r\n kindly go through the “Need help in Sign In” tab\r\n under My Account tab.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows consumers to\r\n avail rebate of 1% on Fixed and Energy Charges.\r\n DPS means Delayed Payment Surcharge which is\r\n applicable due to non-payment of bills upto due\r\n date.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his electricity\r\n bill by due date specified therein, a late payment\r\n surcharge shall be levied at 1.25% on the dues per\r\n month up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00% per\r\n month on the unpaid dues. In case of constant\r\n non-payment, your elctricity connection can be\r\n disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule approved\r\n by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can waive the same\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to lodge complaint through SMS?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can raise your complaint & avail\r\n other important information by sending SMS on\r\n 7840002288 from your registered mobile number. To\r\n see list of short codes with mandatory details,\r\n click on\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Is there any rebate if I pay bills online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, there is no additional rebate provided\r\n for online payments. However, a rebate of 1%\r\n against sum of Demand Charges & Energy Charges\r\n is provided upon payment within due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there are different colour bills? It\r\n denotes what ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Multi colour bills are designed to reflect\r\n upon varied consumer behaviour towards payment of\r\n dues and usage of electricity.\r\n

    • Blue Bill denotes timely bill payments
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Green Bill denotes payment through digital mode\r\n and/or Solar Net Metering Consumer\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Orange Bill denotes delayed payment and/or\r\n arrears in current bill\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Red bill cautions consumer to abstain from\r\n unauthorized use of electricity based on site\r\n reporting.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How much interest paid on Security Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Interest is credited to consumers against\r\n existing security deposit on annual basis as per\r\n the bank rate prescribed by the RBI.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What would be the disconnection date once\r\n arrear is paid from the current month bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is advised to clear entire dues in event\r\n of arrears amount in current bill. However, if\r\n payment is made only against arrears, then\r\n disconnection date against current dues is 15 days\r\n from the due date as mentioned on the electricity\r\n bill.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Who can submit self meter reading ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. The facility of self submission of meter\r\n reading is available for single phase consumers.\r\n Reading can be submitted through SMS, Website or\r\n App in the dedicated slot provided every month.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid meter? Do I\r\n need to make payment against bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to registered\r\n email id & phone number post bill generation.\r\n It can also be downloaded from our website via\r\n Quick E-bill Download or follow direct link:\r\n


    \r\n No payment is required to be made against the\r\n bill. Ensure sufficient balance in prepaid meter\r\n through timely recharge in order to avail\r\n uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How & when self reading can be provided by\r\n consumer?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading submission slot is 1st to 10th day of\r\n every month. You can easily reach out to us by\r\n sending SMS at 7840002288 (#SELFREADING\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading) or WHATSAPP us at 0120-6226666\r\n (SelfReading{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading). The service is also available on\r\n our website & app.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n * Please note that reading should be in KWH\r\n parameter\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is power factor?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Power factor for the month is determined as\r\n the ratio of KWH (Active Power Consumption) to\r\n KVAH(Apparent power consumption).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the minimum Power Factor to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per the regulations of U.P. Electricity\r\n Supply Code, 2005 minimum power factor to be\r\n maintained is 0.75. If recorded power factor is\r\n less than 0.75,suitable action as per the\r\n provisions shall be initiated by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What can be the reason which may cause dip in\r\n Power Factor? How it is to be maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Majority of three phase connections\r\n constitutes of inductive load which draws non\r\n working / reactive power thereby increasing the\r\n KVAH(Apparent power consumption). Use of capacitor\r\n banks is helpful in offsetting this non working\r\n power requirement, but it should be regulated\r\n according to variance in load requirement by\r\n installing Automated Power Factor\r\n Controller(APFC). Regular check up and maintenance\r\n is also advised.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why it is important to maintain Power Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers above 10 KW are billed on KVAH\r\n basis as per the applicable tariff provisions. Dip\r\n in power factor(P.F.) cause increase in KVAH\r\n consumption which in turn results in higher energy\r\n charges for the consumer. Also, it reduces the\r\n effective distribution network capacity of NPCL\r\n which can lead to power outage in the area.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the consequences if power factor\r\n controller is not working properly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Failure of power factor controller i.e.\r\n APFC/Capacitor banks will lead to inadequate/over\r\n compensation of reactive power requirement. In\r\n both scenarios, KVAH consumption will suddenly\r\n increase leading to higher energy charges being\r\n billed.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can NPCL help in improving Power Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, it is consumer's responsibility to\r\n maintain their power factor from time to time\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on Monthly\r\n basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third party\r\n vendor every month. You are requested to subscribe\r\n for e-bill for on-time and assured delivery of\r\n bill.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. \"You are required to login on our website or\r\n Mobile www.noidapower.com App using your\r\n credentials (Username & Password) for\r\n downloading / viewing last 6 bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our website,\r\n kindly go through the “Need help in Sign In” tab\r\n under My Account tab\".\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows consumers to\r\n avail rebate of 1% on Fixed and Energy Charges.\r\n DPS means Delayed Payment Surcharge which is\r\n applicable due to non-payment of bills upto due\r\n date.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his electricity\r\n bill by due date specified therein, a late payment\r\n surcharge shall be levied at 1.25% on the dues per\r\n month up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00% per\r\n month on the unpaid dues. In case of constant\r\n non-payment, your elctricity connection can be\r\n disconnected.\r\n


    Q. DPS waiver.?


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule approved\r\n by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can waive the same.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. How the differential units are getting\r\n calculated on common (Physical/Virtual)\r\n connection  for multipoint connections?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans.{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in physical\r\n common meter :\r\n {\" \"}\r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code dated:\r\n 10-08-2018, the total energy consumption of the\r\n electricity recorded at the reference meter shall\r\n be compared with the total electricity consumption\r\n of all the individual meters & common area meter.\r\n In case the difference in energy consumption for\r\n any billing cycle works out to be higher than\r\n permissable loss level i.e. 4% in case of 11KV\r\n supply / 5% in case of voltage higher than 11 KV,\r\n then the difference of energy beyond permissible\r\n loss level shall be added in the consumption of\r\n common area billing.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in Virtual common\r\n meter :\r\n \r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code dated:\r\n 05-08-2020, no physical common meter is to be\r\n installed at consumer premise and differential\r\n units calculation is to be done on the basis of\r\n the logic as described below: Total energy\r\n consumption of the electricity recorded at the\r\n reference meter shall be compared with the total\r\n electricity consumption of all the individual\r\n meters. In case the difference in energy\r\n consumption for any billing cycle works out to be\r\n higher than permissable loss level i.e. 4% in case\r\n of 11KV supply / 5% in case of voltage higher than\r\n 11 KV, then the difference of energy beyond\r\n permissible loss level shall be divided among all\r\n the individual consumers in proportion to their\r\n contractual load.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is TDS/TCS charged in bills?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. TDS (Tax Deduction at Source): The tax\r\n shall be deducted under Section 194Q by a\r\n consumer/buyer carrying on a business whose total\r\n sales, gross receipts or turnover from the\r\n business exceeds Rs. 10 crores during the\r\n financial year immediately preceding the financial\r\n year in which such goods are purchased.\r\n
    \r\n The tax shall be deducted by the consumer/buyer of\r\n goods at the rate of 0.1% of the purchase value\r\n exceeding Rs. 50 lakhs.\r\n
    \r\n TCS (Tax Collection at Source): The Finance\r\n Act, 2020 inserted sub-section (1H) in section\r\n 206C with effect from 1st Oct’20 to levy the tax\r\n collection at source on sale of goods. The Company\r\n is liable to collect TCS at the rate of 0.1% on\r\n consideration received from a Consumer in excess\r\n of fifty lakh rupees in a financial year.\r\n
    \r\n In non-PAN/ Aadhaar* cases the rate shall be 1% .\r\n
    \r\n In case of PAN is not available or invalid PAN,\r\n the tax shall be deducted at the rate of 5%.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is Additional Security Deposit (ASD)\r\n charged in bills, when it is charged and how it\r\n is calculated?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per Clause 4.2 (e) of UPERC Supply Code,\r\n 2005: If the security deposit falls short of\r\n covering the estimated power consumption bill for\r\n 45 days based on his average monthly consumption\r\n for the preceding financial year, then demand for\r\n Additional Security Deposit (ASD) is made to\r\n consumers equivalent to the difference of amount\r\n between the existing security deposit and 45 days\r\n average power consumption bill. Also, the demand\r\n for ASD is only made when the required ASD payable\r\n by the consumer exceeds 10% of the existing\r\n security deposit.\r\n

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    \r\n setShow6(!show6)}\r\n >\r\n Theft Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. Where I can contact in case of Direct theft\r\n booked on my consumer number.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit to Our Office at KP-II from\r\n 10:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) for any detailed\r\n information about theft booked or may contact our\r\n 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666, write Theft (to report electricity\r\n theft) may please click on given link to register\r\n online complaint.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to report Direct Theft\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can call and complain against theft of\r\n electricity / tampering of meter through following\r\n avenues:\r\n

    • Helpline Number : 9891222240
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mobile App
    • \r\n
    • CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666
    • \r\n

    \r\n Your identity shall remain confidential and action\r\n will be taken at the earliest.\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is meant by “Direct Theft”?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Section 135(1) of Electricity Act, 2003 as\r\n amended by Electricity (amendment) Act , 2007,\r\n Theft of electricity is defined as, whoever\r\n dishonestly,\r\n

    • \r\n a) Taps Electricity line:\r\n
      • - overhead
      • \r\n
      • - underground
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n b) Tampers meter:\r\n
      • - usage of tampered meter
      • \r\n
      • - current reversing transformer
      • \r\n
      • - loop connection
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - other device interferes with\r\n accurate/proper registration. c) Other\r\n device/method result in a manner whereby:\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - electricity is stolen
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - damages/destroys an electric meter/\r\n apparatus/equipment/wire/ cause\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n c) Uses electricity through a tampered meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n d) Uses electricity for purposes other than that\r\n which was authorized.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow5(!show5)}\r\n >\r\n Disconnection Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for permanent disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you want your connection to be permanently\r\n disconnected, you have to submit the ID proof,\r\n last paid bill with our written application form\r\n at Customer Care Office at KP-I or Techzone-4*. 2\r\n Years Lock-in Period is applicable for all\r\n consumers except LMV-9 (Temporary Connection) from\r\n last date of any change in contract. Please follow\r\n the link to know documentation requirement\r\n *Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines of Permanent\r\n Disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Disconnection of supply will completed within\r\n 30 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can I apply for the same meter after\r\n surrendering of current meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the connection is permanently\r\n disconnected, consumer has to follow new\r\n connection application process for getting an\r\n electricity connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for refunding of security funds?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Consumer Care Centre at KP-I or\r\n Techzone-4, and submit all the requisite documents\r\n which are mentioned at the back side of\r\n application form. Please follow the link to know\r\n documentation requirement Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why and when MCG charges are applicable for\r\n Permanent Disconnection application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. MCG calculated as per provisions of\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005. The Tariff Orders\r\n issued by Hon’ble Uttar Pradesh Electricity\r\n Regulatory Commission (“State Commission”) from\r\n time to time.Clause 4.14 (Agreement) - Point (h)\r\n However, if the agreement is to be terminated\r\n before completion of 2 years: 30 (i) Consumer\r\n shall be liable to pay the minimum charges (or the\r\n demand / fixed charges, if no minimum charges are\r\n prescribed for that category) for a period of 6\r\n months or the period by which the total duration\r\n of the agreement falls short of 2 years, whichever\r\n is lower.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow4(!show4)}\r\n >\r\n Reconnection Related\r\n
    \r\n {show4 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after making\r\n the part payment of outstanding amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reconnection is not allowed on part payment.\r\n



    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    Criteria (load & Category) DR charges (Rs.)*
    Pre-paid Meters - Single phase - Zero
    Pre-paid Meters -3 phase - Zero
    Smart Meters - Single phase - 100
    Smart Meters - 3 phase - 200
    >75 KW/100BHP - 2000
    LMV-6 (having load <=75KW/100BHP) - 1000
    All others categories - 600


    \r\n Note: * 18% GST is applicable on DR charges and\r\n supply will be reconnected within 48 hrs. for\r\n Rural and 24 hrs. for urban after payment of\r\n Outstanding dues along with reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines for Reconnection after\r\n temporary disconnection of supply?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Timeline for reconnection of supply will be\r\n Maximum of 48 Hrs for Rural and 24 hrs in Urban\r\n after payment of bill & Reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection when meter\r\n already removed at site?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after final\r\n bill generation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision of reconnection.\r\n Once the payment of final bill is done, consumer\r\n has to apply for new connection with all required\r\n documents.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow3(!show3)}\r\n >\r\n Website / Mobile App Related\r\n
    \r\n {show3 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the procedure to Login on{\" \"}\r\n \r\n www.noidapower.com ?\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Go to www.noidapower.com. Click on “Consumer\r\n Login” and register your Consumer Number or click\r\n on the link: www.npcl.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various services/information\r\n available on NPCL's website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.The main features of website are as follows:\r\n

    • \r\n About NPCL and Contact Details of registered\r\n offices\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bill Payment Option
    • \r\n
    • Outage Alerts
    • \r\n
    • Service Application and Complaint
    • \r\n
    • Tariff Details
    • \r\n
    • Report a Concern
    • \r\n
    • Account Registration
    • \r\n
    • CSR activities
    • \r\n
    • Self Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Ebill Download
    • \r\n
    • Quick Bill Payment
    • \r\n
    • Contact Us
    • \r\n
    • Online Application
    • \r\n
    • Payment Options
    • \r\n
    • Pre-paid Meter Recharge
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer Services for Application form, Document\r\n Checklist, Online Meter Testing, SMS Based\r\n Services, WhatsApp based services, Customer Care\r\n office Queue Status, Single to Multipoint\r\n Conversion, Consumer Awareness and Many more.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to reset password ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Password can be reset after clicking forgot\r\n password option. You have to punch your registered\r\n email id and consumer number to receive an updated\r\n password , if problem still persist please write\r\n us at crm@noida power.com)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How and from where a consumer can update his\r\n contact details ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. For updating contact details (mobile number/\r\n email-id) consumer can login to our website or\r\n mobile app. www.noidapower.com You may also visit\r\n our customer care office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday, along with the BP No. and ID proof of\r\n registered consumer or company. You may also write\r\n us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Is it safe to give my bank details on NPCL\r\n website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL follows\r\n highest level of security standards to ensure that\r\n the data entered by consumers remains confidential.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Do I need to pay extra charges for online\r\n payment?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL does not levy any extra charge for\r\n online payment. However, the Payment Gateway,\r\n Wallets and other service providers may levy\r\n service charges along with applicable taxes for\r\n transaction above Rs. 4,000/-.\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Paytm\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1.10% of the\r\n transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n In case the transaction is made through Bill desk\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1% of the\r\n transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, 3% per transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Why this month bill is not updated on Website\r\n Mobile app ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are generated from time to time from\r\n commercial department. It might be possible due to\r\n some certain reason bill of this month may be\r\n delayed and it’s not generated yet. Once it will\r\n have generated in SAP system then PDF and bill\r\n details will appear on Website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What happen if my ID is locked in NPCL\r\n Website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. USERID will be automatic unlock in 24 hours\r\n for the website users\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What all the features available on Mobile App\r\n ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After Login fetures are as follows :\r\n

    • Bill and Payment History
    • \r\n
    • Register Request & Complaints
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Consumption Analysis
    • \r\n
    • Energy Calculator
    • \r\n
    • Request & Complaint Status
    • \r\n
    • Subscribe for E-bill
    • \r\n
    • Self-Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Payment
    • \r\n
    • Energy Tips
    • \r\n
    • KYC Updation
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is Un-Authenticated Sender issue.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. User details like USERNAME, Email ID and\r\n Password are not matched when user face this kind\r\n of problem.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow2(!show2)}\r\n >\r\n Complaint Against Services Related\r\n
    \r\n {show2 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the process of applying for New\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant can download or fill the online New\r\n Connection Service form from our website and\r\n upload necessary documents www.noidapower.com as\r\n mentioned in the documents checklist. You can also\r\n visit our Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday, to apply in person.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Within how much time should the connection be\r\n provided to me?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the application and necessary documents\r\n are reviewed at NPCL, and estimate gets generated\r\n which needs to be paid by the consumer. Post which\r\n it will take approximately 7 working days* for the\r\n apparatus to be installed at the consumers\r\n premises and for the energization of supply.\r\n


    \r\n *This SLA is applicable for the urban domestic\r\n connection where no augmentation of main is\r\n required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why I have not received my estimate\r\n intimation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you have successfully submitted your new\r\n service application form at our Customer Care\r\n Office or Online , we process the application in\r\n our system and it gets forwarded to concerned\r\n department for the Commercial & LCC Dues,\r\n Technical feasibility check. Once clearance is\r\n received from all the departments it is followed\r\n by estimate preparation. During this process\r\n system generated messages are triggered, after\r\n completion of necessary stages. Thus, you are\r\n requested to please wait for the same as we will\r\n be working on 1st cum 1st serve basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I pay the Estimate amount Online\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online thru NPCL\r\n website or you may visit our Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday to apply in\r\n person for payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Estimate paid but meter not installed yet?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post payment of estimated amount, New\r\n connection will be provided within 7 days where no\r\n Augmentation of existing mains are required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for the status of application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you may\r\n WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know the short\r\n codes follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to apply for refunding of security fund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit our Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday to apply for\r\n security refund, please follow the link to know\r\n documentation requirement\r\n (https://www.noidapower.com/Services/Document_Checklist)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Paper Formalities Required for Load Reduction?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to fill application and provide\r\n all the requisite documentation which are\r\n mentioned on the back side of application form.\r\n Please follow the link to know documentation\r\n requirement. Please note for load reduction\r\n consumer can only apply after two years from date\r\n of energization. For Temp. Supply, consumer can\r\n apply for load reduction at any point of time.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can consumer find the status of request\r\n against New Connection?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of a New Connection\r\n request, consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Can write us at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Estimate not Received Yet\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you have not received any update\r\n after 7-10 days of applying for request.To know\r\n the status of application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes follow the\r\n link or can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is minimum charges & why it is to be\r\n paid.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to bear the minimum charges\r\n based on the total sanctioned load & as per\r\n the applicable tariff rate it is been calculated\r\n for remaining Tenure in case you have not\r\n completed 2 yrs. to the connection or recent load\r\n enhancement/reduction process. In Case the maximum\r\n demand recorded in any of the last 2 billing\r\n cycles is higher than the reduced contracted load\r\n consumer can not opt for the proposed contracted\r\n load\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is Augmentation? How much time it take to\r\n complete?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Augmentation means improvement/enhancement of\r\n the system capacity to be able to cater to the\r\n increased electricity load requirement. Such\r\n augmentation needs capital investment. Sometimes,\r\n only after requests received for new connections\r\n or load enhancement; particularly if the requested\r\n load is high. Different types of Augmentation may\r\n be required such as:\r\n

    • Low Tension (LT) Line Extension
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Capacity Augmentation
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Complete electrification of an un-electrified area
    • */}\r\n

    \r\n Timeline for different type of augmentations are\r\n as follows:\r\n


    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Type of augmentation Timeline required for\r\n augmentation{\" \"}\r\n (Working Days)
    LT Network augmentation - 60
    Transformer Augmentation - 120
    HT - 11 KV Network Strengthening - 180
    \r\n Un-electrified Area or New Grid Required{\" \"}\r\n - 180


    \r\n \r\n Q.How and where to approach for Shifting of\r\n Mains ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. We accept application for following request\r\n

    • Meter Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Pole Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Service Cable Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Penal Feeder Box Shifting
    • \r\n

    \r\n For the shifting related request an application\r\n along with the copy of id proof and last paid bill\r\n is required (please follow the link to be\r\n submitted at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday. After verification of\r\n documents, site visit is arranged to check the\r\n feasibility to fulfil the request and then a\r\n survey report is prepared and accordingly estimate\r\n is generated as per Regulatory guidelines. Once\r\n the payment of estimate is done then shifting will\r\n be executed\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What Documents are required for Load\r\n Enhancement/ Load Reduction/ Name Change/\r\n Category Change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please click Here.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the TAT for completion of Service\r\n Application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of estimate payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with previous load/\r\n category, except shifting of mains , as it depends\r\n upon site condition and availability of material.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where we can contact in case of any\r\n information required for service request.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you may\r\n WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know the short\r\n codes follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the payment options for estimate\r\n payment ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online thru NPCL\r\n website or you may visit our Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00\r\n am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday to apply inperson\r\n for payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the basis of calculation of Security\r\n Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The security deposit maintainable for a\r\n consumer is equivalent to 2 times the average bill\r\n value for the financial year under reference. For a\r\n new applicant, the security deposit will be\r\n determined on the basis of load applied.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my application is been Pending since\r\n long.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation process,\r\n the application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it might have\r\n not been cleared under LCC/CF Check, To know the\r\n status of application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes follow the\r\n link or can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to contact in case of application\r\n rejected due to LCC/Theft?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When am I required to pay Additional Security\r\n Deposit (ASD)?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Each year the security deposit is reviewed in\r\n the month of April on the basis of last one year\r\n consumption. The statement of Security Deposit\r\n account is given in the bill for the month of\r\n April. If the maintainable Security Deposit is\r\n more than the security Deposit “held” amount,\r\n additional security deposit is required to be\r\n paid.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required in case of\r\n Small Correction in Connection Details such as\r\n Spelling of Name, inadequate Address?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The documentary proof for the desired change\r\n along with latest paid bill receipt along with\r\n correction form by the property owner. You may\r\n visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What happens if the Security Deposit amount\r\n held is more than the Security Deposit\r\n Maintainable amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In the above scenario, no ASD request will be\r\n placed however, as per the RBI guidelines interest\r\n gets credited for the held security amount.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How do I get refund of Security Deposit after\r\n account closure?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After necessary adjustment, the Security\r\n Deposit amount held with us is refunded with an\r\n A/c payee cheque in the name of the registered\r\n consumer at the recorded address.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When I can apply for Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may apply for Security Refund in\r\n below given senarios :\r\n

    • \r\n *Once the connection is Permanently Disconnected\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * Once the property is sold and also name\r\n mutation has been completed in records and\r\n earlier connection gets permanently\r\n disconnected, the Old/Earlier property holder\r\n may apply for Security Refund\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required for Security\r\n Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Click here\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who is eligible to get Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Only the registered consumer or Old owner (in\r\n case of property sold out) can apply for Security\r\n Refund\r\n


    \r\n Q.Can I get Final Bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. After meter removal from site final bill get\r\n generated within 15 days and final copy may be\r\n provided whrein consumer himself/herself, have\r\n requested for permannet disconnection and having\r\n relevant notification no. too.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to apply for NOC ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you get the final bill copy and upon\r\n making necessary bill payments (if any), consumer\r\n may apply for NOC from our customer care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV ..Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My New Connection service request is\r\n pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the siite\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending. To know the status of a New Connection\r\n request, consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Can write us at crm@noidapower.com
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My New\r\n Connection service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit & after receving site report,\r\n Estimate get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail\r\n alert containing payment link of estimate.In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist new service\r\n request than why meter installation is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment against\r\n your Service request it will take 7-10 days time\r\n for meter installation. Only if there is any right\r\n of way issue, it may take more time for completing\r\n the assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by consumer to our\r\n service team. You may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further assistance, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Name\r\n Mutation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7 days\r\n time for document verification and necessary\r\n approvals. In Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details, you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Name Mutation is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n details. In case of any doubt you may reach out to\r\n us via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No.For any further requirement, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Load\r\n Augmentation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit & after receving site report,\r\n Estimate get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail\r\n alert containing payment link of estimate. In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Load Augmentation service request is\r\n pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the site\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist Load\r\n Augmentation request than why meter installation\r\n is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment against\r\n your Service request it will take 7-10 days time\r\n for meter installation. Only if there is any right\r\n of way issue, it may take more time for completing\r\n the assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by consumer to our\r\n service team. You may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further assistance, you\r\n may please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Category Change is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n details. In case of any doubt you may reach out to\r\n us via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Category\r\n Change service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7 days\r\n time for document verification and necessary\r\n approvals. In Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details, you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Load\r\n Reduction service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit (As & when required) & after\r\n receving site report, Estimate get generated &\r\n sent for necessary approvals. We shall keep you\r\n posted with SMS/EMail alert containing payment\r\n link of estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp services\r\n on 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Load Reduction is still\r\n pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment against\r\n your Service request it will take next billing\r\n cycle to get implemented in the billing, during\r\n this period you may receive 1 bill with previous\r\n load details. In case of any doubt you may reach\r\n out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Shifting request is pending for Site\r\n Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the site\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may please visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My Shifting\r\n request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Shifting request it will take 7-10\r\n days time for document verification followed with\r\n site visit & after receving site report,\r\n Estimate get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with SMS/EMail\r\n alert containing payment link of estimate. In Case\r\n you have received any rejection SMS/Email on\r\n registred contact details, you may please visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there is no action taken at site ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application goes for\r\n several checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under LCC/CF\r\n Check. After neccessary clearance from respective\r\n team, you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing the siite\r\n work. In case, payment is been done and work still\r\n pending you may please visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take next\r\n billing cycle to get implemented in the system\r\n during this period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name correction is still pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation process,\r\n the application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it might have\r\n not been cleared under LCC/CF Check, you may\r\n please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification generation\r\n against your Service request it will take next\r\n billing cycle to get implemented in the system\r\n during this period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further requirement,\r\n you may please visit us at our Customer Care\r\n Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction is still pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation process,\r\n the application goes for several checks via\r\n different departments during which it might have\r\n not been cleared under LCC/CF Check, you may\r\n please visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connections floor wise?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In domestic high rise building electricity\r\n connection to individual owner/occupant are\r\n provided on multipoint scheme as per the\r\n guidelines of 13th Ammendmant of Electricity\r\n Supply Code, 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What should be the file type and size to\r\n upload for new connection online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. File size can't exceed 15 mb per\r\n documentation type.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connection through mobile app?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, you can apply new connection from NPCL\r\n mobile app.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How much I have to pay for Prepaid Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, service charges and security (if\r\n applicable) as specified in Cost Data Book which\r\n shall be calculated based upon your application\r\n and site survey.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can apply for Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are intending to carry out any\r\n construction work at your premise and seeking of\r\n electricity connection for construction activity,\r\n then, you will have to apply for temorary\r\n connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the Documentation requirement for\r\n Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant has to fill application form for\r\n new connection and provide all the requisite\r\n documentation which are mentioned on the back side\r\n of new connection application form.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to convert from temporary to permanent?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete construction work and\r\n obtains building completion certificate from\r\n concerned authority i.e. GNIDA/UPSIDC, you can\r\n apply for Permanent connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges of temporary connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, security deposit and service\r\n charges as specified in Cost Data Book which shall\r\n be calculated based upon your application and site\r\n survey\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is B&L form and why it is required in\r\n load augmentation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. B&L form or Work completion certificate\r\n form is filled by the licensed electrical\r\n contractor who has carried out electrical\r\n wiring/installation of premise. This certifies\r\n that electrical wiring/installation is done\r\n following all the regualtions and includes the\r\n equipments details installed, insulation test\r\n result of the wiring/installation.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for status of Online New\r\n Connection application\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you may\r\n WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know the short\r\n codes follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our Customer\r\n Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n setShow(!show)}\r\n >\r\n Supply Related\r\n
    \r\n\r\n {show ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to resolve supply-related complaints on\r\n power interruptions or unsatisfactory voltage\r\n profile?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Register the complaint at NPCL's helpline no.\r\n +91-0120 6226666 along with 10-digit consumer\r\n number printed at the upper left corner of your\r\n electricity bill and one complaint number will be\r\n intimated to you for future reference. NPCL\r\n fault-repairing crew will attend to the cause of\r\n the complaint and resolve the same within the\r\n following time limits:\r\n

    • Urban: 3 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Rural: 12 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Industrial & Instittutional : 4 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Transformer failure : 72 Hours
    • \r\n

    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288 (\r\n #NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) May also download our mobile app\r\n for easy & quick access.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to address the problem of frequent\r\n tripping of MCB or blowing of fuse?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Contact a Licensed Electrical contractor\r\n (L.E.C.) to locate the cause. If there is a\r\n fault/defect in your wiring installations, rectify\r\n the same.\r\n


    \r\n If the load of your installation is more than the\r\n load allowed by NPCL, please apply for enhancement\r\n of load by filling up a form available at NPCL\r\n office KP-1 & know more about the same.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default NameAndAddressFaqs;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst NameAndAddressApply= () => {\r\n \r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Name & Address Correction

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n FAQ'S\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Feedback\r\n
    • \r\n




    Click here to Apply

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default NameAndAddressApply","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport {useState} from 'react'\r\n\r\nconst NameAndAddressFeedback = () => {\r\n \r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Name & Address Correction

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n Document Checklist\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Sample Documents\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n FAQ'S\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Apply\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Feedback\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n Feedback Fetching Soon?\r\n
    \r\n \r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default NameAndAddressFeedback","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst MeterRelatedComplaint = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Meter Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Meter Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Meter Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    New Registration


    \r\n Welcome to NPCL Supplier Registration Portal\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Declaration\r\n

    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n * Yes I have read the data privacy\r\n statement and accept the terms.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Submit\r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default MeterRelatedComplaint;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst MeterRelatedComplaintStatus = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Meter Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Meter Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Meter Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n


    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default MeterRelatedComplaintStatus;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst MeterRelatedComplaintFeedback = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Meter Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Meter Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Meter Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    Feedback Form

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Ease of Accessing Information on Website

    \r\n \r\n 😒 Poor\r\n \r\n \r\n 😐 OK\r\n \r\n \r\n 😏 Good\r\n \r\n \r\n 😁 Great\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Submit\r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default MeterRelatedComplaintFeedback;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst MeterRelatedComplaintCMP = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Meter Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Meter Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Meter Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    Complaint Management Process (Guide)

    \r\n \r\n

    TIER – I: NPCL Complaint escalation & Redressal structure
    In case of any concern/ request you may visit our Customer Care Office and meet the following official with complete detail:

    • Level 1: Customer Relation Officer
    • \r\n
    • Level 2: Customer Relation Managers
    • \r\n
    • Level 3:Concern Departmental Heads with prior appointment
    • \r\n

    Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF): A forum is constituted under the Chairmanship of a retired Judge and two other members wherein the Consumers of electricity can file their complaints for the redressal of their grievances related to deficiency/ error in bill or services or any non- compliance of standards & directions issued by the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission in this regard.
    Address of the forum: Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF), 33/11KV Electric Sub Station, Block-D, Opposite Ryan International School, Sector Alpha-1, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201310.


    Phone No. of the Secretary of the Forum – 9911411373


    Public Hearing by the Forum: A monthly camp is organized on the 17th of every month (in case, 17th being Saturday/holiday, after holiday) at CGRF, where the employees of NPCL are also present.


    TIER – III:
    Electricity Ombudsman: An Appeal can be filled before the Electricity Ombudsman of the State on not being satisfied by the order of the CGRF.
    Address of the Office of Electricity Ombudsman: Niyamak Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 226010 Phone No. – 0522- 2720856, Fax- 0522-2720857,


    Email: eo-up@uperc.org

    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default MeterRelatedComplaintCMP;\r\n","import React, { useState } from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst MeterRelatedComplaintFAQ = () => {\r\n const [show, setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2, setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const [show3, setShow3] = useState(false);\r\n const [show4, setShow4] = useState(false);\r\n const [show5, setShow5] = useState(false);\r\n const [show6, setShow6] = useState(false);\r\n const [show7, setShow7] = useState(false);\r\n const [show8, setShow8] = useState(false);\r\n const [show9, setShow9] = useState(false);\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Meter Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Meter Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Meter Related Complaint

    \r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n


    \r\n setShow9(!show9)}\r\n >\r\n Meter Related\r\n
    \r\n {show9 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be done in case there is\r\n no supply in the meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n In case the nearby are is under Supply\r\n Outage, you may wait until the supply is\r\n restored. If there is no power even after\r\n the supply is restored Consumer may\r\n contact at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666 You may reach out us through\r\n WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What to do in case of meter is\r\n running fast/ excess billing?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Domestic Consumer: May please check\r\n the internal wiring by any private\r\n electrician. If no such issue persist may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 or visit Customer Care Office\r\n at KP-I to register request for Meter\r\n Testing. Demand note for meter testing\r\n fees will be generated as per UPERC\r\n guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n Industrial & Institutional Consumers :\r\n May please check the Power Factor &\r\n Neutral disturbance issue to avoid any\r\n demand shoot-up in billing. if persist may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (BillDispute{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #BILLDISPUTE{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or else you may also\r\n visit our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to analysis correct meter\r\n consumption/ abnormal consumption?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In a normal house hold having 1 or 2\r\n A/C’s along with Geyser, Fridge etc., the\r\n average units consumed may be between 500\r\n to 1000 Units per month depending upon\r\n actual use. If consumer feel that the\r\n consumption is more as compared to the\r\n usage and load, we request consumers to\r\n please get their wiring checked by\r\n competent electrician with respect to\r\n below mentioned points:\r\n

    • \r\n To check any Earth Leakage in the\r\n internal wiring or not.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of multiple connections in the\r\n building, whether your internal wiring\r\n has a separate neutral wire and should\r\n not be mixed with other connections.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Check if someone else is also using\r\n supply from your meter or not.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n However, it is to inform that, NPCL will\r\n not be responsible for higher consumptions\r\n due to any of the above reasons but taking\r\n action by consumer will reduce the\r\n consumption. After having checked all the\r\n above, If consumption is still not reduced\r\n as per consumer’s expectation, then he is\r\n having an option to get the meter tested\r\n by contacting our helpline\r\n number+91-120-2333555 Apply online for\r\n meter testing or visit Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday. and get the offline requests\r\n generated for meter checking . Meter\r\n Testing fees will be generated & added\r\n in subsequent bill as per UPERC\r\n guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various reasons of meter\r\n change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. A Distribution Licensee may change\r\n the meter from time to time for any of the\r\n following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the timelines/Resolutions\r\n for Meter Testing, Fast, Slow, Burnt,\r\n Damaged, Stop, Faulty, Shifting?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14\r\n working days for meter replacement.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days\r\n after estimate payment for testing &\r\n another 14 working days for replacement\r\n if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Shifting: 7 Working Days as\r\n per site conditions\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges for Meter\r\n testing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing\r\n fee shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection\r\n to prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park -1\r\n or Techzone-4, Greater Noida . Consumer\r\n has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form and\r\n submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges\r\n for conversion from post-paid to\r\n pre-paid or for new connection\r\n installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter charges to paid as per UPERC\r\n cost data book enforce\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the meaning of downloading of\r\n parameter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Various parameters measured and\r\n recorded by the meter are finally\r\n downloaded for billing/ monitoring\r\n purpose. The downloading of parameter\r\n means transferring the recorded data from\r\n meter to the records of the company.\r\n Downloading can be automatic (AMR) or\r\n using a gadget. However we can capture\r\n data / parameter by reading the display\r\n recording on a notebook.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Who can apply for Prepaid Meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers pertatining to below\r\n mentioned categories can apply for prepaid\r\n meter:\r\n

    • LMV-1
    • \r\n
    • LMV-2
    • \r\n
    • LMV-5
    • \r\n
    • LMV-9
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to recharge prepaid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Prepaid meter recharge coupon are\r\n available at cash collection centre and\r\n can be paid via cash/DD/Credit or debit\r\n card from our customer care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday..\r\n Recharge can be done online via NPCL’s\r\n website or PAYTM.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How does the alarm work in Pre-paid\r\n meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If your credit gets below Rs.100/-,\r\n you will have an alarm for 30 seconds.\r\n Press any button to turn it off. The alarm\r\n will be repeated every half an hour until\r\n recharged. It is advised that once meter\r\n reached its minimum limit recharge\r\n immediately to avoid disconnection. You\r\n can also set minimum limit as per your\r\n convenience.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact in case of misplacing\r\n of Recharge Coupon?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Simply visit the NPCL Cash Collection\r\n Center for re-issuing of recharge coupon\r\n which will be done free of cost. Consumer\r\n have to mention BP no./ Meter no. to get\r\n the recharge coupon. May please note- the\r\n coupon is specific to your meter hence\r\n cannot be used elsewhere.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection\r\n into prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park -1\r\n or Techzone-4, Greater Noida . Consumer\r\n has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form and\r\n submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges\r\n for conversion from post-paid to\r\n pre-paid or for new connection\r\n installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the documents required if\r\n meter get stolen?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You have to submit an application,\r\n original FIR, ID proof of registered\r\n consumer at our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Note: Meter charges are applicable as per\r\n UPERC cost data book.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the New Meter cost in Meter\r\n stolen cases?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the consumer process the\r\n application for re-installation of meter\r\n in case of Meter Stolen, applicable meter\r\n charges to paid as per UPERC cost data\r\n book enforce.\r\n


    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the new meter\r\n cost shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if meter is not at\r\n the premises?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please contact our Call at our 24X7\r\n CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or you may\r\n visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why my meter screen is blank.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in\r\n the area and your supply is not coming, if\r\n Yes, you may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 to register\r\n complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NOPOWER{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or visit atCustomer Care\r\n office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.. In case supply\r\n is ON but no display on meter,\r\n register complaint for meter display\r\n problem on above given numbers. Our\r\n Team will visit to do the needful\r\n within 7 working days.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If my meter box has a husky display,\r\n what should I do ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Is your meter box is having husky\r\n display.Kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre\r\n No. 0120-6226666 or visit at our Customer\r\n Care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday. and register complaint\r\n for meter display problem. Our Team will\r\n visit to do the needful within 7 working\r\n days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Where to report incase of No Display\r\n in the meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may contact at our 24X7 CALL\r\n CENTER - 0120 6226666 or visit at our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday and register\r\n complaint for meter display problem. Our\r\n Team will visit to do the needful within 7\r\n working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges of meter testing\r\n and why is it mandatory to pay ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing\r\n fee shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the different options\r\n available for Meter Testing?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Online from our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer\r\n services tab wherein \"Online Meter\r\n Testing\" option is available.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may also visit Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I know the status of Meter\r\n Testing Request ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may visit our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer\r\n services tab wherein \"Online Meter\r\n Testing\" option is available : You may\r\n also download our Mobile application and\r\n apply for meter testing or else it can be\r\n placed by calling to our 24X7 helpline\r\n numbers on or 0120-6226666 You may also\r\n visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. On what basis the meter testing fee\r\n is imposed?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter testing fees is charged on\r\n \"type of meter\" and it is applicable as\r\n per UPERC Tariff Order.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Would you refund the testing fee if\r\n meter found ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no provision for refund of\r\n testing fees.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive testing report on\r\n meter testing? What is the procedure of\r\n complaining if I don’t receive one?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Everytime when we will test meter a\r\n test reprt is issued to our consumer. In\r\n case you have not received it, you may\r\n write us at CRM@noidapower.com. You may\r\n also visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Which parameter define that meter is\r\n faulty or meter testing is Ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Kindly note that meter testing is\r\n done on many factors such as meter\r\n accuracy results , display parameters\r\n & downloaded data analysis on which\r\n testing engineer will confirm whether\r\n meter is faulty or meter is working\r\n normal.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meters are changed without any\r\n complaint?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case of technology upgradation or\r\n periodic replacement from Old to New\r\n Generation meter as per the Guideline of\r\n Hon’ble Regulatory Commission.\r\n


    \r\n A Distribution Licensee may change the\r\n meter from time to time for any of the\r\n following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How much time will you take to\r\n replace the faulty meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14\r\n working days for meter replacement\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days\r\n after estimate payment for testing &\r\n another 14 working days for replacement\r\n if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if there is No power\r\n after successful recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n For Secure Prepaid meters\r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office it\r\n may be your main MCB be off which is\r\n located in Electric shaft in\r\n societies/ check your MCB status\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M\r\n to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more\r\n about the same. Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n
      • \r\n Check balance / supply status in\r\n mobile aap.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4 :\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M\r\n to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more\r\n about the same. Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid\r\n meter\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number\r\n post bill generation. It can also be\r\n downloaded from our website via Quick\r\n E-bill Download : or follow direct link:\r\n No payment is required to be made against\r\n the bill. Ensure sufficient balance in\r\n prepaid meter through timely recharge in\r\n order to avail uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if the meter doesn’t\r\n show the credit amount after recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please refer our prepaid meter manual\r\n available at our website and refer page\r\n no. 6 & 7 Or In case, payment is been\r\n done but credit still pending, you may\r\n contact at our helpline no. +91-0120\r\n 6226666 or else if issue still persist,\r\n please visit our customer care office, KP-1\r\n or Techzone-4 in person :During 10:00 A.M\r\n to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more about\r\n the same. Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n .\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meter is beeping when it is\r\n already recharge?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n There is a provision in meter to set\r\n recharge limit if balance will go down\r\n from this limit then only meter will\r\n start beeping at low balance . This\r\n feature is configurable ,consumer itself\r\n can set this limit as per their\r\n consumption pattern.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Freedom Bluetooth unit may be faulty (\r\n if Showing Con. Fault in display ).\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What options are available for\r\n pre-paid meter recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, (there are many options to pay\r\n amount in paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit\r\n Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer can get token from NPCL\r\n Customer Care Office, KP-1, Greater\r\n Noida\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters( AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, Bill Desk (there are many options\r\n to pay amount in paytm ex- Through UPl,\r\n Debit Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Multipoint App., NPCL web site\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is “CON FAULT”, what is to be\r\n done to get it corrected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. CON FAULT” means connection faulty,\r\n meter will be displaying digit 17 when\r\n your connection from meter to display unit\r\n is not proper. Kindly register you’re\r\n compliant on our call center contact no. -\r\n 0120-6226666/.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can supply gets disconnected if meter\r\n is not recharged or do I get any\r\n reminder?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Reminder beep will come in minimun\r\n available balance. Supply will be\r\n disconnected in negative balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Go to NPCL Multipoint App by turning on\r\n low money notifications, consumer can\r\n get a reminder.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to check the balance?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Automatically showing Balance\r\n & other details in Meter display.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumers may check their account\r\n balance by pressing # button in key pad\r\n of meter display unit & for single\r\n phase meters - Press key \"1\" single time\r\n to check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Login in NPCL Multipoint App/ web and\r\n check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be the minimum balance to\r\n maintain pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can change minimum balance\r\n in meter acocording to consumption and\r\n requirement.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If meter is showing different date\r\n from actual does it mean that it is\r\n faulty ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is a matter of meter testing &\r\n inspection then only we will confirm the\r\n same. Based on the testing report our team\r\n shall analyse the data.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact when there is no\r\n display in the meter but supply is\r\n connected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in\r\n the area and your supply is not coming, if\r\n Yes, you may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 to register\r\n complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NOPOWER Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Red light in meter indicates what?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. it’s a calibration LED in meter which\r\n indicates pulse / revolution of meter , if\r\n Red light is blinking in meters it means\r\n meter is running on load.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I change my meter from\r\n post-paid to pre-paid and what\r\n documentation is required?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park -1\r\n or Techzone-4, Greater Noida . Consumer\r\n has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form and\r\n submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I see my consumption pattern\r\n in pre-paid meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n By pressing Key\"2\" consumer can check\r\n consumptions of today, previous day,\r\n previous Week and current month)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n By Pressing key\"7\" consumer can check\r\n monthly consumptions of present calendar\r\n Year)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters ( Aew Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint App and consumer\r\n can see daily consumption( Current\r\n month) and Monthly consumptions( Present\r\n Calendar Year) by selecting \"Report\"\r\n option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint Web, conumer can\r\n download and see consumptions by\r\n selecting \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
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    \r\n setShow8(!show8)}\r\n >\r\n Payment Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the different modes of\r\n payments available?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Modes of payments are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n A. Digital Payment through:-\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Credit & Debit cards to Village\r\n Contact Persons and at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4*.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Non-Digital Payment Modes are as\r\n follows:-\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Cash / Cheque / DD at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4* or to\r\n Village Contact Persons.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque/DD at NPCL’s Cheque Drop Boxes.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cash at nearby BBPS authorised retail\r\n outlets For further details please visit\r\n NPCL’s website.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n *You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where can I make cash payment?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n In case of Rural Consumers - Authorised\r\n Village Contact Persons (VCPs) or cash\r\n collection centre, Tugalpur, Knowledge\r\n Park-1 or Techzone-4, Greater Noida\r\n between 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to\r\n Saturday (Except 2nd & 4th Saturdays\r\n and Gazetted Holidays) (On 1st, 3rd\r\n & 5th Saturdays counter will be open\r\n from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM).\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of Urban / Industrial /\r\n Institutional Consumers - Cash\r\n Collection Centre.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Any consumer - Nearby BBPS Authorised\r\n Retail Outlets. There are more than 1500\r\n authorised BBPS retails outlets in and\r\n around Greater Noida area. Consumers may\r\n locate nearest BBPS Authorised Retails\r\n Outlets on NPCL website through web-link\r\n “Find Nearest Bharat Bill Pay Outlet”.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the upper limit for Cash\r\n Payment.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per section 6.10 of Electricity\r\n Supply code 2005, you can make cash\r\n payment up to Rs.20,000/- only. In case\r\n your bill is more than the above mentioned\r\n value, remaining payment shall be made via\r\n any mode other than cash.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to make online payment of Bills?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Online Payment of Bills can be made\r\n through below mentioned modes :\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Do I need to pay extra charges if I\r\n wish to pay Online through NPCL\r\n website/Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL do not levy any extra charge for\r\n online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway , Wallets and Other service\r\n providers may levy service charges\r\n along-with applicable taxes for\r\n transactions above Rs. 4,000/-. In case\r\n the transaction is made through Paytm\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n


    \r\n ** For credit/debit card transactions,\r\n 1.10% of the transaction amount being paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Net banking transactions, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Bill desk Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n * For credit/debit card transactions, 1%\r\n of the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * For Net banking transactions,\r\n Rs.3/-per transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Is it safe to give my bank details on\r\n NPCL website ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security\r\n standards to ensure that the data entered\r\n by consumers remains confidential and not\r\n stored anywhere on NPCL Server.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How can I make Cheque Payments\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can drop cheque at following\r\n Cheque Collection Centres of NPCL along\r\n with latest bill stub (Lower portion of\r\n bill). The cheques should be in favour of\r\n \"\"Noida Power Company Limited\"\". Write\r\n down the cheque with credentials like your\r\n Name, Consumer Number and mobile number at\r\n the back of cheque.\r\n

    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre (Sector KP-1)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre (Techzone-IV)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station atAlpha-1, Opp Ryan\r\n International School\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station, Sector Omega-I,\r\n Builders Area, Near AWHO Apartments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station at Surajpur, Near\r\n Surajpur Police Station\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bar Association Office, Surajpur\r\n District Court\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I make payment through Post dated\r\n cheques ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post-dated and outstation cheques are\r\n not accepted at NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges applicable on\r\n cheque bounce?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque gets bounced due\r\n to insufficient funds or exceed\r\n arrangement, you will not be able to make\r\n payment through cheque in that Financial\r\n Year. Charges applicable are mentioned\r\n below:\r\n

    • \r\n Cheque amount of less than Rs. 5000 :\r\n Rs.250\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 5000 & up to\r\n Rs. 10000 : Rs. 500\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 10000 & up to\r\n Rs. 1 Lac : Rs. 1000\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount of Rs. 1 Lac and above :\r\n Rs. 5000\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue another cheque, if my\r\n cheque bounces?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque got bounced due to\r\n insufficient funds or exceed arrangements,\r\n the consumer will not be able to make\r\n payment through cheque in that Financial\r\n Year.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue cheque, if my supply is\r\n Disconnected ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, consumer can pay their bill\r\n amount through cheque (Considering no\r\n cheque bounce history).\r\n


    \r\n Payment can be done for outstanding bill\r\n and reconnection charges as below:-\r\n

    • \r\n Bill payment via cheque and reconnection\r\n charge via cash and vice versa >Bill\r\n payment and reconnection charge together\r\n via cash.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bill payment and reconnection charge\r\n together via cheque . Please note, if in\r\n case the same get dishonoured, the\r\n supply will be disconnected and the\r\n Reconnection amount has to be paid\r\n again.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.When will my online payment be updated\r\n in my account?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. All payments made through other that\r\n RTGS / NEFT mode are updated on Real-time\r\n basis in consumers account except during\r\n system shutdown/maintenance when it may\r\n take up to 2 to 3 working days.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I approach to register my\r\n payment related complaint?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Complaints can be registered at:\r\n

    • NPCL Website.
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Mobile App.
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Our 24X7 Call centre at 0120-6226666 /\r\n 2333555.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the GST % will be charged\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. GST will be levied as per GST\r\n regulations and rates applicable to\r\n various services provided by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.For which services I have to pay GST\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per GST Circular No.\r\n 34/08/2018-GST dated 01st March 2018, GST\r\n is applicable on all the services provided\r\n by the NPCL except energy charges.\r\n

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    \r\n \r\n Q.How are bills prepared if the meter is\r\n not read?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If the actual meter reading is not\r\n acquired due to any reason; provisional\r\n bill will be raised which is subjected to\r\n adjustment upon receipt of actual meter\r\n reading in the subsequent months.\r\n Provisional bills are raised on average\r\n consumption of last 3 months.\r\n Inaccessibility to premises for 3 months\r\n or more could lead to disconnection of\r\n supply as per Electricity ̀ Supply Code\r\n 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the normal reading span for\r\n monthly Meter Reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter reading is normally taken\r\n between a period of 28 to 32 days from the\r\n last meter reading date. The same is\r\n intimated to you through SMS if your\r\n mobile number is registered with us. Fixed\r\n Charges and slabs for Energy charges are\r\n calculated proportionally for the billing\r\n period.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to calculate / understand\r\n electricity bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Please refer back side of\r\n electricity bill and check for applicable\r\n Tariff and Bill Calculation. Additionally,\r\n you can reach out to us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the meter reading system?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading of three phase meters is\r\n taken remotely through AMR or LPR\r\n facility. For Single Phase meters, meter\r\n readers go door-to-door and record\r\n readings in Hand Held Devices (HHD) /\r\n Meter Reading Terminals (MRT). Reading\r\n information can also be conveyed through\r\n SMS/Email registered with us.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why is my meter not read regularly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Any one of the following can be the\r\n reasons:\r\n

    • \r\n Your premises are vacant / locked for\r\n long period of time or constantly during\r\n daytime resulting in inaccessibility of\r\n meter to the reader. Code 2005.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Discrepancy in address in our database\r\n with the actual address may result in\r\n meter reader missing out your premises.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n If you observe such shortcomings in the\r\n address (as printed in bill), please bring\r\n the same to the notice of CR(Front Desk)\r\n at NPCL Customer Care Office immediately\r\n for corrections.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to approach when meter is not\r\n read ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If consumer premises is found locked,\r\n meter reader will stick a \"\"miss you\"\"\r\n sticker intimating about the failed\r\n reading attempt alongwith a contact number\r\n to coordinate the day & time of\r\n reading. Or you may:\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number (Only which is showing\r\n in KWH)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why fixed charges are not constant?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Fixed Charges defined by Monthly\r\n Tariff applies to a period of 30 days.\r\n When billing period is not 30 days,\r\n applicable fixed charges are calculated on\r\n prorata basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are Penal Demand Charges\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Use of load beyond the sanctioned\r\n load is a cognisable offence. Penal demand\r\n charges are levied in excess to fixed\r\n charges based on demand usage over and\r\n above the sanctioned load. It is thus\r\n advised to enhance your contracted load to\r\n avoid penal demand charges.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to calculate slab ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Slab based energy rates defined by\r\n Tariff is applicable for 30 days per month\r\n and is prorated on simple unitary method\r\n based on number of billing days i.e.\r\n difference between current reading date\r\n and previous reading date (both dates\r\n inclusive)\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Makeup Charges?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. : As per approved Tariff,\r\n consumers who are part of LMV-2\r\n (Commercial Supply) and LMV-9 (Temporary\r\n Supply) are subjected to load based\r\n minimum charges. If the sum of Fixed\r\n Charges (for LMV-2 only) and Energy\r\n Charges is less than applicable monthly\r\n minimum charge then differential amount is\r\n levied as Make Up Charges. Makeup charge =\r\n minimum charge - (fixed charges + energy\r\n charge).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Wrong reading mentioned on my bill.\r\n How to get it rectified?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Request for wrong reading can be\r\n registered through following touchpoints\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Email your concern at\r\n crm@noidapower.com. Do attach meter\r\n reading photograph for convenience.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in\r\n KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What to do if I am not satisfied with\r\n the meter reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are not satisfied with your\r\n bill, you may\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #SELFREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in\r\n KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third\r\n party vendor every month. You are\r\n requested to subscribe for e-bill for\r\n on-time and assured delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n In case you need duplicate bill copy, may\r\n please click on below link given on our\r\n website : You may reach out us through\r\n WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666 (DupBill{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #DUPBILL Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Q.How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you need duplicate bill copy,\r\n may please click on below link given on\r\n our website : You may also login to our\r\n website or Mobile www.noidapower.com App\r\n using your credentials (Username &\r\n Password) for downloading / viewing last 6\r\n bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need help\r\n in Sign In” tab under My Account tab.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed\r\n and Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed\r\n Payment Surcharge which is applicable due\r\n to non-payment of bills upto due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall be\r\n levied at 1.25% on the dues per month\r\n up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00%\r\n per month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity\r\n connection can be disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to lodge complaint through SMS?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can raise your complaint &\r\n avail other important information by\r\n sending SMS on 7840002288 from your\r\n registered mobile number. To see list of\r\n short codes with mandatory details, click\r\n on\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Is there any rebate if I pay bills\r\n online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, there is no additional rebate\r\n provided for online payments. However, a\r\n rebate of 1% against sum of Demand Charges\r\n & Energy Charges is provided upon\r\n payment within due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there are different colour bills?\r\n It denotes what ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Multi colour bills are designed to\r\n reflect upon varied consumer behaviour\r\n towards payment of dues and usage of\r\n electricity.\r\n

    • \r\n Blue Bill denotes timely bill payments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Green Bill denotes payment through\r\n digital mode and/or Solar Net Metering\r\n Consumer\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Orange Bill denotes delayed payment\r\n and/or arrears in current bill\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Red bill cautions consumer to abstain\r\n from unauthorized use of electricity\r\n based on site reporting.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How much interest paid on Security\r\n Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Interest is credited to consumers\r\n against existing security deposit on\r\n annual basis as per the bank rate\r\n prescribed by the RBI.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What would be the disconnection date\r\n once arrear is paid from the current\r\n month bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is advised to clear entire dues in\r\n event of arrears amount in current bill.\r\n However, if payment is made only against\r\n arrears, then disconnection date against\r\n current dues is 15 days from the due date\r\n as mentioned on the electricity bill.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can submit self meter reading ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The facility of self submission of\r\n meter reading is available for single\r\n phase consumers. Reading can be submitted\r\n through SMS, Website or App in the\r\n dedicated slot provided every month.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid\r\n meter? Do I need to make payment against\r\n bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number\r\n post bill generation. It can also be\r\n downloaded from our website via Quick\r\n E-bill Download or follow direct link:\r\n


    \r\n No payment is required to be made against\r\n the bill. Ensure sufficient balance in\r\n prepaid meter through timely recharge in\r\n order to avail uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How & when self reading can be\r\n provided by consumer?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading submission slot is 1st to\r\n 10th day of every month. You can easily\r\n reach out to us by sending SMS at\r\n 7840002288 (#SELFREADING\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading) or WHATSAPP us at\r\n 0120-6226666 (SelfReading{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading). The service is also\r\n available on our website &\r\n app.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n * Please note that reading should be in\r\n KWH parameter\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is power factor?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Power factor for the month is\r\n determined as the ratio of KWH (Active\r\n Power Consumption) to KVAH(Apparent power\r\n consumption).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the minimum Power Factor to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per the regulations of U.P.\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005 minimum\r\n power factor to be maintained is 0.75. If\r\n recorded power factor is less than\r\n 0.75,suitable action as per the provisions\r\n shall be initiated by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What can be the reason which may cause\r\n dip in Power Factor? How it is to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Majority of three phase connections\r\n constitutes of inductive load which draws\r\n non working / reactive power thereby\r\n increasing the KVAH(Apparent power\r\n consumption). Use of capacitor banks is\r\n helpful in offsetting this non working\r\n power requirement, but it should be\r\n regulated according to variance in load\r\n requirement by installing Automated Power\r\n Factor Controller(APFC). Regular check up\r\n and maintenance is also advised.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why it is important to maintain Power\r\n Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers above 10 KW are billed on\r\n KVAH basis as per the applicable tariff\r\n provisions. Dip in power factor(P.F.)\r\n cause increase in KVAH consumption which\r\n in turn results in higher energy charges\r\n for the consumer. Also, it reduces the\r\n effective distribution network capacity of\r\n NPCL which can lead to power outage in the\r\n area.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the consequences if power\r\n factor controller is not working\r\n properly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Failure of power factor controller\r\n i.e. APFC/Capacitor banks will lead to\r\n inadequate/over compensation of reactive\r\n power requirement. In both scenarios, KVAH\r\n consumption will suddenly increase leading\r\n to higher energy charges being billed.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can NPCL help in improving Power\r\n Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, it is consumer's responsibility\r\n to maintain their power factor from time\r\n to time\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third\r\n party vendor every month. You are\r\n requested to subscribe for e-bill for\r\n on-time and assured delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. \"You are required to login on our\r\n website or Mobile www.noidapower.com App\r\n using your credentials (Username &\r\n Password) for downloading / viewing last 6\r\n bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need help\r\n in Sign In” tab under My Account tab\".\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed\r\n and Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed\r\n Payment Surcharge which is applicable due\r\n to non-payment of bills upto due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall be\r\n levied at 1.25% on the dues per month\r\n up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00%\r\n per month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity\r\n connection can be disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. How the differential units are\r\n getting calculated on common\r\n (Physical/Virtual) connection  for\r\n multipoint connections?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans.{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in\r\n physical common meter :\r\n {\" \"}\r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code\r\n dated: 10-08-2018, the total energy\r\n consumption of the electricity recorded at\r\n the reference meter shall be compared with\r\n the total electricity consumption of all\r\n the individual meters & common area meter.\r\n In case the difference in energy\r\n consumption for any billing cycle works\r\n out to be higher than permissable loss\r\n level i.e. 4% in case of 11KV supply / 5%\r\n in case of voltage higher than 11 KV, then\r\n the difference of energy beyond\r\n permissible loss level shall be added in\r\n the consumption of common area billing.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in\r\n Virtual common meter :\r\n \r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code\r\n dated: 05-08-2020, no physical common\r\n meter is to be installed at consumer\r\n premise and differential units calculation\r\n is to be done on the basis of the logic as\r\n described below: Total energy consumption\r\n of the electricity recorded at the\r\n reference meter shall be compared with the\r\n total electricity consumption of all the\r\n individual meters. In case the difference\r\n in energy consumption for any billing\r\n cycle works out to be higher than\r\n permissable loss level i.e. 4% in case of\r\n 11KV supply / 5% in case of voltage higher\r\n than 11 KV, then the difference of energy\r\n beyond permissible loss level shall be\r\n divided among all the individual consumers\r\n in proportion to their contractual load.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is TDS/TCS charged in bills?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. TDS (Tax Deduction at Source):{\" \"}\r\n The tax shall be deducted under Section\r\n 194Q by a consumer/buyer carrying on a\r\n business whose total sales, gross receipts\r\n or turnover from the business exceeds Rs.\r\n 10 crores during the financial year\r\n immediately preceding the financial year\r\n in which such goods are purchased.\r\n
    \r\n The tax shall be deducted by the\r\n consumer/buyer of goods at the rate of\r\n 0.1% of the purchase value exceeding Rs.\r\n 50 lakhs.\r\n
    \r\n TCS (Tax Collection at Source): The\r\n Finance Act, 2020 inserted sub-section\r\n (1H) in section 206C with effect from 1st\r\n Oct’20 to levy the tax collection at\r\n source on sale of goods. The Company is\r\n liable to collect TCS at the rate of 0.1%\r\n on consideration received from a Consumer\r\n in excess of fifty lakh rupees in a\r\n financial year.\r\n
    \r\n In non-PAN/ Aadhaar* cases the rate shall\r\n be 1% .
    \r\n In case of PAN is not available or invalid\r\n PAN, the tax shall be deducted at the rate\r\n of 5%.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is Additional Security Deposit\r\n (ASD) charged in bills, when it is\r\n charged and how it is calculated?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per Clause 4.2 (e) of UPERC Supply\r\n Code, 2005: If the security deposit falls\r\n short of covering the estimated power\r\n consumption bill for 45 days based on his\r\n average monthly consumption for the\r\n preceding financial year, then demand for\r\n Additional Security Deposit (ASD) is made\r\n to consumers equivalent to the difference\r\n of amount between the existing security\r\n deposit and 45 days average power\r\n consumption bill. Also, the demand for ASD\r\n is only made when the required ASD payable\r\n by the consumer exceeds 10% of the\r\n existing security deposit.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow6(!show6)}\r\n >\r\n Theft Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. Where I can contact in case of Direct\r\n theft booked on my consumer number.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit to Our Office at KP-II\r\n from 10:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) for\r\n any detailed information about theft\r\n booked or may contact our 24X7 CALL CENTER\r\n - 0120 6226666 or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666, write Theft (to report\r\n electricity theft) may please click on\r\n given link to register online complaint.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to report Direct Theft\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can call and complain against\r\n theft of electricity / tampering of meter\r\n through following avenues:\r\n

    • Helpline Number : 9891222240
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mobile App
    • \r\n
    • CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666
    • \r\n

    \r\n Your identity shall remain confidential\r\n and action will be taken at the earliest.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is meant by “Direct Theft”?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Section 135(1) of Electricity Act,\r\n 2003 as amended by Electricity (amendment)\r\n Act , 2007, Theft of electricity is\r\n defined as, whoever dishonestly,\r\n

    • \r\n a) Taps Electricity line:\r\n
      • - overhead
      • \r\n
      • - underground
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n b) Tampers meter:\r\n
      • - usage of tampered meter
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - current reversing transformer\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - loop connection
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - other device interferes with\r\n accurate/proper registration. c)\r\n Other device/method result in a\r\n manner whereby:\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - electricity is stolen
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - damages/destroys an electric\r\n meter/ apparatus/equipment/wire/\r\n cause\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n c) Uses electricity through a tampered\r\n meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n d) Uses electricity for purposes other\r\n than that which was authorized.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow5(!show5)}\r\n >\r\n Disconnection Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for permanent\r\n disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you want your connection to be\r\n permanently disconnected, you have to\r\n submit the ID proof, last paid bill with\r\n our written application form at Customer\r\n Care Office at KP-I or Techzone-4*. 2 Years\r\n Lock-in Period is applicable for all\r\n consumers except LMV-9 (Temporary\r\n Connection) from last date of any change\r\n in contract. Please follow the link to\r\n know documentation requirement *Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines of Permanent\r\n Disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Disconnection of supply will\r\n completed within 30 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can I apply for the same meter after\r\n surrendering of current meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the connection is permanently\r\n disconnected, consumer has to follow new\r\n connection application process for getting\r\n an electricity connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for refunding of\r\n security funds?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Consumer Care Centre at\r\n KP-I or Techzone-4, and submit all the\r\n requisite documents which are mentioned at\r\n the back side of application form. Please\r\n follow the link to know documentation\r\n requirement Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why and when MCG charges are\r\n applicable for Permanent Disconnection\r\n application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. MCG calculated as per provisions of\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005. The Tariff\r\n Orders issued by Hon’ble Uttar Pradesh\r\n Electricity Regulatory Commission (“State\r\n Commission”) from time to time.Clause 4.14\r\n (Agreement) - Point (h) However, if the\r\n agreement is to be terminated before\r\n completion of 2 years: 30 (i) Consumer\r\n shall be liable to pay the minimum charges\r\n (or the demand / fixed charges, if no\r\n minimum charges are prescribed for that\r\n category) for a period of 6 months or the\r\n period by which the total duration of the\r\n agreement falls short of 2 years,\r\n whichever is lower.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow4(!show4)}\r\n >\r\n Reconnection Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n making the part payment of outstanding\r\n amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reconnection is not allowed on part\r\n payment.\r\n



    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Criteria (load & Category){\" \"}\r\n DR charges (Rs.)*
    \r\n Pre-paid Meters - Single phase{\" \"}\r\n - Zero
    Pre-paid Meters -3 phase - Zero
    Smart Meters - Single phase - 100
    Smart Meters - 3 phase - 200
    >75 KW/100BHP - 2000
    \r\n LMV-6 (having load <=75KW/100BHP){\" \"}\r\n - 1000
    All others categories - 600


    \r\n Note: * 18% GST is applicable on DR\r\n charges and supply will be reconnected\r\n within 48 hrs. for Rural and 24 hrs. for\r\n urban after payment of Outstanding dues\r\n along with reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines for\r\n Reconnection after temporary\r\n disconnection of supply?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Timeline for reconnection of supply\r\n will be Maximum of 48 Hrs for Rural and 24\r\n hrs in Urban after payment of bill &\r\n Reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection when\r\n meter already removed at site?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n final bill generation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision of\r\n reconnection. Once the payment of final\r\n bill is done, consumer has to apply for\r\n new connection with all required\r\n documents.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow3(!show3)}\r\n >\r\n Website / Mobile App Related\r\n
    \r\n {show3 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the procedure to Login on{\" \"}\r\n \r\n www.noidapower.com ?\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Go to www.noidapower.com. Click on\r\n “Consumer Login” and register your\r\n Consumer Number or click on the link:\r\n www.npcl.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various\r\n services/information available on NPCL's\r\n website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.The main features of website are as\r\n follows:\r\n

    • \r\n About NPCL and Contact Details of\r\n registered offices\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bill Payment Option
    • \r\n
    • Outage Alerts
    • \r\n
    • Service Application and Complaint
    • \r\n
    • Tariff Details
    • \r\n
    • Report a Concern
    • \r\n
    • Account Registration
    • \r\n
    • CSR activities
    • \r\n
    • Self Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Ebill Download
    • \r\n
    • Quick Bill Payment
    • \r\n
    • Contact Us
    • \r\n
    • Online Application
    • \r\n
    • Payment Options
    • \r\n
    • Pre-paid Meter Recharge
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer Services for Application form,\r\n Document Checklist, Online Meter\r\n Testing, SMS Based Services, WhatsApp\r\n based services, Customer Care office\r\n Queue Status, Single to Multipoint\r\n Conversion, Consumer Awareness and Many\r\n more.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to reset password ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Password can be reset after clicking\r\n forgot password option. You have to punch\r\n your registered email id and consumer\r\n number to receive an updated password , if\r\n problem still persist please write us at\r\n crm@noida power.com)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How and from where a consumer can\r\n update his contact details ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. For updating contact details (mobile\r\n number/ email-id) consumer can login to\r\n our website or mobile app.\r\n www.noidapower.com You may also visit our\r\n customer care office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday, along with the BP No.\r\n and ID proof of registered consumer or\r\n company. You may also write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Is it safe to give my bank details on\r\n NPCL website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security\r\n standards to ensure that the data entered\r\n by consumers remains confidential.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Do I need to pay extra charges for\r\n online payment?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL does not levy any extra charge\r\n for online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway, Wallets and other service\r\n providers may levy service charges along\r\n with applicable taxes for transaction\r\n above Rs. 4,000/-.\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Paytm Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1.10%\r\n of the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Bill desk Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1% of\r\n the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, 3% per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Why this month bill is not updated on\r\n Website Mobile app ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are generated from time to time\r\n from commercial department. It might be\r\n possible due to some certain reason bill\r\n of this month may be delayed and it’s not\r\n generated yet. Once it will have generated\r\n in SAP system then PDF and bill details\r\n will appear on Website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What happen if my ID is locked in\r\n NPCL Website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. USERID will be automatic unlock in 24\r\n hours for the website users\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What all the features available on\r\n Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After Login fetures are as follows :\r\n

    • Bill and Payment History
    • \r\n
    • Register Request & Complaints
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Consumption Analysis
    • \r\n
    • Energy Calculator
    • \r\n
    • Request & Complaint Status
    • \r\n
    • Subscribe for E-bill
    • \r\n
    • Self-Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Payment
    • \r\n
    • Energy Tips
    • \r\n
    • KYC Updation
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is Un-Authenticated Sender\r\n issue.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. User details like USERNAME, Email ID\r\n and Password are not matched when user\r\n face this kind of problem.\r\n

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    \r\n setShow2(!show2)}\r\n >\r\n Complaint Against Services Related\r\n
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    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the process of applying for\r\n New Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant can download or fill the\r\n online New Connection Service form from\r\n our website and upload necessary documents\r\n www.noidapower.com as mentioned in the\r\n documents checklist. You can also visit\r\n our Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday, to apply in person.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Within how much time should the\r\n connection be provided to me?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the application and necessary\r\n documents are reviewed at NPCL, and\r\n estimate gets generated which needs to be\r\n paid by the consumer. Post which it will\r\n take approximately 7 working days* for the\r\n apparatus to be installed at the consumers\r\n premises and for the energization of\r\n supply.\r\n


    \r\n *This SLA is applicable for the urban\r\n domestic connection where no augmentation\r\n of main is required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why I have not received my estimate\r\n intimation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you have successfully submitted\r\n your new service application form at our\r\n Customer Care Office or Online , we\r\n process the application in our system and\r\n it gets forwarded to concerned department\r\n for the Commercial & LCC Dues,\r\n Technical feasibility check. Once\r\n clearance is received from all the\r\n departments it is followed by estimate\r\n preparation. During this process system\r\n generated messages are triggered, after\r\n completion of necessary stages. Thus, you\r\n are requested to please wait for the same\r\n as we will be working on 1st cum 1st serve\r\n basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I pay the Estimate amount Online\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online\r\n thru NPCL website or you may visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday to apply in person for\r\n payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Estimate paid but meter not installed\r\n yet?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post payment of estimated amount, New\r\n connection will be provided within 7 days\r\n where no Augmentation of existing mains\r\n are required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for the status of\r\n application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to apply for refunding of security\r\n fund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday to apply for security refund,\r\n please follow the link to know\r\n documentation requirement\r\n (https://www.noidapower.com/Services/Document_Checklist)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Paper Formalities Required for Load\r\n Reduction?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to fill application and\r\n provide all the requisite documentation\r\n which are mentioned on the back side of\r\n application form. Please follow the link\r\n to know documentation requirement. Please\r\n note for load reduction consumer can only\r\n apply after two years from date of\r\n energization. For Temp. Supply, consumer\r\n can apply for load reduction at any point\r\n of time.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can consumer find the status of\r\n request against New Connection?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of a New\r\n Connection request, consumer may use\r\n following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Can write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Estimate not Received Yet\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you have not received any\r\n update after 7-10 days of applying for\r\n request.To know the status of application\r\n you may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to\r\n know the short codes follow the link or\r\n can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is minimum charges & why it\r\n is to be paid.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to bear the minimum\r\n charges based on the total sanctioned load\r\n & as per the applicable tariff rate it\r\n is been calculated for remaining Tenure in\r\n case you have not completed 2 yrs. to the\r\n connection or recent load\r\n enhancement/reduction process. In Case the\r\n maximum demand recorded in any of the last\r\n 2 billing cycles is higher than the\r\n reduced contracted load consumer can not\r\n opt for the proposed contracted load\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is Augmentation? How much time it\r\n take to complete?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Augmentation means\r\n improvement/enhancement of the system\r\n capacity to be able to cater to the\r\n increased electricity load requirement.\r\n Such augmentation needs capital\r\n investment. Sometimes, only after requests\r\n received for new connections or load\r\n enhancement; particularly if the requested\r\n load is high. Different types of\r\n Augmentation may be required such as:\r\n

    • Low Tension (LT) Line Extension
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Capacity Augmentation
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Complete electrification of an un-electrified area
    • */}\r\n

    \r\n Timeline for different type of\r\n augmentations are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Type of augmentation Timeline\r\n required for augmentation{\" \"}\r\n (Working Days)
    LT Network augmentation - 60
    Transformer Augmentation - 120
    \r\n HT - 11 KV Network Strengthening{\" \"}\r\n - 180
    \r\n Un-electrified Area or New Grid\r\n Required{\" \"}\r\n - 180


    \r\n \r\n Q.How and where to approach for Shifting\r\n of Mains ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. We accept application for following\r\n request\r\n

    • Meter Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Pole Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Service Cable Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Penal Feeder Box Shifting
    • \r\n

    \r\n For the shifting related request an\r\n application along with the copy of id\r\n proof and last paid bill is required\r\n (please follow the link to be submitted at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday. After verification\r\n of documents, site visit is arranged to\r\n check the feasibility to fulfil the\r\n request and then a survey report is\r\n prepared and accordingly estimate is\r\n generated as per Regulatory guidelines.\r\n Once the payment of estimate is done then\r\n shifting will be executed\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What Documents are required for Load\r\n Enhancement/ Load Reduction/ Name\r\n Change/ Category Change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please click Here.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the TAT for completion of\r\n Service Application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous load/\r\n category, except shifting of mains , as it\r\n depends upon site condition and\r\n availability of material.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where we can contact in case of any\r\n information required for service\r\n request.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the payment options for\r\n estimate payment ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online\r\n thru NPCL website or you may visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday to apply inperson for\r\n payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the basis of calculation of\r\n Security Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The security deposit maintainable for\r\n a consumer is equivalent to 2 times the\r\n average bill value for the financial year\r\n under reference. For a new applicant, the\r\n security deposit will be determined on the\r\n basis of load applied.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my application is been Pending\r\n since long.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, To know the status of\r\n application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes\r\n follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to contact in case of\r\n application rejected due to LCC/Theft?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When am I required to pay Additional\r\n Security Deposit (ASD)?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Each year the security deposit is\r\n reviewed in the month of April on the\r\n basis of last one year consumption. The\r\n statement of Security Deposit account is\r\n given in the bill for the month of April.\r\n If the maintainable Security Deposit is\r\n more than the security Deposit “held”\r\n amount, additional security deposit is\r\n required to be paid.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required in\r\n case of Small Correction in Connection\r\n Details such as Spelling of Name,\r\n inadequate Address?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The documentary proof for the desired\r\n change along with latest paid bill receipt\r\n along with correction form by the property\r\n owner. You may visit Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What happens if the Security Deposit\r\n amount held is more than the Security\r\n Deposit Maintainable amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In the above scenario, no ASD request\r\n will be placed however, as per the RBI\r\n guidelines interest gets credited for the\r\n held security amount.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How do I get refund of Security\r\n Deposit after account closure?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After necessary adjustment, the\r\n Security Deposit amount held with us is\r\n refunded with an A/c payee cheque in the\r\n name of the registered consumer at the\r\n recorded address.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When I can apply for Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may apply for Security\r\n Refund in below given senarios :\r\n

    • \r\n *Once the connection is Permanently\r\n Disconnected\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * Once the property is sold and also\r\n name mutation has been completed in\r\n records and earlier connection gets\r\n permanently disconnected, the\r\n Old/Earlier property holder may apply\r\n for Security Refund\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required for\r\n Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Click here\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who is eligible to get Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Only the registered consumer or Old\r\n owner (in case of property sold out) can\r\n apply for Security Refund\r\n


    \r\n Q.Can I get Final Bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. After meter removal from site final\r\n bill get generated within 15 days and\r\n final copy may be provided whrein consumer\r\n himself/herself, have requested for\r\n permannet disconnection and having\r\n relevant notification no. too.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to apply for NOC ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you get the final bill copy and\r\n upon making necessary bill payments (if\r\n any), consumer may apply for NOC from our\r\n customer care office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV ..Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My New Connection service request\r\n is pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the siite work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending. To know the\r\n status of a New Connection request,\r\n consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Can write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n New Connection service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n & after receving site report, Estimate\r\n get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate.In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist new\r\n service request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n 7-10 days time for meter installation.\r\n Only if there is any right of way issue,\r\n it may take more time for completing the\r\n assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by\r\n consumer to our service team. You may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services\r\n on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n assistance, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Name Mutation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Name Mutation is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous details. In\r\n case of any doubt you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666\r\n NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No.For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Load Augmentation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n & after receving site report, Estimate\r\n get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Load Augmentation service\r\n request is pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the site work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending you may visit\r\n us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist Load\r\n Augmentation request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n 7-10 days time for meter installation.\r\n Only if there is any right of way issue,\r\n it may take more time for completing the\r\n assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by\r\n consumer to our service team. You may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services\r\n on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n assistance, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Category Change is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous details. In\r\n case of any doubt you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666\r\n CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Category Change service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Load Reduction service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit (As\r\n & when required) & after receving\r\n site report, Estimate get generated &\r\n sent for necessary approvals. We shall\r\n keep you posted with SMS/EMail alert\r\n containing payment link of estimate. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Load Reduction is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the billing, during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous load details.\r\n In case of any doubt you may reach out to\r\n us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Shifting request is pending for\r\n Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the site work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Shifting request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Shifting request\r\n it will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n & after receving site report, Estimate\r\n get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there is no action taken at site ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the siite work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you\r\n may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name correction is still\r\n pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you\r\n may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction is still\r\n pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connections floor\r\n wise?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In domestic high rise building\r\n electricity connection to individual\r\n owner/occupant are provided on multipoint\r\n scheme as per the guidelines of 13th\r\n Ammendmant of Electricity Supply Code,\r\n 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What should be the file type and size\r\n to upload for new connection online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. File size can't exceed 15 mb per\r\n documentation type.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connection through\r\n mobile app?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, you can apply new connection\r\n from NPCL mobile app.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How much I have to pay for Prepaid\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, service charges and\r\n security (if applicable) as specified in\r\n Cost Data Book which shall be calculated\r\n based upon your application and site\r\n survey.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can apply for Temporary\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are intending to carry out any\r\n construction work at your premise and\r\n seeking of electricity connection for\r\n construction activity, then, you will have\r\n to apply for temorary connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the Documentation requirement\r\n for Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant has to fill application\r\n form for new connection and provide all\r\n the requisite documentation which are\r\n mentioned on the back side of new\r\n connection application form.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to convert from temporary to\r\n permanent?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete construction work\r\n and obtains building completion\r\n certificate from concerned authority i.e.\r\n GNIDA/UPSIDC, you can apply for Permanent\r\n connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges of temporary\r\n connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, security deposit and\r\n service charges as specified in Cost Data\r\n Book which shall be calculated based upon\r\n your application and site survey\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is B&L form and why it is\r\n required in load augmentation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. B&L form or Work completion\r\n certificate form is filled by the licensed\r\n electrical contractor who has carried out\r\n electrical wiring/installation of premise.\r\n This certifies that electrical\r\n wiring/installation is done following all\r\n the regualtions and includes the\r\n equipments details installed, insulation\r\n test result of the wiring/installation.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for status of Online\r\n New Connection application\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow(!show)}\r\n >\r\n Supply Related\r\n
    \r\n\r\n {show ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to resolve supply-related\r\n complaints on power interruptions or\r\n unsatisfactory voltage profile?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Register the complaint at NPCL's\r\n helpline no. +91-0120 6226666 along with\r\n 10-digit consumer number printed at the\r\n upper left corner of your electricity bill\r\n and one complaint number will be intimated\r\n to you for future reference. NPCL\r\n fault-repairing crew will attend to the\r\n cause of the complaint and resolve the\r\n same within the following time limits:\r\n

    • Urban: 3 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Rural: 12 Hours
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Industrial & Instittutional : 4\r\n Hours\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Transformer failure : 72 Hours
    • \r\n

    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) May also download our\r\n mobile app for easy & quick\r\n access.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to address the problem of\r\n frequent tripping of MCB or blowing of\r\n fuse?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Contact a Licensed Electrical\r\n contractor (L.E.C.) to locate the cause.\r\n If there is a fault/defect in your wiring\r\n installations, rectify the same.\r\n


    \r\n If the load of your installation is more\r\n than the load allowed by NPCL, please\r\n apply for enhancement of load by filling\r\n up a form available at NPCL office KP-1\r\n & know more about the same.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default MeterRelatedComplaintFAQ;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst ServiceRelatedComplaint = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Service Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Service Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Service Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    New Registration


    \r\n Welcome to NPCL Supplier Registration Portal\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Declaration\r\n

    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n * Yes I have read the data privacy\r\n statement and accept the terms.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Submit\r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ServiceRelatedComplaint;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst ServiceRelatedComplaintStatus = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Service Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Service Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Service Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n


    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ServiceRelatedComplaintStatus;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst ServiceRelatedComplaintFeedback = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Service Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Service Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Service Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    Feedback Form

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Ease of Accessing Information on Website

    \r\n \r\n 😒 Poor\r\n \r\n \r\n 😐 OK\r\n \r\n \r\n 😏 Good\r\n \r\n \r\n 😁 Great\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Submit\r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ServiceRelatedComplaintFeedback;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst ServiceRelatedComplaintCMP = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Service Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Service Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Service Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    Complaint Management Process (Guide)

    \r\n \r\n

    TIER – I: NPCL Complaint escalation & Redressal structure


    In case of any concern/ request you may visit our Customer Care Office and meet the following official with complete detail:

    • Level 1: Customer Relation Officer
    • \r\n
    • Level 2: Customer Relation Managers
    • \r\n
    • Level 3:Concern Departmental Heads with prior appointment
    • \r\n



    Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF): A forum is constituted under the Chairmanship of a retired Judge and two other members wherein the Consumers of electricity can file their complaints for the redressal of their grievances related to deficiency/ error in bill or services or any non- compliance of standards & directions issued by the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission in this regard.


    Address of the forum: Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF), 33/11KV Electric Sub Station, Block-D, Opposite Ryan International School, Sector Alpha-1, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201310.


    Phone No. of the Secretary of the Forum – 9911411373


    Public Hearing by the Forum: A monthly camp is organized on the 17th of every month (in case, 17th being Saturday/holiday, after holiday) at CGRF, where the employees of NPCL are also present.


    TIER – III:


    Electricity Ombudsman: An Appeal can be filled before the Electricity Ombudsman of the State on not being satisfied by the order of the CGRF.


    Address of the Office of Electricity Ombudsman: Niyamak Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 226010 Phone No. – 0522- 2720856, Fax- 0522-2720857,


    Email: eo-up@uperc.org

    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ServiceRelatedComplaintCMP;\r\n","import React, { useState } from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst ServiceRelatedComplaintFAQ = () => {\r\n const [show, setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2, setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const [show3, setShow3] = useState(false);\r\n const [show4, setShow4] = useState(false);\r\n const [show5, setShow5] = useState(false);\r\n const [show6, setShow6] = useState(false);\r\n const [show7, setShow7] = useState(false);\r\n const [show8, setShow8] = useState(false);\r\n const [show9, setShow9] = useState(false);\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Service Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Service Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Service Related Complaint

    \r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n


    \r\n setShow9(!show9)}\r\n >\r\n Meter Related\r\n
    \r\n {show9 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be done in case there is\r\n no supply in the meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n In case the nearby are is under Supply\r\n Outage, you may wait until the supply is\r\n restored. If there is no power even after\r\n the supply is restored Consumer may\r\n contact at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666 You may reach out us through\r\n WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What to do in case of meter is\r\n running fast/ excess billing?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Domestic Consumer: May please check\r\n the internal wiring by any private\r\n electrician. If no such issue persist may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 or visit Customer Care Office\r\n at KP-I to register request for Meter\r\n Testing. Demand note for meter testing\r\n fees will be generated as per UPERC\r\n guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n Industrial & Institutional Consumers :\r\n May please check the Power Factor &\r\n Neutral disturbance issue to avoid any\r\n demand shoot-up in billing. if persist may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (BillDispute{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #BILLDISPUTE{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or else you may also\r\n visit our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to analysis correct meter\r\n consumption/ abnormal consumption?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In a normal house hold having 1 or 2\r\n A/C’s along with Geyser, Fridge etc., the\r\n average units consumed may be between 500\r\n to 1000 Units per month depending upon\r\n actual use. If consumer feel that the\r\n consumption is more as compared to the\r\n usage and load, we request consumers to\r\n please get their wiring checked by\r\n competent electrician with respect to\r\n below mentioned points:\r\n

    • \r\n To check any Earth Leakage in the\r\n internal wiring or not.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of multiple connections in the\r\n building, whether your internal wiring\r\n has a separate neutral wire and should\r\n not be mixed with other connections.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Check if someone else is also using\r\n supply from your meter or not.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n However, it is to inform that, NPCL will\r\n not be responsible for higher consumptions\r\n due to any of the above reasons but taking\r\n action by consumer will reduce the\r\n consumption. After having checked all the\r\n above, If consumption is still not reduced\r\n as per consumer’s expectation, then he is\r\n having an option to get the meter tested\r\n by contacting our helpline\r\n number+91-120-2333555 Apply online for\r\n meter testing or visit Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday. and get the offline requests\r\n generated for meter checking . Meter\r\n Testing fees will be generated & added\r\n in subsequent bill as per UPERC\r\n guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various reasons of meter\r\n change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. A Distribution Licensee may change\r\n the meter from time to time for any of the\r\n following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the timelines/Resolutions\r\n for Meter Testing, Fast, Slow, Burnt,\r\n Damaged, Stop, Faulty, Shifting?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14\r\n working days for meter replacement.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days\r\n after estimate payment for testing &\r\n another 14 working days for replacement\r\n if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Shifting: 7 Working Days as\r\n per site conditions\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges for Meter\r\n testing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing\r\n fee shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection\r\n to prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park -1\r\n or Techzone-4, Greater Noida . Consumer\r\n has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form and\r\n submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges\r\n for conversion from post-paid to\r\n pre-paid or for new connection\r\n installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter charges to paid as per UPERC\r\n cost data book enforce\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the meaning of downloading of\r\n parameter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Various parameters measured and\r\n recorded by the meter are finally\r\n downloaded for billing/ monitoring\r\n purpose. The downloading of parameter\r\n means transferring the recorded data from\r\n meter to the records of the company.\r\n Downloading can be automatic (AMR) or\r\n using a gadget. However we can capture\r\n data / parameter by reading the display\r\n recording on a notebook.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Who can apply for Prepaid Meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers pertatining to below\r\n mentioned categories can apply for prepaid\r\n meter:\r\n

    • LMV-1
    • \r\n
    • LMV-2
    • \r\n
    • LMV-5
    • \r\n
    • LMV-9
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to recharge prepaid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Prepaid meter recharge coupon are\r\n available at cash collection centre and\r\n can be paid via cash/DD/Credit or debit\r\n card from our customer care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday..\r\n Recharge can be done online via NPCL’s\r\n website or PAYTM.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How does the alarm work in Pre-paid\r\n meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If your credit gets below Rs.100/-,\r\n you will have an alarm for 30 seconds.\r\n Press any button to turn it off. The alarm\r\n will be repeated every half an hour until\r\n recharged. It is advised that once meter\r\n reached its minimum limit recharge\r\n immediately to avoid disconnection. You\r\n can also set minimum limit as per your\r\n convenience.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact in case of misplacing\r\n of Recharge Coupon?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Simply visit the NPCL Cash Collection\r\n Center for re-issuing of recharge coupon\r\n which will be done free of cost. Consumer\r\n have to mention BP no./ Meter no. to get\r\n the recharge coupon. May please note- the\r\n coupon is specific to your meter hence\r\n cannot be used elsewhere.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection\r\n into prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park -1\r\n or Techzone-4, Greater Noida . Consumer\r\n has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form and\r\n submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges\r\n for conversion from post-paid to\r\n pre-paid or for new connection\r\n installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the documents required if\r\n meter get stolen?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You have to submit an application,\r\n original FIR, ID proof of registered\r\n consumer at our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Note: Meter charges are applicable as per\r\n UPERC cost data book.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the New Meter cost in Meter\r\n stolen cases?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the consumer process the\r\n application for re-installation of meter\r\n in case of Meter Stolen, applicable meter\r\n charges to paid as per UPERC cost data\r\n book enforce.\r\n


    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the new meter\r\n cost shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if meter is not at\r\n the premises?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please contact our Call at our 24X7\r\n CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or you may\r\n visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why my meter screen is blank.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in\r\n the area and your supply is not coming, if\r\n Yes, you may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 to register\r\n complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NOPOWER{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or visit atCustomer Care\r\n office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.. In case supply\r\n is ON but no display on meter,\r\n register complaint for meter display\r\n problem on above given numbers. Our\r\n Team will visit to do the needful\r\n within 7 working days.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If my meter box has a husky display,\r\n what should I do ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Is your meter box is having husky\r\n display.Kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre\r\n No. 0120-6226666 or visit at our Customer\r\n Care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday. and register complaint\r\n for meter display problem. Our Team will\r\n visit to do the needful within 7 working\r\n days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Where to report incase of No Display\r\n in the meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may contact at our 24X7 CALL\r\n CENTER - 0120 6226666 or visit at our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday and register\r\n complaint for meter display problem. Our\r\n Team will visit to do the needful within 7\r\n working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges of meter testing\r\n and why is it mandatory to pay ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing\r\n fee shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the different options\r\n available for Meter Testing?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Online from our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer\r\n services tab wherein \"Online Meter\r\n Testing\" option is available.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may also visit Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I know the status of Meter\r\n Testing Request ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may visit our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer\r\n services tab wherein \"Online Meter\r\n Testing\" option is available : You may\r\n also download our Mobile application and\r\n apply for meter testing or else it can be\r\n placed by calling to our 24X7 helpline\r\n numbers on or 0120-6226666 You may also\r\n visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. On what basis the meter testing fee\r\n is imposed?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter testing fees is charged on\r\n \"type of meter\" and it is applicable as\r\n per UPERC Tariff Order.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Would you refund the testing fee if\r\n meter found ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no provision for refund of\r\n testing fees.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive testing report on\r\n meter testing? What is the procedure of\r\n complaining if I don’t receive one?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Everytime when we will test meter a\r\n test reprt is issued to our consumer. In\r\n case you have not received it, you may\r\n write us at CRM@noidapower.com. You may\r\n also visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Which parameter define that meter is\r\n faulty or meter testing is Ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Kindly note that meter testing is\r\n done on many factors such as meter\r\n accuracy results , display parameters\r\n & downloaded data analysis on which\r\n testing engineer will confirm whether\r\n meter is faulty or meter is working\r\n normal.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meters are changed without any\r\n complaint?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case of technology upgradation or\r\n periodic replacement from Old to New\r\n Generation meter as per the Guideline of\r\n Hon’ble Regulatory Commission.\r\n


    \r\n A Distribution Licensee may change the\r\n meter from time to time for any of the\r\n following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How much time will you take to\r\n replace the faulty meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14\r\n working days for meter replacement\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days\r\n after estimate payment for testing &\r\n another 14 working days for replacement\r\n if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if there is No power\r\n after successful recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n For Secure Prepaid meters\r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office it\r\n may be your main MCB be off which is\r\n located in Electric shaft in\r\n societies/ check your MCB status\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M\r\n to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more\r\n about the same. Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n
      • \r\n Check balance / supply status in\r\n mobile aap.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4 :\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M\r\n to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more\r\n about the same. Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid\r\n meter\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number\r\n post bill generation. It can also be\r\n downloaded from our website via Quick\r\n E-bill Download : or follow direct link:\r\n No payment is required to be made against\r\n the bill. Ensure sufficient balance in\r\n prepaid meter through timely recharge in\r\n order to avail uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if the meter doesn’t\r\n show the credit amount after recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please refer our prepaid meter manual\r\n available at our website and refer page\r\n no. 6 & 7 Or In case, payment is been\r\n done but credit still pending, you may\r\n contact at our helpline no. +91-0120\r\n 6226666 or else if issue still persist,\r\n please visit our customer care office, KP-1\r\n or Techzone-4 in person :During 10:00 A.M\r\n to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more about\r\n the same. Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n .\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meter is beeping when it is\r\n already recharge?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n There is a provision in meter to set\r\n recharge limit if balance will go down\r\n from this limit then only meter will\r\n start beeping at low balance . This\r\n feature is configurable ,consumer itself\r\n can set this limit as per their\r\n consumption pattern.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Freedom Bluetooth unit may be faulty (\r\n if Showing Con. Fault in display ).\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What options are available for\r\n pre-paid meter recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, (there are many options to pay\r\n amount in paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit\r\n Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer can get token from NPCL\r\n Customer Care Office, KP-1, Greater\r\n Noida\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters( AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, Bill Desk (there are many options\r\n to pay amount in paytm ex- Through UPl,\r\n Debit Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Multipoint App., NPCL web site\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is “CON FAULT”, what is to be\r\n done to get it corrected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. CON FAULT” means connection faulty,\r\n meter will be displaying digit 17 when\r\n your connection from meter to display unit\r\n is not proper. Kindly register you’re\r\n compliant on our call center contact no. -\r\n 0120-6226666/.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can supply gets disconnected if meter\r\n is not recharged or do I get any\r\n reminder?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Reminder beep will come in minimun\r\n available balance. Supply will be\r\n disconnected in negative balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Go to NPCL Multipoint App by turning on\r\n low money notifications, consumer can\r\n get a reminder.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to check the balance?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Automatically showing Balance\r\n & other details in Meter display.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumers may check their account\r\n balance by pressing # button in key pad\r\n of meter display unit & for single\r\n phase meters - Press key \"1\" single time\r\n to check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Login in NPCL Multipoint App/ web and\r\n check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be the minimum balance to\r\n maintain pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can change minimum balance\r\n in meter acocording to consumption and\r\n requirement.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If meter is showing different date\r\n from actual does it mean that it is\r\n faulty ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is a matter of meter testing &\r\n inspection then only we will confirm the\r\n same. Based on the testing report our team\r\n shall analyse the data.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact when there is no\r\n display in the meter but supply is\r\n connected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in\r\n the area and your supply is not coming, if\r\n Yes, you may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 to register\r\n complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NOPOWER Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Red light in meter indicates what?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. it’s a calibration LED in meter which\r\n indicates pulse / revolution of meter , if\r\n Red light is blinking in meters it means\r\n meter is running on load.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I change my meter from\r\n post-paid to pre-paid and what\r\n documentation is required?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park -1\r\n or Techzone-4, Greater Noida . Consumer\r\n has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form and\r\n submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I see my consumption pattern\r\n in pre-paid meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n By pressing Key\"2\" consumer can check\r\n consumptions of today, previous day,\r\n previous Week and current month)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n By Pressing key\"7\" consumer can check\r\n monthly consumptions of present calendar\r\n Year)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters ( Aew Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint App and consumer\r\n can see daily consumption( Current\r\n month) and Monthly consumptions( Present\r\n Calendar Year) by selecting \"Report\"\r\n option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint Web, conumer can\r\n download and see consumptions by\r\n selecting \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow8(!show8)}\r\n >\r\n Payment Related\r\n
    \r\n {show8 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the different modes of\r\n payments available?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Modes of payments are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n A. Digital Payment through:-\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Credit & Debit cards to Village\r\n Contact Persons and at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4*.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Non-Digital Payment Modes are as\r\n follows:-\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Cash / Cheque / DD at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4* or to\r\n Village Contact Persons.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque/DD at NPCL’s Cheque Drop Boxes.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cash at nearby BBPS authorised retail\r\n outlets For further details please visit\r\n NPCL’s website.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n *You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where can I make cash payment?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n In case of Rural Consumers - Authorised\r\n Village Contact Persons (VCPs) or cash\r\n collection centre, Tugalpur, Knowledge\r\n Park-1 or Techzone-4, Greater Noida\r\n between 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to\r\n Saturday (Except 2nd & 4th Saturdays\r\n and Gazetted Holidays) (On 1st, 3rd\r\n & 5th Saturdays counter will be open\r\n from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM).\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of Urban / Industrial /\r\n Institutional Consumers - Cash\r\n Collection Centre.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Any consumer - Nearby BBPS Authorised\r\n Retail Outlets. There are more than 1500\r\n authorised BBPS retails outlets in and\r\n around Greater Noida area. Consumers may\r\n locate nearest BBPS Authorised Retails\r\n Outlets on NPCL website through web-link\r\n “Find Nearest Bharat Bill Pay Outlet”.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the upper limit for Cash\r\n Payment.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per section 6.10 of Electricity\r\n Supply code 2005, you can make cash\r\n payment up to Rs.20,000/- only. In case\r\n your bill is more than the above mentioned\r\n value, remaining payment shall be made via\r\n any mode other than cash.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to make online payment of Bills?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Online Payment of Bills can be made\r\n through below mentioned modes :\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Do I need to pay extra charges if I\r\n wish to pay Online through NPCL\r\n website/Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL do not levy any extra charge for\r\n online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway , Wallets and Other service\r\n providers may levy service charges\r\n along-with applicable taxes for\r\n transactions above Rs. 4,000/-. In case\r\n the transaction is made through Paytm\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n


    \r\n ** For credit/debit card transactions,\r\n 1.10% of the transaction amount being paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Net banking transactions, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Bill desk Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n * For credit/debit card transactions, 1%\r\n of the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * For Net banking transactions,\r\n Rs.3/-per transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Is it safe to give my bank details on\r\n NPCL website ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security\r\n standards to ensure that the data entered\r\n by consumers remains confidential and not\r\n stored anywhere on NPCL Server.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How can I make Cheque Payments\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can drop cheque at following\r\n Cheque Collection Centres of NPCL along\r\n with latest bill stub (Lower portion of\r\n bill). The cheques should be in favour of\r\n \"\"Noida Power Company Limited\"\". Write\r\n down the cheque with credentials like your\r\n Name, Consumer Number and mobile number at\r\n the back of cheque.\r\n

    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre (Sector KP-1)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre (Techzone-IV)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station atAlpha-1, Opp Ryan\r\n International School\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station, Sector Omega-I,\r\n Builders Area, Near AWHO Apartments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station at Surajpur, Near\r\n Surajpur Police Station\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bar Association Office, Surajpur\r\n District Court\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I make payment through Post dated\r\n cheques ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post-dated and outstation cheques are\r\n not accepted at NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges applicable on\r\n cheque bounce?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque gets bounced due\r\n to insufficient funds or exceed\r\n arrangement, you will not be able to make\r\n payment through cheque in that Financial\r\n Year. Charges applicable are mentioned\r\n below:\r\n

    • \r\n Cheque amount of less than Rs. 5000 :\r\n Rs.250\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 5000 & up to\r\n Rs. 10000 : Rs. 500\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 10000 & up to\r\n Rs. 1 Lac : Rs. 1000\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount of Rs. 1 Lac and above :\r\n Rs. 5000\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue another cheque, if my\r\n cheque bounces?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque got bounced due to\r\n insufficient funds or exceed arrangements,\r\n the consumer will not be able to make\r\n payment through cheque in that Financial\r\n Year.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue cheque, if my supply is\r\n Disconnected ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, consumer can pay their bill\r\n amount through cheque (Considering no\r\n cheque bounce history).\r\n


    \r\n Payment can be done for outstanding bill\r\n and reconnection charges as below:-\r\n

    • \r\n Bill payment via cheque and reconnection\r\n charge via cash and vice versa >Bill\r\n payment and reconnection charge together\r\n via cash.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bill payment and reconnection charge\r\n together via cheque . Please note, if in\r\n case the same get dishonoured, the\r\n supply will be disconnected and the\r\n Reconnection amount has to be paid\r\n again.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.When will my online payment be updated\r\n in my account?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. All payments made through other that\r\n RTGS / NEFT mode are updated on Real-time\r\n basis in consumers account except during\r\n system shutdown/maintenance when it may\r\n take up to 2 to 3 working days.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I approach to register my\r\n payment related complaint?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Complaints can be registered at:\r\n

    • NPCL Website.
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Mobile App.
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Our 24X7 Call centre at 0120-6226666 /\r\n 2333555.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the GST % will be charged\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. GST will be levied as per GST\r\n regulations and rates applicable to\r\n various services provided by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.For which services I have to pay GST\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per GST Circular No.\r\n 34/08/2018-GST dated 01st March 2018, GST\r\n is applicable on all the services provided\r\n by the NPCL except energy charges.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow7(!show7)}\r\n >\r\n Billing Related\r\n
    \r\n {show7 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How are bills prepared if the meter is\r\n not read?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If the actual meter reading is not\r\n acquired due to any reason; provisional\r\n bill will be raised which is subjected to\r\n adjustment upon receipt of actual meter\r\n reading in the subsequent months.\r\n Provisional bills are raised on average\r\n consumption of last 3 months.\r\n Inaccessibility to premises for 3 months\r\n or more could lead to disconnection of\r\n supply as per Electricity ̀ Supply Code\r\n 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the normal reading span for\r\n monthly Meter Reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter reading is normally taken\r\n between a period of 28 to 32 days from the\r\n last meter reading date. The same is\r\n intimated to you through SMS if your\r\n mobile number is registered with us. Fixed\r\n Charges and slabs for Energy charges are\r\n calculated proportionally for the billing\r\n period.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to calculate / understand\r\n electricity bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Please refer back side of\r\n electricity bill and check for applicable\r\n Tariff and Bill Calculation. Additionally,\r\n you can reach out to us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the meter reading system?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading of three phase meters is\r\n taken remotely through AMR or LPR\r\n facility. For Single Phase meters, meter\r\n readers go door-to-door and record\r\n readings in Hand Held Devices (HHD) /\r\n Meter Reading Terminals (MRT). Reading\r\n information can also be conveyed through\r\n SMS/Email registered with us.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why is my meter not read regularly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Any one of the following can be the\r\n reasons:\r\n

    • \r\n Your premises are vacant / locked for\r\n long period of time or constantly during\r\n daytime resulting in inaccessibility of\r\n meter to the reader. Code 2005.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Discrepancy in address in our database\r\n with the actual address may result in\r\n meter reader missing out your premises.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n If you observe such shortcomings in the\r\n address (as printed in bill), please bring\r\n the same to the notice of CR(Front Desk)\r\n at NPCL Customer Care Office immediately\r\n for corrections.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to approach when meter is not\r\n read ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If consumer premises is found locked,\r\n meter reader will stick a \"\"miss you\"\"\r\n sticker intimating about the failed\r\n reading attempt alongwith a contact number\r\n to coordinate the day & time of\r\n reading. Or you may:\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number (Only which is showing\r\n in KWH)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why fixed charges are not constant?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Fixed Charges defined by Monthly\r\n Tariff applies to a period of 30 days.\r\n When billing period is not 30 days,\r\n applicable fixed charges are calculated on\r\n prorata basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are Penal Demand Charges\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Use of load beyond the sanctioned\r\n load is a cognisable offence. Penal demand\r\n charges are levied in excess to fixed\r\n charges based on demand usage over and\r\n above the sanctioned load. It is thus\r\n advised to enhance your contracted load to\r\n avoid penal demand charges.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to calculate slab ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Slab based energy rates defined by\r\n Tariff is applicable for 30 days per month\r\n and is prorated on simple unitary method\r\n based on number of billing days i.e.\r\n difference between current reading date\r\n and previous reading date (both dates\r\n inclusive)\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Makeup Charges?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. : As per approved Tariff,\r\n consumers who are part of LMV-2\r\n (Commercial Supply) and LMV-9 (Temporary\r\n Supply) are subjected to load based\r\n minimum charges. If the sum of Fixed\r\n Charges (for LMV-2 only) and Energy\r\n Charges is less than applicable monthly\r\n minimum charge then differential amount is\r\n levied as Make Up Charges. Makeup charge =\r\n minimum charge - (fixed charges + energy\r\n charge).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Wrong reading mentioned on my bill.\r\n How to get it rectified?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Request for wrong reading can be\r\n registered through following touchpoints\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Email your concern at\r\n crm@noidapower.com. Do attach meter\r\n reading photograph for convenience.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in\r\n KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What to do if I am not satisfied with\r\n the meter reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are not satisfied with your\r\n bill, you may\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #SELFREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in\r\n KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third\r\n party vendor every month. You are\r\n requested to subscribe for e-bill for\r\n on-time and assured delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n In case you need duplicate bill copy, may\r\n please click on below link given on our\r\n website : You may reach out us through\r\n WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666 (DupBill{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #DUPBILL Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Q.How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you need duplicate bill copy,\r\n may please click on below link given on\r\n our website : You may also login to our\r\n website or Mobile www.noidapower.com App\r\n using your credentials (Username &\r\n Password) for downloading / viewing last 6\r\n bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need help\r\n in Sign In” tab under My Account tab.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed\r\n and Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed\r\n Payment Surcharge which is applicable due\r\n to non-payment of bills upto due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall be\r\n levied at 1.25% on the dues per month\r\n up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00%\r\n per month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity\r\n connection can be disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to lodge complaint through SMS?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can raise your complaint &\r\n avail other important information by\r\n sending SMS on 7840002288 from your\r\n registered mobile number. To see list of\r\n short codes with mandatory details, click\r\n on\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Is there any rebate if I pay bills\r\n online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, there is no additional rebate\r\n provided for online payments. However, a\r\n rebate of 1% against sum of Demand Charges\r\n & Energy Charges is provided upon\r\n payment within due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there are different colour bills?\r\n It denotes what ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Multi colour bills are designed to\r\n reflect upon varied consumer behaviour\r\n towards payment of dues and usage of\r\n electricity.\r\n

    • \r\n Blue Bill denotes timely bill payments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Green Bill denotes payment through\r\n digital mode and/or Solar Net Metering\r\n Consumer\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Orange Bill denotes delayed payment\r\n and/or arrears in current bill\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Red bill cautions consumer to abstain\r\n from unauthorized use of electricity\r\n based on site reporting.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How much interest paid on Security\r\n Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Interest is credited to consumers\r\n against existing security deposit on\r\n annual basis as per the bank rate\r\n prescribed by the RBI.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What would be the disconnection date\r\n once arrear is paid from the current\r\n month bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is advised to clear entire dues in\r\n event of arrears amount in current bill.\r\n However, if payment is made only against\r\n arrears, then disconnection date against\r\n current dues is 15 days from the due date\r\n as mentioned on the electricity bill.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can submit self meter reading ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The facility of self submission of\r\n meter reading is available for single\r\n phase consumers. Reading can be submitted\r\n through SMS, Website or App in the\r\n dedicated slot provided every month.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid\r\n meter? Do I need to make payment against\r\n bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number\r\n post bill generation. It can also be\r\n downloaded from our website via Quick\r\n E-bill Download or follow direct link:\r\n


    \r\n No payment is required to be made against\r\n the bill. Ensure sufficient balance in\r\n prepaid meter through timely recharge in\r\n order to avail uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How & when self reading can be\r\n provided by consumer?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading submission slot is 1st to\r\n 10th day of every month. You can easily\r\n reach out to us by sending SMS at\r\n 7840002288 (#SELFREADING\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading) or WHATSAPP us at\r\n 0120-6226666 (SelfReading{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading). The service is also\r\n available on our website &\r\n app.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n * Please note that reading should be in\r\n KWH parameter\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is power factor?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Power factor for the month is\r\n determined as the ratio of KWH (Active\r\n Power Consumption) to KVAH(Apparent power\r\n consumption).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the minimum Power Factor to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per the regulations of U.P.\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005 minimum\r\n power factor to be maintained is 0.75. If\r\n recorded power factor is less than\r\n 0.75,suitable action as per the provisions\r\n shall be initiated by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What can be the reason which may cause\r\n dip in Power Factor? How it is to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Majority of three phase connections\r\n constitutes of inductive load which draws\r\n non working / reactive power thereby\r\n increasing the KVAH(Apparent power\r\n consumption). Use of capacitor banks is\r\n helpful in offsetting this non working\r\n power requirement, but it should be\r\n regulated according to variance in load\r\n requirement by installing Automated Power\r\n Factor Controller(APFC). Regular check up\r\n and maintenance is also advised.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why it is important to maintain Power\r\n Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers above 10 KW are billed on\r\n KVAH basis as per the applicable tariff\r\n provisions. Dip in power factor(P.F.)\r\n cause increase in KVAH consumption which\r\n in turn results in higher energy charges\r\n for the consumer. Also, it reduces the\r\n effective distribution network capacity of\r\n NPCL which can lead to power outage in the\r\n area.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the consequences if power\r\n factor controller is not working\r\n properly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Failure of power factor controller\r\n i.e. APFC/Capacitor banks will lead to\r\n inadequate/over compensation of reactive\r\n power requirement. In both scenarios, KVAH\r\n consumption will suddenly increase leading\r\n to higher energy charges being billed.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can NPCL help in improving Power\r\n Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, it is consumer's responsibility\r\n to maintain their power factor from time\r\n to time\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third\r\n party vendor every month. You are\r\n requested to subscribe for e-bill for\r\n on-time and assured delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. \"You are required to login on our\r\n website or Mobile www.noidapower.com App\r\n using your credentials (Username &\r\n Password) for downloading / viewing last 6\r\n bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need help\r\n in Sign In” tab under My Account tab\".\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed\r\n and Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed\r\n Payment Surcharge which is applicable due\r\n to non-payment of bills upto due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall be\r\n levied at 1.25% on the dues per month\r\n up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00%\r\n per month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity\r\n connection can be disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. How the differential units are\r\n getting calculated on common\r\n (Physical/Virtual) connection  for\r\n multipoint connections?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans.{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in\r\n physical common meter :\r\n {\" \"}\r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code\r\n dated: 10-08-2018, the total energy\r\n consumption of the electricity recorded at\r\n the reference meter shall be compared with\r\n the total electricity consumption of all\r\n the individual meters & common area meter.\r\n In case the difference in energy\r\n consumption for any billing cycle works\r\n out to be higher than permissable loss\r\n level i.e. 4% in case of 11KV supply / 5%\r\n in case of voltage higher than 11 KV, then\r\n the difference of energy beyond\r\n permissible loss level shall be added in\r\n the consumption of common area billing.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in\r\n Virtual common meter :\r\n \r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code\r\n dated: 05-08-2020, no physical common\r\n meter is to be installed at consumer\r\n premise and differential units calculation\r\n is to be done on the basis of the logic as\r\n described below: Total energy consumption\r\n of the electricity recorded at the\r\n reference meter shall be compared with the\r\n total electricity consumption of all the\r\n individual meters. In case the difference\r\n in energy consumption for any billing\r\n cycle works out to be higher than\r\n permissable loss level i.e. 4% in case of\r\n 11KV supply / 5% in case of voltage higher\r\n than 11 KV, then the difference of energy\r\n beyond permissible loss level shall be\r\n divided among all the individual consumers\r\n in proportion to their contractual load.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is TDS/TCS charged in bills?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. TDS (Tax Deduction at Source):{\" \"}\r\n The tax shall be deducted under Section\r\n 194Q by a consumer/buyer carrying on a\r\n business whose total sales, gross receipts\r\n or turnover from the business exceeds Rs.\r\n 10 crores during the financial year\r\n immediately preceding the financial year\r\n in which such goods are purchased.\r\n
    \r\n The tax shall be deducted by the\r\n consumer/buyer of goods at the rate of\r\n 0.1% of the purchase value exceeding Rs.\r\n 50 lakhs.\r\n
    \r\n TCS (Tax Collection at Source): The\r\n Finance Act, 2020 inserted sub-section\r\n (1H) in section 206C with effect from 1st\r\n Oct’20 to levy the tax collection at\r\n source on sale of goods. The Company is\r\n liable to collect TCS at the rate of 0.1%\r\n on consideration received from a Consumer\r\n in excess of fifty lakh rupees in a\r\n financial year.\r\n
    \r\n In non-PAN/ Aadhaar* cases the rate shall\r\n be 1% .
    \r\n In case of PAN is not available or invalid\r\n PAN, the tax shall be deducted at the rate\r\n of 5%.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is Additional Security Deposit\r\n (ASD) charged in bills, when it is\r\n charged and how it is calculated?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per Clause 4.2 (e) of UPERC Supply\r\n Code, 2005: If the security deposit falls\r\n short of covering the estimated power\r\n consumption bill for 45 days based on his\r\n average monthly consumption for the\r\n preceding financial year, then demand for\r\n Additional Security Deposit (ASD) is made\r\n to consumers equivalent to the difference\r\n of amount between the existing security\r\n deposit and 45 days average power\r\n consumption bill. Also, the demand for ASD\r\n is only made when the required ASD payable\r\n by the consumer exceeds 10% of the\r\n existing security deposit.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow6(!show6)}\r\n >\r\n Theft Related\r\n
    \r\n {show6 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Where I can contact in case of Direct\r\n theft booked on my consumer number.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit to Our Office at KP-II\r\n from 10:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) for\r\n any detailed information about theft\r\n booked or may contact our 24X7 CALL CENTER\r\n - 0120 6226666 or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666, write Theft (to report\r\n electricity theft) may please click on\r\n given link to register online complaint.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to report Direct Theft\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can call and complain against\r\n theft of electricity / tampering of meter\r\n through following avenues:\r\n

    • Helpline Number : 9891222240
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mobile App
    • \r\n
    • CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666
    • \r\n

    \r\n Your identity shall remain confidential\r\n and action will be taken at the earliest.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is meant by “Direct Theft”?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Section 135(1) of Electricity Act,\r\n 2003 as amended by Electricity (amendment)\r\n Act , 2007, Theft of electricity is\r\n defined as, whoever dishonestly,\r\n

    • \r\n a) Taps Electricity line:\r\n
      • - overhead
      • \r\n
      • - underground
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n b) Tampers meter:\r\n
      • - usage of tampered meter
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - current reversing transformer\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - loop connection
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - other device interferes with\r\n accurate/proper registration. c)\r\n Other device/method result in a\r\n manner whereby:\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - electricity is stolen
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - damages/destroys an electric\r\n meter/ apparatus/equipment/wire/\r\n cause\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n c) Uses electricity through a tampered\r\n meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n d) Uses electricity for purposes other\r\n than that which was authorized.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow5(!show5)}\r\n >\r\n Disconnection Related\r\n
    \r\n {show5 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for permanent\r\n disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you want your connection to be\r\n permanently disconnected, you have to\r\n submit the ID proof, last paid bill with\r\n our written application form at Customer\r\n Care Office at KP-I or Techzone-4*. 2 Years\r\n Lock-in Period is applicable for all\r\n consumers except LMV-9 (Temporary\r\n Connection) from last date of any change\r\n in contract. Please follow the link to\r\n know documentation requirement *Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines of Permanent\r\n Disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Disconnection of supply will\r\n completed within 30 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can I apply for the same meter after\r\n surrendering of current meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the connection is permanently\r\n disconnected, consumer has to follow new\r\n connection application process for getting\r\n an electricity connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for refunding of\r\n security funds?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Consumer Care Centre at\r\n KP-I or Techzone-4, and submit all the\r\n requisite documents which are mentioned at\r\n the back side of application form. Please\r\n follow the link to know documentation\r\n requirement Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why and when MCG charges are\r\n applicable for Permanent Disconnection\r\n application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. MCG calculated as per provisions of\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005. The Tariff\r\n Orders issued by Hon’ble Uttar Pradesh\r\n Electricity Regulatory Commission (“State\r\n Commission”) from time to time.Clause 4.14\r\n (Agreement) - Point (h) However, if the\r\n agreement is to be terminated before\r\n completion of 2 years: 30 (i) Consumer\r\n shall be liable to pay the minimum charges\r\n (or the demand / fixed charges, if no\r\n minimum charges are prescribed for that\r\n category) for a period of 6 months or the\r\n period by which the total duration of the\r\n agreement falls short of 2 years,\r\n whichever is lower.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow4(!show4)}\r\n >\r\n Reconnection Related\r\n
    \r\n {show4 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n making the part payment of outstanding\r\n amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reconnection is not allowed on part\r\n payment.\r\n



    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Criteria (load & Category){\" \"}\r\n DR charges (Rs.)*
    \r\n Pre-paid Meters - Single phase{\" \"}\r\n - Zero
    Pre-paid Meters -3 phase - Zero
    Smart Meters - Single phase - 100
    Smart Meters - 3 phase - 200
    >75 KW/100BHP - 2000
    \r\n LMV-6 (having load <=75KW/100BHP){\" \"}\r\n - 1000
    All others categories - 600


    \r\n Note: * 18% GST is applicable on DR\r\n charges and supply will be reconnected\r\n within 48 hrs. for Rural and 24 hrs. for\r\n urban after payment of Outstanding dues\r\n along with reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines for\r\n Reconnection after temporary\r\n disconnection of supply?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Timeline for reconnection of supply\r\n will be Maximum of 48 Hrs for Rural and 24\r\n hrs in Urban after payment of bill &\r\n Reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection when\r\n meter already removed at site?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n final bill generation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision of\r\n reconnection. Once the payment of final\r\n bill is done, consumer has to apply for\r\n new connection with all required\r\n documents.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow3(!show3)}\r\n >\r\n Website / Mobile App Related\r\n
    \r\n {show3 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the procedure to Login on{\" \"}\r\n \r\n www.noidapower.com ?\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Go to www.noidapower.com. Click on\r\n “Consumer Login” and register your\r\n Consumer Number or click on the link:\r\n www.npcl.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various\r\n services/information available on NPCL's\r\n website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.The main features of website are as\r\n follows:\r\n

    • \r\n About NPCL and Contact Details of\r\n registered offices\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bill Payment Option
    • \r\n
    • Outage Alerts
    • \r\n
    • Service Application and Complaint
    • \r\n
    • Tariff Details
    • \r\n
    • Report a Concern
    • \r\n
    • Account Registration
    • \r\n
    • CSR activities
    • \r\n
    • Self Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Ebill Download
    • \r\n
    • Quick Bill Payment
    • \r\n
    • Contact Us
    • \r\n
    • Online Application
    • \r\n
    • Payment Options
    • \r\n
    • Pre-paid Meter Recharge
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer Services for Application form,\r\n Document Checklist, Online Meter\r\n Testing, SMS Based Services, WhatsApp\r\n based services, Customer Care office\r\n Queue Status, Single to Multipoint\r\n Conversion, Consumer Awareness and Many\r\n more.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to reset password ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Password can be reset after clicking\r\n forgot password option. You have to punch\r\n your registered email id and consumer\r\n number to receive an updated password , if\r\n problem still persist please write us at\r\n crm@noida power.com)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How and from where a consumer can\r\n update his contact details ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. For updating contact details (mobile\r\n number/ email-id) consumer can login to\r\n our website or mobile app.\r\n www.noidapower.com You may also visit our\r\n customer care office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday, along with the BP No.\r\n and ID proof of registered consumer or\r\n company. You may also write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Is it safe to give my bank details on\r\n NPCL website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security\r\n standards to ensure that the data entered\r\n by consumers remains confidential.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Do I need to pay extra charges for\r\n online payment?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL does not levy any extra charge\r\n for online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway, Wallets and other service\r\n providers may levy service charges along\r\n with applicable taxes for transaction\r\n above Rs. 4,000/-.\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Paytm Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1.10%\r\n of the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Bill desk Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1% of\r\n the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, 3% per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Why this month bill is not updated on\r\n Website Mobile app ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are generated from time to time\r\n from commercial department. It might be\r\n possible due to some certain reason bill\r\n of this month may be delayed and it’s not\r\n generated yet. Once it will have generated\r\n in SAP system then PDF and bill details\r\n will appear on Website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What happen if my ID is locked in\r\n NPCL Website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. USERID will be automatic unlock in 24\r\n hours for the website users\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What all the features available on\r\n Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After Login fetures are as follows :\r\n

    • Bill and Payment History
    • \r\n
    • Register Request & Complaints
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Consumption Analysis
    • \r\n
    • Energy Calculator
    • \r\n
    • Request & Complaint Status
    • \r\n
    • Subscribe for E-bill
    • \r\n
    • Self-Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Payment
    • \r\n
    • Energy Tips
    • \r\n
    • KYC Updation
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is Un-Authenticated Sender\r\n issue.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. User details like USERNAME, Email ID\r\n and Password are not matched when user\r\n face this kind of problem.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow2(!show2)}\r\n >\r\n Complaint Against Services Related\r\n
    \r\n {show2 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the process of applying for\r\n New Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant can download or fill the\r\n online New Connection Service form from\r\n our website and upload necessary documents\r\n www.noidapower.com as mentioned in the\r\n documents checklist. You can also visit\r\n our Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday, to apply in person.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Within how much time should the\r\n connection be provided to me?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the application and necessary\r\n documents are reviewed at NPCL, and\r\n estimate gets generated which needs to be\r\n paid by the consumer. Post which it will\r\n take approximately 7 working days* for the\r\n apparatus to be installed at the consumers\r\n premises and for the energization of\r\n supply.\r\n


    \r\n *This SLA is applicable for the urban\r\n domestic connection where no augmentation\r\n of main is required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why I have not received my estimate\r\n intimation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you have successfully submitted\r\n your new service application form at our\r\n Customer Care Office or Online , we\r\n process the application in our system and\r\n it gets forwarded to concerned department\r\n for the Commercial & LCC Dues,\r\n Technical feasibility check. Once\r\n clearance is received from all the\r\n departments it is followed by estimate\r\n preparation. During this process system\r\n generated messages are triggered, after\r\n completion of necessary stages. Thus, you\r\n are requested to please wait for the same\r\n as we will be working on 1st cum 1st serve\r\n basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I pay the Estimate amount Online\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online\r\n thru NPCL website or you may visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday to apply in person for\r\n payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Estimate paid but meter not installed\r\n yet?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post payment of estimated amount, New\r\n connection will be provided within 7 days\r\n where no Augmentation of existing mains\r\n are required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for the status of\r\n application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to apply for refunding of security\r\n fund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday to apply for security refund,\r\n please follow the link to know\r\n documentation requirement\r\n (https://www.noidapower.com/Services/Document_Checklist)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Paper Formalities Required for Load\r\n Reduction?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to fill application and\r\n provide all the requisite documentation\r\n which are mentioned on the back side of\r\n application form. Please follow the link\r\n to know documentation requirement. Please\r\n note for load reduction consumer can only\r\n apply after two years from date of\r\n energization. For Temp. Supply, consumer\r\n can apply for load reduction at any point\r\n of time.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can consumer find the status of\r\n request against New Connection?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of a New\r\n Connection request, consumer may use\r\n following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Can write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Estimate not Received Yet\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you have not received any\r\n update after 7-10 days of applying for\r\n request.To know the status of application\r\n you may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to\r\n know the short codes follow the link or\r\n can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is minimum charges & why it\r\n is to be paid.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to bear the minimum\r\n charges based on the total sanctioned load\r\n & as per the applicable tariff rate it\r\n is been calculated for remaining Tenure in\r\n case you have not completed 2 yrs. to the\r\n connection or recent load\r\n enhancement/reduction process. In Case the\r\n maximum demand recorded in any of the last\r\n 2 billing cycles is higher than the\r\n reduced contracted load consumer can not\r\n opt for the proposed contracted load\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is Augmentation? How much time it\r\n take to complete?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Augmentation means\r\n improvement/enhancement of the system\r\n capacity to be able to cater to the\r\n increased electricity load requirement.\r\n Such augmentation needs capital\r\n investment. Sometimes, only after requests\r\n received for new connections or load\r\n enhancement; particularly if the requested\r\n load is high. Different types of\r\n Augmentation may be required such as:\r\n

    • Low Tension (LT) Line Extension
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Capacity Augmentation
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Complete electrification of an un-electrified area
    • */}\r\n

    \r\n Timeline for different type of\r\n augmentations are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Type of augmentation Timeline\r\n required for augmentation{\" \"}\r\n (Working Days)
    LT Network augmentation - 60
    Transformer Augmentation - 120
    \r\n HT - 11 KV Network Strengthening{\" \"}\r\n - 180
    \r\n Un-electrified Area or New Grid\r\n Required{\" \"}\r\n - 180


    \r\n \r\n Q.How and where to approach for Shifting\r\n of Mains ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. We accept application for following\r\n request\r\n

    • Meter Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Pole Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Service Cable Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Penal Feeder Box Shifting
    • \r\n

    \r\n For the shifting related request an\r\n application along with the copy of id\r\n proof and last paid bill is required\r\n (please follow the link to be submitted at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday. After verification\r\n of documents, site visit is arranged to\r\n check the feasibility to fulfil the\r\n request and then a survey report is\r\n prepared and accordingly estimate is\r\n generated as per Regulatory guidelines.\r\n Once the payment of estimate is done then\r\n shifting will be executed\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What Documents are required for Load\r\n Enhancement/ Load Reduction/ Name\r\n Change/ Category Change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please click Here.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the TAT for completion of\r\n Service Application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous load/\r\n category, except shifting of mains , as it\r\n depends upon site condition and\r\n availability of material.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where we can contact in case of any\r\n information required for service\r\n request.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the payment options for\r\n estimate payment ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online\r\n thru NPCL website or you may visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday to apply inperson for\r\n payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the basis of calculation of\r\n Security Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The security deposit maintainable for\r\n a consumer is equivalent to 2 times the\r\n average bill value for the financial year\r\n under reference. For a new applicant, the\r\n security deposit will be determined on the\r\n basis of load applied.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my application is been Pending\r\n since long.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, To know the status of\r\n application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes\r\n follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to contact in case of\r\n application rejected due to LCC/Theft?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When am I required to pay Additional\r\n Security Deposit (ASD)?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Each year the security deposit is\r\n reviewed in the month of April on the\r\n basis of last one year consumption. The\r\n statement of Security Deposit account is\r\n given in the bill for the month of April.\r\n If the maintainable Security Deposit is\r\n more than the security Deposit “held”\r\n amount, additional security deposit is\r\n required to be paid.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required in\r\n case of Small Correction in Connection\r\n Details such as Spelling of Name,\r\n inadequate Address?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The documentary proof for the desired\r\n change along with latest paid bill receipt\r\n along with correction form by the property\r\n owner. You may visit Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What happens if the Security Deposit\r\n amount held is more than the Security\r\n Deposit Maintainable amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In the above scenario, no ASD request\r\n will be placed however, as per the RBI\r\n guidelines interest gets credited for the\r\n held security amount.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How do I get refund of Security\r\n Deposit after account closure?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After necessary adjustment, the\r\n Security Deposit amount held with us is\r\n refunded with an A/c payee cheque in the\r\n name of the registered consumer at the\r\n recorded address.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When I can apply for Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may apply for Security\r\n Refund in below given senarios :\r\n

    • \r\n *Once the connection is Permanently\r\n Disconnected\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * Once the property is sold and also\r\n name mutation has been completed in\r\n records and earlier connection gets\r\n permanently disconnected, the\r\n Old/Earlier property holder may apply\r\n for Security Refund\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required for\r\n Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Click here\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who is eligible to get Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Only the registered consumer or Old\r\n owner (in case of property sold out) can\r\n apply for Security Refund\r\n


    \r\n Q.Can I get Final Bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. After meter removal from site final\r\n bill get generated within 15 days and\r\n final copy may be provided whrein consumer\r\n himself/herself, have requested for\r\n permannet disconnection and having\r\n relevant notification no. too.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to apply for NOC ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you get the final bill copy and\r\n upon making necessary bill payments (if\r\n any), consumer may apply for NOC from our\r\n customer care office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV ..Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My New Connection service request\r\n is pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the siite work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending. To know the\r\n status of a New Connection request,\r\n consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Can write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n New Connection service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n & after receving site report, Estimate\r\n get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate.In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist new\r\n service request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n 7-10 days time for meter installation.\r\n Only if there is any right of way issue,\r\n it may take more time for completing the\r\n assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by\r\n consumer to our service team. You may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services\r\n on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n assistance, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Name Mutation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Name Mutation is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous details. In\r\n case of any doubt you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666\r\n NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No.For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Load Augmentation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n & after receving site report, Estimate\r\n get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Load Augmentation service\r\n request is pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the site work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending you may visit\r\n us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist Load\r\n Augmentation request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n 7-10 days time for meter installation.\r\n Only if there is any right of way issue,\r\n it may take more time for completing the\r\n assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by\r\n consumer to our service team. You may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services\r\n on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n assistance, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Category Change is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous details. In\r\n case of any doubt you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666\r\n CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Category Change service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Load Reduction service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit (As\r\n & when required) & after receving\r\n site report, Estimate get generated &\r\n sent for necessary approvals. We shall\r\n keep you posted with SMS/EMail alert\r\n containing payment link of estimate. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Load Reduction is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the billing, during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous load details.\r\n In case of any doubt you may reach out to\r\n us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Shifting request is pending for\r\n Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the site work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Shifting request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Shifting request\r\n it will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n & after receving site report, Estimate\r\n get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there is no action taken at site ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the siite work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you\r\n may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name correction is still\r\n pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you\r\n may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction is still\r\n pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connections floor\r\n wise?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In domestic high rise building\r\n electricity connection to individual\r\n owner/occupant are provided on multipoint\r\n scheme as per the guidelines of 13th\r\n Ammendmant of Electricity Supply Code,\r\n 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What should be the file type and size\r\n to upload for new connection online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. File size can't exceed 15 mb per\r\n documentation type.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connection through\r\n mobile app?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, you can apply new connection\r\n from NPCL mobile app.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How much I have to pay for Prepaid\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, service charges and\r\n security (if applicable) as specified in\r\n Cost Data Book which shall be calculated\r\n based upon your application and site\r\n survey.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can apply for Temporary\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are intending to carry out any\r\n construction work at your premise and\r\n seeking of electricity connection for\r\n construction activity, then, you will have\r\n to apply for temorary connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the Documentation requirement\r\n for Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant has to fill application\r\n form for new connection and provide all\r\n the requisite documentation which are\r\n mentioned on the back side of new\r\n connection application form.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to convert from temporary to\r\n permanent?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete construction work\r\n and obtains building completion\r\n certificate from concerned authority i.e.\r\n GNIDA/UPSIDC, you can apply for Permanent\r\n connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges of temporary\r\n connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, security deposit and\r\n service charges as specified in Cost Data\r\n Book which shall be calculated based upon\r\n your application and site survey\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is B&L form and why it is\r\n required in load augmentation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. B&L form or Work completion\r\n certificate form is filled by the licensed\r\n electrical contractor who has carried out\r\n electrical wiring/installation of premise.\r\n This certifies that electrical\r\n wiring/installation is done following all\r\n the regualtions and includes the\r\n equipments details installed, insulation\r\n test result of the wiring/installation.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for status of Online\r\n New Connection application\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow(!show)}\r\n >\r\n Supply Related\r\n
    \r\n\r\n {show ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to resolve supply-related\r\n complaints on power interruptions or\r\n unsatisfactory voltage profile?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Register the complaint at NPCL's\r\n helpline no. +91-0120 6226666 along with\r\n 10-digit consumer number printed at the\r\n upper left corner of your electricity bill\r\n and one complaint number will be intimated\r\n to you for future reference. NPCL\r\n fault-repairing crew will attend to the\r\n cause of the complaint and resolve the\r\n same within the following time limits:\r\n

    • Urban: 3 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Rural: 12 Hours
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Industrial & Instittutional : 4\r\n Hours\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Transformer failure : 72 Hours
    • \r\n

    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) May also download our\r\n mobile app for easy & quick\r\n access.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to address the problem of\r\n frequent tripping of MCB or blowing of\r\n fuse?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Contact a Licensed Electrical\r\n contractor (L.E.C.) to locate the cause.\r\n If there is a fault/defect in your wiring\r\n installations, rectify the same.\r\n


    \r\n If the load of your installation is more\r\n than the load allowed by NPCL, please\r\n apply for enhancement of load by filling\r\n up a form available at NPCL office KP-1\r\n & know more about the same.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default ServiceRelatedComplaintFAQ;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst TheftRelatedComplaint = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Theft Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Theft Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Theft Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    New Registration


    \r\n Welcome to NPCL Supplier Registration Portal\r\n

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    \r\n Declaration\r\n

    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n * Yes I have read the data privacy\r\n statement and accept the terms.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Submit\r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default TheftRelatedComplaint;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst TheftRelatedComplaintStatus = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Theft Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Theft Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Theft Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n


    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default TheftRelatedComplaintStatus;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst TheftRelatedComplaintFeedback = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Theft Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Theft Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Theft Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    Feedback Form

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Ease of Accessing Information on Website

    \r\n \r\n 😒 Poor\r\n \r\n \r\n 😐 OK\r\n \r\n \r\n 😏 Good\r\n \r\n \r\n 😁 Great\r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n Submit\r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default TheftRelatedComplaintFeedback;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst TheftRelatedComplaintCMP = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Theft Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Theft Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Theft Related Complaint

    • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n

    Complaint Management Process (Guide)

    \r\n \r\n

    TIER – I: NPCL Complaint escalation & Redressal structure
    In case of any concern/ request you may visit our Customer Care Office and meet the following official with complete detail:

    • Level 1: Customer Relation Officer
    • \r\n
    • Level 2: Customer Relation Managers
    • \r\n
    • Level 3:Concern Departmental Heads with prior appointment
    • \r\n

    Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF): A forum is constituted under the Chairmanship of a retired Judge and two other members wherein the Consumers of electricity can file their complaints for the redressal of their grievances related to deficiency/ error in bill or services or any non- compliance of standards & directions issued by the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission in this regard.


    Address of the forum: Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF), 33/11KV Electric Sub Station, Block-D, Opposite Ryan International School, Sector Alpha-1, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201310.


    Phone No. of the Secretary of the Forum – 9911411373


    Public Hearing by the Forum: A monthly camp is organized on the 17th of every month (in case, 17th being Saturday/holiday, after holiday) at CGRF, where the employees of NPCL are also present.


    TIER – III:
    Electricity Ombudsman: An Appeal can be filled before the Electricity Ombudsman of the State on not being satisfied by the order of the CGRF.


    Address of the Office of Electricity Ombudsman: Niyamak Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 226010 Phone No. – 0522- 2720856, Fax- 0522-2720857,


    Email: eo-up@uperc.org

    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default TheftRelatedComplaintCMP;\r\n","import React, { useState } from \"react\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\nconst TheftRelatedComplaintFAQ = () => {\r\n const [show, setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [show2, setShow2] = useState(false);\r\n const [show3, setShow3] = useState(false);\r\n const [show4, setShow4] = useState(false);\r\n const [show5, setShow5] = useState(false);\r\n const [show6, setShow6] = useState(false);\r\n const [show7, setShow7] = useState(false);\r\n const [show8, setShow8] = useState(false);\r\n const [show9, setShow9] = useState(false);\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Theft Related Complaint

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n Register a Complaint\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    7. \r\n \r\n Theft Related Complaint\r\n \r\n
    8. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Theft Related Complaint

    \r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Register\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Status\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Complaint Management Process (Guide)\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n


    \r\n setShow9(!show9)}\r\n >\r\n Meter Related\r\n
    \r\n {show9 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be done in case there is\r\n no supply in the meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n In case the nearby are is under Supply\r\n Outage, you may wait until the supply is\r\n restored. If there is no power even after\r\n the supply is restored Consumer may\r\n contact at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666 You may reach out us through\r\n WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NoPower Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What to do in case of meter is\r\n running fast/ excess billing?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Domestic Consumer: May please check\r\n the internal wiring by any private\r\n electrician. If no such issue persist may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666 or visit Customer Care Office\r\n at KP-I to register request for Meter\r\n Testing. Demand note for meter testing\r\n fees will be generated as per UPERC\r\n guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n Industrial & Institutional Consumers :\r\n May please check the Power Factor &\r\n Neutral disturbance issue to avoid any\r\n demand shoot-up in billing. if persist may\r\n kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre No.\r\n 0120-6226666\r\n


    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (BillDispute{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #BILLDISPUTE{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or else you may also\r\n visit our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday\r\n to Friday.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to analysis correct meter\r\n consumption/ abnormal consumption?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In a normal house hold having 1 or 2\r\n A/C’s along with Geyser, Fridge etc., the\r\n average units consumed may be between 500\r\n to 1000 Units per month depending upon\r\n actual use. If consumer feel that the\r\n consumption is more as compared to the\r\n usage and load, we request consumers to\r\n please get their wiring checked by\r\n competent electrician with respect to\r\n below mentioned points:\r\n

    • \r\n To check any Earth Leakage in the\r\n internal wiring or not.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of multiple connections in the\r\n building, whether your internal wiring\r\n has a separate neutral wire and should\r\n not be mixed with other connections.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Check if someone else is also using\r\n supply from your meter or not.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n However, it is to inform that, NPCL will\r\n not be responsible for higher consumptions\r\n due to any of the above reasons but taking\r\n action by consumer will reduce the\r\n consumption. After having checked all the\r\n above, If consumption is still not reduced\r\n as per consumer’s expectation, then he is\r\n having an option to get the meter tested\r\n by contacting our helpline\r\n number+91-120-2333555 Apply online for\r\n meter testing or visit Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday. and get the offline requests\r\n generated for meter checking . Meter\r\n Testing fees will be generated & added\r\n in subsequent bill as per UPERC\r\n guidelines.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various reasons of meter\r\n change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. A Distribution Licensee may change\r\n the meter from time to time for any of the\r\n following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the timelines/Resolutions\r\n for Meter Testing, Fast, Slow, Burnt,\r\n Damaged, Stop, Faulty, Shifting?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14\r\n working days for meter replacement.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days\r\n after estimate payment for testing &\r\n another 14 working days for replacement\r\n if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Shifting: 7 Working Days as\r\n per site conditions\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges for Meter\r\n testing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing\r\n fee shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection\r\n to prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park -1\r\n or Techzone-4, Greater Noida . Consumer\r\n has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form and\r\n submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges\r\n for conversion from post-paid to\r\n pre-paid or for new connection\r\n installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter charges to paid as per UPERC\r\n cost data book enforce\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the meaning of downloading of\r\n parameter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Various parameters measured and\r\n recorded by the meter are finally\r\n downloaded for billing/ monitoring\r\n purpose. The downloading of parameter\r\n means transferring the recorded data from\r\n meter to the records of the company.\r\n Downloading can be automatic (AMR) or\r\n using a gadget. However we can capture\r\n data / parameter by reading the display\r\n recording on a notebook.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Who can apply for Prepaid Meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers pertatining to below\r\n mentioned categories can apply for prepaid\r\n meter:\r\n

    • LMV-1
    • \r\n
    • LMV-2
    • \r\n
    • LMV-5
    • \r\n
    • LMV-9
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to recharge prepaid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Prepaid meter recharge coupon are\r\n available at cash collection centre and\r\n can be paid via cash/DD/Credit or debit\r\n card from our customer care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday..\r\n Recharge can be done online via NPCL’s\r\n website or PAYTM.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How does the alarm work in Pre-paid\r\n meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If your credit gets below Rs.100/-,\r\n you will have an alarm for 30 seconds.\r\n Press any button to turn it off. The alarm\r\n will be repeated every half an hour until\r\n recharged. It is advised that once meter\r\n reached its minimum limit recharge\r\n immediately to avoid disconnection. You\r\n can also set minimum limit as per your\r\n convenience.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact in case of misplacing\r\n of Recharge Coupon?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Simply visit the NPCL Cash Collection\r\n Center for re-issuing of recharge coupon\r\n which will be done free of cost. Consumer\r\n have to mention BP no./ Meter no. to get\r\n the recharge coupon. May please note- the\r\n coupon is specific to your meter hence\r\n cannot be used elsewhere.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to convert post-paid connection\r\n into prepaid connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park -1\r\n or Techzone-4, Greater Noida . Consumer\r\n has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form and\r\n submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the security deposit charges\r\n for conversion from post-paid to\r\n pre-paid or for new connection\r\n installation in Pre-paid?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the documents required if\r\n meter get stolen?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You have to submit an application,\r\n original FIR, ID proof of registered\r\n consumer at our Customer Care office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n Note: Meter charges are applicable as per\r\n UPERC cost data book.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the New Meter cost in Meter\r\n stolen cases?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the consumer process the\r\n application for re-installation of meter\r\n in case of Meter Stolen, applicable meter\r\n charges to paid as per UPERC cost data\r\n book enforce.\r\n


    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the new meter\r\n cost shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if meter is not at\r\n the premises?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please contact our Call at our 24X7\r\n CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666 or you may\r\n visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why my meter screen is blank.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in\r\n the area and your supply is not coming, if\r\n Yes, you may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 to register\r\n complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NOPOWER{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or visit atCustomer Care\r\n office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.. In case supply\r\n is ON but no display on meter,\r\n register complaint for meter display\r\n problem on above given numbers. Our\r\n Team will visit to do the needful\r\n within 7 working days.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If my meter box has a husky display,\r\n what should I do ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Is your meter box is having husky\r\n display.Kindly contact 24X7 Call Centre\r\n No. 0120-6226666 or visit at our Customer\r\n Care office at Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday. and register complaint\r\n for meter display problem. Our Team will\r\n visit to do the needful within 7 working\r\n days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Where to report incase of No Display\r\n in the meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may contact at our 24X7 CALL\r\n CENTER - 0120 6226666 or visit at our\r\n Customer Care office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday and register\r\n complaint for meter display problem. Our\r\n Team will visit to do the needful within 7\r\n working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the charges of meter testing\r\n and why is it mandatory to pay ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter Testing Charges are as follows:\r\n

    • Single Phase Rs.207
    • \r\n
    • Three Phase Rs.413
    • \r\n
    • LT/CT, CT/HT Meter Rs.1180
    • \r\n

    \r\n *All Applicable taxes on the meter testing\r\n fee shall also be charged as per the\r\n norms.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the different options\r\n available for Meter Testing?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Online from our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer\r\n services tab wherein \"Online Meter\r\n Testing\" option is available.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may also visit Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I know the status of Meter\r\n Testing Request ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may visit our website\r\n www.noidapower.com and refer consumer\r\n services tab wherein \"Online Meter\r\n Testing\" option is available : You may\r\n also download our Mobile application and\r\n apply for meter testing or else it can be\r\n placed by calling to our 24X7 helpline\r\n numbers on or 0120-6226666 You may also\r\n visit Customer Care Office at Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. On what basis the meter testing fee\r\n is imposed?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter testing fees is charged on\r\n \"type of meter\" and it is applicable as\r\n per UPERC Tariff Order.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Would you refund the testing fee if\r\n meter found ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no provision for refund of\r\n testing fees.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive testing report on\r\n meter testing? What is the procedure of\r\n complaining if I don’t receive one?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Everytime when we will test meter a\r\n test reprt is issued to our consumer. In\r\n case you have not received it, you may\r\n write us at CRM@noidapower.com. You may\r\n also visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Which parameter define that meter is\r\n faulty or meter testing is Ok?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Kindly note that meter testing is\r\n done on many factors such as meter\r\n accuracy results , display parameters\r\n & downloaded data analysis on which\r\n testing engineer will confirm whether\r\n meter is faulty or meter is working\r\n normal.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meters are changed without any\r\n complaint?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case of technology upgradation or\r\n periodic replacement from Old to New\r\n Generation meter as per the Guideline of\r\n Hon’ble Regulatory Commission.\r\n


    \r\n A Distribution Licensee may change the\r\n meter from time to time for any of the\r\n following reasons:\r\n

    • Version Upgrade
    • \r\n
    • Meter is burnt
    • \r\n
    • Meter is faulty
    • \r\n
    • Meter is damaged
    • \r\n
    • No display in the meter
    • \r\n
    • Suspected to be tampered
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How much time will you take to\r\n replace the faulty meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Stop/Meter Damaged: 14\r\n working days for meter replacement\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Slow/Fast: 14 working days\r\n after estimate payment for testing &\r\n another 14 working days for replacement\r\n if required\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Meter Burnt: 3 Working Days for\r\n replacement of the burnt meter\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if there is No power\r\n after successful recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Time period for compliances :\r\n

    • \r\n For Secure Prepaid meters\r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office it\r\n may be your main MCB be off which is\r\n located in Electric shaft in\r\n societies/ check your MCB status\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M\r\n to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more\r\n about the same. Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n
      • \r\n Check balance / supply status in\r\n mobile aap.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact your maintenance office.\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4 :\r\n
      • \r\n
      • \r\n Contact NPCL Customer Care office at\r\n KP-1 or Techzone-4 :During 10:00 A.M\r\n to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more\r\n about the same. Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV.\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid\r\n meter\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number\r\n post bill generation. It can also be\r\n downloaded from our website via Quick\r\n E-bill Download : or follow direct link:\r\n No payment is required to be made against\r\n the bill. Ensure sufficient balance in\r\n prepaid meter through timely recharge in\r\n order to avail uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact if the meter doesn’t\r\n show the credit amount after recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please refer our prepaid meter manual\r\n available at our website and refer page\r\n no. 6 & 7 Or In case, payment is been\r\n done but credit still pending, you may\r\n contact at our helpline no. +91-0120\r\n 6226666 or else if issue still persist,\r\n please visit our customer care office, KP-1\r\n or Techzone-4 in person :During 10:00 A.M\r\n to 5:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) to know more about\r\n the same. Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n .\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why meter is beeping when it is\r\n already recharge?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n There is a provision in meter to set\r\n recharge limit if balance will go down\r\n from this limit then only meter will\r\n start beeping at low balance . This\r\n feature is configurable ,consumer itself\r\n can set this limit as per their\r\n consumption pattern.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Freedom Bluetooth unit may be faulty (\r\n if Showing Con. Fault in display ).\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What options are available for\r\n pre-paid meter recharge?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, (there are many options to pay\r\n amount in paytm ex- Through UPl, Debit\r\n Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer can get token from NPCL\r\n Customer Care Office, KP-1, Greater\r\n Noida\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters( AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Paytm, Bill Desk (there are many options\r\n to pay amount in paytm ex- Through UPl,\r\n Debit Card,credit Card and Net Banking)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Multipoint App., NPCL web site\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is “CON FAULT”, what is to be\r\n done to get it corrected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. CON FAULT” means connection faulty,\r\n meter will be displaying digit 17 when\r\n your connection from meter to display unit\r\n is not proper. Kindly register you’re\r\n compliant on our call center contact no. -\r\n 0120-6226666/.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can supply gets disconnected if meter\r\n is not recharged or do I get any\r\n reminder?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Reminder beep will come in minimun\r\n available balance. Supply will be\r\n disconnected in negative balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Go to NPCL Multipoint App by turning on\r\n low money notifications, consumer can\r\n get a reminder.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to check the balance?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n Meter Automatically showing Balance\r\n & other details in Meter display.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumers may check their account\r\n balance by pressing # button in key pad\r\n of meter display unit & for single\r\n phase meters - Press key \"1\" single time\r\n to check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters(AEW Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Login in NPCL Multipoint App/ web and\r\n check balance.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What should be the minimum balance to\r\n maintain pre-paid meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can change minimum balance\r\n in meter acocording to consumption and\r\n requirement.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. If meter is showing different date\r\n from actual does it mean that it is\r\n faulty ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is a matter of meter testing &\r\n inspection then only we will confirm the\r\n same. Based on the testing report our team\r\n shall analyse the data.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Whom to contact when there is no\r\n display in the meter but supply is\r\n connected?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please check if the supply is On in\r\n the area and your supply is not coming, if\r\n Yes, you may kindly contact 24X7 Call\r\n Centre No. 0120-6226666 to register\r\n complaint for No Supply or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NOPOWER Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Red light in meter indicates what?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. it’s a calibration LED in meter which\r\n indicates pulse / revolution of meter , if\r\n Red light is blinking in meters it means\r\n meter is running on load.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I change my meter from\r\n post-paid to pre-paid and what\r\n documentation is required?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To get the post-paid connection to\r\n prepaid connection, consumer can visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park -1\r\n or Techzone-4, Greater Noida . Consumer\r\n has to apply under category conversion\r\n services by fill an application form and\r\n submit their ID copy Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How can I see my consumption pattern\r\n in pre-paid meter ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. (A) Secure Prepaid Meters\r\n

    • \r\n By pressing Key\"2\" consumer can check\r\n consumptions of today, previous day,\r\n previous Week and current month)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n By Pressing key\"7\" consumer can check\r\n monthly consumptions of present calendar\r\n Year)\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n (B) Radius Smart Meters ( Aew Meters)\r\n

    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint App and consumer\r\n can see daily consumption( Current\r\n month) and Monthly consumptions( Present\r\n Calendar Year) by selecting \"Report\"\r\n option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit NPCL Multipoint Web, conumer can\r\n download and see consumptions by\r\n selecting \"Report\" option.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow8(!show8)}\r\n >\r\n Payment Related\r\n
    \r\n {show8 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the different modes of\r\n payments available?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Modes of payments are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n A. Digital Payment through:-\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Credit & Debit cards to Village\r\n Contact Persons and at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4*.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Non-Digital Payment Modes are as\r\n follows:-\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n Cash / Cheque / DD at Customer Care\r\n Office, KP-1 or Techzone-4* or to\r\n Village Contact Persons.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque/DD at NPCL’s Cheque Drop Boxes.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cash at nearby BBPS authorised retail\r\n outlets For further details please visit\r\n NPCL’s website.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n *You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where can I make cash payment?\r\n \r\n

    • \r\n In case of Rural Consumers - Authorised\r\n Village Contact Persons (VCPs) or cash\r\n collection centre, Tugalpur, Knowledge\r\n Park-1 or Techzone-4, Greater Noida\r\n between 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to\r\n Saturday (Except 2nd & 4th Saturdays\r\n and Gazetted Holidays) (On 1st, 3rd\r\n & 5th Saturdays counter will be open\r\n from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM).\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n In case of Urban / Industrial /\r\n Institutional Consumers - Cash\r\n Collection Centre.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Any consumer - Nearby BBPS Authorised\r\n Retail Outlets. There are more than 1500\r\n authorised BBPS retails outlets in and\r\n around Greater Noida area. Consumers may\r\n locate nearest BBPS Authorised Retails\r\n Outlets on NPCL website through web-link\r\n “Find Nearest Bharat Bill Pay Outlet”.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the upper limit for Cash\r\n Payment.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per section 6.10 of Electricity\r\n Supply code 2005, you can make cash\r\n payment up to Rs.20,000/- only. In case\r\n your bill is more than the above mentioned\r\n value, remaining payment shall be made via\r\n any mode other than cash.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to make online payment of Bills?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Online Payment of Bills can be made\r\n through below mentioned modes :\r\n

    • NPCL Website
    • \r\n
    • NPCL’s Mobile App and BHIM App
    • \r\n
    • \r\n PayTM, Mobiquick, and Other wallets\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bharat QR (printed on bills)
    • \r\n
    • Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Utility bill payment option in\r\n Consumer’s internet banking accounts\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Auto- Debit facility through NACH\r\n (National Automated Clearing House)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • RTGS/ NEFT to NPCL’s accounts
    • \r\n

    \r\n For more details you may also visit NPCL\r\n website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Do I need to pay extra charges if I\r\n wish to pay Online through NPCL\r\n website/Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL do not levy any extra charge for\r\n online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway , Wallets and Other service\r\n providers may levy service charges\r\n along-with applicable taxes for\r\n transactions above Rs. 4,000/-. In case\r\n the transaction is made through Paytm\r\n Gateway service charges would be levied at\r\n following rate:\r\n


    \r\n ** For credit/debit card transactions,\r\n 1.10% of the transaction amount being paid\r\n


    \r\n * For Net banking transactions, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Bill desk Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n * For credit/debit card transactions, 1%\r\n of the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * For Net banking transactions,\r\n Rs.3/-per transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Is it safe to give my bank details on\r\n NPCL website ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security\r\n standards to ensure that the data entered\r\n by consumers remains confidential and not\r\n stored anywhere on NPCL Server.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How can I make Cheque Payments\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer can drop cheque at following\r\n Cheque Collection Centres of NPCL along\r\n with latest bill stub (Lower portion of\r\n bill). The cheques should be in favour of\r\n \"\"Noida Power Company Limited\"\". Write\r\n down the cheque with credentials like your\r\n Name, Consumer Number and mobile number at\r\n the back of cheque.\r\n

    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre (Sector KP-1)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Customer Care Centre (Techzone-IV)\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station atAlpha-1, Opp Ryan\r\n International School\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station, Sector Omega-I,\r\n Builders Area, Near AWHO Apartments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n NPCL Sub-station at Surajpur, Near\r\n Surajpur Police Station\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bar Association Office, Surajpur\r\n District Court\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I make payment through Post dated\r\n cheques ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post-dated and outstation cheques are\r\n not accepted at NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges applicable on\r\n cheque bounce?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque gets bounced due\r\n to insufficient funds or exceed\r\n arrangement, you will not be able to make\r\n payment through cheque in that Financial\r\n Year. Charges applicable are mentioned\r\n below:\r\n

    • \r\n Cheque amount of less than Rs. 5000 :\r\n Rs.250\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 5000 & up to\r\n Rs. 10000 : Rs. 500\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount from Rs. 10000 & up to\r\n Rs. 1 Lac : Rs. 1000\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Cheque amount of Rs. 1 Lac and above :\r\n Rs. 5000\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue another cheque, if my\r\n cheque bounces?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case the Cheque got bounced due to\r\n insufficient funds or exceed arrangements,\r\n the consumer will not be able to make\r\n payment through cheque in that Financial\r\n Year.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I issue cheque, if my supply is\r\n Disconnected ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, consumer can pay their bill\r\n amount through cheque (Considering no\r\n cheque bounce history).\r\n


    \r\n Payment can be done for outstanding bill\r\n and reconnection charges as below:-\r\n

    • \r\n Bill payment via cheque and reconnection\r\n charge via cash and vice versa >Bill\r\n payment and reconnection charge together\r\n via cash.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Bill payment and reconnection charge\r\n together via cheque . Please note, if in\r\n case the same get dishonoured, the\r\n supply will be disconnected and the\r\n Reconnection amount has to be paid\r\n again.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.When will my online payment be updated\r\n in my account?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. All payments made through other that\r\n RTGS / NEFT mode are updated on Real-time\r\n basis in consumers account except during\r\n system shutdown/maintenance when it may\r\n take up to 2 to 3 working days.\r\n


    \r\n Q.Where can I approach to register my\r\n payment related complaint?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Complaints can be registered at:\r\n

    • NPCL Website.
    • \r\n
    • NPCL Mobile App.
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Our 24X7 Call centre at 0120-6226666 /\r\n 2333555.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the GST % will be charged\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. GST will be levied as per GST\r\n regulations and rates applicable to\r\n various services provided by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.For which services I have to pay GST\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per GST Circular No.\r\n 34/08/2018-GST dated 01st March 2018, GST\r\n is applicable on all the services provided\r\n by the NPCL except energy charges.\r\n

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    \r\n \r\n Q.How are bills prepared if the meter is\r\n not read?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If the actual meter reading is not\r\n acquired due to any reason; provisional\r\n bill will be raised which is subjected to\r\n adjustment upon receipt of actual meter\r\n reading in the subsequent months.\r\n Provisional bills are raised on average\r\n consumption of last 3 months.\r\n Inaccessibility to premises for 3 months\r\n or more could lead to disconnection of\r\n supply as per Electricity ̀ Supply Code\r\n 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the normal reading span for\r\n monthly Meter Reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Meter reading is normally taken\r\n between a period of 28 to 32 days from the\r\n last meter reading date. The same is\r\n intimated to you through SMS if your\r\n mobile number is registered with us. Fixed\r\n Charges and slabs for Energy charges are\r\n calculated proportionally for the billing\r\n period.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to calculate / understand\r\n electricity bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Please refer back side of\r\n electricity bill and check for applicable\r\n Tariff and Bill Calculation. Additionally,\r\n you can reach out to us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the meter reading system?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading of three phase meters is\r\n taken remotely through AMR or LPR\r\n facility. For Single Phase meters, meter\r\n readers go door-to-door and record\r\n readings in Hand Held Devices (HHD) /\r\n Meter Reading Terminals (MRT). Reading\r\n information can also be conveyed through\r\n SMS/Email registered with us.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why is my meter not read regularly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Any one of the following can be the\r\n reasons:\r\n

    • \r\n Your premises are vacant / locked for\r\n long period of time or constantly during\r\n daytime resulting in inaccessibility of\r\n meter to the reader. Code 2005.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Discrepancy in address in our database\r\n with the actual address may result in\r\n meter reader missing out your premises.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n If you observe such shortcomings in the\r\n address (as printed in bill), please bring\r\n the same to the notice of CR(Front Desk)\r\n at NPCL Customer Care Office immediately\r\n for corrections.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to approach when meter is not\r\n read ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If consumer premises is found locked,\r\n meter reader will stick a \"\"miss you\"\"\r\n sticker intimating about the failed\r\n reading attempt alongwith a contact number\r\n to coordinate the day & time of\r\n reading. Or you may:\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number (Only which is showing\r\n in KWH)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why fixed charges are not constant?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Fixed Charges defined by Monthly\r\n Tariff applies to a period of 30 days.\r\n When billing period is not 30 days,\r\n applicable fixed charges are calculated on\r\n prorata basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are Penal Demand Charges\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Use of load beyond the sanctioned\r\n load is a cognisable offence. Penal demand\r\n charges are levied in excess to fixed\r\n charges based on demand usage over and\r\n above the sanctioned load. It is thus\r\n advised to enhance your contracted load to\r\n avoid penal demand charges.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to calculate slab ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Slab based energy rates defined by\r\n Tariff is applicable for 30 days per month\r\n and is prorated on simple unitary method\r\n based on number of billing days i.e.\r\n difference between current reading date\r\n and previous reading date (both dates\r\n inclusive)\r\n


    \r\n Q.What are Makeup Charges?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. : As per approved Tariff,\r\n consumers who are part of LMV-2\r\n (Commercial Supply) and LMV-9 (Temporary\r\n Supply) are subjected to load based\r\n minimum charges. If the sum of Fixed\r\n Charges (for LMV-2 only) and Energy\r\n Charges is less than applicable monthly\r\n minimum charge then differential amount is\r\n levied as Make Up Charges. Makeup charge =\r\n minimum charge - (fixed charges + energy\r\n charge).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Wrong reading mentioned on my bill.\r\n How to get it rectified?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. Request for wrong reading can be\r\n registered through following touchpoints\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Email your concern at\r\n crm@noidapower.com. Do attach meter\r\n reading photograph for convenience.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #WRONGREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in\r\n KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What to do if I am not satisfied with\r\n the meter reading?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are not satisfied with your\r\n bill, you may\r\n

    • \r\n Call at our 24X7 CALL CENTER - 0120\r\n 6226666\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Mail your concern at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Whatsapp on 0120-6226666 WrongReading{\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number.\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Send SMS at 7840002288 #SELFREADING{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer Number{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading (Only which is showing in\r\n KWH)\r\n \r\n \r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third\r\n party vendor every month. You are\r\n requested to subscribe for e-bill for\r\n on-time and assured delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n In case you need duplicate bill copy, may\r\n please click on below link given on our\r\n website : You may reach out us through\r\n WhatsApp no. 0120-6226666 (DupBill{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #DUPBILL Consumer No.)\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Q.How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you need duplicate bill copy,\r\n may please click on below link given on\r\n our website : You may also login to our\r\n website or Mobile www.noidapower.com App\r\n using your credentials (Username &\r\n Password) for downloading / viewing last 6\r\n bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need help\r\n in Sign In” tab under My Account tab.\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed\r\n and Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed\r\n Payment Surcharge which is applicable due\r\n to non-payment of bills upto due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall be\r\n levied at 1.25% on the dues per month\r\n up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00%\r\n per month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity\r\n connection can be disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to lodge complaint through SMS?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can raise your complaint &\r\n avail other important information by\r\n sending SMS on 7840002288 from your\r\n registered mobile number. To see list of\r\n short codes with mandatory details, click\r\n on\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Is there any rebate if I pay bills\r\n online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, there is no additional rebate\r\n provided for online payments. However, a\r\n rebate of 1% against sum of Demand Charges\r\n & Energy Charges is provided upon\r\n payment within due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there are different colour bills?\r\n It denotes what ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Multi colour bills are designed to\r\n reflect upon varied consumer behaviour\r\n towards payment of dues and usage of\r\n electricity.\r\n

    • \r\n Blue Bill denotes timely bill payments\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Green Bill denotes payment through\r\n digital mode and/or Solar Net Metering\r\n Consumer\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Orange Bill denotes delayed payment\r\n and/or arrears in current bill\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Red bill cautions consumer to abstain\r\n from unauthorized use of electricity\r\n based on site reporting.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.How much interest paid on Security\r\n Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Interest is credited to consumers\r\n against existing security deposit on\r\n annual basis as per the bank rate\r\n prescribed by the RBI.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What would be the disconnection date\r\n once arrear is paid from the current\r\n month bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. It is advised to clear entire dues in\r\n event of arrears amount in current bill.\r\n However, if payment is made only against\r\n arrears, then disconnection date against\r\n current dues is 15 days from the due date\r\n as mentioned on the electricity bill.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can submit self meter reading ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The facility of self submission of\r\n meter reading is available for single\r\n phase consumers. Reading can be submitted\r\n through SMS, Website or App in the\r\n dedicated slot provided every month.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Will I receive a bill for Pre-paid\r\n meter? Do I need to make payment against\r\n bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Monthly e-bill will be sent to\r\n registered email id & phone number\r\n post bill generation. It can also be\r\n downloaded from our website via Quick\r\n E-bill Download or follow direct link:\r\n


    \r\n No payment is required to be made against\r\n the bill. Ensure sufficient balance in\r\n prepaid meter through timely recharge in\r\n order to avail uninterrupted power supply.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How & when self reading can be\r\n provided by consumer?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reading submission slot is 1st to\r\n 10th day of every month. You can easily\r\n reach out to us by sending SMS at\r\n 7840002288 (#SELFREADING\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading) or WHATSAPP us at\r\n 0120-6226666 (SelfReading{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Reading). The service is also\r\n available on our website &\r\n app.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n * Please note that reading should be in\r\n KWH parameter\r\n


    \r\n Q.What is power factor?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Power factor for the month is\r\n determined as the ratio of KWH (Active\r\n Power Consumption) to KVAH(Apparent power\r\n consumption).\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the minimum Power Factor to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per the regulations of U.P.\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005 minimum\r\n power factor to be maintained is 0.75. If\r\n recorded power factor is less than\r\n 0.75,suitable action as per the provisions\r\n shall be initiated by NPCL.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What can be the reason which may cause\r\n dip in Power Factor? How it is to be\r\n maintained?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Majority of three phase connections\r\n constitutes of inductive load which draws\r\n non working / reactive power thereby\r\n increasing the KVAH(Apparent power\r\n consumption). Use of capacitor banks is\r\n helpful in offsetting this non working\r\n power requirement, but it should be\r\n regulated according to variance in load\r\n requirement by installing Automated Power\r\n Factor Controller(APFC). Regular check up\r\n and maintenance is also advised.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why it is important to maintain Power\r\n Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumers above 10 KW are billed on\r\n KVAH basis as per the applicable tariff\r\n provisions. Dip in power factor(P.F.)\r\n cause increase in KVAH consumption which\r\n in turn results in higher energy charges\r\n for the consumer. Also, it reduces the\r\n effective distribution network capacity of\r\n NPCL which can lead to power outage in the\r\n area.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the consequences if power\r\n factor controller is not working\r\n properly?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Failure of power factor controller\r\n i.e. APFC/Capacitor banks will lead to\r\n inadequate/over compensation of reactive\r\n power requirement. In both scenarios, KVAH\r\n consumption will suddenly increase leading\r\n to higher energy charges being billed.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can NPCL help in improving Power\r\n Factor?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. No, it is consumer's responsibility\r\n to maintain their power factor from time\r\n to time\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the Frequency of billing ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Billing for every consumer is done on\r\n Monthly basis\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How electricity bills are delivered?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are delivered through third\r\n party vendor every month. You are\r\n requested to subscribe for e-bill for\r\n on-time and assured delivery of bill.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to get duplicate bill ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. \"You are required to login on our\r\n website or Mobile www.noidapower.com App\r\n using your credentials (Username &\r\n Password) for downloading / viewing last 6\r\n bills.\r\n


    \r\n In case you have not registered on our\r\n website, kindly go through the “Need help\r\n in Sign In” tab under My Account tab\".\r\n


    \r\n Q. What is DPS and Rebate?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Payment before Due Date allows\r\n consumers to avail rebate of 1% on Fixed\r\n and Energy Charges. DPS means Delayed\r\n Payment Surcharge which is applicable due\r\n to non-payment of bills upto due date.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How DPS is charged in the bill?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If a consumer fails to pay his\r\n electricity bill by due date specified\r\n therein, a late payment surcharge shall be\r\n levied at 1.25% on the dues per month\r\n up-to first three months of delay. Post\r\n three months, DPS will be charged at 2.00%\r\n per month on the unpaid dues. In case of\r\n constant non-payment, your elctricity\r\n connection can be disconnected.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Q. DPS waiver.?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. DPS is levied as per Rate Schedule\r\n approved by Hon'ble UPERC and no-one can\r\n waive the same.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. How the differential units are\r\n getting calculated on common\r\n (Physical/Virtual) connection  for\r\n multipoint connections?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans.{\" \"}\r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in\r\n physical common meter :\r\n {\" \"}\r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code\r\n dated: 10-08-2018, the total energy\r\n consumption of the electricity recorded at\r\n the reference meter shall be compared with\r\n the total electricity consumption of all\r\n the individual meters & common area meter.\r\n In case the difference in energy\r\n consumption for any billing cycle works\r\n out to be higher than permissable loss\r\n level i.e. 4% in case of 11KV supply / 5%\r\n in case of voltage higher than 11 KV, then\r\n the difference of energy beyond\r\n permissible loss level shall be added in\r\n the consumption of common area billing.\r\n
    \r\n \r\n Differential units calculation in\r\n Virtual common meter :\r\n \r\n As per the 13th amendment of supply code\r\n dated: 05-08-2020, no physical common\r\n meter is to be installed at consumer\r\n premise and differential units calculation\r\n is to be done on the basis of the logic as\r\n described below: Total energy consumption\r\n of the electricity recorded at the\r\n reference meter shall be compared with the\r\n total electricity consumption of all the\r\n individual meters. In case the difference\r\n in energy consumption for any billing\r\n cycle works out to be higher than\r\n permissable loss level i.e. 4% in case of\r\n 11KV supply / 5% in case of voltage higher\r\n than 11 KV, then the difference of energy\r\n beyond permissible loss level shall be\r\n divided among all the individual consumers\r\n in proportion to their contractual load.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is TDS/TCS charged in bills?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. TDS (Tax Deduction at Source):{\" \"}\r\n The tax shall be deducted under Section\r\n 194Q by a consumer/buyer carrying on a\r\n business whose total sales, gross receipts\r\n or turnover from the business exceeds Rs.\r\n 10 crores during the financial year\r\n immediately preceding the financial year\r\n in which such goods are purchased.\r\n
    \r\n The tax shall be deducted by the\r\n consumer/buyer of goods at the rate of\r\n 0.1% of the purchase value exceeding Rs.\r\n 50 lakhs.\r\n
    \r\n TCS (Tax Collection at Source): The\r\n Finance Act, 2020 inserted sub-section\r\n (1H) in section 206C with effect from 1st\r\n Oct’20 to levy the tax collection at\r\n source on sale of goods. The Company is\r\n liable to collect TCS at the rate of 0.1%\r\n on consideration received from a Consumer\r\n in excess of fifty lakh rupees in a\r\n financial year.\r\n
    \r\n In non-PAN/ Aadhaar* cases the rate shall\r\n be 1% .
    \r\n In case of PAN is not available or invalid\r\n PAN, the tax shall be deducted at the rate\r\n of 5%.\r\n


    \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n Q. What is Additional Security Deposit\r\n (ASD) charged in bills, when it is\r\n charged and how it is calculated?\r\n {\" \"}\r\n


    \r\n Ans. As per Clause 4.2 (e) of UPERC Supply\r\n Code, 2005: If the security deposit falls\r\n short of covering the estimated power\r\n consumption bill for 45 days based on his\r\n average monthly consumption for the\r\n preceding financial year, then demand for\r\n Additional Security Deposit (ASD) is made\r\n to consumers equivalent to the difference\r\n of amount between the existing security\r\n deposit and 45 days average power\r\n consumption bill. Also, the demand for ASD\r\n is only made when the required ASD payable\r\n by the consumer exceeds 10% of the\r\n existing security deposit.\r\n

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    \r\n {show6 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Where I can contact in case of Direct\r\n theft booked on my consumer number.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit to Our Office at KP-II\r\n from 10:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M (Mon-Fri) for\r\n any detailed information about theft\r\n booked or may contact our 24X7 CALL CENTER\r\n - 0120 6226666 or WhatsApp on\r\n 0120-6226666, write Theft (to report\r\n electricity theft) may please click on\r\n given link to register online complaint.\r\n


    \r\n Q. How to report Direct Theft\r\n


    \r\n Ans. You can call and complain against\r\n theft of electricity / tampering of meter\r\n through following avenues:\r\n

    • Helpline Number : 9891222240
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Mobile App
    • \r\n
    • CALL CENTER - 0120 6226666
    • \r\n

    \r\n Your identity shall remain confidential\r\n and action will be taken at the earliest.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What is meant by “Direct Theft”?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Section 135(1) of Electricity Act,\r\n 2003 as amended by Electricity (amendment)\r\n Act , 2007, Theft of electricity is\r\n defined as, whoever dishonestly,\r\n

    • \r\n a) Taps Electricity line:\r\n
      • - overhead
      • \r\n
      • - underground
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n b) Tampers meter:\r\n
      • - usage of tampered meter
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - current reversing transformer\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - loop connection
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - other device interferes with\r\n accurate/proper registration. c)\r\n Other device/method result in a\r\n manner whereby:\r\n
      • \r\n
      • - electricity is stolen
      • \r\n
      • \r\n - damages/destroys an electric\r\n meter/ apparatus/equipment/wire/\r\n cause\r\n
      • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n c) Uses electricity through a tampered\r\n meter\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n d) Uses electricity for purposes other\r\n than that which was authorized.\r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow5(!show5)}\r\n >\r\n Disconnection Related\r\n
    \r\n {show5 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for permanent\r\n disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you want your connection to be\r\n permanently disconnected, you have to\r\n submit the ID proof, last paid bill with\r\n our written application form at Customer\r\n Care Office at KP-I or Techzone-4*. 2 Years\r\n Lock-in Period is applicable for all\r\n consumers except LMV-9 (Temporary\r\n Connection) from last date of any change\r\n in contract. Please follow the link to\r\n know documentation requirement *Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines of Permanent\r\n Disconnection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Disconnection of supply will\r\n completed within 30 working days.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Can I apply for the same meter after\r\n surrendering of current meter?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the connection is permanently\r\n disconnected, consumer has to follow new\r\n connection application process for getting\r\n an electricity connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for refunding of\r\n security funds?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Consumer Care Centre at\r\n KP-I or Techzone-4, and submit all the\r\n requisite documents which are mentioned at\r\n the back side of application form. Please\r\n follow the link to know documentation\r\n requirement Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Why and when MCG charges are\r\n applicable for Permanent Disconnection\r\n application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. MCG calculated as per provisions of\r\n Electricity Supply Code, 2005. The Tariff\r\n Orders issued by Hon’ble Uttar Pradesh\r\n Electricity Regulatory Commission (“State\r\n Commission”) from time to time.Clause 4.14\r\n (Agreement) - Point (h) However, if the\r\n agreement is to be terminated before\r\n completion of 2 years: 30 (i) Consumer\r\n shall be liable to pay the minimum charges\r\n (or the demand / fixed charges, if no\r\n minimum charges are prescribed for that\r\n category) for a period of 6 months or the\r\n period by which the total duration of the\r\n agreement falls short of 2 years,\r\n whichever is lower.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow4(!show4)}\r\n >\r\n Reconnection Related\r\n
    \r\n {show4 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n making the part payment of outstanding\r\n amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Reconnection is not allowed on part\r\n payment.\r\n



    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Criteria (load & Category){\" \"}\r\n DR charges (Rs.)*
    \r\n Pre-paid Meters - Single phase{\" \"}\r\n - Zero
    Pre-paid Meters -3 phase - Zero
    Smart Meters - Single phase - 100
    Smart Meters - 3 phase - 200
    >75 KW/100BHP - 2000
    \r\n LMV-6 (having load <=75KW/100BHP){\" \"}\r\n - 1000
    All others categories - 600


    \r\n Note: * 18% GST is applicable on DR\r\n charges and supply will be reconnected\r\n within 48 hrs. for Rural and 24 hrs. for\r\n urban after payment of Outstanding dues\r\n along with reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the Timelines for\r\n Reconnection after temporary\r\n disconnection of supply?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Timeline for reconnection of supply\r\n will be Maximum of 48 Hrs for Rural and 24\r\n hrs in Urban after payment of bill &\r\n Reconnection charges.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection when\r\n meter already removed at site?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to apply for reconnection after\r\n final bill generation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. There is no such provision of\r\n reconnection. Once the payment of final\r\n bill is done, consumer has to apply for\r\n new connection with all required\r\n documents.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow3(!show3)}\r\n >\r\n Website / Mobile App Related\r\n
    \r\n {show3 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the procedure to Login on{\" \"}\r\n \r\n www.noidapower.com ?\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Go to www.noidapower.com. Click on\r\n “Consumer Login” and register your\r\n Consumer Number or click on the link:\r\n www.npcl.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What are the various\r\n services/information available on NPCL's\r\n website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans.The main features of website are as\r\n follows:\r\n

    • \r\n About NPCL and Contact Details of\r\n registered offices\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Bill Payment Option
    • \r\n
    • Outage Alerts
    • \r\n
    • Service Application and Complaint
    • \r\n
    • Tariff Details
    • \r\n
    • Report a Concern
    • \r\n
    • Account Registration
    • \r\n
    • CSR activities
    • \r\n
    • Self Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Ebill Download
    • \r\n
    • Quick Bill Payment
    • \r\n
    • Contact Us
    • \r\n
    • Online Application
    • \r\n
    • Payment Options
    • \r\n
    • Pre-paid Meter Recharge
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Consumer Services for Application form,\r\n Document Checklist, Online Meter\r\n Testing, SMS Based Services, WhatsApp\r\n based services, Customer Care office\r\n Queue Status, Single to Multipoint\r\n Conversion, Consumer Awareness and Many\r\n more.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q. How to reset password ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Password can be reset after clicking\r\n forgot password option. You have to punch\r\n your registered email id and consumer\r\n number to receive an updated password , if\r\n problem still persist please write us at\r\n crm@noida power.com)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How and from where a consumer can\r\n update his contact details ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. For updating contact details (mobile\r\n number/ email-id) consumer can login to\r\n our website or mobile app.\r\n www.noidapower.com You may also visit our\r\n customer care office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday, along with the BP No.\r\n and ID proof of registered consumer or\r\n company. You may also write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Is it safe to give my bank details on\r\n NPCL website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, It is completely safe. NPCL\r\n follows highest level of security\r\n standards to ensure that the data entered\r\n by consumers remains confidential.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Do I need to pay extra charges for\r\n online payment?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. NPCL does not levy any extra charge\r\n for online payment. However, the Payment\r\n Gateway, Wallets and other service\r\n providers may levy service charges along\r\n with applicable taxes for transaction\r\n above Rs. 4,000/-.\r\n


    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Paytm Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1.10%\r\n of the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, Rs.4/-per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n In case the transaction is made through\r\n Bill desk Gateway service charges would be\r\n levied at following rate:\r\n

    • \r\n For credit/debit card transaction, 1% of\r\n the transaction amount being paid\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n For Net banking transaction, 3% per\r\n transaction\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. Why this month bill is not updated on\r\n Website Mobile app ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Bills are generated from time to time\r\n from commercial department. It might be\r\n possible due to some certain reason bill\r\n of this month may be delayed and it’s not\r\n generated yet. Once it will have generated\r\n in SAP system then PDF and bill details\r\n will appear on Website.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What happen if my ID is locked in\r\n NPCL Website?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. USERID will be automatic unlock in 24\r\n hours for the website users\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. What all the features available on\r\n Mobile App ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After Login fetures are as follows :\r\n

    • Bill and Payment History
    • \r\n
    • Register Request & Complaints
    • \r\n
    • Consumer Consumption Analysis
    • \r\n
    • Energy Calculator
    • \r\n
    • Request & Complaint Status
    • \r\n
    • Subscribe for E-bill
    • \r\n
    • Self-Meter Reading
    • \r\n
    • Quick Payment
    • \r\n
    • Energy Tips
    • \r\n
    • KYC Updation
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is Un-Authenticated Sender\r\n issue.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. User details like USERNAME, Email ID\r\n and Password are not matched when user\r\n face this kind of problem.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow2(!show2)}\r\n >\r\n Complaint Against Services Related\r\n
    \r\n {show2 ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. What is the process of applying for\r\n New Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant can download or fill the\r\n online New Connection Service form from\r\n our website and upload necessary documents\r\n www.noidapower.com as mentioned in the\r\n documents checklist. You can also visit\r\n our Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday, to apply in person.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. Within how much time should the\r\n connection be provided to me?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once the application and necessary\r\n documents are reviewed at NPCL, and\r\n estimate gets generated which needs to be\r\n paid by the consumer. Post which it will\r\n take approximately 7 working days* for the\r\n apparatus to be installed at the consumers\r\n premises and for the energization of\r\n supply.\r\n


    \r\n *This SLA is applicable for the urban\r\n domestic connection where no augmentation\r\n of main is required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why I have not received my estimate\r\n intimation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you have successfully submitted\r\n your new service application form at our\r\n Customer Care Office or Online , we\r\n process the application in our system and\r\n it gets forwarded to concerned department\r\n for the Commercial & LCC Dues,\r\n Technical feasibility check. Once\r\n clearance is received from all the\r\n departments it is followed by estimate\r\n preparation. During this process system\r\n generated messages are triggered, after\r\n completion of necessary stages. Thus, you\r\n are requested to please wait for the same\r\n as we will be working on 1st cum 1st serve\r\n basis.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I pay the Estimate amount Online\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online\r\n thru NPCL website or you may visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday to apply in person for\r\n payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Estimate paid but meter not installed\r\n yet?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Post payment of estimated amount, New\r\n connection will be provided within 7 days\r\n where no Augmentation of existing mains\r\n are required.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for the status of\r\n application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to apply for refunding of security\r\n fund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit our Customer Care\r\n Office at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday to apply for security refund,\r\n please follow the link to know\r\n documentation requirement\r\n (https://www.noidapower.com/Services/Document_Checklist)\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Paper Formalities Required for Load\r\n Reduction?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to fill application and\r\n provide all the requisite documentation\r\n which are mentioned on the back side of\r\n application form. Please follow the link\r\n to know documentation requirement. Please\r\n note for load reduction consumer can only\r\n apply after two years from date of\r\n energization. For Temp. Supply, consumer\r\n can apply for load reduction at any point\r\n of time.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How can consumer find the status of\r\n request against New Connection?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of a New\r\n Connection request, consumer may use\r\n following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Can write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n Q.Estimate not Received Yet\r\n


    \r\n Ans. In case you have not received any\r\n update after 7-10 days of applying for\r\n request.To know the status of application\r\n you may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to\r\n know the short codes follow the link or\r\n can write us at crm@noidapower.com or\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is minimum charges & why it\r\n is to be paid.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer has to bear the minimum\r\n charges based on the total sanctioned load\r\n & as per the applicable tariff rate it\r\n is been calculated for remaining Tenure in\r\n case you have not completed 2 yrs. to the\r\n connection or recent load\r\n enhancement/reduction process. In Case the\r\n maximum demand recorded in any of the last\r\n 2 billing cycles is higher than the\r\n reduced contracted load consumer can not\r\n opt for the proposed contracted load\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is Augmentation? How much time it\r\n take to complete?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Augmentation means\r\n improvement/enhancement of the system\r\n capacity to be able to cater to the\r\n increased electricity load requirement.\r\n Such augmentation needs capital\r\n investment. Sometimes, only after requests\r\n received for new connections or load\r\n enhancement; particularly if the requested\r\n load is high. Different types of\r\n Augmentation may be required such as:\r\n

    • Low Tension (LT) Line Extension
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Capacity Augmentation
    • \r\n {/*
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Complete electrification of an un-electrified area
    • */}\r\n

    \r\n Timeline for different type of\r\n augmentations are as follows:\r\n


    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Type of augmentation Timeline\r\n required for augmentation{\" \"}\r\n (Working Days)
    LT Network augmentation - 60
    Transformer Augmentation - 120
    \r\n HT - 11 KV Network Strengthening{\" \"}\r\n - 180
    \r\n Un-electrified Area or New Grid\r\n Required{\" \"}\r\n - 180


    \r\n \r\n Q.How and where to approach for Shifting\r\n of Mains ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. We accept application for following\r\n request\r\n

    • Meter Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Pole Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Service Cable Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Transformer Shifting
    • \r\n
    • Penal Feeder Box Shifting
    • \r\n

    \r\n For the shifting related request an\r\n application along with the copy of id\r\n proof and last paid bill is required\r\n (please follow the link to be submitted at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday. After verification\r\n of documents, site visit is arranged to\r\n check the feasibility to fulfil the\r\n request and then a survey report is\r\n prepared and accordingly estimate is\r\n generated as per Regulatory guidelines.\r\n Once the payment of estimate is done then\r\n shifting will be executed\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What Documents are required for Load\r\n Enhancement/ Load Reduction/ Name\r\n Change/ Category Change?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please click Here.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the TAT for completion of\r\n Service Application?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous load/\r\n category, except shifting of mains , as it\r\n depends upon site condition and\r\n availability of material.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where we can contact in case of any\r\n information required for service\r\n request.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the payment options for\r\n estimate payment ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes , you can make payment online\r\n thru NPCL website or you may visit our\r\n Customer Care Office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday to apply inperson for\r\n payment of estimate.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is the basis of calculation of\r\n Security Deposit?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The security deposit maintainable for\r\n a consumer is equivalent to 2 times the\r\n average bill value for the financial year\r\n under reference. For a new applicant, the\r\n security deposit will be determined on the\r\n basis of load applied.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my application is been Pending\r\n since long.?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, To know the status of\r\n application you may WhatsApp us on\r\n 0120-6226666 , to know the short codes\r\n follow the link or can write us at\r\n crm@noidapower.com or visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Where to contact in case of\r\n application rejected due to LCC/Theft?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You may visit Customer Care Office at\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When am I required to pay Additional\r\n Security Deposit (ASD)?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Each year the security deposit is\r\n reviewed in the month of April on the\r\n basis of last one year consumption. The\r\n statement of Security Deposit account is\r\n given in the bill for the month of April.\r\n If the maintainable Security Deposit is\r\n more than the security Deposit “held”\r\n amount, additional security deposit is\r\n required to be paid.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required in\r\n case of Small Correction in Connection\r\n Details such as Spelling of Name,\r\n inadequate Address?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. The documentary proof for the desired\r\n change along with latest paid bill receipt\r\n along with correction form by the property\r\n owner. You may visit Customer Care Office\r\n at Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV .\r\n Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to\r\n Friday\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What happens if the Security Deposit\r\n amount held is more than the Security\r\n Deposit Maintainable amount?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In the above scenario, no ASD request\r\n will be placed however, as per the RBI\r\n guidelines interest gets credited for the\r\n held security amount.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How do I get refund of Security\r\n Deposit after account closure?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. After necessary adjustment, the\r\n Security Deposit amount held with us is\r\n refunded with an A/c payee cheque in the\r\n name of the registered consumer at the\r\n recorded address.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.When I can apply for Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Consumer may apply for Security\r\n Refund in below given senarios :\r\n

    • \r\n *Once the connection is Permanently\r\n Disconnected\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n * Once the property is sold and also\r\n name mutation has been completed in\r\n records and earlier connection gets\r\n permanently disconnected, the\r\n Old/Earlier property holder may apply\r\n for Security Refund\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the documents required for\r\n Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Click here\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who is eligible to get Security Refund\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Only the registered consumer or Old\r\n owner (in case of property sold out) can\r\n apply for Security Refund\r\n


    \r\n Q.Can I get Final Bill ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. After meter removal from site final\r\n bill get generated within 15 days and\r\n final copy may be provided whrein consumer\r\n himself/herself, have requested for\r\n permannet disconnection and having\r\n relevant notification no. too.\r\n


    \r\n Q.How to apply for NOC ?\r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you get the final bill copy and\r\n upon making necessary bill payments (if\r\n any), consumer may apply for NOC from our\r\n customer care office at Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV ..Timings 10:00 am to 5:00\r\n pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My New Connection service request\r\n is pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the siite work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending. To know the\r\n status of a New Connection request,\r\n consumer may use following options.\r\n

    • \r\n You may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666,NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. (to know New Service\r\n connection application status)\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Can write us at crm@noidapower.com\r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n
    • \r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n New Connection service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n & after receving site report, Estimate\r\n get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate.In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist new\r\n service request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n 7-10 days time for meter installation.\r\n Only if there is any right of way issue,\r\n it may take more time for completing the\r\n assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by\r\n consumer to our service team. You may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services\r\n on 0120-6226666 NSC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n assistance, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Name Mutation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Name Mutation is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous details. In\r\n case of any doubt you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666\r\n NM{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No.For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Load Augmentation service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n & after receving site report, Estimate\r\n get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may reach out to us via our\r\n Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Load Augmentation service\r\n request is pending for Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the site work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending you may visit\r\n us at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to\r\n 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.I have paid my estimate agaist Load\r\n Augmentation request than why meter\r\n installation is still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n 7-10 days time for meter installation.\r\n Only if there is any right of way issue,\r\n it may take more time for completing the\r\n assigned work and it may only be completed\r\n once clear way will be provided by\r\n consumer to our service team. You may\r\n reach out to us via our Whatsapp services\r\n on 0120-6226666 LA{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n assistance, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Category Change is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the system during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous details. In\r\n case of any doubt you may reach out to us\r\n via our Whatsapp services on 0120-6226666\r\n CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Category Change service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7 days time for document\r\n verification and necessary approvals. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 CT{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Load Reduction service request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit (As\r\n & when required) & after receving\r\n site report, Estimate get generated &\r\n sent for necessary approvals. We shall\r\n keep you posted with SMS/EMail alert\r\n containing payment link of estimate. In\r\n Case you have received any rejection\r\n SMS/Email on registred contact details,\r\n you may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my request for Load Reduction is\r\n still pending ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of Estimate Payment\r\n against your Service request it will take\r\n next billing cycle to get implemented in\r\n the billing, during this period you may\r\n receive 1 bill with previous load details.\r\n In case of any doubt you may reach out to\r\n us via our Whatsapp services on\r\n 0120-6226666 LR{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why My Shifting request is pending for\r\n Site Visit ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the site work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why Estimate not yet generated for My\r\n Shifting request?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Shifting request\r\n it will take 7-10 days time for document\r\n verification followed with site visit\r\n & after receving site report, Estimate\r\n get generated & sent for necessary\r\n approvals. We shall keep you posted with\r\n SMS/EMail alert containing payment link of\r\n estimate. In Case you have received any\r\n rejection SMS/Email on registred contact\r\n details, you may please visit us at our\r\n Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I or\r\n Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ,\r\n Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why there is no action taken at site ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Please note that after completion of\r\n documentation process, the application\r\n goes for several checks via different\r\n departments during which it might have not\r\n been cleared under LCC/CF Check. After\r\n neccessary clearance from respective team,\r\n you shall be notified with the Estimate\r\n Amount which is to paid before executing\r\n the siite work. In case, payment is been\r\n done and work still pending you may please\r\n visit us at our Customer Care Office,\r\n Knowledge Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings\r\n 10:00 am to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you\r\n may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Name correction is still\r\n pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction request not\r\n done/completed ?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Ans. From the date of notification\r\n generation against your Service request it\r\n will take next billing cycle to get\r\n implemented in the system during this\r\n period you may receive 1 bill with\r\n previous details. In case of any doubt you\r\n may reach out to us via our Whatsapp\r\n services on 0120-6226666 NAC{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Notification No. For any further\r\n requirement, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Why my Address Correction is still\r\n pending\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete the documentation\r\n process, the application goes for several\r\n checks via different departments during\r\n which it might have not been cleared under\r\n LCC/CF Check, you may please visit us at\r\n our Customer Care Office, Knowledge Park-I\r\n or Techzone-IV Timings 10:00 am to 5:00 pm\r\n , Monday to Friday.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connections floor\r\n wise?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. In domestic high rise building\r\n electricity connection to individual\r\n owner/occupant are provided on multipoint\r\n scheme as per the guidelines of 13th\r\n Ammendmant of Electricity Supply Code,\r\n 2005.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What should be the file type and size\r\n to upload for new connection online?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. File size can't exceed 15 mb per\r\n documentation type.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Can I apply new connection through\r\n mobile app?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Yes, you can apply new connection\r\n from NPCL mobile app.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How much I have to pay for Prepaid\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, service charges and\r\n security (if applicable) as specified in\r\n Cost Data Book which shall be calculated\r\n based upon your application and site\r\n survey.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Who can apply for Temporary\r\n Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. If you are intending to carry out any\r\n construction work at your premise and\r\n seeking of electricity connection for\r\n construction activity, then, you will have\r\n to apply for temorary connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the Documentation requirement\r\n for Temporary Connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Applicant has to fill application\r\n form for new connection and provide all\r\n the requisite documentation which are\r\n mentioned on the back side of new\r\n connection application form.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.How to convert from temporary to\r\n permanent?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Once you complete construction work\r\n and obtains building completion\r\n certificate from concerned authority i.e.\r\n GNIDA/UPSIDC, you can apply for Permanent\r\n connection.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What are the charges of temporary\r\n connection?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. You shall have to pay the applicable\r\n processing fee, security deposit and\r\n service charges as specified in Cost Data\r\n Book which shall be calculated based upon\r\n your application and site survey\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.What is B&L form and why it is\r\n required in load augmentation?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. B&L form or Work completion\r\n certificate form is filled by the licensed\r\n electrical contractor who has carried out\r\n electrical wiring/installation of premise.\r\n This certifies that electrical\r\n wiring/installation is done following all\r\n the regualtions and includes the\r\n equipments details installed, insulation\r\n test result of the wiring/installation.\r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q.Whom to contact for status of Online\r\n New Connection application\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. To know the status of application you\r\n may WhatsApp us on 0120-6226666 , to know\r\n the short codes follow the link or can\r\n write us at crm@noidapower.com or visit us\r\n at our Customer Care Office, Knowledge\r\n Park-I or Techzone-IV . Timings 10:00 am\r\n to 5:00 pm , Monday to Friday.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n setShow(!show)}\r\n >\r\n Supply Related\r\n
    \r\n\r\n {show ? (\r\n

    \r\n \r\n Q. How to resolve supply-related\r\n complaints on power interruptions or\r\n unsatisfactory voltage profile?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Register the complaint at NPCL's\r\n helpline no. +91-0120 6226666 along with\r\n 10-digit consumer number printed at the\r\n upper left corner of your electricity bill\r\n and one complaint number will be intimated\r\n to you for future reference. NPCL\r\n fault-repairing crew will attend to the\r\n cause of the complaint and resolve the\r\n same within the following time limits:\r\n

    • Urban: 3 Hours
    • \r\n
    • Rural: 12 Hours
    • \r\n
    • \r\n Industrial & Instittutional : 4\r\n Hours\r\n
    • \r\n
    • Transformer failure : 72 Hours
    • \r\n

    \r\n You may reach out us through WhatsApp no.\r\n 0120-6226666 (NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) or Send SMS at 7840002288\r\n ( #NoPower{\" \"}\r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n Consumer No.) May also download our\r\n mobile app for easy & quick\r\n access.\r\n \r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n Q. How to address the problem of\r\n frequent tripping of MCB or blowing of\r\n fuse?\r\n \r\n


    \r\n Ans. Contact a Licensed Electrical\r\n contractor (L.E.C.) to locate the cause.\r\n If there is a fault/defect in your wiring\r\n installations, rectify the same.\r\n


    \r\n If the load of your installation is more\r\n than the load allowed by NPCL, please\r\n apply for enhancement of load by filling\r\n up a form available at NPCL office KP-1\r\n & know more about the same.\r\n

    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n {\" \"}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default TheftRelatedComplaintFAQ;\r\n","import React from 'react'\r\nimport ReactDom from 'react-dom'\r\nimport { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\n\r\nconst Modal = ({show,setShow}) => {\r\n const histor = useHistory(); \r\n\r\n const settings = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: false,\r\n autoplaySpeed:1500,\r\n dots:true,\r\n \r\n };\r\n\r\n const closeFunction = ()=>{\r\n histor.push(\"/NPCL-creatives\");\r\n setShow(false)\r\n }\r\n return ReactDom.createPortal(\r\n
    \r\n \r\n (slider = slider)}\r\n {...settings} \r\n >\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
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    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    ,document.querySelector('#modal')\r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default Modal","import React, { useState,useEffect } from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Modal from \"../components/Modal2\";\r\nimport { FaPlus } from 'react-icons/fa';\r\n\r\nconst NpclCreatives = () => {\r\n const [show,setShow] = useState(false)\r\n const settings = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n\r\n const modal = ()=>{\r\n setShow(true)\r\n }\r\n \r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n {show ? ():null} \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Supply Related Complaint

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    3. \r\n Consumer Awareness\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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    \r\n \r\n


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    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n


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    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n PF Awareness\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n
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    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default NpclCreatives;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst Grievence = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Complaint Management\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n COMPLAINT MANAGEMENT: THREE TIER GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL STRUCTURE\r\n शिकायत प्रंबधन : तीन स्तरीय शिकायत निवारण संरचना
    \r\n TIER – I: NPCL Complaint escalation & Redressal structure\r\n

    In case of any concern/ request you may visit our Customer Care Office and meet the following official with complete detail:

    • Level 1: Customer Relation Officer
    • \r\n
    • Level 2:Customer Relation Managers
    • \r\n
    • Level 3:Concern Departmental Heads with prior appointment
    • \r\n
    \r\n TIER-II :\r\n

    \r\n Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF)\r\n

    \r\n {/*

    Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF): A forum is constituted under the Chairmanship of a retired Judge and two other members wherein the Consumers of electricity can file their complaints for the redressal of their grievances related to deficiency/ error in bill or services or any non- compliance of standards & directions issued by the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission in this regard.


    Address of the forum: Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF), 33/11KV Electric Sub Station, Block-D, Opposite Ryan International School, Sector Alpha-1, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201310

    \r\n Phone No. of the Secretary of the Forum – 9911510997\r\n

    Public Hearing by the Forum: A monthly camp is organized on the 17th of every month (in case, 17th being Saturday/holiday, after holiday) at CGRF, where the employees of NPCL are also present.

    */}\r\n TIER – III:\r\n

    Electricity Ombudsman:An Appeal can be filled before the Electricity Ombudsman of the State on not being satisfied by the order of the CGRF.


    Address of the Office of Electricity Ombudsman: Niyamak Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 226010 Phone No. – 0522- 2720856, Fax- 0522-2720857,\r\n Email: eo-up@uperc.org

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default Grievence;\r\n","import React,{useState} from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\n\r\nconst ClaimCompensation = ()=>\r\n {\r\n const [openCompalint,setOpenComplaint] = useState(false)\r\n const [openRequest,setOpenRequest] = useState(false)\r\n\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n\r\n const open1 = ()=>{\r\n setOpenComplaint(true);\r\n setOpenRequest(false);\r\n }\r\n const open2 = ()=>{\r\n setOpenComplaint(false);\r\n setOpenRequest(true);\r\n \r\n }\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Claim Compensation\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Claim Compensation
    • \r\n\t\t\t\t\t
    • Compensation Status
    • \r\n\t\t\t\t
    • \r\n
    • \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n {openCompalint ? (
    \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tClaim Compensation\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    ):null}\r\n\r\n {openRequest ? (
    \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tClaim Compensation\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    ):null} \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n )}\r\n\r\nexport default ClaimCompensation;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Announcement from \"../components/Announcement\";\r\nimport Slider from \"react-slick\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n\r\n\r\nconst ClaimCompensationStatus = ()=>\r\n {\r\n const settings2 = {\r\n dots: true,\r\n infinite: true,\r\n speed: 500,\r\n slidesToShow: 1,\r\n slidesToScroll: 1,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n autoplaySpeed: 3000,\r\n arrows: true,\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Quick Pay

    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    1. \r\n Home \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Claim Compensation\r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n


    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Other Links

    • \r\n \r\n Calculate Energy Consumption{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Payment Options{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Vendor Registration{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • \r\n \r\n Regulation & Statutory Bodies{\" \"}\r\n \r\n
    • \r\n
    • Claim Compensation
    • \r\n\t\t\t\t\t
    • Compensation Status
    • \r\n\t\t\t\t
    \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tClaim Compensation Status\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \r\n \r\n \r\n )}\r\n\r\nexport default ClaimCompensationStatus;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport Header2 from \"../components/Header2\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport { useState } from \"react\";\r\nimport Table from \"../components/Table\";\r\n\r\nconst DocumentChecklist = () => {\r\n const [show, setShow] = useState(false);\r\n const [showName, setShowName] = useState(false);\r\n const [showCat, setShowCat] = useState(false);\r\n const [showPer, setShowPer] = useState(false);\r\n const [showLoad, setShowLoad] = useState(false);\r\n const [showAddress, setShowAddress] = useState(false);\r\n const [showNot, setShowNot] = useState(false);\r\n const [showService, setShowService] = useState(false);\r\n const [showND, setShowND] = useState(false);\r\n const [loadReduction, setLoadReduction] = useState(true);\r\n const [augmentation, setAugmentation] = useState(false);\r\n\r\n const openLoad = () => {\r\n setLoadReduction(true);\r\n setAugmentation(false);\r\n };\r\n const openAug = () => {\r\n setLoadReduction(false);\r\n setAugmentation(true);\r\n };\r\n\r\n const onChangeOption = (e) => {\r\n if (e.target.value === \"LIST1\") {\r\n setShowCat(false);\r\n setShow(true);\r\n setShowName(false);\r\n setShowPer(false);\r\n setShowLoad(false);\r\n setShowAddress(false);\r\n setShowNot(false);\r\n setShowService(false);\r\n setShowND(false);\r\n }\r\n if (e.target.value === \"LIST2\") {\r\n setShowCat(false);\r\n setShowName(true);\r\n setShow(false);\r\n setShowPer(false);\r\n setShowAddress(false);\r\n setShowLoad(false);\r\n setShowNot(false);\r\n setShowService(false);\r\n setShowND(false);\r\n }\r\n if (e.target.value === \"LIST3\") {\r\n setShowCat(true);\r\n setShowPer(false);\r\n setShowName(false);\r\n setShow(false);\r\n setShowLoad(false);\r\n setShowAddress(false);\r\n setShowNot(false);\r\n setShowService(false);\r\n setShowND(false);\r\n }\r\n if (e.target.value === \"LIST4\") {\r\n setShowLoad(false);\r\n setShowPer(true);\r\n setShowCat(false);\r\n setShowName(false);\r\n setShow(false);\r\n setShowAddress(false);\r\n setShowNot(false);\r\n setShowService(false);\r\n setShowND(false);\r\n }\r\n if (e.target.value === \"LIST5\") {\r\n setShowLoad(true);\r\n setShowPer(false);\r\n setShowCat(false);\r\n setShowName(false);\r\n setShow(false);\r\n setShowAddress(false);\r\n setShowNot(false);\r\n setShowService(false);\r\n setShowND(false);\r\n }\r\n if (e.target.value === \"LIST6\") {\r\n setShowAddress(true);\r\n setShowLoad(false);\r\n setShowPer(false);\r\n setShowCat(false);\r\n setShowName(false);\r\n setShow(false);\r\n setShowNot(false);\r\n setShowService(false);\r\n setShowND(false);\r\n }\r\n if (e.target.value === \"LIST7\") {\r\n setShowNot(true);\r\n setShowAddress(false);\r\n setShowLoad(false);\r\n setShowPer(false);\r\n setShowCat(false);\r\n setShowName(false);\r\n setShow(false);\r\n setShowService(false);\r\n setShowND(false);\r\n }\r\n if (e.target.value === \"LIST8\") {\r\n setShowService(true);\r\n setShowNot(false);\r\n setShowAddress(false);\r\n setShowLoad(false);\r\n setShowPer(false);\r\n setShowCat(false);\r\n setShowName(false);\r\n setShow(false);\r\n setShowND(false);\r\n }\r\n if (e.target.value === \"LIST9\") {\r\n setShowService(false);\r\n setShowNot(false);\r\n setShowAddress(false);\r\n setShowLoad(false);\r\n setShowPer(false);\r\n setShowCat(false);\r\n setShowName(false);\r\n setShow(false);\r\n setShowND(true);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    \r\n {loadReduction ? \"Document Checklist\" : \"Document Checklist\"}\r\n

    1. \r\n Home\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    2. \r\n
    3. \r\n \r\n Consumer Portal\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    4. \r\n
    5. \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
    6. \r\n
    \r\n\r\n {loadReduction ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n

    Document Checklist

    \r\n \r\n onChangeOption(e)}\r\n >\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n {show ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {showName ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {showCat ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {showPer ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {showLoad ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {showAddress ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {showNot ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {showService ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n {showND ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {augmentation ? (\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Calculate Your Load\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Document Checklist\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Sample Documents\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n FAQs\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Apply\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Application Status\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n Feedback\r\n \r\n
  • \r\n \r\n
    {\" \"}\r\n
    \r\n\r\n \r\n


    \r\n \r\n onChangeOption(e)}\r\n >\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
    \r\n\r\n {show ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n{showName ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {showCat ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n{showPer ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {showLoad ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {showAddress ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n{showNot ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n\r\n {showService ? (\r\n
    \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n
    \r\n ) : null}\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default DocumentChecklist;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\nimport FixMenu from \"../components/FixMenu\";\r\nimport Header from \"../components/Header\";\r\n\r\nconst DMSwebsite = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n

    Npcl Project

    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n Noida Power Company Limited (NPCL)\r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n
    \r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default DMSwebsite;\r\n","import React from \"react\";\r\n//import { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n//import { useNavigate } from \"react-router-dom\";\r\n//const navigate = useNavigate();\r\nexport const PageNotFound = () => {\r\n let HomeURL = \"https://www.noidapower.com/\"; \r\n return (\r\n\r\n //navigate(\"/home\", { replace: true });\r\n\r\n
    \r\n \r\n \"page\r\n \r\n
    \r\n );\r\n};\r\n","export default function warn(s) {\n console.warn('[react-ga]', s);\n}","function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\n\nvar _excluded = [\"to\", \"target\"];\n\nfunction ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }\n\nfunction _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded); var key, i; if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source); for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceSymbolKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; }\n\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); Object.defineProperty(subClass, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } else if (call !== void 0) { throw new TypeError(\"Derived constructors may only return object or undefined\"); } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try { Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport React, { Component } from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport warn from '../utils/console/warn';\nvar NEWTAB = '_blank';\nvar MIDDLECLICK = 1;\n\nvar OutboundLink = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Component) {\n _inherits(OutboundLink, _Component);\n\n var _super = _createSuper(OutboundLink);\n\n function OutboundLink() {\n var _this;\n\n _classCallCheck(this, OutboundLink);\n\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args));\n\n _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), \"handleClick\", function (event) {\n var _this$props = _this.props,\n target = _this$props.target,\n eventLabel = _this$props.eventLabel,\n to = _this$props.to,\n onClick = _this$props.onClick,\n trackerNames = _this$props.trackerNames;\n var eventMeta = {\n label: eventLabel\n };\n var sameTarget = target !== NEWTAB;\n var normalClick = !(event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.metaKey || event.button === MIDDLECLICK);\n\n if (sameTarget && normalClick) {\n event.preventDefault();\n OutboundLink.trackLink(eventMeta, function () {\n window.location.href = to;\n }, trackerNames);\n } else {\n OutboundLink.trackLink(eventMeta, function () {}, trackerNames);\n }\n\n if (onClick) {\n onClick(event);\n }\n });\n\n return _this;\n }\n\n _createClass(OutboundLink, [{\n key: \"render\",\n value: function render() {\n var _this$props2 = this.props,\n href = _this$props2.to,\n target = _this$props2.target,\n oldProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_this$props2, _excluded);\n\n var props = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, oldProps), {}, {\n target: target,\n href: href,\n onClick: this.handleClick\n });\n\n if (target === NEWTAB) {\n props.rel = \"\".concat(props.rel ? props.rel : '', \" noopener noreferrer\").trim();\n }\n\n delete props.eventLabel;\n delete props.trackerNames;\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('a', props);\n }\n }]);\n\n return OutboundLink;\n}(Component);\n\n_defineProperty(OutboundLink, \"trackLink\", function () {\n warn('ga tracking not enabled');\n});\n\nexport { OutboundLink as default };\nOutboundLink.propTypes = {\n eventLabel: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n target: PropTypes.string,\n to: PropTypes.string,\n onClick: PropTypes.func,\n trackerNames: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string)\n};\nOutboundLink.defaultProps = {\n target: null,\n to: null,\n onClick: null,\n trackerNames: null\n};","import warn from './console/warn';\nimport mightBeEmail from './mightBeEmail';\nvar redacted = 'REDACTED (Potential Email Address)';\nexport default function redactEmail(string) {\n if (mightBeEmail(string)) {\n warn('This arg looks like an email address, redacting.');\n return redacted;\n }\n\n return string;\n}","// See if s could be an email address. We don't want to send personal data like email.\n// https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2795983?hl=en\nexport default function mightBeEmail(s) {\n // There's no point trying to validate rfc822 fully, just look for ...@...\n return typeof s === 'string' && s.indexOf('@') !== -1;\n}","// GA strings need to have leading/trailing whitespace trimmed, and not all\n// browsers have String.prototoype.trim().\nexport default function trim(s) {\n return s && s.toString().replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g, '');\n}","/**\n * To Title Case 2.1 - http://individed.com/code/to-title-case/\n * Copyright 2008-2013 David Gouch. Licensed under the MIT License.\n * https://github.com/gouch/to-title-case\n */\nimport trim from './trim';\nvar smallWords = /^(a|an|and|as|at|but|by|en|for|if|in|nor|of|on|or|per|the|to|vs?\\.?|via)$/i; // test\n\nexport default function toTitleCase(string) {\n return trim(string).replace(/[A-Za-z0-9\\u00C0-\\u00FF]+[^\\s-]*/g, function (match, index, title) {\n if (index > 0 && index + match.length !== title.length && match.search(smallWords) > -1 && title.charAt(index - 2) !== ':' && (title.charAt(index + match.length) !== '-' || title.charAt(index - 1) === '-') && title.charAt(index - 1).search(/[^\\s-]/) < 0) {\n return match.toLowerCase();\n }\n\n if (match.substr(1).search(/[A-Z]|\\../) > -1) {\n return match;\n }\n\n return match.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + match.substr(1);\n });\n}","var isLoaded = false;\nexport default function (options) {\n if (isLoaded) return;\n isLoaded = true;\n var gaAddress = 'https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js';\n\n if (options && options.gaAddress) {\n gaAddress = options.gaAddress;\n } else if (options && options.debug) {\n gaAddress = 'https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics_debug.js';\n }\n\n var onerror = options && options.onerror; // https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/\n\n /* eslint-disable */\n\n (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r;\n i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n (i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments);\n }, i[r].l = 1 * new Date();\n a = s.createElement(o), m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];\n a.async = 1;\n a.src = g;\n a.onerror = onerror;\n m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m);\n })(window, document, 'script', gaAddress, 'ga');\n /* eslint-enable */\n\n}","export default function log(s) {\n console.info('[react-ga]', s);\n}","export var gaCalls = [];\nexport default {\n calls: gaCalls,\n ga: function ga() {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n gaCalls.push([].concat(args));\n },\n resetCalls: function resetCalls() {\n gaCalls.length = 0;\n }\n};","var _excluded = [\"category\", \"action\", \"label\", \"value\", \"nonInteraction\", \"transport\"];\n\nfunction _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded); var key, i; if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source); for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceSymbolKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; }\n\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }\n\nfunction ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\n\nfunction _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); }\n\nfunction _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\"); }\n\nfunction _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === \"string\") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1); if (n === \"Object\" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; if (n === \"Map\" || n === \"Set\") return Array.from(o); if (n === \"Arguments\" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }\n\nfunction _iterableToArray(iter) { if (typeof Symbol !== \"undefined\" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter[\"@@iterator\"] != null) return Array.from(iter); }\n\nfunction _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr); }\n\nfunction _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }\n\n/**\n * React Google Analytics Module\n *\n * @package react-ga\n * @author Adam Lofting \n * Atul Varma \n */\n\n/**\n * Utilities\n */\nimport format from './utils/format';\nimport removeLeadingSlash from './utils/removeLeadingSlash';\nimport trim from './utils/trim';\nimport loadGA from './utils/loadGA';\nimport warn from './utils/console/warn';\nimport log from './utils/console/log';\nimport TestModeAPI from './utils/testModeAPI';\n\nvar _isNotBrowser = typeof window === 'undefined' || typeof document === 'undefined';\n\nvar _debug = false;\nvar _titleCase = true;\nvar _testMode = false;\nvar _alwaysSendToDefaultTracker = true;\nvar _redactEmail = true;\n\nvar internalGa = function internalGa() {\n var _window;\n\n if (_testMode) return TestModeAPI.ga.apply(TestModeAPI, arguments);\n if (_isNotBrowser) return false;\n if (!window.ga) return warn('ReactGA.initialize must be called first or GoogleAnalytics should be loaded manually');\n return (_window = window).ga.apply(_window, arguments);\n};\n\nfunction _format(s) {\n return format(s, _titleCase, _redactEmail);\n}\n\nfunction _gaCommand(trackerNames) {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n var command = args[0];\n\n if (typeof internalGa === 'function') {\n if (typeof command !== 'string') {\n warn('ga command must be a string');\n return;\n }\n\n if (_alwaysSendToDefaultTracker || !Array.isArray(trackerNames)) internalGa.apply(void 0, args);\n\n if (Array.isArray(trackerNames)) {\n trackerNames.forEach(function (name) {\n internalGa.apply(void 0, _toConsumableArray([\"\".concat(name, \".\").concat(command)].concat(args.slice(1))));\n });\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction _initialize(gaTrackingID, options) {\n if (!gaTrackingID) {\n warn('gaTrackingID is required in initialize()');\n return;\n }\n\n if (options) {\n if (options.debug && options.debug === true) {\n _debug = true;\n }\n\n if (options.titleCase === false) {\n _titleCase = false;\n }\n\n if (options.redactEmail === false) {\n _redactEmail = false;\n }\n\n if (options.useExistingGa) {\n return;\n }\n }\n\n if (options && options.gaOptions) {\n internalGa('create', gaTrackingID, options.gaOptions);\n } else {\n internalGa('create', gaTrackingID, 'auto');\n }\n}\n\nexport function addTrackers(configsOrTrackingId, options) {\n if (Array.isArray(configsOrTrackingId)) {\n configsOrTrackingId.forEach(function (config) {\n if (_typeof(config) !== 'object') {\n warn('All configs must be an object');\n return;\n }\n\n _initialize(config.trackingId, config);\n });\n } else {\n _initialize(configsOrTrackingId, options);\n }\n\n return true;\n}\nexport function initialize(configsOrTrackingId, options) {\n if (options && options.testMode === true) {\n _testMode = true;\n } else {\n if (_isNotBrowser) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!options || options.standardImplementation !== true) loadGA(options);\n }\n\n _alwaysSendToDefaultTracker = options && typeof options.alwaysSendToDefaultTracker === 'boolean' ? options.alwaysSendToDefaultTracker : true;\n addTrackers(configsOrTrackingId, options);\n}\n/**\n * ga:\n * Returns the original GA object.\n */\n\nexport function ga() {\n for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {\n args[_key2] = arguments[_key2];\n }\n\n if (args.length > 0) {\n internalGa.apply(void 0, args);\n\n if (_debug) {\n log(\"called ga('arguments');\");\n log(\"with arguments: \".concat(JSON.stringify(args)));\n }\n }\n\n return window.ga;\n}\n/**\n * set:\n * GA tracker set method\n * @param {Object} fieldsObject - a field/value pair or a group of field/value pairs on the tracker\n * @param {Array} trackerNames - (optional) a list of extra trackers to run the command on\n */\n\nexport function set(fieldsObject, trackerNames) {\n if (!fieldsObject) {\n warn('`fieldsObject` is required in .set()');\n return;\n }\n\n if (_typeof(fieldsObject) !== 'object') {\n warn('Expected `fieldsObject` arg to be an Object');\n return;\n }\n\n if (Object.keys(fieldsObject).length === 0) {\n warn('empty `fieldsObject` given to .set()');\n }\n\n _gaCommand(trackerNames, 'set', fieldsObject);\n\n if (_debug) {\n log(\"called ga('set', fieldsObject);\");\n log(\"with fieldsObject: \".concat(JSON.stringify(fieldsObject)));\n }\n}\n/**\n * send:\n * Clone of the low level `ga.send` method\n * WARNING: No validations will be applied to this\n * @param {Object} fieldObject - field object for tracking different analytics\n * @param {Array} trackerNames - trackers to send the command to\n * @param {Array} trackerNames - (optional) a list of extra trackers to run the command on\n */\n\nexport function send(fieldObject, trackerNames) {\n _gaCommand(trackerNames, 'send', fieldObject);\n\n if (_debug) {\n log(\"called ga('send', fieldObject);\");\n log(\"with fieldObject: \".concat(JSON.stringify(fieldObject)));\n log(\"with trackers: \".concat(JSON.stringify(trackerNames)));\n }\n}\n/**\n * pageview:\n * Basic GA pageview tracking\n * @param {String} path - the current page page e.g. '/about'\n * @param {Array} trackerNames - (optional) a list of extra trackers to run the command on\n * @param {String} title - (optional) the page title e. g. 'My Website'\n */\n\nexport function pageview(rawPath, trackerNames, title) {\n if (!rawPath) {\n warn('path is required in .pageview()');\n return;\n }\n\n var path = trim(rawPath);\n\n if (path === '') {\n warn('path cannot be an empty string in .pageview()');\n return;\n }\n\n var extraFields = {};\n\n if (title) {\n extraFields.title = title;\n }\n\n if (typeof ga === 'function') {\n _gaCommand(trackerNames, 'send', _objectSpread({\n hitType: 'pageview',\n page: path\n }, extraFields));\n\n if (_debug) {\n log(\"called ga('send', 'pageview', path);\");\n var extraLog = '';\n\n if (title) {\n extraLog = \" and title: \".concat(title);\n }\n\n log(\"with path: \".concat(path).concat(extraLog));\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * modalview:\n * a proxy to basic GA pageview tracking to consistently track\n * modal views that are an equivalent UX to a traditional pageview\n * @param {String} modalName e.g. 'add-or-edit-club'\n * @param {Array} trackerNames - (optional) a list of extra trackers to run the command on\n */\n\nexport function modalview(rawModalName, trackerNames) {\n if (!rawModalName) {\n warn('modalName is required in .modalview(modalName)');\n return;\n }\n\n var modalName = removeLeadingSlash(trim(rawModalName));\n\n if (modalName === '') {\n warn('modalName cannot be an empty string or a single / in .modalview()');\n return;\n }\n\n if (typeof ga === 'function') {\n var path = \"/modal/\".concat(modalName);\n\n _gaCommand(trackerNames, 'send', 'pageview', path);\n\n if (_debug) {\n log(\"called ga('send', 'pageview', path);\");\n log(\"with path: \".concat(path));\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * timing:\n * GA timing\n * @param args.category {String} required\n * @param args.variable {String} required\n * @param args.value {Int} required\n * @param args.label {String} required\n * @param {Array} trackerNames - (optional) a list of extra trackers to run the command on\n */\n\nexport function timing() {\n var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},\n category = _ref.category,\n variable = _ref.variable,\n value = _ref.value,\n label = _ref.label;\n\n var trackerNames = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : undefined;\n\n if (typeof ga === 'function') {\n if (!category || !variable || typeof value !== 'number') {\n warn('args.category, args.variable ' + 'AND args.value are required in timing() ' + 'AND args.value has to be a number');\n return;\n } // Required Fields\n\n\n var fieldObject = {\n hitType: 'timing',\n timingCategory: _format(category),\n timingVar: _format(variable),\n timingValue: value\n };\n\n if (label) {\n fieldObject.timingLabel = _format(label);\n }\n\n send(fieldObject, trackerNames);\n }\n}\n/**\n * event:\n * GA event tracking\n * @param args.category {String} required\n * @param args.action {String} required\n * @param args.label {String} optional\n * @param args.value {Int} optional\n * @param args.nonInteraction {boolean} optional\n * @param args.transport {string} optional\n * @param {{action: string, category: string}} trackerNames - (optional) a list of extra trackers to run the command on\n */\n\nexport function event() {\n var _ref2 = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},\n category = _ref2.category,\n action = _ref2.action,\n label = _ref2.label,\n value = _ref2.value,\n nonInteraction = _ref2.nonInteraction,\n transport = _ref2.transport,\n args = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref2, _excluded);\n\n var trackerNames = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : undefined;\n\n if (typeof ga === 'function') {\n // Simple Validation\n if (!category || !action) {\n warn('args.category AND args.action are required in event()');\n return;\n } // Required Fields\n\n\n var fieldObject = {\n hitType: 'event',\n eventCategory: _format(category),\n eventAction: _format(action)\n }; // Optional Fields\n\n if (label) {\n fieldObject.eventLabel = _format(label);\n }\n\n if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {\n if (typeof value !== 'number') {\n warn('Expected `args.value` arg to be a Number.');\n } else {\n fieldObject.eventValue = value;\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof nonInteraction !== 'undefined') {\n if (typeof nonInteraction !== 'boolean') {\n warn('`args.nonInteraction` must be a boolean.');\n } else {\n fieldObject.nonInteraction = nonInteraction;\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof transport !== 'undefined') {\n if (typeof transport !== 'string') {\n warn('`args.transport` must be a string.');\n } else {\n if (['beacon', 'xhr', 'image'].indexOf(transport) === -1) {\n warn('`args.transport` must be either one of these values: `beacon`, `xhr` or `image`');\n }\n\n fieldObject.transport = transport;\n }\n }\n\n Object.keys(args).filter(function (key) {\n return key.substr(0, 'dimension'.length) === 'dimension';\n }).forEach(function (key) {\n fieldObject[key] = args[key];\n });\n Object.keys(args).filter(function (key) {\n return key.substr(0, 'metric'.length) === 'metric';\n }).forEach(function (key) {\n fieldObject[key] = args[key];\n }); // Send to GA\n\n send(fieldObject, trackerNames);\n }\n}\n/**\n * exception:\n * GA exception tracking\n * @param args.description {String} optional\n * @param args.fatal {boolean} optional\n * @param {Array} trackerNames - (optional) a list of extra trackers to run the command on\n */\n\nexport function exception(_ref3, trackerNames) {\n var description = _ref3.description,\n fatal = _ref3.fatal;\n\n if (typeof ga === 'function') {\n // Required Fields\n var fieldObject = {\n hitType: 'exception'\n }; // Optional Fields\n\n if (description) {\n fieldObject.exDescription = _format(description);\n }\n\n if (typeof fatal !== 'undefined') {\n if (typeof fatal !== 'boolean') {\n warn('`args.fatal` must be a boolean.');\n } else {\n fieldObject.exFatal = fatal;\n }\n } // Send to GA\n\n\n send(fieldObject, trackerNames);\n }\n}\nexport var plugin = {\n /**\n * require:\n * GA requires a plugin\n * @param name {String} e.g. 'ecommerce' or 'myplugin'\n * @param options {Object} optional e.g {path: '/log', debug: true}\n * @param trackerName {String} optional e.g 'trackerName'\n */\n require: function require(rawName, options, trackerName) {\n if (typeof ga === 'function') {\n // Required Fields\n if (!rawName) {\n warn('`name` is required in .require()');\n return;\n }\n\n var name = trim(rawName);\n\n if (name === '') {\n warn('`name` cannot be an empty string in .require()');\n return;\n }\n\n var requireString = trackerName ? \"\".concat(trackerName, \".require\") : 'require'; // Optional Fields\n\n if (options) {\n if (_typeof(options) !== 'object') {\n warn('Expected `options` arg to be an Object');\n return;\n }\n\n if (Object.keys(options).length === 0) {\n warn('Empty `options` given to .require()');\n }\n\n ga(requireString, name, options);\n\n if (_debug) {\n log(\"called ga('require', '\".concat(name, \"', \").concat(JSON.stringify(options)));\n }\n } else {\n ga(requireString, name);\n\n if (_debug) {\n log(\"called ga('require', '\".concat(name, \"');\"));\n }\n }\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * execute:\n * GA execute action for plugin\n * Takes variable number of arguments\n * @param pluginName {String} e.g. 'ecommerce' or 'myplugin'\n * @param action {String} e.g. 'addItem' or 'myCustomAction'\n * @param actionType {String} optional e.g. 'detail'\n * @param payload {Object} optional e.g { id: '1x5e', name : 'My product to track' }\n */\n execute: function execute(pluginName, action) {\n var payload;\n var actionType;\n\n for (var _len3 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len3 > 2 ? _len3 - 2 : 0), _key3 = 2; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) {\n args[_key3 - 2] = arguments[_key3];\n }\n\n if (args.length === 1) {\n payload = args[0];\n } else {\n actionType = args[0];\n payload = args[1];\n }\n\n if (typeof ga === 'function') {\n if (typeof pluginName !== 'string') {\n warn('Expected `pluginName` arg to be a String.');\n } else if (typeof action !== 'string') {\n warn('Expected `action` arg to be a String.');\n } else {\n var command = \"\".concat(pluginName, \":\").concat(action);\n payload = payload || null;\n\n if (actionType && payload) {\n ga(command, actionType, payload);\n\n if (_debug) {\n log(\"called ga('\".concat(command, \"');\"));\n log(\"actionType: \\\"\".concat(actionType, \"\\\" with payload: \").concat(JSON.stringify(payload)));\n }\n } else if (payload) {\n ga(command, payload);\n\n if (_debug) {\n log(\"called ga('\".concat(command, \"');\"));\n log(\"with payload: \".concat(JSON.stringify(payload)));\n }\n } else {\n ga(command);\n\n if (_debug) {\n log(\"called ga('\".concat(command, \"');\"));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n/**\n * outboundLink:\n * GA outboundLink tracking\n * @param args.label {String} e.g. url, or 'Create an Account'\n * @param {function} hitCallback - Called after processing a hit.\n */\n\nexport function outboundLink(args, hitCallback, trackerNames) {\n if (typeof hitCallback !== 'function') {\n warn('hitCallback function is required');\n return;\n }\n\n if (typeof ga === 'function') {\n // Simple Validation\n if (!args || !args.label) {\n warn('args.label is required in outboundLink()');\n return;\n } // Required Fields\n\n\n var fieldObject = {\n hitType: 'event',\n eventCategory: 'Outbound',\n eventAction: 'Click',\n eventLabel: _format(args.label)\n };\n var safetyCallbackCalled = false;\n\n var safetyCallback = function safetyCallback() {\n // This prevents a delayed response from GA\n // causing hitCallback from being fired twice\n safetyCallbackCalled = true;\n hitCallback();\n }; // Using a timeout to ensure the execution of critical application code\n // in the case when the GA server might be down\n // or an ad blocker prevents sending the data\n // register safety net timeout:\n\n\n var t = setTimeout(safetyCallback, 250);\n\n var clearableCallbackForGA = function clearableCallbackForGA() {\n clearTimeout(t);\n\n if (!safetyCallbackCalled) {\n hitCallback();\n }\n };\n\n fieldObject.hitCallback = clearableCallbackForGA; // Send to GA\n\n send(fieldObject, trackerNames);\n } else {\n // if ga is not defined, return the callback so the application\n // continues to work as expected\n setTimeout(hitCallback, 0);\n }\n}\nexport var testModeAPI = TestModeAPI;\nexport default {\n initialize: initialize,\n ga: ga,\n set: set,\n send: send,\n pageview: pageview,\n modalview: modalview,\n timing: timing,\n event: event,\n exception: exception,\n plugin: plugin,\n outboundLink: outboundLink,\n testModeAPI: TestModeAPI\n};","import redactEmail from './redactEmail';\nimport toTitleCase from './toTitleCase';\nexport default function format() {\n var s = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : '';\n var titleCase = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n var redactingEmail = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : true;\n\n var _str = s || '';\n\n if (titleCase) {\n _str = toTitleCase(s);\n }\n\n if (redactingEmail) {\n _str = redactEmail(_str);\n }\n\n return _str;\n}","export default function removeLeadingSlash(string) {\n if (string.substring(0, 1) === '/') {\n return string.substring(1);\n }\n\n return string;\n}","function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport UnboundOutboundLink from './components/OutboundLink';\nimport * as Defaults from './core';\nvar initialize = Defaults.initialize;\nexport { initialize };\nvar addTrackers = Defaults.addTrackers;\nexport { addTrackers };\nvar ga = Defaults.ga;\nexport { ga };\nvar set = Defaults.set;\nexport { set };\nvar send = Defaults.send;\nexport { send };\nvar pageview = Defaults.pageview;\nexport { pageview };\nvar modalview = Defaults.modalview;\nexport { modalview };\nvar timing = Defaults.timing;\nexport { timing };\nvar event = Defaults.event;\nexport { event };\nvar exception = Defaults.exception;\nexport { exception };\nvar plugin = Defaults.plugin;\nexport { plugin };\nvar outboundLink = Defaults.outboundLink;\nexport { outboundLink };\nvar testModeAPI = Defaults.testModeAPI;\nexport { testModeAPI };\nUnboundOutboundLink.origTrackLink = UnboundOutboundLink.trackLink;\nUnboundOutboundLink.trackLink = Defaults.outboundLink;\nexport var OutboundLink = UnboundOutboundLink;\nexport default _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, Defaults), {}, {\n OutboundLink: OutboundLink\n});","import React, { useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport { Route, Redirect, Switch } from \"react-router-dom\";\nimport Home from \"./Pages/Home.js\";\nimport CashCollectionCentres from \"./Pages/CashCollectionCentres\";\nimport OnlineApplication from \"./Pages/OnlineApplications\";\nimport EbillDownload from \"./Pages/EbillDownload\";\nimport SelfMeterReading from \"./Pages/SelfMeterReading\";\nimport QuickPayPre from \"./Pages/QuickPayPre\";\nimport Footer from \"./components/Footer.js\";\nimport Copyright from \"./components/Copyright.js\";\nimport SiteMap from \"./components/SiteMap.js\";\nimport SiteMapRight from \"./components/SiteMapRight.js\";\nimport AskTez from \"./components/AskTez.js\";\nimport PrePaidMeterRecharge from \"./Pages/PrePaidMeterRecharge.js\";\nimport AwardsRecognition from \"./Pages/AwardsRecognition.js\";\nimport CompanyProfile from \"./Pages/CompanyProfile.js\";\nimport CorporatePolicies from \"./Pages/CorporatePolicies.js\";\nimport VissionMission from \"./Pages/VissionMission.js\";\nimport RpsgGroupVisionAndCoreValues from \"./Pages/RpsgGroupVisionAndCoreValues.js\";\nimport CorporateSocialResponsibility from \"./Pages/CorporateSocialResponsibility.js\";\nimport CostDataBook from \"./Pages/CostDataBook.js\";\nimport TarrifSchedule from \"./Pages/TarrifSchedule.js\";\nimport EnergyAudit from \"./Pages/EnergyAudit\";\nimport UpElectricitySupplyCode from \"./Pages/UpElectricitySupplyCode.js\";\nimport OnlineVendorRegistration from \"./Pages/OnlineVendorRegistration.js\";\nimport ContactForEprocurement from \"./Pages/ContactForEprocurement.js\";\nimport ContactForPowerProcurement from \"./Pages/ContactForPowerProcurement.js\";\nimport Tender from \"./Pages/Tender.js\";\nimport EnergyServices from \"./Pages/EnergyServices.js\";\nimport InitiativeUndertaken from \"./Pages/InitiativeUndertaken.js\";\nimport OurCustomer from \"./Pages/OurCustomer.js\";\nimport ChallagesAhead from \"./Pages/ChallagesAhead.js\";\nimport CreditRating from \"./Pages/CreditRating.js\";\nimport LifestyleImprovement from \"./Pages/LifestyleImprovement.js\";\nimport CommunityDevelopment from \"./Pages/CommunityDevelopment.js\";\nimport CommitmentToEnvironment from \"./Pages/CommitmentToEnvironment.js\";\nimport CSRActivities from \"./Pages/CSRActivities.js\";\nimport ConsumerPortal from \"./Pages/ConsumerPortal.js\";\nimport RegisterComplain from \"./Pages/RegisterComplain.js\";\nimport BillEstimatePayment from \"./Pages/BillEstimatePayment.js\";\nimport DigitalServices from \"./Pages/DigitalServices.js\";\nimport KnowledgeCenter from \"./Pages/KnowledgeCenter.js\";\nimport InformationBoard from \"./Pages/InformationBoard.js\";\nimport ConsumerEngagementAndAwareness from \"./Pages/ConsumerEngagementAndAwareness.js\";\nimport Feedback from \"./Pages/Feedback.js\";\nimport Sustainability from \"./Pages/Sustainability.js\";\nimport QuickLinks from \"./Pages/QuickLinks.js\";\nimport SafetyFirst from \"./Pages/SafetyFirst.js\";\nimport ChequeDropBox from \"./Pages/ChequeDropBox.js\";\nimport OnlinePayment from \"./Pages/OnlinePayment.js\";\nimport RTGSAndNEFTPayment from \"./Pages/RTGSAndNEFTPayment.js\";\nimport FPPCA from \"./Pages/FPPCA.js\";\nimport TariffPetetionARR2425 from \"./Pages/TariffPetetionARR2425.js\";\nimport BillingComplaintResolution from \"./Pages/BillingComplaintResolution.js\";\nimport NACH from \"./Pages/NACH.js\";\nimport PayAgainstApplication from \"./Pages/PayAgainstApplication.js\";\nimport CallCenter from \"./Pages/CallCenter.js\";\nimport CustomerCareEmailId from \"./Pages/CustomerCareEmailId.js\";\nimport CustomerCareOffice from \"./Pages/CustomerCareOffice.js\";\nimport MobileApplication from \"./Pages/MobileApplication.js\";\nimport SolarRoofTopNetMetering from \"./Pages/SolarRoofTopNetMetering.js\";\nimport GetOutageNotification from \"./Pages/GetOutageNotification.js\";\nimport Institutional from \"./Pages/Institutional.js\";\nimport Township from \"./Pages/Township.js\";\nimport NewConnection from \"./Pages/NewConnection.js\";\nimport Career from \"./Pages/Career.js\";\nimport CurrentOpenings from \"./Pages/CurrentOpenings.js\";\nimport ThirdPartyMeterTesting from \"./Pages/ThirdPartyMeterTesting.js\";\nimport HolidayCalendar from \"./Pages/HolidayCalendar.js\";\nimport ConsumerAwareness from \"./Pages/ConsumerAwareness.js\";\nimport Faq from \"./Pages/Faq.js\";\nimport AllotteesMultiStoriedBuildings from \"./Pages/AllotteesMultiStoriedBuildings.js\";\nimport SinglePointToMultipontConversion from \"./Pages/SinglePointToMultipontConversion.js\";\nimport CustomerCareOfficeQueueStatus from \"./Pages/CustomerCareOfficeQueueStatus.js\";\nimport CustomerCareOfficeQueueStatusTech from \"./Pages/CustomerCareOfficeQueueStatusTech.js\";\nimport SupplyRelatedComaplaint from \"./Pages/SupplyRelatedComaplaint.js\";\nimport Register from \"./Pages/Register.js\";\nimport Status from \"./Pages/Status.js\";\nimport FeedBackForm from \"./Pages/FeedBackForm.js\";\nimport ComplaintManagementProcess from \"./Pages/ComplaintManagementProcess.js\";\nimport Faqs from \"./Pages/Faqs.js\";\nimport BillRelatedComplaint from \"./Pages/BillRelatedComplaint.js\";\nimport BillRelatedComplaintStatus from \"./Pages/BillRelatedComplaintStatus.js\";\nimport BillRelatedComplaintFeedback from \"./Pages/BillRelatedComplaintFeedback.js\";\nimport BillRelatedComplaintCMP from \"./Pages/BillRelatedComplaintCMP.js\";\nimport BillRelatedComplaintFAQ from \"./Pages/BillRelatedComplaintFAQ.js\";\nimport ReportAConcern from \"./Pages/ReportAConcern.js\";\nimport ChequeGuidelines from \"./Pages/ChequeGuidelines.js\";\nimport ReportSafetyHazzard from \"./Pages/ReportSafetyHazzard.js\";\nimport Login from \"./Pages/Login.js\";\nimport ReportTheft from \"./Pages/ReportTheft.js\";\nimport ReportUnethical from \"./Pages/ReportUnethical.js\";\nimport ValuesBeliefs from \"./Pages/ValuesBeliefs.js\";\nimport NeedHelpInSignIn from \"./Pages/NeedHelpInSignIn.js\";\nimport NewUser from \"./Pages/NewUser.js\";\nimport ForgetPassword from \"./Pages/ForgetPassword.js\";\nimport LoginInfo from \"./Pages/LoginInfo.js\";\nimport Dosndnts from \"./Pages/Dosndnts.js\";\nimport EasyWaysToLowerYourBill from \"./Pages/EasyWaysToLowerYourBill.js\";\nimport SafetyRelatedComplaint from \"./Pages/SafetyRelatedComplaint.js\";\nimport SafetyRelatedComplaintStatus from \"./Pages/SafetyRelatedComplaintStatus.js\";\nimport SafetyRelatedComplaintFeedBack from \"./Pages/SafetyRelatedComplaintFeedBack.js\";\nimport SafetyRelatedComplaintCMP from \"./Pages/SafetyRelatedComplaintCMP.js\";\nimport SafetyRelatedComplaintFAQ from \"./Pages/SafetyRelatedComplaintFAQ.js\";\nimport LoadReductionAugmentation from \"./Pages/LoadReductionAugmentation.js\";\nimport LoadReductionAugmentationDoc from \"./Pages/LoadReductionAugmentationDoc.js\";\nimport Rebate from \"./Pages/Rebate.js\";\nimport RebatePayment from \"./Pages/RebatePayment.js\";\nimport RebateConsumer from \"./Pages/RebateConsumer.js\";\nimport RebateScheme from \"./Pages/RebateScheme.js\";\nimport RebateFacilitation from \"./Pages/RebateFacilitation.js\";\nimport RebatePower from \"./Pages/RebatePower.js\";\nimport RebateConsumerLMV from \"./Pages/RebateConsumerLMV.js\";\nimport RoofTopSolar from \"./Pages/RoofTopSolar.js\";\nimport SiteMap2 from \"./Pages/SiteMap2.js\";\nimport WhatsappBasedServices from \"./Pages/WhatsappBasedServices.js\";\nimport Safety from \"./Pages/Safety.js\";\nimport SafetyIndoors from \"./Pages/SafetyIndoors.js\";\nimport SafetyPrecautions from \"./Pages/SafetyPrecautions.js\";\nimport NewServiceConnection from \"./Pages/NewServiceConnection.js\";\nimport NewServiceConnectionOnline from \"./Pages/NewServiceConnectionOnline.js\";\nimport NewServiceConnectionCalculate from \"./Pages/NewServiceConnectionCalculate.js\";\nimport NewServiceConnectionDocument from \"./Pages/NewServiceConnectionDocument.js\";\nimport NewServiceConnectionSample from \"./Pages/NewServiceConnectionSample.js\";\nimport LoadReductionAugmentationSample from \"./Pages/LoadReductionAugmentationSample.js\";\nimport LoadReductionAugmentationFaq from \"./Pages/LoadReductionAugmentationFaq.js\";\nimport LoadReductionAugmentationApply from \"./Pages/LoadReductionAugmentationApply.js\";\nimport LoadReductionAugmentationStatus from \"./Pages/LoadReductionAugmentationStatus.js\";\nimport LoadReductionAugmentationFeedback from \"./Pages/LoadReductionAugmentationFeedback.js\";\nimport OurValues from \"./Pages/OurValues.js\";\nimport ConsumerOffer from \"./Pages/ConsumerOffer.js\";\nimport ConsumerOfferJuggi from \"./Pages/ConsumerOfferJuggi.js\";\nimport ConsumerOfferSeasonal from \"./Pages/ConsumerOfferSeasonal.js\";\nimport ContactOverPhone from \"./Pages/ContactOverPhone.js\";\nimport KnowYourPrepaidMeter from \"./Pages/KnowYourPrepaidMeter.js\";\nimport ConsumerTestimonial from \"./Pages/ConsumerTestimonial.js\";\nimport Legal from \"./Pages/Legal.js\";\nimport MeterTesting from \"./Pages/MeterTesting.js\";\nimport ConsumerContactProgram from \"./Pages/ConsumerContactProgram.js\";\nimport NukkadNatak from \"./Pages/NukkadNatak.js\";\nimport ConsumerWeek from \"./Pages/ConsumerWeek.js\";\nimport KioskServices from \"./Pages/Kioskservices.js\";\nimport OnlineMeterTesting from \"./Pages/OnlineMeterTesting.js\";\nimport OnlineMeterTestingStatus from \"./Pages/OnlineMeterTestingStatus.js\";\nimport ConsumerOwnChoiceMeter from \"./Pages/OwnChoiceMeter.js\";\nimport LastPayment from \"./Pages/LastPayment.js\";\nimport SMSBasedServices from \"./Pages/SMSBasedServices.js\";\nimport NameMutation from \"./Pages/NameMutation\";\nimport NameMutationSample from \"./Pages/NameMutationSample\";\nimport NameMutationFaqs from \"./Pages/NameMutationFaqs\";\nimport NameMutationApply from \"./Pages/NameMutationApply\";\nimport NameMutationFeedback from \"./Pages/NameMutationFeedback\";\nimport CategoryChange from \"./Pages/CategoryChange\";\nimport CategoryChangeSample from \"./Pages/CategoryChangeSample\";\nimport CategoryChangeFaqs from \"./Pages/CategoryChangeFaqs\";\nimport CategoryChangeApply from \"./Pages/CategoryChangeApply.js\";\nimport CategoryChangeFeedback from \"./Pages/CategoryChangeFeedback\";\nimport Permanent from \"./Pages/Permanent.js\";\nimport PermanentSample from \"./Pages/PermanentSample.js\";\nimport PermanentFaqs from \"./Pages/PermanentFaqs\";\nimport PermanentApply from \"./Pages/PermanentApply.js\";\nimport PermanentFeedback from \"./Pages/PermanentFeedback.js\";\nimport NameAndAddress from \"./Pages/NameAndAddress.js\";\nimport NameAndAddressSample from \"./Pages/NameAndAddressSample.js\";\nimport NameAndAddressFaqs from \"./Pages/NameAndAddressFaqs.js\";\nimport NameAndAddressApply from \"./Pages/NameAndAddressApply.js\";\nimport NameAndAddressFeedback from \"./Pages/NameAndAddressFeedback.js\";\nimport MeterRelatedComplaint from \"./Pages/MeterRelatedComplaint.js\";\nimport MeterRelatedComplaintStatus from \"./Pages/MeterRelatedComplaintStatus.js\";\nimport MeterRelatedComplaintFeedback from \"./Pages/MeterRelatedComplaintFeedback.js\";\nimport MeterRelatedComplaintCMP from \"./Pages/MeterRelatedComplaintCMP.js\";\nimport MeterRelatedComplaintFAQ from \"./Pages/MeterRelatedComplaintFaq.js\";\nimport ServiceRelatedComplaint from \"./Pages/ServiceRelatedComplaint.js\";\nimport ServiceRelatedComplaintStatus from \"./Pages/ServiceRelatedComplaintStatus.js\";\nimport ServiceRelatedComplaintFeedback from \"./Pages/ServiceRelatedComplaintFeedback.js\";\nimport ServiceRelatedComplaintCMP from \"./Pages/ServiceRelatedComplaintCMP.js\";\nimport ServiceRelatedComplaintFAQ from \"./Pages/ServiceRelatedComplaintFAQ.js\";\nimport TheftRelatedComplaint from \"./Pages/TheftRelatedComplaint.js\";\nimport TheftRelatedComplaintStatus from \"./Pages/TheftRelatedComplaintStatus.js\";\nimport TheftRelatedComplaintFeedback from \"./Pages/TheftRelatedComplaintFeedback.js\";\nimport TheftRelatedComplaintCMP from \"./Pages/TheftRelatedComplaintCMP.js\";\nimport TheftRelatedComplaintFAQ from \"./Pages/TheftRelatedComplaintFaq.js\";\nimport NpclCreatives from \"./Pages/NpclCreatives.js\";\nimport Grievence from \"./Pages/Grievence.js\";\nimport ClaimCompensation from \"./Pages/ClaimCompensation.js\";\nimport ClaimCompensationStatus from \"./Pages/ClaimCompensationStatus.js\";\nimport DocumentChecklist from \"./Pages/DocumentChecklist.js\";\nimport DMSwebsite from \"./Pages/DMSwebsite.js\";\nimport { PageNotFound } from \"./Pages/PageNotFound.js\";\nimport ReactGA from \"react-ga\";\nReactGA.initialize(\"UA-131113905-1\");\n\n\nconst App = () => {\n useEffect(() => {\n ReactGA.pageview(window.location.pathname + window.location.search);\n }, []);\n \n return (\n <>\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n